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"Loving You" testament to Elvis' artistry: So what does a young, charismatic, and good looking singer, who is the most successful musical artist in the country do for an encore? He heads to Hollywood to star in a movie of course.
Loving You was a pieced together affair which included songs from the movie, previously released tracks from an EP, plus a couple more from the studio. It all added up to a very good album but ultimately not of the quality of his first two ground breaking LPs. Nevertheless, released in July of 1957, Loving You would remain the number one album in the country for ten weeks. Even my mother had a copy of this album. |
The cover does Elvis justice. Even at seven years old, I am quite sure I sensed that I was not that good looking. My wife would probably agree today. All right eliminate the word probably.
Elvis would make a seemingly unending string of mostly forgettable movies. They would contain some excellent songs and a lot of what can best be described as filler. Elvis would never have a song nominated for an academy award, even though there were certainly songs from many of his films that should have been so honored.
The album starts out on a strong note. “Mean Woman Blues” is an all out rocker in the classic Presley tradition. “(Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear” is the first of what would become an Elvis performance that would be halfway between rock and pop. It featured a catchy melody with a great smooth vocal and would hit number one on the singles charts. “Loving You” was an effective ballad, both in the movie and on its own. “Got A Lot Of Living To Do” was another driving up-tempo song.
Elvis does as well as he can with “Lonesome Cowboy” and “Hot Dog.” The songs are weak and would be forerunners of his future film material. Elvis’ manager, Colonel Tom Parker, hired writers to churn out material for Elvis’ movies. He would retain some of the rights and make millions.
The second half of the album finds Elvis experimenting with material from different styles of music. “Blueberry Hill” is a cover of the great Fats Domino song and while Elvis give a good performance, I miss Fats. “Have I Told You Lately That I Love You” had been recorded by The Sons Of The Pioneers and Bing Crosby among others. Here Elvis takes this old warhorse in a country direction and gives a wonderful performance. “I Need You So” by Ivory Joe Hunter and Cole Porter’s “True Love” are average performances for Elvis.
Loving You will be forever associated with Elvis’ movie material. Taken on its own, however, it does have some excellent moments and is still worth a listen now and then. (CD Review, Source: David Bowling, BC Review)
Rockabilly Highway: US Highway 45 in the state of Tennessee was renamed the "Rockabilly Highway" in honor of Elvis Presley and Carl Perkins. On friday, June 27, Tennessee State Representative Jimmy Elridge presented Henry Harrison from the Rockabilly Hall Of Fame the new highway sign in Jackson,Tn.
The entire length of the highway runs from north of Mobile, Alabama to Ontonagon, Michigan. The stretch of highway now renamed Rockabilly Highway runs from Jackson, Tn to Tupelo,Miss. The portion of the renamed highway is 55 miles. Signs naming the highway were unveiled at each end of the section at 11:30 a.m. on Friday by the Tennessee Department of Transportation.
A small group of 50 people came for the ceremony at Rockabilly Park in Jackson. Music legends Carl Mann, W.S. Holland and Rayburn Anthony were on hand to play music for the state officals and general public attending he event. "This is the highway we traveled to get to (U.S.) 70," said Holland before the dedication, "we felt it appropriate to name it." Highway 45 was at one time lined with honk tonks.
"We did this to draw attention to our great music heritage," said state Rep. Jimmy Eldridge (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited /Elvis News)
EPE adds new cover for "Elvis #1 Hit Performances & More Vol 2" DVD: see earlier story on 27 July 2008 |
Chart Update: On this week's ARIA Music DVD chart in Australia, "The King Of Rock And Roll" DVD rises three places to #8 while the "Aloha Special" DVD rises six places to #17. "Elvis Lives" falls from #25 to #26. (News, Source: ARIA)
First the Terminator....now the Elvinator.....the King of Death: I thought I had seen the last of the WowWee singing Elvis robot last summer when Wilson skinned the thing and gave me nightmares. I was wrong. Instructables user GW Jax has put his Elvinator on display, which combines "The King" with T101, the king of death.
The Elvinator is only part done, as GW Jax has only given the skin a burned/melted look, and outfitted the Elvinator with an LED eye. But he plans to add in a Jaw piston for custom mouth movements, give the bot custom phrases, and endow it with interactive abilities, such as voice recognition and the ability to "learn." Looks pretty damn cool. (Odd Spot, Source: http://gizmodo.com/www.epgold.com)

All aboard the Elvis Sleeper: The ever increasing popularity of the Parkes Elvis Festival (in Australia) has taken another giant leap forward with the announcement that Melbourne firm Tours Unlimited will send an Elvis Sleeper Train to next year’s event.
The train will depart Melbourne on 7 January and spend five nights Parkes before returning to Melbourne on 12 January. According to Parkes Tourist Officer Kelly Hendry Victorian interest is strong for the train service.
`The Elvis Sleeper Train will provide accommodation for all on board throughout the five days the train is in Parkes,’ Kelly said. `While stationed in Parkes portable toilets and showers will be erected outside the train for the use of passengers.’
Kelly said passengers are being offered a fun journey to Parkes and an equally great stay throughout the festival. Ticket prices start at $1,800 and includes accommodation on the train for the entire tour. Included in the ticket price are all meals while the train is en-route, a continental breakfast each day in Parkes, an Elvis Festival souvenir bag, live entertainment en-route and an on board tour host. Air-conditioned single or twin berth accommodation is being offered aboard the Elvis Sleeper Train.
Meanwhile, Kelly said meetings have been held with CountryLink regarding its services to Parkes for the 2009 festival.
`CountryLink has confirmed that the Elvis Express will again travel to Parkes – leaving Sydney on the Friday and hopefully returning a day later on the Monday instead of the Sunday as has been the case in previous years,’ Kelly said. `This will result in extra room nights generated in local accommodation establishments, along with the opportunity to extend festival activities.’
Kelly said CountryLink was also trying to coordinate a smaller service in conjunction with the Memories of Elvis weekend on 15-17 August.
`A draft package has been put together to sell to the Sydney market, incorporating travel, accommodation, touring, meals and entertainment,’ Kelly said. `An announcement on the train service is imminent.’
Meanwhile, Parkes Shire Council has formally approved an application from the Elvis Festival committee for the use of Cooke Park for the 2009 event. (News, Source: Parkes Champion-Post/Blue Mountains Gazette)
Elvis fan club will have star its way....EPE gives club the 'cold shoulder': A local Elvis fan club isn't feeling a whole lot of love from the Elvis Presley Estate.
The cold shoulder includes efforts to obtain a donation for Elvis' celebrity star on Las Vegas Boulevard and silence as far as offering input on where to install the star. Letters were sent to everyone from Robert Sillerman, who purchased 85 percent of Elvis Presley Enterprises in 2004 for $114 million, to Priscilla and Lisa Marie Presley.
"We have heard nothing in response," said Sue Laurenz, head of the Viva Las Vegas Club, the fundraising force behind getting Elvis a star.
The club has about $13,000 of the required $15,000.
"We're moving on. The fans have made it happen, and it's all fan money," said Laurenz, adding that she's seen donations as small as $2 and $5.
The Las Vegas Walk of Stars announced last week that Elvis' star will go in front of the Riviera on Sept. 26, the 27th star on the Strip.
Laurenz said Pete "Big Elvis" Vallee has been a saint in the effort, frequently promoting the fundraising drive during his show at Bill's Gamblin' Hall & Saloon. All the proceeds have been raised since Feb. 28, a good share from foreign countries through the Internet.
The Web site is www.astarforelvis.com. E-mail astar4elvis@yahoo.com for more information.
As for the oft-asked question: Why the Riviera?
The Riviera, Laurenz noted, is the closest casino property to the Hilton (then The International), where Elvis was a sensation from 1969 to 1977. She added that the county gave authorization to the Walk of Stars only along Las Vegas Boulevard.
"For what it's worth, Elvis was with Liberace in November 1956 at the Riv when those famous photographs were taken of the switched jackets and instruments," Laurenz said.
Stars for Sammy Davis Jr. and Liberace are in front of the Riv, "and I do believe Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin will be there, too. Elvis will be among his friends, and that is pretty special." (News, Source: Norm Clarge, Vegas Confidential)
It was Forty Years Ago Today!: On Saturday June 29th 1968 Elvis Presley taped the two "Stand Up" segments of the television special that would revitalise his career, emphasise his musical importance and once again rock the world. "Singer Presents Elvis" was a great moment in music, in television, and in the narrative of his own life -- a moment of change, when what was lost is found again. Elvis regained his voice -- and in so doing became at once who he was and who he would become. His singing still featured the excitement of youth but this time with a mature edge. He was 33 years old, lean and chiselled and -- what he had not seemed in years -- a little dangerous.
The special begins in darkness, to the sound of a whomping, Muddy Waters-ish blues riff, and then a famous face fades in, turning toward the camera, filling the screen, meaning business.
If you're looking for trouble
You came to the right place
If you're looking for trouble
Just look right in my face
I was born standing up
And talking back ...
Celebrate this special day..
Spotlight - 'The Night Elvis Reclaimed His Crown'
Spotlight - 'The '68 Special - 40th Anniversary Celebration'
The new BMG 4CD box-set release
(News, Source;EIN) |
New US "Rockabilly Highway" named: Signs for Tennessee portion of highway were unveiled in ceremony yesterday in honour of the road that Carl Perkins and Elvis rode to establish and secure their careers. Once lined with honky-tonks, the Tennessee portion of U.S. 45 was named Rockabilly Highway on Friday in honor of the men who brought Rockabilly and Rock & Roll to a nation and eventually the world. The naming of the highway was enacted by the Tennessee legislature.
"We did this to draw attention to our great music heritage," said state Rep. Jimmy Eldridge, R-Jackson.
A crowd gathered at Rockabilly Park on Church Street on Friday as State and local officials welcomed the naming of the street to the sounds of music legends Carl Mann, W.S. Holland and Rayburn Anthony. Hiding from the blistering sun beneath a black umbrella, Judy Joyce said naming the stretch of road should help bring awareness to the music and people of Jackson.
"I think it will help tourism," she said.
The U.S. highway runs through Presley's hometown of Tupelo, Miss., and Perkins' home of Jackson. The entire span of road goes from just north of Mobile, Ala., to Ontonagon, Mich., which is on the shores of Lake Superior.
Only the nearly 55-mile section of road from the Mississippi/Tennessee state line to Interstate 40 was named Rockabilly Highway.
The naming stays true to the original strip of road running through the heart of Jackson. Signs naming the highway were unveiled at each end of the section at 11:30 a.m. on Friday by the Tennessee Department of Transportation. Rockabilly began in the early 1950s and is one of the first forms of rock and roll. (News, Source:jacksonsun.com) |
Elvis' 'A Little Less Conversation' in new Disney movie: New Disney feature Bolt, the first non-Pixar Disney animation produced since John Lasseter took over as CEO of Animation at the studio features Elvis and 'ALLC'. Bolt tells the story a dog who plays a heroic pup in a hit TV show and has some trouble recognising that he is in fact not possessed of extraordinary powers beyond the ability to lick his own nether regions. This becomes something of a hindrance when he is accidentally shipped from Hollywood to New York City. From there he has to make his way home with only the help of a manky old cat and an overweight hamster in a plastic ball. John Travolta, Miley Cyrus, Susie Essman and Mark Walton provide voices. To be released in the US in November. Click here for the trailer. (News, Source; Empire)
$1-Million Dispute over Final Elvis Photo: Reported previously on EIN but once again doing the news circuit is the battle over the final National Enquirer photo of Elvis. Supposedly a "million-dollar battle" it is suggested that it has erupted into a courtroom dispute.
The photo of Elvis lying in his casket at Graceland published in the National Enquirer in 1977 may have been destroyed during the anthrax contamination of the gossip magazine's former headquarters in Boca Raton. The man who bought the American Media Inc. building in Boca Raton in 2003 while it was still sealed and quarantined, David Rustine, has filed a federal lawsuit against the company he hired to decontaminate the building, New York-based Sabre Technical Services. However, two weeks before their contract was up, Rustine's lawsuit claims, Sabre demanded more time to finish the job and threatened to 'lose the Elvis photo' if the contract wasn't extended. Rustine refused and filed suit. Sabre's President countersued for defamation and claimed that AMI advised that all the Enquirer photos be destroyed as part of the anthrax cleansing process. There's even a picture in the court file of a Sabre worker holding the Elvis photo during a shredding operation. In his lawsuit, Rustine has demanded the return of the Elvis picture or be paid what he says the picture is worth, $1-million. The coffin photo was taken by Elvis' cousin Billy Mann. (News, Source:EIN) |
Elvis Week 2008 features New Events and Fan Favorites: Elvis Week 2008 has a full lineup, featuring music, movies, special guests and live performances. Elvis: From Broadway to Memphis will be a brand new event and the Official Elvis Insiders Conference will feature first-time Elvis Week guests Francine York, Steve Binder, Susan Henning, among others. Music and Movies at Graceland will be a great celebration on the front lawn with live Elvis music and movies. (News, Source: EPE)
"Elvis #1 Hit Performances & More Vol 2" DVD - preorders open: Now available for pre-order from EPE's Shop Elvis is the DVD "Elvis #1 Hit Performances & More Vol. 2". This collection showcases 15 additional magical performances by the King Of Rock ‘n’ Roll.
The content is taken from his TV guest appearances, movies, concert films and television specials......from 1956, his breakthrough year, to the 1970’s when he reached the pinnacle of his career.
This DVD contains the 15 bonus tracks that were included on the non-U.S.A. versions of this DVD from last year. (News, Source: EPE)
(Cover artwork not finalised) |
- Blue Suede Shoes - From Elvis' screen test for producer Hal Wallis at Paramount Studios on March 26, 1956.
- I Want You, I Need You, I Love You - July 1, 1956. Elvis performs in white tie and tails on The Steve Allen Show.
- Love Me - October 28, 1956, from Elvis' second appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show.
- Too Much - January 6, 1957, from Elvis' third appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show. The single “Too Much” held the #1 spot in the USA for 3 weeks and peaked at #6 in the UK.
- Treat Me Nice - From Elvis' third film, 1957's Jailhouse Rock. “Treat Me Nice” was written by the prolific tunesmiths Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller.
- Trouble - A performance from Elvis' fourth film, 1958's King Creole - the most critically acclaimed of his movies and his personal favorite.
- Wooden Heart - A performance from 1960's GI Blues - Elvis' fifth movie and the first after his discharge from the US Army.
- Rock-A-Hula Baby - From the 1961 film Blue Hawaii. As the flipside of “Can't Help Falling in Love” from the same film.
- Bossa Nova Baby - From the 1963 film Fun in Acapulco.
- That's All Right - Shot in June 1968, during the taping of what became known as the '68 Comeback television special, which first aired on December 3rd of that year. Elvis performs the song that started it all. “That's All Right”, recorded for Sun Records in Memphis in July 1954, was Elvis' first record release.
- One Night - From the June 1968 taping of Elvis' '68 Comeback TV special.
- If I Can Dream - Elvis' classic live performance of “If I Can Dream” in the white suit, as seen as the finale of his '68 Comeback TV special, combined with components of two lip-synch performances in black leather that were shot during production but not used in the special.
- Don't Cry Daddy - Shot during production of the concert film Elvis, That's the Way It Is in 1970.
- Big Hunk 'o Love - January 14, 1973, from the concert in Honolulu presented as the global television special Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii. “A Big Hunk o' Love” was #1 for 2 weeks in the USA and peaked at #4 in the UK.
- An American Trilogy - From the 1973 global television special Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii. This performance is considered by many to be Elvis' finest recording of this piece.
Blue Moon Boys being inducted into Musician's Hall of Fame: Peter Frampton, a former Nashville resident, performed at the 2007 ceremony honoring the first round of inductees -- the Nashville A-Team, the Blue Moon Boys (Elvis Presley's original band), the Funk Brothers (from Detroit), the Memphis Boys, the Tennessee Two (Johnny Cash's original band) and the Wrecking Crew (from Los Angeles).
This year's induction ceremony and concert will take place Oct. 28 at the Schermerhorn Symphony Center in Nashville.
The Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum is located in downtown Nashville. (News, Source: EP Gold)
Robert Sillerman at Elvis Week 2008: For the first time ever, Robert F.X. Sillerman, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of CKX Inc., parent company of Elvis Presley Enterprises will be a special guest at the 2008 Elvis Insiders Conference. Mr. Sillerman will answer questions during his segment of the conference. (Sale of EPE, Source: EPE) |
Preview of "Something For Everybody" book: These pictures are a small preview of the upcoming book "Something For Everybody" which should contain "wall-to-wall" rare and unique never before published pictures spanning the career of Elvis Presley according to an earlier press release. (News, Source: Elvis News)

Elvis items sell at auction: At Christie's Pop Culture auction at Rockefeller Center in New York several Elvis items were up for auction. Not everything was sold, and here are the results: A one sheet GI Blues movie poster went for $50 US Dollars. The white vest from Spinout took bids up to $3,200 but went unsold. A pair of gold pants with a Sy Devore/MGM tag with a COA from Vester Presley sold for $750 US Dollars. A black and white Lansky's of Memphis shirt with a COA from Charlie Hodge went for $800 US Dollars.
A handwritten essay by Elvis had bids up to $3,200 US Dollars but went unsold. A brass Eagle head topped cane with a dagger owned by Elvis and given to Alan Fortas sold for $2,400. And the final item of the day was a black leather Harley Davidson jacket with EP stitched inside, and a diamond encrusted Shelby County Cheif Deputy Sheriff's Badge given to Mike McGregor. This jacket was right up front at the auction. And it sold for $28,000 US Dollars. (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited/Elvis News) |
Elvis enthusiasts unite.
Velvet Elvis: This week, artist Bethany Cisco, otherwise known as “Vicious Velvet,” unveiled her latest work: a giant painting of Elvis on velvet. Once they pull the sheet off this baby it will supposedly be the largest velvet painting ever created.
This got us thinking, considering we never realized velvet paintings existed in the first place. But not only do they exist, apparently it's your patriotic duty to own one that prominently features the president's package.
We also learned that velvet Elvis paintings are quite popular. Considering this one trumps them all in size, we guess it could be considered “the King.” Wah wah waaaaaah.
Tattoo Factory Gallery, 4443 N. Broadway, 7 p.m to 12 a.m. Free food and drink. (News, Source: EP Gold)
2008/06/25 http://chicagoist.com / www.epgold.com
Elvis tops 'Celebs Brits Most Want to Bring Back to Life' list: Elvis has of course been voted the celebrity that British people would most like to bring back to life. After all, who else could be more popular? In a survey conducted by Warner Home Video to mark the DVD release of 'Pushing Daisies' Elvis topped the poll with 23 percent of the votes.
Diana, Princess of Wales, was second with 20 percent, while Marilyn Monroe was placed in third.
Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and England's World Cup-winning captain Bobby Moore rounded off the top five.
Others on the top ten list included William Shakespeare, Henry VIII, Freddie Mercury, Albert Einstein and Kurt Cobain.
The top ten celebrities Brits most want to bring back to life are:
1 Elvis Presley
2 Princess Diana
3 Marilyn Monroe
4 Winston Churchill
5 Bobby Moore
6 William Shakespeare
7 Henry VIII
8 Freddie Mercury
9 Albert Einstein
10 Kurt Cobain (News, Source;Contact) |
Kevin Mills and Australia's Mark Anthony win Preliminary Rounds of EPE Ultimate ETA challenge: Kevin Mills was the winner of the Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest at the Hollywood Casino in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Mark Anthony from Kidman Park, Australia was the winner of the Wintersun Rock 'n' Roll Festival preliminary round while Ted Torres was the winner of the Bruce Rossmeyer's Destination Daytona preliminary contest. For a complete list of EPE winners so far Click here. (Right; Kevin Mills, Mark Anthony)
(News, Source;EPE/EIN) |
'The Kings of Rock 'n' Roll' new CD: Who can forget Adriano Celentano? Well both his and Elvis' lives are celebrated in 'The Kings of Rock 'N' Roll' CD from the Smith & Co label.
However in case you didn't know Adriano Celentano was Italy's answer to Elvis and who is still popular in Italy selling millions of records as well as appearing in multiple TV shows and films.)
(News, Source;Amazon) |
'Elvis Greatest Hits' Steel Box release: Brand new from Sony/BMG Canada 'Elvis Greatest Hits' as a Steel Box Collection! Featuring 16 tracks, a selection of usual Greatest Hits plus other goodies such as 'Mystery Train' and 'My Baby Left Me'.
(News, Source;Barry McLean) |
Strong 'negative' reaction to claim about secret Elvis diary!: To say there was a strong negative reaction to our story on Friday about a secret Elvis diary being found is an understatement. Here is a cross-section of your our reader's views:
Marty Lacker: Just read the story about the professor and Elvis' secret diaries. They were so secret even Elvis didn't know about them.
What a crock.
The entries are just generalized short comments that anybody would know about. For one thing it has a comment in '65 about blowing out a TV screen. Elvis didn't do that until years later.
This story has to win the Doozy Of The Year Award!
Cris: Hello, I just wanted to take a moment and state my opinion on the "possible" Elvis Diaries floating around.
Unfortunately, I find it very hard to believe this. Everything this man is putting down as supposed Elvis writings is so generic. A true Elvis fan already knows everything he is mentioning. LOL And....Elvis DOES NOT THINK THE WAY THIS MAN IS WRITING !!! Elvis was more deeper and compassionate and used the word " God D---" a lot ! Not just Damn, does not make any sense to me. Plus if you done any research, he was very religious and spoke of God in some had written samples they found over the years.
Graceland would have ownership of something so priceless anyway. Do you REALLY THINK this would have left either Priscilla's OR Lisa Marie's hands if truly written. I would consider checking her locked chest or Priscilla's special Archives in Graceland before believing this guy ! NICE TRY BUDDY !!! LOL thank you !
John Taylor: What utter rubbish!
Marilyn J: Elvis never kept a diary and this guy is out to fleece fans for money. I hope Graceland puts a stop to it quickly.
Jeremy Kingston: Elvis's secret diary! Yeah right. This is another shameless attempt to exploit gullible fans and make someone rich and famous. It is sad that Elvis' memory continues to bring these charlatans out of the woodwork.
Beth: This is a joke right?
Greatest Hits release in Borneo: This super-rare release from the southern Indonesian Island of Borneo, Kalimanten, is called "The Greatest Hits Of Elvis Presley". (News, Source: HT Long, FECC)

Chart Update: The "Re: Version" of "Baby Let's Play House dropped to #7 on the Spannish Top 40 Singles chart.
The "ELV1S 30 #1 Hits" compilation climbs back to #33 after dropping to the last spot of the chart last week. (News, Source: Elvis News)
Secret Elvis diary found???: Presley kept a private journal for more than 20 years - and never told anyone about it. A college professor claims to have found Elvis Presley’s secret diaries in a box of used books that he purchased in Memphis, Tennessee just weeks ago. The volumes allegedly span the years 1956 to 1977, with the last comments having been entered just hours before The King died.
“They’re authentic, I guarantee it,” the scholar told derekclontz.com in a taped, world-exclusive interview. “There are seven volumes containing entries that begin November 16, 1956 and end August 16, 1977.
“The diaries appear to reveal Mr. Presley’s innermost thoughts and feelings about life, friends and his career. To the best of my knowledge nobody, not even the people closest to Elvis, knew these diaries existed. At least they didn’t know, until now.”
The professor revealed that he was in possession of The King’s secret diaries in an e-mail to derekclontz.com editor-in-chief Derek Clontz on Monday, June 16. He refused to identify himself or name the city he was calling from. He did say that he teaches English literature in Mississippi. He also confirmed that he found the diaries at the bottom of a box of old novels he bought on April 15 of this year.
“It isn’t clear how to diaries got into the box, and without seeing them there is no way for me to verify their authenticity,” says Clontz, who has written over 200 articles on Presley since 1982 and is considered to be an expert on his death or, as fans who believe him to be alive would say, “his faked death.”
“But the academic who claims to have them in his possession says two handwriting experts, both from the Mississippi’s state university system, studied the diaries and concluded that they were, in fact, written by Elvis Presley’s own hand. True - or false? I’m keeping an open mind. Our readers can judge for themselves.”
The professor agreed to read portions of the diaries to derekclontz.com so he can gauge public reaction prior to publishing them in their entirety next Christmas.
“I can’t put a price on the diaries until I see how the public responds to them,” he said, “and that’s why I’m giving portions of them to you for publication on the Internet. I invite your readers to respond through you. I want to know what they think.”
The professor read 20 entries from The King’s alleged diaries over the phone. They were taped and printed below - verbatim, with no corrections or changes - just as we received them.
1950s - November 16, 1956
Met Liberace today and that man is funny. I mean real funny. He’s a showman but I don’t know what I could learn from him. He’s nice but he’s prissy. And the woman who like him are old.
March 30, 1957
Graceland is perfect. Thirteen rooms and we’re going to make it bigger and better. I knew Mama would find the right place. She loves it and so do I. Look out the windows and it just seems to spread out forever. The whole family is here and there’s room for all of us.
We’re going to fix it up just like we want. I wish I could see their faces now. They said I was nobody. Now nobody is somebody and they’re going to know it.
August 14, 1958
Where are you, Mama? I know you’re here. You’re not dead. You can’t be dead. You can’t leave me, Mama. You said you’d never leave me. You promised. I’m not ready. Mama, I’m scared.
June 28, 1959
I slipped and almost killed myself in the shower this morning. Now wouldn’t it be hell to die in a bathroom? Ha, Ha.
1960s - February 17, 1960
I wonder what the girls would think if I did marry them, even for a day? What would they think about Elvis Presley. They might not like who I really am. I’m not sure that I do. Elvis knows who he is. So who is Elvis? Mama know, don’t you, Mama? Damn it. Damn it. Why did you leave me? Don’t you know what I feel like? Don’t you? I do and it stinks. One of these days something’s going to give. I just wish I knew when.
June 15, 1961
Wild in the Country premiered today and it’s worse than I thought. It stinks and I’m embarrassed to say it’s my movie. When are they going to let me make a real movie? The Colonel [Editor: Tom Parker, Elvis’ manager] and Mr. Wallis [Hal Wallis, producer of numerous Elvis films] must know what they’re doing because people pay to see me no matter how bad the movies are.
I’m as good as James Dean. I know I am. Maybe The Colonel and Mr. Wallis will let me make a karate movie. It couldn’t be any worse than what I’m doing now. It might be fun. Maybe I could talk them into getting Debra Paget [Elvis’ costar in the 1956 movie Love Me Tender] to be in with me. I’d like to work with her again.
May 14, 1962
I miss you, Mama, but we’ll be together again. I promise.
August 28, 1965
The Beatles are O.K. I don’t know why John [Lennon] was so nervous [when Elvis and the Beatle met]. What did he think I was going to do, bite him? He said I inspired him. We played and sang some but we’d never make it on one stage. I’m a show. The Beatles are just a band.
[The Beatles - John, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr - considered Elvis to be a pioneer of rock music and finally met him face-to-face at his home in Bel-Air, in California, in 1965. Rumors that they recorded a few songs during the meeting are often heard but have never been confirmed.]
September 3, 1965
I don’t care what they say. I like guns. And there ain’t nothing like blowing the screen out of a TV.
February 1, 1968
Lisa Marie is so beautiful I’m afraid to touch her. But when I hold her I can’t describe it. I feel like a king.
January 21, 1969
In the Ghetto is a beautiful song but I wonder if it will make a difference? There’s so much pain and misery in the world. I hope it does.
1970s - December 21, 1970
President Nixon has got to let me help the country. Damn drugs. Damn hippies and traitors. They’re killing us. They’re killing our country. The President has got to listen. I don’t have enemies. Nobody would know what I was doing if he made me a federal agent. I hope he does something before it’s too late.
November 15, 1971
I realized I was daydreaming on stage. Daydreaming … I started singing and the next thing I knew I was taking a bow. I must be getting old. I don’t know … maybe I’m getting bored.
November 16, 1971
Day after day, city after city, show after show. The fans are all over me. I can’t go anywhere or do anything without a screaming mob on my heels. Right now I don’t know if I love them or hate them. If I had control it would be easy but I don’t and it seems like I’d get used to it. My like isn’t mine anymore. It never will be. And it’s too late to turn back now.
April 27, 1973
Should I cut my sideburns? I wonder what the girls would say? I wonder what The Colonel would say? I wonder what I’d say after they went down the drain?
March 26, 1973
I wouldn’t know what to do with the answers, if I had them. Sometimes I think I’d be a lot better off driving a truck.
August 27, 1974
If I have to kiss one more fat girl I’ll puke. Where the hell are my pills?
June 20, 1977
Why do I bother to go on? I’m not a kid anymore. Nothing’s the same. What the hell am I supposed to do? I’m tired and I’m fat. I make myself sick. Fat pig Elvis. I know God’s testing me. My life is in His hands. I wish you were here, Mama. No, I don’t, I wish I was there. I don’t want these damn pills, but I’ve got to have them. I’ve got to get some sleep.
August 15, 1977
It won’t be long now, Mama. I’m coming home.
August 16, 1977
I can’t go on. (News, Source: Derek Klontz/ EP Gold)
Elvis A Legendary Performer Volume 14: Released in the "A Legendary Performer" import series from the Wolf Call label is volume 14. This volume contains 21 extended, undubbed and out-take recordings including the "Re: Version" by DJ Spankox of "Baby Let's Play House". (News, Source: Elvis News) |
New CD - Elvis For President: A new EFE promo Cd has now been released. The title is Elvis For President.
It contains many rare and interesting recording with Elvis. All of them related in some way to Elvis, America and the presidential campaign. You can also find the famous "Running For President" announcement by Elvis on stage in 1976 on this CD.
The Popularity - The Announcement
The Introduction
I'm Running For President
His Fans Reaction
The Campaign - Part One
Winning The Texas Vote
I Love Gospel Music
Serving The US Army
The Post Army Interview |
The Man Behind The Image
Meeting 8 Year Old Denise Sanchez
March Of Dimes
Presenting F.D.R. Yacht Potornac To St. Jude's Hospital
The Campaign - Part Two
Tour Promotion
The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth
Bad Publicity
Talking About The Bad Publicity
The Paternity Suit
Defending Rock'n'Roll
Tabloids And Movie Magazines
The Engaged Affaire
Headline Stories From His Bodyguards
Not Suitable For Release
The Campaign - Part Three
MSG Press Conference
The Funny Side Of A President
Imitating Glen Campbell, Tom Jones, Johnny Cash, Bill Crosby And Sammy Davis Jr.
Even Presidents Do It
Imitating Clouseau
Presidential Speeches
Memphis, Tennessee, January 16, 1971
Germany, October 1, 1958
Let's Take It On Home
Limousine Ride 1972
Price $42.00 from Elvis Unlimited
Borneo releases Elvis CD: This a release from the southern Indonesian Island of Borneo entitled "The Greatest Hits Of Elvis Presley". (News, Source: Elvis News)
Geller loses bid to undo sale of Elvis' home: Spoon-bending London "psychic" Uri Geller and two partners lost their bid in federal court Tuesday to overturn the sale of Elvis Presley's former house on Audubon Drive in East Memphis.
Geller and his partners bid $905,100 for the house in an eBay auction in 2006, but the contract was not completed. Geller's group made changes to the contract, delaying the sale when they marked out a provision giving owners Cindy Hazen and Mike Freeman 60 days to move from the property. When negotiations for a closing date postponed the sale, Hazen and Freeman then decided to sell the house for $1 million to Nashville record producer Mike Curb, who then worked with Rhodes College to use the home as part of a new Mike Curb Music Institute. Presley and his family lived in the ranch-style house for about a year. He was forced by throngs of fans to move to more secluded Graceland in 1957.
U.S. Dist. Judge Jon McCalla said the eBay auction was not a binding sale because eBay auctions specifically advertise themselves as vehicles "for sellers to advertise their real estate and meet potential buyers." Even if it were a contract, McCalla said Geller and his partners would have breached it when they altered the closing terms after the sale.
Hazen said, "I'm relieved that this is all over and, given that Uri and his partners were malicious, I am delighted that Mike Curb and Rhodes College own the property." (News, Source: Commercial Appeal, Michael Lollar)
"Elvis A Legendary Performer" DVD set: Just released is a four DVD set entitled "Elvis A Legendary Performer, Volume 1 - 4".
This factory made set - limited to 500 copies - contains over seven hours of rare Elvis material, supposedly with good sound.
Some highlights from the content:
- The very first piece of film with Elvis from 1955
- Elvis meets Bobby Darrin in 1960
- The nude scene from Charro
- Various press conferences
- Home movies with Elvis in 1956
- Elvis and Danny Thomas
- Elvis' last concert from June 26, 1977 with original sound
- Home movies with Elvis from Hawaii in 1969
- Various live shows from 1977
- Elvis live in Madison Square Garden in 1972 with sound
- And more.
(News, Source: Elvis News) |
Elvis 'America's answer to Shammi Kapoor': Veteran actor Shammi Kapoor was honoured this week for his contribution to Indian cinema at a film festival promoting Asian and Arab work. The 76-year-old wheelchair-bound actor, said he was overwhelmed by the honour and said the two-day festival organised Osian's Cinefans group brought back "very beautiful memories", adding, "What I am today is because of the film industry."
He especially thanked legendary playback singer Mohammed Rafi, without who he was incomplete. Actor Aamir Khan disagreed with calling him Elvis Presley of India. "In fact, Elvis Presley was America's answer to Shammi Kapoor," he said.
The Bollywood star had once said a sure sign of a good actor was the belief with which he gave his shot, Aamir said. "And Shammi Kapoor stands true on this test."
Aamir said Kapoor always lived in the moment, unassuming about his stardom unlike him. "I am always aware of being a celebrity," he said.
Filmmakers Shakti Samant and Lekh Tandon, who played an important role in shaping Kapoor's career, also felicitated him. (News, Source: Bahrain Gulf Daily News)
Tupelo Elvis Festival nets $75,000 but future still uncertain: The Elvis Presley Festival has got its groove back, but it might be too late for next year. Festival organizers on Monday said the festival, held earlier this month, had a net income of at least $75,000. The Downtown Tupelo Main Street Association, the organization that puts on the festival, lost about $46,000 on the 2007 festival.
Based on ticket counts, this year's festival had 9,529 attendees, up from about 7,300 last year.
But despite the record year, DTMSA board President Camille Sloan said members are going to "see logistically how we can restructure it."
"We were anxious to make some money," she said. "We hope we are going to have another festival. It's a real strain on our office."
Sloan will meet with fellow board members today in a board retreat that will focus on options for the Elvis Presley Festival. She said her goal is to "get our Main Street effort going strong" and "be fiscally responsible with what we've got."
"Fiscally responsible" is a term that has been bandied about at nearly every DTMSA board meeting this past year. In 2007, the festival lost $45,959.72, and the group cleared out its rainy day fund to pay bills.
This year, the Elvis Presley Festival, with chairwoman Amy Nash at the helm, scaled back. The festival was held on one downtown stage instead of two, and about $100,000 was slashed from the budget. This year's $251,750 budget was based on the amount of sponsorships that were committed to the festival, said DTMSA Executive Director Debbie Brangenberg. Organizers saved $25,000 by skipping the car giveaway offered previously, and by cutting back on expenses for entertainment, marketing, insurance, security and site management.
"I think we've got the best formula," Brangenberg said. "It worked well for us ... I think we did a great job in selecting the entertainment ... Our attendance was outstanding ... I'm just really proud of the whole organization and the volunteers and the festival committee that helped us achieve this success, as well as the sponsors."
Brangenberg said she's "already working to see what next year will bring."
Will it include the 11th Annual Elvis Presley Festival?
"As far as I know, but I'm not the one that votes," she said. "We are the birthplace of Elvis Presley. We have to have a festival." (News, Source: Amber Smith)
"Inside Love Me Tender" update: Elvis Unlimited are at the moment finishing the next release in the "Inside" series. If everything works out well will Inside Love Me Tender be ready for a mid July release.
This deluxe box-set will like the previous "inside" box-sets include a book, dvd, vinyl single and a certificate that proves that you're one of the only 2000 people who have this box-set.
The book will be a 152 page full colour book featuring a lot of unknown stories about Elvis' first movie, many rare and unpublished pictures of Elvis during the filming, at the photo sessions, in the recording studio, at various meetings that was held during the filming etc.

The Inside Love Me Tender book will also contain a lot of beautiful memorabilia from all over the word. The very informative texts about the movie that you will find in the Inside Love Me Tender book has been written by Megan Murphy. The foreword is written by the legendary Elvis book expert Ger Rijff, who years ago worked on a book about Love Me Tender. That book never happened and Ger has worked with Elvis Unlimited to produce the best possible book about this historical movie.
The DVD will contain some interesting footage from the movie set, premiers and of course the original trailer.
The special 45 rpm. vinyl single will be a replica of the original The Truth About Me single, that was recorded at the Love Me Tender set.
You can pre-order Inside Love Me Tender from Elvis Unlimited for $ 80.00 (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited)
Andy Warhol - The Elvis Works: In this narrative and pictorial article we look at some of the iconic images by pop artist, Andy Warhol.
The visuals range from variations of "Elvis in Flaming Star" to "Red Elvis". (Spotlight, Source: EIN) |
Three CLASSIC bootleg LPs to be released on CD next week: SHOCK, RATTLE AND ROLL - FROM THE WAIST UP - THE DORSEY SHOWS
-each cd contains the original album tracks
-each package contains the original album artwork
-original record labels are used for the cd's
-Shock, Rattle And Roll contains a 12-page booklet
These historic bootleg albums are now for the first time available on cd. Including all Elvis performances on the Milton Berle Shows, Ed Sullivan Shows, Steve Allen Shows and Dorsey Shows***.
Also including some performances that were not officially released on cd.
***All original tracklistings except for From The Waist Up! - which includes some bonus tracks!
Most recordings are now for the first time released on a single cd!
Of course limited editions only!!! (News, Source: www.elvismagazine.nl /www.epgold.com)
Celebrate the life of Bill E. Burk: Sent on behalf of Mary Pat Hinds and Nancie Craft:
Please join us to celebrate the life of our dear friend Bill Burk on Sunday, August 10, 1 to 3 pm, at Marlowe's. Lunch will be served. All of Bill's friends - the fans and the famous - have been invited to come to remember Bill and share memories. An open mic will be available for comments, stories, songs, poems, photos ... whatever you would like to do. There will also be a special presentation to Bill's family. Everyone in attendance will receive a special memento.
Reservations are a must. Tickets are $15 and include your lunch and beverage. Please send your check - made out to Nancie Craft - to her at 6607 Cindy Lane, Houston, Texas, 77088. (Part of the ticket includes a donation in Bill's name to St. Jude's.)
Since the 1980s, Bill and his wife Connie have annually hosted an Elvis Week fan gathering through his long-running Elvis World magazine. For many years, they held Elvis World breakfasts at the former Shoney's on the corner of EP Boulevard and Lonely Street. When that restaurant closed, the breakfast became a lunch at Marlowe's. These gatherings were always sell-outs, featuring special guests who knew and wrote about Elvis. Bill and Connie also formally honored an Elvis World Fan and Fan Club of the year at these events.
NOTE: If you are unable to come, but would like to send a message to be read, please do so. Mail any memorial messages to Mary Hinds, 1125 Amelia Drive, Long Beach, California, 90807.
(Bill E. Burk's Elvis World Online, Source: Charmaine Voisine)
New book release in France: Released in France is the 140 pages soft cover book "Qui A Tue Elvis? - Mort(s) D'un Roi" by Nikola Acin which collects the memories of people on where they were and what they did when the heard Elvis died. (News, Source: Elvis News) |
Chart Update: On this week's ARIA Music DVD Chart in Australia, Elvis occupies the # 19 & 20 positions with (respectively) Elvis Lives - The 25th Anniversary Concert Live From Memphis (#9 last week) and Elvis The King of Rock 'n' Roll (#32 last week & certified Gold). One quarter (10 DVDs) of the chart are occupied by violinist Andre Rieu, including the top 4 positions!). Rieu's chart success accounts for nearly 40xPlatinum on the ARIA chart. (News, Source: ARIA)
Elvis not a star in May 1955: OCALA — Elvis Presley was more curiosity than singing sensation when the Hillbilly Cat and his pink-and-white Cadillac arrived in Ocala on Tuesday, May 10, 1955.
As incredible as it seems today, Elvis not only wasn’t the headliner on the WSM Grand Ole Opry All-Star Jamboree that evening; he was listed eighth in advertisements for the show at the Southeastern Pavilion.
“Hank Snow was the top billing,” recalled lifetime Ocala resident Ruben Lamb, who was 14 years old. “I went to see Hank Snow and hear some good ol’-fashioned country. Rock ‘n’ roll hadn’t caught on yet.”
Snow was as famous as Presley wasn’t. The first 14 songs released by “The Singing Ranger” all cracked the Top 10 of Billboard’s country chart. None of Elvis’ four singles had charted nationally.
Nearly every member of the All-Star Jamboree overshadowed Elvis: Faron Young’s “Live Fast, Love Hard, Die Young” was heading for No. 1; The Wilburn Brothers’ “Sparkling Brown Eyes” reached No. 4 the year before; and Slim Whitman was an established star with Top 10 hits “Indian Love Call” in ’52, “North Wind” in ’53, and “Rose Marie” in ’55.
No one — not even Elvis — dreamed the skinny, 20-year-old kid with the bedroom eyes and long sideburns would one day be viewed as “The King of Rock ’n’ Roll.” Elvis was eight months away from exploding on the national consciousness with the release of “Heartbreak Hotel,” which would sell 300,000 copies within a week of its release.
“None of us were familiar with the name Elvis Presley at that time,” said Dale Summers, who was 16 when he and his friends crawled under a fence so they could hear country music and meet girls at the Ocala show.
Even the performers listed below Elvis on the bill — The Davis Sisters, Jimmy Rodgers Snow and Martha Carson — were more well known than the Hillbilly Cat when the tour kicked off in New Orleans on May 1.
That wasn’t the case by the time the show rolled into Ocala. Elvis, who was earning $50 a night, had stolen the show in nearly every city — Baton Rouge, Mobile, Birmingham, Daytona Beach, Tampa, Fort Myers.
“He was buzzin’”
“Back then, it was new music to all of us,” recalled Artie Lee Lowe, who was age 16. “Here was this guy swiveling on that little makeshift stage. The girls were yelling and screaming. Oh my God, it was pretty radical back then.”
An estimated 2,700 attended the 8 p.m. show. Most came to see Snow, Young or Whitman, but some came to see Elvis.
“A lot of us went since we heard about this new guy was going to perform,” Lowe says. “We wanted to see what it was all about.”
“There was a disc jockey we all listened to, Nervous Ned Needham, and I recall him taking about Elvis,” Lamb recalled. “He said, ‘This kid, Elvis Presley, is going somewhere. He’s going to be big time. Mark my words, he’s going to steal the show.’”
Ned may have been nervous, but there was nothing shaky about his prediction. Elvis did indeed steal the show.
“We were impressed by the wildly gyrating, new young singer who broke three guitar strings during one number and ended up playing a guitar belonging to Hank Snow before it was over,” said Summers.
Elvis, in red-sequined dinner jacket with black lapels, white shirt and black pants, won the audience — at least the teenagers — by gyrating across the stage — the flatbed of a truck — while singing “That’s All Right Mama,” “Blue Moon of Kentucky,” and “Good Rockin’ Tonight” to frenetic accompaniment of guitarist Scotty Moore and bassist Bill Black.
“He was jumping up and down like a Mexican jumping bean. He was buzzin’,” recalled Nita Billera, a then-13-year-old who attended the show with her parents and aunt.
“There was a lot of screaming,” Lamb said. “I was kind of mesmerized, so to speak.”
Whether you dug the music or not, there was no ignoring Elvis.
“His hair was in a ducktail in the back, and pompadour style in the front, and was styled with pomade that made it look sort of greasy and shiny,” recalled Belleview resident Jo Ann McNeal, who attended the show with her aunt. “I thought he was cocky and wondered who he thought he was. When he started singing, that thought changed to ‘Who IS he?!’”
Elvis was clearly operating in a universe far removed from the stand-and-strum cowboys on the show.
“Everyone except Elvis was dressed in Western style,” McNeal says. “My aunt remembers some people being upset that he was so different.”
Others were amused.
“I went with a high school buddy to hear Hank Snow, and then someone came out and started to sing and twist all around. To us, and many of the people in attendance, it was kind of comical,” said Jim Weaver, who was about to graduate from Ocala High School. “Some people had never heard of Elvis, including my friend and myself. There were a few people that sort of made fun of his movements, et cetera.”
Even members of the jamboree didn’t know what to make of the kid.
“Those old country stars, some of them were awed, and others, like a lot of people, were taken aback,” recalled Jim Kirk, 80, owner of WMOP, the country radio station that sponsored the show.
Ga-ga girls - It was a different story with the girls. They were taken, all right, but not aback. During Elvis’ performance, some girls left their boyfriends sitting in the bleachers.
“We were trying to keep the crowd out of the field in front of the stage, but before he was through they just came out of the stands and sat on that red clay in the arena. The girls were all over the place,” recalled Kirk.
“The next day at school, all the girls could talk about was this new singer Elvis Presley,” Summers recalled.
Many of those girls — and some guys, as well — met Elvis “backstage” outside the cow pens performers used as dressing rooms.
“He talked to everybody and signed autographs for everyone who wanted one,” Billera said.
With pretty girls, Elvis tried to do more than scrawl his signature.
“He tried to kiss me — and others. And he asked me — and others — for a date,” McNeal says.
That was pretty much standard operating procedure for Elvis. Three nights earlier, after the show at the Peabody Auditorium in Daytona, Elvis spent time with Marsha Connelly, a Mainland High School sophomore. And she can prove it. A photo of Elvis and Marsha appeared in a MHS yearbook.
In May 1955, before image-conscious “Colonel” Tom Parker became his manager, Elvis openly sought companions of the opposite sex. But he only did so from the stage once. Two days after the Ocala show, Elvis created a near riot when he closed a performance in Jacksonville by shouting, “Girls, I’ll see y’all backstage.” Hundreds of girls accepted the invitation, chasing him into a locker room, where they tore Elvis’ shirt to shreds, ripped his jacket and took his socks and shoes before police rescued him. After that, Elvis was more discreet.
“I know that Elvis did not invite girls backstage anymore. I think he learned that it was not a good idea,” says Jimmy Rodgers Snow, who performed on the All-Star Jamboree tour and sometimes roomed with Elvis.
The girls, however, became bolder. When Elvis returned to Florida in 1956 — this time as an established star — every girl seemed to want him.
“The girls I knew from my class were all going ga-ga over his coming performance,” said Jimmy Young, who attended the Aug. 9, 1956, show in Daytona Beach. “Girls from my classes fainting away and throwing panties up on the stage … I couldn’t believe what I was seeing!”
Even good girls lost their inhibitions when Elvis, who had scored four consecutive No. 1 hits in the first half of ’56 slid across the stage on his knees while performing ‘Hound Dog.’
“I stood up and started screaming and crying, which continued through the entire show,” said Trish Robbins, who attended Elvis’ 1956 Daytona Beach show. “We cried so hard, we tore a real hanky in thirds and each piece was soaked with tears. I never really understood why we reacted like we did, but you just couldn’t help it. Afterwards, we tried to climb the wrought-iron fence behind the building and got caught. We then went to the back stage door. I got on my stomach, and through the little opening; Elvis signed his autograph on my little piece of paper.”
The teenyboppers weren’t the only girls going wild.
“I remember sitting by a woman who at the time I thought was old; she was probably in her late 20s or early 30s, and she was going nuts. It was phenomenal,” recalled Marsha Connelly, a high school student who attended all three shows Elvis performed in Daytona Beach in ’55 and ’56.
Daytona Beach was as close as Elvis would get to Ocala during his second tour of Florida — big cities only this time. And big excitement.
“I had never seen anything like it — all the screaming girls jumping up and down and wiggling all over,” said Dave Duncan, who attended the Daytona Beach performance. “My grandmother and aunt enjoyed the show, but showed more self-control. I remember being surprised to see a pregnant lady sitting in front of us jumping up and down like the other teenagers.”
No one had seen anything like Elvis. The Hillbilly Cat was light years beyond Grandpa Jones, Stringbean, Kitty Wells, Eddy Arnold, Minnie Pearl and every other performer who played Ocala. (News, Source: EP Gold)
The World's Best Kept Secret - Elvis live at Del Webb's Sahara Tahoe: The first step has been made. Unspectacular but still mysterious - the proof folder. The latest opus by Praytome Publishing, author Sue McCasland and co-author Joe A. Krein: "The World's Best Kept Secret - Elvis live at Del Webb's Sahara Tahoe". Accompany us on the exciting trip of this project otherwise you will miss a look of the producer's shoulder which is a chance you won't have anyday. The comprehensive research work for this project began lots of months ago but one thing is quite sure: like Adrenaline 71 - this new Tahoe project will rub out another black hole in the world of Elvis' history.
The restoration of old photographs is finished, the scans of newspaper articles and tickets are done, the interviews with contemporary witnesses are transcribed and the artwort and layout are assembled. With today's update we start our "Making Of" - special about this unique Tahoe-book. The folder you see above contains proof sheets of all pages - and there are a lot of pages in there. With these proof sheets you will get an idea of the colours how they look like on the final printing pages. To create proof sheets is a necessary and important working step in the complex procedure of producing a book.
Soon we will give a more in-depth look behind the scenes. Therefor we recommend you to check back daily for more updates on this new project. The book will be available August 2008. (News, Source: EP Gold)

Tech Therapy: Looking for the 'Elvis Candidate' as CIO: How do you hire a chief information officer? Very thoughtfully, says Warren Arbogast on the latest edition of Tech Therapy, The Chronicle’s technology podcast. “For me, it comes down to three things — leadership, management, and the ability to do,” he says. “When I work with people who are trying to hire a CIO, they often fall into a trap of looking for the ‘Jesus candidate’ — we have renamed it the ‘Elvis candidate,’ because that is more palatable. And that is the CIO who is all things to all people all the time, including the weekends and the holidays. Good luck.”
Look for someone who is politically savvy. Look for someone who is not just a ones-and-zeros guy. Look for someone who knows the difference between the big picture and the little picture. In short, you want a Wayne Gretzky of IT. (News, Source: Wired Campus)
"American Glory" released: The fourth release from the MfX label, entitled "'American Glory!', has been released. The CD contains the complete Midnight Show from December 06, 1975 MS as recorded at the Las Vegas, Hilton Hotel and part of the opening night of the same Season according to the information received.
From the press release: The concert is previously unreleased, here you have the opportunity to listen to a slice of the December ‘75 season without doubt one of the best moments of Elvis in 1975, the use of two great tapes make the rest. We are not talking of original tapes but due to the very good quality we are talking of two tapes came from an early generation copy of the master tapes. The audio-quality of the recording is really good, well balanced with not too heavy an audience intrusion and with the right feeling of an Elvis’ concert. |
Elvis' performance in both the shows is superb; Elvis in spite of being overweight is still at the top of his musical ability, very intense and active on the stage. We are talking about one of his best seasons and very successful in terms of audience numbers considering that Las Vegas in December is a dead city, but not for Elvis. Both shows do not really have any low points as Elvis sings with intensity and delivers a solid repertoire, not too much space for the classic oldies but a more mature repertoire for the original rock singer with pop songs performed for the majority.
Among the highlights are powerful performances of "Polk Salad Annie", "America The Beautiful", "Burning Love", "Just Pretend" , while on Opening Night we have "It’s Midnight,” performed with absolute show-stopping brilliance and the rare version of “You’ve Lost the Love Feeling” and “ My Boy”.
The packaging will come with a 12 page booklet professionally edited, picture disc, relevant liner notes, original memorabilia and more than 15 photographs covering practically all of the seasons jumpsuits. These are two great shows... the package, the 79,52 minutes of superb music give us definitely something unique We Hope The Definitive one in reference to Elvis’ December 1975 Vegas Season. Don’t miss it! CD Total Time 79.52 min.
December 06, 1975 Midnight Show: Tracklisting: 01.2001 Theme; 1:08 02.C. C Rider; 3:25 03.I Got A Woman/Amen; 7:02 04. Love Me; 3:45 05. Fairytale; 4:41 06. And I Love You So; 4:09 07.All Shook Up; 1:00 08. Teddy Bear/Don't Be Cruel; 2:15 09. Hound Dog; 2:07 10. Happy Birthday; 0:37 11.Polk Salad Annie; 4:44 12. Introductions; 1:08 13.Johnny B. Good; 0:56 14.Drums Solo; 1:27 15.Bass Solo; 1:14 16. Piano Solo; 1:41 17. Hail, Hail Rock 'n' Roll; 1:02 18. Just Pretend; 3:57 19.How Great Thou Art; 3:02 20. Burning Love; 2:44 21.Softly As I Leave You; 2:44 22. America the Beautiful; 2:26 23. It's Now or Never; 3:07 24.Can't Help Falling in Love; 1:57 Time 62:30
December 02, 1975 Opening Show: 25. Big Boss Man; 2:52 26.It's Midnight; 3:23 27. Early Morning Rain; 2:52 28.You've Lost the Loving Feeling; 4:17 29: My Boy; 3:56 Time 17:52 (News, Source: Elvis News)
Elvis' Top 10 Films: On Tuesday 10 June we ran the Top 10 Elvis Films as ranked by Film World. We asked for your views on the list and your favorite Elvis films.
Click here to read your feedback |
World's Greatest Elvis Concert: THE sounds and soul of the king of rock 'n' roll will be celebrated as the finalists of the BBC's search to find The World's Greatest Elvis perform together in a unique concert.
The Bath Pavilion, in North Parade Road, Bath, is set to be all shook up when it hosts the show on June 28, and the Weston & Somerset Mercury has eight pairs of tickets (each pair worth £18.50) up for grabs.
Last year Vernon Kaye presented the BBC's hunt to find The World's Greatest Elvis.
Millions of viewers tuned in as the world's elite Elvis tribute artists competed head-to-head in a bid to be crowned the greatest impersonator.
In this unique concert the grand finalists from the show will pay tribute to the magical concert years of the King's career. Beginning with the pure hip-swivelling 1950s early Elvis, then into the thrilling 1968 comeback special and finally finishing with the awesome Vegas years.
Tickets, priced £16.50 plus booking fee, are available from the box office on 01225 330304. (News, Source: The Weston Mercury, UK)
Elvis Memories of The 68 Comeback Show A Radio Promo With Steve Binder & DJ Fontana: Packaging Elvis Presley for the "small screen" after ten years of Hollywood treatment was no easy task, The Colonel wanted "more of the same", the sponsor wanted "holly leaves and Christmas trees", and all Elvis wanted was the freedom to take care of business. A young director Steve Binder had enjoyed considerable success with a Pet Clark special, and a TV series featuring soul legends Chuck Berry, Marvin Gaye, and James Brown. Elvis loved the show and warmed towards Binder's approach. His partner was former Radio Recorders engineer Bones Howe, so the chemistry was perfect.
NBC Network Chief Bob Finkle gave the two young Turks a free hand, which resulted in the Colonel being stone-walled, and a sexy burlesque presentation, packed with sincerity, lust, and compassion. The 1968 Elvis Presley Christmas Special, when broadcast on 3rd December gave the network its biggest ratings victory for the year, and captured a record breaking 42% of the American viewing public. Elvis was back! Hear Steve Binder recapture this iconic time recorded exclusively in Rotterdam, Holland on November 26, 2006. Running time: 70 minutes. CD 2008 IET A Talking Album Only
(News, Source: It's Elvis Time) .......................Contact IET: itselvistime@planet.nl |
Win tix to New Jersey Ultimate ETA Show: "Ed Sullivan Show'' Elvis, silver screen Elvis, Vegas Elvis. Only an icon nicknamed "The King'' could pull off all those personas. Call us kitschy, but we're partial to the cape-wearing, sweaty brow on bended knee Elvis.
Which Elvis period still has you All Shook Up? Log onto the "Long Live The King'' forum on http://mycentraljersey.com/elvis">www.MyCentralJersey.com/elvis and let us know. Ten writers with the most creative forum entries will win free tickets to the New Jersey Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest and Festival from July 3-5 at the Union County Arts Center in Rahway. The contest ends June 29 and will be judged by Entertainment editor Lisa Intrabartola.
To call these guys impersonators doesn't do them justice. Some are down right
doppelgangers. Any doubters should look at the hunk of burning love to the right. That ain't Elvis, it's impersonator Shawn Klush, who's on the festival's bill.
Viva Las Vegas!
New DVD release: Due for release from TMG on August 26, 2008 is the DVD simply entitled "A Documentary". The DVD is region 1. (News, Source: Elvis Club Berlin/Elvis News) |
New iTunes Elvis album: Released through iTunes on May 12, 2008 is the compilation "Only The Best" on the N2K label. It features twelve tracks from the fifties like "Heartbreak Hotel", "Hound Dog", Party" and "Too Much". (News, iTunes/Elvis News) |
Elvis 2008 Tupelo Festival a big success: The official numbers won't be ready until Tuesday, but the Elvis Presley Festival organizers say the initial numbers "look good."
"I thought we had a great year last year. It just didn't look good on the books," Debbie Brangenberg, executive director of the Downtown Tupelo Main Street Association, which organizes and puts on the community event. "I thought this year was grand. Maybe it will look good on the books. It was a weekend we can be proud of."
She added that the net income or loss will change over the next 30 days as bills come in for items like electricity, water and sales tax.
Last year, the Elvis Presley Festival lost about $50,000, and the Downtown Tupelo Main Street Association pledged to make this year's festival income neutral or income producing.
One of the major differences was the event was scaled back from two outdoor stages to one. In addition, this year the festival had more children's activities and eight hours of free music on Main Street to help draw local attendees.
Amy Nash, the 2008 Elvis Presley Festival chairwoman, said she has gotten positive feedback from retailers and restaurateurs. As of Wednesday volunteers had counted about 7,500 ticket stubs. She cited excellent local attendance Friday night and a large Elvis crowd Saturday night. Nash added that Jo Dee Messina turned out a sizable crowd Saturday night. And, the crowd was rewarded for braving the heat. "She played longer than her contract because of the crowd's feedback," Nash said. Click here for EIN's exclusive interview with Roy Turner all about Elvis and Tupelo. (News, Source;EIN/TupeloDailyJournal)
'Inside Love Me Tender' out in July 2008: Elvis Unlimited announced that their latest book project, "Inside Love Me Tender" is due for release July 1st. 2008. Promoted as "A beautiful book documenting Elvis' first motion picture, plus a DVD with rare footage, a vinyl radio promo, stills and much more" The pre-face is written by Ger Rijff. See EIN's review of their excellent 'Inside GI Blues' package.
(News, Source;EUnlimited) |
Songwriter Sid Tepper, now 90 years old, reminisces about Elvis: Sid Tepper wrote 45 songs for Elvis, and hundreds more for other artists. Unless you’re talking about Irving Berlin or Rodgers and Hammerstein, songwriters generally don’t have household names.
Take Sid Tepper, who wrote more than 300 songs recorded by some of the greatest artists of all time, including 45 hits for Elvis Presley. Only the most obsessive fans have ever heard of the guy. Now, he’s getting some of his due.
The Florida town of Surfside recognised Tepper, a resident there from 1970 until 2004, for his extraordinary songwriting career on Tuesday evening and proclaimed June 25 — his 90th birthday — Sid Tepper Day. Town officials also plan to create Surfside’s version of the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and award Tepper a star. Miami Beach Commissioner Ed Tobin also showed up at the meeting Tuesday to make a declaration of his own: The Miami Beach City Commission designated June 11 as Sid Tepper Day.
Sitting in the office of his Williams Island condominium last week, surrounded by CDs, awards and music memorabilia from his distinguished career, Tepper’s mind was sharp and his style carefully put together, with manicured fingernails and a neatly worn sweater, shirt and pants. Except for the trouble he has walking because of terrible arthritis, one would never guess his age.
Born in New York in 1918, Tepper described his songwriting genius as something that came naturally. "It’s nothing that can be taught," he said. "You’re born with it."
Tepper’s success began during World War II. While in the Army, he often fooled |
around singing and writing songs. Eventually, others recognized his talent and he made it into the Special Services Entertainment Division. "I wrote a show and we toured it around to all the army camps," Tepper said.
Sydney Mills of Mills Music was at one of those shows and liked what he heard. "‘After this mess [war] is over, come see me and we’ll see what we can do,’" Mills told him.
Tepper took him up on the offer, and in 1946, he and writing partner Roy C. Bennett became staff song writers for Mills at $100 per week. It was a great deal of money at the time, Tepper said, and life was great.
Their first big hit came in 1948 with "Red Roses for a Blue Lady." The song was performed by many different artists, and three versions reached the Billboard charts. Originally recorded by Vaughn Monroe, it lasted 19 weeks and reached No. 4 on the charts. Guy Lombardo also recorded it.
"After three years we decided to go freelance so we could spread the joy around," Tepper said.
The competition was fierce, but the duo’s earlier successes eventually caught the attention of Elvis Presley’s people. After that, the two were in for the ride of their lives.
"You knew when you wrote a song for an Elvis Presley movie it was guaranteed to sell a million copies," Tepper said.
In January 2002, record company BMG International released a compilation of 52 songs that Tepper wrote and Elvis sang. The double CD, Elvis Sings Sid Tepper & Roy Bennett, quickly became a collector’s item with only 250,000 printed.
"I was lucky to get a copy," Tepper said.
That same month, Lisa Marie Presley and the staff of Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc., recognized him for his contributions to Elvis’ career at a ceremony in Memphis.
Tears welled in the corners of his eyes last week as Tepper sang along with his CD player.
"I used to be a wannabe singer, so sometimes I’d do the demos we sent to Elvis," Tepper said.
He sounded like a professional, snapping his fingers and singing along in perfect tempo and harmony to such classics as "Lonesome Cowboy," "New Orleans," "G.I. Blues," "Hawaiian Sunset," "Song of the Shrimp" and "Just for Old Time Sake," a ballad he said Elvis loved even though it never became a big hit.
Tepper smiled, reminiscing about Elvis’ unbelievable singing ability that ran the gamut from blues to ballads. Something many people don’t know, Tepper said, is that Elvis couldn’t read music or play an instrument. But he didn’t need to.
"We’d send him the demo and he’d listen to it twice and be ready to go like he’d sung it his whole life," Tepper said. "My favorite singer was Frank Sinatra, but he wasn’t nearly as multifaceted as Elvis."
Sinatra was difficult to work with — a professional stickler, Tepper recalled.
Though they didn’t do much work together, they did score a hit with "A Long Way From Your House to My House."
During most of his career, Tepper lived on Long Island and had an office in Manhattan, though he usually worked at home. Then, at age 47, Tepper experienced a few hardships that led to his retirement and his move to Surfside.
First, he suffered a heart attack, which he attributes to stress. "People think the songwriting business is easy, but you’ve got to deal with deadlines," Tepper said.
Then, just as Elvis decided to quit making movies, Tepper began to see changes in the music industry he didn’t like. He didn’t believe the songs were as meaningful as they had been. And don’t get him started on some of the music being churned out today — none of which he believes will have any lasting meaning 50 years from now.
These days, Tepper stays busy keeping after his publishers and copyrights and collecting royalty checks. And when you look at the list of stars who have sung his songs, the job is mind-boggling. There’s everyone from Carl Perkins, to Cliff Richard to Dean Martin. And though Tepper’s name might not ring familiar with everyone, among fanatics of the singers for whom he wrote, Tepper is a god. He still receives and answers fan mail from all over the world almost daily.
Despite the loss of his wife and painful arthritis that keeps him in a wheelchair when he leaves home, Tepper still receives great joy from life. "They deal you the hand," Tepper said, "and you’ve got to play it." (News, Source:MiamiSunPost.com) |
Tupelo Elvis UTA winner: Congratulations to Victor Trevino, Jr. who was the winner of the Tupelo Elvis Festival round of the Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest. Victor’s love for Elvis started as a child, when his father’s record collection, which included all generations of music, influenced him. He started his tribute when he realized his dream of singing rockabilly music and love of acting could combine in such a meaningful way. Victor’s goal as an ETA is to maintain quality performances with a respectful and genuine image to the king of rock 'n' roll.
Upcoming Rounds of Ultimate ETA Contest. Destination Daytona Ormond Beach, FL June 21; Viva Elvis and the Legends of Rock and Roll June 19-22; Virginia Beach, VA. Hollywood Casino Baton Rouge, Louisiana June 20-21. For more information on these and other Contest preliminaries, click here. (News, Source;EPE) |
Tupelo Elvis Presley Festival closes with Gospel concert: Although Elvis may be remembered as the "King of Rock 'n' Roll," Tupelo native Elvis Presley was passionate about southern gospel music, and organizers make sure that love is a part of the yearly festival. A large crowd filled the First United Methodist Church Sanctuary on Sunday afternoon to enjoy the sounds of The Foyer Boyz, The Landmarks and the Stamps Quartet. After a set by Tupelo's Foyer Boyz and The Landmarks of New Albany, the Stamps Quartet entertained the crowd. Originally formed in 1924, Ed Enoch is the only member of the group left with ties to Presley.
"We didn't come here to make Elvis a martyr, we are here because Elvis loved the Lord," Enoch said. "I miss Elvis. It seems like many of my friends are gone nowadays, but I'm going to keep on singing until the Lord calls me home."
The group sang many of Presley's personal favorites, Enoch said, as well as gospel songs like "He Touched Me," which Presley recorded. "We were at Graceland one night and it was very cold and we went and started singing and we must have sang 'He Touched Me' about 20 times," Enoch said. "We started singing with Elvis in 1971, and we are honored to have been a part of this celebration in Tupelo. It was a great thing for us to have done," Enoch said.
According to festival Director Debbie Brangenberg, Sunday's concert was a special event for Presely’s fans. |

"This was a great event and a wonderful way to close out the weekend," Brangenberg said. "The close friendship between Elvis and Ed Enoch, who was one of Elvis' favorite singers, played a major roll in the concert. Ed shared stories and anecdotes about Elvis and it was a truly special occasion for Elvis fans." The Gospel would continue to be part of the festival in 2009. Click here for EIN's exclusive interview with Roy Turner all about Elvis and Tupelo. (News, Source;EIN/TupeloDailyJournal) |
'Elvis Lives' DVD wins Award: Gaither Television Productions have been awarded a 'Communicator Awards of Excellence' for 'Elvis Lives: The 25th Anniversary Special'. Their DVD 'The Gospel Music of Johnny Cash' was also given a similar award. The award was given by the International Academy of the Visual Arts from over 8,000 entries.
"Any award voted by a jury of media professionals is highly prized," said Barry Jennings, president of Gaither Television Productions. "The estates of both Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash entrusted GTP with the legacy of these two renowned artists, so there is a great sense of validation that we touched people in telling their stories. This is a great honor indeed for the company, the estates and our elite production team."
The Communicator Awards is sanctioned and judged by the International Academy of the Visual Arts, an invitation-only body consisting of top-tier professionals from a "Who’s Who" of acclaimed media firms. Go here for EIN's review of ELVIS LIVES DVD.
(News, Source;GTP) |
Sony/BMG To Become Sony?: German media group Bertelsmann may sell its half of Sony BMG, a German newspaper reported on Tuesday, June 10. Bertelsmann has opened talks with Japanese partner Sony about selling its half of their jointly owned music company Sony BMG, according to a Frankfurter (FAZ) newspaper report.
Bertelsmann and Sony have jointly owned music company Sony BMG since 2004. Sony has an option to buy should Bertelsmann decided to sell its stake, the FAZ newspaper said, without identifying its source.
Sony BMG owns top record labels such as Columbia and Epic and has a list of blockbuster artists such as Alicia Keys, Leona Lewis, Avril Lavigne and of course Elvis Presley. However CD sales continue to drop
Bertelsmann boss Hartmut Ostrowski wants to get out of the music business as Internet downloads have caused sales to fall. The partners have not agreed on a price, but the deal could be finalized within a few months, according to the FAZ report. Even if Bertelsmann eventually gives up its share in Sony BMG, it will still have record and book clubs. Bertelsmann also has a stake in television together with the RTL group and in publishing. Long gone are the glorious days of RCA Victor.. how this sell-out would effect SONY/BMG's Elvis releases or their investment in FTD is not known. (News, Source;Brian Quinn) |
ELVIS BACK WITH A BANG! New Import CD:Those two great labels Audionics & Fort Baxter announce another in their series, this time, Classic concerts Vol. 4. This is the cover art of their forthcoming release ELVIS BACK WITH A BANG! The CD features the Las Vegas, March 22, 1975 Midnight show as taken directly from 1st generation DAT copy of original mono soundboard tape.
This classic concert includes ultimate performances of "Fairytale", "Green Green Grass Of Home", "And I Love You So", "Promised Land" and rare "You're The Reason I'm Living".
As you've come to expect from Audionics team, the sound was restored in a renowned studio to achieve the best possible results. And as usually, this new CD will come in a deluxe package with a 16-page booklet, containing a collection of live photographs from March and April, 1975 and informative liner notes. This CD is set for release in late June. Don't miss your opportunity to get an ultimate release of legendary March 22, 1975 Midnight show!
01. Also Sprach Zarathustra - 02. C. C. Rider - 03. I Got A Woman / Amen (medley) - 04. Love Me - 05. If You Love Me (Let Me Know) - 06. And I Love You So - 07. Big Boss Man - 08. It's Midnight - 09. Promised Land - 10. Green Green Grass Of Home - 11. Fairytale - 12. Band Introductions - 13. What'd I Say - 14. Drum Solo (by Ronnie Tutt) - 15. Bass Solo (by Duke Bardwell) - 16. Piano Solo (by Glen D. Hardin) - 17. Electric Piano Solo (by David Briggs) - 18. Orchestra Solo - 19. My Boy - 20. I'll Remember You - 21. Let Me Be There (with reprise) - 22. (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear / Don't Be Cruel (medley) - 23. Hound Dog (with reprise) - 24. I'll Be There (excerpt) / You're The Reason I'm Living (only live version) - 25. Can't Help Falling In Love - 26. Closing Vamp.
Tracks 01.-03. recorded in Las Vegas, March 20, 1975, Dinner show. Tracks 04. - 26. recorded live in Las Vegas, March 22, 1975, Midnight show. -
Running time: 62:43. (News, Source;Fort Baxter) |

Shawn Klush releases CD single 'The King is Callin Back Again': As the press release rather self-importantly announces, "The Ultimate Tribute to the King, humbly performed by the official World's Top Professional Tribute Artist Shawn Klush, the closest to the King". The song was written and composed by David Hutchinson, and recorded with the Ambassador Band featuring Dan Lentino. You will fall in love with this touching song the first time you hear it. Shawn takes us on a sentimental nostalgic musical journey with a selected collection of 42 of the King's hit titles. This collectors package contains the CD and the sensational lyrics, with a picture of Shawn on the cover. Click here for more details and to order the CD single "The King is Callin Back Again" (News, Source;CallingBackMusic) |
Elvis '68 At 40 ''Vinyl 45'' possibly Sold Out?: The forthcoming vinyl 45 release Elvis '68 At 40 is sold out through JAT Productions based on pre-orders only. Featuring four "never released" commercials it may be possible to obtain a copy from your favorite dealer or any other carrying this product. EIN is not certain as to exactly how many of these vinyl $45s were even pressed. At US$19.95 it seems a high price to pay for four commercials. It will be released on July 4, 2008 and followed a month later or so by Steve Binder book Elvis - '68 At 40 Retrospective. (News; Source;JAT) |
'Elvis 57 The Lost Stereo Tapes' new CD: The label "Miracle Surface" will release a CD with 3 track stereo versions of early Elvis material basically working with the fifties Public Domain area. The Press release states that it is from the same source as the stereo version of "Treat Me Nice" (Great Performances, 1990). Tracklist: Treat me nice/ Loving you/ Blueberry Hill/ I Beg of You/ Have I Told You Lately That I Love You/ Is It So Strange/ Love Me Tender/ Poor Boy/ Peace in the Valley/ Jailhouse Rock / Young and Beautiful/ I Want to Be Free/ Treat Me Nice #2/ Loving You #2/ We’re Gonna Move. Bonus: Treat Me Nice (guitar version)/ My Baby Left Me/ Anyway You Want Me (no added echo) (News, Source;ElvisNews) |
Complete '68 Comeback Special Deluxe Package press release: Here is the complete Deluxe Package and press-release for the "'68 Comeback Special" reissue which is due from BMG August 4, 2008.
“The colonel wanted Elvis to wear a powder blue suit and sing carols to children…it turned out a whole lot different!” Steve Binder – Producer of The ’68 Comeback Special.

London - England. August 2008 will be a red letter month for fans of Elvis Presley. Amazingly it will be 40 years since the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll took to the stage in what became a milestone in televised musical performances and a career highlight, the infamous ’68 Comeback Special. To honour this very special occasion, Sony BMG Music Entertainment will release the ‘Complete ’68 Comeback Special’ 4 CD box set, featuring the whole story from the rehearsals to the finished show, out-takes and rarely-heard gems, packaged in both deluxe and standard versions.
During a career of invention and re-invention the ’68 Comeback Special is THE pivotal performance of Elvis’ career. He was back from the movie career that had kept him away from the live arena throughout most of the 60’s and what’s more he looked and sounded amazing.
This 4 disc box set will feature over 103 songs including “That’s All Right”, “Heartbreak Hotel”, “One Night”, “Love Me” and “Are You Lonesome Tonight?”, all recorded at NBC’s Burbank Studios for a TV special which captured the ‘Guitar Man’ at his captivating best. Full track listings for all 4 Discs to follow.
- 4 CD Album Deluxe Edition and Standard Edition Available
- 40th Anniversary Celebrations
- Released August 4, 2008
Also released by Sony BMG Music Entertainment on August 4 2008, Elvis’s ’68 Comeback Special Deluxe Edition DVD; containing a treasure trove of footage from what was a remarkably intimate show. 40 years on since its original broadcast, Elvis has made another comeback!
Product Information:
- Title: Complete ’68 Comeback Special
- Artist: Elvis Presley
- Release Date: August 4 2008
- Format: 4 CD Box Set - Deluxe & Standard Editions
- Extras: 36 page booklet
- Each disc is housed in mini LP style wallets
- Deluxe Edition Only: CD sized box with text foil stamped lift off lid
- Catalogue No’s Standard: 88697332752
- Deluxe: 886973062
Tupelo festival ends with Gospel concert: Although he may be remembered as the "King of Rock 'n' Roll," Tupelo native Elvis Presley was passionate about southern gospel music, and organizers make sure that love is a part of the yearly festival.
The Tupelo Elvis Presley Festival concluded Sunday with a gospel concert in memory of its native son and his love for sacred music. A large crowd filled the First United Methodist Church Sanctuary on Sunday afternoon to enjoy the sounds of The Foyer Boyz, The Landmarks and the Stamps Quartet. The event was sponsored by Renasant Bank of Tupelo.
After a set by Tupelo's Foyer Boyz and The Landmarks of New Albany, the Stamps Quartet entertained the crowd. Originally formed in 1924, the Stamps Quartet was the last gospel band to record with Presley before his death. The quartet, led by J.D. Sumner, recorded and toured with Presley from 1971 until 1977. Ed Enoch is the only member of the group left with ties to Presley.
"We didn't come here to make Elvis a martyr, we are here because Elvis loved the Lord," Enoch said. "I miss Elvis. It seems like many of my friends are gone nowadays, but I'm going to keep on singing until the Lord calls me home."
The group sang many of Presley's personal favorites, Enoch said, as well as gospel songs like "He Touched Me," which Presley recorded.
"We were at Graceland one night and it was very cold and we went and started singing and we must have sang 'He Touched Me' about 20 times," Enoch said. "We started singing with Elvis in 1971, and we are honored to have been a part of this celebration in Tupelo. It was a great thing for us to have done," Enoch said.
According to festival Director Debbie Brangenberg, Sunday's concert was a special event for Presely’s fans.
"This was a great event and a wonderful way to close out the weekend," Brangenberg said. "The close friendship between Elvis and Ed Enoch, who was one of Elvis' favorite singers, played a major roll in the concert. Ed shared stories and anecdotes about Elvis and it was a truly special occasion for Elvis fans."
Brangenberg stated the gospel concert would continue to be part of the festival in 2009. (News, Source: djournal.com)
Top 10 Elvis Films: Film World in the USA has released its list of Elvis' Top 10 films:
(narrative in date of USA release order)
- Jailhouse Rock
- King Creole
- Wild In The Country
- Blue Hawaii
- Flaming Star
- Follow That Dream
- Viva Las Vegas
- Fun In Acapulco
- Live A Little, Love A Little
- The Trouble With Girls
Do you agree with Film World? Tell EIN your favorites
CD releases stateside: Amazon has listed a number of CD releases in the US: Titles include:
- Rock 'N' Roll Part 2 (re-issue of Elvis' 2nd ever album)
- Inspirational Memories
- Hit Collection (Import from EU)
When did Elvis first close the Hank Snow Tour in May 1956?: Gary Corsair needs our help. Gary asks:
When was that the first time during that tour that Elvis closed the show instead of appearing as an opening act?
My question stems from an interview I just did with Jim Kirk, who owned WMOP, which sponsored the Ocala show.
He recalls Elvis closing the show at the colonel's insistence. He says the Colonel worked out "some arrangement" with the other performers to shorten their sets so Elvis would have more time on stage and close the show. Kirk says Ernest Tubb was upset about the arrangement, but, as you know, Tubb isn't listed on the show bill. I wonder if he's confused. I had heard Faron Young had a heated disagreement with Elvis backstage. I wonder if Kirk confused Tubb and Young.
EIN’s research suggests Elvis closed the Snow Tour shows was on May 16 1955 at the Mosque Theater in Richmond, Virginia. Info on the 50s shows can of course be problematic.
If anyone can shed light on this issue email EIN
Daywind releases Elvis gospel CDs for musicians: Last month the Daywind organisation released a number of budget priced Elvis gospel CDs in the USA for musicians as part of its "Made Popular By' series. Each CD focuses on a particular track. Each album comes with & without background vocals - Key: High - C Medium - Ab Low - E Titles in the Elvis series include:
- Crying In The Chapel
- Peace In The Valley
- Swing Down Sweet Chariot
- Farther Along
- Working On The Building
- Joshua Fit The Battle of Jericho
- He Touched Me
- Where No One Stands Alone
- In The Garden
- Put Your Hand In The Hand (News, Source: Amazon)
Punk Elvis tribute album: Punk group G.G. Elvis & the TCP Band releases its new album later this month on the Mental Records label.
The 13 tracks on the album feature explicit lyrics and some heavy punk rock sound.
The tracks include That's Alright Mama; Viva Las Vegas; Don't Cry Daddy; My Way; A Little Less Conversation; Little Sister and Buring Love.
View full track listing and listen to song samples |
Elvis wins Aussie greatest "late" rocker online poll!: Elvis has beaten John Lennon as the top rocker of all-time in anline poll by Australia's biggest selling newspaper, The Herald-Sun.
When EIN first ran news of the poll yesterday, Elvis was trailing Lennon, but a late surge of voting by fans got Elvis across the line. From the Herald-Sun:
AS John Lennon once said of rock 'n' roll: "Before Elvis there was nothing." And Herald Sun readers agree. Readers have rated Elvis Presley as the greatest of the world's deceased rockers.
Presley gained 27 per cent of the vote, beating the Beatle who idolised him by just three percentage points.
Such was Lennon's love of Elvis, he was also quoted as saying: "If there hadn't been an Elvis, there wouldn't have been a Beatles."
Jimi Hendrix finished third on 13 per cent, with the highest-placed Aussie rocker, AC/DC's wild-living Bon Scott, getting 7 per cent.
Music commentator Glenn A. Baker said it was appropriate that Presley and Lennon headed the poll.
"Elvis was innately the greatest rocker who ever lived because he created this absolute firestorm when he fused black rhythm and white country music," he said.
"And when rock 'n' roll seemed to be dying in the late 1950s, bands in England kept it alive. One of those at the forefront was John Lennon.
"The Beatles can be credited with keeping rock 'n' roll alive during that period when Elvis was in the army and things were going wrong for the original rockers."
Almost 2,700 votes were cast in the heraldsun.com.au poll. (News, Source: Glenn Mitchell, Herald Sun/Google)
EIN Comment: We actually don't believe the alleged quote from Glenn A. Baker about The Beatles keeping rock 'n' roll alive while Elvis was in the Army. Glenn A. Baker is a renowned expert on popular music and it is highly unlikely he would make such an erroneous claim. Beyond that, The Beatles stamp on both popular music and culture is inarguable.
Controversial Elvis related film to get limited release in the US: "hounddog", starring Dakota Fanning and Robin Wright Penn is finally getting a "limited" release in America on 18 July 2008.
Film Plot: In late 1950's rural Alabama, young Lewellen lives with her stern religious grandmother, Grammie, but spends most of her time with her much-adored, wild and rough Daddy in his falling down shack. Lewellen is deeply talented and finds comfort and safety, as well as a place to put her hurt and rage, in the music of Elvis Presley, even though Charles, the wise groundskeeper of the mansion down the road, tries to convince her that "there is more to fill out that emptiness with than just Elvis."
Lewellen and her closest friend, Buddy, are caught in a shed during a heavy rainstorm. During the storm Daddy is struck by lightning and the event leaves him incapacitated as an emotional and mental child. Grammie is convinced that Daddy was stricken down by God to punish Lewellen for her alleged sins with Buddy. Lewellen becomes Daddy's caretaker and their dysfunctional relationship becomes even more pronounced, Lewellen becoming the parent and Daddy the child.
Without any guidance, Lewellen begins to move into dangerous terrain. When Elvis Presley comes to town for a concert, Lewellen is desperate to go but has no money for a ticket. So, Buddy tricks Lewellen into dancing and singing like Elvis for Wooden's Boy in exchange for tickets he has to the concert. During the impersonation, Wooden's Boy attacks Lewellen and leaves her innocence behind. Lewellen's descent into the cycle of abuse and her own pursuit of self-destruction begins. It is only Charles who can see the spirit in Lewellen and save her soul. He teaches her to use music, "the Blues," to turn her tragedy into a gift. (Celluloid Elvis, Source: Amber Smith)
Chart Update: On this week's Australian ARIA Musivc DVD chart Elvis does very well with three titles re-entering: The "Aloha Special" DVD re-enters at #40;"Elvis: The King Of Rock And Roll" re-enters at #32 and "Elvis Lives - The 25th Anniversary Concert" re-enters at #9. (News, Source: ARIA)
"Purely....Elvis Presley" 2CD: Due for release August 4, 2008 in the EC is this double CD budget compilation. It features 47 Elvis recordings from the "public domain" mid 1950s. (News, Source: Play/Elvis News) |
"The World of Elvis Presley" 2CD: Another EC release, this time with 40 "public domain" recordings is the 2CD compilation "The World Of Elvis Presley". (News, Source: Play/Elvis News) |
"Elvis Greatest Hits" 2CD: Released earlier this year on the Starmark label is the 2CD digi-pack "Elvis - Greatest Hits" with 53 old and new tracks, which Elvis News found for sale on eBay. The tracks range from Blue Suede Shoes to the JXL and Oakenfold remixes. |
Vote for Elvis as the Greatest Rocker!!!!
Did Elvis have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome?: This posting was found on the TCB World forum:
this is an illness that can make you able to do things that look double jointed as well as other things, yet once the illness comes out of its dormant like stage, there is pain accompanying it. i have been on major medication for almost 10 yrs do to this illness. it is only hereditary so its not that well known, however watching both Lisa and Elvis i really think they may have it. there are tests the Dr can give you and it would answer for sure that he really did have the pain and he really was needing help. the average age people with this illness die is 48.
if Lisa is proven to be afflicted by E. D. S. there are things that with Drs. help they can do to slow the process of pain down and fight off death longer. but it would also show all those skeptics that Elvis wasn't a fake who just wanted the quick fix. some symptoms are: massive sweating, joint pain, rashes, dislocations, trouble sleeping, constipation, and weight gains. now tell me where have we seen some of those....whats that you say in Elvis.... why yes that is true, but oh it couldn't be ... he was just a junkie that wanted to live the high life. I CANT STAND TO HEAR PEOPLE TALK ABOUT HIM THAT WAY.
Even if he didn't have this illness I don't see him as a liar that would make up stuff and say he was in pain just to say it. He loved his family and he wouldn't have made up stuff that would make it so that he wouldn't be able to be with his babygirl through her life. I really would like to see Lisa be able to be with her kids as long as possible. If she has this and it cuts her life short, just because she didn't know that all she had to do was get tested and then work with the Drs. on a health plan it would be an injustice so Lisa please for us and your family get tested so we can keep you around for a while. (News, Source: TCB World/Amber Smith)
Elvis Southbound Live, 31 Aug 1976: An impressive new DVD series, The Southbound Films, will shortly be launched. If the quality of the first release is a guide this will be an important set for collector's.
The first DVD features video carefully syched to the soundboard recording (Southbound) in Macon, Georgia on 31 Aug 1976. (News, Source: Amber Smith) (Image opposite is of the soundboard release on CD)
View the YouTube promo clip |
"y el Rock and Roll" CD: The Dutch Elvis Corner shop celebrates it's third anniversary with the release of the "Y El Rock And Roll" for all visitors who buy over ten Euro on July 14, 2008. On the shop's website you can find the coupon you need to receive the CD. (News, Source: Elvis Corner/Elvis News) |
Happy birthday Graceland!: It was on this day in 1982 that Graceland was first opened to the public. Its opening marked the beginning of the resurgence of Elvis Inc.
Elvis Presley "Autograph Collection" 2CD released in Australia: Imported to Australia from the EC comes this well designed 2CD set from Go Entertain Ltd (AUT2CD5052). Featuring 50 tracks, it has a slipcase housing its fold-out digipack format including 2 pages of liner notes. It features attractive discs and a great mid 1950s Elvis compilation. The audio quality is very good and the running time is over 2 hours. The set represents good value for A$9.95. Available from Big W outlets. (News, Source: EIN)
Chart Update: The "Re: Version" of "Baby Let's Play House" fell off the Swedish Singles Top 60 chart after a nine weeks run. The "ELV1S 30 #1 Hits" dropped off the Swedish Mid-price album Top 10. In Spain the "Baby Let's Play House" remix slipped one spot to #5 this week. (News, Source: Elvis News)
Hits of the 70's on CD: SOUNDS COOL proudly presents: FINALLY ON CD: THE CLASSIC ALBUM: ´ELVIS HITS OF THE 70's:
Original pressed CD - NOT A CD-R!! 4 page full color booklet incl. great 70s pics and info on Chart positions of all tracks, and important 1970's dates in Elvis´ life. 18 tracks including masters and outtakes.
Red sticker on back of jewelcase: For Promotional Use Only - Limited Edition of 500 copies! Tracklisting:
The Wonder Of You (alt live version. 18 February 1970 DINNER SHOW); I'm Leavin'; Burning Love; Always On My Mind (alt take 2); I Just Cant Help Believin (alt live version August 10, 1970); You Don;t Have To Say You Love Me;
There Goes My Everything (take 1); Rags To Riches take 3; Until Its Time For You To Go; Kentucky Rain (take 9); Ive Lost You (studio master); American Trilogy (Aloha version); Promised Land; My Boy (undubbed); Way Down; Hurt; Moody Blue; My Way ( April 25, 1977) (News, Source: EP Gold) |
Polish Sessionography Vol. 2 released: The second volume of the Polish Session magazine series entitled "An American Trilogy" has been released. This volume covers Elvis' sessions from 1960-1965 on 134 black and white pages with detailed descriptions of the sessions, songs, recollections of the musicians and a lot of interesting photo's. The series is limited and each magazine has its own individually written number. (News, Source: Raised On Rock EP FC Poland/Elvis News)
Buddy Harman hospitalised: Buddy Harman, who played drums on various studio sessions in the sixties with Elvis has been hospitalized. Buddy played on numerous movie soundtracks and hits like Such A Night, Are You Lonesome Tonight?, It’s Now Or Never, Surrender, Crying In The Chapel, Follow That Dream, Good Luck Charm, She’s Not You, (You’re The ) Devil In Disguise, Memphis, Tennessee, Kissin' Cousins, It Hurts Me, Roustabout, Puppet On A String, Frankie And Johnny, Spinout, I’ll Remember You, Double Trouble, Easy Come Easy Go, Clambake, Speedway, and Stay Away Joe to name just a few. (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited)
New Elvis tribute songs: EIN received this message from singer/songwriter, Dave Ciarella Murray:
I am a country singer song writer living in Durham UK, been a Elvis fan all my life, I have written two new songs about Elvis, Elvis meets the Beatles and Elvis Record Collection, you can drop in and have a listen to them at, www.myspace.com/countrydavemurray I thought the fan clubs would like to hear them too.
EIN recommends Dave's Elvis tribute songs to our readers. With a great country flavor, they are both catchy and engaging!
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Sweden couple told Elvis no name for a girl!: A Swedish couple has been told that Elvis is not an appropriate name for a girl, at least in Sweden. The couple said that they picked the name because they like the sound, The Local reports. The most important quality they wanted in a name for their daughter, now 5 months old, was that it be gender neutral.
"We talked about lots of names and then Elvis popped up," the mother told the newspaper Metro. "We thought it was a name that was both pretty and gender-neutral. We're not Elvis Presley fans at all."
The National Tax Board disagreed, telling the parents that Elvis "is a first name of a masculine type." Last year, a couple that picked the name Metallica for their daughter was allowed to keep it after a long fight with officials. (Odd Spot, Source: UPI)
Roy Turner, Elvis historian, talks about Elvis In Tupelo: Roy Turner is an Elvis Historian who is well-known in the Elvis world for his amazing research into this all-important period of Elvis' past. He was the major source of research behind Elaine Dundy's book 'Elvis and Gladys', has been involved in multiple Elvis projects and was the author of the recent MRS book 'Tupelo's Own; Elvis Presley'. Roy has intimate information about Elvis' early days and became good friends with Brother Frank Smith and Elvis' Aunt Lillian. In 2006 Roy Turner & Jim Palmer produced a documentary about Elvis' 1956 triumphant Tupelo return 'Homecoming: Tupelo Welcomes Elvis' which was premiered at the Tupelo Elvis Festival. The recently updated edit of Roy Turner's documentary is soon to be shown on nationwide TV. In this fascinating interview EIN's Piers Beagley recently talked with Roy Turner about Elvis' past and the relevance of Tupelo to his career.
(Interviews, Source;EIN) |
"America" FTD tracklisting: One of the July FTD release is the CD America featuring the complete show from April 22, 1976 recorded in Omaha, NB. This CD will also contain two tracks recorded during the last show of the tour in Spokane,WA.
Tracklist : 2001 Theme / See See Rider / I Got A Woman - Amen / Love Me / If You Love Me (Let Me Know) / You Gave Me A Mountain /Trying to get to You/ All Shook Up / Teddy Bear - Dont Be Cruel / Heartbreak Hotel / America The Beautiful / Polk Salad Annie / Introductions / What I'd Say (featuring James Burton) / Ronnie Tutt drums solo / Jerry Scheff bass solo / Tony Brown piano solo / David Briggs electric piano solo / Love Letters/ Marty Harrell orchestra / Hail! Hail! Rock N Roll / Hurt / Hound Dog / Help Me / How Great Thou Art / Little Darlin'/Its Now Or Never/Funny How Time Slips Away / Can't Help Falling In Love / Closing Vamp. Bonus songs from Spokane, WA 27.4.76 : Burning Love/My Way. (News, Source: FECC Forum/Man And His Music magazine)
Elvis song features in Rolling Stone list of greatest guitar songs of all-time: Rolling Stone magazine listed the 100 Greatest Guitar Songs Of All Time. Elvis Presley is listed once at #37 with "That's All Right (Mama)".
The comment on the song:
Lead guitarist Scotty Moore's hillbilly blues has become ground zero for the last 54 years' worth of rockabilly. On Elvis' first single, the guitarist's lusty solo matches Elvis' vocals and rhythm guitar perfectly — it's hard to believe this is the only second time they played together.
Intro for the Top 100: This is what makes a great rock & roll guitar sound: an irresistible riff; a solo or jam that takes you higher every time you hear it; the final power chord that pins you to the wall and makes you hit "play" again and again. |
Every song here has those thrills. But these are rock's greatest guitar moments because of what's inside the notes: hunger, fury, despair and joy, often all at once. You hear the blues, gospel and rockabilly that came before, transormed by the need to say something new and loud, right away. Rock & roll has been the sound of independence for half a century. The guitar is still its essential, liberating voice. The Top 40 guitar songs on the list were:
40 The Who - "I Can See for Miles"
39 Santana - "Black Magic Woman"
38 The Faces - "Stay With Me"
37 Elvis Presley - "That's All Right"
36 Pink Floyd - "Interstellar Overdrive"
35 The Stooges - "1969"
34 Aerosmith - "Walk This Way"
33 Metallica - "Master of Puppets"
32 Dire Straits - "Sultans of Swing"
31 Queen - "Keep Yourself Alive"
30 Bill Haley and His Comets - "(We're Gonna) Rock Around the Clock"
29 AC/DC - "Back in Black"
28 U2 - "Where the Streets Have No Name"
27 The Paul Butterfield Blues Band - "Look Over Yonders Wall"
26 B.B. King - "How Blue Can You Get"
25 The Rolling Stones - "Can't You Hear Me Knocking"
24 Rage Against the Machine- "Killing in the Name"
23 The Yardbirds - "Over Under Sideways Down"
22 The Beatles - "A Hard Day's Night"
21 The White Stripes - "Seven Nation Army"
20 The Impressions - "People Get Ready"
19 Prince and the Revolution - "Purple Rain"
18 Ramones - "Blitzkrieg Bop"
17 Black Sabbath - "Black Sabbath"
16 Neil Young with Crazy Horse - "Cowgirl in the Sand"
15 The Who - "My Generation"
14 Bruce Springsteen - "Born to Run"
13 Derek and the Dominos - "Layla"
12 The Jimi Hendrix Experience - "Voodoo Child (Slight Return)"
11 Led Zeppelin - "Whole Lotta Love"
10 Nirvana - "Smells Like Teen Spirit"
09 The Allman Brothers Band - "Statesboro Blues"
08 Led Zeppelin - "Stairway to Heaven"
07 The Beatles - "While My Guitar Gently Weeps"
06 Van Halen - "Eruption"
05 Rolling Stones - "Brown Sugar"
04 The Kinks - "You Really Got Me"
03 Cream - "Crossroads"
02 Jimi Hendrix - "Purple Haze"
01 Chuck Berry - "Johnny B. Goode (News, Source: Various)
Alanna Nash working on new Elvis book: In August 2007, journalist and biographer Alanna Nash interviewed a number of Elvis' female co-stars, family members, and friends for a Ladies Home Journal article titled 'The Women Who Loved Elvis'. Now she's turning the idea into a book for Harper Entertainment, to be published in time for Elvis' 75th birthday in January 2010. Nash reports the book will be the first comprehensive look at Elvis purely from the female prospective.
'For all his maleness, Elvis was a very woman-centered man, because of his closeness with his mother', she says. 'It was women he could really talk with, and from whom he drew much of his strength. The book will look at a number of his relationships, both platonic and romantic. And part of it will consider how his status as one of the greatest sex symbols of the 20th century formed his stage act and his interactions with the opposite sex'. Anyone with information or contacts that could help with this project are invited to contact Alanna at alannanash @ hotmail.com. (News, Source: Elvis Australia/Elvis News)
Chart Update: The remix of "Baby Lets Play House" entered the Spanish Top 20 singles chart at #4 this week.
In the UK the "Hitstory" album climbed from #55 to #45 in this weeks Official UK Album Chart.
Down Under the "Aloha Special" DVD fell off the Australian Music DVD Top 40 from last week's #34 position. (News, Source: Elvis News)
Bo Diddley, rock 'n' roll pioneer dies: Bo Diddley, who died Monday at age 79, was as essential to the creation of rock ‘n’ roll as Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley and Little Richard, though he seldom got the credit or the accolades showered on his better-known peers.
The singer-guitarist, who died of heart failure at his home in Archer, Fla., had been ill since last year, when he suffered a stroke and later a heart attack. Until then, he had spent most of his life on the road, playing rock ‘n’ roll, the music he loved and helped invent.
He was a hard-scrabble visionary from the streets of Chicago’s South Side who literally had to fight for everything he got. He created rock ‘n’ roll’s essential rhythm, pioneered an approach to electric guitar playing that was at least a decade ahead of its time, and developed a vocal style and stage persona that influenced everyone from Elvis to Public Enemy's Chuck D.
Diddley was born Ellas Otha Bates on Dec. 30, 1928, in McComb, Miss. He never knew his father and his mother was a teenager when she gave birth to him; the boy’s primary caretaker was his mother’s first cousin, Gussie McDaniel. He was renamed Ellas McDaniel and moved with McDaniel to Chicago when he was seven to escape the sharecropping life. |
As a child, he was mocked for his “country” ways and found himself scrapping with grade-school bullies several times a week. By the time he was a teenager, however, he had become an accomplished boxer, and a boy nobody wanted to mess with. “When I started fighting back, there wasn’t anyone around to whup me and they didn’t try, so the kids started calling me ‘Bo Diddley,’ ” Diddley wrote in the liner notes to the 1990 compilation, “Bo Diddley: The Chess Box.”
At the same time, the budding pugilist was taking violin lessons at Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church, and later built himself violins and guitars at Foster Vocational High School. These were the first of many custom-made guitars the aspiring musician would wield, and he developed a playing style as distinctive as the box-shaped instruments he made. His large hands made the finger-picking style of country-blues guitarists difficult to master, so he developed a more percussive approach that drew on Afro-Caribbean rhythms and the choppy wrist strokes he adapted from playing the violin.
“When I was about 15, I was trying to play like Muddy Waters, but it didn’t work,” he said in a 1985 interview. “I figured I was on my way to becoming a first-class fool trying to play like Muddy and them. So I invented my own style. I always felt it was better to do your own thing than try to copy someone else, but I had no idea my thing would change rock music.”
Diddley called his syncopated groove a “freight-train” sound, others described it as a “shave-and-a-haircut” rhythm. The beat had been around for centuries, most notably in West African drumming, but Diddley mastered it and augmented it for the rock ‘n’ roll era. He perfected his sound by playing on Maxwell Street and South Side streetcorners for pocket change with his band the Hipsters.
By the early ‘50s, he was gigging regularly at the famed blues tavern the 708 Club with a band that included maracas player Jerome Greene, bassist Roosevelt Jackson and drummer Clifton James. His custom-built guitars and amplifiers sounded like no one else’s, heavy on reverb and distortion. When he stepped into Chess Records studio in March 1955 to record for the first time, Diddley and his band were already seasoned entertainers of 11 years with a sound all their own. His songs were filled with tall stories, jokes, insults and good-natured bragging. Diddley portrayed himself as a larger-than-life character, and sang with a mixture of cartoonish joy and hoodoo-man menace.
“I’m a man,” he declared in one of his more famous songs, and spelled it out slowly, “M-A-N,” as if daring anyone to doubt that he was the toughest of them all. “Who do you love?” he growled rhetorically in another signature hit. When he declared his ardor for “Mona,” there could be no doubt of his intentions.
On stage, he wore horn-rimmed glasses, a Black Stetson and a huge smile. He was a master showman whose high-spirited boasts and self-referential songs echoed folk songs, nursery rhymes and childhood games such as the dozens even as they prefigured the rise of hip-hop. He played box-shaped guitars with his teeth and behind his back or swung them suggestively through his legs, while making the amplifiers howl in a way that wouldn’t be heard again until ‘60s innovators such as Buddy Guy and Jimi Hendrix came along.
But it was Diddley’s feel for rhythm that truly set him apart. His drummer focused on the tom-toms and bass, rarely the snare or the cymbals. Jerome Green’s hypnotic maracas were mixed way out front on the recordings so that they were made to sound unusually full and vibrant. They danced in and out with Diddley’s guitar lines, which were drenched in reverberation. Other percussion instruments also factored into the mixes, all orchestrated by Diddley into rhythms that anticipated the bottom-heavy thunder of heavy metal, the clipped syncopation of funk and the lighter skip of reggae.
The “Bo Diddley beat” was copied by countless artists and underscored many hits: Buddy Holly used it on “Not Fade Away,” Presley on “His Latest Flame” and Johnny Otis on “Willie and the Hand Jive.” Other artists who incorporated it were Duane Eddy (“Cannonball”), the Strangeloves (“I Want Candy”), the Who (“Magic Bus”), the Stooges (“1969”), David Bowie (“Panic in Detroit”), Bruce Springsteen (“She’s the One”), the Smiths (“How Soon is Now”), Guns N’ Roses (“Mr. Brownstone”) and U2 (“Desire”). His songs were also covered numerous times, by artists such as the Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton, the Yardbirds, the Pretty Things, the Doors, the New York Dolls, Springsteen, Aerosmith, Tom Petty and Bob Seger. The Clash invited him to tour with them at the height of the U.K. punk band’s fame.
But as Diddley found, it was difficult enough to get paid for writing a song, let alone to receive credit for popularizing a rhythm. He claimed that he never received royalties for any of his Chess recordings, and his rhythmic innovations became so ingrained in rock ‘n’ roll’s DNA that generations of fans grew up hearing them without knowing his role in their creation.
Though he had dozens of classic songs, Diddley never approached the level of fame enjoyed by Presley, Little Richard, Berry and Jerry Lee Lewis, among other ‘50s contemporaries. His sole appearance on the “The Ed Sullivan Show,” the prime-time television star-making vehicle, did not go well. Sullivan insisted before the 1955 appearance that Diddley play a Tennessee Ernie Ford hit, “Sixteen Tons.” Diddley agreed, but once the cameras rolled he played his signature song, “Bo Diddley.” Sullivan was enraged and the singer never appeared on his show again.
Diddley avoided the scandal and notorious lifestyle that bedeviled some of his peers, but his hits dried up in the ‘60s and his career faded in the ‘70s. He settled in Florida in the ‘80s, and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1987. In 1998, he received a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award.
He continued to record sporadically and toured frequently on weekends. During the week, he lived quietly in Florida, writing music, repairing vintage cars, and attending church. At home, he was the antithesis of the showboating rock star he played on stage. His neighbors described Diddley as a self-effacing man always ready to help others.
“When I first became famous, it really freaked me out,” he once said. “I mean, it didn’t seem real. I said, ‘Wow, I got a hit record! Little ol’ me!’ I didn’t know what to do with it, but then I turned around and faced it. I come from a very religious background, and I figured I was being given a chance and I wasn’t about to let it slip by. Maybe that’s why I’m still around and others aren’t.”
Diddley is survived by his children, Evelyn Kelly, Ellas A. McDaniel, Tammi D. McDaniel and Terri Lynn McDaniel, as well as 15 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren and 3 great-great-grandchildren. Services are planned for this weekend. (News, Source: Charmaine Voisine/AP)
Elvis and June Carter Cash - Johnny Cash jealous!: Scheduled for republication in the US by the Thomas Nelson group on 3 June, is the biography: "Anchored In Love: An Intimate Portrait of June Carter Cash". Written by John Carter Cash, the son of Johnny and June Carter Cash, the biography includes a very interesting story about the relationship between Elvis and June: |
Throughout my life, I would see Mom get a mischievous twinkle in her eye whenever she mentioned Elvis Presley. Her eyes would flash merrily, and she would say, "you know, son, your father was always jealous of Elvis." She even told me once that she sometimes wondered what would havew happened if she had fallen in love with Elvis.
Mom and Elvis occasionally toured together, along with other performers, sometimes including Mother Maybelline and one or more of June's sisters. The Carter's were friends of Elvis, and there are stories about Mother Maybelline sewing buttons on Elvis' shirts when they popped off during his wild onstage gyrations.
Though Mom always maintained that she never had an affair with Elvis, Carl [her first husband] believed differently and perhaps for good reason. After Carl moved out of their Madison home, Mom would sometimes let Elvis stay at the house to "rest" after a tour. (News, Source: EIN)
Beware fake Aloha belt: Recently, a so-called collector has approached fans and fan clubs around the world in an attempt to sell the so-called “original Aloha belt”. The letter of authenticity states that Elvis threw the belt in the audience, where it was caught by Jack Lord’s daughter. The asking price is 125.000 $US.
Apart from the fact that Jack Lord did not even have a daughter, we submitted the pictures to the team of Butch Polston, who acquired the original patterns for Elvis’s belts and jump suits. This is their reaction… so buyer beware!
Hi Peter, thanks for asking. This is a fake. Butch made it several years ago for Joe Battig who said he wanted to display it in a resturant. He lied to Butch, and made a fake letter to go with the belt and tried to sell it as the real thing. Butch and Kim saw it at a store in Las Vegas that sells memorabilia, and told them it was a fake.
Supposedly, the shop took it down. It showed up on eBay about a week ago. Butch took notes from his conversation with this guy. He asked about Jack Lord's family. You can tell by looking at the picture a few things that are certainly wrong. |
1. The hooking device on the back of the belt if Butch's own design. Elvis' did not have two loops that would be visable. It had one loop and it was sewn on the the end of the belt.
2. The red stones on the belt would be flat. The big rounded dome is what we use, because the flat "buff top" stones aren't available anymore.
3. The eagles on the belt aren't right. These are ones that Butch had made, and we hold the copyright on.
4. A leather belt wouldn't look that white after 35 years. The studs and chains would be tarnishing too.
The letter says "Elvis took off his belt and gave it to my daughter." Jack Lord never had a daughter, or this belt. So on the eBay auction, they were forced to take the belt off the website because someone told him Jack Lord didn't have a daughter in the question and answer section.
Also, Bill Belew only had Gene make 2 Aloha suits. There were 4 of this style belt made for Elvis. One was thrown at the Hawaii concert, one he wore with the suit until it fell apart, a third was given to Ed Parker, and the fourth was made to be worn with the Embroidered Eagle suit.
We've gotten a lot of questions about this belt recently. If you could, pass some of this information along. It makes Butch crazy when people try to pass his belts off as the originals. It's flattering, but it's not why we're in business. You know how honest Butch is! Thank you for asking about the belt. Take care, Virginia (News, Source: Elvis Matters)
Madison Square Garden "Elvis" pictures go on display: 20 photos that were recently found by Madison Square Garden photographer George Kalinsky are now on display for the first time in public as part of an exhibit called "Elvis Jumpsuits: All Access" in the lobby of the Sincerely Elvis Museum at Graceland Plaza. Kalinsky himself was on site at Graceland to cut the ribbon to the exhibit. Here are some photos from the event. (News, Source: FECC)

Hugh Jarrett dies: Entertainer Hugh Jarrett died Saturday at the age of 78. Jarrett was the bass singer for Elvis Presley’s back up quartet, the Jordanaires from 1954 to 1958. Hugh’s voice can be heard on over 50 of Elvis’ recordings including the ten-plus-million seller Don’t Be Cruel.
Jarrett settled permanently in Atlanta in 1970. During this time he was the emcee for Lanierland, hosted several local radio and television shows, starred in the crime drama Heat of the Night and the made for T.V. movie Murder in Coweta County alongside Johnny Cash and Andy Griffith. |
Hugh's death resulted from injuries sustained in an auto accident March 25th. He had been hospitalized since that time. (News, Source: Amber Smith/AP)
Visit the Official Jordanaires website