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Elvis fan remembers Elvis in Minnesota: Coinciding with the 'Elvis In A Minnesota Minute' MRS book and the FTD ‘A Minnesota Moment’ CD release, Elvis fan Terrie Counter sent us her special memories of being at the very concert.
>>> This is my story of being there the Elvis concert in Minneapolis on October 17,1976......it is how I remember seeing Elvis - Terrie Counter.
When the news broke Elvis was going to be in Minneapolis to do a concert, I immediately called my sister who lived 250 miles away to tell her. I am sure in the back of my mind, I wanted to make her jealous since she was really the Elvis fan in the family. I actually was not an Elvis fan at the time.
Once it came out in the paper we could send for tickets, I did just that. Much to my disappointment, I got a letter back saying “THE ELVIS CONCERT WAS SOLD OUT”- Fortunately, a neighbor of mine had sent for tickets and so had her brother. They had two extra tickets and sold them to me....surprisingly for what they paid for them...which if memory serves me correctly, it was $12.50 each.
The night we walked into the auditorium you could feel something in the air.....it was like there was a charisma.....I now know why and what fans mean when they say they feel it. |
When Elvis walked out on stage, it was the most exciting and incredible feeling one could ever experience.
I actually did not think I was going to like Elvis....I thought he would act like.....here I am..... I was totally blown away..... I was so impressed with how he treated his fans. He acknowledged everyone that hollered something out to him.....he could not always do what they wanted him to do, but he acknowledged them. Elvis never forgot who put him where he was.
Elvis did a fabulous show and I walked away from that concert an Elvis fan and have been one ever since.
After seeing him in Minneapolis, I wanted more and wanted to see him in Vegas. A group of us were going to go see him September 1977 in Vegas but we all know that did not take place. I do feel very fortunate though that I got to see him when I did.
The ironic part of this is my sister, as I said, was the true Elvis fan and she always wanted to see Elvis and I wanted to go to Hawaii......I saw Elvis and she went to Hawaii....crazy, huh? -TCB 4 NOW, Terrie, January 2010.
(Right:Elvis fan Terrie Counter & the FTD ‘A Minnesota Moment’)
See below for full details of the MRS & FTD releases.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet/EP.ScrapbookTony)
Marty Lacker hits back at Charlie Watts. Yesterday EIN ran the on-line newspiece that Rolling Stone Charlie Watts never liked The Beatles or Elvis: "Of Ringo, yes, but not of the music. And I've always hated Elvis. He was the last one I wanted to use as a guide. Miles Davis and Fats Domino, yes, but Elvis, no."
Marty Lacker sent EIN the following...
"I read with interest the comments by Charlie Watts that he hates Elvis and doesn't like the Beatles but he is condescending to Ringo because he's a drummer which would make Watts look bad if he dissed Ringo.
I'm sure the world couldn't go on until they got Watts' opinion on Elvis. I know I wouldn't have been able to sleep tonight without knowing.
I just heard from rumblings Elvis' resting place at Graceland and I could swear I heard him say, "Charlie Who?" - Marty Lacker.
(Photo Right; Keith Richards, Scotty,Elvis,Ronnie Wood)
EIN points out that it is important to remember that beneath all The Stones 'Rock'n'Roll', Charlie Watts has always stated that above all he was a true Jazz fan.
Charlie Watts would have probably had to hide his dislike of Elvis from The Rolling Stones driving force, guitarist Keith Richards, who has always stated his understandable appreciation....
Keith Richards, "Elvis hit like a bombshell, it was like the world went from Black & White to technicolour.
It was the first white band that anybody heard with a good lead singer, that could actually play black and sound black. They had the rhythm, that fluidity which white music, especially in those days, didn't have.
Those Sun tracks are so "Elvis Presley". The sound and the attitude are so pure, so unforced, so joyous! There was an enthusiasm that bounced right off the tape from Elvis and the band. You can even hear him laughing on some of the tracks. You couldn't make music like that today."
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) - Thanks to James Roy for the image - Check out his Scotty Moore Website |
Eight new Soundtrack Re-Releases Out Now: Sony Special Products have re-released the 8 new Elvis Soundtrack original albums BUT have included 'Viva Las Vegas' as a single album release for the first time.
The soundtracks are G.I. Blues, Viva Las Vegas, Roustabout, Girls! Girls! Girls!, Frankie & Johnny, Girl Happy, Clambake, Fun In Acapulco all with the original tracklistings.
Here are the new 75th Anniversary covers - plus the new one specially for Viva Las Vegas (note the added .. 'AND MORE'.)
With thanks to Super-collector Barry McLean.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork;Barry Mclean)
Elvis Weekly Chart Update:
- Billboard Top 200 Album Charts:
'Elvis 75' - Down from 43 to 138
- 'Cashbox Charts':
Top Pop Albums - 'Elvis 75' (17)
Top Pop Albums - 'Memories' (3CD Box Set) (39)
Top Rock Albums - 'Memories' (3CD Box Set)(16)
Top Rock Albums - 'Elvis 75' - (20)
Top Recurrent Country Albums
'Elvis: 30 No.1 Hits' (10).
- Somewhat sadly the QVC/Sony 'Memories' compilation is undermining 'Elvis 75' sales in the US.
Australian ARIA Charts
ARIA Album Chart
'50 Australian Top Ten Hits 1956-1977' dissapointingly down to No.20 (3rd Week).
ARIA Music DVD Chart
'Elvis The King of Rock 'n' Roll' #25
(News, Source:BrianQuinn/ARIA)
'Elvis 75 - The Concert' in Europe; Fans in Europe will be interested in the new Elvis Matters concert with the TCB Band.
May 22nd (Utrecht, The Netherlands) and May 23rd (Turnhout, Belgium) - be sure to take down those dates in your agenda. That's when ElvisMatters present "ELVIS 75 - THE CONCERT" featuring the TCB Band, Joe Guercio + Orchestra and backing vocals, and the new Dutch singing sensation Bouke.
Rolling Stones drummer, Charlie Watts blasts Elvis and the Beatles: What's up with the Rolling Stones? As they fast approach the anniversary of their half century of playing together, guitarist Keith Richards recently hopped on the wagon after decades of pummeling his body and now drummer Charlie Watts has told an Austrian newspaper that he's always hated the music of Elvis Presley and 60s rival the Beatles.
The drummer, who is currently playing a series of concerts in Austria with blues-jazz ensemble The ABC&D of Boogie Woogie (named after the musicians in the band - pianists Axel Zwingenberger and Ben Waters, drummer Charlie Watts and bassist Dave Green), said, "I've never been a big Beatles fan. |
"Of Ringo, yes, but not of the music. And I've always hated Elvis. He was the last one I wanted to use as a guide. Miles Davis and Fats Domino, yes, but Elvis, no."
The legendarily non-plused Watts also said the he wouldn't be bothered if the Stones stopped rolling. "Honestly, I couldn't care less if it were over." He added, "Jazz is my passion. This is the music that I really want to do. The Stones are merely an annoying pastime."
However, the Austrian tour's promoter, Willi Turk, was adamant that the Rolling Stones would be back in action soon. He said, "The ABC & D concerts are only possible because the Stones are just taking a break. But when Mick Jagger calls, Charlie is ready." (News, Source: spinner.com)
Baby, Let's Play House #1 on Davis-Kidd Bestselling books list: Earlier this week, Alanna Nash's revealing new Elvis release, Baby, Let's Play House Elvis Presley and the Women Who Loved Him, hit #1 on the Davis-Kidd Bestselling Books Listing.
Davis-Kidd is one of America's biggest independent book sellers in the southern states with outlets in Memphis and Nashville.
Of the three Elvis books released in Dec-Jan, Baby, Let's Play House is also the best selling on Amazon. The other two releases are the memoirs by Dr. Nick and George Klein. (News, Source: The Tennesean) |
Elvis (DVD Review): Whether we’ve wanted to or not, we’ve all seen our share of Elvis Presley impersonators, and most of them aren’t worth the bejeweled jumpsuits they’re stuffed into.
But the greatest one of all has to be Kurt Russell who, in an early big-boy role ("The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes" typified previous Russell vehicles) took the job seriously in "Elvis," the 1979 TV movie directed by John Carpenter.
Without a trace of parody, Russell channels Elvis the performer — his hip-swiveling rivals that of "the King" of rock ’n’ roll — and even musters dramatic authenticity in his scenes as Elvis the person. With help from a wild assortment of wigs and wardrobe, Russell achieves a remarkable resemblance. |
"Elvis" hits the same marks as many biopics, beginning with a pensive backstage moment prior to a pivotal gig — in this case, Presley’s 1969 Las Vegas comeback. The narrative then doubles back to Presley’s poverty-stricken childhood, through career and life milestones (Sun Records, "The Ed Sullivan Show," the movies, marrying Priscilla, the birth of Lisa Marie).
"Elvis" scores highest when depicting Presley’s increasingly paranoid, passive-agressive treatment of his posse and wife. But the film stops short of presenting Presley’s ultimate disintegration; it ends on the Vegas stage, so we are spared the "fat Elvis" years.
DVD extras include casual commentary by Ronnie McDowell, who did all of the singing in the film, and Edie Hand, a cousin of Presley’s. Also included are vintage "American Bandstand" clips (alas, none with Presley) and "Elvis: Bringing a Legend to Life," a documentary produced at the time of the original broadcast. In it, Shelley Winters (who plays Presley’s mom, Gladys) recalls that Presley and Natalie Wood used to neck on her white-leather couch, and theorizes that Presley was such a mama’s boy, he wouldn’t get married until after his mother’s death. (DVD Review, Source: Mark Voger/The Star-Ledger)
Chart Update: Many thanks to Brian Quinn for the following chart details:
From this week's Billboard Top 200 Album Charts:
'Elvis 75' - Down from 43 to 138
'Boy From Tupelo' - Down from 116 to 160
'Elvis: 30 No.1 Hits' - Down from 156 to 178. |
From this week's Cashbox Charts:
Top Pop Albums - 'Elvis 75' (17)
Top Pop Albums - 'Memories' (3CD Box Set) (39)
Top Rock Albums - 'Memories' (3CD Box Set)(16)
Top Rock Albums - 'Elvis 75' - (20)
Top Recurrent Country Albums - 'Elvis: 30 No.1 Hits' (10) |
Demolition of Zippin' Pippin: Elvis Presley's favorite roller coaster the Zippin' Pippin is coming down. Yesterday, a demolition crew began to tear down the classic 1923 out and back woodie.
Efforts to save and relocate the roller coaster from the closed Libertyland amusement park failed.
The city is spending $2 million to demolish the remains of Libertyland and the fairground property, so they can proceed with plans to redevelop the Mid-South Fairgrounds property.
In November the city hired an expert to see if the roller coaster was salvageable. After a section of the ride was tore out, it was estimated that it would cost millions to restore or rebuild it.
Zippin' Pippin has been sitting unused, exposed to the elements, since Libertyland shut its doors forever in October 2005. (News, Source: ultimaterollercoaster.com) |
Singer says The King a real prince of a guy: Glen Campbell was a highly respected studio guitarist in L.A., before he became a solo artist in his own right in the late '60s and a superstar in the '70s.
Among the classic songs he played on as a member of the studio clique, The Wrecking Crew, was Elvis Presley's Viva Las Vegas. Campbell said he thinks often of The King, who would have celebrated his 75th birthday on Jan. 8.
"He's with me all the time," Campbell said. "I'll see stuff and it'll remind me of him. He was really, really a nice guy. I knew Elvis when he came in through Albuquerque, and that's where I was at the time (playing in my uncle's band). That's the first time I met him and he opened for Farron Young, and guess how many times he opened for Farron Young? Once. The crowd was saying, 'We want Elvis! We want Elvis!' I think Elvis had more charisma than anybody I've ever played with, ever met or ever seen. He just had it."
It helped that the Arkansas-born Campbell and the Tennessee-born Presley were both small-town Southerners.
"When I started the (Glen Campbell) Goodtime Hour (on CBS from 1969-72), I'd make it a point to go to Elvis, when Elvis was there, and he'd make a point to (come to me). 'Cause we really enjoyed talking to one another and singing. He was born and raised the same way, out in the sticks." (News, Source: Brian Quinn) |
New book of Elvis poetry: Elvis Presley A GI's Watch is a collection of poetry by the Author Barbara O'Sullivan. This book contains a poem called A GI Watch which tells the story of a German Army wrist-watch being swapped for a bar of Chocolate in London in the second World War by the author's father, the late Timothy O'Sullivan. The wrist-watch is very similar to the wrist-watch Elvis wore in the film GI Blues and so the poem is dedicated to the late Elvis Presley and to the author's father and mother.
In the film GI Blues, Elvis sings the song Wooden Heart as he watches a Punch and Judy show; he enjoyed it so much that he joined in as well.
The book also contains poems dedicated to the author's mother, the late Monica O'Sullivan, the late Marlon Brando, the late Princess Diana, the late Michael Jackson, as well as many other poems and sonnets on various subjects including mythology and nature, and a poem about 5p - a shrinking British coin that predicts its own demise. (News, Source: Geri Walker)
Buy the book |
New eBook: Elvis' legend lives on... New generations continue to be fascinated by Elvis and his music. He was truly a 'legend in his own time' and since his death in 1977 his fame has only continued to grow. But who was Elvis BEFORE he was a legend, how did he become famous and how did fame and its pressures take over his life?
“Want to Know the REAL ELVIS?”
Ask the questions, find out the answers! Once you get started you won't want to stop. Elvis' life story is sure to captivate you...
"Satisfy Your Craving for MORE Elvis...”
Before you move to Memphis or book a trip to Vegas, satisfy your curiosity in the comfort of your home with information on the songs that made Elvis a hit, how his image changed during his career and the personal struggles that plagued him...
All this and more in...
ELVIS - Life of the King of Rock'n'Roll...(News, Source: Geri Walker)
Buy the eBook
Graceland Brooklyn barbershop is fit for a king: Graceland Brooklyn, an Elvis Presley-themed barbershop and tattoo parlor that opened in Williamsburg last week, is drawing a steady stream of hipsters who want to go hillbilly.
"There's definitely a throwback, retro attraction to it," said 44-year-old Village resident Doug Vannoni as he waited for an appointment.
Vannoni said his pompadour hairstyle, which he nicknamed "Sheldon," gets him plenty of attention on his daily commute.
"I'll be on the subway and a bunch of ...kids will see me and yell, 'Yo, Elvis! What's going on?' It's been pretty interesting." |
While Graceland Brooklyn cuts hair in all styles, co-owner and stylist Corvette Hunt said variations on Elvis' popular pompadour is seeing a resurgence in Brooklyn's trendiest neighborhood.
"There's a lot of pompadour haircuts that we've done," said Hunt, 39, who idolized Presley as a kid growing up in Denver. It's just a different version. Elvis' pompadour was actually pretty long. The guys still like to have that essence on top but definitely the sides and the back are cleaned up."
The haircuts at Graceland aren't the only things that harken back to a time when Elvis was king. The salon itself looks like it was plucked directly from Presley's sprawling Memphis home. A black velvet painting of Elvis draped in fur tails greets customers as they enter the motorcycle garage-turned-salon on Lorimer St. Animal skin rugs and vintage barber chairs made of reptile skin fill the space as a turntable plays a wide variety of classic rock records including - you guessed it - Elvis.
"I actually have my mom's first-pressing 45s in here," said co-owner and stylist Bethany Paul who has an Elvis tattoo that covers her entire back. "Every time he came out with a new one she went out and bought it."
There's even a candle-covered piano with sheet music of Elvis love songs and a guitar mounted on the wall for anyone who gets a sudden urge to shake, rattle and roll while waiting to have their muttonchops trimmed. Some may scoff at the notion that Elvis' unique style still has a place in modern-day New York, but Vannoni and his throwback hairdo beg to differ.
"I think if Elvis fell out of the sky today and started walking the streets of Manhattan," Vannoni said, "people would think he is very fashionable and cool." (News, Source: Jeff Wilkins, NY Daily News)
Watch video of Graceland Brooklyn
New JAT release: Coming Soon! Viva Elvis! Viva Ann-Margret! "VIVA LAS VEGAS!"
The Book Event Of The Year J.A.T. Celebrates The King's 75th Anniversary with the release Of "VIVA LAS VEGAS!"
A hardback book featuring unreleased world premiere photographs in stunning color and beautiful black and white.
Relive the glory and excitement of Elvis and Ann-Margret on the set and on the town! Swinging, singing action shots and exciting up-close and personal candids. The definitive "Viva Las Vegas" book! (News, Source: EP Gold) |
Elvis' white grand piano for sale: The former owner of the RCA Studios in Hollywood is selling the white grand piano that was used in the studios during the seventies.
Elvis played on this piano and it was used during the recording sessions of songs as "Fairytale", "Green, Green Grass of Home", "I Can Help", "And I Love You So", "Susan When She Tried", "T-R-O-U-B-L-E", "Tiger Man", "Woman Without Love", "Shake a Hand", "Bringin' it Back", "Pieces of My Life".
The piano can be bought with the 'buy it now' option for $550,000 (€392.000). (News, Source: EP Gold/Elvis Matters)
Ebay page
Elvis in fashion: Posted by Vance Lauderdale on Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 6:28 PM Memphis magazine.
It goes without saying (though I'll say it here because I have to start this blog post somehow) that Elvis Presley had a considerable influence on music, fashion, hair styles, interior design, and — well, I could go on, but you get the idea.
And when his hit movie Jailhouse Rock came out in 1957, at least one Memphis woman was so bedazzled by the jailhouse fashions that she designed a rather special shirt for her daughter, as shown here. An accompanying news clipping from the old Press-Scimitar explains:
Delores Weaver, 10, wears prison stripes to be like Elvis. A fifth-grade student at Colonial School, Delores designed her blouse, even down to the prison number from Elvis' prison garb in his new picture, "Jailhouse Rock." Her mother, Mrs. G.M. Weaver, carried out the idea with needle and thread. She can rock and roll, too."
I'm not sure that sending your child to school dressed like a prisoner is the best way to motivate a youngster, but what do I know?
What I would like to know is: Where are you today, Delores Weaver?
And what happened to that shirt?
(News, Source: Memphis magazine / www.epgold.com)
75TH BIRTHDAY EDITION - Here is a new edition of
the book 'Unseen Archives' written by Marie Clayton.
Released by Parrgon books at the end of 2009, the 75th
Birthday edition comes with a special 25 track CD of some
of Elvis' greatest songs of the 50's including...
Jailhouse Rock
Love Me
Baby Lets Play House
Treat Me Nice
I Want You, I Need You, I Love You
Too Much
Hound Dog plus 18 other greats |
Elvis Presley As He Was Meant To Be Heard Volume 3: Earlier this month Elvis Presley As He Was Meant To Be Heard Volume 3 was released on The Inverse Label. The CD description on Amazon:
Covering the years 1958-59, this CD continues the series which presents the original Elvis Presley studio recordings with a minimum of sound processing. Although Presley released only 21 songs from '58 to '59, he was at a peak in terms of the sheer, un-self-conscious rock 'n' roll dynamism of his performances. Plus he had some fine musicians, good song-writers and an excellent producer. But, although well-engineered at the time, a chequered history of sound quality has since befallen the two main albums which contain the material: Elvis Golden Records Volume 2 and the King Creole Soundtrack. |
Through ensuing years, re-issues of these albums - and compilations borrowing from them - suffered increasingly from attempts to electronically enhance the sound, reaching an all-time low with electronically re-processed stereo. Although the current re-mastered CD catalogue has reverted to the original mono, its producers have opted to use extensive processing to 'clean' the sound - the trade-off being a loss of dynamics, atmosphere and a sense of the music being real. This CD retains all that, and achieves superlative sound quality which we don't believe you'll find matched by any other release of this material.
Only where the level of tape hiss or distortion would be intrusive has there been any significant sound processing - even then a bare minimum. Tracklist includes 20 of the 21 songs released by Elvis Presley from 1958 to '59. (The omitted track, Steadfast, Loyal and True , was a soundtrack throwaway reportedly disliked intensely by Presley himself.) Also included are some pre-1958 hits which were on the original
UK version of Elvis Gold Records Volume 2, plus some which deserved to be. There s a unique oddity - a stereo version of Lover Doll - and finally some variant versions of certain tracks, mainly different mixes (or the 50's equivalent thereof).
1. I Beg of You
2. Don't
3. Wear My Ring Around Your Neck
4. Doncha Think It's Time (LP Version)
5. I Got Stung
6. One Night
7. A Fool Such As I
8. I Need Your Love Tonight
9. My Wish Came True
10. Big Hunk o' Love
11. King Creole
12. Lover Doll
13. Hard Headed Woman
14. Don't Ask Me Why
15. New Orleans
16. Crawfish |
17. Trouble
18. As Long As I Have You
19. Dixieland Rock
20. Young Dreams
21. Teddy Bear
22. Loving You
23. Jailhouse Rock
24. Treat Me Nice
25. Party
26. Got a Lot of Living To Do
27. Paralyzed
28. When My Blue Moon Turns to Gold Again
29. Lover Doll (Stereo)
30. Doncha Think It's Time (Original single)
31. Big Hunk o' Love (Single Variant)
32. Hard Headed Woman (Single Variant)
33. Treat Me Nice (LP Variant)
34. Jailhouse Rock (LP Variant) (News, Source: Elvis News/Amazon.co.uk) |
Elvis Sculpture: Robert Carston Arneson's "Elvis Aron Presley" was found in the vaults of the Hirshhorn Museum.
Sculptor Robert Carston Arneson's gold-glazed ceramic bust of Elvis, a 1978 work that Perry found in the vaults of the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, holds a couple of significant secrets.
Because of the height of the pedestal on which the Caesaresque likeness sits, you can't tell that the rock balancing on the singer's shoulder reads "king." King of rock, get it?
But there's another little Easter egg to look for. It's one that the curator himself says he didn't know about until the work was brought out of storage.
Take a peek just behind Elvis's left shoulder on the back side of the sculpture, and you'll find that Arneson left a little heart, as Perry says, "right where Elvis's heart would be."
But it's actually a heart-shaped hole. Suggesting, of course, the lingering sense of absence that the singer's death left in the hearts of his fans. (News, Source: Elvis News) |
Elvis author honored: "Bob Noodles" posted this message on the FECC board:
George (Rick) Richardson instigator (along with John Townsend ) of the 1980's published ELVIS UK Vol 1 book has received a MBE in the New Year Honours list for his services to education. Former councillor and ardent supporter of Calderdale College in Halifax, Mr Richardson has received the award for his voluntary service to further education. He was chairman of the governors at Calderdale College for over six years and is chairman of the Association of Colleges, Yorkshire and Humber. During his time as chairman of the governors, the college came out of recovery and was classed as a 'good college. He was a Labour member of Calderdale Council representing the Rastrick ward between 1995 and 1999.He has been involved with the Calderdale Hospital Foundation Trust where he served as deputy chairman. Well deserved award for one of the unknown but hard working men involved in the Elvis world and although no longer in the limelight still remains a fan and still records facts and figures (which
was unkown or came to light at a later date) he has acquired about the Elvis UK releases.Well done Rick
(THE) KING AND DR. NICK WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO ELVIS AND ME, George Nichopoulos, MD with Rose Clayton Phillips
Thomas Nelson, USA, 2009, Hardback (d/j), 270 pages, Illustrated, ISBN-13: 978-1595551719. Price: B
Synopsis: Heartfelt and genuine account by Dr. Nick ‘setting the record straight’. Many of the Memphis Mafia and those close to Elvis have spoken highly of Dr. Nick’s genuine caring and concern for Elvis and these qualities resonate in his memoir. Tainted by many as a villain in the Elvis story, this book will justifiably change many a mind! (AC)
(Source: Elvis in Print: The Definitive Reference and Price Guide)
Elvis to the Max returns to Australia for 20th Anniversary Tour: The Elvis to the Max show has successfully toured Australia for two decades, always to sell out crowds.
Max goes beyond mere impersonation. His recreation of the Kings looks, moves, vocal style, impressions and humour is so accurate, its awe inspiring.
The news Australian Tour will capture Elvis through the decade, recreating the early years, the black leather of the ’68 comeback tour, right through to the white eagle costume – featuring exact replicas made by Elvis’ own tailor Bill Bellow.
There are lots of Elvis impersonators around but Max is considered as the best. Critics have described him as Elvis ‘resurrected’ and ‘reincarnated’. It seems people just can’t help falling in love with Elvis to the Max.
EIN Note: Max Pellicano is without a doubt the most successful Elvis tribute artist to ever tour Australia. As a trained professional actor, Max exemplifies the look, moves and voice needed to portray Elvis in concert.
Visit for tour details
Elvis Stilt actor axed: According to reports the Elvis Impersonator on stilts in the 'Viva Elvis' Show has been axed from the production. (News, Source: Brian Quinn/EP Gold) /
Lisa Marie - Michael Jackson marriage certificate sells for $70,000.00: The original marriage certificate issued to pop legend Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley, the daughter of rock ‘n’ roll icon Elvis Presley, on May 26, 1994 in the Dominican Republic, when the couple embarked on their brief but highly publicized life together, sold for $70,800 at a multi-estate sale held Jan. 22-24 by Philip Weiss Auctions.
The weekend extravaganza, at which around 1,300 lots changed hands from a variety of categories in a sale that grossed more than $700,000, was held in Philip Weiss Auctions’ gallery facility, located at #1 Neil Court in Oceanside. As expected, the Jackson-Presley document was the top lot of the sale (not counting a single-owner lifetime stamp collection that made $77,000).
“This was a great way to start the new year,” Philip Weiss said of the auction, the first of 2010 for the firm. “The story with this one was pretty much the same as last year’s sales. Great merchandise sparked spirited bidding, which resulted in strong prices. It’s all about the items. If you’re fortunate to attract quality, fresh-to-the-market consignments, you’ll do well every time.”
About 200 people packed the showroom over the course of the three days. In addition, there were over 1,000 registered Internet bidders, who participated online via Proxibid.com and the Philip Weiss Auctions website (www.prwauctions.com). The marriage certificate, in fact, sold to a bidder on Proxibid.com. Phone and absentee bidding was also very active all three days.
The Jackson-Presley certificate is one of the most important celebrity documents of the 20th century, right up there with Charles and Diana’s and Monroe and DiMaggio’s wedding certificates. The 8 ½ inch by 10 ¾ inch sheet was signed by both stars and was also signed by State Official Hugo F. Perez. It had been laminated to protect it from the Dominican humidity. (News, Source: EP Gold/Elvis Matters)
Wednesday 27 January 2010 |
Japanese fans shunt comic image of the King: Few would dare question the passion of Japanese fans: what other nation would craft a 10ft solid chocolate statue of David Beckham to welcome him to Tokyo? But when it comes to Japan and Elvis Presley, the King really is dead.
If history were any guide, the days surrounding the 75th anniversary of the singer’s birth should have been a non-stop celebration for Japanese Elvis fans. They used to rank among his most ardent in the world. Their numbers include no less a figure than the former Prime Minister, Junichiro Koizumi, who veered off from summit talks with George W. Bush to visit Graceland. |
Stores in the swishest parts of town would do a roaring trade in Elvis memorabilia, and a magnificent bronze statue of the King was erected in central Tokyo by the many thousands of members of the Elvis Fan Club of Japan.
But, very suddenly, it has all gone sour. The annual birthday memorial concert used to draw thousands, but organisers now expect just a few hundred. The memorabilia stores have gone bankrupt, the monthly magazine has ceased publication, and the statue was felled from its Tokyo perch and spent months rotting in a garage before being moved to Kobe.
The Elvis Fan Club of Japan has been consumed in an inferno of financial dispute and recriminations. The trouble appears to have started in 2007 when Tadayuki Akazawa, the club’s chairman, died and the flame of Japanese Elvis enthusiasm began to gutter.
“After almost 30 years of activ-ity, the Elvis Presley Fan Club of Japan is now dormant, or rather I should say it does not exist as a nationwide organisation,” said Kazuaki Suzuki, one of the group’s senior members.
“The reason we cannot get younger fans is partly because Presley is not thought of as a rock’n’roll singer by young Japanese but as a singer in a jump suit. People just think of that image as a bit comic,” he said. (News, Source: The Time Online)
David Stanley teaches Karate the Elvis way :The Dutch representative of the Ed Parker Kenpo Karate School invites Elvis fans from all over Europe to attend a Karate Seminar with David Stanley on March 13th or 14th in the cities of Maarssen en Utrecht (The Netherlands).
David Stanley, son of Dee Presley (Vernon's second wife) has agreed to give special Elvis/Karate lessons "exclusively for Elvis fans" for 25 euro an hour. More information: kenpo-karate@live.nl.(News, Source: Elvis Matters) |
The King's Crown in 2010: Yıldırım Ozdemir is a hair stylist in Istambul, Turkey. To promote his services he launched a print ads campaign with a tagline “What defines you is your hair”.
The goal is to show the importance of a unique and stylish haircut to one’s personality. The prints show two famous persons, Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe, who have completely different haircuts.
And because of that they look almost unrecognizable. These examples really prove that haircut can be a big part of person’s unique appearance. It is exactly what Yıldırım Ozdemir wants his customers to think. (News, Source: Elvis Matters) |
Elvis features in new comedy-reality show: LA LA LAND (Season 1, Episode 1) which can be described as a hybrid comedy-reality premiered this evening on Showtime.The new reality series basically focuses on British (Marc Wootton) and Australian actors who came to Hollywood to create TV shows where they play three different characters at once and prank everyone else involved.
Unlike “Borat” aka Sacha Baron Cohen who used to fool people for a day or couple of hours Marc Wootton has to trick contestants who are appearing on a fake reality show “My New Best Friend” for many days.The recruits who are trying to win a prize ,have to convince their family members that Wootton, playing four of the most obnoxious characters ever seen on television, is indeed their “new best friend” as he attempts to humiliate them in a every shape and form.Wootton plays:
-Gary, an aspiring actor.
-Brendan an egocentric/weird documentarian inspired by Nick Broomfield.
-Michael Moore “you-get-a-documentary-plus-me” school of film making.
-Shirley Ghostman, who is a man by the way gets resurrected for his U.S. television debut and talks to Elvis Presley and Princess Diana. (News, Source: tv.spreadit.org)
Helmut Lotti does Elvis....again: Helmut Lotti's new show has quite some surpises. Helmut Lotti is Belgium's best known singer, having sold over 10 million records in all parts of the world.
The new show "20 Years Helmut Lotti" features an Elvis chapter with Lotti changing into what looks like Elvis, including a wig and an Aloha-like jumpsuit. The songs in this section are „My Boy“, „Suspicious Minds“ and "What Now My Love".
Unusual to see, although Helmut did start out as an Elvis impersonator in the Dutch Soundmix Show...(News, Source: Elvis Matters) |
Ringo Starr performs wearing Elvis shirt: The 69-year-old visitor to the downtown Grammy Museum strolled with fascination through its new exhibit of Alfred Wertheimer’s celebrated 1956 photos of Elvis Presley at 21, just as the impossibly handsome young singer was on the threshold of stardom.
Like most other visitors taking in the remarkably unguarded photos, this bearded gentleman exhibited affection and appreciation for the black-and-white portraits of Presley's quiet moments -- lunching at a diner; teasing, and being teased, by a female fan -- some of the last such moments he would enjoy before exploding as the biggest star in the pop music universe.
But occasionally came an expression that none of the others wandering the gallery could offer: understanding.
"The start of all our careers was quiet like that," said Ringo Starr, the former Beatle enjoying a relatively quiet few minutes of his own, perusing the Elvis photos before a question-answer session and performance a short time later. "We didn't expect any problems, and then suddenly it gets wild -- and it did." |
Things are, of course, less wild today for Starr than they were 45 years ago when the Fab Four supplanted Elvis at the top of the pop heap. The world's most famous drummer was a Beatle for eight years, and he's been an ex-Beatle for five times that long now. But hardly a minute goes by when the topic doesn't come up.
After making his way through the photo display, Starr headed straight for the museum store in search of an Elvis T-shirt but quickly found himself faced with apparel bearing his own visage along with those of John Lennon, Paul McCartney and George Harrison. Eventually, though, he found what he was after and slipped on the Presley shirt for his evening session, an event he took on in conjunction with the release last week of his latest album, “Y Not.” (News, Source: Randy Lewis, LA Times)
Avril Lavigne goes on 5 day bender including at Viva Elvis: Newly-single Avril Lavigne spent five days in Las Vegas recently, where she seemed intent on letting loose with some gal pals.
"All she wanted was a girls' weekend," said a source. "She had a strict no-boys-allowed rule. But she certainly didn't put the kibosh on liquor."
She was also drinking at the new Cirque de Soleil show Viva Elvis, and gave an impromptu performance at the Bank nightclub. The source went on to say:
"They took shots of Patron when they weren't drinking vodka. She couldn't have cared less about any of the men ogling her. They closed down the clubs every night they went out. They had a blast. Then for the hangovers, they hit Vdara's spa before doing it all again." (News, Source: 411mania.com) |
ETA dies doing what he loves the most: He has taken to the stage as Elvis Presley for more than four decades but Saturday proved to be Reynolds Gregory’s last performance when he collapsed while singing his favourite song by The King, Can’t Help Falling In Love.
Reynolds’ eldest son, Trescott Linggie Gregory said the audience thought it was a gimmick when his father fell the first time.
“We were told that he got up and tried to continue singing but he fell a second time. It was only then, the audience knew that it was something serious,” he said yesterday. |
The 58-year-old later died at the Sarawak General Hospital. Known by the stage name Elrey, he won the Elvis Presley of Sarawak competition in 1966 and since then, he has been performing at weddings, birthday parties and functions in Sarawak and the peninsula. He retired from the state civil service two years ago.
There are six Elvis impersonators in Kuching including Elrey, and one each in Sibu and Miri. Trescott, 38, said his father recovered after he had a heart attack 20 years ago.
“After the attack, he quit smoking and regained his health back. So, it was shocking news for all of us when we heard that he collapsed because he was doing alright all these years,” he said.
Reynolds will be buried at the All Saints Chapel cemetery today after a funeral mass at All Saints Chapel Tabuan Dayak at 10am. (News, Source: Zora Chan, The Star Online)
Four year-old has Elvis moment atop Elvis' gravesite: A trip here. A misplaced elbow there. The stumbling art student who tore a Picasso tapped into the worst fears of clumsy grown-ups and every well intentioned parent who dares venture into big-people museums with small children.
Signs demanding DO NOT TOUCH don't mean much when accidents happen, especially when the culprits aren't old enough to read but are small enough — and antsy enough — to dash through barriers.
The Moment for Julee Morrison of Taylorsville, Utah, came at Elvis Presley's Graceland, a huge attraction in Memphis, Tenn., with more than 600,000 visitors a year. All she wanted to do was feed her then 4-year-old son's interest in the King. The boy was regaling his family with fun facts when his little brother disappeared.
"We were in line at the gravesite when I glanced around and there on top of Elvis' grave was my 18-month-old. He had squeezed through the rod-iron gate. I was horrified!" she said.
Morrison was too big to follow him, resorting to bear crackers as a bribe to get him in her clutches. "Eyes were burning on my neck." (News, Source: AP)
'Elvis In A Minnesota Minute' new MRS book release: The MRS label will publish its first standalone book as a limited edition only release. The 9 x 11 inch hardback book contains 100 pages in full color gloss print, featuring the photographic works of Tim Healy in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Elvis Presley show on October 17, 1976.
As the Minneapolis Tribune reported at the time, “Elvis is in as good shape as ever and, of course, as a performer on stage, singing or just fooling around, he has more charisma than a dozen other top performers combined. Will Elvis endure? Judging by the screams of the audience he's in no trouble.” |
With Elvis slimmed down and performing better than earlier in the year, Tim Healy’s exclusive photographs manage to visually capture Elvis’ new-found enthusiasm effortlessly and in an uncannily realistic way.
MRS are proud to release this new look at Elvis in 1976 and all the photographs contained in the book are completely unreleased.
The upcoming FTD release of ‘A Minnesota Moment’ front cover (out on 15th February), is also the work of Tim Healy.
This book will only be limited to 1500 copies worldwide and will be released on 15th February.
It will be a nice combination that coincides with the FTD fan club CD.
A news update on the soon to be released MRS release 'Off Duty With Private Presley' coming soon.
Go here for more information on MRS Elvis releases.
(News, Source;MRS)
'On Stage' Legacy Edition 2CD Tracklist: More information on EIN's story yesterday, from the Sony press release.
Our 75th birthday celebration continues with this 2CD set celebrating Elvis' platinum-selling 1970 live album On Stage.
Home to the hit single "The Wonder of You," On Stage has now been upgraded with new liner notes by Presley biographer Ken Sharp and rare photos from the peak of the artist's latter-day career.
The original album's 10-song tracklist is now expanded with three rarely performed songs from the same Las Vegas engagement that produced the album: "Don't Cry Daddy", "Kentucky Rain" and "Long Tall Sally."
The disc's final addition is a unique glimpse of Elvis working on his repertoire, as he runs through "The Wonder Of You" at an afternoon rehearsal, only hours before the original album recordings were done later that night.
The second disc in the On Stage: Legacy Edition package is a newly- |
remastered version of Elvis' first live album, 'In Person' (originally released as one half of the From Memphis To Vegas - From Vegas to Memphis double album in November 1969). Six bonus tracks from the same August 1969 engagement during which the original album was recorded, are included. Like its partner On Stage, the album In Person has also been certified platinum by the RIAA. |
Disc 1: "On Stage - February 1970"
1. See See Rider
2. Release Me
3. Sweet Caroline
4. Runaway
5. The Wonder Of You
6. Polk Salad Annie
7. Yesterday
8. Proud Mary
9. Walk A Mile In My Shoes
10. Let It Be Me
Bonus songs
11. Don't Cry Daddy
12. Kentucky Rain
13. Long Tall Sally
14. The Wonder Of You
(News, Source;EWJapan)
Disc 2: "In Person - August 1969"
1. Blue Suede Shoes
2. Johnny B. Goode
3. All Shook Up
4. Are You Lonesome Tonight?
5. Hound Dog
6. I Can't Stop Loving You
7. My Babe
8 .Mystery Train / Tiger Man
9. Words
10. In The Ghetto
11. Suspicious Minds
12. Can't Help Falling In Love
13. I Got A Woman
14. Jailhouse Rock / Don't Be Cruel
15. Heartbreak Hotel
16. Baby, What You Want Me To Do
17. Reconsider Baby
18. Funny How Time Slips Away |
Full length Fox Movietone film clip Press conference at Fort Dix 1960: The fascinating full-length interview with two different views.
Don't miss it.
Click here for Clip 1
With Audio - 10 mins
Click here for Clip 2
Vision only, Mute - 4 mins
(News, Source;FECC/DavidE)
Global Chart Update Week 3: These are the edited chart highlights for Elvis worldwide as supplied by Martin Arvidsson.
United States:
Billboard 200:
• #43 (47) Elvis 75 [1CD]
• #57 (Ne) Memories
Top 200 Current Albums:
• #42 (46) Elvis 75 [1CD]
• #55 (Ne) Memories
Top Rock Albums:
• #8 (8) Elvis 75 [1CD]
• #15 (Ne) Memories
Top Holiday Albums:
• #25 (50) Christmas Duets
Top Music DVD’s:
• #39 (Re) ’68 Comeback Special
• #40 (3) He Touched Me: The Gospel Music Of Elvis Presley: Vol. 1 & 2
Top Catalog Albums:
• #7 (3) Boy From Tupelo
• #23 (22) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
Top 100 Albums:
• #38 (128) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
• #47 (Ne) Édition 75ième anniversaire [2CD]
Top 50 Country Albums:
• #3 (12) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
• #47 (43) Essential Elvis
(News, Source;FECC) |
Top 50 Albums:
• #17 (9) 50 Australian Top Ten Hits: 1956-1977
Top 40 DVDs:
• #21 (18) Elvis: The King Of Rock ’N’ Roll
• #39 (35) ’68 Comeback Special
United Kingdom:
Top 200 Albums:
• #16 (8) ELVIS 75 [3CD]
Top 20 Music DVD’s:
• #16 (Re) ’68 Comeback Special
Bonus: ‘Elvis 75’ sold 12,512 copies this week.
Top 50 Albums:
• #34 (Ne) Elvis 75 [3CD]
Top 75 Albums:
• #2 (Re) The King - 75th Anniversary Edition
Top 100 Albums:
• #19 (Ne) Elvis 75 [3CD]
Top 60 Albums:
• #44 (26) The Collection [7CD]
Top 10 DVD’s:
• #7 (Re) Aloha From Hawaii
Top 100 Albums:
• #53 (47) Elvis 75 Greatest Hits |
Elvis, basketball and the wife: Oddly, tonight’s game against James Madison is only the second Saturday home date for the Seahawks this season, and the first since they played host to George Mason on Dec. 5. It was nice to be home on a Friday night for a change.
The wife and I hung close to the house and ended up watching “Elvis on Tour”, a documentary filmed in the early 70s that chronicles life with the King as he bounced from city to city in private jets and large sedans.
Cameras follow him backstage and capture him from every angle in front of thousands of screaming (mostly) female fans. I’ve been to Memphis many times but never been to Graceland and don’t consider myself a huge admirer of his music, though I appreciate his version of certain songs. However, I’m interested in all forms of American History and don’t easily ignore spectacle.
Hence my attraction toward Elvis’ later years. My wife, being a woman, is of course attracted to the younger version, chiseled and hunky in leather. I get it. I’ll even concede that the music quality was better, he was in a more natural state and generally happier. Still, give me a puffy-faced comeback in Hawaii, flyaway collars and rhinestones and all those great cover songs. |
But as it pertains today’s basketball game (and this does, what you doubted?), I’ll give in and flash back to a song a lean and fresh Presley recorded in 1960 shortly after he returned to the U.S. from a stint in the Army.
For the Seahawks, It’s Now or Never. (News, Source: Brian Mull, StarNewsOnline)
Aussie chart update: After a respectable #9 debut on the ARIA Top 50 Album Chart last week, in the absence of Sony Music Australia's (slow to get going) TV campaign promoting it, Elvis Presley 50 Australian Top Ten Hits slid eight spots to #17 on tomorrow's chart. Continuing their impressive run on the ARIA Music DVD Chart are Elvis The King of Rock 'n' Roll (#21 (down 3 spots after 89 weeks on the chart) and Elvis The '68 Comeback Special (#39, down 4 spots after 75 weeks on the chart). (News, Source: ARIA)
Southern Music: Jazz, rock, blues series continues Feb. 13 with Discovering Elvis:
The Gaston County Public Library continues the Southern Music: Jazz, Rock, Blues, multi-media speakers’ series on Feb. 13 with Billy Stevens’ examination of “Discovering Elvis: Tracing Traditions to the Soul of the King.”
The free program takes place at 2 p.m. at the main library, 1555 E. Garrison Blvd., Gastonia.
The story of the discovery and rise to fame of Presley, a working-class teenager from Tupelo, Miss., parallels the musical interaction between black and white communities defining American popular music from the early 1800s to the present day. Through a look at Elvis’ youth and the important contributions of renegade musicians such as Sam Phillips, Stevens puts the social and historic context of Elvis’ remarkable success in proper perspective.
Examples of his earliest recordings, contrasted with the versions sung by the original artists, makes clear the way in which Elvis transformed earlier genres, both African and Anglo-American, into a new style of music acceptable to young white audiences of the 1950s. As Stevens explains, Elvis’ music is a potent example of the deep debt America owes to black/white dialogue and cultural exchange.
Stevens is a multi-talented musician as well as a student of American music. He has presented his lecture program, “The History of the Blues: the Roots of Rock ‘n’ Roll,” in more than 40 countries including India, Kenya, Israel and Palestine, as well as throughout the southeastern U.S. His many years experience as a solo artist, a recording artist, and a performer with a variety of bands also give Stevens a deep appreciation of American popular music and its roots.
In addition to being a musician and lecturer, Stevens is a world champion carrom player and founder of the United States Carrom Association. Stevens, who lives in Durham, holds a Master’s degree from the University of Mississippi.
The series concludes on Feb. 27 with a showing and filmmaker’s discussion by Kenny Dalsheimer of “Shine On: Richard Trice and the Bull City Blues.” For more information call 704-868-2164 / Dial 4 or visit www.glrl.lib.nc.us.
(News, Source: Carol Reinhardt, Gaston Gazette)
Elvis themed episode of popular TV sitcom, Designing Women, on DVD: Without a doubt, Designing Women was a show about female empowerment, politics, human rights, ethics and, oh yeah - big laughs!
It's quite the scene at Sugarbakers in Season Three (due out 2 March 2010 in the US) when Julia runs for the office of Supervisor against a sexist pig, Suzanne brandishes a semiautomatic weapon to protect a pig of her own, Mary-Jo decides getting breast implants might be a good idea, Anthony gets nominated for homecoming Queen and Charlene decides to drag them all down to Graceland for an Elvis nostalgia weekend. Created by Linda Bloodworth-Thomason, Designing Women aired on CBS from 1986 - 1993 running for seven seasons becoming a premier landmark sitcom in television history. (News, Source: tvshowsondvd.com) |
Collingwood Elvis Festival - insult or homage?: A bastion of beach revelling to many, Collingwood is a four-letter word to Pat Di Simine.
Di Simine doesn't have anything against skylarking along the shoreline of Georgian Bay. He didn't do damage to any limbs while bombing down a ski hill there, either. Di Simine's disdain for Collingwood has more to do with the town's annual display of white jumpsuits, rhinestones, pompadour coifs, aviator glasses and fake Memphis drawls. As an Elvis Presley devotee since the age of five, drawn to the entertainer's voice, hip swivel and genteel persona, Di Simine finds Collingwood's festival in honour of the King more insult than homage.
"Elvis would never have been seen in public like that," Di Simine said about some of the sparkly get-ups he's seen on stage at Collingwood. "Go put some money into your suit and take some vocal lessons. "Elvis wasn't about being a bad singer. He was the King of Rock 'n' Roll."
If it sounds harsh, it's meant to be. Not to be confused with an impersonator -- those kings of kitsch who pretend to be Elvis -- Di Simine dis tinguishes himself as an Elvis tribute artist. He'll sport a white one-piece outfit -- Vegas Elvis is the version of the King Di Simine honours on stage -- and sing a few songs as Elvis Little. But that's where the similarities stop. He doesn't paste paper sideburns to his temples or don a cartoonish jet-black wig. He doesn't mumble thank you and he's more likely to crack a smile than put on Presley's patented lip curl. Though a die-hard fan, Di Simine has never even graced Graceland with his presence, nor does he plan to.
"Unless I can shake hands with Elvis, why do I want to go see his grave and his suits?" he said.
Still, Di Simine has devoted most his life to singing and performing Presley's music -- a career path he chose as a child watching his nine-year-old brother, Joe, perform Presley's hits for the family. Di Simine knew he could do Elvis better. At that point, Di Simine traded in his childhood idol, Tom Jones, for the man credited with influencing the Welsh heart throb.
"I sat in my room day and night practising," he said. "If you were sad, (Elvis) made you happy. If you were happy, he made you twice as happy. That's what he did for me and he paved the way for tribute artists to make a living."
His career plans didn't fly with his pragmatic construction worker father. His teachers would send letters home warning Di Simine's parents that their son needed to realize there's more to life than Elvis. |
It didn't deter Di Simine. At 16, he dropped out of school to take his act on tour. By 18, he said he had crossed Canada seven times. Until five years ago, when a health scare forced him to hang up his jumpsuit, Di Simine was doing 200 shows a year throughout North America. When he performs, it doesn't look like watching Di Simine do Elvis Presley, said longtime friend and singer Marina Ross. Di Simine hops on tables, "schmoozes with the girls" in the audience and makes their boyfriends cringe.
"Pat thinks he's Elvis," Ross said. "Pat uses the mannerisms of Elvis Presley. Even if he doesn't look like Elvis, his mannerisms make you forget that. You think you're watching the King. The people that come in to watch Pat, they get so emotionally moved. They get right into it."
A career as an Elvis tribute artist enabled Di Simine to raise three children and earned him recognition as one of the best Elvis acts in North America. His merits were touted in the books I am Elvis and The Ultimate Elvis, published by Simon & Schuster.
"I feel amazing when I get on stage. Years ago, I was empowered. I was a power on stage," Di Simine said. "Now, it doesn't matter as much if I'm there. I live to perform but I can't do it very much so I try not to think about it very much. I try to keep myself busy with other things."
Instead of being the main attraction, Di Simine has been spending his time making others the star of the show. In addition to helping launch Ross's singing career, Di Simine has been trying to steal some of Collingwood's burning love and bring it to
In 2006, he organized his first Elvis tribute show in Thorold, inviting only those who didn't make a mockery of the King. In 2008, he took his "clash of the champions" to Niagara Falls.
Next month, it will be St. Catharines' turn to host 20 of the best tribute artists Di Simine knows at a marathon show and competition at the CAW Hall. It promises to include The Stamps quartet, Presley's back-up singers, and, Di Simine hopes, DJ Fontana, the King's former drummer. His hope is to create a tradition that will rival -- even shame -- Collingwood.
"They're there for the money. I'm for the passion. I'm for the love of Elvis," Di Simine said.
It's also to keep Elvis alive musically, three decades after his death. A bit of a conspiracy theorist, Di Simine is certain Presley isn't dead musically or physically. He's just left the building -- giving up fame, fortune and celebrity to live in anonymity -- and one rumour has it he's doing so in Tweed, Ont. So what is the real Elvis, who would be 75 this year, doing with his time these days? Living life as perhaps one of the worst Elvis impersonators out there, Di Simine said.
"Maybe not the worst, but he's probably still in the limelight."
What:Valentine's with the King Clash of Champions Competition
When:Saturday, Feb. 6, 2010. Doors at 1 p.m., show at 2
Where:CAW Hall, 124 Bunting Rd., St. Catharines
Cost:Tickets $45. Includes buff et dinner. Donations of non-perishable food items are also being accepted for Community Care of St. Catharines-Thorold. (Almost Elvis, Source: Tiffany Mayer, St. Catherine's Standard)
Celebrity guests at Viva Elvis: 'Viva Elvis' welcomed its first celebrity guest last week when singer Avril Lavigne arrived with Eli Pacino and six friends for the late preview show. First, the group dined at Union in Aria but left room to enjoy popcorn and vodka cocktails during the Elvis show in their banquette seats. (News, Source: Brian Quinn)
Elvis Presley's GOLD Cadillac Tour of Australasia 1968-69: Just released is this excellent and comprehensive account of the tour of Elvis's Gold Cadillac "downunder".
Researched and written by one of Australia's leading Elvis collectors and authorities, Peter R. Hayden, the 58 page A4 size booklet is full of archival photos, press clippings and valuable information about the historic tour.
EIN will publish a detailed review next week
Ordering enquiries about this release can be made to Bob Hayden at:
Bob Hayden
P O Box 691
Young NSW, 2594 (Australia) |
Elvis The Movie: Cover artwork and pre-order link for upcomng Kurt Russell Elvis biopic.
Directed by John Carpenter (Halloween; Escape from New York; Assault on Precinct 13) the DVD is scheduled for release in the US on 2 March 2010. (News, Source: amazon.com/bn.com) |
Queen Mother of Bhutan reveals love of Elvis: The Queen Mother in the remote Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan revealed Friday her childhood love of Elvis Presley and the fear she felt at her first ever sighting of a motor car.
Speaking at the Jaipur Literary festival in northern India, where she read extracts from her book "Treasures of the Thunder Dragon: A Portrait of Bhutan", Her Majesty the Queen Mother Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck recalled her early upbringing in a tiny, isolated village in the west of the kingdom. Her memories were of an austere but close-knit family life, where gender roles were blurred and husbands acted as midwives.
"My father delivered me as well as four of my brothers and sisters. He was very skilled with his hands," said Queen Wangchuck, 59, the eldest of four sisters married to the former monarch Jigme Singye Wangchuk.
Opposite: Senator Loren Legarda (left) with the Queen Mother of the Royal Kingdom of Bhutan, Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuk |
Her son, Bhutan's new king, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, was crowned in 2008 after his father abdicated, saying that he wanted to match the shift to democracy in the kingdom with a change of face in the royal palace.
At the age of six, the future queen was uprooted when her father decided to send her and her younger sister to boarding school in Darjeeling in northeast India so that she could receive an English-language education. The journey involved a chalenging three-day trek across rugged terrain from the Bhutanese capital, during which the two young children were strapped to the saddle of a horse.
"At one point it took fright and flew off. The saddle turned over and my sister and I were trapped under the belly of the galloping horse. It was terrifying," she said.
Having survived the trip to Thimpu, she was then given her first ride in a car which was to take her across the border and into India.
"It was a jeep, and when we first saw it, it made a huge impression. We couldn't believe it actually moved," she recalled. "It was frightening to get into it. Villagers on the way thought it was some sort of fire-breathing dragon and they used to bring grass to feed it when we stopped."
Despite persistent homesickness, the queen said her time at boarding school in India was a happy one and opened her eyes to new experiences she could never have had in Bhutan which was then firmly closed to the outside world.
"My happiest memory at school was my first Elvis Presley movie. I even remember its name, 'It Happened at the World's Fair'. I thought he was wonderful," she said.
The five-day Jaipur Literary Festival, the largest of its type in Asia, boasted more than 200 invited writers, including Indian stars like Amit Chaudhuri and award-winning foreign authors such as Roddy Doyle and Michael Frayn. (News, Source: Brian Quinn/javno.com)
Billboard chart update: Many thanks to Brian Quinn for the following info -
#57 Memories
#116 Boy From Tupelo
#156 Elvis 30#1 Hits
‘ELVIS 75,’ Elvis Presley (RCA/Legacy, 5 star rating):
This Jan. 5 CD collects 25 highlights from the extensive ELVIS 75 box set reviewed late last year. It kicks off with two Sun songs, “That’s All Right” and “I Forgot to Remember to Forget,” then moves on into RCA songs like “Heartbreak Hotel,” “Hound Dog,” “Don’t Be Cruel,” “Love Me Tender,” “All Shook Up” and more. There’s another top-notch movie song (“Viva Las Vegas”), a gospel tune (“How Great Thou Art”) and latter-day hits such as “In the Ghetto,” “Suspicious Minds,” and “Burning Love.”
Live renditions of “Polk Salad Annie” and the show-stopping “An American Trilogy” from one of Elvis’ later tours. (Review, Source: Sun-Herald.com)
EIN Note: Elvis 75 is currently #97 on the Amazon Music Chart. It is also available in MP3 format.
Memories fit for a King: Morganton's Edna Mae "Pete" Richards has loved Elvis Presley since her teenage years in the 1950s. Known as Pee Wee throughout her childhood in Shelby, she insisted on another nickname when she got to junior high. "Pete" stuck.
For decades, friends and family have given her Elvis ornaments and memorabilia, and the retired Broughton Hospital employee has collected them herself at places such as Graceland and the Christmas celebrity section of Lowe's in Morganton.
Three years ago, Richards mentioned to her sons, Steve and Tracy, that she'd thought about creating a Christmas tree just for Elvis, but feared it would be over the top. They encouraged her knowing it would make their mom happy.
At first it was a small table-top tree in her bedroom, then a larger one, and this year she borrowed a full-size artificial tree from friend Mary Duckworth and displayed it in her dining room.
"I leave it up at least through his birthday on Jan. 8," she said. Twenty-two Elvis ornaments grace the branches, with teddy bears in honor of his song, "Let Me Be Your Teddy Bear," and lots of red glass balls to evoke Elvis's favorite color for his own Christmas tree. Richards' favorite movie is "Viva Las Vegas," partly because of actress Ann Margaret. "She's a female Elvis; they were so good together."
Her favorite song is "How Great Thou Art," and she said, "It makes me have cold chills. I liked him better when he was older. His voice improved and his religious songs are wonderful." Second fave? "Are You Lonesome Tonight."
Richards said her Presley passion never bothered her husband, Jerry Richards, former sheriff of Burke County who died in 1998 after a six-and-a-half year battle with cancer. The two would have celebrated their 50th anniversary on Jan. 1. Jerry Richards won four elections serving as sheriff from 1974 through 1988. Richards said he once surprised her with a trip to Graceland after they'd attended a law enforcement conference in Memphis.
But nothing beat the Valentine's gift he gave her in 1977 — a fifth row seat for her to see Elvis in concert at the old Charlotte Coliseum.
Patricia Paschall, Doris Daves, Sarah Dale and Johnsie Cline went with her. Lights flashed, security guards lined the stage and the theme music from "2001 Space Odyssey" started up. Richards said, "He finally came out, walked to each corner and bowed. It was amazing the noise that sell-out crowd of 13,000 made." Elvis wore a jewelled outfit and was 42 years old. They loved his performance so much, the Morganton women discussed hiding and sneaking into the second show. "Sarah Dale chauffeured us in her big Lincoln, and we joked that maybe if we drove around to the back entrance afterward, he'd think it was his big car and get in."
Though not the dessert they'd hoped for, the women did stop for sweets on the way home returning to Morganton at 2:30 a.m. When Richards arrived home, Jerry was waiting up for her and said, "I thought I was going to have to send the law out after you!" Thinking of all the late nights she had lost sleep worrying about her husband patrolling the county, she laughed and said, "Now you know how it feels."
Richards lamented, "I regret so much I didn't bring a camera to that Charlotte concert. Elvis looked and sounded great." A few months later in his last special, Presley showed the signs of ill health which would end his life in August of the same year. "I couldn't even watch it," she said. Richards once suffered health problems of her own. At age 16, doctors sent her to the tuberculosis hospital at Black Mountain telling her parents, "She won't live six months." With the care she received, she was able to return home in 20 months, cured of TB.
She missed the early Elvis hoopla, but when she came home, she and her mother sat in the living room and watched him on the Ed Sullivan show. Richards said of her mother, "She was just as excited as I was!" Perhaps she was happy her daughter was there to enjoy Elvis at all.
Gwen Veazey is a member of the Morganton Writers Group and can be found on www.twitter.com as "gwenvz." (News, Source: Gwen Veazey | Burke County Notebook - The News Herald)
Ultimate Elvis Auction: The Ultimate Elvis Auction will be held in Memphis at the Peabody Hotel on Sunday, August 14, 2010. The entire auction will be dedicated to presenting the most desirable Elvis memorabilia ever offered celebrating the king! This will be an unprecedented opportunity in join in on this special tribute to the king of rock and roll. This auction promises to be a truly historic event in 2010. So be sure to mark your calendars! There's gonna be a whole lotta shakin going on! (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited)
Elvis Love Song Collection CD: Graceland’s Chapel In The Woods Exclusive Elvis Love Song Collection.
It's one of the rarest CD's to come across and it must have the longest title for any official Elvis CD release.
Issued by BMG in 2001, this special product 13 track CD was produced as an exclusive collection for EPE, and their Chapel in the Woods.
It is only available to those couples who marry or renew their vows in the Graceland Wedding Chapel for $19.99
01 Love Me Tender
02 Loving You
03 Today, Tomorrow & Forever
04 As Long As I Have You.
05 Home Is Where The Heart Is
06 Anyone (Could Fall in Love With You)
07 All That I Am
08 Can't Help Falling in Love
09 A Boy Like Me A Girl Like You
10 Angel
11 Earth Boy
12 Hawaiian Wedding Song
13 The Wonder Of You
(News, Source: www.elvis-express.com / www.epgold.com) |
Dr. Nick on how Elvis died: In his recently released and eye opening memoir, Dr. Nick writes this about how Elvis died:
After reviewing my personal autopsy notes, I settled on what I considered the most plausible theory of Elvis's death, one on which Dan Warlick and I agree. Because Warlick was the investigator for the coroner's office and also examined Elvis's body at autopsy, I had the highest regard for his opinion. We believe Elvis died from a normal physiological event brought into play called "Valsalva maneuver". This Valsalva maneuver caused the heart to stop when the body strained....
.....When Elvis compressed his abdominal aorta by straining, his heart, in response, went into arrhythmia and quit working suddenly. All of the information from the scene investigation is completely consistent with this theory," Warlick told me.
Next week: Dr. Nick talks to EIN
Coming Soon: EIN reviews The King and Dr. Nick
Simon Fuller considering Elvis film bio: Sillerman has a deal unveiled last week with "Idol" creator Simon Fuller that sees him remain a consultant on 19's hit shows "Idol" and "So You Think You Can Dance" while he is also launching a new entertainment company. The deal will remove some development and production costs from CKX's cost base. The Fuller deal pretty much amounts to a first-look deal at TV projects Fuller will develop, Sillerman said.
But it will allow Fuller to also develop film projects. Sillerman has opposed a move into films. He emphasized Tuesday that film is "not on the mission statement of CKX."
According to a recent regulatory filing, Fuller is considering a movie about the life and times of Elvis Presley. CKX holds the rights to Presley. (News, Source: Elvis News/ Hollywood Reporter)
Elvis 75 in Cashbox Top 20: 'Elvis 75' is shown as a new entry at 19 on this week's 'Cashbox' Popular Album Charts. (News, Source: Brian Quinn) |
New "all Elvis" radio station: One central Kentucky radio station has changed its format and even its name to keep Elvis Presley always on the mind. Richmond, Ky., station 106.7 FM is playing all Elvis, and is now known as WELV.
General manager Sean Hamilton said that listeners can expect to hear interviews, live music and about anything from the Elvis collection, which Hamilton said includes several hundred songs.
People outside the listening area can hear the broadcast live on the Internet . Listeners can also leave their opinions about the new format on the Web site. The change was made Jan. 8 to celebrate Presley's 75th birthday. (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited)
Viva Elvis : After two weeks of fixation and the addition of choreography, the cast of the $100 million Cirque du Soleil spectacular Viva Elvis resumed previews over the weekend.
It gave me the opportunity to acquire a ton more fun facts about the show’s stunning statistics. There are 28 acrobats in the production who hail from eight countries and include gymnasts, circus performers and street entertainers.
Musical director and arranger Erich van Tourneau extracted more than 17,765 examples of Elvis Presley’s singing and speaking voice from 914 albums, 33 full-length films and dozens of old home movies, documentaries and audio recordings.
During rehearsals, every member of the cast went to Graceland, Elvis’ home, and even now they are required up until the premiere to answer weekly written tests about their knowledge of the King of Rock and Roll.
Band members during rehearsals played the mega hit “Love Me Tender” to the track of Elvis’ voice exactly 50 years to the day he first recorded it. (News, Source: Brian Quinn) |
Memphis Boys book: The Story of American Studios - Due out February 1, 2010: While not about Elvis, Memphis Boys chronicles the story of the rhythm section at Chips Moman's American studios from 1964, when the group began working together, until 1972, when Moman shut down the studio and moved the entire operation to Atlanta. Using extensive interviews with Moman and the group, as well as additional comments from the songwriters, sound engineers, and office staff, author Roben Jones creates a collective biography combined with a business history and a critical analysis of important recordings. She reveals how the personalities of the core group meshed, how they regarded newcomers, and how their personal and musical philosophies blended with Moman's vision to create timeless music based on themes of suffering and sorrow.
Recording sessions with the Gentrys, Aretha Franklin, Wilson Pickett, the Box Tops, Joe Tex, Neil Diamond, B. J. Thomas, Dionne Warwick, and many others come alive in this book. Jones provides the stories behind memorable songs composed by group writers, such as "The Letter," "Dark End of the Street," "Do Right Woman," "Breakfast in Bed," and "You Were Always on My Mind." Featuring photographs, personal profiles, and a suggested listening section, Memphis Boys details a significant phase of American music and the impact of one studio.
A detailed history of an unsung recording studio and its lasting impact on rhythm and blues.
About the author: Roben Jones of Gallipolis, Ohio, has published poetry in various magazines and in Wild Sweet Notes: Fifty Years of West Virginia Poetry, 1950-1999. Hardcover: 640 pages. (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited)
Thompson family suffers loss: Elvis Unlimited reports that the aunt of Linda Thompson (Elvis' former girlfriend) and her brother, Sam Thompson, (Elvis' friend) has died. Aunt Marie was their Mom's sister. Please keep the family in your thoughts and prayers. They lost their Dad just last year.
Charlie Daniels recovering from stroke: Charlie Daniels (Song Writer, Guitarist, Fiddler) is recovering after suffering a mild stroke while snowmobiling in Colorado, his spokeswoman said Wednesday. Daniels, 73, suffered the stroke Friday and was treated at a hospital in Durango, 230 miles southwest of Denver, spokeswoman Paula Szeigis said. He then was airlifted to a Denver hospital and released on Sunday."It was a scary moment there but he's doing great," Szeigis said.
Daniels lives in Mount Juliet, Tenn., but has a home in the Durango area where he takes an extended vacation every year around Christmas. He was snowmobiling with his wife and friends when he suffered the stroke. He's now back at his Durango-area home, Szeigis said.
He doesn't plan to cancel any concerts. His next appearance is scheduled for Feb. 27 in Fort Pierce, Fla.
Daniels is best known for his 1979 hit "The Devil Went Down to Georgia." The Charlie Daniels Band was awarded a Grammy for best country vocal for the song. Charlie Daniels co-wrote It Hurts Me which was featured in Elvis' 68 Comeback Special. (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited)
On his 75th birthday, Elvis lives on in hearts of fans: His timeless music endures as many continue to relate to his success, failure.
Elvis Presley’s pompadour is not carved into Mount Rushmore. He never dressed up as Uncle Sam to sing “Hound Dog” or “Love Me Tender.” His cherubic likeness does not grace U.S. currency. Yet there are few iconic images that are as quintessentially American as Elvis: the swivelling hips, the unlikely devotion to both rockabilly and gospel, the carefree movies, the Las Vegas monarchy, the millions of records, “The Ed Sullivan Show,” the military service, the photo with Richard Nixon, the sad and too soon finale...
Michael Ventre investigates Elvis' longterm endurance with EIN friends including Cory Cooper & Larry Geller.
Go here to the full article & photos.
(Spotlight, Source;msnbc/CoryCooper)
Dr Nick, "Elvis almost blind when he died": Elvis Presley, the ‘King of Rock and Roll’ died prematurely in 1977 submerging the entire planet in an unfathomable grief and shock. 3 years after Presley’s death his personal physician Dr. George Nichopoulos earned infamy and public wrath as investigations revealed that he had over-injected drugs into Presley’s body that triggered his sudden death.
Though, Dr. Nick was later acquitted by the law but, nevertheless, he earned himself the devilish tag of ‘The Man Who Killed Elvis.’ And now 33 years after the icon’s demise, the enraged physician is penning a tell-all book to throw light on the exact scenario and to bail himself out of villainy.
In the yet-to-be-published book, Dr. Nick claims that the legendary rock star’s health had suffered severe blows from a variety of diseases including glaucoma that almost rendered him blind.
The genuineness of Dr. Nick's claim, unfortunately, can’t be verified but it does open a new chapter that may give us an insight into Presley’s ailing life. The singer died at his Graceland home in Memphis, Tennessee, after suffering a cardiac arrhythmia, aged 42.
EIN will publish our exclusive interview with Dr Nick this week.
(News, Source;SanjaM/Daily Mail) |
EIN Note: We're not sure what book the DailyMail read but its account of Dr. Nick's memoir is not the book we have read! EIN will have an interview with Dr. Nick shortly and also a review of his revealing memoir.
“Elvis was always gentle and polite. The Colonel was a pain in the ass!”: 75 years after his birth, Elvis’s songwriter tells the stories behind the hits.
Elvis Presley would have been 75 this month, and all over the world, from Memphis to Sydney, Denver to London, the King’s fans have been celebrating his legacy. You can be sure that at every one of those celebrations, somebody’s singing “Hound Dog.”
As it happens, the man who wrote it was in New York this week, working on a new Broadway show. Mike Stoller is one half of the legendary rock ’n’ roll songwriting team Leiber and Stoller, whose hits include “Yakety Yak,” “Stand By Me,” “On Broadway,” “Is That All There Is?” and many, many others.
Jerry Leiber wrote the lyrics, Mike Stoller the music.
“About 'Hound Dog' we wrote the song for [blues singer] Big Mama Thornton,” Mike Stoller recalls. “We met her at a recording studio in Los Angeles, and were just knocked out by her. She was tough-looking. She had razor scars on her face, she wore overalls and work boots and she weighed about 300 pounds.
“She was the inspiration for the song. We jumped into the car and went
back to my house and wrote it in 10 minutes. Then we went back and played it for her. She was not eager to see these two white teenagers tell her how to sing the blues, but she recorded it the next day.”
A few years later, Presley, whose career was just starting to take off, heard Freddie and the Bellboys sing “Hound Dog” in Vegas. They’d turned it into a guy’s song, and Presley decided to record it.
Stoller was in Europe at the time and knew nothing about Presley’s recording. He sailed home on the Andrea Doria, which collided with another ship off the coast of Nantucket and sank. He was plucked out of a sinking lifeboat and arrived in New York on a cargo ship.
“Jerry was waiting for me on the dock. He rushed down to see me and asked if I was OK. Then he said, ‘We got a smash hit! Some white kid named Elvis Presley is singing ‘Hound Dog.’”
Because of the success of “Hound Dog,” Leiber and Stoller were hired to write songs for the film “Jailhouse Rock.”
“We were in New York, and they gave us the script,” he says. “But we didn’t look at it. We were having a great time going to jazz clubs and cabaret and Broadway.”
One day Jean Aberbach, who owned Elvis Presley Music, the King’s publishing company, showed up in their hotel room.
“Boys,” he said in his Austrian accent, “vhere are my zongs?”
Recalls Stoller: “We didn’t have anything. So he put a big overstuffed chair in front of the door and said, ‘I am not leaving this room until I have my songs.’ We wrote ‘Jailhouse Rock,’ ‘Treat Me Nice,’ ‘You’re Square’ and ‘I Want To Be Free’ under duress.”
Presley had never met Leiber and Stoller, but when he heard the demos, he invited them to the recording studio. He was surrounded by a group of men who would later come to be known as the Memphis Mafia. They were all on the payroll of Presley’s manager, Col. Thomas A. Parker.
“Wherever Elvis went, they went. The Colonel wanted it that way. He didn’t want songwriters getting too close to Elvis in case we wrote a song before we signed a contract. Elvis once asked me, ‘Mike, write me a real pretty ballad,’ and I wrote ‘Don’t.’ But it caused a furor because it didn’t go through the proper channels.”
Elvis and Stoller started to strike up a friendship, but the Colonel ended it.
“Elvis invited me up to his suite at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel to play some pool. I was aiming for a nine ball, and when I looked up, nobody was there but me. Then Elvis came in and said, ‘Um, Mike, I feel real bad. The Colonel heard you’re here and, um, he don’t like it. So I guess you gotta go.’”
The end of Leiber and Stoller’s association with Presley came when they had an idea of their own for a movie. They wanted Elvis to star in “A Walk on the Wild Side,” based on Nelson Algren’s popular 1956 novel about a drifter.
“We were so excited. Nelson Algren is a hell of a writer. We went to Jean Aberbach with the idea and he said, ‘I must always speak to the Colonel. Will you boys wait outside?’ After about 10 minutes, while we were imagining how they were going to reward us for this incredible project, Jean summoned us in. ‘Boys, the Colonel says if you ever dare try to interfere with the career of Elvis Presley, you vill never work again in Calafornia, New York, London or anywhere.’
“After that, we completely lost interest. The movie could have been something great. We were cut off. We had no communication with him. And Elvis went on to do some unimportant films.”
Stoller saw Presley for the last time in Vegas shortly before his death in 1977. He introduced the King to his wife. “As was his way, he said, ‘I’m very pleased to meet you, ma’am.’ In the early days, he always called us sir — because we were two years older than he was.
“He was always gentle and polite. The Colonel was a pain in the ass.”
(News, Source;SanjaM/ElvisInfoNet) |
SPRINGTIME TOURS '76-'77 new Audionics CD: As recorded live from the mixing desk in Johnson City, TN, March 17th, 1976 tour opening, Charlotte, NC, March 20th, 1976 Evening show and in various locations, March-May, 1977. Audionics 2010-01-2
The Audionics label will soon release the 2-CD set "Springtime Tours '76 - '77" containing previously unreleased stereo soundboard recording of the Johnson City, TN, March 17th, 1976 show, the original binaural version of Charlotte, NC, March 20th, 1976 evening performance and selection of stereo tracks recorded "on the road" from March to May, 1977.
Unfortunately both the March 17th and March 20th, 1976, 8:30 p.m. concerts were not captured in entirety. These tapes were recorded in binaural with the lead-guitar almost isolated in the right channel, probably due to an expected change of lead guitar-player. The March 17th, 1976 recording was mixed down to stereo and two songs were added in original binaural sound as a bonus. The March 20th, 1976 8:30 p.m. show (previously released as "Running For President") is presented in excellent quality in its genuine binaural form. These shows are fascinating to listen to, as Elvis’ band sounds totally different thanks to the new additions Larry Londin on drums and Shane Keister on keyboards, breathing new life into Elvis’ repertoire at the time. All 1977 tracks are stereo recordings made by Felton Jarvis, using an 8-track tape recorder. |
Among the Johnson City concert highlights are a rare "Until It's Time For You To Go", the first live rendition of "Hurt" and a tremendous "Tryin' To Get To You". Unreleased 1977 highlights: "My Way" from Chicago, May 2, "That's All Right" from Abilene, March 27th, and finally another "My Way" - again from Abilene - including a beautifully recited spoken part! This is a truly sensational version, and the spoken part will no doubt give you goosebumps. A remarkable find, and certainly one of the most interesting discoveries in recent years! Note: some previously released 1977 tracks are included, because they are taken from the original source and containing bits of unheard dialogues before & after each song.
This new Audionics production will be presented in double digipack with a 16-page booklet. All accompanying photographs were taken on March 17-18, 1976, in Johnson City, TN, March 20, 1976 in Charlotte, NC, evening show and on tour in March - May, 1977. This 2-CD set is expected at the end of January. No doubt this is one of the most interesting releases in ages... track down your copy today.
CD 1:
01. Introduction: Also Sprach Zarathustra
02. C. C. Rider
03. I Got A Woman / Amen
04. Love Me
05. You Gave Me A Mountain
06. Tryin' To Get To You
07. All Shook Up
08. Teddy Bear / Don't Be Cruel
09. Until It's Time For You To Go
10. Hurt (first live version)
11. Polk Salad Annie (incomplete)
12. Introductions by Elvis of vocalists, band
13. What'd I Say (James Burton, instrumental)
14. What'd I Say (reprise, James Burton, instrumental)
15. Drum solo (Larry Londin)
16. Bass solo (Jerry Scheff)
17. What'd I Say (Shane Keister)
18. Electric Piano & Clavinet solo (David Briggs)
19. School Day (Joe Guercio Orchestra)
20. And I Love You So (with break)
21. Fairytale (Chicago, May 2, 1977)
22. My Way (Chicago, May 2, 1977 - previously unreleased)
24. Love Me Tender (Norman, March 26, 1977 - previously unreleased)
25. Polk Salad Annie (Milwaukee, April 27, 1977)
26. Bridge Over Troubled Water (Duluth, April 29, 1977)
27. Big Boss Man (Duluth, April 29, 1977)
28. Trying To Get To You (Abilene, March 27, 1977)
29. That's All Right (Abilene, March 27, 1977 - previously unreleased)
30. Lawdy, Miss Clawdy (Abilene, March 27, 1977)
31. My Way (Abilene, March 27, 1977 - previously unreleased)
Tracks 01. - 20. recorded in Johnson City, TN, March 17, 1976. All tracks except for 06, 10, 17, 20, 21, 25-28 and 30 previously unreleased.
CD 2:
01. Amen
02. Love Me
03. Let Me Be There
04. You Gave Me A Mountain
05. Steamroller Blues
06. All Shook Up
07. Teddy Bear / Don't Be Cruel
08. Hound Dog
09. Heartbreak Hotel
10. Polk Salad Annie
11. Introductions by Elvis of vocalists, band
12. What'd I Say (James Burton)
13. Drum solo (Larry Londin)
14. Bass solo (Jerry Scheff)
15. Piano solo (Shane Keister)
16. Electric Piano & Clavinet solo (David Briggs)
17. Introduction of Charlie Hodge
18. And I Love You So
19. Hurt
20. Burning Love
21. America The Beautiful
22. Funny How Time Slips Away
23. Fairytale
24. How Great Thou Art
25. Can't Help Falling In Love
26. Closing Vamp
27. Trying To Get To You (Johnson City, March 17, 1976 - original binaural)
28. Hurt (Johnson City, March 17, 1976 - original binaural)
29. Are You Lonesome Tonight (Norman, March 26, 1977)
30. Blue Christmas (Norman, March 26, 1977)
31. Heartbreak Hotel (Saginaw, April 25, 1977)
32. Mystery Train / Tiger Man (Saginaw, May 3, 1977)
33. Can't Help Falling In Love (incomplete, Saginaw, May 3, 1977)
34. My Way (Toledo, April 23, 1977)
Tracks 01. - 26. recorded in Charlotte, NC, March 20, 1976 8:30 P.M. and previously unreleased in binaural. Tracks 27. - 28. recorded in Johnson City, TN, March 17, 1976. Track 33 previously unreleased, track 34 is a previously unreleased stereo recording.
(News, Source;Audionics) |
Don't Miss these Rare Madison Square Garden Photos - sold for $1,100: Check out this recent Ebay sale of 18 original slides. (examples below)
As described on Ebay,"These eighteen original, vintage, June of 1972 colour slides show Elvis Presley during a live performance (unknown location and photographer). The 6 unshown are similar to the 12 shown. They will arrive in their original Kodak Colour Slide Box. The "Ektachrome Transparency Processed by Kodak" mounts, each dated June 72, and images are in excellent undamaged condition."
Elvis Encore Performance 4: This is the tentative cover for next book from JAT Productions.
The hard cover book will cover eight performances by Elvis in The Windy City and features 200 photographs ( color and black & white ) , close to 150 being unpublished.
This Special JAT Presentation will be available on May 1st. (News, Source : FECC/ JAT Productions) |
Praise for Baby, Let's Play House Elvis Presley and the Women Who Loved Him: While not everyone has realised the important themes in Alanna Nash's fascinating new book, there continues to be widespread praise for the book in the mainstream press:
“Alanna Nash’s long look at Elvis’ bizarre history with women...collect[s] all the madness, badness and sadness of the Elvis myth in one exhaustive and embarrassingly tempting volume.” — New York Times
“In this astounding look at the King’s unstoppable pursuit of women from his elementary school days until his untimely death at 42, hundreds of girls and women pass through the revolving doors of Elvis’ love life.” — Atlanta Journal-Constitution
“An exhaustive and penetrating work that functions as an intimate personal profile, a family study and a psychosexual investigation of one of the 20th century’s true cultural icons.” — Memphis Commercial Appeal
“A major new contribution to Presley lore...[Alanna Nash’s] focus on Presley’s relationships with women takes us on a long and often fascinating journey...It’s a welcome and well-crafted addition to our understanding of his strange, triumphant and tragic life.” — The Globe and Mail
“The most comprehensive work ever on how the women in Presley’s life…influenced him and his music.” — New York Newsday
“Un-put-downabble.” — Jezebel.com |
Read EIN's review of "Baby, Let's Play House Elvis Presley and the Women Who Loved Him"
Read EIN's multi-part interview with author, Alanna Nash
Elvis in Ice: Sometimes, you would wish that it keeps on freezing for a few more days...in the Polish capital Warschau, you can see an ice sculpture of Elvis in the middle of the town.
On the picture, you can see the sculpture after it was just placed. The warmer the temperature will be, the less of Elvis we'll see... (News, Source: Elvis News/Elvis Matters) |
This week on EIN:
Dr. Nick talks to EIN about his memoir:
The King and Dr. Nick What Really Happened To Elvis and Me |
Chart Update: Elvis 75 Good Rockin' Tonight has debuted at No.46 on the Billboard Top 200 Album Charts. In Australia, Elvis Presley 50 Top Ten Hits debuted at #9 on the ARIA Top 50 Album Chart; while Elvis The King of Rock 'n' Roll rose 5 spots to #18 and Elvis '68 Comeback Special rose two places to #35 on the ARIA Top 40 Music DVD chart. (News, Source: ARIA)
Rare Elvis 75 Good Rockin' Tonight acetates sell out in 5 hours!!: From the 991.com site:
ELVIS PRESLEY Elvis 75: Good Rockin' Tonight (Official 2010 US Legacy/RCA label 100-track advance promotional FOUR CD-R acetate set for the definitive retrospective release. This
set begins in 1953, when an 18-year-old truck driver fresh out of aMemphis high school recorded a self-financed performance of 'My Happiness' intended as a gift to his mother, and concludes with the 2002 JXL radio remix edit of 1968's 'A Little Less Conversation'. In between there are chart-topping hits, Sold out in 5 hours, 10 minutes.
ELVIS PRESLEY Elvis Presley (Official 2010 US Sony/ATV Music Publishing 60-track promotional only TWO CD-R acetate publishing sampler set issued to celebrate what would have been Elvis' 75th birthday. Includes classic tracks plus live versions of'An American Trilogy', 'I Can't Stop Loving You', 'Lawdy Miss Clawdy', 'Sweet Caroline' and 'Welcome To My World'. Custom printed discs complete with a unique custom promo picture sleeve and title/tracklisting back insert)
Elvis Presley Opus Collection: Boy from Tupelo, a Starbucks production is re-released.
- That's All Right
- Mystery Train
- One-Sided Love Affair
- Blue Moon
- My Baby Left Me
- Tryin' To Get To You
- Lawdy Miss Clawdy
- Blue Suede Shoes
- Good Rockin' Tonight-
- So Glad You're Mine
- I Got A Woman
- Money Honey
- I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone
- Baby Let's Play House
- Blue Moon Of Kentucky
SUN sample record on eBay: Offered for sale on eBay is this 1955 Sun 78 rpm Sample record, with the sleeve signed by Scotty Moore. Bidding starts at less than a thousand $US. The description reads as follows: "Recorded March 5 (U-142) and February 5 (U-143) 1955, SUN Studio, Memphis Tennessee - Elvis Presley (vcl/gtr); Scotty Moore (gtr); Bill Black (bs); Jimmie Lott (dms U-142). UNIQUE 78 rpm single from sun, stamped in block letters 'SAMPLE' in red ink.
Vintage autographed by 'Scotty Moore' on the orig. library record 78 rpm sleeve. Nearly like-new condition of both record and label. Rare and impossible to dublicate. The rare record, scarce 'sample' stamp, and the topper of an Scotty Moore signature make this one great Elvis collectible. (News, Source: Elvis Matters)
"The Music of Elvis Presley" - weekly on 92.3FM, Young, NSW
Each Sunday Afternoon
From 4pm till 5pm
This show is presented in conjunction with:
ELVIS’ Wild in the Country Club Australia
The Young District Arts Council, Young NSW
Sony Music Australia

Each week Bob play’s a selection of Elvis songs from his vast collection of Australia released material.
If you would like your club mentioned in the “ELVIS NEWS FROM AROUND AUSTRALIA”- then email Bob at the following email address and he will only be too happy to mention your club and future activities.
Since the 2nd of January 2010, Bob has been playing 5 tracks from the new Australian cd release “ELVIS PRESLEY – 50 AUSTRALIAN TOP TEN HITS 1956-1977”, which was kindly donated by Sony music Australia.
He also takes requests and the show is steadily gaining the support of his local Community, and in the coming weeks cd’s will be given away with very easy competitions being conducted at various times.
Contact your host: Bob Hayden
Saturday 16 January 2010 - With lots more ELVIS Birthday News! |
Elvis: The King of Rock 'n' Roll Turns 75: Teenagers in the 1950s and '60s turned Elvis Presley into an icon. His shaking hips and curled lips sent rock 'n' roll shockwaves reverberating around the world and challenged prevailing notions about sex, race and class. As we celebrated what would have been his 75th birthday on January 8th, we should take note of the impact he had on the culture.
He emerged from his impoverished childhood in Tupelo, Mississippi to become America's pop culture superstar in the wake of the US Supreme Court's decision in Brown v. Board of Education on May 5, 1954 which rocked the South. His controversial singing style, mixing blues, country (at the time called "hillbilly"), and black and white gospel music with a sexually charged stage presence, made Presley "Public Enemy Number One" for those who felt threatened by the tsunami of the changes that were occurring.
Presley unwittingly became the poster boy for the first round of the culture wars.
"Without meaning to, and really without understanding it, he's a point of conflict because it's not just the mingling of blues and rock, it's also his reliance on a music that is in the minds of some really sinful," said John Seigenthaler, the retired founding editorial director of USA Today, who covered him as a young reporter for The Tennessean.
Elvis was a target of preachers and segregationists such as Asa Carter who headed the White Citizens Councils. Carter had been using his Birmingham, Alabama radio show since 1954 to talk about how the Jews and blacks were bringing down the South. In early 1956, he targeted the growing popularity of the music made popular by Elvis. Carter's views about music were captured in a short film.
While preachers, parents and the Council warned about the evils of Elvis, the kids couldn't get enough.
It started to become clear that things were changing when Elvis came back home to Memphis for a July 4th concert for the Cynthia Milk Fund in Memphis at the Russwood baseball park. The crowd of 14,000 people at his benefit dwarfed the audience that Senator Eastland drew for a segregationist rally held across town that same night.
Click here to the complete article.
- Michael Rose director of the celebrated DVD 'Elvis: Return To Tupelo' wrote this excellent article for Elvis' recent birthday.
(News, Source;MichaelRose/ArjanDeelen) |
Priscilla talks about Elvis on his 75th birthday: Elvis Aron Presley would have been 75 years last week, and his former wife has no doubt that if he were alive, he’d still be singing — and maybe doing a little preaching, too.
"I think Elvis would always be a part of music, no matter what," Priscilla Presley told TV’s Matt Lauer from Elvis' Graceland home. "It was in his blood. I don’t know if he’d be doing rock ’n’ roll right now; I think that maybe he’d be going into gospel. Maybe even preaching a little bit. He loved to teach and loved the Bible. He always would have been dedicated to his music, that’s for sure.
"He gave us so much, with his movies, with his concerts, with his touring," Priscilla continued. "I can’t see him ever stopping that. That’s truly who he was. He was born to be the entertainer that he was. I can’t imagine life without him being larger than life. He lived a larger-than-life life."
Graceland celebration
Some 3,000 people had purchased tickets to visit Graceland on Elvis’ birthday. Priscilla said that they would be treated to the opening of a yearlong birthday celebration and a number of exhibits created especially for this milestone.
The mansion itself is decorated for Christmas with the living room done all in white, including a white Christmas tree with red ornaments. Elvis used to leave the tree up until the day after his birthday, but now the holiday decorations are left up until the end of January.
Priscilla was responsible for pouring money into Graceland and building the Elvis legend into the Elvis brand. As part of his yearlong 75th birthday celebration, Cirque du Soleil’s Las Vegas troupe is performing a "Viva Elvis" show.
The NBA Memphis Grizzlies are also getting into the act by wearing blue suede sneakers for one of their games. Multiple CD collections of Elvis’ recordings have also been released and there’s even an Elvis iPhone app. |
Hold the phone
And speaking of phones: Elvis was a fan of the Sean Connery James Bond films, Priscilla said. He got particularly excited over a telephone that Bond could use from his car.
An admirer of James Bond-style gadgetry, Elvis had an early-model mobile telephone.
"Elvis went nuts over this. He wanted to know if something like this was available," Priscilla told Lauer.
She pointed to a suitcase-size carrying case behind her that contained one of the world’s first mobile phones. The case was labeled with the King’s name.
"Sure enough, he got the first one," she said. "We travelled in a limo. People would be driving by and he’d be on the phone. There’d be second takes: ‘Is that a phone? Is that a phone?’ "
His spirit lives on
But the phone is only one among many items in special exhibits at Graceland. Another exhibit contains 30 of his stage costumes, including the wide, gold-studded belts he wore around his jumpsuits.
Another exhibit, "Tupelo to Memphis," traces Elvis’ early years from childhood in Mississippi to stardom. Priscilla showed off a third-grade report card that showed Elvis earning E’s for "Excellent" in all his subjects except arithmetic and math, in which he got an S+ for "Superior Plus."
"He was a really good student. Teachers really liked him," Priscilla said. "Elvis was quite shy as a little boy."
Although a generation has passed since Elvis left the planet, Priscilla spoke as if he were still there in Graceland. From where she sat in the living room, she could see the stairs leading to the second floor.
"I can visualize him coming down that staircase every time I come in," Priscilla told Lauer. "His spirit is definitely here."
(News, Source;EIN/NBC) |
Priscilla Presley Interviews at the 75th Birthday Celebration: During Elvis Presley’s 75th birthday celebration, media from all over the world covered the events including the Birthday Proclamation on January 8th, 2010 at Graceland with Pricilla Presley, Lisa Marie Presley, Riley Keough and Benjamin Keough.
Check out these exclusive interviews with Priscilla Presley here..
Click here to The Today Show
Click here to Entertainment Tonight
Click here to EXTRA!
(News, Source;EPE/EIN)
Cast of Viva ELVIS Celebrates Elvis' 75th Birthday: The cast of Viva ELVIS by Cirque du Soleil celebrated Elvis’ 75th birthday Vegas-style. At the end of the performance on January 8, a Jean Phillippe Maury pastry masterpiece was brought on stage as the cast sang "Happy Birthday" to Elvis. The cake included a solid chocolate guitar and Elvis silhouette and was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone after the show!
For more about Viva ELVIS, click here.
(News, Source;EPE)
Elvis Presley 75th Birthday Celebration Graceland Recap: Thousands of fans from across the globe gathered at Graceland in Memphis to celebrate Elvis Presley’s 75th birthday on a cold but festive winter weekend in the Birthplace of Rock ‘n’ Roll.
The year-long celebration kicked off last Thursday night with the Official Elvis Insiders Fan Club Reception at Graceland Plaza. Over 700 fans packed in to shops, restaurants and exhibit areas of Graceland as a sell-out crowd of Elvis Insiders enjoyed a special evening tour of Graceland decorated for the holidays. Elvis’ Imperials along with Annie Helm, Gavin Koon and Robin Koon, who co-starred with Elvis in Follow That Dream, and Frank Hyland, author of Elvis: A Tribute to The King of Rock 'n Roll, made fans happy by signing photos and autographing books, movie memorabilia and more.
On the morning of January 8th, Priscilla Presley appeared on NBC's The Today Show in a LIVE interview with Matt Lauer speaking about the 75th birthday celebration and Graceland's new exhibits. Later, Priscilla joined over 3,000 fans along with daughter Lisa Marie Presley in wishing Elvis a Happy Birthday, despite temperatures in the teens and a wind-chill of zero and below. Memphis Mayor A C Wharton declared January 8, 2010, Elvis Presley Day in Memphis.
Two of Lisa Marie’s children, Benjamin and Riley (Photo above), cut Elvis’ five-tiered birthday cake with the help of five children from different non-profits the Presley’s support - MIFA’s Presley Place, Little Kids Rock, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Following the Fan Club Presidents Event at the Memphis Marriott East was Conversations on Elvis, hosted by Tupelo historian Roy Turner. Special guests for Conversations included Barbara Hearn-Smith, who met Elvis in 1954, later dated him and spent time with him whenever he was home in Memphis. Barbara travelled with Elvis to his performance at the Mississippi-Alabama Fair and Dairy Show in Tupelo in 1956. Another special guest, Guy Harris, was a lifelong friend of Elvis who grew up with him in Tupelo. Guy's mother and Gladys Presley were best friends. Also appearing was Sam Bell, who was a friend of Elvis in Tupelo. The event, full of rarely heard stories, also featured rarely-seen photos and video of Elvis from his time in Tupelo.
Go here for all the EPE Official photos and full Birthday Celebration Recap:
Go here to EIN's exclusive Interview with Roy Turner.
(News, Source;EIN/EPE) |
Lisa Marie Presley's nanny lawsuit dismissed: Lisa Marie Presley's legal dispute with a disgruntled former nanny has been dismissed following the caregiver's allegations she was overworked by the star.
In August 2009, Christine White claimed she was forced to work long hours without pay, while Presley was suffering from postpartum depression. She sued the rocker for dismissal cash.
Presley countersued, claiming White took photographs and shot video of her twins and then posted the unauthorized photos on her Facebook page, violating their confidentiality agreement.
The case was dismissed with Lisa Marie saying she made "a huge mistake ever hiring Christine" and "exposing our babies to her".
(Photo right; Riley, Priscilla, Lisa Marie & Benjamin at Graceland last week)
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet/SanjaMeegin) |
Las Vegas Exhibit explores Elvis Presley as an everyday guy: It's easy to forget that the celebrities we know lived private lives before they hit the public eye and, even now, continue to live everyday lives -- lives that are, with the obvious differences, pretty much like ours -- when they're not in public.
That's why seeing a library card signed by a 12-year-old Elvis Presley is so charming. And why seeing an X-ray of Elvis' lungs is so, well, bizarre.
Behind the Elvis of legend, fame and cliché lived an actual human being. And it's that Elvis, the one behind the image, that Bud Glass hopes to introduce to fans via "The King's Ransom Museum: Personal Treasures of Elvis Presley."- (Right: Linda Thompson with a suit of Elvis')
The exhibit opened in October at the Imperial Palace and is scheduled to run there through April. Items in the show which is not affiliated with the Presley estate come from the personal collections of Glass and longtime friend and fellow Elvis memorabilia collector Russ Howe.
For years, Glass and Howe have been collecting Elvis memorabilia as a hobby. Over that time, Glass says, "we've been lucky enough to become friends with (Elvis') bodyguards and girlfriends and co-stars and backup musicians and vocalists and so forth." It's from such friends and associates of Elvis that many of the items in the exhibit come.
Elvis "was so generous in his giving," Glass says. "People would come to his house for a recording session and, at break, he'd pull a shirt out of his closet and say, 'This looks like it'll fit you' and give it to you."
Elvis' motivation? Simply because he enjoyed it, Glass says.
Once, Glass notes, a woman who had been dating Elvis and who received a car from him told the entertainer that she wanted to put a plaque in it to acknowledge the gift.
"He said: 'No, don't do that. All things come from God,'" Glass says. "He felt like if he took credit for it, it took the joy of giving away."
"The King's Ransom" does include jewellery, costumes and clothing, household items, a car, items from Elvis' police memorabilia collection and other items you'd probably expect to see. But it also includes intensely personal items, such as the Bible -- complete with underlined passages -- that lay on Elvis' nightstand on the day he died.
All of the items are authenticated, Glass says, and usually purchased "directly from people who got (the item) directly from Elvis." In fact, each item's chain of ownership is investigated directly back to Elvis, according to Glass, who also produces a series of Elvis-related "Behind the Image" DVDs and books.
That research also benefits viewers, because it enables Glass and Howe to place each item in the exhibit within the context of Elvis' life and career.
Glass says he hopes the exhibit conveys to fans "the man behind the image," adding that, for many, seeing the items -- consider them, perhaps, secular relics -- is a new way to connect to Elvis.
For those who remember Elvis, viewing the exhibit can be a vehicle for reminiscing to an Elvis soundtrack.
Glass would like for visitors to take away from "The King's Ransom" an appreciation of Elvis' generosity and uniqueness.
"He's the biggest entertainer the world has ever known," Glass says, but he never lost touch with "where he came from and his humble beginnings."
Catch "The King's Ransom" at The Imperial Palace, Royal Halls (3rd floor), 3535 Las Vegas Blvd South.
(News, Source;LVREVIEW-JOURNAL/EPgold.com) |
Smithsonian exhibits celebrate Elvis: On the 75th anniversary of Elvis Presley’s birth, the Smithsonian Institution is showcasing the King of Rock ’n’ Roll’s ubiquitous image through exhibits opening Friday in Washington and Los Angeles.
"One Life: Echoes of Elvis" will be on view at the National Portrait Gallery in Washington through August. The one-room exhibit is devoted to the evolution and influence of Presley’s image after his death.
"Think of all the entertainers you know, and how many of them do you know the names of their homes?" said curator Warren Perry. "Everybody needs to have a moment with Elvis."
The exhibit features portraits, images from Graceland, Elvis merchandise and a reminder that Elvis’ manager put his face on just about anything that could be marketed. The commercial images include an Elvis-imprinted lunch box, nutcracker, action figure and snow globe.
Original artwork from a 1992 Elvis stamp design competition is on view, along with the 1993 stamp with Presley’s likeness that became the most popular U.S. postal stamp of all time, with a printing of 500 million.
A gold bust of Elvis as Julius Caesar by sculptor Robert Arneson anchors another wall.
One of Perry’s favorite pieces is a scrapbook found in an abandoned Chicago warehouse with newspaper headlines and pictures carefully cut out and pasted in a thick book shortly after Presley’s death at age 42 in 1977. "You can tell it was put together by a fan," Perry said.
Presley sat for only one portrait painter. A painting by Ralph Wolfe Cowan, usually on display in the gallery’s entertainment section, is the exhibit’s central image. It was completed from sketches Cowan made in 1969 while creating another portrait that hangs at Graceland.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet/SanjaMeegin)
Finally......Elvis On Tour for DVD and Blu Ray release: This Fall, Elvis on Tour is coming to DVD and dazzling Blu-ray high definition - for the first time ever. Featuring electric performances from Elvis' 1972 tour, this Golden Globe winning documentary captures the raw energy and excitement of Elvis' best live performances. In celebration of Elvis' 75th birthday year, a 17-film Ultimate Collector's Edition DVD box set is also planned, which will include ELVIS ON TOUR, VIVA LAS VEGAS, JAILHOUSE ROCK and more. Be on the lookout for more details soon! (News, Source: Brian Quinn/EPE)
For Elvis, firearms not exactly hidden: Elvis Presley's notorious gunplay didn't just involve shooting TVs in the privacy of his home. He was involved in a couple of jaw-dropping public incidents that left his security all shook up. The scariest one occurred in 1977 in front of law enforcement. Elvis' bodyguards Sam Thompson and Dick Grob recalled the incident Sunday during lunch at Jasmine restaurant at Bellagio before attending a panel discussion in front of visiting writers in the hotel's Fontana Room. |
Elvis' private jet, the Lisa Marie, had just landed after a Rochester-to-Binghamton, N.Y. flight. Grob, the chief of security, had just warned Elvis that they were in a restricted gun-carry area. It was about 3 a.m. May 26, and a crowd of fans and dignitaries, including Elvis' manager, Col. Tom Parker, and a high-ranking law officer, had gathered to welcome Presley. Still wearing pajamalike karate gear, Elvis began descending the portable stairs when the crowd started cheering as a spotlight hit him. As he lifted his arms to acknowledge the reception, two loaded semiautomatic Colt pistols fell from his waistband and bounced down the steps.
"Elvis had a sheepish grin as he came down," said Thompson, now chairman of the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada.
Waiting was the local police chief or ranking officer, Thompson said. Presley "completely disarmed the man by shaking his hand and introducing himself," Thompson said. "The guy handed him the guns and said, 'I believe these are yours Mr. Presley.' Elvis stuck 'em back in his waistband." The guns are on display at Graceland, Thompson said.
At another concert, around the same time, a loaded .22-caliber derringer popped out of one of Elvis' stage boots and bounced on the stage right in front of rhythm guitarist John Wilkinson, "who did not like guns," Thompson said. It was retrieved about 20 minutes later, Thompson said.
He and Grob, with Parker's widow, Loanne (all shown above), and Armand Thomas, creative director of Cirque du Soleil's "Viva Elvis" show at CityCenter, were part of a panel discussion for writers in town to see the show Friday on Elvis' 75th birthday. (News, Source: Norm,
Las Vegas Review-Journal)
Press Release:
Important Elvis Presley 75th Anniversary Auction
January 2010 marks the 75th anniversary of the birth of the one of the most important figures in the history of Rock and Roll. Elvis Presley was born on January 8th 1935 and to mark this momentous date 75 years later Henry Aldridge and Son will be auctioning a number of important items of Elvis material. Interest is high in the sale of Elvis memorabilia with a number of prominent objects having been sold around the world for significant sums in the past few years.
The lots going under the hammer will offer collectors around the world the chance to own their own piece of Elvis history. These include a guitar pick from his final 1977 tour.
This reddish-brown triangular guitar pick with E.P. imprinted was used by Elvis Presley for his final tour in the spring/summer of 1977. The style of picks changed over the years, with the early ones being made by Fender. This guitar pick, which was used onstage, was one of the last used by Elvis during his lifetime and was acquired directly from the estate of Elvis Presley. It was on display for many years at the world famous ELVIS-A-RAMA MUSEUM in Las Vegas and is estimated at £700-£900. |
Other items include an autographed copy of a Blue Hawaii LP. Elvis has written 'Thanks Elvis Presley' in red ink, The LP was owned by Joan Schmidt-Powell. Elvis had known Joan since 1956 with their first meeting being at Paramount Pictures and they stayed in touch until Elvis' Death. Elvis' nickname for her was Jo, Jo-Jo and in the seventies Jo Go-Go. Also included with the lot is a copy of a letter from Elvis’s father, Vernon Presley to Joan regarding Elvis' funeral. This item is estimated at £500-£700.
One particularly notable item in the auction is a reel of 16mm film which was obtained directly from Jimmy Velvet, the president of the world famous Elvis Presley Museum in Nashville, Tennessee. Jimmy was a friend of Elvis’s for a number of years as well as being a popular entertainer in his own right. The footage itself gives a fascinating insight into Elvis private life and lasts for 17 minutes. It starts off with Priscilla walking over to an old stage wagon in the desert in Westworld just outside Las Vegas and explaining that these are her most precious memories of the days she had with Elvis. It appears to have been come from Priscilla’s' own personal home movies of Elvis and gives the viewer a snapshot of life behind the scenes.
Other scenes show Elvis and Priscilla at their Wedding Eve party then Graceland, the Presley's arriving home from the hospital with Lisa Marie and Elvis and Priscilla with Baby Lisa driving around the city waving at fans, holding Lisa to the window. The 16mm film reel is being sold as is without any copyright or other rights whatsoever. It is estimated to sell for £4000-£6000.
Other lots being sold are the original registration card/document issued on 08/10/70 for Elvis’s 1966 Harley Davidson Motorcycle, Colonel Tom Parkers original registration card/document issued on 02/02/72 for his 1972 Mercedes, original pages from the flight logbook of Elvis’s private Convair jet The Lisa Marie and personal items owned and used by Elvis Presley in his Monovale Drive home in California. The auction will be held on Saturday 16th January at 10am GMT and the lots can be viewed online at www.henry-aldridge.com from Tuesday 12th January.
Andrew A. Aldridge BA Hons FAV MRICS Chartered Valuation Surveyor.
Henry Aldridge and Son
Unit 1 Bath Road Business Centre
Bath Road
SN10 1XA
Tel: 0044 1380 729199
Fax: 0044 1380 730073
Elvis Presley In The Movies: To the world he was the King of Rock and Roll, but Elvis Presley was also one of the top-10 movie stars of his era. Thirty-one of his films are included in this retrospective by film critic Timothy Knight, who practically brings you into the theater as he reveals all the excitement and color of some of the most rockin’ movies ever made. The pages that follow speak volumes about why the Tupelo, Mississippi native was the most acclaimed rock star who ever went to Hollywood.
This book not only examines all of Presley’s films, it also includes an DVD documentary by filmmaker Les Krantz. In it, you’ll enjoy more than 50 of the King’s most entertaining scenes in his best films. |
The segments on the DVD documentary are from the following movies:
- Blue Hawaii
- Change of Habit
- Charro!
- Flaming Star
- Follow that Dream
- G.I. Blues
- Jailhouse Rock
- Kid Galahad
- King Creole
- Love Me Tender
- Loving You
- Viva Las Vegas
Published: January 2010
Format: Hardcover, 176 pages + DVD (News, Source: Elvis News/Elvis Unlimited)
UK chart and sales update: Brian Quinn tells EIN: 'Elvis 75' is No.8 on this week's UK Official Album Chart. By entering the Top 10 it will be eligible for a further week's TV promotion.
The following are the sales figures for the Top 20 albums on the UK Chart as of 10th January, 2010:
49698 Paolo Nutini
44623 Florence & The Machine
29191 Lady Gaga
21986 Susan Boyle
19641 Michael Buble
18748 Black Eyed Peas (6)
16307 Mumford & Sons (7)
15831 Elvis Presley (8)
15390 Will Young (9)
14957 Muse (10)
14803 Alicia Keys (11)
13044 Snow Patrol (12)
12810 Paloma Faith (13)
12322 Pixie Lott (14)
11197 Kings Of Leon (15)
11120 Lily Allen (16)
11114 Robbie Williams (17)
10878 Kasabian (18)
10728 La Roux (19)
10297 Andre Rieu (20)
Tupelo may build up birthplace of Elvis - Foundation wants more fans of the King to come, stay longer: The Elvis Presley Birthplace in Tupelo has unveiled a proposed theater and other improvements in a master plan to double the number of Elvis tourists to 100,000 a year.

"We want to add some things that will continue to encourage people to come and see a part of the young Elvis," said Dick Guyton, executive director of the Elvis Presley Memorial Foundation.
The 15-acre site in East Tupelo now has the birthplace, museum, memorial chapel and the old church where the Presleys worshipped before they moved to Memphis. The master plan, which would cost about $5 million to carry out, will create the theater and several other activities.
The idea is to offer enough to do not only to draw more Elvis fans, but to encourage more tourists to spend the night and eat in Tupelo restaurants, Guyton said.
"We got a number of things to keep fans busy, but when you get a large crowd you have a lot of wait time," he said.
The master plan conceived by Memphis-based Design 500 Inc. features a 100-seat theater with a small stage. Movies and documentaries could be played there.
"So when you get a bus of 50 people who come in, they may want to spend 15 minutes in the theater before they go to the house, church and museum," Guyton said.
European tour companies have told birthplace officials that if they know in advance about a special event in the theater, they might book a tour to spend the night in Tupelo, he said. An amphitheater on the back side of the property, where a natural incline exists. "We could seat people on the hillside and have gospel singings," Guyton said.
Improvements to the overlook on top of the ridge where the RCA Monument sits. It's said that is where Elvis would go to sit alone and dream, Guyton said. Plans are to add walking trails with story stations. And improved traffic flow and more parking.
The foundation receives funding from private sources such as local industries, and from the local convention and visitors bureau and the Mississippi tourism sources. The new facilities could be built in 24 to 36 months, depending on the funding, Guyton said.
He praised the design work of Design 500 Inc, a museum planning firm. This is the third project Design 500 has done for the birthplace. Led by creative director and owner Scott Blake, Design 500 also planned an upgrade to the birthplace museum in 2007 and the restoration and display of the old church. It was moved a short way to the birthplace grounds and opened in 2008.
"Our mission is to reveal the early Elvis in a manner that is world class while remaining true to his simple and honest ways," Henry Dodge, foundation president, said in a prepared statement. (News, Source: AP)
Another Top 5 Elvis film list: The Pop Five is a series of reader-created top five lists. Today's contribution comes from Kristy (nickandnoragirl) in Columbus, Ohio:
My dad is a huge Elvis fan (even a paid Elvis impersonator in his younger days), so I couldn't escape Elvis movies. If you look beyond the cheesy formula of many of his films, it's obvious that he had talent beyond the charisma that filled the screen. You have to wonder how much farther Elvis would have gone had he been given the chance to hone his acting skills in the right films.
My Top Five Elvis Movies:
5. It Happened at the World's Fair -- Elvis is the pilot Mike Edwards chasing the heart of a nurse he meets while babysitting a little girl at the Seattle World's Fair. His interactions with the little girl are so natural – you just know he loved being a father to Lisa Marie. Watch out for a young Kurt Russell kicking Elvis in the shin!
4. Girl Happy -- Elvis is Rusty Wells, and he and his band (including Bing Crosby's son Gary) are sent by a mobster to watch over his daughter on spring break in Fort Lauderdale. Any guesses who Elvis falls for? Lighthearted fun in the sun, but despite the fact that many scenes are set at the beach or around the pool, Elvis spends the movie in pants and long-sleeve velour shirts!
3. Jailhouse Rock -- As Vince Everett, Elvis doesn't play the most likeable of characters in this film. He goes jail for killing a man then pursues a singing career upon release, only to lose more than he gains with his success. The sequence with the title song is reason enough to watch the film. It's a scene so iconic even Eminem has copied it.
2. King Creole -- Elvis is Danny Fisher, a troubled youth trying to handle it all while also working to support his father. Walter Matthau is deliciously nasty as the club owner who is none too happy that Elvis is working at a rival club. Elvis has a strong cast, story and director, and the result is a great movie. |
1. Blue Hawaii– Hands down my favorite and no one will watch it with me anymore since I will recite the entire movie! Elvis is Chad Gates, fresh out of the Army and wanting to make it on his own while his parents want him to work for the Great Southern Hawaiian Fruit Company. The scenery is gorgeous, the soundtrack is catchy and Elvis is in top form – handsome, boyish and in great shape. Plus, you get the great Angela Lansbury as Chad's over-the-top mother. A classic! (Celluloid Elvis, Source: popcandy.com)
‘Elvis was like Jesus’ says George Klein: One long time, close friend of Elvis Presley just confirmed what many have suspected – Elvis was actually Jesus. Rock ‘n’ roll pioneer George Klein met a young Elvis in 8th grade, kicking off a lifelong friendship between the two. Being one of The King’s nearest and dearest pals, Klein now reveals that Elvis was Christ – or at the very least Christ-like – in his book, Elvis: My Best Man – Radio Days, Rock ’N’ Roll Nights, And My Lifelong Friendship With Elvis Presley (Crown).
He explains, “He was special. When he walked into the room you felt it. He was like Jesus, and he was just as powerful.”
The similarities don’t end there. Klein thinks it’s funny how the rocker and the Messiah were both known solely by their first names. He also saw Elvis actually heal people who were ill just like Jesus, adding, “He’d just go talk to them and they would feel better.” (News, Source: Wireless Flash News)
75 years on, Elvis still heartbreak king in Aussie town: Beneath his homemade jumpsuit and the glinting black of his polyester Elvis Presley wig, Gnarnayarrahe Inmurry Waitairie sweats in the unforgiving Australian heat. Guitar over one shoulder and his official busking pass on one lapel, he adjusts his sunglasses and tunes his strings as he prepares to shake, rattle and roll like his American idol.
"Aboriginals don't have an Elvis, so I thought I'd come and be him. I'm Black Elvis," Waitairie told AFP. "Elvis can be anyone and call to anyone, because Elvis takes your heart away."
Waitairie, an indigenous dancer originally from Western Australia's Yindjibarndi country, has traded his didgeridoo and clapping sticks for polyester and rhinestones to be part of Australia's biggest Elvis celebration. |
As fans in Memphis marked what would have been the 75th birthday of the man known as 'The King' of rock 'n roll, thousands converged on the tiny, drought-parched town of Parkes 300 kilometres (186 miles) west of Sydney for the annual Elvis Festival. It began almost two decades ago as the dream of Bob and Anne Steel, who ran a retro-themed reception centre called Gracelands and were desperate to liven up the relentless summer months in the farming and mining town.
"We had hoped that a January festival would bring some business to town, and I think everybody's doing handstands now," Anne Steel told AFP.
"Most people can see what it's doing for the economy and, by God, we needed it."
Home to straight-talking farmers and mining men, it seems an unlikely place for a tribute to the pioneering popstar. The town's only previous claim to fame was "The Dish" -- a radio telescope used by NASA to receive images of the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969.
But the Parkes Elvis Festival has exploded from a humble town carnival with 200 visitors in 1993 to a national event which this year attracted more than 10,000 people and brought in excess of five million dollars (4.6 million US) to the local economy. Hundreds packed onto the "Elvis Express" train from Sydney on Friday, adorned in their retro best to kick off the festival weekend with serenades by a tribute artist and dancing in the aisles.
The trademark quiff and jumpsuit are a staple, and rarely is there a gent to be seen without sideburns and a swivel to his hips. Priscillas and Lisa-Maries are also out in full-skirted force, feather boas and wedding veils in tow. The diehards stake out a street corner to busk, while others try their hardest to impress the lookalike contest judges. There's an Elvis Idol contest, gospel services and "The King's Castle", which hosts the largest collection of Elvis memorabilia in the southern hemisphere.
Waitairie, who has travelled some 600 kilometres to take part, plans to win the street busking crown and renew his wedding vows at the mass "Back to the Altar with Elvis" ceremony in a park.
"Elvis was about love, about peace," he said. "Since I was 14 I liked that about him."
White-suited lookalike contestant Graeme Mackaway, who has made the journey to Parkes four times on the "Elvis Express", said the Main Street parade is always his highlight.
"Every year we come and the crowd gets deeper and deeper and the route seems longer," said the company director who swing dances and collects antique jukeboxes in his spare time.
In just five days the festival brings in more than one-tenth of the 11,000-person town's annual tourism revenue, its third-largest earner after agriculture and mining. Hotel rooms are booked more than a year in advance not just in Parkes, but surrounding towns, and the sportsground, converted into a tent city, is overflowing. Officials say the expanding crowd is getting younger every year.
It may have begun as the brainchild of "two silly people who were Elvis fans", said Steel, but the festival has become a celebration of 60s rock culture and a coming together of city and country life.
"I have been a fan since I was 11 and I'm now 66, but now you don't have to be an Elvis fan, there's something for everyone," she said. "The fella who gets dragged here kicking and screaming by his wife is always the first to book for next year." (News, Source: Amy Coopes, AFP)
For more on the 2010 Parkes Elvis Festival see EIN's detailed article with interviews and photos
Global Chart Update - Week 01, 2010
United States
Billboard 200:
• # 122 (Ne) Boy From Tupelo
• # ---- (167) Christmas Duets
Top Catalog Albums:
• #10 (Ne) Boy From Tupelo
• # ---- (31) Christmas Duets
• # ---- (47) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
Top Country Catalog Albums:
• #4 (7) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
• #6 (23) Essential Elvis
US (Soundscan) sales, as of this week:
• Elvis: 30 #1 Hits - 4,590,411 (sold 3,385 copies this week)
• Essential Elvis - 302,958 (sold 3,133 copies this week)
• Boy From Tupelo (re-issue) - 17,856 (sold 6,452 copies this week)
United Kingdom:
Top 200 Albums:
• # 135 (Ne) ELVIS 75 [3CD]
Top 50 Country Albums:
• #24 (28) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
(News, Source: Martin Arvidsson)
Top 40 DVDs:
• #23 (25) Elvis: The King Of Rock ’N’ Roll
• #37 (37) ’68 Comeback Special
Top 50 Catalogue Albums:
• #32 (37) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
Top 60 Albums:
• #36 (21) The Collection [7CD]
Top 10 Mid-price Albums:
• # ---- (3) White Christmas
• # ---- (5) Christmas Wishes
Top 10 Low-price Albums:
• # ---- (8) White Christmas
Top 5 Mid-price Albums:
• # ---- (3) Christmas Wishes
Top 100 Albums:
• #92 (78) Rockin’ With The King
The truth about Elvis at the American Sound Studio: Marty Lacker has told EIN that stories included in George Klein's recently published memoir have more than just stretched the truth. Marty says:
Speaking of books and some of the fiction that has been written in regards to Elvis and his world, I was just sent an excerpt from George Klein's book by a fan in Ireland that was on the Fox News' Fox & friends website and in all my years I have never heard such outright lies.
Basically what George has done has taken part of my description of the night I talked Elvis into recording at American Studios in January, '69 and replaced me with himself plus some unbelievable and totally untrue embellishments. He has even conveniently added a couple of dead people to the scene who cannot contradict him by saying Tom Diskin and Freddy Bienstock was at the Graceland dining room table when he said he told Elvis about Chips Moman and got him to record there. Diskin and Bienstock were not there.
He also said Priscilla and Esposito were at the table and they weren't and he completely leaves out the part that I had talked to Elvis about it in what is known as the Jungle Room before everyone went into the dining room, in which he was silently present along with Sonny,Lamar and Felton Jarvis. He even put himself sitting next to Elvis at the table when it was actually me sitting there after I called Chips at home and talked to him about recording Elvis with Felton standing next to me.
Sadly what Klein forgets that there were witnesses to the whole event who will further make him a liar. If this is a sample of what is in his book, I suggest that if you really want to waste your money on it, look for it in the Fiction section of your favorite bookstore. My complete description of that entire night was written years ago in my two books, Elvis: Portrait Of A Friend and ELVIS AARON PRESLEY: Revelations From the Memphis Mafia and anyone who is familiar with both books will see that my recollection is word for word in both books.
I am fortunate to have what is known as a photographic memory, not only do I remember the words spoken at the same time I am experiencing a pictorial rerun in my mind while I'm telling the story. I remember conversations word for word as well as who is present and where they are standing or sitting. I have no need to make things up to make myself feel better. I am just happy and proud that I was a close longtime friend of Elvis' and we both shared each others lives with the other original MM. I'm equally as proud to have had the opportunity to do things for him that made his life and career more enjoyable for him and better. I'm also happy that he was aware of things I did and was very verbally appreciative of it.
How sad and miserable George's life must be that he has to constantly lie about things. It's a shame he can't be happy just to have been a good friend of Elvis' instead of coming up with the lies to either make the fans or himself look and feel better about him.
Marty goes on to say: This is exactly how it happened word for word, blow by blow and Sonny and Lamar are my witnesses. Unfortunately Felton is no longer with us or he'd verify it. Chips has publicly stated a number of times that it was me who did it.
The time was the evening of Thursday January 9, 1969 the day after Elvis' birthday. We were sitting in what is now known as the Jungle Room although we called it The Den. Elvis was sitting in the big chair next to the window facing the waterfall stone wall. Felton Jarvis was sitting on an ottoman in front of and facing Elvis. On the couch next to Elvis' chair sat George Klein, Lamar Fike and Sonny West. I was sitting in the chair up against the
wall to the left of them.
Much to my chagrin Felton was discussing with Elvis about his session coming up the next Monday in Nashville and Felton was asking Elvis what musicians he wanted. Because I was tired of Elvis continuing to record with those same old tired Nashville musicians who were primarily country and played the same old licks on almost every record I wanted Elvis to record with Chips Moman and his American Studio rhythm section because after becoming part of the Memphis Music Industry a couple of years before then I had quickly realized how creatively great those guys were which is why by that time they had produced over 100 big hits in that tiny studio using the same six man rhythm section. It's also where I produced Rita Coolidge's,(who I had discovered and signed to my new record label) first couple of hits using those guys. I felt that Elvis and them would be a perfect match because they all came from the same southern background. I just wanted Elvis to once again have big hit records and be back on top of the charts where he belonged.
So while listening to Felton, I unconsciously was shaking my head back and forth as if to say, "Oh NO not again!"
Elvis saw me and looked over and said,"What the hell's wrong with you?" I once again, as I had mention Chips to him before said,"I just wish for once you'd try Chips Moman and his rhythm section, they're great Elvis." he gave
me his usual answer, "Maybe someday." Not once did George make a peep. The comment George makes in the book about none of us would speak up to Elvis because he gets mad, is a crock. That was solely George's mentality because he was scared that if he said something Elvis might not like it and cut George off when it was gift giving time. Some of the rest of us original guys had no problem suggesting things to Elvis especially if we thought it would benefit him. Most of all we weren't there for gifts or money.
Just then Lottie the maid came out of the kitchen and said dinner was ready. Everyone got up to go in the dining room but me because I did not want to go in there and listen to them discuss the Nashville session. Elvis said to me,"C'mon, let's go eat." I told him I wasn't hungry and he knew I was lying because he knew I never saw a meal I didn't like,especially steak which was being served that night. So I kept sitting in the chair talking to myself
about that session.
It wasn't more than thirty seconds when Felton came out and said, "Elvis wants to see you in the dining room." I told him,"With all due respect Felton I have no desire to sit there and hear any more about your Nashville session." He then said,"No, Elvis wants to cut in Memphis." I asked if he was kidding me and he said no. With that I was out of that chair in a flash and in the dining room. With Felton standing next to me I said to Elvis,"Is
he kidding me, you want to cut in Memphis?" he said,"Yes, but I have to start Monday night." He then said,"You and Felton set it up with Chips Moman."
Felton and I went to the front hallway to the phone and I called the studio,they told me Chips was at home so I called him there. I said, "Lincoln,(his real name), do you still want to cut Elvis", he said, "Hell yes." I then said,"Well you got him but you have a problem. He has to start Monday night and you already have Neil Diamond booked." Chips said,"Screw Neil, he'll just have to be postponed." I then told him the session had to be a closed one and nobody who does not have anything to do with it cannot be invited. He said,"No problem, you can handle that." He said that even though I was not working for him at that time I didn't become General Manager of the studio until a few months later when he asked me to. I then handed the phone to Felton who made the financial deal with Chips on behalf of RCA.
When he got through with that we went and sat at the table where I sat next to Elvis on the right. The chair that George now says Elvis told him to sit in. I waited until he finished eating and then I said, "Elvis would you do me a favor?" He asked what. I then said, " With this session you're gonna have a great and talented producer and some of the most creative and talented musicians, the sound of the studio is fantastic and we all know you
can sing, would you please get some good songs this time?"He looked at me and said, "Well I was waiting to finish eating and then I wanted you to come upstairs and listen to some new songs by this new songwriter, Scott Davis."that was Mac Davis' real first name. We went upstairs to his room and he played a tape of songs to me and the guys including, "In The Ghetto" and "Don't Cry Daddy." I was happy because they sounded like hits to me. there was also another song I liked called,"Home" but he didn't do that one, I wish he did.
That is the full and complete story of how Elvis got to record at American Studios in 1969.
Unfair comments made about the Kings Ranson Exhibit and Sonny West: Marty is also angry about a review of the Kings Ranson Exhibit:
I read with interest your article on Friday (8th) regarding Elvis Matters review of the Kings Ransom exhibit in Vegas and I think it was totally unfair and a dis-service to the efforts of two super Elvis fans and genuine nice guys, Russ Howe and Bud Glass.
These two guys have collected good Elvis memorabilia over the years even though they have regular jobs just like everyone else and had very little money to pay the exorbitant prices for memorabilia that some have charged. All they wanted to do is provide fans and the public a regular opportunity to see some of Elvis' stuff but most of all their efforts have really been to help keep Elvis' memory alive.
I would like to recommend that anyone who visits Vegas and has any slight or great interest in Elvis and his life should go see the Exhibit and I'm kind of surprised at Elvis Matters for downing it.
As for their remark that Sonny is a traitor, they need to grow up and get real! Sonny is not a traitor and he's someone who put his life on the line for Elvis for many years and his great love for Elvis has not diminished one iota since then. A traitor for telling the truth in hopes that Elvis would stop doing what he was doing to himself? There should have been more willing to do it.
EIN Note: Marty's perspective on the Kings Ransom Exhibit is supported by others who have posted on the message boards.
Elvis' 40 Greatest - Masters and Outtakes: Based on the legendary 70´s pink vinyl album.
Now for the very first time on a stunning 2 cdr set!!
- 4 page full color booklet
- over 30 alternate versions, many hard to find!
- limited edition of only 300 copies
- red cd (bottom) with vinyl look of original lp release (front)
CD 1: My Baby Left Me – Master/Heartbreak Hotel – February 11, 1956 (Live, new edit) ( UNRELEASED)/Blue Suede Shoes – February 11, 1956 (Live)/Hound Dog- September 9, 1956 (Live)/Love Me Tender – October 28, 1956 (Live)
Got A Lot O Livin’ To Do – Take R-13 (finale)/Teddy Bear – Master/Party – Alternate Master/All Shook Up – Master, including count in/Old Shep – Take 5/Don’t - Master, including count in/Hard Headed Woman – Master/King Creole – Take 18/Jailhouse Rock – take 5/A Big Hunk O’Love – take 1/I Got Stung – Take 11/One Night of Sin – alternate version/A Fool Such As I – Take 8/I Need Your Love Tonight – Take 14
CD 2: Stuck On You – Take 1/Fever – Take 1/It’s Now Or Never – Take 1/Are You Lonesome Tonight? – Spliced Take, including false start ( UNRELEASED/Wooden Heart – Take 1/Surrender – Take 7/His Latest Flame – Take 4/Wild in the Country – Take 13/There’s Always Me – Take 4/Rock A-Hula Baby – Take 3/Can’t Help Falling in Love – Take 24/Good Luck Charm – Take 1/She’s Not You – Take 2/Return To Sender- Master/Devil in Disguise – Take 3/Crying in the Chapel – Take 2,3 (master)/Trouble/Guitar Man – Take 7/Don’t Cry Daddy – August 13, 1970 (Live)/In the Ghetto - August 13, 1970 (Live)/Suspicious Minds - August 12, 1970 (Live)/There Goes My Everything – Take 1 (News, Source: EP Gold)
'Elvis 75' climbs the UK Chart: Thanks to Brian Quinn who reports: 'Elvis 75' now Top 15 on the UK Midweek Album Chart. |
DVD Town's managing editor, James Plath, shares his top Elvis movie picks: I grew up in Chicago in the '50s and '60s, when movies cost 50 cents and you saw a double feature--an A movie paired with a B movie, usually. The cool thing was that the ushers didn't clear the theater after the second film ended. If you decided to watch the first movie over again, you could stay there and catch a third film for the same 50 cents. And there were two box-office stars that every kid in the neighborhood couldn't wait to see: John Wayne and Elvis Presley, The Duke and The King. The thing about Elvis was, if you actually wanted to see him perform instead of just listening to him on your hi-fi record players, you had to go to the movies. He wasn't doing concerts at the time, so that made the films feel extra special, like a
Hollywood premiere, even in your local neighborhoods. There was all sorts of buzz in the audience. |
The kid from Tupelo, Mississippi who became known as The King of Rock 'n' Roll or just "The King" would have been 75 [this week] if he hadn't died at the relatively young age of 42. I was too young to have seen his debut performance on "The Ed Sullivan Show," but old enough to remember when Elvis went into the Army and got out again.
I don't know if there's a support group for it, but I'll admit that I'm an Elvis fan--not necessarily the albums, but certainly the movies. Sure, they were formulaic and light entertainment, but they were like comfort food. Some movies looked great but turned out to be crap, but with Elvis you knew what you were going to get: some songs, a few "girls," a few fisticuffs, and a chip-on-the-shoulder swinging, singing hero that made you forget your own problems for an hour and a half.
Elvis once said that his favorite leading lady was Shelley Fabares, and I'd have to agree with that. In "Clambake" they really seem at ease with each other, even more so than in "Girl Happy." But if I'm objective, or try to be, other movies are ultimately better.
If Presley's 75th suddenly makes you want to go out and rent an Elvis movie, here's my top 10:
1) "King Creole" (1958). Combine The King's sneer with a little film noir and New Orleans atmosphere and you get a dramatic movie that has more substance than most of the light-hearted strum-and-fun stuff. Presley plays a drop-out who gets a job as a saloon singer but gets involved with a local mob boss (Walter Matthau) and his gun moll (Carolyn Jones). Throw in Dean Jagger as his no-account father and you have a pretty good film. Elvis once said this was his favorite film; I and others agree. How wrong can you go when your director is Michael Curtiz ("Casablanca")?
2) "Jailhouse Rock" (1957). Before Cool Hand Luke there was Elvis as an ex-convict anti-hero who sings his way to the top, thanks and no-thanks to a fellow ex-con and conniving manager (Mickey Shaughnessy) and a woman from a recording label (Judy Tyler) who may want more than his tunes. An iconic film. Tyler was killed just days after filming ended, and so Presley refused to watch the film.
3) "Flaming Star" (1960). Count me among those who think Elvis turned in one of his best acting performances in this non-musical western, in which he plays a mixed blood named Pacer Burton. "I Dream of Jeannie" star Barbara Eden appears along with Dolores Del Rio in this story of a man caught between two worlds--the raiding Kiowas of his mother, and the ranchers of his father's world.
4) "Viva Las Vegas" (1964). Elvis's biggest box-office hit starred Ann-Margret in the female lead in a story about a race-car driver who finds romance with a swimming instructor and ends up competing with a count (Cesare Danova) in a Grand Prix. Another iconic Presley vehicle, and high-energy too. It's race cars a-go-go in this classic Elvis girl-flick songfest.
5) "Blue Hawaii" (1961). The soundtrack from this movie was Elvis's most successful chart album, and Angela Lansbury stars as his "mum" in this story that has it all: the exotic location, the wholesome girl, the trampy one trying to steal him away, and (in this film) a girlfriend thrown in for good measure. Elvis plays the son of a pineapple baron who returns from a stint in the Army hoping to avoid Daddy's footsteps.
6) "Girls! Girls! Girls!" (1962). The only Elvis film to be nominated for a Golden Globe is a regular tune-fest with a few tuna thrown in, as Elvis plays a fishing boat captain trying to earn enough money to buy the sailboat his father once made. Heck, the scene in which Elvis performs "Return to Sender" in a nightclub makes it worth watching. Another sneering Elvis goes up against a boat baron (Jeremy Slate) and juggles two girls (Stella Stevens and Laura Goodwin). If I throw my objective critic's judgment out the window, this is my sentimental favorite.
7) "G.I. Blues" (1960). In a variation of "Guys and Dolls," an Elvis stationed in Germany ends up betting he can bed cabaret singer-dancer Juliet Prowse. Some good songs, too--the soundtrack spent two years on the Billboard charts!--including "Blue Suede Shoes."
8) "Clambake" (1967). This one is the Rodney Dangerfield of Elvis films, and yet the title song is one that no one can get out of their heads, and the plot--a version of The Prince and the Pauper--is entertaining enough. Elvis plays the son of an oilman who swaps places with a water skiing instructor (Will Hutchins) and ends up competing in a boat race against a millionaire (Bill Bixby) for the ultimate trophy: Shelley Fabares.
9) "Follow That Dream" (1962). Shot in Florida, this film features Elvis as a laugh-out-loud naïve young man whose father (Arthur O'Connell) defiantly homesteads on an as-yet-unopened stretch of state highway, right by a river. When Elvis rejects the advances of a social worker (Joanna Moore), their makeshift family is jeopardized.
10) "Roustabout" (1964). Elvis plays a carnie in this one, with Barbara Stanwyck and Leif Erickson in charge of the traveling circus and Sue Anne Langdon and Joan Freeman providing the female interest. Elvis sings "Little Egypt" in the film's most rousing song.
They were formulaic and a little corny when they were released, but they were still entertaining. And that's the way they play today. Happy Birthday, Elvis, wherever you are.
(News, Source: Amber Smith)
Jackie Chan sings Elvis: Jackie Chan swapped martial arts for karaoke when he appeared on a US chat show.
The 55-year-old film star performed a rendition of Elvis Presley hit Can’t Help Falling in Love to mark what would have been the King’s 75th birthday.
The studio lights dimmed as Chan took the microphone from show host Ellen DeGeneres and burst into song.
After beginning the number in his seat, he soon stood up and received a standing ovation from the audience.
Chan appeared on DeGeneres’ show to promote new movie The Spy Next Door. (News, Source: Joanne Clements, m&c)
EIN Note: Apart from being a film icon, Jackie Chan is also a celebrated recording artist in Asia. He has released a number of best selling albums. Aussie fans will be interested to know that he spent a small part of huis younger days growing up in the national capital, Canberra. |
Elvis fans "all shook up" as he turns 75: Three Nikiski women are all about Elvis all the time, and they'll be celebrating the 75th anniversary of his birth tonight with a birthday dinner and cake. Yeah, they'll be listening to his hits too, but they do that all the time anyway. For Carolyn Gabbard (Alaska license plate 4ELVIS), her daughter Peggy Flatt (ELVIS1) and their friend Durainey Rawls (ELVIS2), the King of Rock 'n' Roll is more than a source of golden oldies. He's an inspiration. "I pretty much have something [about Elvis] in every room," Rawls said. "I even have an Elvis night light in my bedroom." Gabbard has two Elvis tattoos and goes to Graceland every other year, she says. Rawls is about to make her first trip and says it may be life-changing. (News, Source: and.com)
Elvis features in Decade Ending Australian Top 100 Singles and Albums lists: Elvis vs. JXL was the #36 best selling single in Australia, while on the Best Selling Album Chart, Elvis 30 #1 Hits ranked #70. (News, Source: ARIA)
Dutch newspaper releases Elvis DVD/CD box set: The Dutch newspaper 'De Telegraaf' is releasing a 5DVD+1CD box for the price of €19.95. The first 4 DVDs are filled with documentaries that are talking about Elvis life. De CD contains 30 of Elvis' biggest hits. Our special attention goes out to Disc 5...
It's possible that the producer did not watch this disc or we will have the most valuable collectors item ever. The content is presented as follows: A 60-minute concert where Elvis is performing his most famous hits with the help of great performers including Paul Anka, Lou Reed, Gladys Knight and many others. A legendary concert!. For sure a legendary concert if this were true...(News, Source: Elvis News/Elvis Matters)
Priscilla - "Elvis would still be singing....and preaching": Elvis Presley fans around the globe on Friday celebrated the late King's 75th birthday. There was joy. There were tears. If only he were alive! Were he, says his ex-wife, he'd still be singin' - and preaching. "I think Elvis would always be a part of music. . . . It was in his blood," Priscilla Presley told Matt Lauer yesterday on Today. She said the King of Rock would eschew rock: "I think that maybe he'd be going into gospel. Maybe even preaching a little bit. He loved to teach and loved the Bible." (News, Source: Philadelphia Inquirer)
Elvis to drive increase in Tupelo tourism: An Elvis Presley Memorial Foundation official says proposed new projects are intended to increase tourism to the city of Tupelo, Miss., where Presley was born.
Foundation Executive Director Dick Guyton said plans include adding a theater and other improvements to the 15-acre Elvis memorial that currently includes the Elvis Presley Birthplace, a church, a museum and a memorial chapel, The Memphis Commercial Appeal reported Saturday.
"We want to add some things that will continue to encourage people to come and see a part of the young Elvis," Guyton said of the plan to double the number of Elvis fans visiting Tupelo each year.
Guyton said the proposed projects require nearly $5 million in funding and could be completed as early as 24 months if approved, The Commercial Appeal said. |
Foundation President Henry Dodge said in a statement any additions should reflect the true nature of Presley, who died in 1977 and whose 75th birthday was marked Friday.
"Our mission is to reveal the early Elvis in a manner that is world class while remaining true to his simple and honest ways," Dodge said. (News, Source: UPI.com)
Blagojevich named Time magazine's No. 2 Elvis impersonator: TIME magazine, which has a history of not taking Elvis particularly seriously, has published this surprising story:
It's not quite the same as being named Time's "Man of the Year." But Rod Blagojevich just earned the distinction of being named the news magazine's No. 2 Elvis Presley impersonator.
The disgraced former governor finished behind Johnny Cash but ahead of Andy Kaufman. And how is the man who once dreamed of being in the White House taking the news?
"The governor is honored to have been named to this list by TIME," said publicist Glenn Selig, spokesman for Gov. Blagojevich. "He loves Elvis and being associated with him in this way is a real thrill."
The statement came in a news release trumpeting that "Blagojevich has added another accomplishment to his distinguished resume; TIME magazine has named him the second-best Elvis impersonator of all-time." Time didn't actually dub him the No. 2 of "all-time," but it did place him second in a list of "some of the best Elvis acts" in honor of the King¹s 75th birthday. The magazine also posted a video of Blagojevich making like a hound dog at a block party last summer.
"Blago -- who still faces federal corruption charges -- was paid for the performance, which, professional as it was, included the requisite hip-shaking and collar-popping. And of course, the hair," Time wrote. Don¹t be cruel.
New documentary on Smooth Radio UK: Smooth Radio is proud to announce a brand new three part documentary on Elvis Presley titled, “The Day I Met The King,” to be broadcast across three consecutive Sundays at 1pm on 10th, 17th and 24th January.
In this exclusive series, made in partnership with Todd Slaughter and The Official Elvis Presley Fan Club, we hear the giants of music and the hit makers from the last 50 years share their stories of meeting, working with and living with the greatest name in music, The King of Rock ‘n’ Roll: Elvis Presley.
Made to celebrate what would have been Elvis’ 75th birthday on January 8th “The Day I Met The King” is peppered with his incredible music and features fascinating interviews with the legendary names he inspired including Tom Jones, Sir Tim Rice, Robert Plant, Sir Paul McCartney and the late Johnny Cash all sharing their personal story of the day they met Elvis. We also hear from Priscilla Presley as she talks about what is was like living with the most famous man on the planet. The people who wrote his songs share their memories and along with those who acted alongside Elvis including Annette Day, who starred opposite him in the movie ‘Double Trouble’.
Since his death on August 16, 1977 Elvis’ legend has lived and grown to near biblical proportions in some places. He is still an inspiration to millions across the world and through his short life changed lives and the face of music forever. ‘The Day I Met The King’ offers a remarkable insight into the legend from those who knew him and is not to be missed.
Sundays at 1pm UK TIME on 10th, 17th and 24th January, across UK on regional fm stations, and DAB and on line: www.SmoothRadio.com (News, Source: Todd Slaughter/Elvis News)
Friday 8 January 2010.....................................................guess whose birthday it is??? |
Happy Birthday Elvis!!!
Today marks what would have been Elvis’s 75th birthday. The world’s media has again risen to the occasion and a significant number of Elvis articles, reviews and stories have been published in the lead up to 8 January. EPE is marking the milestone with a special commemoration ceremony at Graceland on "Elvis Presley Day" in Memphis and Sony has released a fitting 4CD tribute box set: Elvis 75 Good Rockin’ Tonight (read EIN’s detailed review here).
In cities all around the globe (Tokyo, London, Paris) special Elvis festivals are being held, television stations are showing Elvis movies and specials and radio stations are nostalgically again playing his records.
EIN hopes you enjoy the special set of 25 news, commentary, articles and photos we are publishing today to mark what is a special Elvis birthday.
Where Elvis goes in the remaining 25 years of his first century is a story yet to be told but today we can all reflect , smile, and enjoy the wonderful music, memories and personal impact that Elvis has had on each of us and the world at large. Thanks Elvis! (Source: EIN)

New FTD soundboard: A Minnesota Moment will be released on February 15, 2010. It features Elvis’ live performance on October 17, 1976 at Metropolitan Sports Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Bonus songs are from Dayton and Sioux Falls on the same tour. This release continues FTD’s ambition to make shows available from as many of Elvis’ tours as we possibly can. (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited)
Track listing: Also Sprach Zarathustra; See See Rider ; I Got A Woman / Amen; Love Me; If You Love Me (Let Me Know); You Gave Me A Mountain; Jailhouse Rock; All Shook Up; (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear / Don’t Be Cruel; And I Love You So; Fever; Steamroller Blues; Introductions/Early Mornin’ Rain; What’d I Say /Johnny B. Goode; Love Letters; School Days; Hurt; Hound Dog; One Night; It's Now Or Never; Mystery Train/Tiger Man; Funny How Time Slips Away; Can’t Help Falling In Love.
BONUS CUTS: Fairytale ; America; Hawaiian Wedding Song; Blue Christmas; That’s All Right
No artist of the last 60 years covered a wider range of music. A guide to the best, and the worst.: Hard to believe, but the same guy who recorded a masterpiece like "Mystery Train" also gave us the maudlin "Old Shep." Remember that one? It's a tear-jerker about a boy and his dying dog.
Elvis Presley put everything he had into both songs, and his version of "Mystery Train" eclipses even Junior Parker's original as one of the greatest rock 'n' roll recordings. But even the King couldn't breathe life into a dog like "Shep."
Elvis was like that: the ruler of all he surveyed in one song, a misguided crooner in the next.
On the 75th anniversary of his birth Friday, Presley remains a monumental and monumentally perplexing figure.
When he finally found his voice at Sun Studios in Memphis in 1954 (after more than a year of failed attempts there under the tutelage of producer Sam Phillips), he became one of the key figures in rock 'n' roll, and the type of celebrity icon that comes along only a few times a century.
(Photo courtesy of Joan Gansky) |
No artist of the last 60 years covered a wider range of music, from gospel and Tin Pan Alley tunes to raw blues and bluegrass. Presley put the music of lounge crooner Dean Martin and R&B shouter Arthur Crudup on the same plane, because he loved both.
He had great taste in songwriters and stylists (Rodgers and Hart, Hank Williams, Ray Charles, Roy Brown, Bill Monroe), except when he didn't. Careers have been ruined by covering songs such as "Do the Clam," co-written by Dolores Fuller, ex-girlfriend of B-movie director Ed Wood Jr.: "Everybody's got that beat/Well, listen to those happy feet." But for Presley it was just another in a string of top-40 hits.
Presley died at age 42 in 1977, but he left behind a trove of music that is continually recycled, refurbished, repackaged and resold to a public that apparently can't get enough of him.
The most recent collection is "Elvis 75: Good Rockin' Tonight" (RCA/Legacy), a decent four-CD overview of his career that nonetheless finds it necessary to include such trifles as the 2002 dance remix of "A Little Less Conversation."
Amid the hundreds of Presley recordings available, land mines abound. Though no collection should be without some of his music, there's plenty that should be avoided at all costs. Here are the dos and don'ts of Elvis music: (News, Source: Greg Kot, Chicago Tribune)
Birthday Event Guide: If you are making your way to Memphis for the 75th birthday celebration, you’ll want to be sure and download the 2010 Birthday Week Event Guide in advance of your trip to check out off all the details surrounding the special events planned for the week.
The collectible event guide cover features a specially commissioned painting of Elvis is part of Graceland’s 2010 tourism marketing campaign.
Also included in this event guide are exciting news articles with details of the year long 75th birthday celebration at Graceland and around the world.
Go to Elvis.com to download this guide. (News, Source: Elvis News/EPE) |
Elvis in Memphis media: The newest issue of KEY magazine is out in Memphis. The cover reads, Celebrating the 75th Birthday Of The King Of Rock & Roll! Be sure to pick it up while in Memphis, and bring one home for a friend who was unable to travel to Memphis for the birthday celebration!
Also, the latest edition of the Memphis Flyer is packed with Elvis! GK & EP grace the front cover and the cover story is about GK's new book, Elvis My Best Man. There also is a story about the birthday cake EPE has chosen for the celebration, a complete line up of Elvis events and a very nice ad from SUN Studios wishing Elvis a happy birthday!
(News, Source: Elvis Unlimited)
Elvis fails to make final Top 10 Poll in Madison Square Garden ‘best concert’ vote: It appears the time of Elvis fans rising to the occasion to support Elvis in online polls is passing. Several years ago more than 1 million votes for Elvis were cast in the Person of the Century poll run by TIME magazine. Elvis came from nowhere to blitz the field. Sadly, one of the King’s greatest moments, his four sold out shows at New York’s legendary Madison Square Garden (MSG), have failed to make the final Top 10 vote to determine the #1 show at the Garden, despite many of the major Elvis websites urging fans to vote. Michael Jackson supporters appear to have taken over the mantle of the most zealous fans with a very well organised and strong campaign giving Jackson the top two spots by a wide margin over Led Zeppelin.
With acts such as the Village People, Duran Duran and Peter Gabriel polling above Elvis in the MSG vote, and his slipping performance in a number of other online polls, Elvis’ appearance at or near the top of polls no longer seems a certainty. Even Barbra Streisand received a greater vote than Elvis. While most polls are unimportant this was not the case with the MSG vote which was a one-off event by an iconic entertainment and sporting venue.
The Top 20 MSG shows were:
1. Michael Jackson 1988 29.1%
2. Michael Jackson 2001 28.6%
3. Led Zeppelin 1973, 12.3%
4. Whitney Houston 1987, 11.9%
5. Janet Jackson 1990, 4.5%
6. Barbra Streisand 1994, 2.1%
7. Phil Collins 1985, 1.82%
8. Duran Duran 1984, 1.81%
9. Peter Gabriel 1986, 1.80%
10 Village People 1979, 1.79%
11. Elvis Presley 1972 1.10%
12. Luther Vandross 1991 0.81%
13. Mariah Carey 1995, 0.78%
14. Celine Dion 1998, 0.70%
15. Rolling Stones 1975, 0.13%
16. Shakira 2006, 0.06%
17. Christina Aguilera 2007, 0.059%
18. Dixie Chicks 2003, 0.058%
19. Jay-Z 2009, 0.058%
20.Concert for Bangladesh, 0.058%
King vs. King: Debating Elvis Presley's best songs: No matter how you approach the King, it's always wise to head back toward his music. Listening to Elvis -- really listening, not just letting those famous songs go by in the background, as they have for so many years -- can still startle. He was one of rock's most adventurous singers, unafraid to hit dangerous notes and make a racket. He could take those risks because he was gifted with a voice so majestic that it became the aural equivalent of a national monument. And in doing so, he became a prime mover in pop's transformation during the rock era, the icon of a youthquake and a sonic revolution. |
So, to honor Elvis the musician, let's have a rumble about which songs of his were the best. For the next few days, I'll sample from the new boxed set "Good Rockin' Tonight" , pitting song against song in the ultimate cage match of King versus King. We'll start with Presley's very first single, two sides recorded and released on Sun Records in the summer of 1954. Which was better, his version of "That's All Right" or "Blue Moon of Kentucky"?
After the jump, I hand the belt to....
"Blue Moon of Kentucky"
I can hear the serious Elvisheads groaning out there. "That's All Right," Presley's take on the Arthur Crudup blues "That's All Right, Mama," is one of rock's Big Bangs, a rendition so bright and powerful that it seems to smash a hole in the space-time continuum. And I do love it. Elvis comes on like a thoroughbred in it, starting out in a high register with the urgency of someone straining to move faster than his body will allow. He's having a blast playing cat-and-mouse with Scotty Moore as the musician tosses out guitar lines. He's young and feeling his own heat. It's a thrill. He's less sure of himself with "Blue Moon of Kentucky." Elvis feels his way into the song by repeating its first two words a few times, an indication that this was an improvisation, a choice made in the studio when nobody could figure out what to do to follow up "That's All Right." (Bill Black, on bass, suggested it.)
Finally he gets on board as the band jumps and rolls behind him. His delivery is throaty, a little bit mannered. He's turning the high lonesome wistfulness of Bill Monroe into something like the blues, and he might be feeling slightly naughty about it. But that's why "Blue Moon" wins, in my book. "That's All Right" turns Crudup's grown-up jump blues into something sleeker and harder: a teenage speed machine. It's a beautiful trick, but not as difficult to pull off as making
Monroe's courtly, wistful slice of homegrown sentiment into something funnier, rougher and dirtier -- into the blues. To me, that seems more daring. And when I listen to the two back to back, Elvis, Scotty and Bill sound like they're having more fun taking that chance.
Am I nuts? (News, Source: Ann Powers,
L.A. Times)
Willie Mitchell has died: Marty Lacker has advised EIN of this sad news:
Famed Record Producer and recording artist Willie Mitchell died in Memphis on Wednesday morning at the age of 81.
Willie had instrumental hits as an artist because he was a talented trumpet player and band leader. One of his big hits was called 2075. He also produced all of Al Green's hits. He produced Ike & Tina Turner,Ann Peebles and many other great R&B artists at his Hi/Royal Studios in Memphis. He currently was working on records with John Mayer and a new album with Solomon Burke.
His connection to Elvis goes back to the 60's when Willie used to provide the talent for Elvis' annual New Years Eve parties at the Manhattan Club and T.J's in Memphis.
Willie was one of the nicest and good human beings I have ever met and he and I were very good friends.
EIN’s Elvis Quick Quiz – Test your Elvis knowledge in our 20 question quick quiz:
Q1: What was the name of Elvis’ first #1 single with RCA? (Heartbreak Hotel)
Q2: Elvis appeared on The Ed Sulllivan Show (Toast of the Town) on 3 occasions. On one occasion he was filmed from the waist up due to his scandalous pelvic movements. Was it during his 1st, 2nd or 3rd appearance on the show? (3rd)
Q3: On what date was Elvis inducted into the Army? (24 March 1958)
Q4: What was the original title of Elvis’ first movie, Love Me Tender? (The Reno Brothers)
Q5: What was the name of Elvis’ first single release after his discharge from the Army in 1960? (Stuck On You/Fame andFortune)
Q6: In what movie did Elvis play a boxer? (Kid Galahad)
Q7: What was the name of Elvis’ favourite Palamino horse? (Rising Sun)
Q8: Elvis was only officially married once, to Priscilla. In the early 1990s a second (bogus) marriage certificate dating from 1948 was discovered. Who was Elvis supposed to have married? (Mary Magdalene)
Q9: Which Elvis album features a satellite and Elvis’ name in different languages on its cover? (Aloha From Hawaii)
Q10: What was Colonel Parker’s birth name and where was he born? (Andreas Cornelius van Kuijk; Breda, Holland)
Q11: Who was Elvis’ female co-star in Charro? (Ina Balin)
Q12: In the US what was Elvis’ last #1 hit single during the 1960s? (Suspicious Minds)
Q13: Who wrote the two volume Elvis biography Last Train to Memphis and Careless Love? (Peter Guralnick)
Q14: What popular nickname did the media give Elvis in the 1950s? (Elvis the Pelvis)
Q15: King Creole, the movie, was based on what Harold Robbins novel? (A Stone for Danny Fisher)
Q16: Which entrepreneur bought the marketing rights to Graceland and Elvis EPE licensed merchandise? (Robert Sillerman)
Q17: What was the title of Elvis’ 2nd LP release on RCA Records? (Elvis)
Q18: Name 3 countries outside the USA that Elvis physically set foot on. (Canada; Scotland; Germany; France)
Q19: Who said “Before Elvis there was nothing”. (John Lennon)
Q20: Which proposed RCA LP from the early 1970s was finally released by Sony’s Elvis Collector’s label (Follow That Dream – FTD) last year?
(Standing Room Only)

Elvis Artwork by Chellaf
“Elvis is still out there as an important cultural figure” who offers something different to each fan. “For some, he will always be the rockabilly rebel from the 1950s, for other’s he’s very much the Las Vegas Superstar.
For some he is the patriotic American who went into the military in the late 1950s and for others he’s sort of a good-old-boy gospel singer.” (Erika Doss, Professor of American Studies, University of Notre Dame)
As Elvis turns 75, perspectives on the King... |
“The way Elvis combined these influences [country and gospel] to create a new sound had a lasting effect on music.
It’s so central to our musical vocabulary, the idea of borrowing from other genres or literally creating remixes or mash-ups. That’s really in our DNA now.” (Jeff Melnick, Associate Professor of American Studies, Babson College, Massachusetts)
“Argentine Elvis” dies: The Argentine musician Sandro, an early Latin American rocker who matured into a ballad singer, has died aged 64. He died from complications from heart and lung transplant surgery, doctors at a hospital in the western Argentine city of Mendoza said.
The singer, whose real name was Roberto Sanchez, began his rock career in the 1960s in the style of Elvis Presley and was dubbed the "Argentine Elvis". He later developed into a ballad singer with a distinctive style and a strong following across Latin America. |
Gyrating hips - Among his hits were Asi and Dame Fuego. In all, he recorded dozens of albums and starred in 16 films. He was the first Latin American artist to sing at Madison Square Garden in New York in the 1970s. Early in his career his dancing style, with its Elvis-style pelvic thrusts, scandalised conservative opinion, and his first TV performance triggered protests.
As a member of rock band Los de Fuego, at one performance the lead singer lost his voice and Sandro stepped in and was an instant hit with fans. He eventually went solo after gaining a reputation as Argentina's answer to Elvis Presley with his gyrating hips and provocative dance moves. In 2005 the singer collected a career achievement award at the Latin Grammys.
His health had been poor since he underwent transplant surgery in November because of chronic lung disease. The musician put his illness down to a lifelong smoking habit.
"I am to blame for the condition that I am in. I deserve it, I sought it out. I picked up this damn cigarette," said Sandro in one of his final interviews to a Buenos Aires radio station. (News, Source: BBC News)
An Elvis cover band like none other: On a certain level, Elvis Bossa Nova is the perfect band name. As guitarist James Robertson puts it, “It embodies everything that we're trying to do, and the simplicity of it is great. In terms of explaining ourselves to anybody, it's exactly what it is. And it has a nice ring to it.”
At the same time, the glibness of the name undercuts the music a bit, because there's more to Elvis Bossa Nova than just Elvis Presley tunes played in a bossa nova style. Strictly speaking, there's only one actual bossa nova on the band's debut disc, Hi, I'm Elvis Bossa Nova , which is released on Friday and is the band's version of Blue Moon . “There are only so many bossa novas you can play in a night,” says Robertson, over brunch with bassist Brian Kobayakawa in Toronto's Little Portugal.
“Especially if you're a bunch of guys who don't play a lot of bossa nova.”
Instead of setting everything to the same sinuous Brazilian pulse, the band draws from a broader palette of Latin rhythms. Not only does that add rhythmic variety to the music, it keeps the album from sounding like the product of a one-joke band. That's important, given that Elvis Bossa Nova started off as a goof. Three years ago, Robertson and Kobayakawa were playing the Dakota Tavern with a now-defunct band called Palomino. On the jukebox was the original Sun recording of Elvis Presley covering the bluegrass ballad Blue Moon , a recording Robertson considers “the greatest thing” in recorded music.
“I'd put it up there with Beethoven, the second movement of his Third Symphony , and What a Wonderful World , the Louis Armstrong version,” he says. “I think it's that good.”
They decided to take a crack at the tune themselves, but rather than merely try to imitate Elvis, they asked themselves what could they do to have fun with the tune? “Bossa nova seemed like a good idea to put to that particular song,” he says, and the idea for the band was born.

In addition to Kobayakawa, who is also part of the Creaking Tree String Quartet, Robertson corralled three others from the city's vibrant jazz and folk scenes. There's vibraphonist Michael Davidson from the band Hobson's Choice; drummer Jake Oelrichs, who like Robertson is in Run with the Kittens; and percussionist Roman Tomé, who has recorded with jazz singer/pianist Elizabeth Shepherd. As de facto leader, it was up to Robertson to pick the tunes and forge the arrangements, a task for which he had an unexpected advantage: near-complete ignorance of Elvis and bossa nova.
“I didn't know the first thing about Latin music,” he says, laughing. “Or, really, about Elvis music. So I had no idea what I was doing.”
Because they arrived at the music with limited preconceptions, the five avoided the trap of sticking too close to their sources, which in turn allowed Elvis Bossa Nova to flower into something strikingly original. “In the initial stages, we were worried about it sounding like proper Latin music,” says Kobayakawa. “Since then, it has just become about trying to make good music, whether that influence is in there or not.”
Of course, given the enduring potency of Elvis Presley's music and mythos, the EBN crew have encountered more than a few folks who don't quite get the concept. “When we first started, at least once a week someone would call up and ask, ‘Well, do they ever have a singer?' Thinking that we might be a karaoke band,” says Robertson.
“I don't worry about it,” he adds. “I get excited by the way people instinctively respond to this band. It's fun seeing people react.” Elvis Bossa Nova performs in Toronto tonight at the Lula Lounge and every Sunday at The Local Pub. (News, Source: JD Considine, Globe and Mail)
Elvis 75 in 'midweek' UK Top 30: 'Elvis 75' now sits at No.21 on the midweek chart in the UK. This is a 344% increase since it's release on Monday having sold 4,813 copies.
Apparently positions 21 down to 15 are very close and apart from 'Elvis 75' their sales are dropping. Elvis could eventually get near the Top 10 by the end of the week.
SONY tell us that the reason for the album being released to a couple of supermarket chains before Christmas was that they could not put it on sale until next week (11th) and that would have been too late for the TV marketing campaign...Thanks go to Brian Quinn. (News, Source: Elvis Express Radio) |
Why Elvis Presley is still the king of rock and roll: It's a good story, it's a true story and it goes something like this.
It's the summer of '77 and the conflagration of punk rock is catching light all across the UK. But the molten core is still centred on the punk clubs of London's West End. At one, the Vortex on Wardour Street, the DJ interrupts the music that hot August night and announces Elvis Presley has died. A huge cheer goes up from spittle-flecked throng. Then, out of the baying crowd emerges Danny Baker, later a radio presenter of repute, then a young firebrand on the Sniffing Glue punk fanzine.
Taking the stage, Baker launches into an impassioned diatribe that silences the audience. He tells them they are cretins and that without Elvis there is no punk rock. He was right, as he so often is.
Without Elvis Aaron Presley, there is no rock, no roll, no disco, no heavy metal, no grunge or glitch or grindcore or any one of a million other fragmenting genres. Because pop music begins with Elvis, the King, who'd have been 75 on Friday. Maybe Elvis didn't invent rock and roll. The roots of the music were there in the blues stomping of a previous generation.
But it would have stayed obscure and marginal without Elvis. He took the backwoods music of black
America and made it global. And he did it with a musical talent, charisma and the most astonishing raw physicality that white America had ever seen.
After Elvis, Bill Black and Scotty Moore finished recording That's All Right, Mama at Sam Phillips' Sun Studios in 1954, bass player Black said "Damn. Get that on the radio and they'll run us out of town."
When it was played the reaction was astonishing. Kids besieged the station, demanding the record be played again. A week later, Sun Records had received 6,000 advance orders. Overnight almost, the teenager was invented and the rock era began. The early Elvis shows in Memphis nightclubs were not great successes. But as soon as he started playing where kids could see him, especially young girls, the effect was electrifying, frightening even.
It's become a standing joke that Elvis couldn't be filmed from the waist down for fear of what it might do to the girls. But watch early footage of him and you understand the establishment's fears. Elvis' movements are wild, primal, unmistakably sexual. Ask the purists and they'll tell you that almost straight away the establishment tamed Elvis. He signed to RCA records and went mainstream. |
Then he met a fairground huckster called 'Colonel' Tom Parker who became his manager. Parker would make him the most popular and successful entertainer in the history of showbusiness but at the price of losing his fire and his soul. Parker was born Andreas Cornelis van Kuijk in Holland, a fact he spent most of his life trying to deny.The dubious status of Parker's American birthright is probably what prevented Elvis playing abroad. It is said Parker worried that trying to get a US passport would have revealed his foreign birth and may even have had him deported.
Presley did tour Canada in 1957. But back then you did not need a passport to cross the US-Canadian border.
These were the only shows he performed outside the States. The nearest he reportedly got to us was two hours spent while his plane was refuelled at Glasgow's Prestwick airport in March 1960 during his military service. His time in the army has become part of the myth too. Before it he was raw sex and teen rebellion. Then they cut his hair, like Samson, and took away his powers.
He was never as good when he came out of the army, is the old timers' refrain. But they're wrong. The later Elvis was just as good, but different.
After leaving the army in 1960 he burst back on the scene with a guest slot on a Sinatra TV special.
The movie GI Blues was reasonably received and gave him a quirky hit with Wooden Heart. Increasingly his hits were from the string of silly, cheesy films the Colonel contracted Elvis to.
Tickle Me is as bad as it sounds. Harum Scarum may be the worst. Elvis the movie star kidnapped by an anti-Western Middle Eastern country. The turkey Easy Come, Easy Go was made in 1967 as the rock world exploded with creativity. New sounds, new styles, new faces. From Carnaby Street to San Francisco's Haight Ashbury, music is the soundtrack to a global party.
While the world grows its hair, tunes in, turns on and drops out Elvis is left looking like a hick with an unfashionable oily quiff left over from the last decade. Elvis the rebel is now Elvis the square.
But he was not finished yet. The following year Elvis stormed back. Clad in black leather and clutching a guitar he claimed his rightful place as the king of rock and roll. The 1968 Comeback Special was his first big TV appearance in eight years and the first live show for even longer. Parker had wanted him in a cardie singing religious songs. What we got was Elvis back to his sweating, snarling, sexy best. On 27 June 1968, on a stage the size of a boxing ring, he performs not so much Elvis Unplugged as Elvis Untamed.
The music is raucous and electrifying. Elvis is bathed in sweat, his hair hanging damply across his face. It is the antithesis of the Colonel Tom-sanctioned, glossy Hollywood product. It is a revelation. Truly, the return of the King. Elvis went on to make some of his best music in the next years. In January 1969, he recorded the brilliant From Elvis In Memphis. It was his first gold album since 1965 and set up classic singles such as Suspicious Minds and In The Ghetto.Even his final few films were something of an improvement.
It would be nice to say that the story from here on in was one long comeback. It could have worked out differently.
In a parallel universe, Elvis is revived by doctors that August morning. After a spell of recuperation and rehab, he renounces the drugs, sells Graceland and ditches the hangers-on. He immerses himself in music, begins making thoughtful country-tinged Americana. His live shows are a revelation and he wins multiple Grammies for his duets album with Morrissey (a huge fan), REM, Coldplay and Norah Jones. He visits Britain, falls in love with the place and, like his new friend Bob Dylan, buys a holiday home in the Western Highlands.
We know it didn't end like that. First there was the living death of the Vegas years where a pale, flabby ghost in tasteless clothes sleepwalked through his old hits. And finally it ended with a bloated, tragic, unhappy man dead on his bathroom floor. But we can dream, like he could dream. Happy birthday, Elvis. (News, Source: Stuart Maconie, mirror.co.uk)
Elvis Day cancelled: Mt. Rose-Ski Tahoe has canceled its Elvis Day originally scheduled for this Saturday and is replacing it with its community-appreciation day. Community appreciation day includes a Bavarian-theme beer garden at the Winters lodge, a snow-building contest, and a dual slalom race. Elvis Day, which has been held for more than a decade at the resort, was cancelled, according to Mike Pierce because the "event has run its course." (News, Source: rgj.com)
Yes, I guess they ought to name a drink after you, Elvis: I'm more of a bourbon drinker myself, but colleague Amy Wang sends along a release from the folks at Three O Vodka (Motto: Yes our motto is a predictable O face crack).
In honor of Elvis's would-be 75th birthday this Friday, January 8th, Three-O Vodka has put together a few cocktail recipes that will help you remember "The King."
For a more complete celebration, try pairing your cocktails with some of Presley's favorite foods - peanut butter & banana sandwiches, sweet potatoes, cheeseburgers, and burnt bacon.
Then check yourself into rehab. Because if you're washing down peanut butter and anything with vodka, you've got a problem. And I've had a bacon martini before (here), and it was foul. Enough about that. You want the recipes, don't you? (News, Source: Ryan White, The Oregonian) |
Jailhouse on the Rocks
2 oz. Three-O Mango Vodka
4 oz. Iced Tea
Mix in a glass filled with ice and garnish with lemon wedge |
Blue Suede Shooters
1 ½ oz. Three-O Cherry Vodka
¼ oz. black raspberry liqueur
¼ Blue Curacao
Shake with ice and strain into a shot glass |
All Shook Up
3 oz. Three-O Grape Vodka
½ oz. Blue Curacao
½ oz. grenadine
Splash club soda
Shake first 3 ingredients with ice and strain into a martini glass. Splash club soda and garnish with an orange wedge.
The Hound Dog
2 oz. Three-O Tomato Vodka
Top with Bloody Mary mix
Add a few dashes of hot sauce and sliced jalapenos
Mix in a glass filled with ice and garnish with speared peppers
Blue Suede Shooters. |
Strong ratings for Elvis on BBC2: JetBlack posted this news on the FECC board:
SATURDAY - BBC Two's Elvis week began at 8pm last night with documentary Elvis By The Presleys, seen by 2.35m (9.1%) over 90 minutes. Elvis: Black Leather - The '68 Comeback Special then drew 1.71m (6.9%) between 9.30pm and 10.20pm.
SUNDAY- 1.68m (5.9%) tuned in during the 9pm screening of Elvis in Vegas, which featured home movies and rare archive footage.
Global Chart Update:
United States:
Billboard 200:
• #167 (124) Christmas Duets
• # ---- (141) It’s Christmas Time
• # ---- (146) Elvis’ Christmas
Top Holiday Albums:
• #22 (26) Christmas Duets
• #40 (30) It’s Christmas Time
• #44 (32) Elvis’ Christmas
Hot Holiday Songs:
• #28 (21) Blue Christmas (Elvis Presley & Martina McBride)
Hot Digital Songs:
• # ---- (127) Blue Christmas
Yahoo Video:
• # ---- (15) Blue Christmas (Elvis Presley & Martina McBride)
Top Catalog Albums:
• #31 (22) Christmas Duets
• #47 (Re) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
• # ---- (27) It’s Christmas Time
• # ---- (29) Elvis’ Christmas
Top Country Catalog Albums:
** Not available this week**
Top 50 Country Albums:
• #28 (38) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
• # ---- (44) Christmas Peace
Top 100 Albums:
• #78 (34) Rockin’ With The King |
Top 250 Albums:
• # ---- (197) Greatest Hits
Top 40 DVDs:
• #25 (15) Elvis: The King Of Rock ’N’ Roll
• #37 (39) ’68 Comeback Special
Top 50 Catalogue Albums:
• #37 (43) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
Top 60 Albums:
• #21 (23) The Collection (7CD)
Top 10 Mid-price Albums:
• #3 (6) White Christmas
• #5 (7) Christmas Wishes
Top 10 Low-price Albums:
• #8 (Re) White Christmas
Top 40 Albums:
• # ---- (39) The Collection (7 CD)
Top 5 Mid-price Albums:
• #3 (3) Christmas Wishes
(News, Source: Source: Martin Arvidsson/FECC) |
King's Ransom Let Down: The new Las Vegas attraction which was promised to be a “multi million dollar collection”, and a must-see exhibition for every Elvis fan is in fact a serious let down. According to 'Elvis Matters', the 'Kings Ransom' put together by Russ Howe and Bud Glass held at the 'Imperial Palace' does not live up to the high expectations that the publicity promised.
"Where were the leather belts with the trademark double or triple chains? Where were the TCB necklaces, the guitars, the fifties jackets that Elvis wore during his numerous shows in the fifties? The army days, the Comeback show and Aloha from Hawaii were corner stones in Elvis’ career, but there’s no trace of them in this exhibition", says EM.
The only suit on display is that horrible black suit which we featured in the F.B.E.I list due to the claims that Elvis wore it on stage, which of course he did not. In reality the suit was by all accounts a gift to Elvis, there are no known photos of Elvis in the suit and it is doubtful he ever wore the it at all.
Apparently, the only other suits on display belonged to Johnny Cash, Dottie West, Jerry Lee Lewis, Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr...I would not be expecting to see these on display at an Elvis Exhibition, especially one titled, 'The Kings Ransom'. Another odd item is an old t-shirt once worn by....Sonny West! Or as Elvis Matters writes, "on display in Vegas is an old T-shirt worn by gossip writer, traitor and ex-friend Sonny West. Agreed, it could be worse – they could have put the gossip book “Elvis What Happened” on display too. But let’s not give the
Imperial Palace any ideas".
Are there any Elvis items on display at the 'Kings Ransom'? Well according to Elvis Matters, there is, and these are what you could call, the "highlights"....
* Stage rings,
* A cross worn on stage and given to a young fan
* Blue jacket Elvis wore in the movie Spinout ,
* A set of framed (but well-known) pictures by Ed Bonja
* A white Lincoln car which again has no picture of Elvis with the car.
Sounds like this Elvis exhibition is far from a "Kings Ransom" and sadly does not live up to the hype that the advance promotion promised! If you are in Vegas and fancy a visit, you can see it at the Imperial Palace, Las Vegas Boulevard, 3rd Floor, open daily 11-7. Tickets are 10.00 $US, but the Elvis Matters folks bought them at the door for just $US 5.00 each.
(News, Source: Elvis Express Radio/Elvis Matters)
Elvis` 75th birthday keeps his image, earnings shaking: Elvis Presley may have left the building nearly 33 years ago, but a raft of new events and books released this week to mark what would have been his 75th birthday ensure The King lives on — and so do his earnings.
Presley, who died in August 1977 aged 42, is one of the top earning dead celebrities, bringing in USD 55 million in 2009 according to Forbes.com and marketed by Elvis Presley Enterprises which entertainment mogul Robert Sillerman revitalized in 2005.
His birthday, on January 8, will be marked with a cake-cutting ceremony at his Graceland home, a new exhibit of his costumes, movie marathons, a Facebook application, a cruise later in the year, and a new Jailhouse Rock doll in the Barbie collection. |
Around the world other events are being held to mark the day, such as a gathering in the Australian town of Parkes where Elvis impersonators will don lame suits and perfect quiffs for an annual Elvis Festival despite temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius.
Three new books about the singer, whose life has been scrutinised in up to 50 other books, will also add fuel to the marketing flame in whose spotlight Presley remains young, hazing over his final years of battling poor health and weight gain.
Author Alanna Nash examined the role of the women in her fourth book on Presley, "Baby, Let's Play House," concluding an unhealthy bond with his mother, Gladys, and the loss of a stillborn twin brother set him up for doomed relationships.
"I think what he wanted from women was to be mothered but he only went out with younger women so that never happened," Nash told Reuters after interviewing a list of lovers, friends, co-stars ad family members for her book.
"But what really suprised me was that I found he remained emotionally aged about 15 to 17. I think this is why he continued to like 14-year-old girls and found a lot of happiness in mentoring them. He was stuck as a teenager himself."
A mother's love - George Klein, a DJ and TV host who outlines his friendship with Presley from 8th grade at school in "Elvis: My Best Man", said the importance of Presley's mother in his life could not be underestimated.
"She had a tremendous power over him. She was the reason he was so polite and such a gentleman. Elvis loved her to death and never argued with her. They had a tremendous bond," said Klein.
Presley's mother died in 1958 at the age of 46.
A third new book, "The King and Dr. Nick: What Really Happened To Elvis And Me," is by Dr George Nichopoulos, also known as Dr. Nick, who was Presley's personal physician for 11 years. The book is written with Rose Clayton Phillips.
Dr. Nick was in the spotlight after Presley's death from heart problems after taking a cocktail of prescription drugs. He had his license permanently suspended in 1995 after a medical board found he had overprescribed to numerous patients for years. |
Both Nash and Klein said his death was premature.
"It was a shame he didn't pay more attention to his health and his diet. I don't think he would have ever got off his perscriptions drugs but he could have lived longer if he had inproved his diet," said Nash.
Klein believes that Presley would never had died so young had his mother been around, saying the two people that had most to lose -- his manager "Colonel" Tom Parker and his father Vernon who worked for Elvis -- failed to help him.
"His father was scared Elvis would fire him or kick him out while Colonel Parker was all about making money. They kept their mouths shut and did not step up to help Elvis, not wanting to get into a confrontation with him and be cut off," said Klein.
"It would have been different if his mother had been there." (News, Source: Reuters)
Read EIN's detailed review of Baby, Let's Play House
Read EIN's interview with author Alanna Nash
Coming to EIN this month:
Dr. Nick speaks to EIN
'Suspicious Minds' - Elvis' Greatest Single?: 'Suspicious Minds' was released on August 26th 1969. While the NBC '68 TV Special, along with the single 'In the Ghetto' had pushed Elvis back to the forefront of popular culture, it would be the release of Elvis' last US Number 1 single that would ultimately prove to all the critics that Elvis was a still relevant contemporary musical force.
To celebrate the 40th anniversary EIN looks back in detail at the history of this classic song, including new interviews with Marty Lacker and Bobby Wood, as well as insights from composer Mark James and producer Chips Moman.
Go here for this fascinating spotlight
(Spotlight, Source; EIN) |
Legendary Producer Willie Mitchell Dies: Willie Mitchell, the Memphis producer whose percussive, string-and-horn-tinged R&B sound shaped '70s hits by such artists as Al Green and Ann Peebles, died Tuesday. He was 81.
In the 1970s, Mitchell was a principal in Hi Records and owned Royal Studios, where musicians such as drummers Al Jackson and Howard Grimes and guitarist Teenie Hodges plied their trade.
His biggest success came with Al Green, whom he guided through a number of '70s hits, including "I'm Still in Love With You," "Let's Stay Together," "Love and Happiness" and "Call Me." He also produced Ike & Tina Turner, Ann Peebles and many other great R&B artists at his Hi/Royal Studios in Memphis. (Photo Right; In the Studio Al Green & Willie Mitchell)
Marty Lacker comments, "He was currently working on records with John Mayer and a new album with Solomon Burke.
His connection to Elvis goes back to the 60's when Willie used to provide the talent for Elvis' annual New Years Eve parties at the Manhattan Club and T.J's in Memphis.
Willie was one of the nicest and good human beings I have ever met and he and I were very good friends". - Marty.
(News, Source;MartyLacker)
ELVIS Radio Specials on the BBC: There are FIVE great programmes available for podcasts on BBC Radi 2 as it celebrates Elvis' 75 Birthday: Listen to these latest programmes before their time runs out.
1. "Elvis: The Brand"
Paul Gambaccini explores Elvis Presley's undiminished fame and power as an American icon. 30 mins
2. "Rob Brydon's World of Elvis: The Las Vegas Years"
Rob Brydon explores the time Elvis spent in Las Vegas and his influence upon the city. 1 hour.
3. "Don't Start Me Talking...about Elvis"
Hear about 'The King', in the words of his fans. 30 mins.
4. "Elvis: Movie King or Celluloid Sellout?"
Paul Morley explores the movie career and overlooked film music of Elvis. 30 mins.
5. "Elvis and Dewey"
Paul Gambaccini tells the story of the pioneering DJ who helped to launch Elvis' career. 1 hour.
CLICK HERE to the Podcasts.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
EPE 'Birthday Event Guide' and Proclamation change: EPE have provided the Elvis Birthday Event Guide as a tempting download. They also add a Special Note about the possibilty of snow!
>> Due to the possibility of snow flurries and the large crowds expected for Elvis Presley’s 75th Birthday Proclamation Ceremony on January 8th, 2010, the proclamation event with Lisa Marie and Priscilla Presley has been moved from Graceland’s north lawn to Graceland Plaza which is directly across the street from the mansion on Elvis Presley Blvd. The ceremony will remain at 9:30AM CT and will be streamed on Elvis.com in addition to the EPTV network throughout Graceland Plaza and Heartbreak Hotel.
The collectible event guide cover features a specially commissioned painting of Elvis is part of Graceland’s 2010 tourism marketing campaign. Also included in this event guide are exciting news articles with details of the year long 75th birthday celebration at Graceland and around the world. More info here.
Click here to download the full PDF document. But Beware it is 7MG in size
(News, Source;EIN/EPE) |
Alanna Nash talks to EIN (Part 2): Today we publish the penultimate part of our absorbing interview with celebrated author, Alanna Nash. Alanna's latest book, Baby, Let's Play House Elvis Presley and the Women Who Loved Him (read book review), is released in the US tomorrow.
In the second part of her interview with EIN, Alanna talks about:
- the four most important women in Elvis' life
- the type of woman Elvis liked
- some of the women in Elvis' life most fans have not heard of
- Elvis' relationships with Cher, Nancy Sinatra, Petula Clark, Tanya Tucker and the late Karen Carpenter
- Joyce Bova - did she overstate her relationship with Elvis?
- did Elvis have a Madonna complex?
- the claim that Elvis did not spend much time with Lisa Marie!
- the two categories Elvis placed women into
- the last of the 14 year old girls Elvis mentored
- the "inner Elvis" and its importance to the Elvis story
- Jessie Garon and Elvis
- the day Elvis died........an important revelation!
Read Alanna's interview here |
Where have all the Elvis fans gone???: Let's show the true spirit of Elvis fans and VOTE for Elvis as the top performer at Madison Square Garden. See our article below and Vote for Elvis!!! |
Elvis at 75: Can we ever again see the performer, not the punch line?; One of the best articles EIN has read about "Elvis at '75".
From Mark Feeney of The Boston Globe.
Begin with two facts.
First, he was once beautiful, astonishingly beautiful, and that fact contributed so much both to the rapidity of his rise and the awfulness of his decline. Beauty was almost as important to his success as race was. Same voice, same talent, same songs sung by a white Fats Domino? The impact would have been nothing like what it was. Music created and drove the phenomenon that was Elvis, but it was only part of what made that phenomenon so overwhelming.....
Continue here to the full article & images.
(Spotlight, Source;Feeney/EIN) |
Marty Lacker talks about Elvis and The Grammys: Elvis' close friend Marty Lacker responded to our story (see yesterday news below) about the Wertheimer exhibition at the Grammy's museum. The lack of respect that Elvis received in his lifetime from this institution still upsets Marty Lacker to this day.
Marty Lacker > "Reading your story about the Elvis Grammys exhibit in a way makes my stomach turn because of the way the Grammys treated Elvis while he was alive and now they're acting like they have been/are his champion.
To begin with other than the Living Legend Award, the only Grammys Elvis ever won was for 2 or 3 of his Gospel Records. None of his records from the 50's or 60's, the ones that changed the world's music was ever awarded a Grammy. Even though they were some of the most important and biggest records in music history and if he hadn't come along there might not be any Grammys or much of today's music.
However the biggest injustice done by the Grammys happened in the early 70's. This story was told to us by Colonel Parker. He received a call from Pierre Cossette the longtime producer of the Annual Grammys Award Shows he told Parker that the
Grammys would like to present to Elvis A Lifetime Legend Award. Parker told them that was nice of them. Pierre then said,"We'd like Elvis to do one song on the show after we present him the award." Parker asked him how much they were paying. Cossette told him the Grammys (NARAS), which stands for The National Academy Of Recording Arts and Sciences, does not pay performers for performing on the Awards Shows. Parker then told him, Elvis does not perform without being paid and he couldn't guarantee that Elvis would be at the show either. Parker said Pierre then coughed and said he'd get back to him.
A week later, Parker got a call, this time from Pierre's assistant telling him that since Elvis wouldn't sing they no longer were going to give him the award. How petty and chickenshit was that?
During the 70's I had made a name for myself in the national music industry and in addition to that I was the co-founder of the Memphis NARAS Chapter, (Grammys) and I was on the National Board Of Governors of NARAS representing Memphis. One of my good friends, Ron Alexburg who at the time was VP of Columbia/Epic Records in NY, came to Memphis for a meeting with me and my partner as our company represented his records in the south. I told him the story and he got mad and he and I went on a tirade to NARAS about the shabby treatment to Elvis and that of all people he should get a Living Legend Award.
Two weeks later, on a Monday, when I received the big music magazine issues for the week, I open Cash Box magazine and lo and behold there's a picture of Bobby Vinton and national promotion man, Pete Bennett presenting Elvis The Living Legend Award on behalf of the Grammys in his Vegas dressing room. They didn't even have the decency to give it to him on the next awards show. I never told Elvis about what I did.
- -- I just wanted to set the record straight with the truth of the matter. - Marty, January 2010.
EIN thanks Marty for his contribution. Go here for more of Marty's insights.
(News, Source;EIN) |
'On Stage' Legacy Edition 2CD (RCA/Legacy): More information on EIN's story yesterday, from the Sony press release.
Our 75th birthday celebration continues with this 2CD set celebrating Elvis' platinum-selling 1970 live album On Stage.
Home to the hit single "The Wonder of You," On Stage has now been upgraded with new liner notes by Presley biographer Ken Sharp and rare photos from the peak of the artist's latter-day career.
The original album's 10-song tracklist is now expanded with three rarely performed songs from the same Las Vegas engagement that produced the album: "Don't Cry Daddy", "Kentucky Rain" and "Long Tall Sally."
The disc's final addition is a unique glimpse of Elvis working on his repertoire, as he runs through "The Wonder Of You" at an afternoon rehearsal, only hours before the original album recordings were done later that night.
The second disc in the On Stage: Legacy Edition package is a newly-
remastered version of Elvis' first live album, 'In Person' (originally released as one half of the From Memphis To Vegas - From Vegas to Memphis double album in November 1969). Six bonus tracks from the same August 1969 engagement during which the original album was recorded, are included. Like its partner On Stage, the album In Person has also been certified platinum by the RIAA.
This 2-CD set is a potent reminder that Elvis was enjoying one of many career peaks during these engagements in Las Vegas. During the August 1969 shows that yielded In Person, the artist prowled the stage like a panther and shocked audiences with his full-throttle intensity. Conceived similarly to his '68 Comeback Special, these tracks capture Elvis doing what he did best, but now with a full stage band and an hour-long setlist.
By the 1970 gigs that comprise On Stage, the artist now included songs of contemporary writers like John Fogerty ("Proud Mary"), Dion ("Runaway"), Joe South ("Walk a Mile In My Shoes"), Tony Joe White ("Polk Salad Annie") and even The Beatles ("Yesterday"). His choice in covers, alongside his own new material, signalled that Elvis no longer had to rely on his past, and that he was now as much a part of the contempary scene as anybody.
'EIN's Best of Elvis on YouTube' Festive Season Update: Still in the festive season, EIN presents a fabulous selection of Elvis Christmas clips & lots of holiday fun! EIN's clip of the month is 'Santa Bring My Baby Back (To Me)' live, Blue Christmas with Martina McBride,plus there is a sensational 'If I get home on Christmas Day', 'Holly Leaves And Christmas Trees' videos and lots more seasonal fun. And don't miss our great selection of Bonus clips including 'Are You Lonesome Tonight' Laughing version LIVE, lots of On Tour rehearsals the rockin' ‘Johnny B Goode’ plus 'Put Your Hand In The Hand' live at Aloha, and a very moving 'You'll Never Walk Alone'. Not to forget the fabulous 'Stranger In The Crowd' Rehearsal. Updated with more than 250 clips - enjoy your holidays with some great Elvis viewing. ('EIN's Elvis on YouTube', Source: EIN/YouTube)
Aussie chart update: On this week's ARIA Music DVD Chart, Elvis The King of Rock 'n' Roll slips 10 places to #25 after 86 weeks on the chart. The '68 Comeback Special rises two spots to #37 after 72 weeks on the chart. (News, Source: ARIA)
UPDATE - 'Record Collector' Magazine to feature Elvis: The always interesting music magazine The Record Collector is to feature an article 'Secrets of The King's Jukebox' in the February 2010 issue. Available at news stands all over the world on January 21, 2010.
What EIN notices is that a very similar article was published by Record Collector back in 2004 called "The King and Hi-Fi (secrets of Elvis' record collection)". We hope the new article is a major update.
Go here to see EIN's review of the similar article from August 2004.
(News, Source:EIN)
Elvis on UK TV this week - Don't miss it: In commemoration of Elvis' 75th birthday, British TV is showing various programs in honour of the King of music, starting this weekend.
Sunday 3rd
FIVE - 2:40pm - Viva Las Vegas
BBC 2 - 9:00pm - Elvis In Vegas
BBC 2 - 10:00pm - Aloha From Hawaii
Tuesday 5th
BBC 4 - 11:00pm - Elvis By The Presley’s Uncut (1 of 4)
Wednesday 6th
BBC 4 - 11:00pm - Elvis By The Presley’s Uncut (2 of 4)
Thursday 7th
BBC 4 - 11:00pm - Elvis By The Presley’s Uncut (3 of 4)
Friday 8th - ELVIS' Birthday
Sky Arts 1 - 9:00pm - Elvis ‘56
BBC 4 - 9:00pm - Elvis In Vegas
BBC 4 - 10:00pm - Sings Elvis
Sky Arts 1 - 10:00pm - Elvis Lives (25th Anniversary Concert)
BBC 4 - 11:00pm - Elvis By The Presley’s Uncut (4 of 4)
Sky Arts 1 - 11:00pm - Elvis & June
BBC 4 - 12:00pm - Aloha From Hawaii
BBC 4 - 01:05am - Sings Elvis (Rpt)
(News, Source,elvis-express.com) |
Elvis Birthday Celebration at his Palm Springs Honeymoon House: This coming weekend there is an Elvis Birthday celebration in Palm Springs at Elvis old 1350 Ladera Circle Estate. It was here that after their wedding Elvis carried Priscilla over the threshold and up the stairs singing "The Hawaiian Wedding Song". Lisa Marie was born on February 1, 1968, exactly 9 months from the date of the honeymoon.
Go here for full details
Elvis photographs from 1956 at Grammy Museum: Among the many festivities unrolling to commemorate what would have been Elvis Presley's 75th birthday on January 8, 2010, the Grammy Museum in Los Angeles will mount an exhibit of black-and-white photos, Elvis at 21, which capture moments in 1956, just prior to his explosive success. It runs January 8 - March 28.
The traveling exhibit, organized by the Smithsonian Institute, features photojournalist Alfred Wertheimer's series of 56 candid, intimate and evocative images of the singer. Originally, assigned by RCA Victor Records for promotional photos, the shots offer a rare 'all-access' look at a pivotal moment in the singer's life - documenting Elvis in the recording studio, in concert, on the road, and at home in Memphis.
A book, titled Elvis 1956, accompanies the exhibition, including images such as a backstage encounter with a young woman, recording what would become his first number one songs, "Don't Be Cruel" and "Hound Dog," and taking a break at a train station's lunch stand in a time before he required bodyguards.
The Elvis At 21 exhibit is sponsored by the History Channel, and will be shown in nine cities across the US through 2013, including the National Portrait Gallery in Washington DC, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond, Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum in Kansas, and William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Museum in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Wertheimer will attend a panel discussion about the photo sessions at the LA Grammy Museum on the day the show opens.
In addition, the Grammy Museum's executive director Robert Santelli will lead the museum's first field trip, "In Search of Elvis," a guided tour of Presley's landmark cities, such as Memphis and Nashville, Tennessee, and Tupelo, Mississippi.
Go here for more images.
(News, Source;The Independent) |
Saturday 2 January 2010 - Welcome to the New Decade full of ELVIS news & fun! |
UPDATED - Parkes Elvis Birthday Festival 2010 Preview: On January 8th 2010 it would have been Elvis Presley's 75th Birthday. The major celebrations will of course be at Graceland in his hometown of Memphis. However the world’s second biggest celebration will be when 10,000 Elvis fans descend on the small country town of Parkes, New South Wales, Australia to party in the King’s name. The Parkes Elvis Festival will be held from 6 - 10 January 2010. Internationally celebrated ETAs such as Mark Andrew, ‘She Is The King’, Mark Anthony and Scott Baker are all scheduled to perform plus there is also the very popular Elvis Gospel Church Service, the famous Street Parade and more than 140 Events over five days of Elvis fun. New Silas Lulic interview added plus performance times.
(Spotlight: Source; EIN)
ELVIS the Artist With Most Top 20 UK Hits This Decade: Incredibly for an artist that died 33 years ago, Elvis has had more Top 20 Single hits in the UK during the last 10 years than any other artist/group. Thanks to Brian Quin who sent us the following list.
Elvis Presley (37)
Sugababes (22)
Britney Spears (22)
Girls Aloud (21)
Westlife (20)
Robbie Williams (19)
P!NK (17)
Eminem (16)
Kylie Minogue (16)
Christina Aguilera (16)
(News, Source;BrianQuinn) |
McFly (16)
Madonna (15)
Beyonce (15)
U2 (15)
Ronan Keating (14)
Oasis (14)
Jennifer Lopez (14)
Rihanna (13)
Atomic Kitten (13)
Stereophonics (13)
'On Stage' to be reissued in March: Elvis Presley's 1970 live album, On Stage, will be reissued in an expanded format on March 23 by RCA/Legacy. The original album's 10-track playlist will also include three rarely performed songs from the same Las Vegas engagement that produced the album: "Don't Cry Daddy," "Kentucky Rain" and "Long Tall Sally." The double-disc set will also feature audio recordings of an afternoon rehearsal prior to the concert taping.
The platinum-selling album initially produced the hit, "The Wonder of You."
EIN notes that the fact it is noted to be a "double-disc" is interesting. Perhaps the rehearsals will be short 'Bonus disc'
(News, Source;Brian Quinn/CMT) |
Where have all the Elvis fans gone???: Let's show the true spirit of Elvis fans and VOTE for Elvis as the top performer at Madison Square Garden. See our article below and Vote for Elvis!!! |
Elvis 75 Good Rockin' Tonight (CD Review): Is this set really as good as the critics say??
In a searching 4,000 word review, EIN's Nigel Patterson gives you the detailed lowdown on Sony's 4CD box set release commemorating what would have been Elvis' 75th birthday.
From the 100 tracks and Vic Anesini's remastering, to Billy Altman's essay and a number of illuminating sidebars, you will discover all you need to know about Elvis 75 Good Rockin' Tonight.
EIN's review also incorporates the full track listing and the 13 key tracks identified by music journalist, Robert Hilburn, that best illustrate Elvis's artistic progression.
Read EIN's review of Elvis 75 Good Rockin' Tonight |
Click here for 24 hours a day "Ultimate Elvis Radio"
The Elvis Moments of the Past Decade: Earlier in December we ran a poll to find out what you considered to be the:
- Best CD releases of the Decade
- Best FTD releases of the Decade
- Best DVD releases of the Decade
- Best Book releases of the Decade
- Best ETAs of the Decade
- and the #1 Elvis Moment of the Decade
Well the hundreds of votes have been tallied and the finalists identified. |
Today we present your selections in each category and publish a cross-section of the many hunbdreds of comments we received during the poll.
We also add six new Polls for you to vote for the #1 in each of the above categories!
Click here for EIN's "Moment of the Decade" page and to vote
'Record Collector' Magazine to feature Elvis: The always interesting music magazine The Record Collector is to feature an article 'Secrets of The King's Jukebox' in the February 2010 issue. Available at news stands all over the world on January 21, 2010.
Where have all the Elvis fans gone???: WE ran the following item earlier this month. Despite a number of sites giving it publicity Elvis continues to be thrashed in the poll! Artists including Led Zeppelin, MIchael Jackson, Janet Jackson and Whitney Houston all lead Elvis. Michael Jackson currently leads the poll for the best concert of the 70's by a very large margin.
EIN hopes fans aren't getting too blase about the numerous online polls as this one is one of the more important ones!
Let's show the true spirit of Elvis fans and VOTE and get Elvis to where he should be.......as the #1 showstopper at Madison Square Garden.
Voting in Round 3 of Madison Square Garden concerts NOW OPEN: Vote for Elvis' performances at New York's famous Madison Square Garden!!! Elvis' historic shows are finalists in the Best of the 1970s section.
Elvis is not polling well at present (despite a move in the right direction in the past few days) so let's get online and support the King!
You may vote once per day. The poll closes Wednesday, January 7 at noon. The top 10 concerts will face off in the final poll, which opens Thursday, January 8 at noon.
Vote for Elvis!!! |
New 'SHE IS THE KING' Single: As promised SHE IS THE KING's brand new single - "I Got A Feelin’ In My Body". You can DOWNLOAD it NOW from ITunes. CLICK HERE. In honour of Elvis Presley’s 75th Birthday & following 2 years of local & international performances on the back of her debut album - "Comeback" - SHE IS THE KING releases her third single - "I Got A Feelin’ In My Body". Out January 8th, 2010. Released on Mystery Train Music /Liquid Music through MGM.
She Is The King will be a major attraction at this year's Australian Parkes Elvis Birthday Festival which attracts crowds of more than 10,000 dedicated Elvis fans.
CLICK HERE to download it first.
(News, Source;EIN/Jac) |
"Elvis Live" DVD: A new DVD titled ''Elvis Live'' will be released on January 5, 2010.
The highlights of this DVD are footage filmed at the opening show of Madison Square Garden with sound according to the press-release.
''Elvis Live'' should also featured never before seen footage footage filmed during Elvis' rehearsals on March 31, 1972.
(News, Source:EPGold) |
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Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
Elvis Presley, Elvis and Graceland are trademarks of Elvis Presley Enterprises.
The Elvis Information Network has been running since 1986 and is an EPE officially recognised Elvis fan club.
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