Minanda talks to EIN about her secret love affair with Elvis
The following interview is one which will confront many fans. Some will believe Minanda's story, others will not.
Minanda has written a book about her secret love affair with Elvis and it is now available for purchase online.
Minanda recently took time out to talk about her love affair with Elvis and her book, IN THE NAME OF LOVE.
Minanda today:
EIN: Minanda, what made you decide to tell the story of your love affair with Elvis? Minanda: I decided to disclose my secret love story with Elvis because I realized that I didn't want to die with that secret in my heart, I realized that I owe it to his daughter, to his fans and to the world. I also understood that it would be very selfish of me to keep that secret any longer. Back then I was too young and not ready to speak openly about it, I could have never stood the pressure that the disclosure of our love story might have brought into my life; when it comes to Elvis everything gets out of control, now I am older, stronger and more mature and I think I'll be able to face everything and everyone.
EIN: When did you first meet Elvis?
Minanda: Our encounter happened in Los Angeles, the city of angels, I was then very young, I really felt like Cinderella meeting the charming Prince, I could have never imagined such a magical encounter even in my wildest dreams. Our love story was really magical, exceptional, a fairy tale, it turned my life up side down, shaped my whole personality and changed my whole life forever, it is a modern fairy tale and it will stun the world when people find out about it, Elvis was no ordinary man and therefore our love story neither.
I grew up in Paris and lived for some time in Los Angeles when I was very young. For some personal and very important reason I prefer to keep for now the exact date and year of my encounter with Elvis. All the details are in my book. All I can say is that I was 16 in 1977.
EIN: Minanda, many fans will be dismissive of your claims. What do you say in response to them?
Minanda: I don't have a proof of my love story with Elvis, I wish I did! No photos or letters either. The name of my book is IN THE NAME OF LOVE. It can be bought on my website http://www.compassion-el.com It is dedicated to Elvis and to our exceptional love story that transcends the borders of time and space.
If fans are not curious about Elvis' secret love story with me, there is no way for me of convincing them. The book will tell all, and blow their mind. Elvis was such an exceptional being, fascinating, good and kind, he is more than people can ever imagine; in some way through my book Elvis is sending them a message of love, of hope - it is up to them to open their hearts to him and his memory and to receive that message. I hope they are ready for him to come in their hearts again.
It is not only a beautiful love story between Elvis and me but also a beautiful love story between Elvis and his millions of fans. I am the link between Elvis and them.
After the fans read my book, I will answer all their questions, I am sure there will be many, many questions.
EIN: What did you observe about Elvis the person?
Minanda: Elvis was deeply spiritual, more than people can ever imagine. It was the most important thing in his life along with his love for his daughter and his fans. The only person that truly understood how Elvis was serious about spirituality was Larry Geller.
EIN: That is an interesting observation given how many fans perceive Elvis.
Minanda: For many people Elvis is a living God and when they read my book they will understand why he is so much present in their lives and hearts thirty years after his departure.
His fans will really have to open their heart and mind to the absolute and they will learn and discover a dimension to Elvis' personality not known of yet.
EIN: What can fans expect in your book, IN THE NAME OF LOVE?
Minanda: Through our love story and through me he will reach down deep inside his fans' souls and they will unite with him once more like they used to during his concerts when he was touching them, kissing them and giving them joy and happiness through his songs. |
EIN: What else would you say about your book?
Minanda: It is a very subversive book in the sense that it abolishes all the regular patterns of thinking, of beliefs, but with Elvis everything is possible and unusual. This book can also be perceived by many people as very scandalous, but well, Elvis was a rebel in so many ways and I am too. No matter what people will think or say, whether they like it or not; no one will ever, ever be able to take from us the beautiful love story that we shared.
EIN: What are some of your fondest feelings about your time with Elvis?
Minanda: It is an honor for me that he came into my life and that he loved me. He taught me so many wonders, opened magical doors for me. For the eternity I will be grateful to him, I cherish his love, goodness and kindness. I consider him first as my friend and second as the man I love and respect deeply, a man that I admire for his goodness, kindness and generosity, for the sincere love that he had for his fellow man and animals.
This book is really my tribute to him and a love letter to him.
I was very lucky and blessed that Elvis came into my life and therefore through him, I discovered God and spiritual knowledge.
Elvis is the best thing that ever happened in my life, I owe him EVERYTHING.
Remember just one thing, Elvis is more magical, exceptional, wonderful than you can ever imagine, I fell in love with his inner beauty, with his heart and soul and you will too once more.
EIN: Lisa Marie Presley?
Minanda: Lisa Marie can really be proud to be his daughter.
EIN: Will you be in Memphis for Elvis Week 2007?
Minanda: I would love to be in Memphis for his 30th anniversary. Maybe if a fan club invites me...
EIN: Minanda, thank you for taking the time to talk with us today. We know many fans will look forward to reading IN THE NAME OF LOVE.
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