needed look at Elvis' passion for karate"
Karate Legacy, Wayne
Carman, Legacy Entertainment, Inc. in late 1998
love of the martial arts is an area only minimally covered
in Elvis literature. Apart from Ed Parker's book 'Inside Elvis'
and several good articles in magazines such as ''The Fighter'
and 'American Karate', fans are unusually hard pressed to
find much on Elvis and karate.
reasonably new book, 'Elvis' Karate Legacy', is a very welcome
release which benefits from its primary focus being on Elvis
and the martial arts.
author, Wayne Carman, was one of Elvis' training partners in the
Kang Rhee Institute in Memphis. He became a good friend of Elvis'
and in his book provides a rare and detailed look behind the scenes
of Elvis' martial arts world, shedding light on aspects of Elvis
as a person rather than as a stage performer.
190 page book is well written, entertaining and offers a rare look
into both Elvis as a martial artist and his love of God: "Elvis
and I shared a background of the Bible, very rooted in Christian
teachings, so we continued to worship God."
includes Elvis' TCB Creed and provides many wonderful insights into
Elvis' passion for the spiritual side of life: "the ([karate] training
is very repetitious and often gets tedious. Therefore, we appreciated
it when Elvis would take over class and share his self-defence sets
and techniques that were new to us.Of course, the best part was
that Elvis was teaching them."
those of you who were wondering whatever happened to the film footage
of Elvis' own documentary project 'The New Gladiators', look no
further, Wayne Carman now owns the footage and in Elvis' Karate
Legacy Wayne provides a detailed account of the project.
chapters in the book include a history of karate, Elvis' friendship
with Ed Parker, 'Superfoot' Bill Wallace and Red West and Elvis'
liking for guns:
the protection aspect of carrying a gun, Elvis liked the power of
the weapon."
Karate Legacy also includes some great colour and black & white
photos of The King practicing his martial art that will please many
If you want to know more about Elvis the man, Elvis' Karate
Legacy should be mandatory reading.
author plans Elvis' Karate Legacy to be the first in a series of
books about Elvis. I for one hope it is.
by Nigel Patterson. © EIN June 2002
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