Welcome to the "Elvis Information Network", home to the best news, reviews, interviews & articles about the King of Rock & Roll, Elvis Aaron Presley...
The latest on www.elvisinfonet.com:
Elvis designed ring on eBay: A ring designed by Elvis and Marty Lacker is being sold on eBay. The ring became the possession of Patsy Lacker, Marty's former wife. From the eBay listing:
'One night in the 70's when he and Elvis were in Elvis' upstairs Graceland office, they began talking about marriages including the fact that Marty served as Elvis' co-Best Man at his wedding to Priscilla. The conversation got around to things they did for their wives and Marty told Elvis about his promise to Patsy regarding the wedding ring.
Much to Marty's surprise Elvis said,"That's great, let's design one for her and have it made." Marty thought Elvis was kidding at first but Elvis made it clear he was serious. So for about an hour Marty would sketch the suggestions Elvis made as well as including some ideas of his own. They came up with a beautiful wide, white gold thick ring with stones on the top left and the bottom right. It is an unusual wide ring for a wedding band but then Elvis liked unuusal things.' |
Death of Michael Jackson sees huge spike in visitors to EIN site: Perhaps, not surprisingly, the EIN site has experienced a huge spike in visitor numbers over the past few days.
The sad death of Michael Jackson and his connection to Elvis resulted in a 75% increase in the 12 hours following confirmation of Jackson’s passing and then a 150% increase in site traffic during the ensuing day or so. In fact, that increase represents the 4th highest day in EIN history!
In Australia, the Nine Network telecast Lisa Marie Presley’s candid interview with Barbara Walters from several years ago, while the Michael Jackson music video clip featuring Lisa Marie……You Are Not Alone, has been frequently used by the TV networks. |
Elvis Live in Las Vegas: The new CD from the Showroom Label is out in few days and it will contain an audience recording from February 7, 1974 M.S.
Track listing: |
01 | 00:00 | See See Rider | 3:17
02 | 03:17 | I Got A Woman / Amen | 3:30
03 | 06:47 | Love Me | 1:45
04 | 08:32 | Trying To Get To You | 2:02
05 | 10:34 | Sweet Caroline | 2:21
06 | 12:55 | Love Me Tender | 1:39
07 | 14:34 | Johnny B. Goode | 1:39
08 | 16:13 | Hound Dog | 1:37
09 | 17:50 | Fever | 2:49
10 | 20:39 | Polk Salad Annie | 3:48
11 | 24:27 | Killing Me Softly (sung by Voice) | 2:44
12 | 27:11 | Spanish Eyes | 3:13
13 | 30:24 | Suspicious Minds (incomplete) | 3:16
14 | 33:40 | Band Introductions | 2:03
15 | 35:43 | Blueberry Hill | 0:41
16 | 36:24 | I Can't Stop Loving You | 2:18
17 | 38:42 | Help Me | 2:37
18 | 41:19 | An American Trilogy | 4:01
19 | 45:20 | Let Me Be There (with reprise) | 3:39
20 | 48:59 | Can't Help Falling In Love | 1:51
total playing time = 50:50 min. (News, Source: Elvis News) |
Eliza Presley talks to EIN (Part 2): Due to major developments in the Eliza Presley DNA issue there will be a delay in publishing Part 2 of Eliza’s interview.
What we can say now is that Part 2 will include details of a number of new issues around Eliza’s claim, based on DNA evidence, that she is the daughter of Vernon Presley and half-sister to Elvis. Stay tuned!
Read Part 1 of Eliza's controversial interview with EIN |
Spotted in Breda: Spotted enjoying coffee at the '100 years Tom Parker, 1.000 Times Elvis' Festival in Breda were 3 of the Elvis world's biggest collectors of Elvis memorabilia. What many fans wouldn't have given to be a fly on the wall! (Source: The Phantom)
Are FTD prices too high?: More of your feedback regarding our news item last Sunday about the price of FTD releases.
Larry Smith: Let's call it what it is, price gouging. Lest we upset someone at FTD and God forbid they stop releasing these nice little earners.
Darren McCabe (Australia): I have stopped buying FTD releases....too expensive and too many to keep up with.
Frank (Holland): If fans keep buying them ther's no incentive for Ernst to drop the price. Basic supply and demand principle.
Tim Huff: The quality of FTDs used to be great. Now its variable. I only buy those releases that interest me.
David McDonald: The FTDs are far to expensive.
Gerald Summers: I gave up buying FTD albums long ago, they're a rip off! The Madison and Audiuoics labels give much better value for money with their booklets.
Earlier feedback:
Glenn Jackson: This has been an annoyance to me for some time. It would seem many fans are being taken for fools, the price of these releases is ludicrous - I have not purchased an FTD since the price increase - that was the final straw.
Barry McLean: In my opinion, yes the FTD'S are pricey.
tenpinqueen50: I'm an older fan and widowed. There is no way I can afford to buy the collectors CDs. They cost to much.
Terance Wright: hey definitely are too expensive for me. That's why I only have a few of them. I would love to have so many more, but at close to $30 each there is no way.
Sarah Wilkes: Are they really worth the money or is it another eg of RCA ripping off the fans?
John Leonard: I have every Elvis FTD CD. Yes they are expensive! I would assume the cost is very minimal producing them, not sure how royalties play a factor? if they charged less people may purchase more of them. My biggest complaint is! For durability I wish the cases would be plastic instead of cardboard. Anyway the music is historical to me. Even though most people might think they all have the same songs on them. A true fan can hear the subtle differences and the mood Elvis is in each and every one of them. as long as I can afford them I will purchase them. But for the record EPE and all affiliated with them will eventually overprice and overcharge everything till people can't or won't afford it. I been an Elvis Fan for 41yrs. with the economy the way it is, new Elvis fans aren't going to keep the business's thriving much forever. You know Elvis would not approve of these prices!
Peter K: I used to buy all the FTD albums but when they started releasing so many I couldn't keep up. Why can't they get back to one album in 3 months?
June: FTD has outlived its usefulness. Overpriced, inconsistent and no booklets!
James Turner: Definitely cost too much!!!!
Paul: I don't like the digipack format as it doesn't last. For the price Ernst should be giving us booklets and a lot of photos.
Aaron Jeffries: When FTD started it was a great idea. Rare soundboard and studio takes. When they got greedy and started releasing more every 3 months the quality suffered. I have about 15 in my colection but no longer do I look forward to most releases. It seems that with all things Elvis they go and spoil it with overkill and looking for the biggest profit.
New Triple Features release: Here is the cover art for the new USA 3CD set titled Triple Feature which includes Burning Love, Seperate Ways, and You'll Never Walk Alone. (News, Source: SPKCollectibles.com)
Contact 'SPKCollectibles.com' |
Friday 26 June / Saturday 27 June 2009 - Updated |
'The Dark Side Of Colonel Parker' - EIN Spotlight: June 26th 2009 is a special date that commemorates four unique events of the Elvis World.
1. The 100th Birthday of Colonel Parker.
2. The 32nd Anniversary of Elvis' final concert in Indianapolis.
3. The 30th Anniversary of the death of Elvis' father, Vernon Presley.
4. The 30th Anniversary of the revelation to Elvis’ estate that Colonel Parker was still fleecing his client.
Although comedian Nipsy Russell stated that "Every entertainer should go to bed at night and pray he finds a Colonel Tom Parker under his bed when he wakes up in the morning" - is that really the truth?
It is a fact that after Elvis' death an official investigation found that "both Colonel Parker (and RCA) acted in collusion against Presley's best interests. Colonel Parker was guilty of self-dealing and overreaching and had violated his duty to both Elvis and to the estate."
While there is no doubt that Elvis and The Colonel's story is extremely complex, in this in-depth Spotlight EIN takes a look at the darker side of Colonel Tom Parker - and includes plenty of insights from Elvis’ colleagues and friends.
. Go here for this fascinating investigation- and also Have Your Say.
(Spotlight, Source;EIN) |
Presley Tributes for Michael Jackson: Lisa Marie paid tribute to ex-husband Michael Jackson today saying, "I am so very sad and confused with every emotion possible. I am heartbroken for his children, who I know were everything to him and for his family. This is such a massive loss on so many levels, words fail me."
Lisa Marie married singer Michael Jackson on May 26, 1994 in the Dominican Republic. She was a major support to him while he went through the public accusations of child molestation.
At the time Lisa Marie said, "I believed he didn't do anything wrong, and that he was wrongly accused and, yes, I started falling for him. I wanted to save him. I felt that I could do it."
They stayed married from 1994 until January 1996 when Lisa Marie filed for divorce but still remained friends.
In a move that may have been designed to help support Jackson's heterosexuality, Lisa Marie appeared in close to nothing in Jackson's rather bizarre music video for his 1995 song "You Are Not Alone". The song made #1 in the US charts.
Click here to see the 'You Are Not Alone' video.
Priscilla Presley, the pop star's former mother-in-law, also expressed her sadness saying, "I'm in shock, as I know everyone must be. What a tragic loss. My heartfelt thoughts are with his family at this very difficult time."
(News, Source;EIN) |
Like Elvis, Michael Jackson was a troubled king; Michael Jackson didn't want to be just a superstar. Like the Beatles, he wanted to be the biggest, the undisputed king. He wanted to topple the reigning man with the crown, Elvis.
In the end, Jackson came to resemble Elvis in both the best and worst ways - supremely gifted and successful but also self-destructive and beset by demons. And like Elvis, he died way too young.
"It's just so weird. He even married Elvis' daughter," said author-music critic Greil Marcus, who wrote at length about Presley in his acclaimed cultural history, Mystery Train.
Elvis Presley died a over-weight middle-aged man after overdosing on prescription drugs at home in 1977 at age 42.
Michael Jackson died on Thursday at age 50 after being rushed from his Los Angeles home to UCLA Medical Centre.
Jackson was taking prescription drugs as he battled to get into shape for his gruelling concert comeback due to get underway in London next month, a lawyer for the family said on Thursday.
Jackson, like Elvis, fought long-running battles with prescription medication throughout his career, and was taking the drugs after suffering injuries during training for his comeback, lawyer and spokesman Brian Oxman said.
While endless fame seemed to inflate Elvis like helium, Jackson's fame seemed to scrub away the flesh from his bones.
Like Elvis, Jackson was once beautiful, outrageous, a revolutionary without politics, who broke down the walls between black and white. He had the hits, the style, the ego, the talent.
He was the "King of Pop," and he needed only to fill in the life: He married Elvis' daughter. He bought the rights to some of Elvis' songs.
Elvis owned Graceland, its name a symbol for a deliverance the singer prayed for until the end of his life.
Jackson had Neverland, a fantasy for a man-child for whom money provided the chance to live in a world of his own.
He did, and did not, want to be like Elvis.
In Moon Walk, a memoir published in 1988, Jackson insisted Elvis was not important to him growing up and that he was unhappy to learn a song he recorded with his brothers, Heartbreak Hotel, shared the name of Presley's first national hit.
"I swear that was a phrase that came out of my head, and I wasn't thinking of any other song when I wrote it," Michael Jackson wrote.
"The record company printed it on the cover as This Place Hotel, because of the Elvis Presley connection. As important as Elvis was to music, black as well as white, he just wasn't an influence on me. I guess he was too early for me. Maybe it was timing more than anything else.
By the time our song had come out, people thought that if I kept living in seclusion the way I was, I might die the way he did. The parallels aren't there as far as I'm concerned, and I was never much for scare tactics.
Still, the way Elvis destroyed himself interests me because I don't ever want to walk those grounds myself."
Sadly Michael Jackson like Elvis ended up walking that lonely street to his too early demise.
(News, Source;SanjaM/Hillel Italie) |
Pop legend Michael Jackson dead at 50: In a strange twist Michael Jackson who would have been Elvis' son-in-law when he married Lisa Marie has died on this fateful day June 26th. (June 25th in USA). He is reported to have died of a heart attack after he was rushed to hospital in Los Angeles. He suffered a cardiac arrest earlier this afternoon and paramedics were unable to revive him. Spokespersons for Jackson could not be reached for comment but earlier, The LA Times reported paramedics went to the singer's home and found him not breathing.
In 1994, Jackson married Elvis’ only child, Lisa Marie, but the marriage ended in divorce in 1996. Jackson married Debbie Rowe the same year and had two children, before splitting in 1999. The couple never lived together.
The newspaper said paramedics performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation at the scene before taking him to the UCLA Medical Centre.
Jackson had been due to start a series of comeback concerts in London on July 13 running until March 2010. (News, Source;ABC)
'Elvis Presley - A Collector's Guide' new book: Out now is the new 8x10 format book 'Elvis Presley, A Collector's Guide' by Gregory Branson-Trent. The description says..
>> More Than 30 years have passed since the death of Elvis Presley, yet the deceased singer, still widely acclaimed as The King of rock and roll, continues to sell records, inspire legions of worshiping fans, and preside over quickie weddings in Vegas. Elvis is the one who gave us everything from Blue Suede Shoes and Hound Dog to Heartbreak Hotel and Love Me Tender. Over the course of his career, Elvis appeared in thirty-one movies, each one a smashing financial, if not critical, success. Perhaps most importantly, however, if you want to be the King, you've got to live like the King. No celebrity before or since has done as much to redefine the notion of living large as Presley. This book will take you back to a complete overview of Elvis' career. Included are: A Complete Discography A Total Chart Listing Of All Releases A Complete Image Collection Of All Albums And Singles. A Biography Of Elvis' Career And Personal Life. The Elvis Timeline Elvis' Movies.<< Published by CreateSpace out May 13, 2009.
Click here for more info and to see inside the book.
(News, Source;SanjaM/Amazon) |
The June Elvis Festival in Holland begins: A 2009 highlight for Elvis fans has to be the '100 years Tom Parker, 1.000 Times Elvis' Festival. The most important and spectacular item of the entire event is the "1,000 Times Elvis" exhibition of 1,000 Elvis items. It is the greatest exposition that has ever been held outside of Graceland. Numerous precious and unique items from several private collections will be exceptionally displayed. A stage costume of Elvis, shirts he wore on stage, private clothing, his last guitar, film clothes, personal jewellery, stage outfits of his musicians, contracts, original signatures and so on. The list is practically endless. This exhibition will not only be a must for the Elvis fan, everybody that likes music will want to take a close look at this piece of history. As an extra, there will also be displayed 100 original and extremely rare film posters.
With a TCB Concert, Elvis Movies and so much more this will be a great weekend.
Click here to the Festival Guide and the '100 years Tom Parker 1,000 Times Elvis' website.
(News, Source;ElvisMatters)
New DVD 'Love Me Tender: The Love Songs' cover art: Here is the cover for the EMI Music DVD 'Love Me Tender - The Love Songs'. The DVD is the first-ever in-depth look at the love songs of Elvis. This documentary explores the remarkable music that sparked such phenomenal devotion in the hearts of fans worldwide. Hosted by Golden Globe-nominated actress Ashley Judd it features 20 fabulous performances plus interviews and other footage in its 120 minutes. To be released August 25th. Click here to pre-order at Amazon for $18.
Love Me Tender
I Can’t Stop Loving You
The Wonder of You
I Just Can’t Help Believing
Always On My Mind
What Now My Love
Can’t Help Falling In Love
There Goes My Everything
It’s Now Or Never
Are You Lonesome Tonight
As Long As I Have You
You Don’t Know Me
Loving You |
Unchained Melody
I’ll Remember You
For The Good Times
And I Love You So
You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me
Just Pretend
Love Me
Until It’s Time For You To Go
Mary In The Morning
I Want You, I Need You, I Love You
- (News, Source:EMIMusic/Amazon)
'Inside Jailhouse Rock - The Sequel' new book: Elvis Unlimited announce their next project 'Inside Jailhouse Rock - The Sequel'...
>>>> "Why the sequel, you ask? Well, Inside Jailhouse has already been done by the legendary Ger Rijff. The "Inside" series was also created by Ger Rijff. His "Inside" titles include Inside King Creole, Inside Loving You and Inside Jailhouse Rock. Therefore, an "Inside" book is incomplete without it's creator, Ger Rijff. So in cooperation with Ger Rijff, we have decided to do the sequel to Inside Jailhouse Rock.
Inside Jailhouse Rock - The Sequel will follow the typical format of our Inside series which will be a limited edition box set including a book, DVD, vinyl record, and much more. Inside Jailhouse Rock – The Sequel is an Elvis Unlimited Productions written by Megan Murphy, concept by Ger Rijff, designed by Kenneth Dokkeberg, published by Henrik Knudsen.
Highly notable Elvis collectors including Sherif Hanna, one of the world's top Elvis collectors and historians, Ger Rijff, creator of the "Inside" series, Todd Slaughter, president of The Official Elvis Presley Fan Club Of Great Britain, Chris Giles, publisher of Inside Loving You & owner of The Elvis Shop, The United Elvis Presley Society; Carlos Ares, President of the fan club in Argentina and Expert on Elvis vinyl, and countless more have contributed incredible material for this project. "
(News, Source;ElvisUnlimited) |
Two more videos added to the EPE Elvis Legacy project:
Ken Berryhill - Producer of the Blackwood Brothers Show. Ken shares the story of how The Blackwood Brothers turned Elvis down when he wanted to join their quartet.
Mimmye Goode - Shares her memories of seeing Elvis in November 1954 at Ellis Auditorium and meeting him afterwards.
Marty Lacker on the American Studio Sessions/RNR Hall of Fame: Marty responded to our news item on Sunday 21 June. He has a great idea:
"I read with interest the piece by Trevalian you are running today about the release of the American Sessions and I take note of his mentioning that the Rock Hall of Fame will be making their 25th Anniversary selections for the Hall. I would like to suggest that this is the perfect time for Chips Moman and the six American Studio rhythm section musicians be inducted into the Hall this coming year.
I would like to urge all your readers and all Elvis fans to write the RNR Hall Of Fame Selection Committee and nominate Chips and the musicians for induction. Not only should they be in there because of Elvis but also because of the 120 plus hits they have recorded at American using the same six musicians as well as Chips producing 95% of those hits.
Write the selection committee at:
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Foundation
1290 Avenue of the Americas
Second Floor
New York, NY 10104
The Foundation is the one who makes the selections not the actual Hall which is in Cleveland, Ohio."
Read Marty's Musings
Are FTD prices too high?: We received a strong response to our news item on Sunday about the price of FTD releases. Here are some of your responses:
Glenn Jackson: This has been an annoyance to me for some time. It would seem many fans are being taken for fools, the price of these releases is ludicrous - I have not purchased an FTD since the price increase - that was the final straw.
Barry McLean: In my opinion, yes the FTD'S are pricey.
tenpinqueen50: I'm an older fan and widowed. There is no way I can afford to buy the collectors CDs. They cost to much.
Terance Wright: hey definitely are too expensive for me. That's why I only have a few of them. I would love to have so many more, but at close to $30 each there is no way.
Sarah Wilkes: Are they really worth the money or is it another eg of RCA ripping off the fans? |
John Leonard: I have every Elvis FTD CD. Yes they are expensive! I would assume the cost is very minimal producing them, not sure how royalties play a factor? if they charged less people may purchase more of them. My biggest complaint is! For durability I wish the cases would be plastic instead of cardboard. Anyway the music is historical to me. Even though most people might think they all have the same songs on them. A true fan can hear the subtle differences and the mood Elvis is in each and every one of them. as long as I can afford them I will purchase them. But for the record EPE and all affiliated with them will eventually overprice and overcharge everything till people can't or won't afford it. I been an Elvis Fan for 41yrs. with the economy the way it is, new Elvis fans aren't going to keep the business's thriving much forever. You know Elvis would not approve of these prices!
Peter K: I used to buy all the FTD albums but when they started releasing so many I couldn't keep up. Why can't they get back to one album in 3 months?
June: FTD has outlived its usefulness. Overpriced, inconsistent and no booklets!
James Turner: Definitely cost too much!!!!
Paul: I don't like the digipack format as it doesn't last. For the price Ernst should be giving us booklets and a lot of photos.
Aaron Jeffries: When FTD started it was a great idea. Rare soundboard and studio takes. When they got greedy and started releasing more every 3 months the quality suffered. I have about 15 in my colection but no longer do I look forward to most releases. It seems that with all things Elvis they go and spoil it with overkill and looking for the biggest profit.
Aussie Chart Update: After a very successful run on the ARIA Music DVD Chart, this week there are no Elvis entries listed in the Top 40. The lone entry last week, The ’68 Comeback Special (which last week rose 9 places to #29 after a high of #1 and 67 weeks on chart) slipped out of the chart this week. (News, Source: ARIA)
Rare 1 track 1984 RCA vinyl promo Blue Suede Shoes for sale: ELVIS PRESLEY Blue Suede Shoes (Rare 1984 US RCA promotional only 1-track 7" single pressed on translucent BLUE VINYL, playing the same 2:00 stereo version on both sides, custom printed gold Elvis 50th Anniversary' title labels, housed in the picture sleeve for the commercial issue JK-13929) AUD54.81 / £27.00 http://991.com/Buy/ProductInformation.aspx?StockNumber=460696&from=991_AG01D271-Mon
Elvis' Army name tags for sale: Elvis Presley's name tags from his army uniform are to be sold at auction. The current owner said he got them from a US army quartermaster after Presley did his national service in Germany.
The three tags, which simply say Presley, could sell for £500 at Mullock's auctioneers in Ludlow, Shropshire on Thursday. Mullock's said: "Anything related to Elvis is enormously popular. There are thousands of collectors and impersonators who would love these." (News, Source: Elvis News/ Mirror)
Rock music critic reviews "From Elvis In Memphis": Patrick Trevellyan, rock music critic for The Examiner offers his take on Elvis' iconic album, From Elvis In Memphis, ahead of its 40th anniversary commemmorative release:
Next year the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame will induct its 25th class of musicians. In honor of this event, Rolling Stone magazine has started a series that looks back at five pivotal albums by Hall of Fame artists, starting with Bruce Springsteen’s The Wild, the Innocent and the E Street Shuffle in Issue 1080. Likewise, I have decided to take a look back at a little Hall history myself, but in a slightly different manner. Beginning with the Class of 1986, I plan to revisit one of my favorite albums by an artist or group from every class. Starting things off is Elvis Presley’s 1969 classic From Elvis in Memphis.
By 1968, Elvis had been performing for some 15 years and had released more than 30 albums; he had changed the face of music and conquered the world. However, his career was in a bit of a lull. While radio was dominated by The Beatles and so-called Hippie music like Jefferson Airplane and the Doors, Elvis spent most of his time making cheesy movies and releasing soundtracks that failed to match the success and quality of his earlier work. But on Dec. 3, 1968, NBC aired Elvis and it became clear that Elvis was back.
Among other things, the special featured stripped down live performances of the star’s early material. Fans were treated to a leather-clad Elvis singing, playing guitar and shaking his hips like he hadn’t done since the ‘50s. With his popularity and confidence restored, Elvis took the energy from the TV special into the studio: the result was From Elvis in Memphis.
Elvis, deciding to take more control of his career, chose to record at the American Sound Studios in Memphis, Tenn. This was the first time he had recorded in Memphis since he left Sun Records in 1955. Since then, the city had become a center for Soul music, and that change can be heard throughout the entire album.
Another important change, besides location, was the addition of producer Chips Moman. As a songwriter, session guitarist and founder of the American Sound Studios, Moman was well-experienced in creating the Memphis soul sound, which involved putting strong, moving vocals (something Elvis had plenty of) in the middle of meticulous arrangements, often done by seasoned session musicians. For this album, Moman had assembled a group who were not only skilled soul players, but were also, like Elvis himself, familiar with country, blues and gospel. From Elvis in Memphis is the mixture of country and R&B that Elvis had pioneered filtered through the soul-pop machine of the Memphis studio.
Many of the songs came from the country music repertoire, such as “It Keeps Right On A-Hurtin,” “Gentle on My Mind” and “I’ll Hold You in My Heart.” But Elvis’ singing makes them fit right in with contemporary soul numbers like “Only the Strong Survive,” bluesy romps like “Power of My Love” and pop songs like “Any Day Now.”
Elvis also included his most explicitly political song to date, “In the Ghetto,” which tells the tale of a young boy’s struggles in the slums of America. Elvis’ gospel-tinged singing—which is undoubtedly strengthened by his own connections to the song, having grown up just above the poverty line himself—gives the song power without turning it into a protest song. It was the first single off the album and reached No. 3 on the Pop Singles chart, his first top ten hit in four years.
The Memphis sessions produced even more hit singles with the non-album tracks such as “Don’t Cry Daddy” and “Kentucky Rain.” But the single biggest song that came out of this period was “Suspicious Minds.” On this soul classic, Elvis’ intensity as he pleads to “not let a good thing die” drives the band towards ecstasy—from the simple opening guitar lick to the full on blast of horns, strings and backing vocals that starts to fade out and then comes back for more. It deservedly gave Elvis his first No. 1 single in seven years.
From Elvis in Memphis was released to wide critical acclaim and has since gone on to be known as one of, if not the best, album of Elvis’ career. In 2003, Rolling Stone named it No. 190 on their list of the 500 Greatest Albums of Rock and Roll. And although he soon sank into the excess and schmaltz that came to define his Vegas Period, this album is a testament to why Elvis Presley was and always will be the King of Rock and Roll.
Sony USA will be releasing a 2-disc Legacy Edition of this album Jul. 28. (Review, Source: examiner.com)
Is FTD offering value for money?: On the new messageboard, Too Much Monkey Business, Kris P. posted the following message:
'I know this will go down like a French kiss at a funeral, but FTD's are a f'n rip-off.
By way of comparison take a look at the Grateful Dead's collectors label......Some of their latest releases in a LONG line of CD's and DOWNLOADS: |
Quote: |
Road Trips Volume 2 Number 3
June 1974: Wall of Sound
---The ultra-clean soundboard master tapes were “crispy” reels (that’s good), and they sound even better now that mastering ace Jeffrey Norman has sprinkled his electronic fairy dust on them and brought them up to HDCD specs. The colorful booklet insert features a cool essay about the Wall of Sound by Grateful Dead historian Dennis McNally and lots of great photos of the band dwarfed by the majestic edifice!---
3 Discs - $19.98!
Quote: |
Rocking The Cradle: Egypt 1978
In the fall of 1978, the Grateful Dead embarked on an unprecedented journey to rock the Cradle of Civilization. Thirty years later, we commemorate this legendary trip with a 2-CD / 1-DVD set brimming with unreleased audio and video. Recorded September 15-16, 1978 at the Gizah Sound and Light Theater, the original 24-track recordings have been remastered in HDCD for superior sound quality. The DVD features more than 100 minutes of footage including 13 songs from the final Egypt show, as well as a featurette titled “The Vacation Tapes” containing never-before-seen candid footage from the trip. Special pyramid-inspired pop-up packaging includes rare photos and liner notes by longtime Dead associate Alan Trist.
2 CD's + DVD - $34.98! |
Quote: |
Winterland 1973: The Complete Recordings
Housed in in a deluxe archival box, Winterland 1973 contains a portfolio of 72 previously unreleased tracks, presented in HDCD and mastered from the original two-track soundboard tapes using a cutting-edge process that delivers unparalleled sound quality. We’re certain that these recordings are among the very finest two-tracks ever produced. The box also includes an in-depth 28 page booklet and two surprise pieces of memorabilia from the Winterland era.
9 CD's - $95.00 |
I think FTD/Sony are bending us over and asking us to supply our own lubricant.'
EIN Comment: As we have reported before, other artists also provide soundboard and other rare material to fans. A prime example is Jimmy Buffett, whose popular concert soundboard recordings (in fold-out digipack format), have a selling price between US$20.00 and $28.00.
Tell EIN what you think about the price of FTD releases
Elvis Hollywood Volume 1: The first “real” Star dvd will be out very soon, after the tremendous success of the Star dvd series, the producers take the “final” step, and will produce a factory pressed import DVD.
Elvis- Hollywood , Volume One will kick off with the first 4 movies, and has 17 (!!) new clips, (compared to Hollywood Elvis volume one) all clips for Jailhouse Rock have been re-done,since better footage became available.
Highlights are Loving You (record version) Tell Me Why (Elvis second screen test), First In Line (ode to Judy Tyler), My Wish Came True (Elvis “dream” of becoming an actor), Young and Beautiful (new edit, 3 performances make the record version, and 2 extra versions are included).

All previous and new Star DVDs will be re-released this way, and all will have lots of extras, are improved where possible, include new artwork and double layer discs! All discs come with fully animated menus, with sound. All movies are divided into separate tracks in the menu, so if you just wanna play the Jailhouse Rock songs.. the choice is yours. And last but not least, there is a bonus feature segment, including extra songs, outtakes and rare movies.
After this release the series will continue in “chronical” order, volume two will have: GI Blues, Flaming Star, Wild In The Country, Blue Hawaii And Follow That Dream.
Complete Tracklisting:
- Blue Suede Shoes
- We’re Gonna Move
- Let Me
- Poor Boy
- Love Me Tender
- Love Me Tender End Title
- Anyway You Want Me
- Loving You (Record Version)
- Got A Lot O’ Livin’ To Do
- Party
- Lonesome Cowboy
- Teddy Bear
- Hot Dog
- Mean Woman Blues (Record Version)
- True Love
- Loving You (Take 5)
- Tell Me Why
- Jailhouse Rock (Record Version)
- Treat Me Nice (Record Version)
- Don’t Leave Me Now
- I Want To Be Free (Record Version)
- Baby, I Don’t Care
- Young And Beautiful (Record Version)
- Treat Me Nice (Movie Version)
- First In Line
- Jailhouse Rock (Take 5)
- Crawfish
- King Creole
- Danny
- Dixieland Rock
- Lover Doll
- Hard Headed Woman
- New Orleans
- Young Dreams
- Steadfast, Loyal And True
- Trouble
- Don’t Ask Me Why
- As Long As I Have You
- King Creole (Take 3)
- My Wish Came True
Bonus Features:
- Opening Medley Full Screen
- We’re Gonna Move (Take 4)
- 1957 Road Medley
- Loving You (Farm Version)
- Mean Woman Blues (Movie Version)
- Got A Lot O’ Livin’ To Do (Movie Version)
- Jailhouse Rock (Movie Version)
- Treat Me Nice (Take 19)
- Young And Beautiful (Take 3)
- I Want To Be Free (Prison Version)
- Young And Beautiful (Take 7)
- As Long As I Have You (Take 4)
All Shook Up over Elvis: Rosie Sorenson's Elvis obsession started at just 13, with a couple of books.
Her parents weren't into the King of Rock'n'roll but like many teenage girls in the 1950s she was swept off her feet by his charm.
The Hamilton woman's collecting habit has lasted a lifetime. There are now nearly 300 pieces in her Elvis collection mainly smaller items, including keyrings, pens, badges, photographs, fridge magnets, books and DVDs and sunglasses, the type Elvis used to wear of course. Her husband Winston gave her the little Elvis music boxes, pictured, which also hold whiskey.
Like many Elvis fanatics in New Zealand, Rosie has made the trip to Memphis, Tennessee, the resting place of "The King". She was there on January 8, 1996, along with many thousands of others, to mark his birthday. She waited in line in scorching heat with another Hamilton woman from 4pm until the gates of the Gracelands mansion opened at midnight.
Despite the heat, her companion convinced her to wait, "we'll never get the chance to do this again". |
Rosie has fabulous memories of that trip. It was also then she bought the collectable retro stamps, pictured, as Presley's widow Priscilla was there promoting their release. It was one of two trips to Memphis, the other was about seven years earlier.
One of her more extravagant purchases was the 8ELVIS number plate on her car. She saw it at the Whangamata Beach Hop classic car event and paid $700 for it. Elvis' birthday is January 8. Of course there are many LPs in the collection, as well as videos and DVDs. She is particularly fond of Presley's gospel music.
At the weekend, Rosie was picking up an Elvis jacket she had purchased for $40 on the internet from a seller who was dropping it off in Hamilton. The Whangamata Beach Hop and Taranaki Americarna festival have also been good sources of bits and pieces for the collection which is tucked away in her Hamilton home.
She is much more picky these days about what is added to the collection.
Not surprisingly, some Elvis memorabilia has sold for ridiculous prices over the years.
In the last couple of years an auction website sold Elvis Presley's famous 1974 stage-worn peacock jumpsuit for US$300,000. The online auction also sold the cream-coloured millionaire suit that Elvis wore in his 1967 movie Clambake for $132,000. A buyer paid $60,000 for the Grammy Award that Elvis won in 1972 for the gospel-inspired album He Touched Me. Ebay offers thousands of Elvis items including some which are quite unique. What would you buy an Elvis collector who has everything? How about at Elvis Presley hair lock on a signed plaque with a photo of the King, for $299. (News, Source: Waikato Times)
Church bells to ring out with the sound of Elvis!: One of the many activities of the Elvis Weekend in and around Holland Casino in Breda (Holland) looks to be a worldwide first. It is proof that the entire city of Breda is involved in this special project: even the 500 years old church tower is part of the festivities, with a special "Elvis Concert" by the church bells on Tom Parker's birthday (June 26th at 10.30 am). No doubt that this will be a truly unique experience! (News, Source: Elvis Matters)
And Now The End Is Near: Due for release from the Wonderland Records import label is 4 CD the longbox entitled "And Now The End Is Near".
It features concerts from:
Disc 1
- February 13, 1977, West Palm Beach, Florida, Auditorium (08.30 pm)
- February 14, 1977, St. Petewrsburg, Florida, Bay Front Centre (08.30 pm)
Disc 2
- February 16, 1977, Montgommery, Alabama, Garrett Coliseum (08.30 pm)
- February 21, 1977, Charlotte, North Carolina (08.30 PM)
Disc 3
- March 30, 1977, Alexandria, Rapidas Parish Coliseum (08.30 pm)
- April 24, 1977, Ann Arbor, Crisler Arena (08.30 pm)
Disc 4
- April 26, 1977, Kalamazoo, Wings Stadium (08.30 pm)
Bonus tracks 1977:
- Fifteen bonus tracks, fourteen by Elvis Presley from March 26, 27, April 25, 29, 30 and May 2, 3 and one by Sherill Nielsen (Walk With Me", recorded March 30) (News, Source: Elvis News)
Plugged In & Geared Up: After The Brighest Star On Sunset Boulevard Gravel Road continues with the release of another great rehearsal Plugged In & Geared Up (July 29, 1970). This is by far an outstanding rehearsal, Elvis playing the songs he liked from his early career.
It is also a rare inside view to follow the progress of the filming for the That’s the way it is informal segment.
A large part has been released on various releases in mono or altered stereo but never uncut in stereo, straight from the original tapes. The CD is packed in a deluxe digipack and a 20 page booklet. |
- Don't It Make You Wanna Go Home
- Something
- Words
- I Just Can't Help Believin'
- Little Sister/Get Back
- I Washed My Hands In Muddy Water
- I Was The One
- Cattle Call
- Baby Let's Play House
- Don't
- Money Honey / Hard Headed Woman
- A Fool Such As I
- Froggy Went A Courting / Viva Las Vegas
- Such A Night
- It's Now Or Never / Are You Horny Tonight?
- What'd I Say
- The Lords Prayer
- My Country 'Tis Of Thee
- Nagila Hava
- My Baby Left Me
- You Don't Have To Say You Love Me
- You Don't Have To Say You Love Me #2
- Stranger In The Crowd (News, Source: Elvis News)
Elvis A Paris: The French fanclub ‘My Happiness’ released a unique promo CD to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Elvis’ visit to Paris. On the CD, you’ll find a few tracks from Elvis, added with songs from Nancy Holloway and The Golden Gate Quartet. Elvis saw them live during a concert in the ‘Casino De Paris’. After the show, he went backstage and they had a jam session for several hours. It is remarkable to hear the arrangements for ‘Swing Down Sweet Chariot’ and ‘Joshua Fit The Battle Of Jericho’ that can be heared on this CD are exactly the same as Elvis recorded them later on. The source of his inspiration can be heard on this disc.
The CD also contains a ‘CD Plus’ track’; if you put the disc in our computer (not available on regular DVD players), you can see a short docu about Elvis’ visit to Paris with rare film footage in Black and White and color. (News, Source: Elvis Matters)
Release of Charles Stone memoir during Breda "Colonel Parker" event: On June 25th the 4 day event to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Colonel Tom Parker starts. During this event which is organized by ElvisMatters, Praytome Publishing will present the latest release, a book by author Charles Stone.
"My Life with Elvis & The Colonel" is the title of the 128 pages hardcover book that contains the memories of Concerts West's Charles Stone who worked for Colonel Parker and the Elvis entourage in the 1970's. (News, Source: EP Gold)
'My Years With Elvis & The Colonel' book update: Charles Stone's new book "My Years With Elvis & The Colonel" will premiere at the ElvisMatters four-day event "100 Years Parker, 1,000 Times Elvis" in Breda, The Netherlands on June 25. This latest Praytome Publishing project will be available to the Elvisworld when it debuts at this celebration of Colonel Parker's 100th birthday.
The book will be on time for the Breda event, and fans can expect a high quality product -as always: a hardcover book with unreleased pictures allowing one an inside view of the memories of Elvis Presley's tour producer, Charles Stone.
Colonel Parker was a smart manager and naming one of Elvis' albums "Something For Everybody" was also a stroke of genius. The title not only fits the Elvis' LP, but also the content of the new book by Praytome Publishing: never-before-seen pictures, new information, new documents and paperwork, new inside views...
EIN however does not agree with the statement that Colonel Parker was a "smart manager" especially in Elvis' later years.
Go here for more info - - - (News, Source;praytome-publishing.com)
Great Andy Warhol & Elvis shot: A fabulous photgraph of Andy Warhol in front of a New York City movie theater billboard featuring an Elvis poster for the movie 'Tickle Me.'
Go here for EIN's Spotlight on Andy Warhol - The Elvis Works:
In the narrative and pictorial article EIN looks at some of the iconic images by pop artist, Andy Warhol.
The visuals range from variations of "Elvis in Flaming Star" to "Red Elvis".
(News, Source;SanjaM/EIN)
The Bells Ring for Elvis: Part of the special Breda Elvis Festival will include Elvis tunes ringing out from the 500 year old church tower in the town. There are plenty of activities of the Elvis Weekend in and around Holland Casino in Breda, Holland. No doubt that this will be a truly unique experience!
Click below for all the info including the special "Elvis Concert" on Tom Parker's birthday (June 26th at 10.30 am). With an incredible variety of events, ranging from a TCB rockshow to an Elvis Film Festival, from never-before-seen exhibitions to Cadillac rides: it's all there. To give visitors the chance to put together their own 'Elvis Schedule', there is a website with all the Elvis events in the center of Breda. Click the link below for a detailed look at the many events!
100 years Tom Parker 1.000 Times Elvis.
(News, Source;ElvisMatters)
Elvisly Yours Offers: The 26th June 2009 is a very special Elvis date that commemorates three unique events that will attract worldwide publicity...
1. It is the 100th birthday of Colonel Parker.
2. It is the 30th Anniversary of the death of Elvis' father, Vernon Presley.
3. It is the 32nd Anniversary of Elvis' last concert in Indianapolis.
The BBC are doing a special documentary on Colonel Parker that will be screened later this year and the media around the world will feature Elvis so now is the time to stock up on Elvis Presley memorabilia. Get ELVIS on your bed!! - ORDER TODAY!
- Click here for all the new Elvisly Yours range.
(News, Source;SidShaw)
'A Change Of Mind' new CD out next week: The Straight Arrow import 'A Change Of Mind' should be out June 22, 2009. This CD contains an audience recording of Elvis' September 3rd, 1973, Dinner show as recorded at the Hilton Hotel. It is a very strong concert, containing the only known 1973 version of "It's Now Or Never", rare "Polk Salad Annie" performed only twice in 1973, part of "Jailhouse Rock" and for 'rare live excerpts' fans there are bits of "Guadalajara", "Miracle Of The Rosary" and "Farther Along". This show was taped by the same person as Dec. 02nd, 1976 concert released as "LAST VEGAS OPENING NIGHT" and once again for this CD release, an original mastertape will be used. The sound quality is excellent - regarding the off-line source.
(News, Source;SA)
Graceland Wants Your Elvis Stories: Managers of Elvis Presley's Graceland are looking for people with personal stories to tell about the king of rock 'n' roll -- people like John "Bull" Bramlett who played touch football with Elvis in the 1950s. Though Bramlett, who went on to play professional football, remembers Elvis as a "great guy," he also recalls that "he was just an average athlete."
"I thought he kind of ran like a girl," Bramlett said. "It was just a funny way that he ran."
Graceland is gathering stories from former Presley friends, associates and fans for an oral history enterprise called the Elvis Presley Legacy Project.
"If you encountered Elvis and have a story to share with the world, we would love to include you in this project,"
The project is scheduled to run through Jan. 8, 2010, which would have been Presley's 75th birthday. He died on Aug. 16, 1977 at age 42 at Graceland of heart disease that was worsened by drug abuse .
On the Elvis Web site now are example video clips with people like Gene Autry Turner who presented Elvis with a sheriff's badge from Tupelo, Miss., in 1971; Lowell Hays, Presley's jeweler in the 1970s, and Lorena Conrad, who met Elvis when she was in high school and was best friends with Dixie Locke, one of his first girlfriends.
Turner, who was named after cowboy movie star Gene Autry, says on his clip that he could hardly contain his glee when he went to Graceland to give Presley the badge.
"When I told him my name was Gene Autry, he said, 'Gene Autry can't sing.' I said, 'No but Elvis can, can't he,"' Turner said. "And he got tickled. He said, 'Yea, I think I can a little bit.'"
Bramlett, who was six years younger than Presley, said Elvis nicknamed him "Little Bramlett" when they both were part of a group of guys who often played touch football together. The games were held near the old Lauderdale Courts, the downtown Memphis housing project were Presley lived while in high school.
Bramlett went on to become a football standout at Humes High School, Elvis' old school, and Memphis State, now the University of Memphis. He was in the National Football League for six years.
Bramlett said he was with Elvis and a group of friends at a Memphis theater in 1954 when Presley got word that his first recording, "That's All Right," was being played on the radio. Two years later, Presley recorded his first hit with RCA, "Heartbreak Hotel."
Go here to the Graceland Legacy collected stories about Elvis.
(News, Source;SanjaM/EIN) |
"Elvis That's The Way It Is"......FREE WAV file download congestion FIXED!!!: Due to high demand, the download links have been overloaded in the past 24 hours.
The International label has taken action and you should not have any problems with the following links:
ALL THE ARTWORK FOR TTWII - LP Style covers & Labels
N.B NO 11th Midnight Show (already released by BMG on Live in Las Vegas Box Set CD 2)
Tuesday 16 June 2009......................3rd update today |
Elvis That's The Way It Is - FREE FULL STEREO (HIGH RESOLUTION WAV QUALITY) DOWNLOADS UPDATE and APOLOGY: As reported by EIN earlier today, the International label has announced FREE downloads in WAV format of the 5 shows featured in its Elvis That's The Way It Is The Complete Works box set.
Here is the official media release from International, which makes for very interesting reading!:
We at the International label deeply regret and apologise for the blunder on the sound mastering on the TTWII Complete Works Box Set fans purchased with their hard earned money earlier this year. We are truly sorry and did not realise this until at least 2 weeks after the box sets had sold out.
Therefore in light of this, we would like to come clean and explain exactly how all this came to be.
The digital files created from the tape reels were transferred at a high 48bit and in 192k resolution. This was done by someone outside the main team of the International label. For name protection we will refer to this person as George.
The files were made up in 2 sections; a left channel and a right channel file. This of course was impossible for the main producer to play as the necessary equipment to play files in the resolution they were received in was not available. Therefore the digital files were given directly to the Sound engineer who at the time, felt to the producer, to be competent in the area of processing this to CD mastering. Any faults or opinions in the recording conclusions would ultimately come from him. he Producers were then informed by the engineer that the sound is in a very weak Stereo but in such, it was almost mono sounding. (As you can hear some separation although to most, it does indeed sound like mono).
Since the Producers had no guide in the quality of the sound, they accepted the conclusion from the engineer that what was, was.
There are prominent people within the Elvis world that know the stress, the deceit, promises and the lies of the real story that went behind the making of the box set due to the engineer’s false representations and qualifications. One prominent person witnessed the whole sage from the conception idea and is thinking about writing a book on this story on how the box finally came to light (or nearly did not) after nearly 2 years in the making, that would make very interesting reading.
Cutting a long story short, when the box was finally released, George received his complementary copy of the box set. By this time the box set was already sold out before it was released. George informed us that what he was listening to from the box set is not what it should be and further explained what the blunder could be. George then sent a sample of a song that he tried out and it came back in FULL STEREO and furthermore, in pristine condition. In realisation now, maybe George should have done the CD mastering.
It was evident at that point, what the blunder was. Because the engineer received the files in 2 sections, that is left and the right, when placing on his software grid, (I assume on pro-tools but can’t be sure) a simple mistake was made. The engineer did not realise that he had to pan the left channel to the left and pan the right channel to the right. Therefore the sound was not properly separated giving a mono illusion although it is in fact in stereo but not properly separated. Again, not known at the time and, there was never really a question to judge the engineer’s competence.
At that point there was absolutely nothing we could do about it. There was just no way could we correct a wrong so late after everything was sold out, finished and everyone paid out. The producers were very dismayed that the fans, although were very happy with what they received, were not getting what they deserved or what should have been. It was decided that maybe in a year or more, we may re-release these again separately at a knock down give away price to replace the discs in their box sets.
Then comes along Audionics!
At first, the International Producers were a little sceptical on this as to wondering on where the source of the files had come from. But after that it was thought that it would be great for the fans as our blunders have been rectified by someone else. Where then files came from for this we still don’t know, but we have our suspicions as you may read later.
However on release of ‘Stranger in the Crowd’ we were shocked that even though they have achieved the stereo sound, it was very weak and flat compared to what we had (as you too will notice when you download the FREE WAV file version of the International version). The fans of course who have bought the release of SITC have no reference to compare to apart from the TTWII box set, so anything would be seen as an improvement.
Our concern at that point was diminished upon FTD’s announcement of ‘The Wonder of You’ with the great Vic Anesini at the restoration helm. So we were happy now that fans would get a nice official release and a nice clean copy that the fans finally deserve. So basically, now all is OK. My only concern with FTD (as always) is their habit of unnecessarily editing the shows dialogues etc that takes away the overall feel of the show, thus making it incomplete. I mean plenty of room on the CD, why make edits. But other than that, as far as we're concerned, FTD are doing the job giving the fans what they have asked for. Remember if it was not for the International, fans would still have nothing, so with FTD all was good.
Indecently the FTD’s announcement of ‘The Wonder of You’ was a planned release by FTD well ahead of the Audionics release. Because of the instant fan reaction of the TTWII Box Set, it clearly showed a release from this era was needed. I know this because a prominent person in FTD was searching/asking for pictures of Red ladder suit shots as early as February from the show just after the box set came out.
Now things change upon the announcement of the Audionics release of ‘Twenty Days & Nights’ with a further imminent release of ‘Something’.
There were 2 concerns that we at the International label had.
The first being, the fact that the Audionics had released SITC in poor quality stereo compared to what we now have, must be evident that the new release of ‘Twenty Days & Nights’ and the planned release of ‘Something’ would suffer the same fate as SITC quality wise. This time of course, there is no FTD to save the day and that fans, again, would have to shell out more money for what is unnecessary and is bad mastering. Again the evidence on this for fans to take the free WAV download and compare our AUG 13 DS with the SITC release. Fans will notice a sharp difference and therefore the only conclusion to make from this, is that the upcoming releases by Audionics will suffer the same fate as SITC.
The second concern was that we noticed that the artwork cat# on new the Audionics was very similar to the box set cat# and the signatures were very similar. We then concluded and ultimately and evidently realised that our engineer who cocked up our sound was responsible for the art covers fro Audionics. This raises other questions and concerns, however!
With all this in mind we realise that the best thing to do now is to re-release 5 shows in full WAV high res quality to the fans for free. They are all ready for burning to CD with CD ART PRINT (we never did have the AUG 11 MS in the first place which is why we are only doing the 5 and not 6 shows). There is little point in purchasing the Audionics versions when these are much better in quality as you will evidently hear for yourself.
Since it was us that started this whole crazy TTWII saga, we feel it is up to us to close this chapter once and for all. This whole thing has just gotten out of hand.
We again at the International label would like to apologise to all fans for the major blunder on the sound. This is about the best thing we can do to make a wrong made to right, that is to give you master files in full WAV quality that you can download for free, with artwork to make your own CD’s that is far superior than the Audionics releases.
Let’s just hope for an ultimate release by FTD on these last couple of shows will finally come round to being officially released that we all would welcome.
We at the International label would like to thank the person for uploading the initial files onto a private server but unfortunately we are told this is restricted to few downloads. If other fans can help upload these files onto newsgroups and bit torrent, there is simply no way any official company can take this off. In the meantime here are some links and as more links are spread but many of the fans that are helping us to do so the more links we will inform you of.
See new "download" links above.....Wednesday 17 June 2009
When making Audio CD’s please remember to ‘No pause between tracks’ since these are live concerts. Part 1 (AUG10 DS, AUG11 DS, AUG12 DS)
Pre-orders open for "Heroes Collection" 2CD: Amazon UK has announced that the latest Elvis budget 2CD, part of the "Heroes Collection", is to be released on 22 June. You can pre-order now for just £3.98. |
Track Listing.....
Disc 1:
1. All Shook Up
2. I Love You Because
3. Jailhouse Rock
4. King Creole
5. Don't Be Cruel
6. Heartbreak Hotel
7. Blue Suede Shoes
8. Love Me Tender
9. Loving You
10. Shake, Rattle And Roll
11. Hound Dog
12. (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear
13. Old Shep |
14. Money Honey
15. I Beg Of You
16. Anyplace Is Paradise
17. One Night
18. There's Good Rockin' Tonight
19. I Want You, I Need You, I Love You
20. Treat Me Nice
21. Blueberry Hill
22. Dixieland Rock
23. Don't Ask Me Why
24. Don't Leave Me Now
25. First In Line |
Disc 2:
1. Got A Lot O' Livin' To Do
2. Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?
3. I Got A Woman
4. I Believe
5. How's The World Treating You?
6. I Forgot To Remember To Forget
7. That's All Right
8. I Need You So
9. Hard Headed Woman
10. I Was The One
11. Let Me
12. I'm Counting On You
13. It Is No Secret (What God Can Do) |
14. Just Because
15. Lawdy Miss Clawdy
16. Playing For Keeps
17. Poor Boy
18. Love Me
19. Lover Doll
20. Mean Woman Blues
21. My Baby Left Me
22. My Wish Came True
23. New Orleans
24. I Need Your Love Tonight
25. As Long As I Have |
Breaking News! - FREE "full stereo" downloads of TTWII recordings in WAV format!!: The International label, which brought us the fantastic box set, Elvis That's The Way It Is The Complete Works, has announced it will be imminently making "full stereo" versions of the mono tracks available for FREE download.
Click HERE to download first three TTWII complete Performances in stereo.
August 10th Opening Show.
August 11th Dinner Show
August 12th Dinner Show
Because of the high quality the downloads are around 650MG in size.
The International label will also be issuing a statement explaining why the tracks on the box set were in mono, when stereo tracks had been expected. (News, Source: International label)
More details shortly!
'Twenty Days & Nights' New CD: A new import CD as recorded live in the International Hotel showroom in Las Vegas, Nevada, August 12th, 1970, Dinner Show.
The follow-up release to "STRANGER IN THE CROWD" by Audionics label is entitled "TWENTY DAYS & NIGHTS" and contains the excellent August 12, 1970 dinner show. The first outing of this recording as part of boxed set called "TTWII - The Complete Works" was presented only in mono sound.
As all the other shows recorded during the first week of his third appearance at the International Hotel in Las Vegas, NV, Elvis’ performance was brilliant and featured many highlights such as I've Lost You, I Just Can't Help Believin', Patch It Up, You Don't Have To Say You Love Me and Bridge Over Troubled Water to name a few.
"TWENTY DAYS & NIGHTS" is in FULL STEREO sound, complete and taken from original mastertape. As its predecessor there is no noise, balance of instruments and voices are excellent too. This release will be presented in a beautiful 3-panel digipack and accompanying photographs taken from the actual show .
Fans will be able to enjoy another great performance the way it was recorded in August 1970. If you enjoyed our previous release then "TWENTY DAYS & NIGHTS" is not to be missed! Coming very soon from the same label, CD "SOMETHING" featuring the August 11, 1970 DS also in FULL STEREO. AUDIONICS® STEREO |
Tracklist: 01. Opening Vamp / That's All Right, Mama - 02. I Got A Woman - 03. Monologue #1 - 04. Hound Dog - 05. Instrumental Intermezzo / Monologue #2 - 06. Heartbreak Hotel - 07. Monologue #3 - 08. Love Me Tender (with false start) - 09. I've Lost You - 10. I Just Can't Help Believin' - 11. Patch It Up - 12. Monologue #4 - 13. Twenty Days And Twenty Nights (with false start) - 14. You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' - 15. Polk Salad Annie - 16. Band Introductions - 17. Blue Suede Shoes - 18. You Don't Have To Say You Love Me - 19. Bridge Over Troubled Water - 20. Suspicious Minds - 21. Can't Help Falling In Love. Total running time: 73:59. (News, Source;Audionics) |
Elvis Final Concert Stereo Release?!: According to "LKM Records" they will release the "biggest stars" last concerts that they ever did. The artists are: Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison and Johnny Cash:
· Buddy Holly Concert from Feb. 2, 1959 (mono)
· Elvis Presley Concert Jun 26 1977 (Stereo)
First time from mixingboard; the concert was not completely recorded so LKM took the band intro from the day before…
· Roy Orbison Dec 4 1988 uncut (Stereo)
· Johnny Cash 2003 live from mixing-board rec by Minidisc!!
John R Cash & June Carter on stage 2002.
The set will come with a 14-page booklet and pictures of Roy and Elvis 1976 and Cash and Elvis 1971 and a letter from Cash to Elvis: Cash asked Elvis if would be guest in Johnny Cash's TV Special, and Elvis letter back to Cash “not up to me, but I will someday... " (and more).
Note: EIN does not believe that LKM (whoever they are) has a stereo soundboard of Elvis' last concert. This is one "holy grail" that no one has yet heard or seen (unless you were there). While there is a slight hope that Elvis sound-engineer Bruce Jackson has it locked in his safe, along with his other Elvis recordings, EIN sees no reason for LKM to have obtained it. We suspect that this Elvis release will be the usual CBS 'Elvis In Concert' show.
Similarly, the final Buddy Holly concert is another unique recording that is said not to exist.
(News, Source EIN) |
Tupelo Festival increases profit!: The King's home-town festival is staying in the black.
The Tupelo Elvis Presley Festival, which lost $46,000 three years ago, made $92,944 this year — almost $13,000 more than it made last year.
That word comes from the Downtown Tupelo Main Street Association, which started the festival as a fundraiser 11 years ago.
Executive Director Debbie Brangenberg says lower ticket prices attracted enough people to offset a drop in sponsorships.
After the loss in 2007, the festival cut back from two downtown stages to one, and cut out a car giveaway that cost $25,000. (News, Source: wreg.com) |
The other Scottish journalist who interviewed Elvis: Friends and colleagues of former journalist Ian Nelson – whose funeral takes place today – always believed he was the only British reporter to interview Elvis on UK soil.
But Press and Journal editor Derek Tucker knew different.
After reading Ian's obituary on HoldtheFrontPage yesterday, Derek contacted the website to tell us that former P&J reporter Alastair Bisset was also present during the 'royal visit' in March 1960. Elvis stopped off at Prestwick Airport mid-journey from Frankfurt to the US after leaving the Army – the only time the King set foot on UK soil. Alastair died in December 2007, aged 66, and, as this obituary from the Northern Scot shows, he also claimed to be the only Scottish journalist to interview Elvis in the UK. Below is the piece Derek sent us from the Press and Journal's archives.
While others can only ponder the appeal of Elvis from afar, Moray councillor and former Press and Journal reporter Alastair Bisset is one of the few Scots who can claim to have witnessed it for himself. He was one of only a handful of people who met Elvis during his one and only visit to Scotland – a late-night refuelling stop at Prestwick on his way home from Germany, where he'd been stationed with the US Army.
Then a fresh-faced reporter in his first job in journalism with the Ayrshire Post, Mr Bisset wangled his way past airport security and quizzed the bemused GI.
He recalled: "I asked him how he felt about being in Scotland and he said: 'Gee, am I in Scotland?'"
Something about Elvis' startling eyes told Mr Bisset that this clean-cut young man, who was by then a major star, was destined to achieve even greater things. But had he known just how popular Elvis would become, he'd have been more careful with the memento he managed to snatch from the encounter.
He said: "In those days I used to smoke Embassy cigarettes. I didn't have a notebook with me – it had been quite a late call – so I got him to autograph the back of my cigarette packet.
"After the cigarettes were finished, I threw the pack away. It wasn't until some time later I thought: 'Hell, that was Elvis' autograph,' but by then it was too late – I'd thrown it in a bucket. I wouldn't like to think what it might be worth today. It would probably have saved me from spending a further 40 years slogging away at journalism though." ( News, Source: holdthefrontpage.com)
EPE announces music line-up for Elvis Week 2009: Graceland and Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. (EPE) has announced that tickets are now on sale for Elvis Week events August 8-16 in Memphis. The nine-day celebration includes a wide variety of festivities that will unite fans from all across the world at Graceland and around Memphis, showcasing the impact Elvis Presley's life and career continues to have on music enthusiasts and popular culture.
Elvis 1969 - A Celebration Concert will mark the 40th Anniversary of Elvis' triumphant return to the stage with live performances at the International Hotel in Las Vegas. During this unique concert event at The Cannon Center in Memphis on August 14th, Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. will reunite many of the original cast from that summer of shows for an Elvis Week 2009 concert celebration. Live musical performances along with video and audio will create a magical music experience that will be almost as exciting as being there in the summer of 1969. Performers currently scheduled to participate include Terry Mike Jeffery and Andy Childs with lead vocals; Joe Guercio, Elvis' orchestra conductor for many of his Vegas performances; The TCB Band members James Burton, Jerry Scheff, Ronnie Tutt and Glen D Hardin; Elvis' backup singers The Imperials, including Joe Moscheo, Terry Blackwood, Sherman Andrus and Gus Gaches; The Sweet Inspirations, including Myrna Smith, Estelle Brown, and Portia Griffin; and Millie Kirkham who also sang backup for Elvis. |
Also scheduled during the nine days of events is the 2009 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest, where 20 Elvis tribute artists from qualifying contests from around the world will gather in Memphis to compete for the title of 2009 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist. The Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest Semifinal Round will take place on August 12th at 7 p.m. in the Cannon Center for the Performing Arts. Attendees will see the best Elvis tribute artists from around the world performing and competing on stage for their chance to move onto the final round on August 13. The top 10 Elvis Tribute Artists will receive their chance to showcase their talents as they compete for the title of Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist of 2009. Both two-day and single day tickets are be available. Also scheduled for Elvis Week, 2007 Ultimate Tribute Artist winner Shawn Klush will perform in concert featuring The Sweet Inspirations on August 11th at The Cannon Center for the Performing Arts. Also making an appearance will be the semifinalists for the 2009 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest.
Two sessions of 'Conversations on Elvis' will be held in the morning and afternoon of August 15th. Attendees will hear from Elvis' friends and associates as they share their stories and memories of Elvis. Special host will be Tom Brown of Turner Classic Movies. Session one will feature The Memphis Boys, who will be on stage to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of their historic American Studio session with Elvis that resulted in "Suspicious Minds," "In the Ghetto" and "Kentucky Rain" among many others. To commemorate the anniversary of these recordings, Sony Music will release a deluxe version of From Elvis In Memphis, including all the 32 masters recorded at these sessions. These recordings have been remastered from the original album masters for optimum sound quality. Session two will feature guests who were at the opening engagement in Las Vegas: Joe Moscheo of The Imperials, James Burton of the TCB Band, singer Millie Kirkham and journalist Gloria Greer. Joining these original cast members will be author Ken Sharp, who will be sharing details of his new book, Elvis: Vegas '69.
Additional events are also scheduled for Elvis Week 2009 in Memphis and special ticket packages as well as tickets for individual events are now available. Visit www.ElvisWeek.com for detailed ticket and event information as some events might change. (News, Source: EPE/top40-charts.com)
Excerpt from Leiber & Stoller bio: EIN recommends "Hound Dog" the autobiography of the song writing team responsible for many of Elvis' greatest songs and one of the greatest song writing duos in rock/pop music history..... Leiber and Stoller. It is a great read!! Here is an excerpt: Stoller: I guess it must have been in April of '57 that we met Colonel Parker for the first time. It happened over dinner at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Jean Aberbach was the conduit.
"The Colonel wants to see you in person before you meet Elvis," said Jean.
"Is this an audition?" I asked.
"The Colonel is very careful about who he lets into Elvis's circle."
"I'm very careful about who I have dinner with," said Jerry.
Jean didn't laugh. "Just be on your best behavior," he told us both. |
Leiber: Of course, the Colonel wasn't really a colonel. He was Thomas A. Parker, whose former job as a carnival barker defined his personality. He had a definite shtick ("Pick a number from one to ten"). He told dozens of canned jokes. I can't remember any of them except that they weren't funny. But it didn't matter that we didn't laugh, because the Colonel wasn't really conscious of us. Of course, he knew we were the songwriters of "Hound Dog" and the new songs for Jailhouse Rock. He knew more hit songs for Elvis meant more money for him. Beyond that, though, he was more interested in putting on his own show than getting to know us.
He had his long cigar and his confected Southern accent. He was fat and smart and a nonstop talker whose ego was always on parade. He told us in great detail all he had done for Elvis — and all he intended to do.
"Elvis," he said, "is going to be bigger than the president, bigger than the pope."
Naturally we agreed.
Stoller: The Colonel had the kind of energy that sucked all the air out of the room, even the dining room at the Beverly Hills Hotel. I had little interest in the man. Elvis was the guy we were eager to meet. The session was due to start later that week.
Leiber: My heterosexual credits have long been established, so I can comfortably say that the first thing that hit me when I walked into the recording studio and found myself standing next to Elvis Presley was his physical beauty. Far more than his pictures, his actual presence was riveting. He had a shy smile and quiet manner that were disarming.
All this happened at Radio Recorders Annex, the same studio where Big Mama had recorded "Hound Dog" back in August of 1952. Elvis wanted us there to produce the songs for the soundtrack we'd written for him.
Stoller: It's important to remember that on the day we met Elvis, he was twenty-two and we were twenty-four. We were contemporaries. Remember, too, that Jerry and I shared the uppity view that he and I were among the few white guys who knew about the blues. In the first five minutes of conversation with Elvis, we learned we were dead wrong.
Elvis knew the blues. He was a Ray Charles fanatic and even knew that Ray had sung our song "The Snow Is Falling." In fact, he knew virtually all of our songs. There wasn't any R&B he didn't know. He could quote from Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup, B.B. King, and Big Bill Broonzy.
Leiber: When it came to the blues, Elvis knew his stuff. He may not have been conversant about politics or world history, but his blues knowledge was almost encyclopedic. Mike and I were blown away. In fact, the conversation got so enthusiastic that Mike and Elvis sat down at the piano and started playing four-handed blues. He definitely felt our passion for the real roots material and shared that passion with all his heart. Just like that, we fell in love with the guy.
"Let's get started," Elvis said. "Let's cut some records."
We jumped right into "Jailhouse Rock." The initial idea was just to show up at the studio to meet Elvis. But, as naturally as the winter turns to spring, we found ourselves in charge of the session. We were producing the guy. Mike worked out the arrangement with Elvis's band — Bill Black on upright bass, Scotty Moore on guitar, D.J. Fontana on drums, and Dudley Brooks on piano. As far as the vocals went, I was amazed to see that Elvis was happy to hear me sing the song with what I considered the right attitude. He was following my vocal cues.
Stoller: Elvis was completely open and never acted like a diva. When it was time to do the actual recording, Jerry was in the control booth and I stayed on the floor. I played piano on one cut, and Jerry, with his unique style of body language, conducted Elvis's vocals.
The other thing that amazed us was that no one was rushing us to get through. During a recording session, Jerry and I were used to watching the clock. The musicians' union allowed four songs in three hours or you got into the dreaded overtime. On Elvis's sessions, though, those restrictions were lifted. The Jordanaires (Elvis's backup vocal quartet), the guys in the band and Elvis's paid companions (the so-called Memphis Mafia) would order lunch — peanut butter sandwiches and orange pop — while the clock kept ticking.
Sometimes we'd do two or three takes on a song; sometimes up to twenty-five. And yet, even in this relaxed atmosphere, by evening time we'd cut three songs.
Buy 'Hound Dog', the biography of Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller
Owner of Elvis' Palm Springs Estate wins more Elvis items: Elvis left the building a long time ago, but the new owner of the Presley Estate hopes “The King's” airplane and other possessions will attract visitors to his Palm Springs home. Estate owner Reno Fontana is acquiring the music legend's private jet, car and performance ring to help promote the home as the “Graceland of the West.” Presley bought the home at 845 W. Chino Canyon Road in 1970 and owned it until his death in 1977.
Fontana placed the winning bid for the items on May 30, through a Webcast for a Kruse International auction, said Kelly Ellert, director of public relations for Kruse International. Fontana said he bid $600,000 for the three possessions.
“It's an investment and it will pay for itself in the next three years,” he said.
Fontana made the purchase with money he got through a private placement memorandum. It allows us to sell stock in the (Presley Estate) company without being publically traded,” he said.
The airplane, a 1962 Lockheed Jetstar JT 12-5, was advertised by Kruse International as the last jet Presley owned. His 1968 “Gold” Fleetwood Eldorado was advertised as the car Presley owned longer than any other vehicle. According to various Web sites, Presley shot the car with a pistol when it wouldn't start about a year after he bought it. And Presley wore the ring Fontana bought during performances, a Kruse International advertisement showed.
Fontana's goal is to eventually allow VIP gamblers and “high-rollers” from Coachella Valley and Las Vegas casinos to “drive to dinner in Elvis's car, sleep in Elvis's bedroom and fly home in Elvis's plane,” he said. Fontana would like to remodel the plane to enable it to fly again, he said. He also would like to have it re-painted. As for the ring, Fontana said it may be symbolically used during wedding ceremonies that take place at the estate. (News, Source: mydesert.com)
Elvis talks to psychic: Tabitha Nothaft was up against it. Near the end of last year the Center Moriches stay-at-home mom was watching her once-successful Internet business hurrying due south. She was going through a bitter divorce and heading into a brutal custody fight for her kids.
Paralyzed by stress, she couldn’t predict how she’d handle going out into the work force to support herself and her children after being at home for years. Running on empty financially and emotionally, she knew she couldn’t face it alone. She sought help.
A financial advisor? No. A shrink? Not a chance.
Nothaft sat down with a psychic. A future job opportunity was seen by the psychic and Nothaft was told not to be afraid to take it. The job would get her finances straight and prove she could support her children. Sure enough, a job appeared a month later, offering good money with hours allowing her to get her youngest off to school and be home when his day ended.
“I wouldn’t have had the confidence to take the job without it being foreseen,” Nothaft said.
During the custody battle, the psychic told her not to worry, all would be well. Not long after, it was discovered that her ex-husband’s lawyer was sleeping with a witness and key evidence was thrown out.
Clairvoyance, wisdom from the spirit world or just shrewd personality evaluation and/or life counseling? No matter what you think, Nothaft is convinced the happy changes in her life happened because of a power beyond this reality. These days she’s not alone.
Two successful Long Island psychics, Dawn Joly, who has an office in Smithtown, and Mary Occhino, who can be heard five mornings a week on Sirius Radio’s “Angels on Call,” said business is booming. Joly – who counseled Tabitha Nothaft – has an office in Smithtown that seems like the setting of any other business. There’s a reception area and Joly greets visitors in her office by coming around from behind a desk where a laptop sits.
It’s then you’ll notice the life-sized cutout of Elvis Presley. “He speaks to me,” Joly said. “He tells me what’s going on. I couldn’t ask for a better friend.” (News, Source: Ambrose Clancy, libn.com/blog)
Longest Elvis Presley Song-Playing Marathon-world record set by DeeJay CJ: DeeJay CJ (Carmel J. Delia) played 1261 Elvis Presley songs in 56:30 hours on community radio RTI to mark the 25th anniversary of Elvis' death (from 15-17 August 2002)-setting the world record for the Longest Elvis Presley Song-Playing (radio) Marathon.
The play list included all possibly know official recordings (released versions, alternate takes and stage and TV shows), home recordings and some unofficial recordings.
The marathon was officially supervised by Dr. Christopher Zarb M.D, who also carried out routine medical checks throughout the marathon, and Notary Public Sandro Schembri Adami, who also visited more than once. A total of 1261 songs were played and these songs were only played once throughout the marathon. Other guests visited from time to time to give their support and encouragement all along the fifty-six-and-a-half hours that the marathon lasted.
The Longest Elvis Presley Song-Playing (radio) Marathon was transmitted live on community radio RTI which transmitted on 99.4 FM.
(News, Source: worldrecordsacademy.org)
I'll have a little Elvis with that, thanks": Aussie cafe and restaurant patrons could soon be eating in silence, after a proposal by Australia's largest record labels to increase the cost of background music by up to 2000 times.
The push to raise the cost of playing recorded music could also make gym membership more expensive unless fitness classes use artists excluded by Australian copyright laws, including Elvis Presley and Beethoven. The bid by the Phonographic Performance Company of Australia, which represents more than 750 record companies, follows a decision by the Copyright Tribunal to approve an increase of 15 times the music costs for the nightclub industry, which was recently endorsed by the Federal Court of Australia.
The Australasian Performing Right Association, which collects licensing fees on behalf of composers and artists, has launched a separate action for a tenfold increase in the fees paid by nightclubs for recorded music.
Buoyed by the nightclub ruling, the PPCA is now targeting eateries. It wants to increase licensing fees in a 120-seat restaurant to $19,344 a year — up from $125. Small cafes would be slugged with a 4729 per cent yearly increase from $124 to $5860. Action against fitness centres is under way and the PPCA has indicated it will review the cost of playing music in pubs, shops and hairdressing salons.
Director of national affairs for the Australian Hotel Association, Bill Healey, said the huge tariff increases were unsustainable as the hospitality industry grapples with the economic downturn.
"The multinational record companies are obviously trying to reposition the cost of music, but they don't understand the economics of the businesses they're targeting," Mr Healey said. "Businesses just won't play music or they will play music that won't incur a PPCA fee like classical music."
He said the AHA had already had discussions with several major recording labels to provide them with exclusive rights to play music in restaurants and cafes, which could compromise the PPCA's bargaining position. The AHA has also asked the Small Business Commission and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to examine the massive fee increases. Mr Healey said illegal internet downloads were robbing the music industry of its main income source — CD sales — and the PPCA was looking for other ways to make money for record companies.
PPCA chief executive Stephen Peach said recorded music attracted patrons to venues and was significantly undervalued. "The rates we have historically charged are barely nominal and we are looking to establish a fair return. The cafe owner just has to ask if the music is worth it, and if it isn't they don't have to play it," he said.
Health-centre operators are also bracing for a sharp increase in the cost of music for exercise classes, with the Copyright Tribunal expected to make a decision next month. The PPCA has asked for an increase of 400 times the cost for music played in gyms, from 96 cents a class to $4.54 a month for every member.
Fitness Australia chief Lauretta Stace said the proposed increase would add about $5 to a monthly gym membership. "The PPCA wants a levy on each member, but when you go into a gym most people are listening to an iPod." (News, Source: Cameron Houston, theage.com.au)
Elvis King of the Internet: Due for release June/July 2009 from Sachbuch Berlin is the 140 page German book "Elvis - King of the Internet" by Gerhard Schulz.
It retails for 12.80 Euro, ISBN: 978-3-939948-22-3. (News, Source: Elvis Club Berlin/Elvis News) |
Visit EIN's comprehensive 'Elvis Books in 2009-10' page
'From Elvis In Memphis' 40th Anniversary Edition Tracklist: As stated yesterday, to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of Elvis' historic American Studio Memphis sessions that resulted in the classic recordings 'Suspicious Minds', 'In the Ghetto', 'Kentucky Rain' etc Sony Music is releasing 'Elvis In Memphis' 40th Anniversary Legacy Edition' as a 2CD set including all the 32 masters recorded. These recordings have been remastered for optimum sound quality.
Here is the tracklist.
CD1: The original 'From Elvis In Memphis' album & additional tracks:
Wearin' That Loved On Look
Only The Strong Survive
I'll Hold You In My Heart
Long Black Limousine
It Keeps Right On A-Hurtin'
I'm Movin' On
Power Of My Love
Gentle On My Mind
After Loving You
True Love Travels On A Gravel Road
Any Day Now
In The Ghetto
Bonus Tracks;
Suspicious Minds
Don't Cry Daddy
Kentucky Rain |
CD2: The original 'Back In Memphis' album & additional tracks:
Inherit The Wind,
This Is The Story
Stranger In My Own Home Town
A Little Bit Of Green
And The Grass Won't Pay No Mind
Do You Know Who I Am?
From A Jack To A King
The Fair's Moving On
You'll Think Of Me
Without Love (There Is Nothing)
Bonus Tracks;
My Little Friend
Mama Liked The Roses
I'll Be There
Hey Jude
If I'm A Fool (For Loving You)
Who Am I
Elvis was the greatest magnetic performer of all time.
EIN reader Ray Cantrell was there at Elvis' 1974 Memphis Mid-South Coliseum evening performance. He recently sent us his memories of the night...
"I recall that the atmosphere that evening was electric and filled with excitement—and RCA recorded the event. Elvis gave a tremendous performance on that evening. We saw his girlfriend, Linda Thomson, arrive. Elvis talked to the crowd more than usual that night; there were a lot of fans there with binoculars; Elvis said “you all look like a bunch of frogs out there!!” At the end of the performance the moderator said: “Elvis has left for Graceland.” I will always remember that night and the great performer that Elvis was.
Having lived around Memphis, it was probably easier to take Elvis for granted, having passed by Graceland on so many occasions. But after that concert, I realized that Elvis was the greatest magnetic performer of all time; with a tremendous voice, looks, and raw talent; a prodigy."
Go here for his full recollections & 'Elvis Live On Stage In Memphis' CD review.....
(News, Source;EIN) |
French Official Elvis Stamp: The French Fan Club 'Elvis My Happiness' posted the information that they are now proud to present the official ELVIS FRENCH STAMP.
The official release date in France is October 2nd 2009, but the national subscription will take place on June 13th 2009, during the celebration of Elvis visit in Paris 50th anniversary, organised by Elvis My Happiness, with special guest Joe Esposito, coming to Paris especially for this event.
Other guests include celebrities and artists who met Elvis during his stay in Paris, such as: Clyde Wright, member of the Golden Gate Quartet and Nancy Holloway, American singer established in the city…
Elvis My Happiness will exclusively propose a special ELVIS STAMP package containing (see attached files):
-10 prepaid envelopes; 10 stamps; the exclusive “1st day” card; the exclusive prepaid “1st day” envelope; an exclusive promo CD.
A set of 10 stamps and/or a set of 10 prepaid envelopes are also available through Elvis My Happiness shop.
Please contact Elvis My Happiness website for more details (orders and prices).
Thank you Very Much ! The EMH Team In Paris.
(News, Source;EPGold/elvismyhappiness) |
Local News: EIN's Nigel Patterson was too distraught at Australia's AFL team Carlton’s narrow loss to St Kilda tonight to focus on Elvis news.
Unfortunately St Kilda continued their dominance of Carlton with a nine-point win at Etihad Stadium which earned them a 12th straight win and a confirmed place in the AFL finals. |
Harold Newton, Elvis photographer, died; Elvis Images in Concert reports that Harold Newton passed away peacefully June 10, 2009. Harold is well known in the Elvis World for the numerous concert photos he shot of Elvis in the 70's. During Elvis Week, he would sell his prints at the Memorabilia Convention and was always proud to talk to anyone about his experiences of seeing Elvis in concert and taking the amazing photos that he shot.
In his final days he was surrounded by family while Elvis music was playing. Newton was also well known by members of the U.S. Border Patrol as his brother was a Border Patrol Agent who was killed in the line of duty in 1967. Since his brother's tragic death he has been a devoted advocate for the Border Patrol and its' Agents. He continuously sought for improvements to the Border Patrol so future Agents would be better protected.
No funeral plans have been made at this time, but he is to be laid to rest in his Family plot in Tacoma, WA.
Cards and condolences can be sent to his Family in care of:
Harold J. Newton Fund c/o Thomas Harvey
P.O. Box 2093
Kirkland, WA 98083 USA
(Photo: Harold Newton receiving a guitar pick from Elvis in Johnson City, TN FEB 19, 1977 - by George Hill)
Go here for more information (News, Source;DerekPhillips)
Ann Helm's Fling-With-The-King adds Romance to Memphis Film Festival: In Elvis' ninth feature film, 'Follow That Dream', Elvis plays Toby Kwimper of Cranberry County, a Jethro-like innocent "with the IQ of a grasshopper" but "exquisite proportions" (according to one female observer).
His co-star is Anne Helm as live-in teen orphan Holly Jones, who has grown under Elvis' watchful eye from "a skinny, scrawny little thing" to "practically a woman."
"You know anything about sex, Holly?" Elvis asks the girl at one point. But he doesn't want her to get any funny notions, so he serenades her with these lyrics: "Don't kiss me, Don't claw me, Don't pet me, Don't paw me, I won't leave my freedom behind... Oh, I'm not the marrying kind..."
In fact, Helm didn't need a script to know Presley wasn't the marrying kind, at least when it came to his co-stars: The two had a relationship off screen as well as on during the shooting of "Follow That Dream," according to Helm, who was in town for the Memphis Film Festival.
Helm was a showgirl at the famed Copacabana nightclub in New York before making the transition into acting. The Toronto-born Helm was busy from the 1950s through the 1970s with guest appearances on such series as "Perry Mason," "Rawhide," "Route 66," "Hawaii Five-O" and "Barnaby Jones." Her final acting job was in "The Doll," a 1986 episode of Steven Spielberg's "Amazing Stories" written by Richard Matheson (author of the novel "I Am Legend").
Helm is adding some necessary woman power to this year's festival, which is billed as "A Gathering of Guns" because most of the celebrity guests in attendance are known for their appearances in Westerns. The lineup includes Robert Fuller, Ty Hardin and close to a dozen others.
If most of the festival guests are identified with shoot-'em-ups, a few also have an |
Elvis connection. Will ("Sugarfoot") Hutchins appeared in "Spinout" (1966) and "Clambake" (1967), while James ("The Virginian") Drury played Presley's brother in Elvis' movie debut, "Love Me Tender" (1956). However, it's safe to say neither of these actors got quite as close to the production's leading man as Helm.
"I really fell for Elvis -- I mean, who wouldn't?" said Helm, 70, who retired from acting 13 years ago and is now a South Pasadena artist who specializes in "assemblage" and mixed-media pieces inspired by "the Madonna image."
"We did have a romance, it was quite wonderful," said Helm. "We were on location in Crystal River (Florida), Elvis was away from the madding crowd, it was like a shipboard romance with Elvis.
"I continued seeing him when I came back (to Hollywood), but it was very difficult; he had many lives, he had many women around him. It wasn't like Crystal Spring where I had him all to myself every night."
Helm said she didn't quite understand the level of Elvis' fame until their first "public date" together at a Florida "mermaid show," when what seemed like "thousands of people" showed up to see Elvis, "and they were behind a wire fence to keep them away from Elvis, because they were crazed... I was really overwhelmed by it, because I'd never seen such madness for someone... .
"He was so sweet, he sent me back to the motel and he stayed there and signed autographs for about three or four hours for those people, and I was so touched by that. He really revered his fans. He was lovely with them. I was very impressed -- one more thing to love Elvis for."
(News, Source;SanjaM/EIN) |
"From Elvis in Memphis: Legacy Edition" Update; Despite what you might read elsewhere, EIN can confirm that the special SONY release to celebrate Elvis' 40th anniversary of his Memphis Sessions is a 2 CD set with the release date of July 24, 2009. (Sony Australia says July 24, Amazon.com states July 28).
As stated earlier, "To commemorate the 40th Anniversary of Elvis' historic American Studio session that resulted in "Suspicious Minds," "In the Ghetto" and "Kentucky Rain" among many others, Sony Music will release a deluxe version of From Elvis In Memphis, including all the 32 masters recorded at these sessions. These recordings have been remastered from the original album masters for optimum sound quality."
Ernst Jorgensen has also confirmed for EIN that it will be called "From Elvis in Memphis" not 'In The Ghetto'!
It can be pre-ordered for Amazon for US$18. Click here.
(News, Source;EIN/EJ)
Three more videos added to the EPE Elvis Legacy project:
Gene Autry Turner - Gene met Elvis when he presented him with a Sherriff's badge
from Tupelo.
Dixie Locke Emmons - Elvis' girlfriend in the early stages of his career.
Nancy Bramlett - Nancy spent time at Graceland as part of Elvis' circle of friends.
ETA Danny Gans death also linked to Dilaudid: According to today's press, performer Danny Gans and Elvis had something else in common, besides dying young. Both entertainers were linked after their deaths with Dilaudid, a highly addictive opiate nicknamed "drug store heroin."
Clark County Coroner Mike Murphy ruled Tuesday that Gans' death on May 1 was caused by toxic levels of the painkiller, officially known as hydromorphone. Murphy characterized it as an accidental death. According to numerous published reports, Dilaudid, said to be two to eight times more potent than morphine, was Elvis' favorite drug.
Gans, a vocal impressionist, included a karate-kicking overweight Elvis among his spoofs of musical greats.
Gans, a Las Vegas headliner since 1996, was 52. Elvis was 42 when he died Aug. 16, 1977, in Memphis, Tenn.
While Dilaudid was not found among the many drugs discovered in Elvis' system after he died, he was quoted in the book "Elvis: The Final Years" as telling the wife of Red West, a member of his inner circle, "I've tried them all, honey, and believe me, Dilaudid is the best."
A Las Vegas physician expressed shock Tuesday that the drug showed up as a contributing factor in Gans' death.
"It's not considered normal practice," said the physician, for an internist to prescribe Dilaudid. "It's a restricted drug that's not meant for long-term usage." Dilaudid is so potent, the physician said, "it's against the law for a doctor to call it in. It has to be handwritten." "In 25 years, at most I've written for it just once. The theory is, if someone is in that much pain they should be in the hospital." (News, Source;SanjaM/EIN) |
'A Legendary Performer, Volume 16'; Unbelievably this series still continues! The Wolf Call label compiles yet another CD with a selection of "alternate" Elvis tracks.
This series has never been the same since Madison stopped with Volume 8, the first 'A Legendary Performer, Volume 5' being a true hightlight. Go here for EIN's original Vol.5 review.
Volume 16 Tracklist
1.That's The Way It Is - radio spot
2.Promised Land - alternate mix
3.Just A Little Bit - remastered mastertake
4.It's Only Love - long version
5.Let Us Pray - alternate master
6.Never Ending - remastered
7.Let's Forget About The Stars - remake
8.Viva Las Vegas - remastered mastertake
9.Sylvia - spliced take 3/9
10.Wisdom Of The Ages - alternate mix
11.As Long As I Have You - remake
12.Fools Fall In Love - remixed take
13.Santa Lucia - remake
14.Your Love Is A Long Time Coming - alternate master
15.A Mess Of Blues - remixed take
16.His Latest Flame - alternate take
17.She's Not You - remastered take
18.The Girl Of My Best Friend - alternate take
19.For Ol'Times Sake - Cleaned alternate take
20.I Got A Think About You Baby - alternate master
21.Angel - solo take
22.Big Boots - solo take
23.Britches - solo take
24.Thanks To The Rolling Sea - solo take
25.You're A Heartbreaker - acetate
(News, Source;SanjaM/EIN) |

Breathtaking Elvis and Colonel Parker wall!: Talking of a real eye catcher! How about this huge Elvis & Colonel Parker Wall? With help of a specialized company, we will transform the large wall of the exhibition room to a gigantic picture wall.
This picture simulation by Robert Aarts gives a good idea, but actually seeing Elvis more than life size is just unbelievable! It will blow you away, just as it did us when we saw the first presentation.
• Free
• June 25, 26, 27, 28 (evening and night)
• Outside of the Holland Casino (Kloosterplein 20, Breda) (News, Source: www.elvismatters.be /www.epgold.com)
Stripped Of My Heart, My Soul: Soon to be released – exactly 36 years after it was recorded - is the latest production from “Rainbow Records”. This release will feature the complete performance of Elvis Presley in Atlanta, Georgia - recorded July 3, 1973.
Again the producers of Rainbow Records have been working for months on this new project, as “best possible quality” is always what we claim for when releasing an audience-recorded Elvis Presley show.
This time we have found four (4!!) different sources of tapes for Elvis´ higly entertaining show in Atlanta which marked the closing of his June/July 1973-Tour. As you can imagine, we did our best – spending a total of 7 weeks - to make our new release sound as good as possible!
You can expect Elvis in great mood doing a fine set of songs like the rarely performed “Memphis Tennessee”, “Something”, Help Me Make It Through The Night” and many others. Needless to say that the cd-booklet will have its “usual” 20 pages full of rare photos, articles, memorabilia….. . (News, Source: EP Gold)
Aussie chart correction: Not sure where our good friends at Elvis News found the ARIA Music DVD chart info published yesterday but it was incorrect. On the chart dated 8 June, Elvis: The King of Rock 'n' Roll actually slipped 3 spots to #35 after 61 weeks on the chart. Meanwhile, rather than exiting the chart, the '68 Comeback Special fell 9 places to #38 after 66 weeks on the chart. (News, Source: ARIA)
Hard Road to Memphis DVD: Todd Slaughter and Jon Aldersea are working on a documentary DVD entitled "Hard Road To Memphis" containing a documentary on the 30th Anniversary trip of the UK fan club.
The DVD is slated for release September 2009, after a screening on the Travel Channel in August. (News, Source: Elvis News) |
The most powerful man in the Elvis world under pressure?: While many people talk about Ernst Jorgensen, there is one man arguably more powerful in the Elvis world. His power comes from having acquired the majority ownership in the rights to market the Elvis name, image and likeness from Lisa Marie Presley. That man is of course, Robert F.X. Sillerman.
And with Elvis merchandise and licensed ETA competitions generating more profits than sales of Elvis' music, Sillerman may currently be the most powerful man in the Elvis world!
At a time when his powerful company interests are under strain due to the global financial crisis, EIN thought it timely to go behind the scenes of the Sillerman empire, an empire which is vast and eclectic with an emphasis on the sports and entertainment industries. From Elvis and Muhammad Ali to Lassie and American Idol, with much in between.
In the series of news items and articles below you will find out a lot about who Robert Sillerman is, his business interests, his health issues and his current financial challenges. Read EIN's article |
"Only in America": How many thousands of books are published in America every year? And of those how many does the world actually need?
Here is a book the world has needed for many decades –Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller’s own story in well-arranged, wildly readable words. Short, punchy, as irresistible as a Leiber/Stoller song.
Some say Leiber and Stoller invented rock ’n’ roll.
I don’t think so. I think that honor should go –if to anyone –to Sam Phillips of Memphis’ Sun Records, who recorded all sorts of great black blues musicians but yearned and searched high and low for a white performer with a black feel to conquer American popular music. What happened when he found Elvis Presley ultimately transformed world culture in a way we’re still beginning to understand. |
So Leiber and Stoller may not have actually invented rock ’n’ roll. But they WERE rock ’n’ roll –the very first to be in
America, long before Elvis. They were the mass culture marriage of black America and white America in ways that even jazz and swing never thought of. Born a few months apart in 1933, they met in Los Angeles as mutual admirers of boogie woogie, the blues and so much of what once used to be relegated in America to “race records.”
They were “the original cool cats,” promoter, producer and singer Steve Tyrell told Ken Emerson in Emerson’s amazing book “Always Magic in the Air.” “Mr. Disorderly Conduct and the Man from Another Planet,” they’re called by Atlantic Records’ patriarchal honcho Jerry Wexler in his book “Rhythm and the Blues” (it is Wexler, by the way, who is usually credited with inventing the phrase “rhythm and blues” to describe, among other things, the first music that Leiber and Stoller wrote with such crazy panache).
Wrote Emerson: “Manic, impetuous and aggressive, Leiber was a motormouth with curly red hair. One eye was blue, the other was brown, and there was a crazy glint in both of them. (Asked what he put down for eye color on his passport, Leiber told a friend ‘assorted.’ ”) Stoller, wrote Wexler, “was the taciturn virtuoso, an enigmatic keyboard wizard who looked as if he’d just arrived from Venus or Jupiter. He had formal musical training and a taste for jazz piano.”
What resulted, wrote Wexler, was “a comic spin to their musical vignettes, their reflections on black American life, their witty lyrics, their gritty syncopations…Creators of fantastic characters, they were fantastic characters themselves. Their place is secure in the annals of pop. Their roots a combination of barroom blues and radio programs of their late-’40s childhood.”
When they first met, writes Leiber in one of the alternating Leiber and Stoller sections of “Hound Dog,” “I saw a kid my age with a beret on his head and a Dizzy Gillespie-type goatee on the end of his chin. A bebopper, I thought to myself. Oh s—-, not one of them.”
When they quickly realized how united they were by the blues, writes Stoller, “I started playing some blues” on the piano. “Jerry improvised some lyrics and sung them as if he had been born in Mississippi.”
“We shook hands and said, ‘We’ll be partners.’ ”
America and the world were never quite the same. It’s hard to pick my favorite story from the typhoon of them blowing through “Hound Dog,” one of the indispensable books of 2009 as well as one of the most rollickingly pleasurable.
Is it Jerry Leiber at Elaine’s suddenly attacked from behind and strangled by Norman Mailer, after having decisively whipped a bruising friend of Mailer’s in a wrestling match supervised by Elaine Kaufman herself? Surely there’s inestimable value to American culture in the confirmation of the widespread suspicion that a sneak attack and stranglehold from behind would be a drunken Mailer’s M. O. Or is it Mike Stoller’s story about how he and Leiber and “avant-garde composer” and longtime University at Buffalo Music Department mainstay Morton Feldman almost wrote the background music to the arty and rather dreadful 1961 Carroll Baker movie “Something Wild.”
Writes Stoller: “I’d written a jazz theme and a big band arrangement. Jerry had written a lyric and we’d put together an orchestra of great musicians, half from the Basie band and half from Ellington’s.”
Never one to leave well enough alone, Feldman, typically, had an idea. “Let me take your arrangement and redistribute it into various small groups. Then you and Jerry and I will each conduct the ensembles at different tempos, all at the same time and in the same studio.”
In typical Leiber/Stoller style, Stoller responded “why not?” to his friend Morty’s lunatic proposal of Ivesian film music in 1961. “The result,” writes Stoller, “was annoying, frightening and wonderfully nauseating. It would have worked phenomenally well in the film.” (Note: the revered and far more conventional Aaron Copland ultimately got the “Something Wild” scoring gig, out of which he later fashioned his superb “Music for a Great City.”)
By this time, Leiber and Stoller had already virtually invented the job of record producer and re-created the sound of American pop music with the Drifters’ “There Goes My Baby,” the “everything but the kitchen sink” record that pointed their onetime acolyte and associate Phil Spector into the innovative direction of his “Wall of Sound.”
It’s mind-boggling to think that Feldman was so close to those whose songbook includes so many hits. (See accompanying story.)
“Today,” writes Stoller, “R&B and rock ‘n’ roll are taken seriously as art forms. When we started writing and producing, a two-line review in Cash Box magazine was the best one could expect for a blues or R&B record. As far as Jerry and I were concerned the song we were writing might have a life span of a few months. They were cute, they were appealing, they were seductive. Singers liked to sing them and fans liked to listen to them.”
Which, except for the unfortunately derogatory connotation of the word “cute,” describes their collaborated autobiography in their mutual 76th year. Yet another Leiber and Stoller product that may be destined for an entirely unforeseen and insanely long life.
Hound Dog: The Leiber and Stoller Autobiography By Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller with David Ritz; Simon and Schuster; 322 pages, US$25.00 (News, Source: Jeff Simon,buffnews.com)
Aussie chart update: On the Australian ARIA Music DVD Top 40 chart this week, the "Elvis: The King Of Rock And Roll" compilation DVD remains steady at #32 this week. The single disc edition of the "68 Comeback Special" fell off the chart. (News, Source: Elvis News/ARIA)
Wanted: Remembrances of encounters with Elvis....Legacy Project records interviews for Graceland archives: John "Bull" Bramlett would go on to become a professional football player, but in the early 1950s, he was part of the ragtag team that played touch football near Lauderdale Courts housing project with Elvis Presley as a teammate.
Elvis Presley, playing touch football at the Dave Wells Community Center on Dec. 27, 1956, enjoyed sports but according to friend John Bramlett, Elvis was a better at making music than touchdowns.
Bramlett, 67, was six years younger than Elvis, who called him "Little Bramlett." He sometimes had to stand on the sidelines and watch, but when the older boys needed an extra player, he says, "They'd bang me around just like they did everybody else."
It's part of the story Bramlett tells as part of the "Elvis Presley Legacy Project," in which Graceland is inviting those who knew or met Elvis to tell about their encounters in taped interviews to be included in Graceland's archives. Graceland will videotape other stories from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. June 12 and 13 at the East Memphis Hilton.
Bramlett was invited to tell his story ahead of time along with a few other high-profile Memphians, including former Elvis girlfriend Dixie Locke Emmons, who met Elvis at her church, First Assembly of God. The interviews, designed to promote the 75th Elvis birthday celebrations in January, tend toward a certain reverence, although off-camera, Bramlett adds a few details that won't make it into the Graceland archives.
Elvis was a "great guy," he says, but he was not destined for sports. "He was just an average athlete. I thought he kind of ran like a girl. It was just a funny way that he ran."
While Elvis went on to musical immortality, Bramlett became a celebrity in his own right. He was an All-State and All-American high school football player at Humes High School and an honorable mention All-American at Memphis State University.
From 1965 to 1971, he played for the Denver Broncos, the Miami Dolphins, the Boston Patriots and the Atlanta Falcons. Bramlett says alcohol and drugs helped fuel his reputation as "the meanest man in football," until he "met Jesus in 1973." It was a conversion that led Bramlett to begin his own lay ministry. He now ministers in prisons and to sports groups, including the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, NFL clubs and NASCAR chapel services.
And he can tell about knowing Elvis before and after he became famous.
Bramlett was with Elvis in 1954 at the old Suzore Theater when Elvis' mother, Gladys, came to the theater to tell him that his record, "That's All Right," was being played over and over on WHBQ Radio.
Within three years Elvis had his first RCA hit, "Heartbreak Hotel," and a new home at Graceland. It was soon after the move to Graceland, Bramlett says, that Elvis pulled up alongside him at a red light. He heard a familiar voice yell, "Hey, Little Bramlett." Bramlett says he had to look closely before recognizing Elvis in an old white van and wearing a floppy hat to disguise himself so that he could go out in public.
When Bramlett called out, "Elvis," Presley motioned for him to keep quiet, then drove away.
What: Oral histories of encounters with Elvis
When: Videotaped interviews will be done 9 a.m.-5 p.m. June 12 and 13
Where: East Memphis Hilton, 939 Ridge Lake (near Poplar and I-240)
Contact: To schedule a videotaped interview for the Graceland archives or for more information, call 344-3127
On the Web: Elvis.com/legacy Bramlett.org (News, Source: Michael Lollar, Memphis Commercial Appeal)
Launch of Charles Stone memoir: We all know that with the passing of Colonel Parker in 1997, not only the person of Colonel Parker was gone forever, but also gone were all of his memories. During his lifetime, neither 'the Colonel' nor his right-hand man, Tom Diskin wrote a book about the times with Elvis.
Even though Elvis has been dead for more than thirty-one years now, Elvis fans still hunger for more and detailed background information - especially about the concert years.
Charles Stone, who was born November 8, 1943, and grew up in Wichita Falls, Texas, didn't know, when he started to work for Concerts West, that one day he would work with Colonel Parker and the Elvis entourage.
Still 'Taking Care Of Business' in the Elvis world, tour producer, Charles Stone, shares his memories with Elvis fans worldwide. As tour producer for the Elvis Presley Tours in the 1970's, Charles Stone also worked closely with Colonel Tom Parker. His inside view of the business details of the Colonel and how to manage and handle the Elvis deals was something special. Charles was one of the few members who was inducted into the Colonel’s "Snowman's League" - a mysterious accommodation of the Colonel.
A long with Charles' memories, the book will present a number of private shots of Elvis on stage, a look “behind the wall" at the Colonel's private home in Palm Springs, rare shots of the sound systems, speakers and mixing boards taken and contributed by sound engineer, Bruce Jackson, and, of course, paperwork.
For the very first time, Charles Stone opens his original tour books, showing you reprinted documents and paperwork that gives you an inside view as you have never before had into the details of how the tours were produced and how things were arranged.
The rare pictures, along with the paperwork that has never before been seen, will give you a new perspective and a close-up look at how the Elvis Tours were produced.
This is definitively the very first book about "Elvis & The Colonel" that is written by a guy who was there. The storyline is based on Charles' memories, unlike previous Colonel books that were based on false assumptions and fabricated stories told by a third party.
Fr om June 25th - June 28th, there will be a special celebration party for the 100th birthday of Colonel Parker in his hometown,
Breda, The Netherlands, organized by the Belgium Fan club "ElvisMatters". For more information, visit the official website for the event: www.colonelparker.info
The close connection between Charles Stone and Colonel Parker and the 100th birthday anniversary of Elvis' famous manager make the perfect combination for the world premiere of the latest Praytome Publishing book
ElvisMatters will have the honour and exclusive privilege to have the world premiere of Charles Stone's book, "My Years with Elvis and the Colonel".
The Praytome Publishing crew will also be in Breda for the event and to answer any questions you might have about this new release - or any previous releases.
Because the book will premiere at the ElvisMatters event, shipping will begin June 29, 2009. Contact your local dealer to order the book. (Source: www.Praytome-Publishing.com/www.epgold.com, 6 June 2009)der
New Lichter book on Elvis in Vegas: Henrik Knudsen from Elvis Unlimted posted this message on FECC:
2010 will be the release of Paul's next book. A deluxe book with 450-600 pages about Elvis' time in Vegas from 1956 to 1976. 500 + pictures are 95% in color! Paul even told Elvis Unlimited in this exclusive news report, that he has a picture of Elvis which he had taken in a photo booth in 1956. This book will be jam packed with memorabilia that has never before been in any book yet. Paul told us he had spend close to 10 years researching this project. Overlook Press which also recently released The Elvis Encyclopedia by Adam Victor, will release this Elvis Vegas "Bible" worldwide. Every show from 1969 to 1977 will be described in details. Which ever celebrities Elvis had met and had a picture taken of will be available in the massive hard cover book. For more updates on this book come back from time to time, as our friend Paul Lichter has promised us exclusive updates regularly. (News, Source: www.elvisunlimited.com/FECC)
Visit EIN's comprehensive 'Elvis Books in 2009-10' Archives
Read EIN's article on Paul Lichter's Elvis books
Linda Hood Sigmon and the Jesse Presley story: For many years, particularly when the "Elvis underground" was thriving and after Dr. Donald Hinton's book, The Truth About Elvis Aron Presley: In His Own Words, was released, the name of Linda Hood Sigmon was prominent either on the underground boards or as being Jesse's close friend.
In the past few years EIN has received a number of communications from Linda saying the material published on EIN, including an interview with another "underground" identity, Paul Monroe, has been erroneous/outright lies and in some cases defamatory.
Linda asked EIN to remove the offending items and we refused. Our decision was based on a number of factors, primarily that in an interview format the interviewee is expressing his or her personal views and it would be wrong for EIN to censor these. |
To provide her side of the story and counter a number of issues Linda believes to be compromising her name, Linda has launched her own website: Linda Hood Sigmon Truth
In relation to Paul Monroe, here are excerpts from Linda's site:
Here is my response to Mr. Monroe's latest threats to publish things about me all over the Internet:
May 30, 2009: Dr. Hinton and I acted out of nothing but love, compassion and devotion to Elvis/Jesse. It is/was unfortunate that Mr. Monroe acted out of anger and jealousy...and continues to do so.
The Rx shown is not mine, nor are two of the addresses which you show as mine. This is not the first time that Mr. Monroe has plastered my home address and phone number all over the Internet....last time in 2003, he added this comment "Call her America".
Go ahead and give it your best shot, Mr. Monroe. I have nothing to fear from you. The people who know me will understand my devotion to Jesse. The people who do not know me, will not matter to me.
It was established years ago that Dr. Hinton prescribed in my name. Dr. Hinton was investigated and has taken the necessary measures to reestablish his credentials. He has taken all of the actions asked of him. The law does not allow double jeopardy. So, now it comes down to just you and me, Mr. Monroe. And I will stand toe to toe with you. You are through bullying me.
I KNOW that Jesse is Elvis and it looks like pretty soon the rest of the world will also.
You are just taking out your vengence on me because Jesse did not come out and you did not get a letter from him. That is the driving force behind your actions.
29 May 2009: Mr. Monroe is devoting much time and effort into digging back into Dr. Hinton's history and mine. Because I wish to hide nothing and have nothing to be embarrassed about, I am posting the following link to Mr. Monroe's posted messages on the comment board of The Truth About Elvis on MySpace http://comment.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewComments&friendID=83652269
If you will please watch the video of the FOX 8 news report which includes the DEA investigation results, you will see that this was not a drug ring. In this brief clip of the FOX 8 report of May 24, 2004, there is shown the bottom line determination of the DEA investigation into the so called "drug ring".
Dr. Hinton and I acted out of nothing but love, compassion and devotion to Elvis. It was unfortunate that Mr. Monroe and Mrs. Smiley acted out of anger and jealousy...and continue to do so.
In the interests of reading all sides to a story in order to make an informed decision, EIN recommends interested readers visit Linda's site:
Linda Hood Sigmon Truth
Read relevant EIN interviews/articles:
Eliza Presley
Paul Monroe
Bill Beeny DNA Evidence Flawed
Author/researcher, Patrick Lacy, decodes the myths and scams in the Elvis world!
EIN's Conspiracy Page
Was EIN unfair to Linda Hood Sigmon?: It is never EIN's intention to unfairly malign others and we always offer them the right of reply. And despite what some people may think, we do grapple very seriously with a small amount of content on our site!! However, a basic premise on which EIN was founded, is to provide the widest range of news, views and information to our readers, without fear or favor. Engaging in censorship due to pressure would seriously compromise this principle.
EIN readily understands how some readers will consider EIN should not have published certain material about Linda. We don't particularly like it when we are slammed on other sites or Elvis messageboards, which does happen from to time. However, we respect the right of parties to express their personal views.
It's different now at Stax: We stumbled upon a CD with a misleading title It's Different Now At Stax.
Nothing's different, the CD is filled with tracks taken from previously released CDs.
- Raised On Rock 5.06
- If You Don't Come Back 3.08
- Just A Little Bit 3.57
- It's Different Now 4.11
- Three Corn Patches 3.51
- Find Out What's Happening 3.30
- My Boy 4.25
- It's Midnight 4.14
- Take Good Care Of Her 4.32
- I've Got A Thing About You Baby 3.53
- Mr. Songman 3.13
- Promised Land 4.01
- Love Song Of The Year 4.48
- Your Love's Been A Long Time Coming 3.52
- Girl Of Mine - Undubbed 3.41
- I Got A Feeling In My Body - Undubbed 3.38
- You Asked Me To - Undubbed 2.53
- If You Talk In Your Sleep - Undubbed 2.18
- Thinking About You - Undubbed 3.57
- Help Me - Undubbed 2.28
- Sweet Angeline - Vocal Overdub 3.11
(Source: Elvis News/ For Elvis CD Collectors Forum) |
Elvis Festival - meet the TCB Band in Holland: Elvis Matters indicates: 'We know from experience how fast tickets can sell… and for the big ELVIS FESTIVAL in Breda in June, we expect a record crowd of Elvis fans from all over Europe. So, be sure to order your tickets in time for the world premieres of “Viva Las Vegas” and “Jailhouse Rock” on BLU RAY quality with subtitles, and the ORIGINAL “Elvis On Tour” 35 mm film, all on a GIGANTIC screen in what’s probably Holland’s finest movie theatre, Must See in Breda. Also, don’t forget your ticket for – again – the world premiere of the documentary on Colonel Parker’s Dutch past. This documentary will be shown only ONCE in the film theatre, the day before it airs on national television. Check our online shop for all available tickets… and remember: if you buy a weekend arrangement, all these tickets are free'. (News, Source: Elvis Matters)
Concert TCB Band
ETA event - Resorts Atlantic City 1133 Boardwalk, Atlantic City; 609-344-6000. www.resortsac.com. Boogie Nights - Fri. & Sat. 9 pm. $10. Celebrates the music, style & pop culture of the '70s & '80s. DJs spin disco, pop & dance hits. Light show, music videos, special guests. Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest - Contest winner qualifies to compete in the 2009 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist finals in Memphis. $20. 6/5 9 pm. 6/6 8 pm. Mark Weiss - Music industry photographer whose portraits have a retro feel. Closes 6/27.
Read more about ETA's
With Elvis-themed casino out, lenders want Strip property: Lenders are moving to seize control of a key piece of real estate on the Las Vegas Strip after plans fell through for an Elvis Presley-themed casino resort there.
Three first-lien lenders filed a lawsuit Friday in Clark County District Court against entities controlled by FX Real Estate and Entertainment Inc. of New York, which is in default on two loans for $475 million for the property southeast of the corner of Harmon Avenue and Las Vegas Boulevard, across the Strip from the CityCenter complex. |
The lenders say that even though foreclosure proceedings are under way and the banks have been collecting rent from small businesses on the site, FX continues to maintain possession or control of the land. The lenders' agent "believes that the fees and expenses which borrower and/or its related entities are currently charging the first lien lenders for managing the real property are excessive and disproportionate to those customarily paid in Clark County," charged the lawsuit.
The lenders are asking the court to appoint a receiver to take control of the land. It appears the lenders and investors will take huge losses on the property. The first lien lenders say they are owed $259 million on their $280 million loan, but FX has recently estimated the property is worth only about $219 million.
In the foreclosure, the second-lien holders -- believed to be a syndicate of 70 or more lenders -- may recover nothing on their $195 million loan against the property. And the rents being collected by the lenders are insufficient to satisfy interest due on the loan or to reduce the principal amount due, the lawsuit said. The value of the land has fallen as the recession has reduced valuations in the hotel and gaming industries and commercial real estate financing has dried up.
The banks suing the FX entities Friday were Landesbank Baden-Wurttemberg, Deutsche Hypothekenbank and Munchener Hypothekenbank eG. FX officials couldn't immediately be reached for comment.
In April, FX said it may file for bankruptcy protection following the collapse of its plans to build celebrity-themed properties in Las Vegas and other cities. The company in May reiterated it has no way of making payments to become current on the Las Vegas loans. As for legal action, including bankruptcy, it said it "cannot guarantee to what extent, if any, such actions may be viable or effective."
FX is controlled by Robert F.X. Sillerman, who also owns the wildly popular "American Idol" TV show. FX had been promoting plans to build properties with Elvis Presley and Muhammad Ali themes and has been paying royalties to Elvis Presley Enterprises and Muhammad Ali Enterprises. Those licensing deals were canceled this year amid FX's financial troubles.
The Las Vegas property, once planned for an Elvis Presley resort, consists of six parcels totaling 17.72 acres that have in recent years been occupied by small retailers and restaurants, such as the Harley-Davidson Cafe and Smith & Wollensky, as well as a Travelodge hotel. Because of a write-down on the value of its Las Vegas holding, and the licensing fees paid to the Presley and Ali companies, FX said it lost $462 million on revenue of $6 million in 2008. (Sale of EPE, Source: Steve Green, Las Vegas Sun)
Tomorrow on EIN: a detailed article on the Robert F.X. Sillerman empire and its current challenges
Visit EIN's comprehensive 'Sale of EPE Archives'
Elvis Insiders benefits: Members of EPE's Elvis Insiders now have acess to: Download the Elvis Cruise Podcast - Are you ready to set sail on The Elvis Cruise in November? Or is your mind not yet made up? Either way, you'll want to be sure to listen to The Elvis Cruise podcast presented by Sixthman, organizers of the 2009 Elvis Cruise from Tampa to Cozumel.
In addition, they can take advantage of special offers from Shop Elvis and see this week's exclusive artifact gallery update which features a receipt from Elvis' August 4, 1956 purchase of a new white Continental Mark II in Miami, Florida. Although the car was priced at $10,688, Elvis only paid $3,515 after the trade-in of another vehicle.
Each week, Elvis Insiders will get exclusive access to a new rarely or never before seen artifact, photo or document from the Graceland archives. (News, Source: Elvis Insiders)
"Tales from the Catholic Church of Elvis!" Film Debut Garners Six Nominations, Best Lead Actress Win: The first screening of the just-completed controversial Catholic Church/Sin City-themed independent film "Tales from the Catholic Church of Elvis!" garnered an unprecedented six nominations, including one for Best Feature, at the Gala Awards ceremony held Thursday night, June 4, 2009 at Hoboken International Film Festival ("HIFF") in New Jersey, with Mercy Malick, who also wrote and co-directed, winning Best Actress for her multi-role portrayal of true-life experiences growing up as a Catholic school girl in Las Vegas.
In addition to Malick's Best Actress Award, the film's outstanding cast also earned a Best Supporting Actor nomination for Emmy-winner Larry Gelman's portrayal of the lecherous octogenarian amputee "Sydney", and a Best Supporting Actress nomination for Tim Robbins' "The Actors' Gang" veteran Mary Eileen O'Donnell's portrayal of the street-wise, rosary-beads and brass-knuckle-toting nun, "Sister MacDonald". "Tales" also earned nominations for Best Screenplay, and Best Editing.
"We finished the film just in time to next-day-air it to HIFF," reports Malick. "Our screening there last Monday was literally the first time we had seen it outside of the editing room. And then to experience a theater full of complete strangers reacting the way they did- it was just a high I can't describe."
Seventy-two admitted films competed for awards at HIFF, and "…we saw some incredible stuff! Just absolutely superior filmmaking," says Malick. "The HIFF organizers and staff could not have possibly treated us better, and to be so profusely honored in that competitive pool, all I can say is, YEAH!"
After its tremendously successful East Coast debut at Hoboken, "Tales" will premiere next week on the West Coast at Seattle's True Independent Film Festival ("STIFF"), where it will screen Wednesday night, June 10th, 9:30 PM, at the Northwest Film Forum. For up-to-date screening information, please visit www.CCofE.com. (Celluloid Elvis, Source: PRweb - emediawire)
For more on Elvis' films and Elvis related films, visit EIN's Celluloid Elvis page
Dr. Nick - Medically Irresponsible or Misunderstood?: EIN has always thought Dr. Nick receives an unfair rap!
So we thought it was time to present a range of information about him, hopefully allowing readers to, in the clear light of day, freshly reflect on each side of the story and determine a reasonable and balanced consideration of Dr. Nick's role and intentions in the complex, and often easily biased, Elvis story! (Spotlight, Source: EIN) |
'From Elvis in Memphis' CD release date: Sony BMG Australia has advised EIN that the special "Legacy Edition" of this album, to commemorate its 40th anniversary, will be released on 24 July 2009.
A deluxe version, it will include all 32 masters recorded at Elvis' legendary American Sound Studios sessions in 1969. The recordings have been remastered from the original album masters for optimum sound quality.
The original release of From Elvis in Memphis was the thirty-fourth album for Elvis , not counting budget compilations on the RCA Camden subsidiary, by Elvis Presley, released on RCA Records, LSP 4155, in June 1969. Recorded at American Sound Studios in Memphis, it peaked at #13 on the Billboard 200, and is considered by many critics to be his best album. In 2003, the album was ranked number 190 on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 500 greatest albums of all time. (News, Source: Sony BMG) |
Elvis items at auction: Backstage Auctions is hosting a huge rockin' summer auction from June 21– 28 online at: www.backstageauctions.com with a special preview available now to view the entire auction catalogue. The Rockin' Hot Summer Auction will feature items from radio/ television broadcaster Denny Somach's personal collection, including over 5,000 7-inch promotional singles, autographed lyric sheets, vintage photos, gold record awards, signed lithographs, backstage passes, vintage magazines and rare promotional collectibles including merchandise, artwork, pins, buttons, concert tickets, shirts and much more!
Our summer auction has been put together with the everyday collector and fan in mind. With over 700 auction lots, the average opening bid price is $100.00 with a large number of the lots that feature a starting bid price of $25.00 - $50.00. Now everyone can own a piece of rock and roll history.
There are also a couple of Elvis-items available, among them these Tickle Me-feathers. You can find all Elvis items by following the link below. (News, Source; Elvis News)
And another auction: Fans got a chance to bid on 150 items in an Elvis auction at Kings Restaurant in Kinston. John Butler, a Red Cross volunteer, inherited the memorabilia when his father passed away. He donated all the items to the Lenoir county chapter of the American Red Cross. All of the proceeds will go to their operating expenses.
Folks with the Red Cross say they are grateful for volunteers like Butler.
Kathy Jones, director of disaster and volunteer services says, “We love our volunteers. We couldn’t do it without them. We couldn’t do what we do without them. And our heart goes out, and we just can’t tell you how much we love them and how much they mean to us.“
And folks who participated in last night’s auction also enjoyed a *lively* performance by Elvis impersonator A.J. Outlaw. (News, Source: Alex Poindexter, Eyewitness News 9)
UK fans in for big Elvis treat: ELVIS fans are in for a treat with the next production from the Too Friendly Theatre Company, Miles Tredinnick’s fabulous farce ‘It’s Now Or Never’. The story follows Elvis Presley fanatic, Tom Weals and his fiancée, Alice, as they arrive in Spain in preparation for their long awaited wedding.
Keith Clark, a fellow Elvis fanatic, has offered the them the use of his villa outside Marbella while he is in London, but their arrival is predated by a sighting by Keith of Elvis Presley, alive and well and gardening in a nearby villa. Unbeknownst to Alice, who is not much of an Elvis fan, Keith talks Tom into helping him kidnap Elvis and sell the story to to British tabloid press. However things, as usual, don’t go according to plan...
The show runs from June 11-13 at Southport Little Theatre. Tickets are £7.50. To book call 01704 560229 or visit www.toofriendlytheatre.com (News, Source: Kathryn Carr, Southport Visiter)
YOUR FEEDBACK ADDED - Eliza Presley speaks EXCLUSIVELY to EIN!: Is Eliza Presley Elvis' half sister?
Today we add the initial influx of readers feedback to Eliza's controversial interview.
Independently tested DNA evidence apparently suggests Eliza is Vernon Presley's biological daughter and therefore half-sister to Elvis!
In Part 1 of her exclusive interview with EIN, Eliza speaks about:
- her early life
- how she came to suspect she was related to Elvis
- contact with "Jesse Presley"
- the next step in her legal case to prove her claim
- that controversial DNA evidence! (Interviews, Source: EIN)
New Elvis music book releases: In September 2009, the Hal Leonard Corporation is releasing 5 new Elvis music books:
- Elvis Presley for Alto Sax: Instrumental Play Along Book/CD Pack (paperback)
- Elvis Presley for Clarinet: Instrumental Play Along Book/CD Pack (paperback)
- Elvis Presley for Flute: Instrumental Play Along Book/CD Pack (paperback)
- Elvis Presley for Tenor Sax: Instrumental Play Along Book/CD Pack (paperback)
- Elvis Presley for Trumpet: Instrumental Play Along Book/CD Pack (paperback)
As indicated, each book comes with a play along CD and features 15 popular Elvis songs. It appears each book features the same set of songs which include Blue Suede Shoes; All Shook Up; Love Me Tender; Jailhouse Rock; Hound Dog; Teddy Bear and Return to Sender. All 5 books are available for pre-order from Amazon in the US. (News, Source: ElvisBookResearch)
Elvis relative an exponent of Trash Metal: Thrash metal artist Ronald Presley-Morton, part of the Presley lineage, is back making music with his original band member from the Birmingham based band The Cut Throat Conspiracy. Fans of this Presley will be thrilled to once again see this part of our royal rock family hit the Deep South with his style of rock. Look for shows in Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee by August. Check out: www.myspace.com/thecutthroatconspiracy
Portuguese Elvis film book: HM Editora will release the first portuguese book on Elvis' movies entitled Elvis Presley e o Cinema Musical de Hollywood later this June. The book is written by Jorge Carrega, who wrote it originally as a thesis for his master degree in film and literature.
The book has 132 pages, a preface by Professora Mirian Tavares of the University of the Algarve, and 32 b&w and color photos, plus a complethe Elvis DVDguide-filmography. (Book News, Source: Elvis News)
Visit EIN's comprehensive 'Elvis Books in 2009' Archives |
Graceland Hotel on hold: Robert Sillerman, the man behind the company that hold the rights to Elvis Presley appears to have some financial problems. The Vegas project is in default. Plans for a new hotel and convention center at Graceland, Elvis’s Tennessee home, are on hold. FX Real Estate fell to pennies a share in April from its February 2008 peak of $7.88 and was delisted from the Nasdaq stock exchange.
Priscilla Presley, Elvis’s wife from 1967 to 1973, says the economy, not Sillerman, is to blame. “I have a lot of confidence in Bob,” she says. “When the timing is right, I’m sure all this will come back on the boards.” (Sale of EPE, Source: Elvis News)
Coming soon to EIN: A major article on the financial situation of Robert Sillerman!
Visit EIN's comprehensive 'Sale of EPE' Archives
Elvis Insiders pre-sale on Elvis In Concert tix: Tickets for Elvis Presley In Concert on February 24, 2010, in Rotterdam, Holland, at the AHOY will be on presale exclusively for Elvis Insiders for 24-hours only on Wednesday, June 3 beginning at 10:00 hrs. (Holland Time). Tickets for the general public will be on sale beginning Friday, June 5 at 10:00 hrs. (Holland Time).
The link to purchase the presale tickets online has been placed on the Elvis Insiders members only message board, but will not be live until Wednesday, June 3, at 10:00 hrs (Holland time). There is an eight ticket limit per order. (News, Source: EPE)
Rare Japanese 3CD set for sale at heavily discounted price: ELVIS PRESLEY We Love Elvis (Rare 1987 Japanese-only 60-track 3-CD album box set. Each of the discs encompasses tracks from the 50s, 60s, 70s and are housed inside an unique gold picture slipcase plus 68-page lyric and Japanese biography booklet, complete with it's original outer obi-strip and opened shrinkwrap! R30P-1003~05) Was £94.00.....Now £47.00 Save £47.00
'The Wonder Of You' new FTD release: Announced today FTD will release a new TTWII soundboard 'The Wonder Of You' on June 29, 2009. This features the complete Dinner Show August 13, 1970 performance as recorded by RCA at The International Hotel, Las Vegas. This release has been mixed in its entirety by Vic Anesini and comes as a single disc digipack. This is the famous "Red Ladder" jumpsuit concert which was filmed as part of the legendary "That's The Way It Is" movie, unique performances include; 'Stranger In The Crowd', 'In The Ghetto', 'Make The World Go Away' and 'Don't Cry Daddy'.
This is the performance which gave us 'The Wonder Of You' and 'In The Ghetto' as seen in the TTWII Special Edition movie.'The Wonder Of You' track was also released on the FTD CD 'The Way It Was'.
The timing is fascinating as only a week ago the import label Audionics also announced the release of exactly the same concert on a CD called 'Stranger In the Crowd' but as a 3-panel digipack with 16-page full color booklet (see details below).
'The Wonder Of You' Tracklist: 1) That's All Right, 2) I Got A Woman,
3) Hound Dog, 4) Love Me Tender, 5) Don't Cry Daddy, 6) In The Ghetto, 7) I Just Can't Help Believin', 8) Stranger In The Crowd, 9) Make The World Go Away, 10) Sweet Caroline, 11) You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' , 12) Polk Salad Annie, 13) Introductions, 14) The Wonder Of You, 15) Heartbreak Hotel, 16) Blue Suede Shoes, 17) One Night, 18) All Shook Up, 19) Bridge Over Troubled Water, 20) Suspicious Minds, 21) Can't Help Falling In Love.
Note: The vinyl FTD releases "Blue Hawaii" and "Standing Room Only" will be issued on June 29, 2009 along with ‘The Wonder Of You'.
(News, Source;EIN/ElvisUnlimited) |
'I Called Him Babe' book re-issue: Elvis' former nurse Marian J. Cocke released her book "I Called Him Babe" back in 1979, but it has long been out-of-print. It has now being reissued and should be available in Graceland bookstore and elsewhere. Marian has told friends that she is excited about her book being reprinted.
The deluxe paperback edition is available from fine retail book outlets for $19.95 but you can also order a personal signed copy direct from Marian.
Go here for more info and to order direct.
(News, Source;EIN)
Red West's new film in Sydney Film Festival this week: Australia's prestigious Sydney Film festival is featuring Red West's outstanding new film 'Goodbye Solo' this week. Having received rave reviews in the USA the film gets its Australian premiere in Sydney at Thursday June 4th 6.30pm with a repeat showing June 9th 2.10pm at the fabulous art-deco State Theatre.
Reviewed as.. "Two actors. One from Africa. The other who was a bodyguard for Elvis. Who but Director Ramin Bahrani would find these men and pair them in a story of heartbreaking depth and power? Bahrani is the new great American director. He never steps wrong. In "Goodbye Solo," he begins with a situation that might unfold in a dozen different ways and makes of it something original and profound. It is about the desire to help and the desire to not be helped.
We are not speaking of an odd couple here. We're speaking of human nature. You can't learn acting like this. Bahrani worked with the actors for months. Savane drove a taxi in Winston-Salem. Red West spent a lifetime rehearsing. Although this is an independent film in its heart and soul, it is a classical film in its style. |
It is as pure as something by John Ford. A film like this makes me wonder if we are coming to the end of the facile, snarky indie films. We live in desperate times. Wherever you live, when this film opens, it will be the best film in town."
Don't miss it. Go here for info and tickets. (News, Source;EIN) |
The King Lives at Spotlight 29 Casino in 'Elvis the Musical': Simply put, Elvis Presley changed music forever. With one swivel of his hips, he brought down all previous structure of American music and performance and ushered in a new era and a sound that is still influencing artists and their music today. Last year "Elvis the Musical" brought that sound to life and was a sell-out - so now, by popular, demand the show returns for a one-night-only run on August 22 at Coachella Valley's Spotlight 29 Casino.
"Elvis the Musical" celebrates the life and music of Elvis as it is most fondly remembered. So much more than a tribute concert, "Elvis the Musical" is a Broadway-style, multi-media musical show with audio, video, live musicians with personal appearances of Elvis' personal friends, associates and musicians recreating the musical career of Elvis Presley.
The production stars Paul Casey, widely considered the world's best Elvis impersonator. Casey has been featured in multiple national publications, including People magazine, is the official Elvis for the City of Las Vegas, was twice named the city's "Entertainer of the Year," and recently cut the song "Only Las Vegas" as a new official song for the city.
The musical spans Elvis' entire career, from 1954-1977, and features 42 songs and 16 costume changes. The production also stars friends and others who were influential to the Elvis mystique.
Tickets for "Elvis the Musical" are $35 Go here for more info. (News, Source;SanjaM/EIN)

Eliza Presley speaks EXCLUSIVELY to EIN!: Is Eliza Presley Elvis' half sister?
Independently tested DNA evidence apparently suggests Eliza is Vernon Presley's biological daughter and therefore half-sister to Elvis!
In Part 1 of her exclusive interview with EIN, Eliza speaks about:
- her early life
- how she came to suspect she was related to Elvis
- contact with "Jesse Presley"
- the next step in her legal case to prove her claim
- that controversial DNA evidence! (Interviews, Source: EIN)
Dylan Jones: What is the point of looking at Elvis's rhinestone loo seat, or Jim Morrison's broken zipper?: There's been a lot of talk recently about the John Lennon exhibition at the New York annexe of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but having been there only a few months ago, I can report that the only exhibit of much interest was the old urinal from CBGBs, which had been plonked down outside the lavatories almost as an afterthought.
So when I was invited to a similar pop theme park, this time down at the O2 in London, my heart sank more than a little. After all, rock'n'roll really needs to be experienced in all its sweaty, sexy sequined glory to make any sense, doesn't it? I mean, what's the point of looking at Elvis's rhinestone loo seat, Jim Morrison's broken zipper or Marc Bolan's driving licence in the confines of a large Perspex box? None.
But the British Music Experience, situated in the dark recesses of the often-overpowering O2, is refreshingly entertaining. In fact, it's rather brilliant. Which it needs to be because, let's face it, if you're going to go all the way down to the O2 (aka "the tent in Kent"), you need to know that Prince is playing in the round, or that Led Zeppelin are reforming.
Well, at the fully interactive British Music Experience you can see them both, and more. It has some of the most coveted music memorabilia you'll ever see (David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust costume, Noel Gallagher's Union Jack guitar, Roger Daltrey's Woodstock outfit and a vintage – and dry-cleaned – Amy Winehouse dress) as well as the sort of audio-visual trickery that will transport you back in time to be in the crowd at legendary gigs or to eavesdrop on fantasy dinner parties. You can also develop your skills on guitar, bass and drums, practise your vocals and even hone your dance moves. Plus, there are download facilities, allowing you to access all of your favourite bits of the exhibition.
The BME is the result of five years work by the veteran pop promoter Harvey Goldsmith, and actually looks like it. So get yourself an Oyster card and head on down to south-east London. The Starman's waiting for you (David Bowie that is, not Harvey Goldsmith). Dylan Jones is the editor of 'GQ' (News, Source: The Independent)
Elvis - The Ed Sullivan Shows - The Classic Performances: Due for release from Image Entertainment on August 4, 2009 is the DVD "Elvis - The Ed Sullivan Shows - The Classic Performances". The DVD has a running time of 46 minutes. (News, Source: Elvis News/Amazon) |
4th Anniversay 3" CD: To celebrate their 4th anniversary the Dutch Elvis Corner shop will re-issue an old EP on a 3-inch CD. Customers who buy over 15 Euro on June 13, 2009 get the CD for free (bring the coupon from the site). The CD will only be available that day.
Keep an eye on our portal, because you might see a quiz pop up there next week :-)
Tracklisting: Don't Be Cruel / Milkcow Blues Boogie / Blue Moon Of Kentucky / My Baby Left Me / Money Honey / I Forgot To Remember To Forget / Hound Dog / Just Because. (News, Source: Elvis News/Elvis Corner)
Fall in love with Elvis all over again: Fans in the North Country 'couldn't help falling in love' with Elvis all over again this weekend. Hundreds of Elvis fans turned out for the sixth annual Elvis Festival in Lake George and Lake Luzerne. Dozens of Elvis tribute artists from all over North America performed in hopes of qualifying for the ultimate Elvis Tribute artist contest, which is held in Memphis. The festival's director says the tribute artists are no joke.
"The performances that we have really try to embody Elvis, his whole life, his music, his history. It's not a time to show performance. These are professional, talented artists. A Las Vegas style show and I think you'd be really impressed,” said Jason Sherry, LakeGeorge.com Elvis Festival Director. Not only did tribute artists copy some of the King's moves, they also rocked out in signature Elvis attire. (News, Source: Capital News 9) |
Triple Feature CD: Due for release from Sony Special Products on June 23, 2009 is the 3 disc set "Elvis Presley - Triple Feature" which includes the following 3 Elvis Presley Albums at a low price: "Burning Love and Hits From His Movies", "Separate Ways" and "You'll Never Walk Alone". (News, Source: Elvis News)
Milton Berle Show DVD: Due for release June 1st. 2009 from IMC is the DVD "Elvis Presley - The Milton Berle Show" (catalogue number: IMC708D). (News, Source: Elvis News/Amazon.co.uk) |
Elvis sighted on streets of Aussie Gold Coast: ELVIS Presley look-alike Les Garth doesn't just dress up for Wintersun.
The 43-year-old dons the colourful suits, the side burns and the slick hairdo of the King of Rock 'n' Roll even on the occasional trip to the sup- ermarkets. And he never minds a photo with diehard fans.
“I dress up whenever I feel like it. I've done it when I'm just ducking down to the shops,” the Palm Beach resident said.
“I do it because I love it. I've had people try to snap a shot of me out their car window as I've walked across the street.
“I'm always happy to pose for a photo. I've been a fan of Elvis my whole life.” |
Mr Garth was spotted in Griffith Street, Coolangatta yesterday taking a happy snap with some fans in the lead-up to his sixth Wintersun. He said he is looking forward to next weekend when the nostalgia festival transforms Coolangatta and Tweed Heads into 50s-60s music heaven.
“I just came down today to check out the beginning. There is not much happening yet, but I will be back in my white Elvis clothes with some leis for the main weekend,” Mr Garth said.
Festival director Barry McNamara said it's been another tough year organising the annual event
“It's been hard to organise, but this is where the work pays off,” Mr McNamara said.
Wintersun officially kicked off last night with a shindig at the Seagulls Lounge and will run until Monday June 8.
• Grand opening at Seagulls Auditorium at 7.30pm tonight.
• Wintersun Street Parade in Coolangatta at 9.45am next Saturday.
• Rock 'n' Roll church service at Lanham Street Anglican Church at 9am.
• Best of Wintersun Concert at Seagulls at 9.30am on Monday June 8. (Almost Elvis, Source: Tweed Daily News)
'Stranger In The Crowd' new Import CD: The upcoming CD release by Audionics label is entitled "STRANGER IN THE CROWD" and it contains the excellent August 13, 1970 dinner show. Import collectors first heard this recording as a part of boxed set called "TTWII - The Complete Works" but all 6 shows was presented in mono sound only.
'Stranger In The Crowd' is different kind of release - whole show is in FULL STEREO sound, taken from original mastertape. There is no noise and balance of instruments and voices is excellent. This release will be presented in a beautiful 3-panel digipack, with 16-page full color booklet. Most of accompanying photographs were taken during August 13, 1970 dinner show, with few additional candid shots from August 1970. Released is scheduled for early June '09.
Tracklist: 01. Opening Theme (Joe Guercio Orchestra) - 02. Opening Vamp / That's All Right, Mama - 03. I Got A Woman - 04. Hound Dog - 05. Monologue - 06. Love Me Tender (with false start) - 07. Don't Cry Daddy - 08. In The Ghetto - 09. I Just Can't Help Believin' - 10. Stranger In The Crowd - 11. Make The World Go Away - 12. Sweet Caroline (with false start)* - 13. You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' - 14. Polk Salad Annie - 15. Band Introductions / Instrumental break - 16. Band Introductions / Introduction of Art Carney - 17. The Wonder Of You - 18. Heartbreak Hotel - 19. Blue Suede Shoes |
20. One Night - 21. All Shook Up - 22. Bridge Over Troubled Water - 23. Suspicious Minds - 24. Can't Help Falling In Love. * spliced with August 11th, 1970 Dinner show version
Bonus track: 25. Sweet Caroline (with false start) - complete August 13th, 1970 Dinner show mono version
(News, Source;Audionics) |