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'Inside Graceland' Book Review: Published by Elvis Unlimited, Inside Graceland is an 112 page book of never before seen pictures from the collection Sherif Hanna. More than half the photos are from 1975 and they help demonstrate just how much Graceland has been redecorated since Elvis died. Apart from the unique pictures, the book also contains quotes and stories from the people who were there in the 1970s including Linda Thompson and Sandi Miller. EIN's Sanja Meegin reviews the book and decides whether so many unreleased photos of Graceland can really be that interesting. Go here for the full review.
(Book Reviews, Source;EIN) |
Hugh Jarrett, former Jordanaire, injured in car accident: Hugh Jarrett who worked with Elvis as bass-singer of the Jordanaires up until 1958 has been hurt in a car accident - and is reportedly "not doing well". After recording and appearing in the film King Creole, Hugh Jarrett left the group to work at Nashville radio station WLAC. There he created the character of Big Hugh Baby Jarrett. He has since been a radio host at WPLO-AM and WQXI-AM and most recently Victory 91.5. He also hosted a variety show on WXIA-TV at one point. He was inducted into the Georgia Music Hall of Fame in 2004 and the Georgia Radio Hall of Fame in 2007. The photo shows Elvis and The Jordanaires with Hugh Jarrett on the far right. (News, Source;EIN/ElvisExpert@aol) |
Jack Soden's Whole lot of shaking going on at Graceland: The keeper of the flame of all things Elvis is still Jack Soden. The Kansas City native spearheaded the preservation and opening to the public of the King’s Memphis mansion Graceland in 1982. And while mum’s the word on exactly what may soon go down in the way of improvements, there’s plenty to see right now, as evidenced by the more than half-million visitors a year to Elvis’ former home.
“We’ve been buying property in our neighborhood for the last 18 years, and now we have a 120-acre campus,” Soden says. . (Right: EIN's Sanja Meegin with her friend Jack Soden)
Don’t look for a Disneyland-like theme park intruding on nearby neighborhoods, Soden says of the coming changes.
“It conjures up rides and Ferris wheels, and nobody wants that around this famous place,” Soden says. “If anything, we will build all new visitor centers, museum and parking facilities. We’re going to build everything over while carefully preserving the integrity of Graceland, because it’s a national landmark.
“People still place a great deal of value on authenticity. So it’s extremely important that Graceland be preserved the same as it was when Elvis lived here. And I think it’s important to note that just because you have 120 acres doesn’t mean you have to develop it all. A lot of it could remain green space.”
Return visitors can check out two new exhibits: Private Presley, commemorating the 50th anniversary of Elvis’ induction into the Army, and the 68 Special exhibit, which celebrates the 40th anniversary of Elvis’ television “comeback” where he performed the song “If I Can Dream.”

“We change an awful lot of our exhibits,” Soden says. “If you haven’t been here in several years, you’ll see a lot of things that are new.”
One thing people won’t see: Graceland’s upstairs, which will remain closed. Even President Bush and Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi weren’t allowed up there when they jetted in for a schmooze two years ago.
“We were prepared that even if the White House had asked for that, we would have said no,” Soden says. “We were going to say if Koizumi was a real Elvis fan, he wouldn’t want to go upstairs. Elvis fans would consider it in poor taste to go upstairs and look at the bathroom floor where Elvis was found dead. But they never asked.”
Speaking of Bush’s visit, “The Secret Service loved being here,” Soden says. “We gave them all Elvis sunglasses.”
Countless celebs have flocked to Graceland over the years.
“Jeff Bridges is touring right now,” Soden says. “There’s always somebody. They’re making two movies in Memphis right now, one with Justin Timberlake, who is from Memphis. And Samuel L. Jackson is here. This is the third movie he’s made in Memphis.”
Incredibly, only two stars were kicked out for misbehavior, Soden says: Boy George and Courtney Love. George was acting up like he was vying for tabloid coverage, and Love wanted to engage in an unmentionable activity.
“We’re tolerant up to a point,” Soden says. (News, Source;EIN/SanjaM) |
Hotel Grünewald in Bad Nauheim has closed: The famous 'Grunewald Hotel' in Bad Nauheim, Germany, where Elvis rented an entire floor during his (first) army days, is no longer open. The current owners used to rent the 'Elvis Room' to fans. However, they have come to an age that they decided to stop this 'service'. This is a real shame since this was a unique opportunity to experience a special night in one of Elvis' European homes.
(News, Source;ElvisMatters) |
Elvis on-line slot release 'All Shook Up': It's been a long wait, but the online version of Wagerworks' Elvis multi-strike online slot has finally arrived. As reported by EIN last year the Elvis slot was supposed to appear in 2007, but it took longer than expected to finally make it online.
The original Elvis casino slot machine, which was released by Wagerworks' parent IGT, was a firm favourite in Vegas and has even appeared as a fruit machine variant in the UK. The online Elvis slot version has all the extras of the original and can be found on the Virgin Casino and Paddy Power Casino websites.
(News, Source;EIN/SanjaM) |
What would Thomas Jefferson say to Elvis Presley? Now there’s a question to ponder, which Harvard University Professor Robert Kiely has. The question figures in the topic of his upcoming lecture, “From Monticello to Graceland: Jefferson and Elvis as American Icons.” The professor of English, author and book reviewer for The New York Times will speak at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Houston Memorial Chapel at Randolph College, thanks to the Friends of the Lynchburg Public Library and the Dr. and Mrs. C.H. Lippard Memorial Fund.
And what would such an event be without music? To the King, music was everything, and to Jefferson, who played the violin, it was his “favorite passion,” according to Colonial Williamsburg. So Randolph College students will accompany the lecture with selections from Jefferson’s era, such as “Since Love Is the Plan,” and some Elvis hits, a la “Can’t Help Falling in Love.
A telephone interview with Kiely revealed that his pondering of things Jefferson and Elvis began with a road trip.
In January five or six years ago, he and his wife decided to drive to California for his sabbatical at Stanford University via the Southern route. They planned an itinerary that would take them through Charlottesville, where they had friends and where sooner or later everyone visits Monticello.
Kiely’s students noted that if the Kielys were driving through Tennessee, then naturally that would require a stop at Graceland. While not a huge Elvis fan, Kiely added that mecca to the list.
He said he later heard that Graceland, along with Monticello and the White House, numbers among the top five or 10 historic homes people go to see.
On his return to Massachusetts, Kiely said a student asked, “Are you going to write something about this?”
That got Kiely thinking. Jefferson and Elvis are both American icons, albeit from vastly different realms.
What, if any, commonalities might the two share, besides being Southerners? And, Kiely wondered, “what, if anything, they might say to each other?
Kiely thought about the advice-filled letters Jefferson sent to a nephew. Jefferson was a truly disciplined person, and “I think his advice to Elvis might be to be a more disciplined person.”
Elvis, for his part, seemed to be searching for a father figure, Kiely said. (One relationship that might suggest it was the one with his manager, “Col.” Tom Parker.)
So, were Jefferson and Elvis to talk, “I think the conversation would have been father/son, uncle/nephew.”
There is, of course, more to the lecture than one question. It broaches broader subjects, such as “what does pop culture have to say to high-brow culture?” in Kiely’s words.
The answers, though, are part of the lecture, and the big reveal comes Tuesday. (News, Source SanjaM) |
New Graceland 'Private Presley' Exhibition - Priscilla talks: Graceland recently opened a trio of new historical exhibits, including one focusing on Elvis Presley's 1968 Comeback Special, and another called "Private Presley." The latter is a mix of famous and rarely seen photos, footage, documents and memorabilia detailing one of the more overlooked chapters in Elvis' remarkable life and career, his 1958-1960 stint in the Army.
Priscilla recently visited the new "Private Presley" exhibit and talks about her memories of the era, and a side of Elvis that few knew.
Q: You got a chance to see the exhibit for the first time recently; what was your immediate reaction?
Priscilla: I love the display, because that was, of course, a time that I was a part of and it was very emotional for me. You have all these artifacts, photos and pieces of history that we found throughout the years, but when you put them all together and you compile them into a story, it's very different looking at it that way -- more from a historical point of view. We have incredible archivists at Graceland and a great team of people, and they've really created something special.
Q: Looking back, what's the overriding memory of that period for you?
Priscilla: I was only 14 years old, and it left such a huge, huge impression on me. It was a very important period of my life being introduced to Elvis at a very young age and living that part of his life with him.
Elvis and I spent many nights talking about him being in the Army and leaving his friends, leaving his family. When I look at some of the photos in the exhibit, I'm a bit saddened. He tried so hard to fit in, tried so hard to do the right thing, tried to do what his country asked him to do. Did he like it? No. And I don't know too many young men who would've been happy to leave their lives and go so far away. Especially for Elvis, it was such a foreign place for him. So to see some of those photos, I see his eyes and I can almost tell you what he's thinking. But in saying that, I feel that it's a piece of history that people should see. To see what an incredible trooper he was -- pardon the pun -- in trying to be the all-around American boy serving his country.
Q: As you suggest, it was a difficult time given the death of his mother and the interruption of his career.
Priscilla: Yes, the Army days were a very vital part of his growth, not just going from a kid to an adult, but he came back from Germany a very different person.
He didn't have his mother when he came back to Graceland. So, really, I'm left with and reminded of what he went through: the turmoil, the loneliness. And also, the fear of not knowing whether he was going to have a career again, and wondering 'Is it over?' Being away for those two years, he really wondered if people would forget about him. There were many, many nights that a 14-year-old kid sat and listened to the loneliness of a boy, really -- because he was only 23 or 24 years old.
Q: It seems like Elvis was someone who was also nostalgic in a way, he hung on to a lot of mementos throughout his life that have allowed for exhibits like this one.
Priscilla: Very much so, but he gave a lot of things away too. Jewelry, he would give away -- he'd take a ring off and give it to someone in a second. He didn't seem to have as much attachment to material things. It was more personal things. Books that he had read that meant something to him, or letters or presents from fans.
He saved so many things over the years -- especially things from his fans, things they sent him. I don't know of any entertainer who loved his fans as much as he did. He kept scrapbooks, presents that were sent to him, letters, pictures and names of all the people that supported him over the years. And who does that today?
Q: Is there one element or item that stands out for you as far as the material in the exhibit?
Priscilla: One thing that did catch my eye was some footage of when Elvis was leaving Germany. I rode to the airport with him and in the car he gave me his jacket, which is on display. He told me to keep it and hold onto it for him. He was leaving a piece of him with me. Now, I'm only a kid. I was saying goodbye, never knowing if I was ever going to see him again.
I remember it was snowing when we were at the [airport]. And he said "When I get to the top of the [plane's] steps and turn around and say goodbye, I don't want to see any sad faces. And I don't want to see any sad faces of you when they take your picture. That's not the memory I want to take back with me." And I was feeling so torn, wanting to cry, and I remember looking down and then forcing a smile and waving. That was probably one of the most difficult moments of my life.
Then, as he left and I was escorted back to the terminal, there were about a thousand photographers there. And I just tried to smile and look happy because I was thinking if there's one shot of me looking sad, that was the one that would be shown. So when I see that footage, and the display, it's so incredibly emotional, I'm just really taken all the way back to that moment." - (News, Source;MemphisCommercialAppeal) Go here to complete Commercial Appeal article
. & Go here for alternate EPE story & interview. |
More Details on new Elvis Luxury Hotel Vegas Development: Following on from Friday's EIN story here are more details about the futire Elvis Las Vegas resort as well as a map showing it's location on the strip.
FX Real Estate revealed its development plans and according to GlobeSt.com, the first phase of the $3.1 billion "Park Central" project includes a 2,269-room, luxury, Elvis-themed casino-hotel and a luxury branded five-star, 778-room boutique-hotel with 147 residential units.
There will also be:
- 93,000 sq. ft. casino
- 206,000 sq. ft. of convention space
- a 1,605-seat multi-use theater/showroom
- 100,000 sq. ft. of entertainment space
- 94,000 sq. ft. of retail plus 14 restaurants
The tower will be topped with a rooftop restaurant, converting to a lounge after hours. The property will also include seven luxury villas overlooking the pool area. A future phase is to include a 1,000-room hotel. Klai Juba Architects and YWS Architects have been hired to work on the plans. (News, Source;vegastodayandtomorrow) |
Priscilla interview Live on Dutch Radio: As Louis Van Amstel is Priscilla's Dutch dance-partner for "Dancing With The Stars" Dutch Radio 538 had a unique chance to interview Priscilla. While asking stupid questions like "Is Graceland still open?" it still caught Priscilla in a fun and off-beat mood. It is worth a listen to hear her talk about whether she taught Elvis to dance - and other such probing questions! And does she still listen to Elvis a lot at home? Go here for the interview: (News, Source;ElvisMatters) |
Update on Bill Burk: From Elvis World - Bill Burk's wife Connie has posted this health update. Thank you, everyone, for all the prayers and good thoughts you are sending our way, plus all the cards that are pouring into the PO Box!
Your prayers have worked their magic -- Bill is now doing a little better. He has been in the ICU since March 16 and remains there for now.
When he gets a LOT better, I will let him tell you all about what has happened, but for now, let me just tell you that complications arose a couple days after his surgery, and he has been very sick. And he will still need a long time yet to get better.
He was much more alert when I was with him this afternoon, so just MAYBE he will be able to watch his beloved Memphis Tigers play basketball tomorrow night! -
P.S. While I do check his e-mail inbox, please understand that I cannot reply to individual e-mails. I understand and appreciate your concern, but there is only so much time in the day for me and Bill comes first. Go here to Bill Burk's Elvis World on-line. (News, Source;EW) |

EPE Marketing Survey! EPE wants to know what you really think about Elvis merchandise. The short survey on-line is to find out your thoughts about Elvis-related licensed merchandise. As a thank you for completing the survey, you will be entered in a random drawing for your chance at winning an assortment of Elvis merchandise valued at $500.
Note that EPE director of marketing Scott Williams previously said, "EPE's goal is to preserve, protect and enhance the legacy of Elvis" - but EIN is not sure how Peanut Butter & Banana Creme bars or rubber ducks achieve that!
The questions are: Age range, Gender.
Elvis-related merchandise purchases in the last year.
Where you buy Elvis-related merchandise. |
Four Choices of favorite Elvis era...
- The '50s
- The Movies
- The '68 Special
- Las Vegas Concerts
What have been your three favorite (non-music and non-movie) products from the past few years?
The Elvis items I wish I had but can't find are -
Elvis Fans - TELL THEM THE TRUTH - Click here to take the survey. (News, Source;EIN/EPE) |
Elvis - Still The Tops For Autograph Hunters: Elvis' autograph is still a top scribble, according to Autograph Magazine's annual list of rock 'n' roll signatures. At prices of up to $25,000 (GBP12,500), the King's autograph is still a hot item to collectors, over 30 years after his death. Beatle Sir Paul MCCartney's signature comes in at number two on the new Top 10 Rockin' Buys list, compiled by expert Roger Epperson, and Aerosmith combined are third. But Autograph magazine editor Steve Cyrkin urges fans to be careful when buying the star's scribbles. He says, "Watch out, there are forgeries abound, and not just on the internet. We've found galleries with more forged than authentic autographs, particularly in tourist destinations. "Get a second opinion from a respected music autograph expert, or get yours authenticated by a reputable autograph authentication service." EIN says please note, 99% of Elvis autographs for sale are fakes or by Graceland secretaries. Autograph Magazine's Top 10 Rock 'n' Roll buys are: 1. Elvis Presley 2. Sir Paul McCartney 3. Aerosmith 4. Eric Clapton 5. AC DC 6. Bob Dylan 7. Jimmy Page 8. Sir Elton John 9. Eddie Van Halen 10. B.B. King. (News, Source;SanjaM) |
'Royal Gambit In Richfield' - New Import CD: As recorded live at the Richfield Coliseum in Richfield, Ohio; October 23, 1976.
The "Straight Arrow" label is proud to announce the release of a new CD this April entitled "ROYAL GAMBIT IN RICHFIELD." It’s our first release of a 1976 show and this particular concert has been selected for several reasons.
Elvis' autumn and winter '76 bicentennial tours were rather good, compared to the often miserable summer '76 personal appearances. The 41-year old King was looking better and actually singing with interest and passion again. The October 23rd Richfield concert (a village about halfway between Cleveland and Akron, Ohio) was probably the longest and best of the tour, running for a generous 80 minutes.
Finally, the audio-quality of the recording is really stunning, especially considering the fact that it was taped from the audience in a large stadium. Producers were able to obtain an ORIGINAL TAPE recorded by the same person that taped the Johnson City and Orlando 1977 concerts released by STRAIGHT ARROW in 2006 as "TENNESSEE STARLIGHT" and "GOING BACK IN TIME", respectively. Among the Richfield highlights are powerful performances of "And I Love You So", "America", "Hurt", "Heartbreak Hotel" and especially "How Great Thou Art," performed with absolute show-stopping brilliance. It is followed by an always-welcome, return-to-the roots medley of "Mystery Train / Tiger Man." (EIN agrees that this is one of the best pre-December concerts in 1976) - Right; Elvis in his 'King Of Spades' jumpsuit, not from the CD cover.
As usual, Straight Arrow has seen fit to include a deluxe, full-colour, 16-page booklet with approximately 30 photos from the actual show, taken by four different photographers. Once again, we are pleased to announce that the sleeve notes were written by a fan who was happy to be there and is finally sharing his precious memories of the occasion with us.
The producers note that this concert was previously released from a substandard source, entitled "FAIRY TALES" (Chips label, 1994). The sound of the old CD was markedly inferior and also incomplete, running for just 74 minutes. To the show's credit, it has long ranked on the "Top 40" import chart as voted on by fans. Now a superior version can rightly take its place.
Elvis left the Buckeye State for good over 30 years ago and it's now almost ten years since the Richfield Coliseum (once a symbol of American urban sprawl) met the wrecking ball. The now-bucolic Cuyahoga Valley site of Elvis' Richfield concert has returned to nature as part of the U.S. National Park Service, apparently leaving 100 acres of meadow and woodlands complete with native flora and fauna, red-tailed hawks, eagles, deer, sawgrass and ryegrass. And now this premium keepsake of an unlikely stellar night for the King is now available for serious collectors.
In closing, "Straight Arrow" team would like to thank all of you for the success of our label's previous release, "ROCK BACK THE CLOCK" 2-CD set. As a result of this surge of interest, four new Elvis concert CDs are planned for 2008. We hope that you will enjoy the first of them - our springtime release: "ROYAL GAMBIT IN RICHFIELD."
Tracklist: 1. Also Sprach Zarathustra - 2. Opening Vamp / C. C. Rider - 3. I Got A Woman / Amen (medley) - 4. Love Me - 5. Fairytale - 6. You Gave Me A Mountain - 7. Jailhouse Rock - 8. All Shook Up - 9. (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear / Don't Be Cruel (medley) - 10. And I Love You So - 11. Little Darlin' (excerpt / intro only) - 12. Fever - 13. America The Beautiful - 14. Polk Salad Annie - 15. Band Introductions - 16. Early Mornin' Rain - 17. What'd I Say - 18. Johnny B. Goode - 19. Drum Solo (by Ronnie Tutt) - 20. Bass Solo (Blues - by Jerry Scheff) - 21. Piano Solo (by Tony Brown) - 22. Electric Piano Solo (by David Briggs) - 23. Love Letters - 24. School Day - 25. Hurt (with last part reprise) - 26. Hound Dog - 27. Danny Boy (by Sherrill Nielsen) - 28. Walk With Me (by Sherrill Nielsen) - 29. Heartbreak Hotel - 30. How Great Thou Art - 31. Mystery Train / Tiger Man (medley) - 32. Can't Help Falling In Love - 33. Closing Vamp & Announcements.
Approximate running time: 79:50 ( News, Source;StraightArrow) |
Three New Exhibits now Opened at Graceland: The 3 new exhibits are now open at Graceland for guests to tour. Graceland Crossing is home to the new Private Presley Exhibit and the '68 Special Exhibit and Shop. In addition, the Graceland VIP Tour now includes an all new exhibit.
- Private Presley
In honor of the 50th anniversary of Elvis's induction into the Army, the special exhibit Private Presley celebrates Elvis's service to his country. The exhibit will walk you through Elvis's Army induction and his time spent in the Army from 1958-1960. Special artifacts include Elvis's Army fatigues, dress uniforms, army foot locker, suitcases and more. Click here to read about what Priscilla had to say about the new exhibit.
- '68 Special Exhibit and Shop
This year celebrates the 40th anniversary of Elvis's landmark television event, the '68 Special. This free exhibit offers a look at this historic event through videos, photos and displays of artifacts from the special. The displays include some of the outfits Elvis wore during the '68 Special, a script and a timeline of significant historic events occuring in the U.S. at that time.
- The Special VIP Tour Exhibit
In addition to all the other great benefits, visitors who take the VIP Tour are granted access to an exhibit of artifacts that relate to the personal side of Elvis. It includes the deed to Graceland, a gift from Elvis to his parents, and fun items from Elvis's personal wardrobe. And for the first time ever, VIPs will also see the living room furniture from Elvis and Priscilla's honeymoon hideaway in Palm Springs. The working barn behind Graceland was one of Elvis' favorite places to unwind. If you choose the VIP option, you'll be able to explore that side of Elvis with items from that space including his personal saddle, chaps and other artifacts relating to the Presley's equestrian activities.
Elvis-Themed, 2,300 room Luxury Hotel and Casino planned for Las Vegas Strip: The company that owns the licensing rights to the name and image of Elvis Presley is continuing with plans to build a casino devoted to the King on the Las Vegas Strip, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission filing. The completion date is still way in the future as a possible 2012. If Elvis was there to open it he would be close to 80 years old.
New York-based FX Real Estate and Entertainment said the project, planned for an 18-acre site across from the CityCenter development, hinges on whether the company can raise capital through debt and equity financing. The development has a $3.1 billion price tag, not including land costs, financing and additional pre-opening costs, the filing said. FX told the SEC that it hoped to aim at the "upper strata of the luxury market," and that design plans were in flux "in relation to the demands of the Las Vegas market."
The project is scheduled to begin construction in the first quarter of 2009 with a completion date of late 2012, the filing said.
First phase plans include an "Elvis-inspired" luxury hotel and casino and a separate hotel-condominium. FX will own and operate the 2,269-room hotel and 93,000-square-foot casino.
A separate project, with 778 hotel rooms and 147 condominiums, will be operated by a joint-venture partner. A 206,000-square-foot convention space, retail space, restaurants and showroom also are planned.
Developers hope to tap into the market for Elvis-themed weddings with several wedding chapels, a bridal and flower shop, and wedding reception and banquet areas. An interactive multimedia Elvis experience, a boutique and an Elvis memorabilia store are also planned for the project. FX has a licensing agreement with EPE allowing the company to use the name and certain assets from the entertainer's estate.
The company acquired the land through six separate transactions totaling $221.3 million, or $12.5 million per acre, between March 1998 and May 2005. The site is currently occupied by several retail store and restaurants, including the Harley-Davidson Cafe and Smith & Wollensky. It generated $21.4 million in revenue for FX mainly through rental income. (News, Source;ElvisInfoNet/SanjaM) |
Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest Tickets On Sale: During Elvis Week 2008, winners of the Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest preliminary rounds will converge on Memphis to compete for their chance at the title of Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist of 2008. Tickets for the semifinals and finals during Elvis Week are on sale now. Tickets for the semifinals and finals are available as a set that includes one ticket to the semifinals on August 13 and one ticket to the finals on August 14. Be sure to order your tickets early as last year's finals event was a sell-out. Click here to purchase your tickets online
(News, Source;EPE) |
Elvis Presley’s ancestors link Lisa Marie Presley and her children to Royalty: As first revealed by EIN back in 2007, - only now do Family Forest® Project the world’s foremost resource for researching deep family history, today announce its latest discovery: Elvis Presley, the iconic “King of Rock” was, in fact, himself descended from kings of England.
“Through at least one of the known ancestral lines of Elvis’ grandmother, Minnie Mae (Hood) Presley, recorded history shows Elvis Aaron Presley to be a descendant of King Henry the 1st and William the Conqueror,” states Bruce H. Harrison, Millisecond’s CEO and co-founder of the Family Forest® Project.
Minnie Mae Hood, affectionately nicknamed “Dodger”, was the mother of Vernon Presley. Following her death in 1980 at age 92 she was laid to rest next to Elvis’s grave in the Meditation Garden at Graceland. (Graceland is open to the public and is a major worldwide tourist destination located in Memphis, Tennessee.)
The Family Forest® discovery means that Lisa Marie Presley (Lockwood) and her 2 teenage children (daughter Riley and son Benjamin) as well as the twins that she and her husband Michael Lockwood are reported to now be expecting, are also descended of an ancient royal lineage.
Just as important as Elvis Presley’s royal heritage – “the King’s” unique kinship to tens of thousands of people alive today can now be calculated. These calculations are based on the fully sourced knowledge within the Family Forest®.
“We have been working diligently for 12 years to develop this breakthrough technology,” states Harrison. “Over 8 million lines of proprietary computer code can now be used in calculations of relationships that were, until now, never before possible.” - However click here for EIN's 2007 interview with Lorina Bolig (professional genealogist)!
The Family Forest® opens new channels for exploring the deepest known realms of family histories. It also provides several never before possible “ancestral marketing” applications. This includes powerful ways for the entertainment industry to market Hollywood icons to both current and future generations via the connections of their genealogies.” (News, Source;EIN) |
Rex and Elisabeth Mansfield Interview: Rex Mansfield was inducted into the Army on the same day as Elvis Presley in March 1958. He went with him through basic training with him in Texas, and travelled with Elvis to Germany & Paris and became close friends for the next 18 months. Elisabeth Stefaniak was a young German girl in 1958, and was hired to answer Presley's fan mail. Elisabeth became romantically involved with Elvis, but was torn between her love for the King, and an ordinary solider named Rex Mansfield. In 2002 they published the fascinating book "Sergeant Presley: Our Untold Story of Elvis' Missing Years". At the time EIN's Piers Beagley was lucky to share some special time with this delightful couple. To celebrate the 50th Anniversary commemorative edition of their book - see below - EIN publishes this lost interview: (Photo right: Elvis, Charlie Hodge & Rex Mansfield)
(Interviews, Source;EIN) |
Rex and Elisabeth Mansfield new website launch: Rex and Elisabeth Mansfield, who befriended Elvis Presley while in the Army, have announced the creation of a new Web site dedicated to their famous friend. Rexadus.com was launched on March 24, 2008. The date is in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of Elvis Presley and Rex Mansfield's induction in the US Army at the Kennedy Veterans Memorial Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. That was the first time that Mansfield ever laid eyes on the world's greatest entertainer.
"Elvis Presley was not what I had expected him to be. I saw him for the first time sitting resolutely by himself on a front row chair in the induction room, dressed in a multi-colored, checkered sport coat with stylish motorcycle-type boots," Mansfield recalled. "I immediately wanted to protect him, for reasons I could not begin to understand."
Mansfield became one of Presley's closest friends in the Army, whom Elvis nicknamed, "Rexadus."
Rexadus.com will feature a 50th Anniversary commemorative edition of their book, "Sergeant Presley: Our Untold Story of Elvis' Missing Years" and also contain limited edition fine art prints of Presley in the Army, profiles of Rex and Elisabeth Mansfield, copies of official U.S. Induction and Discharge papers, autographed photos, blogs, frequently asked questions and other multi-media.
For more info on the Web site, go to www.rexadus.com. (News, Source;MarshallTerrill) |
Elvis' Lisa-Marie Convair 880 - #4 in Top Ten list!: In the list of the Top 10 Aircraft of the Rich and Famous, Elvis' Lisa-Marie jet comes in at number 4. Top of the list is Harrison Ford's Cessna Citation Jet - and surely the cutest is Jimmy Buffett's Albatross amphibian aircraft. From the website:
- "Although he owned other aircraft, Elvis bought his own personal jet airliner, a former Delta Air Lines Convair CV.880, in 1975 for the then-substantial sum of $250,000. He named it "Lisa Marie" after his daughter. Presley had the interior of the Convair 880 customized with 28 seats instead of the 110 seats with which the type was usually fitted in airline service. He also had the tail of the now-preserved jet painted with his personal "TCB" logo, which stands for "Takin' Care of Business." By the end of 2005, "Lisa Marie" was one of only nine CV.880s that remained, out of 65 originally built." Go here for the complete list. (News, Source;ElvisInfoNet/SanjaM) |
Elvis Leaves His Mark, 'One Night with You' Australian tour June 2008: In 1968 Elvis Presley made a comeback. In 2008 he is still THE KING! Vota Promotions proudly presents this special 2 hour musical presentation starring Mark Andrew hosted by Frankie J Holden. In june1968 Elvis made a memorable comeback with an NBC TV special. It is famous for the great looks of Elvis in his prime, wearing a black leather outfit. 40 years on, Frankie J Holden will narrate stories of this event, and the magical show will be brought back to life with a re-enactment from well acclaimed performer Mark Andrew, backed by a 10 piece band and show girls.
Playing in both Melbourne and Sydney the Show will feature many segments from this ’68 special never performed on a live stage before. The very first unplugged session, The Gospel segment, and also the unforgettable closing with Elvis singing ‘If I can Dream’.
The second part of the show, the audience will be treated to a plethora of Elvis hits as Mark recreates Elvis In Concert.
Each show segment is accompanied with songs performed by Mark Andrew and band. Frankie J Holden will also perform hits from 1968 and a special tribute to Johnny O’ Keefe. Go here for details www.markandrew.com.au (News, Source;Mtcb) |
Priscilla confirms Unlicensed Surgeon operated on her: Following on from yesterday's story, Priscilla has confirmed that the unqualified plastic surgeon Dr Serrano performed a botched cosmetic procedure on her in 2003. Currently taking part in the TV show Dancing with the Stars, Priscilla was indeed a client of Dr. Daniel Serrano, who was jailed for injecting industrial low-grade silicone into women's faces. The unlicensed Serrano claimed his injections worked better than Botox, but the non-approved drug he smuggled into America from Argentina left some clients with holes in their faces and paralysis. Serrano was indicted for smuggling drugs, and the conspiracy and use of unapproved drugs, and convicted.
Priscilla's representative said, "Priscilla Presley was one of many documented victims of Dr. Serrano. An investigation which uncovered his misconduct ultimately lead to his imprisonment. Ms. Presley dealt with this matter years ago and everything is well."
EIN has always been saddened by the fact that someone so naturally beautiful would opt for plastic surgery of any kind. EIN's Nigel Patterson is currently on vacation having "some work done". (News, source;EIN) |
Elvis Presley "Super Hits" new BMG CD: A new release from Sony/BMG USA, with a fascinating selection of tracks. While called "superhits" the CD actually starts with 'No More' from Blue Hawaii and continues with songs such as single B-sides 'Never Ending' and 'We Can Make The Morning' - a very intruiging selection. Shame that it is only 10 tracks long.
(News: Source: Barry Mclean)
Pictures show Elvis as GI at Fort Chaffee: Pictures of Elvis Presley's famous GI haircut at Fort Chaffee were donated to the Fort Smith Vistiors' Center on March 25, 2008, the 50th anniversary of the event.The original photos were handed over during a ceremony at the barber shop where Elvis's haircut took place.Fred Kinslow was the back-up barber when Elvis sat down for the famous cut. He hopes this is the beginning of making a museum of the old barber shop."I think it will be great; I think it will stir up some more interest in this and hopefully i think this will be a museum here."
Rick Altus, of "You Ought to be in Pictures" donated the photos to the Fort Smith Convention and Visitors Bureau. (News, Source;SanjaM) |
Exclusive - Marty Lacker & Chips Moman comment on the George Klein owned recordings - potential legal action! (see news items dated 2, 23 Mar & 29 Feb 2008): Marty Lacker informs EIN:
"I read the article about George Klein having those tapes of Elvis in American studios and also some other tapes supposedly of Elvis singing. I sent it to Chips Moman and he wanted me to write this and also gave me permission to ask you to post it on EIN.
Chips said the only way George had that tape from American with the unsweetened songs cut there is to have taken it from the studio without permission. Chips also said that George had sent him another tape with some songs on it claiming it was Elvis singing and wanted Chips to authenticate it as Elvis. Chips refused because it wasn't Elvis. Chips' comment to me is, "I thought George loved Elvis, why would he want to pass some impersonator off as Elvis and want me to authenticate it when he knew it wasn't Elvis."
Chips also said if George tried to release the unsweetened American songs he would take legal action against George.
My own opinion that if George did that he'd have a legal problem with BMG and EPE also. I doubt he'd do that."
Sun King: The Life and Times of Sam Phillips, The Man Behind Sun Records: Due for release from the Little Brown Book Group on May 6, 2008 is the hardback book "Sun King: The Life and Times of Sam Phillips, The Man Behind Sun Records" by Kevin and Tanja Crouch (ISBN: 9780749951740).
Synopsis from the publisher's site: Music producer Sam Phillips and his landmark studio, Sun Records, hold a unique place in the history of rock 'n' roll - by many accounts, before Phillips recorded 'Rocket 88' by Jackie Brenston and his Delta Cats in 1951, rock 'n' roll as we know it didn't even exist. Phillips is simultaneously hailed as the man who discovered Elvis Presley and derided as the man who sold the same artist to RCA for a paltry $35,000. The list of musical legends that passed through the doors of Sun Records is simply astounding, including BB King, Ike Turner, Johnny Cash, Roy Orbison, Jerry Lee Lewis and more.
SUN KING strips away the glossy veneer of legend around the Phillips story - which, like his signature sound, was much the result of his own careful crafting - to reveal a man who, from a very young age, heard a musical sound that no one else heard. Complete with a full Sun Records discography, 'Sun King' is an indispensable document in the history of rock music. (News, Source: Elvis News) |
New CD release: The CD entitled "The Shadow Of Elvis Presley" is another 3CD budget release. (News, Source: Elvis News) |
Priscilla Presley victim of phony cosmetic doctor: TMZ has learned Priscilla Presley is the victim of a botched cosmetic procedure. What's worse -- it was at the hands of a gigolo who was sent to prison for perpetrating an injectable scam on Hollywood's elite. Priscilla, whose face looks ... strange on "Dancing with the Stars," went to Dr. Daniel Serrano around 2003. Serrano was a good-looking doc from Argentina who hooked into Hollywood's social A-list and started giving them what he claimed were miracle injections that worked better than Botox.
In fact, Serrano was injecting industrial, low-grade silicone similar to what's used to lubricate auto parts in Argentina into the faces of these women. Several women, including Shawn King, Larry's wife, and Diane Richie, Lionel's wife at the time, held injection parties in their homes, with Serrano needling them with the non-FDA approved drug that he had smuggled in to the U.S.
Shawn King has said the injections created a lump in her lip that made it difficult to speak and drink liquids. Serrano charged between $300 and $500 a pop.
But wait, it gets worse. Serrano wasn't even a licensed doc in the U.S. The injections caused lumps, paralysis and holes in the faces of some of the women (and some men) he injected.
Serrano, who was nicknamed Dr. Jiffy Lube, was indicted by the Feds for smuggling drugs, and the conspiracy and use of unapproved drugs. He was convicted, and last week he was released and is currently being investigated by federal immigration officials and could be deported.
BTW, Diane Richie was also indicted as an accomplice. She pled out and was placed on probation.
As for Priscilla -- who had no idea she was being injected with silicone -- we're told she's undergoing corrective work.
http://photos.tmz.com/galleries/the_plastics This link is of more photos that this doctor botched...
Article source: http://preview.tinyurl.com/2scpko (News, Source: TMZ/Charmaine Voisine)
Chart update: On the Australian ARIA Music DVD chart the "Comeback Special" DVD is a re-entry at #35. The "Aloha Special" dropped off the chart after last week's re-entry.
In The Netherlands the "ELV1S 30 #1 Hits" compilation re-entered the Back-catalogue Top 50 at #39.
In Italy the "Re: Version" of Elvis' "Baby Let's Play House" fell off the Singles Chart. (News, Source: ARIA/Elvis News)
New JAT book announced and "bonus" postcard with "Portraits" release: The book Portraits will come with a bonus gift post-card (shown at left).
Portraits should be available soon and you can order a copy directly from their website.
The back of the card (see right) advertises another book project coming from JAT Productions later this year. (News, Source: FECC) |
New import CD: According to a posting on the FECC forum there is a new import CD marking the 50th anniversary of Elvis' posting to Germany. The CD entitled "Elvis In Germany" contains 23 tracks; one novelty song by Genee Harris entitled "Bye Bye Elvis", nineteen remakes of Elvis songs, one song by Vernon Presley and the two duets with Lisa Marie, including the recent "In The Ghetto". (News, Source: FECC/Elvis News) |
George Klein has more unreleased material (see earlier story below dated 2 March): In an Interview with Elvis Australia, George Klein answers the question 'So do you have any other hidden treasures that we don't know about?' with 'I've got a press conference that I recorded myself ... I've got a tape of unsweetened stuff with about ten of the American Sound songs from '69'. (EIN comments: It appears the interviewer did not pursue exactly which songs George has. Meanwhile, on the FECC forum, there has been an anal retentive discussion about the original wording of one of the interview questions) (News, Source: Elvis Australia/Elvis News)
The King "on" Travolta: Two new double budget releases just came out. One entitled "Heartbreak Hotel" and one simply entitled "The King". The cover art of the latter is pretty unusual for an Elvis CD. But it is most probably taken from a wallpaper created by a fan who used John Travolta's body from a movie poster. (News, Source: Elvis Corner/Elvis News) |
"Sam Phillips Commemorative U.S. Postage Stamp Petition" needs your support!!
Are You Lonesome Tonight #1 on Dutch Radio 5: The song "Are You Lonesome Tonight" is #1 on the Dutch Radio 5 chart of the listeners favorite sixties songs. With 12 songs on the chart Elvis is the artist with the most hits on this chart.
Radio 5 Top 100 Jaren 60 Editie 2008:
01. Elvis Presley Are You Lonesome Tonight 1960
06. Elvis Presley In The Ghetto 1969
19. Elvis Presley It's Now Or Never 1960
31. Elvis Presley Suspicious Minds 1969
38. Elvis Presley Can' t Help Falling In Love 1962
46. Elvis Presley Wooden Heart (Muss I Denn) 1961
58. Elvis Presley Kiss Me Quick 1963
73. Elvis Presley Crying In The Chapel 1965
75. Elvis Presley Return To Sender 1962
81. Elvis Presley (You're the) Devil In Disguise 1963
87. Elvis Presley Good Luck Charm 1962
95. Elvis Presley Viva Las Vegas 1964 (News, Source: Elvis News)
Lisa's latest pregnancy bearing "fruit", and in a "phantom" sort of way: Lisa Marie Presley, who is rumoured to be expecting twins with music producer Michael Lockwood, says while she is finding her pregnancy easy, her spouse is suffering.
She said: "He has all my symptoms. He feels like his belly is getting big, and he has the same appetite I have. He's having reflux and was nauseous the other day. It's funny."
A phantom pregnancy in men is also known as Couvade Syndrome and fathers-to-be can suffer from morning sickness, cramps, back pain, cravings and swollen stomachs.
Lisa Marie - the daughter of late music legend Elvis Presley - says she is only craving fruit.
She said: "Fruit - it's boring but that's what I want. Any fruit - fruit smoothie, fruit juice - it's good!"
Lisa Marie - who already has two children, 18-year-old daughter Danielle and son Benjamin, 15, from her first marriage to musician Danny Keough - hopes the older kids will help her once the baby arrives.
She added to America's OK! magazine: "Oh yeah, they will". (Lisa Marie Presley's World, Source: Contact Music/Amber Smith)
Wanda Jackson to be honored by documentary: Elvis Unlimited has received the exclusive news of a documentary on rock pioneer Wanda Jackson (pictured opposite with Elvis). This was screened at SXSW last week and will air this May on the Smithsonian Channel in the USA.
The Sweet Lady With the Nasty Voice follows the 70-year-old Jackson over a two-year period as she performs across the U.S. and Europe. The documentary explores her musical legacy, and features interviews with various musical personalities, including Elvis Costello, Patti Scialfa and Bruce Springsteen.
Jackson broke down many barriers for female artists when she burst onto the music scene in the 1950s – a time when the rock and roll scene was dominated by male artists. Nicknamed the Queen of Rockabilly, she performed with legends including Johnny Cash, Buddy Holly and Jerry Lee Lewis, and toured with then-boyfriend Elvis Presley from 1955-1956.
The Sweet Lady With the Nasty Voice will be screened at film festivals around the country throughout March and April before premiering on the Smithsonian/Showtime-helmed cable network the Smithsonian Channel on May 18.
A listing of film festival screenings is included below. For additional television airdates and times, visit SmithsonianChannel.com
Festival Dates:
24-28 - Buffalo, N.Y. @ Buffalo Niagara Film Festival
27-30 - Memphis, Tenn. @ Memphis International Film Festival
17-24 - Nashville, Tenn. @ Nashville Film Festival (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited/EP Gold)
Elvis Matters Annual Easter Record Fair: Elvis Matters advises: "Don't miss our annual Easter Record Fair. Collectors of vinyl, old comic books, magazines, posters and memorabilia are welcome next Monday (March 24st) at the Record Fair in Herenthout, Belgium. Address: 17, Vonkstraat. Doors open at 9 am, and over 100 dealers will be present with their top class collections. Don't miss out on this!"
Elvis Robot Head price tag slashed: If the original $349 price tag for Wow Wee Robotics's eerie Alive Elvis animatronic head scared you off, we have good news. Now you can get the singing, blinking, sneering, luxurious head-of-hair and leatherette jacket-wearing "The King" keepsake for just $99. The deal is only good through WowWee's online store.
We had a couple of Elvis Alive heads in here and can confirm they're life like (in the way that Joan River's face is still lifelike) and do offer lip-synching accompaniment to original Elvis Presley song recordings, thanks to an agreement with the Presley Estate. The robot, which offers a couple of IR sensors for minimal interaction, is big, heavy and is really no Milli Vanilli when it comes to accurate lip synching. At nearly $400, we wrote it off as a too expensive and scary oddity that only die hard fans with weekly passes to Graceland could love.
At $99, all that hair and perfectly chiseled features, plus offering the option of kareoking with The King (thanks to an included microphone remote and the ability to turn the voice but not music, off) seems somewhat more attractive.
So tell us, would you pay almost ten sawbucks for the chance to have plastic and rubber sneer at you, "Thankyouverymuch."?
If you're still not sure, I present WowWee's own Top 10 Elvis Alive Uses, after the jump.
1. Ward of burglars with Elvis' infrared sensors
2. Take the HOV lane to work with Elvis as your passenger
3. Forget beauty school, all you need is a comb and hairspray to practice
4. His leather coat makes a nice shrug or bolero jacket
5. No need to go stag at your next high school reunion
6. Save money and skip hiring a band for your wedding
7. Scare your husband/wife by slipping him into your side of the bed
8. Freak out Priscilla from the audience of Dancing with the Stars
9. Feeling down? You know who to turn to for a quick make-out session
10. Give the Weekly World News, the "World's Only Reliable Newspaper," a reason to begin printing again (News. Source: gearlog.com)
Maker of Elvis Presley sunglasses moves: The company that made Elvis Presley's gold sunglasses (not to mention frames worn by Oprah Winfrey, Elizabeth Taylor and Queen Elizabeth II) has stealthily moved its U.S. distribution headquarters to Bradenton.
High-end frames maker Neostyle, a 48-year-old German company with about $40 million in annual sales, also is launching direct-to-market distribution for the first time in more than 30 years. The company had previously used a distributor in California for its U.S. operations. Neostyle USA, which is occupying about 1,000 square feet in the Bank of America building in downtown Bradenton, makes its frames in Italy and Germany.
"We wanted to be in Florida for the lifestyle," said Bob Lawson, president of Neostyle USA, in a statement on Monday.
The Manatee Economic Development Council, he said, "helped us make a painless move to Bradenton. We have a small footprint here now, but our team will grow as we take over U.S. sales and distribution for ourselves." Nancy Engel, executive director of the EDC, said she was pleased by the move.
"Neostyle is a widely recognized, quality brand in the optical industry," Engel said. "We are excited about the company's plans for its Manatee County location and look forward to assisting with Neostyle's expansion."
Neostyle's target market ranges from "a boutique on St. Armands Circle to the optical departments in Macy's department stores." The frames range in retail price from $200 to $600, and can be browsed in an online catalog at www.neostyle.de. Neostyle makes its frames from materials that include gold, platinum and diamonds.
"It is not unusual for Neostyle to create family heirloom frames," Lawson said. "Our products are made in the same locales where Mercedes and Porsche automobiles are designed and manufactured. Our brand reflects that same quality." (News, Source: Sarasota Herald Tribune)
Elvis Army Expo in Germany: October 1, 2008 is the fiftieth anniversary of the day that Elvis Presley began his U.S. Army service in Germany. To mark this occasion, the Allied Museum in Berlin will mount a special exhibition presenting “Sergeant Elvis Presley“ and his time in the military in Germany from 1958 to 1960. The exhibition curators are Peter Heigl (Nuremberg) and Dr. John Provan (Frankfurt/M.). The exhibition will run from March 7 to May 18, 2008 in Berlin.
Like millions of other GI’s, Elvis arrived at Bremerhaven harbor on a U.S. Marine troopship. A total of 1,299 soldiers were on board with the world-famous pop star. From the North Sea coast he then took a U.S. Army troop train to Friedberg north of Frankfurt, where Elvis was assigned to Ray Barracks and trained as a scout platoon leader of the 3rd Armored Division. On the one hand, the exhibition documents Elvis’s military career, his training, maneuvers and the everyday events that other U.S. soldiers also experienced. In addition, the exhibition also shows the unique situation of the world-renowned entertainer. From the beginning, he attracted the attention of fans who followed his every move and naturally sought opportunities to get his autograph. Countless tabloid articles, especially in the teen magazine Bravo, described his daily activities. Elvis always insisted on being treated like any other U.S. soldier. He performed his duties properly and thus advanced through the ranks. In March 1960 Elvis returned to the USA and continued his musical career. The next film he made in fact treated a large part of his military experience and bore the telling title “GI Blues.” The film forms the keystone of the exhibition. (News, Source: ElvisMatters)
Winners in our Elvis' Celebrity Relationships Competition: The knowledgable winners in our recent competition are:
- Peta Browning
- John Sheffield
- Jenny Longman
- Barb Woolfs
- Eva Gruen
Visit the question page to see all 25 answers.
The 5 winners will each receive a copy of the CDs Elvis At The Movies and Elvis Country.
EIN will have another competition shortly.
Another "Charro" DVD release: The movie "Charro" has been re-issued again, this time by Video International. (News, Source: Elvis Corner/Elvis News) |
Australia's "Voice of Elvis", El Gamble honored in Elvis Extravaganza Awards: see EIN's Almost Elvis page for details PLUS 15 new items and posters |
New Elvis CD in EC: Release March 20th, 2008 on the Lightsource label is the budget compilation simply entitled "Elvis"
Tracklisting: Baby Let's Play House - Blue Moon Of Kentucky - Good Rockin' Tonight - I'm Left, Your'e Right, Shes Gone - Just Because - I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine - That's All Right - Trying To Get To You - Blue Moon - Youre A Heartbreaker - Hound Dog - Heartbreak Hotel (News, Source: Elvis Club Berlin/Elvis News) |
New Elvis book release: Announced for release at the end of March is Bill Bram's book, Elvis: Behind the Scene Accounts about the Making of Nine of Elvis Presley's Films: Frame by Frame. The softcover book is being published by WingSpan and is available to pre-order from Barnes & Noble in the US. Bram contributed to the recent Joseph Tunzi release, Elvis in Tickle Me. (News, Source: ElvisBookResearch)
"Rock & Roll Part 2" CD release: The budget CD "Rock & Roll Part 2" will be released on April 14, 2008 in the US on the Pickwick label and UK on the Hallmark label. (News, Source: Amazon.com /Elvis News)
The '68 Special - 40th Anniversary Celebration: How lucky in life would you be to get to the recording of Elvis' 68 TV Special and also make it to the recent 40th Anniversary screening in L.A? EIN's correspondent Joan Gansky is one of those few very fortunate fans. Joan Gansky not only met Elvis multiple times - but being at the original NBC recording of the 68 Special truly changed her life! Here are her unique recollections of attending the recent 40th Anniversary celebration - as well as her thoughts on being there back in June 1968. This EIN exclusive features comments by Steve Binder, Priscilla, Bones Howe as well as great close-up photos by Paul Gansky.
Click here for the full article.
(Spotlight, Source;EIN/JoanGansky) |
Priscilla "Surrenders" on Dancing With the Stars: Priscilla and dance-partner Louis van Amstel presented their elegant foxtrot last night on ABC TV. Priscilla is the oldest woman (62) to ever dance in the competition, but her clever choreography seemed to outshine any earlier performances.
Louis led her across the floor, Elvis’ ex really took to the ballroom business. Though she looked nervous at first (or happy or possibly even angry it’s hard to tell through the mask), Priscilla eased into the first real quality number of the night, much to the judges’ approval. Len called it “a proper foxtrot,” and like Bruno and Carrie Ann, awarded her an eight.
The audience cheered and applauded throughout her entire dance. And it was much more than anyone else received during their performances.
Lisa Marie was among the audience. She seemed very proud as she smiled and applauded for her Mom. The judges loved Priscilla crowning her the queen of the dance floor. All three judges gave her a score of 8 for a total of 24.
Priscilla came in with the second highest score in tonight's dance competition. Priscilla commented, "This was by far the hardest thing I've ever done."
While Priscilla said that she would never dance to any Elvis songs - some rogue on YouTube has created a wonderful version of Priscilla and Louis van Amstel getting close to the sounds of Elvis singing "Surender" - a classic.
Go here to view.
To vote through to Noon Eatern on Wednesday call 800-VOTE-410 (800-868-3410) text code is 3410
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet/SanjaM/Megan Murphy-Elvis Unlimited) |
TCB Band in Norway - To Save A School: The TCB band will show up at Fagerstrand, Nesodden and play a concert there with two Norwegian vocalists. The surplus of the income will go to Myklerud skole, which has been partially closed since last year due to poor maintenance. The show will take place on April 15 in Bakkeløkka flerbrukshall. Ticketprice is 300 NOK.
You can order tickets here...
(News, Source;ElvisInNorway) |
DJ Fontana In The Netherlands: On May 25, 2008 DJ Fontana will perform in The Netherlands with Mr. & Mrs. Rock 'n Roll René Shuman & Angel-Eye in the wonderful city of Eindhoven in the Netherlands.
The show starts at 19.00 but everybody who would like to spend a few hours more among Elvis fans is very welcome from 15.00 on. There will be an expo plus an exclusive signing by DJ FONTANA and the rest of the cast. Tickets are for sale from March 19th and are 22.50 euros each / also VIP packages available. "Elvis For Everyone" is glad to help you out with a Hotel arangment or any further details.
For questions or tickets please email "Elvis For Everyone" at elvisforeveryone@zonnet.nl
(News, Source;Johan)
Elvis Planted Seeds Of Faith: Over 170 people attended the First Roman Catholic Elvis Church Service in Holland. Imperials-member Joe Moscheo praised Elvis for what he did for God and his Belief. "Not a show went by without at least one spiritual song: ‘How Great Thou Art’, but also ‘Trilogy’, ‘The Impossible Dream’, ‘You Gave Me A Mountain’… Elvis introduced God to thousands, perhaps millions of people all over the world. His music still offers help to those who are searching. That way, Elvis planted seeds of Faith. So, it wasn’t only his remarkable voice who made him the world’s best Gospel singer– but the way he introduced countless others to God."
(News, Source:ElvisMatters) |
New Lisa Marie and Priscilla Interviews: While Lisa Marie and Priscilla were at the 40th anniversary salute to Elvis' 1968 Comeback Special both media programs ET and Access Hollywood were there to "scoop on all things Presley"!
These include Lisa Marie's pregnancy, tabloid coverage on it, and Priscilla's upcoming stint on "Dancing with the Stars"!
Lisa confessed that even she is not impervious to the tougher parts of pregnancy, namely being "tired, exhausted, moody... other than that I'm great! I'm actually doing quite well. It's not as bad as I'm teasing!"
Lisa also commented on her frustration with the tabloids, "That was an unexpected attack -- assault … To have somebody sitting here, taking photographs of you that are really unflattering, you don't really know anything about it, and … the tabloids putting it in some weird, unnecessary, unhealthy, bad light was what sort of crossed the line."
On a more light-hearted note, she expressed a daughter's concern over how mom Priscilla might fare on "Dancing with the Stars," the new season of which premieres live on Monday night at 8 p.m on ABC. |
"She can dance. She can dance well," Lisa Marie said of her mother. "I'm just going to be so nervous. I don't want to be in the audience. I'll be in the back … biting whatever's left of my nails off!" As for Mom herself, Priscilla told ET she's just thrilled at the prospect of becoming a grandma again. "I'm ecstatic," she said. "It's going to be nice to have a little one running around again. Just being around, just the energy."
Click here for the ET interview. & Click here for the Access Hollywood interview. (News, Source;EIN/SanjaM) |
Elvis World's Bill Burk in the hospital: Bill Burk is in the hospital with a few complications following lung surgery to repair the pleural effusion he has had since November 2007. Connie passed on the information that Elvis World will therefore remain closed until he leaves the hospital (when, is still uncertain at this time) and feels better.
We thank you for your understanding at this time. - Connie and Bill Burk, Elvis World Magazine. EIN wishes Bill a speedy recovery. Go here to Bill Burk's Elvis World on-line.
(News, Source;EW) |
Elvis soon to share a chart record with Maria Carey: Elvis fans do NOT buy this single! - Maria Carey is on the verge of scoring her 18th U.S. number one single - which will tie her with king of rock and roll. Although Elvis still holds the record in the UK with an impressive 21 number one singles, The Beatles have the lead in the USA with 20. Carey will reach the landmark next weekend (23 Mar 08) if her latest track Touch My Body - from her new album E=MC2 - reaches the top spot. The achievement will confirm Carey's status as the best-selling female singer of all time, and take her closer to the record held by the Beatles.
(News, Source;AP)
New Aloha Elvis Doll from McFarlane: On January 14, 1973 the first-ever concert live via satellite beamed its way to 40 countries and 1.5 billion people! With his Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii concert, Elvis Presley made music history yet again. The concert was a worldwide smash and features the King of Rock 'n' Roll at his very best. McFarlane Toys showcases Elvis Presley in one of his most famous on-stage performances, wearing one of his most renowned jumpsuits - The American Eagle. Celebrate music's greatest icon in a performance that has never been equalled - or forgotten. From the back it looks pretty cool - Ships August 2008.
Go here for more info
(News, Source:McFarlane) |
Arthur C. Clarke, author of `2001: A Space Odyssey,' Dies at 90: Arthur C. Clarke, a writer whose seamless blend of scientific expertise and poetic imagination helped usher in the space age, died Wednesday in Colombo, where he had lived since 1956. He was 90.
The author of almost 100 books, Clarke was an ardent promoter of the idea that humanity's destiny lay beyond the confines of Earth. It was a vision served most vividly by "2001: A Space Odyssey," the classic 1968 science-fiction film he created with the director Stanley Kubrick and the novel of the same title that he wrote as part of the project.
In a slow-motion scene, the man-ape uses the bone to smash a skeleton in an increasingly violent frenzy, accompanied by Richard Strauss's "Thus Spoke Zarathustra.'' - The "2001: A Space Odyssey'' theme song was used by Elvis Presley as his opening song when he came on stage for his concerts.
Clarke's work was also prophetic: His detailed forecast of telecommunications satellites in 1945 came more than a decade before the first orbital rocket flight.
Clarke's influence on public attitudes toward space was acknowledged by U.S. astronauts and Russian cosmonauts, by scientists like Carl Sagan and by movie and television producers. Gene Roddenberry credited Clarke's writings with encouraging him to pursue his "Star Trek" project in the face of indifference from television executives.
In his later years, after settling in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), Clarke continued to bask in worldwide acclaim as both a scientific sage and the pre-eminent science fiction writer of the 20th century. (News, Source;AP) |

Comeback Special celebrates 40 years: The 40th anniversary celebration of Elvis' dramatic 68 TV Special started on Friday evening in Hollywood and EIN was there to celebrate - in the second row to witness all the goings on!
It was a treat to see the show on an Imax size screen. The closeups
were sensational!
We noticed "Little Egypt" (Tanya Lemani) in the audience along with "Elvis' double" Lance
LeGault. EIN promises more photos & stories tomorrow.
The 25th Paley Festival opened in the classic Cinerama movie theatre on Sunset Boulevard with a screening of the Special on large screen. The Paley Festival is named after William Paley, who started the CBS network and is a two week festival for the top in the American TV industry. Special guests during the evening were Priscilla Presley, Steve Binder (producer/director) and Bones Howe (producer).
Priscilla welcomed the public and took place in the audience to view the special. They chose the uncutted version with extra sequences of the improvisation and stand up scenes. After the screening, there was a Q&A between the audience and the guests. A spectator asked about the interaction between Elvis and his stage-hand. Steve Binder told that he was pointing to Lance LeGault. At that moment, people were reaction and without the organisation knowing, Elvis’ stunt doule in several movies was in the audience. We also noticed author Ken Sharp (FTDs Writing For The King) who had the privilege to give his book to Lisa-Marie right before the show. Lisa-Marie did not come out to the public. Lots of paparazzi were waiting outside and the bad experience from the last weeks did her decide to hide herself. A new expo about the Comeback Special will open soon at Graceland! (News, Source:EIN/Elvis Matters)
Priscilla Presley, Steve Binder & Bones Howe - (Copyright EIN/Paul Gansky)
Las Vegas Elvis Auction Results: The Elvis portion of the Vegas auction on Sunday was pretty successful, only two lots did not sell. One was the library card with the oldest known Elvis signature (see news story below). They dropped the minium bid twice from the opening bid of $45,000 to $20,000. Still no bids and the card remains unsold. The other was a diamond and gold pendant from Ginger Alden's collection. The estimated selling price was between $40,000 and $50,000 for the pendant.
The 29 Elvis items up for auction brought in a total sum of $305,400! The Ram-head necklace from Ginger Alden's collection sold for US$90,000. It was estimated to sell for $90,000 to $100,000. Ginger says Elvis gave this to her at Graceland and told her to always wear it with something black.
Elvis' Viva Las Vegas jacket was estimated to sell for $60,000 to $80,000 but was sold for $42,500 far less than expected. The next two highest selling items, Elvis' Speedway costume and Elvis' Abalone and Mother-of-Pearl Crucifix came in at a tie selling for $20,000. |
- Elvis' handwritten set list had an estimated price of $6,000 to $8,000 and sold for a high $19,000. Elvis' karate GI signed by Kang Rhee in both English and Korean was estimated to sell for $18,000 to $25,000. It sold for $13,000. There was great fascination for Elvis' exercise bike (above right) which sold for $12,000. - the estimates had only been for around $5,000. It is astonishing that for the same price, you could have purchased a much more attractive piece of jewellery which sold at the same price.
- Elvis' Black Star Sapphire Ring from Ginger Alden's collection which was estimated to sell for $15,000 to $20,000 sold for $12,000. Also from Elvis' last girlfriend Elvis' Handwritten Notes on Numerology. These were set at an estimated value of around $20,000 but sold for $9,000 - less then expected.
The next piece has been listed on eBay a few times but never sold for the asking price. Yet it sold for much more than the estimated value of around $2,500. This is an oil painting of Elvis' Lisa Marie plane which was hung in the trophy room at Graceland. It was part of Ginger's collection and went for $8,000.
Coming in at $7,500 were two items, his Elvis' Concho-Style Belt and stage shirt from 1956 which estimated to sell for $7,000 with a COA from an Elvis Presley Museum.
- A tan leather fur trimmed jacket bought from Lansky Brothers with a COA from Mike McGregor sold at $5,750 while Elvis' denim jacket said to be from the film, Loving You had an estimated value of $10,000 and $15,000 but sold for much less at $4,500. There were also a guitar pick from Elvis' New Year's Eve show in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on December 31, 1976 that went for a ridiculous $4,000!.
(News, Source: Elvis Unlimited) |
New Elvis releases on iTunes: With on-line music stores as a new medium for the distribution of music there are releases which are released as a digital album or single only. On iTunes you can download the "Boogie Heights" remix of "That's All Right Mama", released by Odessa Mama Records January 1, 2008.
Also available is the album "Lovin' With Elvis", release January 1, 2008 on the Bluebird Music label. (News, Source: iTunes /Elvis News)
Cover artwork for DVD reissues in Australia: These are the covers of the Australian double-feature re-issues in the "Elvis Presley Classics" series from Warner Bros. These DVDs are due for release April 9, 2008.
The double-feature sets are: "Jailhouse Rock / Spinout", "Live A Little, Love A Little / Kissin' Cousins" and "Viva Las Vegas / Speedway" (PAL format, region 4, two discs per set). (News, Source: EzyDVD/Elvis News) |
Campaign launched for Elvis star on Las Vegas Blvd: Thanks to Charmaine Voisine for this information:
Dear Elvis fan,
I am writing you to announce that the Viva Las Vegas Club has signed up to sponsor a star for Elvis Presley to be inlaid in the sidewalk of Las Vegas Blvd, aka, "The Strip". Since 2004, this honor has already occurred for several prominent people important to the history of Las Vegas, now it's time for Elvis!
The star installation has been approved. We need funding: $15,000. If you believe in this project, donate now. Our campaign to collect donations is off to a nice start, and this memo is to ask you to help us build up momentum and excitement. To be frank, we need dollars! Everything else is in place. Of benefit to you is that your donation is completely tax deductible! (USA only) This is a fan driven campaign. We know how powerful Elvis fans together can be.
This is an incredible opportunity for fans to be part of something spectacular that honors the legacy of Elvis Presley in a town he helped make famous, Las Vegas. Special Note to ETA's: We encourage anyone who has benefited from the life & career of this Legendary Performer to contribute.
Please visit our official website for the star to review any information you might need. There is a Q&A section. If you have further questions, don't hesitate to ask.
In the near future, the Las Vegas Walk of Stars organization will issue its own press release and I will forward that to you.
Any assistance you can give with getting the word out and for generating donations is greatly appreciated!
Sue L, President, Viva Las Vegas! Club
Email: astar4elvis@yahoo.com
If you would like me to mail you cards to hand out that have all the donation information, please email me your address and I would be happy to send those to you.
Chart update: On the Billboard chart listings for the week ending March 22, 2008 "ELV1S 30 #1 Hits" CD remains steady at #33 on the Pop Catalogue Albums chart while this album drops from #4 to #5 on the Country Catalogue Albums chart. The "Aloha From Hawaii" DVD fell off the Music Videos Sales Chart.
In The Netherlands the "ELV1S 30 #1 Hits" compilation fell of the Back Catalogue Top 50 chart.
In Australia the "Aloha Special" DVD is a re-entry at #37 on the Music DVD Top 40. (News, Source: Elvis News/ARIA)
Lisa Marie thanks her fans: Following tabloid media reports on her weight and Lisa subsequently confirming her pregnancy (Contact Music suggests she is expecting twins), she has also thanked fans for their support during a difficult week. Lisa posted this message on her MySpace page:
“Your overwhelming support has not gone unnoticed.
“It has been heart warming to see . It has made me very happy.
“Thank you :)
“Much Love and respect,
New import label announces 3 releases: This new import label JTA Records proudly presents:
............................... THE BURBANK DAYS - I'LL BE THERE - IT'S ONLY LOVE....................................
All of them offers new material for listening pleasure. We used new programs to get the best results.
All the songs are improved on sound, extended and remastered.
The final result is very pure, complete and contribute to more complete songs with a very fresh sound. (News. Source: EP Gold)

Elvis co-star diagnosed with cancer: Nancy Walters who played Abigail Prentice, the teacher in the movie "Blue Hawaii" has been diagnosed with Liver Cancer. Debra Smith, a former Elvis fan club president is asking fans around the world to send Nancy some joy and comfort. Debra is asking fans to send "get well soon" emails to her at debralasmith@gmail.com by March 29, when she plans to visit with Nancy. (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited)
Tin Can CD release in Canada: In Canada the 3 CD Tin Can release "Introducing Elvis" has been certified Platinum for 100,000 sales according to a posting on the FECC forum.
This set focuses on the early stages of the King’s career and Includes many of the songs that helped him breakthrough to the mainstream like "Love Me Tender," "Blue Suede Shoes," "Hound Dog," "Don’t Be Cruel" and many more! All 30 songs are taken from the original RCA masters, with no re-recordings or live track filler. (News, Source: FECC Forum) |
- When My Blue Moon Turns to Gold Again
- Tryin' to Get to You
- Love Me (The Jordanaires)
- I Love You Because
- Paralyzed
- I Want You, I Need You, I Love You
- Anyplace Is Paradise
- Too Much (The Jordanaires)
- I'm Counting on You
- Love Me Tender
- Shake, Rattle and Roll
- That's All Right, Mama
- Blue Suede Shoes
- Lawdy Miss Clawdy
- Baby, Let's Play House
- Hound Dog (The Jordanaires)
- Long Tall Sally
- I Got a Woman
- Mystery Train
- Blue Moon of Kentucky
- Heartbreak Hotel
- Don't Be Cruel (The Jordanaires)
- I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone
- My Baby Left Me
- I Was the One
- I Forgot to Remember to Forget
- Harbor Lights
- That's When Your Heartaches Begin
- Any Way You Want Me (The Jordanaires)
- Blue Moon
DVD reissues in Japan: Japan the DVDs "Classic Album" and "Elvis '56" will be re-issued on May 21, 2008. (News, Source: Elvis World Japan /Elvis News)
Sneak peek at Heinz Ketchup Elvis Commercial: Heinz ketchup has just filmed a new commercial starring New York's own Elvis, Gene Dinapoli. This commercial will air in the United States very soon. But you have the first look at the commercial before it airs. View the clip (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited/Elvis News)
Chart update: In Sweden the "The King Of Rock And Roll" compilation DVD climbs from #17 to #10 on the Music DVD Top 20. In Mexico this DVD is #7 on the Mixup Store Music DVD Top 10. In the US the "ELV1S 30 #1 Hits" drops from #28 to #33 on the Top Pop Catalog charts. (News, Source: Elvis News)
Elvis Week 2008 site launched: EPE launched a new Elvis Week site where you can find out all you need to know about visiting Memphis for Elvis Week 2008. The site includes Elvis Week event listings, special package information, Elvis Week partner listings and more. In addition, check out some photos and videos from Elvis Week 2007. |
More Grandkids for Elvis! - Lisa Marie Reportedly Expecting Twins! Lisa Marie Presley has an extra-special reason for gaining babyweight while pregnant -- she is expecting twins. Just like Jennifer Lopez and Brad & Angelina, Elvis' daughter is four-and-a-half months pregnant with her third and fourth kids, her first with fourth husband Michael Lockwood.
Star magazine claims the couple is expecting twins at the end of August, and states at least one will be a boy.
One of Presley's California neighbours tells Star, "Michael told me that he and Lisa have been trying to get pregnant for about a year.
"He also said that they had a sonogram two weeks ago, and (one) baby opened its legs, and they saw something! Michael was beaming."
Presley, who has two teenage children with ex-husband Danny Keogh, is currently planning to sue a publication that accused her of being fat, forcing her to reveal her pregnancy.
(News, Source;EIN/AP)
LAST CHANCE for EIN Competition - Elvis’ Celebrity Relationships: During his lifetime Elvis was linked with many famous and not so famous beautiful women and celebrities. His relationships with these women ranged from brief encounters to affairs of the heart involving deep and lasting feelings.
Rather than just listing each of Elvis’ paramours we thought it would be more fun to offer cryptic clues and award prizes to the first five people to submit a fully correct set of answers (in the event of no fully correct answers, prizes will be awarded to the 5 entrants with the most correct answers). Click here to View the 25 clues and full competition details. Entries close TODAY Friday 14 March. (Competition, Source: EIN) |
Both new FTDs are available to pre-order from Graceland: The reissue of the 1970 classic album 'That's the Way It Is' is a 2-CD set featuring 40 total tracks including 29 bonus tracks of remixes and studio outtakes. It features original artwork and a full colour 20 page booklet. 'The Way It Was' is a special 1 disc re-release of the CD that originally accompanied The Way It Was FTD Book & CD. The music on this CD is the same as on the original release.
Click here to see EIN's review of the original FTD Book/CD 'The Way It Was'.
Click here to see whether EIN believes 'That's the Way It Is' is a worthy re-release of the BMG 3CD 30th Anniversary set that we have all bought before. (News, Source; EIN) |
'Elvis Presley - The King of Rock 'n Roll' new book release: Another slim biography, 'Elvis Presley - The King of Rock 'n Roll' is a 104 page book which was released by Filiquarian Publishing on March 3, 2008.
(News, Source;Amazon.co.uk) |
'Elvis - Original Performer Original Sound': Elvis has now been released in the German 'Original Performer Original Sound' series. Guess what, it's the same old fifties PD compile all over again! On the Black label - Intergroove.
(News, Amazon.de) |
Public Memorial Service for EPE's Todd Morgan set for April 1: A public memorial service honoring the life of valued and long time Graceland employee, Todd Morgan, has been set for April 1st, 2008 from 6PM to 7PM CDT at The Rose Theater on the campus of The University of Memphis. Family, friends, co-workers and members of the Elvis fan world that Todd loved so much are all invited to attend this gathering at the 900 seat auditorium located on the U of M main campus in East Memphis.
Due to the enormous number of lives Todd impacted through his service to EPE and the Elvis legacy, this public memorial service will have a predetermined lineup of invited guest speakers and special musical performances.
A memorial fund is currently being set up with the University of Memphis Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music to benefit the newly-created Todd Morgan Sound Fuzion Performance Enrichment Fund. Sound Fuzion is a touring ensemble of vocalists and instrumentalists that represents the University of Memphis at high schools, corporate functions and University sponsored activities, in addition to performing as part of the Music School's annual concert season. Sound Fuzion is a group Todd loved and supported. He felt this was a great way to see the legacy of Memphis music continue to grow and develop in future generations. Click here for more info (News, Source EPE) |
'Elvis: 68 At 40' new JAT book announced: Joe Tunzi has just announced a new limited edition book for August 2008. This time, Joe focuses on the "68 Comeback Special" - 40 years ago by then. Steve Binder (the special's producer/director) has agreed to contribute to the book. According to Joe Tunzi's press release, the book contains many exclusive and never before seen color photos from the private collection of Timothy Mulrenan and Robert Brower. In addition to the 2000 hardcover books is an 8"x 10" photo not used in the book and signed by Steve Binder. Order Your Copy of '68 at 40 via: www.jatpublishing.com (News, Source:JAT) |
Marian Cocke Recovers following Fall: Good news from Memphis. Elvis’ former nurse, Marian Cocke, is recovering from a fall she suffered shortly before Todd Morgan’s funeral last Thursday. She wishes for everyone to know that she didn’t break any bones and only suffered some minor internal bruising. Marian is out of the hospital and currently in a rehabilitation facility where she is already on the fast road to recovery.
If you wish to send messages of encouragement, you can do so by writing to:
Baptist Rehabilitation Hospital- Germantown
Marian Cocke - Patient
2100 Exeter Rd. Room 206
Germantown, TN 38138 (News, Source;EPE) |
Star DVD 'Hollywood Elvis Vol.5' announced: The next volume of this movie-song compile series is announced from the very reliable STAR import label. This time it includes all the songs from the following movies: SPEEDWAY – FOLLOW THAT DREAM - ROUSTABOUT and STAY AWAY, JOE. All songs from FOLLOW THAT DREAM are in STEREO!! (alternate takes have been used, for the best listening pleasure!) Of course, as always, lots of nice surprises, and even more "behind the scenes footage".
(News, Source; EPGold)
'Elvis Presley - Portraits' JAT book preview: Yet more publicity for the hard-working Joe Tunzi. The upcoming new book release of "Elvis - Portraits" now has a preview trailer on Youtube. The book contains over 100 full color images, many making their first appearance here. Limited hardcover edition - free bonus gift with order!
For ordering and more information, please go to www.jatpublishing.com.
As a cool observation EIN would say that most of the studio shots in the promo look very familiar to us. Surely one would hope for a glimpse of the "many" rare images that are promised for this rather attractive colour package?
Click here to see the YouTube promo.
(News, Source;JAT)
Tupelo 10th Elvis Festival cuts costs, but promises Quality: The 10th Annual Elvis Presley Festival is scaling back from last year, but festival organisers still promise it will be a "quality weekend." At this month's board meeting of the Downtown Tupelo Main Street Association, Treasurer Keith Henley said the executive committee approved a festival budget of $251,750, which is about $100,000 less than last year. In 2007 surprisingly the festival lost about $50,000.
"I think we've taken a very smart approach to managing our expenses and making our dollar do more," Henlsey said of this year's budget.
One of the biggest cutbacks this year is having one outdoor stage in the Fairpark District instead of two downtown stages. The Lyric Theatre, which DTMSA members say has its own Elvis lore, will be used for the Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest.
And 2008 festival chair Amy Nash said she has had several meetings already to come up with "fresh ideas to make the festival new and exciting."
"First and foremost, we are not going to lose money this year," she said, eliciting applause from the group. "We are going to make money."
She said to expect new merchandise and more promotions downtown before the event. Marketing will begin as early as April for the June 6-8 event, she said. The budget shows a profit of about $34,000 for this year, which will give the group some space to move if the weather is bad or ticket sales are down. However, she said the numbers she used to come up with the budget are averages from the last 10 years, excluding the best and worst years. As this year is likely to be a downturn in visitors after last year's 30th Anniversary, EIN is interested in the final attendance - and we wish then well.
"The plans are outstanding," she said. "I think it will be a quality weekend and a fun weekend." (News, Source;EIN/Sanja M) |

'Wild In the Country' FTD Soundtrack - Two reviews: The fourteenth FTD extended movie soundtrack is all the more intriguing since 'Wild In The Country' was never released as a vinyl soundtrack, not even as an Extended Play. With only five songs in total this FTD soundtrack had the potential of being a lightweight and rather repetitive compilation with little of interest. Two tracks never saw the light of day until 4 years later! - EIN presents two reviews of differing opinions.
Click here to see what delights EIN's ever-obsessive reviewer Piers Beagley found in his in-depth review.
Click here to see why Sweden's Crister Berge was not that impressed with the rather weak choice of material.
(FTD reviews, Source; EIN)
Historic Beatles' Autographs On Elvis Stationary - up for auction: Memphis Mafia member Jerry Schilling obtained these classic Beatle autographs on that memorable night. He is auctioning this unique rarity of the autographs of all four Beatles on a 5" x 8" piece of Elvis Presley stationery dated 8/27/65. Fans of both the Beatles and Elvis now have a chance to bid on this extraordinary artefact in Heritage Auction Galleries' upcoming Music and Entertainment Signature Auction, to be held at the company's Dallas, Texas headquarters on April 5, 2008.
- - "It was August 27, 1965. The Beatles were on the eve of playing Balboa Stadium in San Diego. Elvis was in the midst of shooting Paradise Hawaiian Style in Hollywood. That night, between 10 and 11 pm, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr all arrived in limousines at Elvis' home in Bel Air, and Elvis personally greeted them at the door for what forever after became known as the "summit meeting" of Pop music and Rock and Roll.
"The autographs are sharp and clean in blue ink, the word 'Elvis' is pre-printed in the upper left corner, and the dynamic of the signatures of the 'Fab Four' on the stationery of 'The King' is - for lack of a better word - magical," said Doug Norwine, Director of Music and Entertainment Auctions for Heritage.
Accompanying the lot are copies of Disc Weekly (Sept 4, 1965) and The National Blast Weekly (Oct 10, 1965), both with the front page headlines "Beatles Meet Elvis!" Also included is a certificate of authenticity from renowned Beatles autograph expert Frank Caiazzo.
"This is the most significant documentation of that historic convergence ever to be offered," said Norwine. "It's a cliché, but if only this item could talk, what stories it might tell!"
Bidding estimates are $50,000 & up. Go here the auction site. (News, Source; EIN/SanjaM) |
The Night Elvis Reclaimed His Crown: In summer 1968, Elvis Presley taped a television special to be broadcast that Christmas. Fifteen years earlier, he had walked into Sun Studios in Memphis to make a record as a present for his mother, or so the story goes, and changed history.The special begins in darkness, to the sound of a whomping, Muddy Waters-ish
blues riff, and then a famous face fades in, turning toward the camera, filling
the screen, meaning business....
"Singer Presents Elvis" is a great moment in music, in television, and in the narrative of his own life -- a moment of change, when what was lost is found again. He regains his voice -- and in so doing becomes at once who he was and who he'll become. His singing has the lilt of youth but with a mature edge. He is 33 years old, lean and chiselled and -- what he had not seemed in years -- a little dangerous. . . . . .
Click here for the full article. (Spotlight, Source;LATimes) |
'Elvis For President' new fan club CD: From the Dutch fan club Elvis For Everyone comes the talking only CD "Elvis For President" in the EFE promo series. Featuring famous quotes from Elvis and of course his announcement during a live concert "Ladies and gentleman, I'd like to announce that I'm running for President".
Source;Elvis For Everyone Fan Club) |
Michael Hoey talks to EIN: In an absorbing interview, Hollywood producer and director, Michael Hoey (shown opposite with Elvis and Michele Carey), talks to EIN about:
- working with Elvis on six films
- the Golden Age of Hollywood - its power brokers and celebrities, from Walt Disney and Jack Warner to Charlton Heston and Bob Hope
- early Las Vegas
- the state of film & television today
- his book, Elvis, Sherlock & Me
- and a lot more
Having grown up and worked in Hollywood, Michael offers fascinating insights into and often humorous stories about not only Elvis, but many other colorful characters. This is an interview which will both delight and amuse! (Interview, Source: EIN) |
Book Review: "Elvis' Secret Legacy": Elvis' Secret Legacy is a gripping fictional book full of action, adventure, excitement, humour, kidnapping, unseasonable weather effects and the paranormal. Step into a world of meditation, spirit guides, white light and auras...
Adding to the intrigue around this book is the author's real claim claim to having been Elvis' date at the Humes High Prom in 1952 and the book includes a photograph of the pair in support. But is all as it sems? Read Susan MacDougall's detailed review and make up your own mind. ! (Book Review, Source: EIN) |
Marion Cocke hospitalised: Marion Cocke, who was Elvis' nurse, fell at the funeral of Todd Morgan. She was taken by ambulance back to Memphis. She suffered a hair line fracture to her hip and knees. She currently is recovering at the Baptist East hospital in Memphis. (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited /Elvis News)
In memory of Elvis' 30th year of his deathThe TOTAL PROCEEDS from the sale of this magazine will be for charity
Besides the statements of our members, drawings from Astrid Gahler, the best German of the Art Contest in Memphis in 2006, we did have the opportunity also to interview national and international stars such as A like Paul Anka until Z like Joana Zimmer, what Elvis meant to them.
Furthermore rare Elvis photos, which were kindly given to us from an Elvis fan from the United States. Are you curious? Then let surprise you by 110 pages (46 pages of that are in English language) pure Elvis. Be sure to get your issue!!!
30 Euro or 15 Euro
e-mail to order: elvira_khan@t-online.de
Website: www.elvispresley-fanclub.de
You can order our English/German issue with 110 pages (30 Euro/postage included)
You can order also our English magazine with 46 pages (15 Euro/postage included) |
Just some of the interesting content:
Jennifer Hodge: Charlie's widow...what has she told us?
Sue Wiegert: Which meeting with Elvis is in her heart especially?
Paul Anka: His opinion about „My way“ from Elvis…
(Dagmar Berghoff: The lady, who had to read the tv-news of Elvis‘ death…)
(Cisco Berndt (Truckstop): Which song would he like to play with Elvis?)
F. R. David: Which period of Elvis does he like most?
(Jürgen Fliege: Would he had an advice for Elvis out of religious view?)
(Andrea Göpel: What would she like to learn from Elvis?)
(Ted Herold: He tells us about his memories of Elvis…)
(Natalie Horler (Cascada): What is always on her mind about Elvis?)
Engelbert Humperdinck: Backstage with Elvis... (News, Source: Chris Bamford)
Aussie TV watch - Aloha From Hawaii: Thanks to Robert Vasilevski for this news: "Just thought I'd let you know "Aloha From Hawaii" will be shown on ABC1 (Channel 2) this Thursday night, March 13 at 11:30pm. Not 100% sure which version it will be. The original or the "new 2004 remastered" one with the differnet camera angles?"
Oldest known signature of Elvis' for sale: Two longtime Elvis memorabilia collectors made the find of a lifetime: the oldest known complete Elvis signature. It was written on a checkout card from his school library when he was in seventh grade in Tupelo, Mississippi.
The collectors - Bud Glass and Russ Howe - were introduced to a former librarian at the junior high in Tupelo through a mutual acquaintance. Glass has signed letters of authenticity from the former librarian, who found the card in the book, English Fairy Tales.
The librarian, who got permission to search the school library for other cards after she found this one, put it in her scrapbook and kept it for over 40 years. The story is even more piquant because the wing of the Milam School in Tupelo that contained the old library burned in February 1979. If the librarian hadn't saved the signed card in her scrapbook, it would have gone up in smoke.
The next earliest complete Elvis signature is from when he was in high school in the early 1950's. Glass also located three people who had checked out the book at the same time as Elvis The signature is now for sale – it’ll cost you only 45.000 $US. (News, Source: Elvis Matters) |
Chart update: In Italy the Re: Version of "Baby Let's Play House" fell from #1 to #2 on the Single chart.
In Sweden the DVD "Elvis The King Of Rock And Roll" remained steady at #17 on the Music DVD Top 20.
In Ireland the re-issue of "Love, Elvis" fell from the Album Top 100.
On the Dutch Back Catalogue Top 50 chart "ELV1S 30 #1 Hits" drops from #41 to #49. (News, Source: Elvis News)
New EIN Competition - Elvis’ Celebrity Relationships: During his lifetime Elvis was linked with many famous and not so famous beautiful women and celebrities. His relationships with these women ranged from brief encounters to affairs of the heart involving deep and lasting feelings.
Rather than just listing each of Elvis’ paramours we thought it would be more fun to offer cryptic clues and award prizes to the first five people to submit a fully correct set of answers (in the event of no fully correct answers, prizes will be awarded to the 5 entrants with the most correct answers). Click here to View the 25 clues and full competition details. Entries close on Friday 14 March. (Competition, Source: EIN) |
Is the new 'T.T.W.I.I' Classic Album release just a rehash of the 30th Anniversary BMG issue? - Your feedback added!!
Lisa Presley to sue tabloid newspaper: Pregnant singer LISA MARIE PRESLEY is launching a libel bid against a British newspaper after it published an article alleging she is overweight. Elvis Presley's daughter says the Daily Mail's story, which was picked up by various media sources worldwide, ridiculed her appearance and forced her to disclose she is expecting a child. Simon Smith, the star's U.K. lawyer, says the publication's claims she had an "unhealthy appetite" and is "growing like her dad" caused her to feel "deeply upset and offended". The 40-year-old is issuing the libel claim against Associated Newspapers, the Daily Mail's publishers, at London's High Court.
Presley's spokeswoman Cindy Guagenti says, "(The article was) like, 'She's gonna die like her father', 'She and her mom are in a fight because of her weight' - that's not true at all. It's just awful stuff." The star hit back at the media on Friday (07Mar08) with a blog on website MySpace.com, which read: "After being the target all week of slanderous and degrading stories, horribly manipulated pictures and articles in the media, I have had to show my cards and announce under the gun and under vicious personal attack that I am, in fact, pregnant.
"Once they got a glimpse of my expanding physique a few days ago, they have been like a pack of coyotes circling their prey whilst eerily howling with delight. Starting with a London publication and then New York and Chicago all writing false defamatory, degrading stories about all of the dark possible reasons I could be putting on weight." Presley has two teenage children from her previous marriage to Danny Keogh - Riley, 18, and 15-year-old Benjamin - but this is her first child with husband Michael Lockwood. See earlier story dated 8 March (Lisa Marie Presley's World, Source: Amber Smith/Contact Music) |
Revised edition of "Ancestors of Elvis Aaron Presley" released: Professional genealogist, Lorina Bolig, has released a revised edition of her momentous research into Elvis' family tree. With more than 100 pages added and a change in its title, the 2008 volume sets itself as the definitive examination of Elvis' ancestry.
- Paperback: 594 pages
- Publisher: CreateSpace (January 8, 2008)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1434840689
- ISBN-13: 978-1434840684
Buy from Amazon
Read EIN's interview with the author
Read EIN's review of the 1st edition |
"Elvis, How Great Thou Art" film chosen for ReelHeART International Film Festival: The How Great Thou Art' Project informs EIN:
We are proud to say…
It has just been announced that 'Elvis, How Great Thou Art, A Portrait of the Artist' has made it through the 3 rounds and has been selected for the ReelHeART International Film Festival 2008 programme under the dance and music related category.
The festival: June 16-21, 2008, Toronto, Canada.
ReelHeART International Film Festival founders and directors share the belief that "Art Can Change The World".
'Elvis, How Great Thou Art, A Portrait of The Artist', was written and produced by Linda Ann McConnell to convey and commemorate the musical significance, cultural impact and artistic achievements of one man and to demonstrate how the power of an individual CAN make a difference. The film is part of 'The Memphis Lullaby' stage play.
More details to be released late March 2008.
You can visit the Memphis Lullaby site to see 3 min of the film: www.thememphislullaby.com
and myspace: www.myspace.com/whitehavenofficialspace
Read more about Elvis, How Great Thou Art
Visit EIN's Celluloid Elvis page
Elvis signed piece of wall saved: Elvis' signature has left the building — at least temporarily.
Already facing a financial crisis, Lakeland's historic Polk Theatre incurred major damage from flooding Thursday night, adding urgency to a fundraising campaign just launched by the nonprofit organization that operates the 80-year-old movie palace.
Water infiltrated dressing rooms, storage areas and the auditorium, forcing removal of carpets, drywall and ceilings, including a treasured piece of wall signed by Elvis Presley after a performance in 1956.
Repair crews from Waller Emergency Services cut out the section of wall Friday and took it away for protection and drying. Waller employees said Presley's signature was still visible.
The flooding halted Thursday night's live performance of 'High School Musical' by Theatreworks Florida early in the second act, according to Waller project manager Cindy Mattingly, who was attending with her 9-year-old daughter, Raya.
The toll of the damage wasn't yet clear Friday, said Dale Dreyer, president of the theater's board of directors, but 'High School Musical' was scheduled to resume Friday night and run through the weekend. Tickets from Thursday night will be honored at shows today and Sunday. (News, Source: EP Gold)
New book release: Kensington publishers are releasing a 304 page hardcover book Elvis and the Dearly Departed in September 2008. Written by Peggy Webb and with ISBN-13: 978-0758225894, no other details are currently available. (News, Source: ElvisBookResearch)
New film - Graceland To Memphis The King Returns: Yet another film around Elvis has been announced.
Genre: Fantasy/Dramedy/Running time: 90 min./Shooting format: 35mm
Starring: George Thomas
Directed by: M.Z. Silverz
Technical Advisor: Sonny West
Director of Photography: Grisha Alasadi
Advising Producer: Al Rubin
Supervising Producer: Jacov Bressler
Film Consultant: Alex Butterfield
Still Photagraphy by Linda Lynn Carfagno
Synopsis: It's been almost 30 years since the King died. But was he really dead? In 1977, he was whisked away to another galaxy, but now, the King returns. As he doesn't want anyone to know who he really is, he enters an Elvis impersonator contest in Las Vegas. And the trouble begins...
Production status: Post Production, release slated for 2008. (Source: EP Gold)
lVisit the film website and watch the trailer
Visit EIN's Celluloid Elvis page |
Priscilla and her Dancing With The Stars partner: This is the very first picture of Priscilla Presley and her new dance partner for the TV show "Dancing with the Stars". Priscilla is paired with a Dutch dancer, Louis Van Amstel.
Van Amstel attended the University of the Arts in Amsterdam and since 1989 has partnered most often with the British dancer Julie Fryer. He is a 7-time Dutch and 3-time world champion ballroom dancer.
He is also known in American pop culture for partnering with actress Lisa Rinna in the second season of the American program Dancing with the Stars; he and Rinna came in 4th place. Louis was paired with Trista Sutter for the first season; they were the first couple to be eliminated from the competition.
He was most recently partnered with actress Monique Coleman for the show's third season and placed in fourth again. He stated that he did not compete on the fourth season since all of the female celebrities were taller than him, but still maintained a choreographer and performance role throughout the season.
Louis is the coach of Dmitry Chaplin, a Latin dancer best known for being a Top 10 finalist on FOX's So You Think You Can Dance. Van Amstel has coached standard ballroom to professional ballroom dance competitors such as Nick Kosovich with Katarina Marks and Clive Phillips and Karen McDonald.
After retiring from competition, he moved on to choreography and production. He founded the company VanDance, LLC, and directed, produced, choreographed and performed in the Broadway show Latin Fusion. (News, Source: EP Gold)
Is the new 'T.T.W.I.I' Classic Album release just a rehash of the 30th Anniversary BMG issue? The April FTD release of 'That's The Way It Is' is an interesting one with several fans writing to EIN saying that FTD's recently announced 'TTWII' deluxe Classic Album release is only a revisit of the BMG 30th Anniversary 3-CD TTWII' Special Edition and not worth ordering. As Elvis fans often complain of being forced to buy the same material repeatedly for only a couple of new Elvis snippets - are they being ripped off once again? EIN's Piers Beagley checks out the details and reasons that this FTD version will in fact become a firm favourite.
(News, Source; EIN)
Angry Lisa Marie confirms pregnancy: Lisa Marie Presley is pregnant with her third child. The singer broke the news on her MySpace blog, writing, "I am in fact pregnant." The singer goes on to blog about the onslaught of media speculation her pregnancy has caused. |
"After being the target all week of slanderous and degrading stories, horribly manipulated pictures and articles in the media, I have had to show my cards and announce under the gun and under vicious personal attack." Presley writes.
She compares the media to, "a pack of coyotes circling their prey whilst eerily howling with delight."
With the announcement, Presley is hoping for a respite from the media attention.
"Now that things are confirmed, hopefully they can stop all of the harassment and I can stop dodging the continuous bullets," she blogs.
This marks Presley's first child with husband Michael Lockwood. The couple was married in January 2006. Presley has two other children; Benjamin, 15, and Riley, 18, with ex-husband Danny Keough. (Lisa Presley's World, Source: OMG!/Yahoo News)
EIN Comment: Tabloid media manipulation of photographs of celebrities is a long time In the 1970s, superimposed pictures of Elvis with his "latest supposed girlfriend or fiance" were common. However, the recent photo-shopped images of Lisa Marie Presley are a most unfair and extreme breach of journalistic trust!
"The One and Only" CD: This is the cover art of the upcoming budget CD release "The One And Only" which will be released April 4, 2008 and features twelve remastered hits. (News, Source: Amazon/Elvis News) |
Ronnie McDowell to present painting to EPE: Next Tuesday, March 11th, Ronnie McDowell gets to present his painting “Reflections of a King” to Elvis Presley Enterprises. The print will grace the wall of the executive offices, left of Graceland. According to Ronnie McDowell, it’s the only picture that presents Elvis in Tupelo as a ten year old. (News, Source: Elvis Matters)

Dead Elvis set to generate $189M in revenues by 2013: You don't often get to read SEC documents guesstimating how much money a dead idol will make in the future. But today's our lucky day: Witness this filing from CKX, which owns an 85% stake in Elvis Presley Enterprises -- basically the rights to run Graceland and license the King's name. Not included: The rights to sell most of Elvis' actual music.
But even without the ability to sell his songs, CKX says Elvis will generate $68.8 million for them this year. Not bad for a guy who died in 1977. But the future looks even brighter: CKX says that Elvis hotels, casinos and other projects will bump that number up to $189 million by 2013. Which makes Frank Sinatra's $50 million payday last year look like bupkis. (Sale of EPE, Source: Peter Kafka, Silicon Valley Insider)
EIN Comment: The $50m payment to the Sinatra Estate gives the late crooner inside running to top the next Forbes Annual List of Top Earning Dead Celebrities. It is likely EPE's revenues will fall after the ultra successful 30th anniversary year in 2007.
View EIN's comprehensive archives of news and articles about the sale of EPE and its aftermath
Lot of four (4) books by Ger Rijff sell for US$493.00: On eBay this week a lot of 4 rare books by the incomparable Ger Rijff were the subject of fierce bidding, eventually selling for just under $500.00.
The previous week strong bidding also saw the much sought after Paul Lichter coffee table book, Elvis Memories: A Love Story, sell for around US$125.00.
Who said the Elvis book market was dead!
(News, Source: eBay)
Read more about Ger Rijff books
Read more about Paul Lichter books |
Sonny West and Sandi Pichon in St. Louis, Missouri: On April 19, 2008 The Tom Christopher Band will join with Sonny West for an evening down the Elvis World lane. It will be a candid talk with Sonny, Sandi Pichon, and a rocking Las Vegas show with the TCB (Tom Christopher Band). A portion of the proceeds will go to St. Judes Hospital, one of Elvis's charities. There are some tickets left but they are selling fast. See you there - pass the word! Phone 314-223-9391 for tickets. (News, Source: Charmaine Voisine)
Elvis World #87 now out: EIN received its copy of Bill E. Burk's legendary magazine, Elvis World, this week.
As usual the magazine is in full color and is crammed full of news, articles, photos and interesting tid bits from around the Elvis world.
There are also 3 pages of the best books you can buy (all available from Elvis World) including the best price you will find on the sublime release: Elvis: The Concert Years by Stein Erik Skar!
View full details of "Elvis World #87"
Visit Bill E. Burk's "Elvis World Online" |
"His Hand In Mine" CD reissue: On March 11, 2008 SONY / BMG will re-issue Elvis' gospel albums "His Hand In Mine", "How Great Thou Art" and "He Touched Me" with bonus tracks. This is the complete cover of the "His Hand In Mine" album.
All tracks of this album have been remastered from the original mono tapes according to the text on the back cover. |
Product description: Elvis' million selling first gospel LP from 1960, His Hand In Mine represents one of the many proud moments of Elvis' career. His voice is stunningly beautiful in this tribute to his gospel heroes: The Blackwood Brothers, The Statesmen Quartet, and The Golden Gate Quartet. Includes bonus tracks from Elvis' platinum selling gospel debut EP Peace In The Valley from 1957.
Track listing:
- His Hand In Mine
- I'm Gonna Walk Dem Golden Stairs
- In My Father's House
- Milky White Way
- Known Only To Him
- I Believe In The Man In The Sky
- Joshua Fit The Battle
- He Knows Just What I Need
- Swing Down Sweet Chariot
- Mansion Over The Hilltop
- If We Never Meet Again
- Working On The Building
- Peace In The Valley
- It's No Secret
- I Believe
- Take My Hand, Precious Lord
His Hand In Mine Album Notes
Personnel: The Jordanaires (background vocals).
During his lifetime, Elvis Presley recorded three gospel albums and a four-song gospel EP. Presley's first full-length gospel album, HIS HAND IN MINE, sticks close to the quartet-style gospel singing Elvis loved as a youngster in Memphis. In fact, most of the arrangements on His Hand In Mine mimic arrangements used by two of Elvis' favorite groups, the Statesmen and the Memphis-based Blackwood Brothers.
The influence of such black gospel quartets as the Swan Silvertones and the Golden Gate Quartet, whom Elvis would have known through radio broadcasts, can also be heard on many numbers. As on all recordings inspired by the musical enthusiasm of his youth, Elvis shines on His Hand In Mine, singing with breathtaking passion and dexterity. The first twelve songs on this disc, all classics of the genre, constitute the album as it was originally released in 1960. RCA subsequently added three tracks to the CD: "It is No Secret," originally released on Elvis' 1957 Peace In The Valley EP; a 1967 recording of Rodgers and Hammerstein's "You'll Never Walk Alone"; and "Who Am I," recorded in 1969. (News, Source: CD Universe /Elvis News)
Elvis's White Baby Grand Piano to be auctioned...again: Another Ebay Auction is set to begin very soon for the Elvis Presley White Baby Grand Piano. Auction is being listed by Rocco Ingala, owner Angel City Bookstore & Gallery, Santa Monica, for the piano's owner businessman Warren Liu, 63, of Los Angeles.
A sample of the upcoming EBay auction headline: Elvis Presley White Baby Grand Piano--RCA Hollywood Studio C. This beautiful piano was custom ordered by RCA Studios in the early 1970s for Elvis Presley. The piano was kept at the famous RCA Hollywood Building, Studio C, a room especially built by the studio just for Elvis. The piano was used by Elvis to play and record many of his songs and popular sound tracks. (News, Source: Elvis News)
Todd Morgan funeral arrangements: EPE has advised:
There will be a small, private family service on Thurs., March 6 at 2:00 p.m. in Clarendon, AR at:
United Methodist Church
121 N. Third Street
Clarendon, AR
Elvis Presley Enterprises is planning a memorial service for the public in mid-March in Memphis, TN. Details will be announced soon and posted here.
Notes of condolences for the family may be sent to:
Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc.
Attn: Morgan Family
3734 Elvis Presley Blvd.
Memphis, TN 38116
A memorial fund is currently being set up with the University of Memphis Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music to benefit the newly-created Todd Morgan Sound Fuzion Performance Enrichment Fund. Sound Fuzion is a touring ensemble of vocalists and instrumentalists which represents the University at high schools, corporate functions and University sponsored activities, in addition to performing as part of the Music School's annual concert season.
Sound Fuzion is a group Todd loved and supported. He felt this was a great way to see the legacy of Memphis music continue to grow and develop in future generations. More about Sound Fuzion.
Memorial donations can be made payable to: University of Memphis Foundation. In the memo section of the check, please note the gift is for "Sound Fuzion in memory of Todd Morgan." Please send memorial donations to:
Department 238
The U of M Foundation
PO Box 1000
Memphis, TN 38148-0001
Latest celebrity visitors to Graceland: Grammy Award-winning Beninese singer and songwriter Angelique Kidjo visited Graceland for the first time on March 3rd, 2008.
In January & February the following celebrities visited Graceland: February 24, 2008: famed illusionist David Copperfield (second visit). February 22, 2008: Dancer Louis van Amstel from the hit TV show Dancing with the Stars. February 1, 2008: the Food Network's Guy Fieri. January 20, 2007: the Reverend Al Sharpton. (News, Source: EPE)
TCB House Party in August: On 15, 16 and 17 August 2008, the TCB Band will not be in Memphis, but the band
members will be the hosts in a Belgian Castle - Fit For a King, we might say.
Seats are strictly limited. Visit the Elvis Matters website for full details
Coming on EIN this month:
- Interview: Lamar Fike
- Interview: Michael Hoey (Hollywood director/producer and author of Elvis, Sherlock & Me)
- Interview: Joseph Pirzada (MRS) (FINALLY...part 2 of Joseph's very controversial interview)
- .......................................................
- FTD Review: I Sing All I Kinds
- FTD Review: 'Girls Girls Girls
- FTD Review: Wild In The Country - two different reviews!
- ........................................................
- Book Review: Elvis' Secret Legacy
- Book Review: Jeanne Carmen: My Wild, Wild Life
- .......................................................
- New feature: "Shipwrecked!: Desert Island Discs"
New official DVD release for 2008 "Elvis Presley – His Home, His Story": EPE will be releasing a new DVD focusing on Elvis' home Graceland after its premiere during Elvis Week. Called "Elvis Presley – His Home, His Story", EPE promises new stunning footage with the DVD telling the story of Elvis’ life at Graceland and his amazing career. The new DVD features photos from the Graceland archives, home movies and more. It will get its theatrical Premiere during Elvis Week on Saturday, August 9th at Studio on the Square, 2105 Court Avenue, Memphis with three screenings: 9:30 am, 10:00 am, 10:15 am. Tickets for the event are free, however you must have a ticket to attend. Tickets will be available through Graceland Reservations starting on March 17 for Elvis Insiders and March 24 for the general public. Go here for more info.
(News, Source;EIN/EPE) |
New Memory CD 'Trouble In Vegas': The forthcoming "MEMORY Records" label CD release is entitled "Trouble In Vegas" (CD MR 2056-2) it is from a stereo audience recording, Las Vegas, Dec 9 1976, Dinner show. From the media release:
Elvis' last Las Vegas season was scheduled for the 'pre-holiday' time to close out the Bicentennial year. For one last time, he arrived to the same hotel he took by storm seven years prior when it debuted as the International.
Elvis opened with a long, strong concert on December 2nd, followed by four very good shows (including the December 3, 1976 Dinner show - as documented by Memory Records' CD release "NOW - OR NEVER!"). However, the performances from the next couple of days suffered from an over-medicated Elvis, who did not pay 100% attention to his singing job.
On December 9th, Elvis gave two shows in row. A dinner show was chosen for this CD release as the more interesting of two. Running for more than 76 minutes, it's a long show for the season and by his "Vegas standard" overall.
After the first song, Elvis mentions that his "throat is dry like a Mohave desert..." Really, his voice was not the best here. At the beginning of the second song, it is already evident that Elvis is in TROUBLE IN VEGAS. "I Got A Woman" was restarted but after another start he stopped to sing it again as he forgot the lyrics. The man who had take the town by storm in 1969 through '72 had, by the '76 stand, grown lax, eccentric, or even unprepared and who knows what else, some surely must have thought.
Nevertheless, as was so often still the case, both "Fairytale" and "You Gave Me A Mountain" received proper treatment from Elvis and his voice became stronger, too. "My Way" was sung for the first time since his May Lake Tahoe gigs and once again it took 3 false starts to Elvis to begin the song. It is a rather messy version, but still welcomed by a wild audience: "Honey, it's a show, not an orgy!" said Elvis to some scarf-hungry, screaming women.
Often-maligned "Softly As I Leave You" is the first REAL HIGHLIGHT of the show - a classic performance. Winding down a year-long nationwide celebration of the Bicentennial, he then sang "America The Beautiful" for very last time here. Again it's a great version and yet another concert highlight. And a thundering "Hurt" with full orchestra backing is highlight No. #3.
His final December on earth began with an erratic but still intriguing final stand. As listeners, we are witness here to Elvis' holding court one last time in this famously soul-crushing desert city.
1976 had been the most ominous year for the King (artistically and physically). Yet fuelled in part by new girlfriend Miss Alden, the month of December surprisingly would end with some of his most acclaimed concerts: Birmingham, Dallas and Pittsburgh, most notably. This Vegas performance is not a classic concert, but is still a very interesting event, an audio documentary of Elvis being up & down during his very last concerts in the both loved and hated neon "Sin City".
This is previously unreleased recording. The sound was transferred in its original audience-recorded stereo format, and all tracks were digitally restored for best possible sound reproduction. The CD contains 4-pages booklet with photographs taken during the Las Vegas December '76 season."
Tracklist: 1. Also Sprach Zarathustra - 2. C. C. Rider - 3. I Got A Woman (with false start and break) - 4. Love Me - 5. Fairytale - 6. You Gave Me A Mountain - 7. Jailhouse Rock - 8. O Sole Mio (by Sherrill Nielsen)/It's Now Or Never (medley) - 9. My Way (with 3 false starts) - 10. Blue Christmas (Elvis on acoustic guitar, with false start) - 11. That's All Right, Mama (Elvis on acoustic guitar, with false start) - 12. Are You Lonesome Tonight (Elvis on acoustic guitar) - 13. Softly As I Leave You (with Sherrill Nielsen) - 14. Hound Dog - 15. Help Me - 16. America The Beautiful (last live version) - 17. Band Introductions - 18. Early Mornin' Rain - 19. What'd I Say - 20. Drum Solo (by Ronnie Tutt) - 21. Bass Solo (Blues - by Jerry Scheff) - 22. Piano Solo (by Tony Brown) - 23. Electric Piano Solo (by David Briggs) - 24. Love Letters - 25. School Day - 26. Hurt - 27. Hawaiian Wedding Song - 28. Can't Help Falling In Love - 29. Closing Vamp. -
Running time: 76mins. (News, Source;Czech,Memory) |
UK budget CD "Elvis - That's All Right": Yet another budget release but with a picture disc and a rather nice cover-shot, from Legacy in the UK. Features the usual fifties live recordings and a bonus track with a so-called "rare interview".
(News, Source:Barry McLean) |
EPE announce 2008 Elvis Week Schedule of Events: Below is the current Elvis Week 2008 calendar of events. Updates to the calendar will be made as additional guests, details and events are confirmed. Elvis Week tickets will go on sale for Elvis Insiders on March 17 and for the general public on March 24.
Elvis Week 2008 Event Calendar: Saturday, August 9 - Sunday, August 17.
- 26th Annual Elvis Presley International 5K Run to Benefit United Cerebral Palsy
- Elvis Presley - His Home, His Story - DVD Theatrical Premiere (see above).
- Memphis Welcomes the Fans Redbirds Baseball Game
- Elvis Week Kick-Off Party at the Memphis Hard Rock Café
- Elvis Gospel Brunch in the Elvis Presley Car Museum.
- Graceland Scavenger Hunt
- A Celebration of Fans - Fan Club Presidents' Event
- Music and Movies at Graceland Front lawn - Day One. Movie TBA
- Elvis Film Festival Presented by Malco Theatres
- The Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest Meet 'n' Greet
- Shawn Klush 2007 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest winner in Concert 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Location TBA.
- Music and Movies at Graceland - Day 2. Movie TBA
- Club Elvis. A private party with your fellow Elvis fans at Elvis Presley Car Museum
- Elvis Expo 2008 - Day 1 Location TBA. The ultimate Elvis tradeshow.
- The Official Elvis Insiders Conference - Day 1. Location TBA. Special guests confirmed so far Dixie Locke Emmons, Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller, Sammy Shore. More guest announcements coming soon.
- Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest Semifinals. Location TBA.
- Elvis Expo 2008 - Day 2
- The Official Elvis Insiders Conference - Day 2. Location TBA. Special guests confirmed so far Steve Binder, producer of Elvis's '68 Special. More guest announcements coming soon.
- Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest Finals. Cannon Center for the Performing Arts.
- Breakfast at Graceland with Special Guest at Elvis Presley Car Museum.
- Elvis Presley - His Home, His Story - DVD Theatrical Premiere, (see above)
- Candlelight Vigil
- Special Concert Event To Be Announced Soon
- Elvis Gospel Brunch at Elvis Presley Car Museum.
Go here for further information from EPE -
(News, Source; EPE)
Updates on death of Todd Morgan: From the official Elvis site:
We at Graceland have suffered the loss of one of our most beloved family members. Todd Morgan passed away on Saturday at the age of 45 from what was believed to be a massive heart attack, he was found by friends at his East Memphis home Sunday morning after he didn’t show up for a pre-planned gathering.
Todd made a career out of Graceland, starting out as a tour guide in May of 1983 following his graduation from the University of Mississippi. In his 25 years as a faithful and loyal Elvis Presley Enterprises employee, Todd played a major part in the development of Graceland as an attraction and in the many projects produced by EPE that have allowed fans all over the world to celebrate the life and legacy of Elvis Presley.
We are truly saddened by this devastating loss and will miss him dearly. Details of services have yet to be determined but we will post them as soon as we are made aware by his family.
"Todd's sudden and untimely death is a huge shock and a great loss for us personally and for EPE. He has been an incredible gift and Gem in all of the 25 years that he worked at Graceland. He was so unbelievably devoted to us, to my Father and to his job. His heart, soul and his dedication could never be replaced. This is just nothing but sad and awful for everyone, our prayers and hearts are with him and his family. He will be deeply missed."
"I am still in shock and disbelieve in the untimely death of Todd Morgan. This is a great loss for all of us who knew and loved him. He was one of Graceland’s original employees starting as a young, bright and enthusiastic kid who always knew how to bring a smile or a laugh to any situation good, bad or indifferent. My heart goes out to all of you who worked with him on a daily basis and to his family who should know how much he was loved by all of us. He will be missed and irreplaceable."
Todd Morgan, the public face of Graceland for more than a decade, was found dead in his East Memphis home Sunday morning. Early indications, friends said, point to a massive heart attack, although an autopsy is planned. Morgan, director of special projects for Elvis Presley Enterprises, was 45.
"We've lost a great friend and a great part of the Graceland family," said Jack Soden, chief executive officer of Elvis Presley Enterprises.
Friends became concerned when Morgan failed to show for dinner Saturday night. They called, but got no answer.
When Morgan's friends couldn't reach him Sunday morning, they went to his home and saw him on the floor through a window. Firefighters forced entry into the house on Chickasaw and found Morgan collapsed in his bedroom. It appeared he'd died sometime early Saturday afternoon, Graceland public relations director Kevin Kern said.
"This comes as a great shock," said Kern, who was hired by Morgan. "To lose somebody at 45, it's hard to believe."
Morgan began working at Graceland in 1983 as a tour guide, driving to the Whitehaven mansion while still a student at Ole Miss, Kern said. He became familiar to fans and media from around the world as the Graceland spokesman, particularly during Elvis Week, before moving on to new roles.
One of those roles, Kern said, was as a producer of Elvis projects. Morgan helped spearhead the "Elvis: Live" concerts which debuted in the early 1990s with Elvis appearing on stage via concert footage meshed with live performances by his former band members, backup singers and others.
"That was his concept. He brought it to life, and the first concert sold out Radio City Music Hall," Kern said.
Morgan, who grew close to Priscilla Presley, had planned to go to Los Angeles to attend a taping of her upcoming appearance on "Dancing with the Stars. Although friends said Morgan wasn't a devoted Elvis fan before coming to Graceland, that quickly changed once he began working there.
"I worked with Todd for three and a half years, and he had a devotion to preserving the legacy of Elvis. He could well be Elvis' No. 1 fan," Kern said. "The Elvis world has suffered a great loss. He's an expert, and he helped shape the legacy."
Added Soden: "He knew how to be a very professional, strategic and very smart steward of the legacy."
Friends began gathering at Morgan's home Sunday afternoon.
"He's the nicest person I've ever met," David Burton said. "He took a lot of interest in (his friends's) lives."
Friends said they were unaware of any health problems Morgan might have had. Morgan was single with no children. His family began arriving in Memphis Sunday afternoon from Clarendon, Ark. Funeral arrangements were still pending.
Hillary Clinton resorts to Elvis to aid ailing campaign: Hillary Clinton’s campaign message at this morning's rally here could be summed up with the lyrics of the song that opened her event: Elvis Presley's “A Little Less Conversation."
"A little less conversation, a little more action please / All this aggravation ain't satisfactioning me / A little more bite and a little less bark," sang Elvis in his classic ditty, although he was singing about his love life and not about the Democratic primary. Regardless, it was a clever twist by the Clinton campaign to use it as she walked on stage to a cheering crowd in the Westerville North High School gymnasium. (News, Source: Fernando Suarez, CBS News)
Norwegian Psychic Communicates With The Spirit Of Elvis Presley: Grethe Svendsen has communicated with the spirit of Elvis Presley for the last six years. Read what the King has to say in her heart-warming new book 'Conversations with Elvis'.
"As a Spiritual Medium I have always tried to help people through the use of my guides, in addition to helping them by drawing on my own life's experiences and knowledge. I consider it a great privilege to be able to use my gift in this way and my work has been very fulfilling. Nothing however, could have prepared me for what happened six years ago when I found myself being contacted by the spirit of Elvis Presley." Grethe explains. |
"Every Medium is taught to embrace their gift, never questioning what is being said or revealed to them through spirit, but I couldn't help but wonder 'Is this really happening? Am I really talking to Elvis?' But feeling his soothing energy, hearing his voice and then finally seeing him, I was left in no doubt; 'this really is Elvis'."
Talking to the King certainly hasn't been easy though as Grethe reveals "this has been a very emotional spiritual journey and has admittedly been my most difficult task as a Medium. I can understand writers saying that they feel attached to the subjects or people they write about, because it becomes a huge part of your everyday life."
It would be fair to say that Conversations with Elvis is not your average Elvis book. After all, this is Elvis talking and his personality shines through as he talks about his life. This book is about the man behind the Legend, a man who simply wanted to help people through his music and acts of kindness. An extremely sensitive human being who was searching for answers on his spiritual journey through life. It touches upon the heart and soul of Elvis and within its pages you will find there is a message from him -- one of love.
About Grethe Svendsen: Born in Oslo, Norway, Grethe now lives in the UK and works as a writer and Spiritual Medium. For more information about Grethe and her new book 'Conversations with Elvis' please visit www.conversationswithelvis.com (News, Source: www.prweb.com/www.epgold.com)
Chart updates: In Australia, Elvis Aloha From Hawaii slips 4 places this week to #40 on the ARIA Top 40 Music DVD chart. It has been on the chart for 59 non-consecutive weeks reaching #1 and currently certified 2XP.
In the USA, the Billboard chart listings for the week ending March 8, 2008 are:
Pop Catalog Albums - ELV1S 30 #1 Hits: #33
Country Catalog Albums - ELV1S 30 #1 Hits: #4
Music Videos: Aloha From Hawaii - #40
"The Very Best Of Love" fell from both the Top Independent Albums and Billboard Top 200 charts. The "Elvis Lives" release dropped off the Music Video chart. (News, Source: ARIA/Elvis International)
More budget albums in the EC: Released February 25th 2008 in the UK is the second volume in the Icons series. Volume one was release July 29, 2007 on the Green Umbrella label and topped the UK budget charts for many weeks.
The Broadsword label will release the budget compilation "The Duplex Collection" on March 17, 2008. (News, Source: Amazon.co.uk /Elvis News)
Artwork - "Trouble In Vegas": Just the artwork, no other details yet available of this new import CD from Memory Records in Czechoslovakia. (News, Source: FECC board) |
Texas Whirlwind CD announced: PapaBear Productions advises:
Another fantastic import CD release from PapaBear Productions. Great show (6/2/76) and great quality sound! A must for every serious Elvis CD collector!
Elvis mentions that they are in El Paso for the first time since 1972. Among the finest songs of the evening is the version of "Help Me", sung here as a duet with high tenor Sherrill Nielsen. This performance is very sincere and done at slower tempo than the studio version. The hard rockin' "Polk Salad Annie" follows right after the pure emotional beauty of Don McLean's "And I Love You So". During the introduction segment, Elvis asks David Briggs to play "Love Letters", and again - it is performed slowly and softly. Two showstopper versions of his thundering latest single "Hurt" and an ordinarily rushed "Hound Dog" precede the moment when Elvis asks for the house lights so he is able to see and greet his loyal audience. Half way through a short version of "Funny Howe Time Slips Away" Elvis directs the lighting crew "And now turn them off!" Finally, the first bars of "Can't Help Falling In Love" alert all of the screaming fans that the ceremony is coming to a close. When Al Dvorin made the famous announcement "Elvis has left the building"; Elvis was already in his limousine on his way to the airport. Fort Worth, Texas was the next stop...
Techincal notes: This is a previously unreleased recording. The original mono soundboard mastertape was used for this project. Normally, the mixing board was roughly adjusted just once by the sound engineer Bruce Jackson at the very beginning of each concert tour. The levels of instruments and vocals remained very similar for the final mono mixes of all recordings that were made during this particular tour. In presenting this El Paso, TX soundboard recording, Elvis, J. D. Sumner's vocal, and James Burton's lead guitar are up front. The concert is complete and uncut with the exception of a few seconds of Tony Brown's piano solo while the cassette tape was turned over in the recorder. The sound was restored with the latest equipment and software using 24-bit processing. We decided to leave the sound as natural as possible; no fake effects, ambience or reverbs were added." (News, Source: FECC board)
EIN Note: Previous PapaBear releases have been CDR's and not CDs.
EPE's Todd Morgan dies: Todd Morgan, who for years has been Graceland's "public face," was found dead in his apartment yesterday (Sunday).
It had not been announced publicly yet, but Todd had just been promoted to a new position and was to report directly to Gary Hovey in Los Angeles, though he would remain in Memphis. He was due to go out to dinner last night with friends to celebrate his promotion, but did not show.
Reports are he must have died in his sleep last night.
Todd has been at Graceland since it was opened to the public in 1982. He started as a tour guide.
My first memory of Todd was when I was working as a fund raising/public relations consultant for the EP Memorial Trauma Center here. Some fan had given Todd a $10 tip for his tour of the mansion and he had donated the $10 to the EP Trauma Center, which I noted in a publicity release.
Original Elvis "Tree Of Life" for sale on EBay: Elvis' good friend Marty Lacker has put up the original drawing of Elvis' "Tree Of Life" for auction on Ebay. This is how he describes it:
"One night in December, '64, unable to sleep, I started to doodle on some paper and without any preconceived thought started drawing a tree that I dubbed The Tree Of Life. It made me think of the relationships that Elvis had with the original guys in the Memphis Mafia and how much our lives were intertwined with him. Him being the glue that held us all together.
Without thinking I wrote his name vertically down the trunk of the tree and then wrote the names of the guys on the branches, using a letter from his name to be part of each of the guy's names. It had great meaning to me and I felt it would to him to.
I included one of his favorite sayings about the truth setting you free and to designate the different heritages of the guys, I had it written in english, hebrew and latin.
The next day I showed it to Elvis and it moved him so much that he had slight tears in his eyes. That gave me an idea for his Christmas gift from the guys that as Foreman, it was my job to come up with from the guys. We all chipped in and bought Elvis a beautiful big white Bible that I took to a caligrapher who I had draw the Tree Of Life on the front page in gold leaf. We gave that to Elvis for Christmas '64 and he was thrilled with it. Then to make it even more personal I took the drawing to jeweler Harry Levitch and had him get an engraver to engrave the tree on a beautiful gold medallion that we gave to Elvis for his 30th birthday on Jan. 8, '65. He proudly wore that necklace every day for years.
The day after I showed my original drawing to Elvis, I made two xerox copies of it in case something happened to the original. The original drawing is no longer in existence and neither is one of the copies I made.
I have been saving the one existing copy of the original drawing in my photo album since '64 in plastic and I have decided to make it available to an Elvis fan by offering it here on ebay to the highest bidder. It will be accompanied by a Letter Of Authenticity that I will be happy to sign that will contain the information I have written above.
- Thank you, Marty Lacker.
Click here to check out this genuine artefact. Bidding ends Tuesday.
(News, Source;EIN)
Ernst Jorgensen On George Klein's Elvis Duets: Continuing the story on the "duet" tapes that George Klein owns. Several websites mention that George Klein is thinking of selling three duets he acquired from Felton Jarvis' widow after Felton Jarvis Died. The duets with Larry Gatlin ("Help Me"), Jerry Reed ("Guitar Man") and Carl Perkins' ("Blue Suede Shoes") were produced after Elvis died as part of Felton Jarvis' 1980 -1981 "overdub" project from which we got the "Guitar Man" album. In an interesting legal follow up Ernst Jorgensen has stated to Elvis News that "George Klein has tried to sell them to us, and we told him that he has no rights to sell the tape for commercial use". (News, Source;ElvisNews) |
Actress Jaime Pressly convinced she is related to Elvis: Actress Jaime Pressly believes that she distantly related to legendary singer Elvis Presley, thanks to a family legend passed down by her grandfather.Though the ‘My Name Is Earl’ star can't prove a link, she was convinced when she compared pictures of her relatives and the King."When I was a little kid there was a lot of teasing going on about me being related to Elvis,” Contactmusic quoted her, as saying.“I went to my granddad and asked him (about it), and he said that years ago there was a family feud between the Presleys and half the family changed the spelling (of their name).
"I asked my Uncle Tommy about it, and he went and got a picture of Elvis's dad and my grandfather and laid them down side by side - and they looked like brothers.
"I've never seen anything look so close in my life. Same sideways smile, same teeth, same eyes,” she added.
(News, Source:EIN/SanjaM)
Elvis 'The Man And His Music' #79 out now: Issue 79 of our favourite in-depth Elvis music magazine is out now. Featuring an interview with Joe Moscheo as well as composer Michael Jarrett ("I'm Leavin'") and a new series "It's midnight... or is it the Dinner Show". Packed with stimulating articles as well as trying to correct falsehoods about Elvis' music and concerts. Plus a collection of memories taken from biographies of other celebrities. Also featuring the regular reader's letters, essential news and reviews.
(News, Source;EIN)
Elvis Matters #20 Magazine out now: The Dutch Elvis magazine Elvis matters has the new issue #20 out now. It also features an in depth interview with Joe Moscheo. Plus the usual selection of news, reviews of CDs, books and DVDs and a short interview with Henrik Knudsen on his Danish Graceland project. The magazine is printed in Dutch.
(News, Source;ElvisMatters) |
Elvis' Home Trainer Bicycle For Sale!: The Florida real estate dealer Anthony Pugliese, who for the past 25 years has quietly been putting together what experts call the greatest collection of pop culture artefacts in the world, is selling his entire collection. Among them: the gun Jack Ruby used to kill Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas back in 1963. The expected price: US$2-3 million. Former FBI director J. Edgar Hoover's badge will be sold off, rifles that once belonged to Elvis Presley and Elvis’ gold plated home trainer. The auction is scheduled to take place March 15th and 16th. Earlier, Ginger Alden had already agreed to sell 14 personal items of Elvis, at the same auction.
(News, Source:ElvisMatters)
The Cow Palace where Elvis performed in 1970 & 1976 may be demolished: The Cow Palace in San Francisco has hosted some of the biggest musical acts in the past half-century, from the Beatles in 1964 to Elvis in 1970 to Metallica in 2004, and it was at the Daly City venue that John F. Kennedy gave his 1960 speech that first outlined his idea for the Peace Corps.
Though it is one of the Bay Area's historic venues for concerts and events, the Cow Palace may soon go the way of other old structures - like New York's Polo Grounds and San Francisco's Playland at the Beach- that are torn down to make way for redevelopment.
"The Cow Palace has outlived its usefulness," said City Manager Patricia Martel. Events there "contribute nothing to our community. Why would we keep it?"
Since Yee introduced the bill Friday that is making its way through State Senate committees, opponents have gathered forces in a bid to preserve what they say is a Bay Area treasure. If anything, they argue, the Cow Palace - built in 1941 with funding from the Works Progress Administration - should receive special status as an officially designated landmark.
"I'm mad as hell," said Kevin Patterson, a San Francisco native whose Great Dickens Christmas Fair is held every year at the Cow Palace. Patterson, with other outraged residents, started the Web site www.savethecowpalace.com. "It should not be sold to Daly City, and certainly should not be bulldozed. This is a real estate venture disguising itself as an attempt to improve the local community."
Alan J. Smith, a homecare provider who grew up near the Cow Palace, says the venue, besides providing jobs for working-class people, hosts a number of children-friendly events. "I've been coming to the Cow Palace since way back watching the original Globetrotters; I took my little stepkids to the Globetrotters last month," said Smith, 50, standing near the corner of Geneva and Santos Streets as he, too, waited for a Muni bus.
"It's a landmark," he said. "They have the rodeo, the flower show, the antique show - there are so many good things going on in there."
The debate over the Cow Palace's merits would never have reached the Legislature if the Cow Palace and Daly City had completed their negotiations over the property.
Cow Palace history: The Cow Palace has hosted some of the country's biggest names and events in its 67-year history:
1941: Using money from the government's Works Projects Administration, the Cow Palace is built on Daly City land that adjoins San Francisco.
1946: The Grand National Rodeo begins its uninterrupted string of yearly shows.
1958: Billy Graham brings his evangelical message to tens of thousands who crowd into the Cow Palace over the course of two months.
1960: During his presidential campaign, Sen. John F. Kennedy tells an audience of 20,000 that the United States should establish a Peace Corps.
1962: The San Francisco Warriors, the NBA team formerly based in Philadelphia, choose the Cow Palace as its new arena.
1964, 1965: The Beatles give concerts before thousands of adoring fans.
1970: Stuntman Evel Knievel does one of his motorcycle jumps that has him go up a ramp and soar over parked cars and trucks.
1970: 13th November 1970 Elvis performs to 14,000 in his "Red-Ladder" jumpsuit.
1976: November Elvis performs 2 sold out concerts.
1991: The San Jose Sharks open play at the Cow Palace while they await the building of an arena in San Jose.
2004: The heavy-metal band Metallica performs.
2006: At Oracle's Cow Palace event in 2006, Elton John was the star attraction.
(News, Source;EIN/San FranChronicle) |
Actor Pat Harrington talks about Elvis: Pat Harrington co-starred with Elvis in Easy Come, Easy Go. He is perhaps best known for his role as Dwayne "Schneider" in the long running sitcom "One Day At A Time":
DF: You were in a film with Elvis Presley, Easy Come, Easy Go (1967). Any good Elvis stories?
PH: When I did Easy Come, Easy Go, Elvis was at the top of his game. That's when he was the Elvis that we all know. He was lean -- 168 pounds, 160 pounds -- lean! He was quick and fast, and he was into all that karate stuff. |
The difficulty with Elvis was that he was surrounded by nine guys named "Red." Red Jones and Red Brown and Red Brown-Jones, you know, those guys. So you couldn't get close to Elvis.
When we did a scene, then I had him to myself. He would never get it on the first take or the 10th, but eventually he'd get it. We would talk in between, and I said to him, "Elvis, I can make you laugh." He'd say, "Oh, you can't make me laugh." And I'd say, "Yes, I can." So he said, "All right, next take." And I said, "Next take is going to be tough for you. [The shot's] going to be over my shoulder on you."
So the scene starts and I flared my nostrils just a little bit -- nobody else could see that except him. And he started to laugh uncontrollably.
DF: And nobody else could see it because the shot was on him--
PH: Nobody could see it!
DF: Did he have a little more respect for your comedic abilities afterwards?
PH: No...he was pissed!
Complete Interview Pat Harrington: http://allday.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2008/02/26/701886.aspx
(News, Source: www.epgold.com)
Elvis remix #1 in Italy AGAIN: The "Baby Let's Play House" Re: Version is back at #1 on the Official Italian Download chart. It had fallen to #4 two weeks ago, climbed back to #3 last week. The single is now enjoying its 7th non consecutive week (out of 12) at #1. (News, Source: Elvis News) |
"Elvis In The Beat of the Night (True Stories of Elvis and His Police Buddies)" into 2nd printing: The first printing of this unusual and very interesting book about Elvis and his friends in law enforcement has sold out. Phillips Entertainment has advised EIN stocks of the 2nd printing should arrive and be despatched next week. EIN willpublish its review of the book next week. (News, Source: Jud Phillips)
Visit "Elvis In the Beat of the Night" website & order the book |
"Moody & Blue" alternate CD release: Released on the Fans Only label is the CD "Moody And Blue" featuring 22 alternate takes of the "Moody Blue" album. All taken from other official and bootleg releases. (News, Source: Elvis News) |
"Good Times in Promised Land" CD: Released on the Fans Only label is the CD "Good Times In Promised Land - The Stax Recording Sessions". The label does what more import labels do these days, continue series started by BMG. The cover mentions "Essential Elvis Volume 8 73 - 74". All takes come from other official and bootleg releases. (News, Source: Elvis News) |
Million Dollar Quartet vinyl release: The two disc vinyl re-issue of "The Million Dollar Quartet" on the Code7 label is a picture disc. The set is due for release March 3, 2008 in the EC. (News, Source: Play/ Elvis News) |
Elvis December 15, 1956 Hayride show - owned by Ernst Jorgensen: Interesting news via EP Gold that Ernst Jorgensen may own the complete tape of the Saturday, December 15, 1956 Hayride Show. Joey Kent from the Louisiana Hayride Archives stated the following to Andylon from EP Gold.
"I lost out several years ago in a bidding war with Ernst Jorgensen for the tape of Elvis's final Hayride show. I can confirm the tape does exist - I heard samples of several tracks. The seller had made a deal with me but then backed out once BMG took interest, and he ended up selling to them.
I told him if he sold it to me I would put it out and tell the story of how his father, a Texarkana DJ, had recorded the tape off the radio back in 1956, and how the tape came to be saved. He could have been famous! I told him if he sold it to BMG, it would most likely be put in a vault...and so it has happened.
I don't know of any plans for them to put it out. Sony would have to pay me as I own the rights to all of Elvis Presley's Hayride songs - maybe that's why it hasn't come out yet. They deal in big sales and if it weren't for Jorgensen's Follow That Dream label, a lot of collector material would never find its way out, which is a shame.
I would hope this early concert - 10 songs covering about 35 minutes, would be enough to warrant a release sometime soon.
- Thanks, Joey Kent, The Louisiana Hayride Archives"
Elvis Hayride show, Saturday, December 15, 1956.
Tracklist: Heartbreak Hotel, Long Tall Sally, I Was The One, Love Me Tender, Don't Be Cruel, Love Me, I Got A Woman, When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again, Paralyzed, Hound Dog, (News, Source;EP Gold) |
EIN is a not-for-profit Elvis Fan Club website posting daily news and informative articles for Elvis Presley's legion of fans.
EIN tries to credit all news sources, as well as link to the original articles if excerpts are used.
If you believe we have used copyrighted material please contact us and we will remove it immediately. |