DVD review:
as Kid Galahad packs a punch!"
latest Elvis film to be released on DVD is the pugilistic
offering, and highly enjoyable, Kid Galahad.
Film: After the relative failures of the dramatic vehicles,
Flaming Star and Wild In The Country, and Elvis' expressed
desire for more dramatic challenges, his management took the
'middle road' with Kid Galahad.
six "boppy" musical selections, a strong plot and reasonable
dramatic angst, they strived for the best of both the 'musical'
and 'dramatic' worlds. And they succeeded very well, with the film
moving along at a nice pace and enough music to keep fans happy.
this would be the last time for several years that Elvis was presented
with a reasonable script and dramatic challenge. The fight scenes
in Kid Galahad have never impressed me but given the time they were
filmed they probably looked effective on the big screen. On the
small screen they suffer somewhat, but there again so do the 'over
the top' fight scenes in Sylvester Stallone's "Rocky" movies! Under
the steady direction of Phil Karlson, Kid Galahad is a thoroughly
enjoyable one and a half hours of entertainment. There are no real
flat spots and the dramatic tension is well executed.
Cast: Kid Galahad features one of the strongest casts for any
of Elvis' films made in the 1960s. It is a cut above others with
Oscar winner, Gig Young, "tough guy" screen legend, Charles Bronson
(sadly it is well documented that Bronson and Elvis simply didn't
"click" during filming), Lola Albright and Elvis' lovely co-star
from Blue Hawaii, Joan Blackman. Young and Bronson are both very
effective as the essentially good hearted but somewhat shady boxing
camp owner and boxing trainer respectively. Not surprisingly, in
the company of such a distinguished cast, Elvis acquits his role
most admirably as the young man with granite jaw and fists of steel,
the oddly named Walter Gulick.
Kid Galahad had been filmed twice previously, in 1937 starring
Edward G. Robinson, Bette Davis and Humphrey Bogart, and in
1941 with a circus theme and the title, The Wagons Roll At
1941 film again starred the legendary Humphrey Bogart.
It's hard to fault a very strong picture transfer to DVD. The colors
are vibrant with minimal imperfections.
Soundtrack: Six very pleasant ("happy") songs punctuate the
film, including Home Is Where The Heart Is, This Is Living, King
Of The Whole Wide World and I Got Lucky.
Audio: Similarly, the audio is spot on with no discernable rumble
or distortion.
Specifications: PAL Region 2 (England/Europe); 1.85:1 with widescreen
16:9; Dolby digital sound Features: Soundtrack in English, German,
French, Italian and Spanish. Subtitles in French, Italian, Spanish,
Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Greek, Hebrew and for
the hard of hearing: English and German. There is also the original
theatrical trailer, interactive screen menus and chapter selection.
A very solid audio track and strong visual transfer make Kid
Galahad a treat to watch on DVD.
EIN 2003
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