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Is Elvis still the reigning King of rock and roll?: Some men leave an indelible mark on the world.
Decades after their reign at the top, a few choice musicians still dominate the radios and hearts of music fanatics everywhere.
Such admiration prompts the age-old question: Who is the real king of rock and roll? |
Legends such as Fats Domino, Chuck Berry, Little Richard and Bill Haley have all been labeled "The King" by their respective fans and music historians for various reasons. Bill Haley's hit "Rock Around the Clock" is thought to have spread the popularity of rock and roll and catalyzed the rise of youth culture in the 1950s.
Domino's song "Blueberry Hill," on the other hand, is said to be the first of early rock songs to successfully bridge two different genres of music - creating the new genre of rock and roll.
The famous Chuck Berry is known for his success in refining and developing major elements such as focusing on teen life issues that made rock and roll distinctive from other genres of music. He also introduced guitar introductions and lead breaks that became a major influence on subsequent rock music.
In 2004, Rolling Stone Magazine boldly stated that Elvis Presley deserves the title as King because of his singing style and the self-made image he created with his 1954 single "That's All Right (Mama)."
But, one has to ask, is a debate over who created rock and roll even necessary? Should a king of rock and roll even be crowned?
History shows that rock and roll music did not appear out of the blue but rather was a result of crossovers in genres during the 1950s.
In fact, rock and roll is actually a blend of gospel music, jazz, rhythm and blues, country and western. Rock and roll is what it is today because of an amalgamation of numerous influences.
Rolling Stone Magazine's stance on the first rock and roller directed many people to consider Elvis Presley as the sole creator of the eclectic genre. Elvis definitely contributed to the image of rock and roll when he became the poster boy for sex appeal and youth rebellion, but he is certainly not the originator of the beloved musical style.
Indeed, Elvis himself stated, "A lot of people seem to think I started this business, but rock 'n' roll was here a long time before I came along. Nobody can sing that kind of music like colored people. Let's face it: I can't sing like Fats Domino can. I know that."
Every artist that has been called the king of rock and roll has had a significant influence on what rock and roll came to be.
The enormous popularity and the eventual worldwide love for rock and roll is the end product of not just one but numerous musical wonders. To crown one king would be an insult to what the music genre represents.
It would hardly do justice to all of the historical musicians who have each had their influence on the phenomenon called rock and roll. (News, Source: Lydia Soyoung Kim, jhunewsletter.com)
The Memphis Jukebox CD release: Vee Tone Records will release a CD The Memphis Jukebox 1 soon.
The CD will contain 22 records found in Elvis' personal jukebox, as detailed in Record Collector's "The Secret of Elvis' Jukebox". |
Carl Perkins - Jive At Five; Dale Hawkins - Don't Treat Me This Way; Carl McVoy - Tootsie; Gene Vincent - Woman Love; Ricky Nelson - Believe What You Say; Warren Smith - Miss Froggie; The Champs - Midnighter; Ray Sharpe - Linda Lu; Bo Diddley - Who Do You Love; Chuck Berry - You Can't Catch Me; Little Walter - Who; Ray Charles - I've Got a Woman; LaVern Baker - Whipper Snapper; Clyde McPhatter - That's Enough For Me; Big Joe Turner - Boogie Woogie Country Girl; Little Richard - She's Got It; The El Dorados - At My Front Door; The Rays - Daddy Cool; The Cleftones - You Baby You; The Drifters - Fools Fall In Love; Chuck Wilis - CC Rider; James Brown & The Famouw Blue Flames - Try Me (News, Source: Elvis News)
Latest issue of Elvis The Man and His Music released: The March 2010 issue of this highly respected magazine is now out:
In this fantabulous issue!:
- Norbert Putnam Interview
- Elvis In Scotland - The One Hour Visit That Went Down In History
- Aloha From Hollywood - Rare 1960 Interview
- Dayton Reloaded - October 6th 1974 revisited
- It's Midnight...or is it the Dinner Show? Part 9
- Your Letters
- CD, DVD & Book Reviews
'Viva Elvis' not universally applauded: Cirque du Soleil's tribute doesn't tap into the essence of the King of Rock 'n' Roll.
When Cirque du Soleil premiered the Beatles-based “LOVE,” in 2006 at the Mirage Resort, the barre of excellence was set anew for this Montreal-based entertainment behemoth in terms of artistry, technology and shear pop culture magnitude. |
In that 90-minute spectacular production, the music of the Beatles was completely re-imagined, while cleverly edited “Beatles dialogue” was as haunting as it was endearing. It was a rediscovery of the very essence of the Beatles’ music.
Cirque announced soon afterward that its next subject for a Las Vegas mega-production would be Elvis Presley, which seemed a logical (if not more daunting) progression. After all, Elvis was
Las Vegas' adopted native son, who spent a good chunk of his later life as the city’s top showroom draw, even if the pioneering rock-n-roll singer was now dressed up as a jumpsuited superhero, cape and all. So with the full cooperation of CKX Inc., (the company that controls the Presley estate), Elvis Presley Enterprises, access to every master recording Presley ever put down on tape, as well as all of his films and television appearances, home movies, and input from Priscilla Presley herself, how could Cirque miss?
But miss it has, and after experiencing the 90-minute “Viva ELVIS” gala premiere Friday night at the plush Elvis Presley Theatre inside the Aria Hotel at CityCenter, the reason becomes clear: Somewhere along the creative road, the production lost sight of the essence of Elvis Presley. (Trust me, it won’t be found in a group of rollerskating “bridegrooms” in one of the silliest giant wedding cake sendups this side of Busby Berkeley.)
Part Cirque, part rock concert, the production — written, directed and co-choreographed by Vincent Patterson — is eye-candy to the max, a color-rich explosion of Andy Warhol-meets-Bob Mackie-meets- “The Folies Bergere.” With its cast of 28 acrobats, 30 vibrant dancers (this show is almost entirely driven by dance), four female vocalists (the only male voice in the production is that of Presley himself) and a scorching nine-piece band that steals the show, “Viva ELVIS” is not the story of Elvis’ life, but a celebration of his legacy, the show’s program informs. To that end, glorious montages of home movies, vintage news reel footage and clips from Presley’s feature films provide the video backdrop to the action way, way below on one of the largest proscenium stages ever constructed.
Despite all that and more, Cirque has not quite figured out what it wants to do with Presley. Was he the King of Rock and Roll, or the king of kitsch? Do we really need pole dancers to sexy-up “It’s Now or Never” (which has incidentally been re-mixed in a minor key)? And when it comes to hearing Elvis sing, the show too often splits that duty between his vocals stripped from those master tapes and the aforementioned very capable female singers who tackle the Presley songbook in contemporary solo efforts or in funky “duets” with the King. A weakly written narrative delivered by an actor portraying Presley’s lifelong manager Colonel Tom Parker as a jolly old fella is just too much to forgive.
There are moments when the show does find its way: A brassy, big-band sendup of “Don’t Be Cruel” is a marvelous take on the classic. “All Shook Up” is reborn as a rousing spiritual in tribute to Presley’s Tupelo, Miss., roots. A gorgeous aerial trapeze pas de deux plays against Presley’s gentle vocals on “Are You Lonesome Tonight.” “One Night With You,” unfolds as a dramatic visualization of Elvis and his twin brother Jesse Garon (who died at birth) in which two male acrobats (dressed identically in 1950’s-style white T-shirts and jeans) navigate a massive skeletal guitar suspended high overhead. One climbs the guitar’s neck to the stars; the other tumbles into the abyss below. It is the evening’s emotional high point.
In the end, what’s missing in all of Cirque’s re-Elvising of Elvis is the heart and soul of the boy who would be king. Presley delivered rock and roll, blues, gospel and pop, with an incomparable dose of soul always at their core. Presley’s ability to cross all musical genre (and color) lines with the greatest of ease was his forte, from his earliest recordings, to his incomparable ’68 “Comeback Special” (shamefully missing from the production, since that television special paved the way for Elvis’ return to the Las Vegas stage) to those jumpsuited ’70s shows at the International Hotel that were the hottest ticket in town.
If you know little about the life of Elvis Presley or his music, “Viva ELVIS” will do little to enlighten you, though it will entertain you. But you will walk out of the theater knowing nothing of the deep faith Presley brought to “How Great Thou Art,” or the sexiness he brought to “Jailhouse Rock,” or the spirited rockabilly he brought to “Mystery Train.” It’s those musical qualities and abilities that made Presley the artist he was, and ultimately the pop culture icon he became. It’s those qualities that will forever be his true legacy. Now that’s something to celebrate. (Review, Source: Albert, TCB-World/ Miriam Dinunzio suntimes.com)
Shake, Rattle & Turn That Noise Down! How Elvis Shook up Music, Me and My Mom (Book Review):
Kids today may have no idea of the fierce battles that raged in households over rock 'n' roll in the 1950s. Cartoonist and children's author Mark Alan Stamaty brings that kid-versus-parent war zone alive in his entertaining and warmly personal picture book Shake, Rattle & Turn That Noise Down! How Elvis Shook up Music, Me and My Mom (Alfred A. Knopf; 40 pages; $17.99; ages 6-9).
In this graphic-novel-style telling, Stamaty's mother gives her son a radio for his eighth birthday, then is shocked to hear Presley's "Hound Dog" blasting out of it. Stamaty describes the music's effect on him:
"Suddenly, without warning, a howling thunder of sound came into my room, engulfing me in a hurricane of excitement. It took me over, made me want to move and dance like nothing I'd ever felt before."
His mom bursts into his room "like a cornered hostage in a vampire horror move," and in an R. Crumb-like explosion of outrage, shouts, "Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Turn that down! I Can't Stand it! ... What is wrong with you?! Are you crazy?! I'm losing my mind!" |
She softens on Elvis once she hears "Love Me Tender" and realizes he's a good singer. And she is proud when Stamaty does his Elvis imitation onstage for a large Cub Scout event.
After the story, Stamaty offers photos of himself in third grade, when he first heard Elvis; in fourth grade, when he transformed his hair into an Elvis pompadour; and onstage playing Elvis for the Boy Scouts. He also recounts how years later, he got to do his impersonation in the Oval Office for Elvis fan Bill Clinton, and includes a photo of that, too. (Book Review, Source: Regan McMahon, Special to The Chronicle/SFgate.com)
Glen D. Hardin wins iaugural "The King's World" Award: Dear friends, the new fan organisation from Germany, "THE KING'S WORLD - Fan-Service In Memory Of Elvis" is proud to announce, that GLEN D. HARDIN is the winner of the very first ELVIS PRESLEY MEMORIAL AWARD, which was created to honor artists who have made outstandingcontributions to the music and career of Elvis Presley.
It was an unanimous decision of our team to give the very first award of it's kind to Glen Hardin, whose loyalty to the memory of Elvis is undisputed and who was the headlining star of our last year's event "Elvis Classic Memories" in the city of Wuppertal.
Glen received the ELVIS PRESLEY MEMORIAL AWARD on Wednesday, February 24th, 2010, at Rotterdam, following the "Elvis Presley In Concert" show at the Ahoy. The award was presented by "The King's World"-president Peter Beines and his wife Sandra.
THE KING'S WORLD was founded in May of 2009 by former German EPG fan club president Peter Beines and his wife Sandra. It is not a new fan club. THE KING'S WORLD is an internet based fan service, providing
a serious fan page, an e-news-letter and local shows as well as international events. Our link "Elvis News" has become the # 1 news site in German language within just a few weeks. Today, our staff consists of seven persons, who work on keeping the memory of Elvis alive with daily enthusiasm. More
than 300 fans in German speaking countries receive our regular e-news-letter.
We will appreciate, if you publish these news on your website and in your magazine. Feel free to contact us at any time you want.
Best regards and many thanks.......In Memory of Elvis
Peter and Sandra Beines & Team
"The King's World", Bonn, Germany
Phone: 0049 - (0)228 - 327 390
Aussie Chart Update: On tomorrow's ARIA Music DVD Chart, Elvis The King of Rock 'n' Roll rises one spot to #30 after 94 weeks on the chart. (News, Source: ARIA) |
John Wilkinson update: Thanks to Hubert Vindevogel for sending us this message:
Hello Everyone, Bad news about John Wilkerson. The spot is cancer so he is at the oncologist today checking on the exact medical procedure he will have to endure. They could not remove it by surgery so Johnny will be undergoing chemo and radiation treatments at the same time. This will, most likely, make Johnny a very sick little puppy. Please keep him in your prayers and positive thoughts and please pass this along to all the other Elvis fans and Fan Clubs. Thanks so much. Love to you all, Patsy
Paul Terry King's country home destroyed by fire: Songwriter, Paul Terry King's country home in Lockesburg, Arkansas was destroyed by fire Saturday night according to the Lockesburg Fire Chief Roger Ridley.
Ridley said the fire was called in around 8 p.m. Saturday night. The home belonged to Paul King and was located on 318 North Park Ave. The cause of the suspicious fire has yet to be determined but still is under investigation. The home was already fully engulfed at the time firemen arrived on scene. No one was home at the time of the fire. Lockesburg Fire Department responded with 12 firefighters and 3 trucks, Ben Lomond responded with two trucks and Provo responded with one truck. The central fire department was on stand-by. When told the bad news Mr.King who was in Los Angeles filming a new vidieo for his websyte remarked that he was glad most of his Elvis and American Studios collection was safe with him there in California. Donations can be made thru paulterryking.com or paypal and are very much welcome and needed to rebuild... (News, Source: Email)
The King and Dr. Nick What Really Happened to Elvis and Me (Book Review): Dr. Nick's long awaited memoir was recently released. After three decades of being often maligned by the media and an unforgiving public Elvis' personal physician finally has his say.
In conjunction with interviewing Dr. Nick, EIN's Nigel Patterson spent time exploring Dr. Nick's side of the story.
What EIN found:
- sheds great light on Elvis' medical conditions;
- provides facts around several contentious issues;
- is a memoir written with honest caring and compassion; and
- a memoir which will challenge the views held by many fans!
In order to establish the truth, Dr. Nick deserves to be heard and his memoir is a fitting way for him to clearly state his case. (Book Review, Source: EIN)
Read EIN's full review |
On Stage artwork and booklet released: In an unusual move, Sony Music Entertainment Australia has released the cover artwork and full booklet to the upcoming On Stage 2CD release. (News, Source: ElvisBookResearch)
Elvis in Prestwick on BBC Radio 4 : Series of three stories celebrating 50 years since Elvis Presley's only trip to Britain, a brief stopover at a small Scottish airport on his return from military service in Germany. By Oliver Emanuel. Read by Laura Fraser. A shy young girl who doesn't even like rock 'n' roll is dragged to the airport by her best friend, who is determined to catch a glimpse of the American superstar.
Broadcast on BBC Radio 4, from Tue., 23rd Feb. 2010, 15:30 and then available for 7 days on BBC iPlayer at www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer (News, Source: Mike, email)
Viva Elvis neon cabs: It's no news that Las Vegas is the capital of neon lights, but it IS new that the Vegas cabs are decorated with neon lights.
Yes...Elvis is responsible for this...Since the premiere of 'Viva Elvis', cabs on the Vegas strip are making promotion for the show with a remarkable Elvis silhouette in neon lights. (News, Source; Elvis News/ Elvis Matters) |
Elvis '75 in Belgian media: The Belgian press has picked up on the “other” concert, “Elvis 75” with the TCB Band, Joe Guercio + orchestra and lead singer ‘Bouke’. Although there’s a show in Holland as well (May 22nd, Utrecht), the Belgian news paper ‘Het Laatste Nieuws’ mentions the show in Belgium (May 23rd, Turnhout) only. Anyway, if you’re interested to see the Band & Orchestra live, be sure to order your tickets today. (News, Source; Elvis News/ Elvis Matters)
John Wilkinson has surgery: Thanks to Mary Stonebraker for the following news. We hope John makes a speedy recovery:
"I received a telephone call from Susan Theresa Spatafora, who was just called by Patsy Anderson. John Wilkinson had surgery Wednesday morning. We are asking that you up lift John in your prayers and thoughts. Please forward this email message to your Elvis fan email lists."
Scout Day at Graceland: The legacy of Elvis Presley continues as the Scouts of the Mid-South visit Graceland. Most visiting for the first time will see what kind of impact Elvis had on music, film, and especially the hearts and souls of countless people. Graceland receives numerous guests and fans from all corners of the globe, all year round, and of all ages and generations. We believe no one is ever too young to become a fan of Elvis.
Join hundreds of Mid South scouts as they tour Elvis Presley’s Graceland mansion on a special day custom made for Scouts of all ages.
A visit to this National Historic Landmark on March 6, 2010 will offer area Scouts the chance to earn achievements toward ranks or pin/belt loop/merit badge requirements in the following areas: Art, Music, Collections, Citizenship, American Heritage and Journalism.
A special $15 ticket for Scouts, siblings and adults includes a Graceland mansion tour, Elvis Presley Car Museum tour, Lisa Marie Airplane tour, and a tour to our newest exhibit, Elvis Presley: Fashion King. A collectible “Scouts Rock at Graceland” patch will also be available for $3 each. Scouts are welcome to bring a snack lunch. Concessions will also be available throughout Graceland Plaza.
Scout achievement activities are available 9AM—2PM and Graceland mansion tours are available from 9AM-5PM. Tickets will be held for pickup at the Graceland Ticket Pavilion beginning 8:30am, Saturday, March 6, 2010.A portion of the ticket price will be donated to the Boy Scouts of America Chickasaw Council and the Girl Scouts Heart of the South. (News, Source: EPE)
Wednesday 24 February 2010 |
Crowds are All-Shook-Up at Elvis Gig: The King lives on in this mesmerising show that must be the closest fans can get to experiencing the thrill of Elvis Presley in concert - last night at The Elvis Experience, LG Arena, Birmingham.
The concept is clever yet simple – round up his original band and get them to play live against a huge backdrop of archive footage of the legend singing, joking and interacting with them on stage.
And though it was strange at first to see Elvis in his prime while the band including backing vocalists The Sweet Inspirations are collecting their bus passes, the result was two emotionally-charged hours of magic and memories.
From 20-somethings to pensioners and a good few characters in fancy dress, fans throughout the generations lapped it up as their idol and his legacy was brought to life nearly 33 years after his death.
Unusually the best seats for the ultimate ‘live’ experience were towards the back, with fans resigned to relying on the big screens anyway less distracted by the fact the jump-suited sex symbol was on stage in spirit only.
The sound from the group was amazing and highlights included The Wonder of You, American Trilogy, In The Ghetto, If I Can Dream, How Great Thou Art and a stirring My Way which won a well-deserved standing ovation.
By the time Suspicious Minds came, the screen was all but forgotten and hundreds in Saturday night's sell-out crowd were on their feet clapping passionately and dancing.
The enduring I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You rounded off the experience on a high, after which The King ‘thanked’ fans for coming and it was announced to much laughter that Elvis had left the building – and for one memorable night it felt like he really had been there.
Long live The King.
- Review by Stella Stokes.
(News, Source;SanjaMeegin/www.expressandstar.com) |
"The King" Makes a Triumphant Return to Las Vegas in the World Premiere of Viva Elvis: The tribute to the life and music of Elvis Presley by Cirque du Soleil has opened at ARIA Resort & Casino at CityCenter.
With Priscilla Presley in attendance a celebrity crowd celebrated the world premiere of Viva ELVIS, the newest resident show by Cirque du Soleil, at ARIA Resort & Casino at CityCenter in Las Vegas, on Friday night.
The show, a harmonious fusion of dance, acrobatics and live music, is a tribute to the life and music of Elvis Presley. It is a partnership between Cirque du Soleil and Elvis Presley Enterprises LLC, a CKX, Inc. company.
Robert F.X. Sillerman, Chairman and CEO of CKX, Inc., said he was thrilled with the premiere. "When we first considered the idea of a production to capture the true essence of Elvis, we knew it had to be a show conceived and performed by the creative geniuses of Cirque du Soleil," Mr. Sillerman said. "Given that we were working with Cirque du Soleil, which has such an extraordinary track record, and an icon of the
magnitude of Elvis, I was concerned that I had set my expectations too high. But from what I saw Friday and from the reactions of those who attended the premiere, including the critics, I am amazed to say that my hopes for the show have been exceeded."
Mr. Sillerman continued, "As the reviews have said, Viva ELVIS is a show the devoted Elvis fan will love, but it reaches beyond that. It will be thoroughly enjoyed by the casual Elvis fan, by the fans of music from Elvis's era and by anyone who ever listened to rock and roll. It is also a show that will be loved by fans of Cirque du Soleil, as it takes their talents to an entire new level."
Go here for more Viva ELVIS Opening night photos.
(News, Source;BrianQuinn) |
Elvis’ Aunt Lois dies: According to a post by Laurie T. on TCB-World, Elvis’ Aunt Lois (maternal side) has passed away. Lois was subject of the controversial 2006 book, The Forgotten Family of Elvis Presley, by R.A. Hines.
Laura T. posted: "Elvis’ Aunt Lois - Died three weeks ago. She had kidney failure. She had been living in a nursing home in Memphis for about 9 months. Last time I talked to her she was in good spirits but in and out of being lucid. (she was the one married to Gladys brother Johnny). She was 83 I believe. She was the last of the Ivy's to go. Lorraine, Billy's mom died a few years after Elvis did."
Click here for more about this controversial book
(News, Source;EIN/TCB-World)
Unique set of Elvis LIVE 3D slides for sale!: Various unique, rare and new Elvis concert pictures are up for sale. A highly unique set of slides will soon be available during an upcoming auction. The offered lot is unique in different ways. The pictures were taken on February 26 1971 in the Las Vegas International by Joe Pulliam. Elvis is wearing the White Checkerboard Suit, an almost never before seen image. As if this is not unique enough by itself, this set is one of the only known 3D photoseries of Elvis live in concert. The lot of 10 slides comes with a viewmaster, so you can see Elvis in 3D action! Offered at a stunning high price of minimum $35,000.
Go here for auction details.
(News, Source;ElvisMatters)
Elvis is alive and well, thanks to a hacked passport: Ladies and gentlemen, Elvis is sitting in seat 9B on flight 41!
An enterprising pair of hackers have recently come clean about a hack-slash-prank undertaken at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport way back in September 2008. In a nutshell: The pair created a phony passport using the name and image of Elvis Presley and hacked the passport's biometric chip with corresponding information. They then used the passport at a self-serve passport scanner to gain access to the secure part of the airport.
Elvis' name and image were linked to fake information embedded on the chip -- and, a key point, the passport chip was coded to be issued from a non-existent country. How is that possible? The passport scanner accepted the document because each country has a different standard for the way such information is stored on the passport, and not all countries share that information with the rest of the world.
The result is a hodgepodge of standards with little coordination among the world's nations -- and the scanner used in the hack did nothing more than check to see if the information on the biometric chip matched that printed in the passport.
The good news: The scanner in question was only part of a test program, and it seems that it's not going to be put into use in the real world. But the duo do raise some serious questions not just about the safety of biometric passports but about whether we're being foolish to rely too much on technology in this case. There's a certain psychology that "if the computer says it's OK," we tend to go along with that. As one of the hackers states in the linked interview, the technology is so half-baked that "I think they've actually made the borders weaker, not stronger."
Additional concerns have been raised in recent years about how RFID-enabled passports might be able to be copied by nearby hackers using scanner hardware, making the possibility of surreptitious passport cloning a real concern. Some have even advocated that the recipients of the new model passports smash them with a hammer to disable the chip component altogether.
That's good advice straight from Elvis. Thank you very much.
(News, Source;SanjaM/ElvisInfoNetwork) |
"Dr. Nick" talks to EIN: Dr. George Nichopoulos was Elvis' personal physician for many years. In the Elvis story it appears that "Dr. Nick", along with Priscilla Presley, are figures either loved or hated by fans. There does not appear to be any in-between.
With the long awaited release of his memoir, The King and Dr. Nick What Really Happened To Elvis and Me, Dr. Nick took time out to speak to EIN's Nigel Patterson about his life, Elvis, and how Elvis' death has impacted his life.
In a fascinating and revealing interview, Dr. Nick talks about many issues of interest to fans, from the powerful themes of trust and betrayal to Elvis' death, (including the issues of polypharmacy and bone cancer), Elvis' major medical conditions, the "other" doctors Elvis used, being Jerry Lee Lewis' road manager!, and Elvis' autopsy.
Dr. Nick clarifies what Elvis' major life threatening condition was and the role of the media in how he has been perceived by many fans since Elvis' death. He also corrects a number of widely believed misconceptions in the Elvis story and cogently provides a much needed different perspective on events.
Photo Credit: ©Steve Roberts
Read the interview
Aussie Chart Update: On this week's ARIA Music DVD Chart, Elvis The King of Rock 'n' Roll holds steady at #31, after 94 weeks in the chart and certified 2xP. Not surprisingly, Elvis Presley 50 Australian Top Ten Hits has exited the Album Chart after only 5 weeks. Sony Music Entertainment Australia is looking to regroup its promotion efforts around the album in time for Mother's Day and then the 33rd Anniversary of Elvis' passing. (News, Source: ARIA)
Elvis vs. the stimulus: Elvis rates a mention in US politics this week - From Michael Steel, John Boehner's spokesman:
"Folks, for the sake of comparison, when you’re reading about the White House’s new 'stimulus' report, please bear in mind that more Americans believe that Elvis Presley is still alive than that the 'stimulus' has created jobs. A recent NYT/CBS News poll (#19) reported only 6 percent of Americans believe the stimulus has created jobs.
Meanwhile, when CBS News polled Americans in 2002 on the 25th anniversary of his death, 7 percent thought Elvis was still alive."
Many thanks to Brian Quinn for these video links: |
Cirque du Soleil triumphs with Viva Elvis - a glorious celebration of the King!: Art, architecture, and Elvis.
Those are the three key elements, beyond gaming, which are meant to draw a whole new demographic to the just-opened $8.5-billion CityCenter urban development in Las Vegas – a project that is often described as the biggest gamble ever made in Sin City.
The Cirque du Soleil’s Viva ELVIS has had more pressure on it to succeed than any of the six previous permanent Cirque shows in Las Vegas. And early reports, based on a premature unveiling of the work in December, were not favourable.
But when the show finally opened at the Aria resort in CityCenter this week, all doubts were swept away. |
Judging from what this reviewer saw at Thursday’s preview (the VIP gala was Friday night), Viva ELVIS could soon become the top-selling show in Las Vegas.
This isn’t just a show, it’s a glorious celebration of the life of the king of rock ’n’ roll. Viva ELVIS is a new genre for Cirque: a splashy, feel-good musical with circus acts based on the golden oldies recorded by a single, iconic singer. It’s nearest comparable would be the Cirque’s Beatles show, LOVE, playing down the street at the Mirage.
Viva ELVIS, however, has a stronger narrative, even though the book is elliptical, assuming that everyone knows the basics of Presley’s life story. An actor (Garrett Eugene Case, Jr.) portraying Colonel Tom Parker fills in biographical details, occasionally, between songs. Musical director Erich Van Tourneau’s approach is argumentative as well as reverential, with sampling, medleys and mash-ups touching on over 40 songs, while about 20 of them get full-blown numbers.
Viva ELVIS begins, like most Cirque shows, with interactive clowns. Only this time, they’re swooning female Elvis fans, clutching their albums, worrying about their hair. Lights flash as they manage to scramble up on to the stage and tear down the gold-disc imprinted curtain, revealing the man himself on screen within a giant juke box high above centre stage. A busy dance scene unfolds below. Out comes the pink Cadillac, then the giant blue suede shoe, which matches the song Elvis is singing.
So much is going on (including fireworks), and Elvis is so magnetic, it’s a question of where to look. Up or down? Clearly, one of director Vince Paterson’s biggest challenges was to steal eyes away from the film clips in order to share the focus with the show’s 76 dancers, musicians and acrobats. Aerial acts and large sets (designed by Mark Fisher) that allow performers to work on several levels at once (the Jailhouse Rock prison is almost four storeys high) even the odds. And he has thrown the show’s eight on-stage musicians (a ninth works unseen) right into the action, as characters. They rock, in every sense of the word.
After the upbeat, dance-happy Don’t be Cruel, The Colonel shifts to pensive, talking about Elvis’s twin brother Jesse Garon, who died at birth. This leads into the heart-wrenching One Night With You, enhanced by a stunning aerial act performed by two acrobats on a giant guitar suspended against a backdrop of stars. The song is sung by a female vocalist (one of four) with Elvis’s voice taking over from time to time, a technique used throughout the show.
From here, the stage is shaken up by All Shook Up and an uplifting Gospel music segment that deserves a great big amen. Every facet of Presley’s musical curiosity is explored. Sometimes the film footage says it all. Tears well up as we see Presley signing up for the army and waving good-bye to the folks. As a singer offers up Love Me Tender, Elvis-in-uniform seems to respond with that old flirtatious smile. The marching boot camp number to the tune of Return to Sender is another dance/acrobatic highlight – with a hip-hop edge. All against the backdrop of a giant American flag with underwear hanging in for stars and stripes.
From army we go to spaghetti western, with giant statues of cowboy Elvis overlooking a campfire scene featuring gun-twirling and impressive lasso tricks. The medley here includes Blue Moon of Kentucky and Baby What You Want Me To Do.
We are reminded that Elvis was once a hunk of burning movie love by a parade of kiss clips. And the hot, hot bossa nova number turns to circus with a classic stacking-chairs number that culminates in a single handstand on a champagne bottle. A definite “Wow!” that cleverly brings live action up to Elvis-on-screen level. From here on in the show fast-forwards from one eye-popping number to another. King Creole goes reggae and Jailhouse Rock becomes a jailbreak riot that includes upside-down acrobatics and a dash of Keystone cops.
Erotic pole-dancing takes on a circus twist with Now or Never. And if there was a dry eye in the house during the Elvis and Priscilla wedding number, Can’t Help Falling in Love, it certainly wasn’t mine. The sweeping veil, the towering cake, and the ballet/roller skate dance add up to pure romance.
True, heartbreak follows with Love Me/Don’t as two pairs of acrobats fly high within two golden rings, leaving the lonely bride on top of the cake.
The pace picks up again with a Viva Las Vegas number that brings on faux Folies Bergère girls in sparkles, paired with male dancers in Elvis jumpsuits. Costume designer Stefano Canullli has gone wild here. A Suspicious Minds pas de deux hits a poignant note before being taken over by yet another show-stopping dance number featuring the jumpsuit guys, now dripping with fringe.
What, no Hound Dog? It has been saved for the rousing finale – which arrives far too soon. Ninety minutes is not enough. Once again, Elvis leaves us wanting more. And the Cirque has once again synthesized multiple art forms into a wondrously distinct creation.
Leaving the Elvis Theatre, the magnificent public displays of modern art within the airy architecture of the Aria and the rest of CityCenter suddenly make sense – as an ornate American jewel case for the heart and soul of the King.
Viva ELVIS continues indefinitely at the Aria Resort in Las Vegas. Visit www.cirquedusoleil.com. (Review, Source: Pat Donnelly, Montreal Gazette)
Saturday 20 February 2010 |

New Gravel Road release: This deluxe, double CD pack with booklet is the third Gravelroad Music (GRM) release spotlighting Elvis Presley's wild rehearsals in the summer of 1970, filmed for the MGM documentary “ Elvis: That’s The Way It Is.”
The character of the rehearsal is different from the 2 previous acclaimed releases, “The brightest star on sunset boulevard (2cd)" & “Plugged in and Geared up” by GRM.
Its the second day of the rehearsal shooting, Elvis is studying songs, malfunctioning microphones, uncensored talking & singing. That’s one of the reasons to rename this historical rehearsal “Get down and dirty”,
Includes more than 25 minutes unreleased material!
We advice you to, “Get with it”, it’s worth it! (News, Source: EP Gold)
Elvis Presley Memorial Trauma Center in danger of closing: Marty Lacker advises EIN:
"Thought you guys might want to know and write about that there is a danger of the UT Med Hospital in which the Elvis Presley Trauma Center is located might be closed for lack of operating funds.
The worldwide fans might want to donate money to keep it opened and you can get more information from the Memphis Mayor's office on how to help. Or contact the CEO of the hospital. It's serious because our ignorant Governor is refusing to give State funds to help keep it open."
Opposite: MED Foundation Board member Ham Smythe and wife Julia with Morgan Freeman
Elvis appears in BMW ad: Elvis was a fan of most anything on wheels and the king’s love of cars is featured in a new print advertising campaign from BMW.
While serving in the U.S. Army and stationed in Germany, Elvis was known to drive a German made BMW.
Through a licensing deal with Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc., a classic photograph that shows Elvis getting into a BMW is the iconic imagery used in this new print ad by the automaker, appearing in the March issue of Vanity Fair.
For more information on Elvis and his love of cars, be sure to join us for the Elvis Motor Classics Car Show at Graceland on Memorial Day weekend. (News, Source: EPE) |
"Vegas Variety 3" CD: Soon to be released is the latest production from “Rainbow Records”. This release will feature the complete performance of Elvis Presley's Las Vegas Dinner Show from exactly one week after his triumphant return to live appearances on July 31st, 1969.
While the Elvis-World has just finished celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Elvis' stunning 1969 engagement in Las Vegas, Rainbow Records proudly presents a complete concert which has been recorded during that famous season. With its 10th release Rainbow Records continues their series titled "Vegas Variety". On the latest release "Vegas Variety - Vol.3" you will find the August 6, 1969 Dinner Show performance. In the early 1990's this concert was featured on a vinyl release called "The Return of the Tigerman".
Unfortunately that release had several cuts and the sound was mediocre. The new Rainbow Records CD used a superior source to create a fresh but warm sound and all missing parts were carefully repaired. Compared to the "famous" Opening Night 1969 CD by Fort Baxter recorded just 3 days prior to the show on this release, this new CD offers more atmosphere because the reactions of the audience are present.
There are a lot of highlights - you can't name them all. Beautiful versions of "Memories" or "Yesterday", great renditions of "Runaway" or "Suspicious Minds" - it's just the magic of 1969.
Even the owners of Ken Sharp's "Elvis In Vegas '69" book will find some unreleased shots and memorabilia in the 20-pages booklet. The official album "Elvis In Person" featured some recordings from the end of this 1969 engagement, but to hear the pure Elvis, raw and powerful you really have to jump to the beginning of this season. So with "Vegas Variety - Vol.3" this is your chance to enjoy a great and powerful show of Elvis Presley in 1969!
Tracklisting: 01. 00:41 – Opening Intro 02. 02:31 - Blue Suede Shoes 03. 02:25 - I Got A Woman 04. 01:49 - All Shook Up 05. 01:21 - Talking 06. 03:17 - Love Me Tender 07. 02:09 - Jailhouse Rock / Don't Be Cruel 08. 03:01 - Heartbreak Hotel 09. 02:50 - Hound Dog 10. 04:39 - Memories 11. 04:07 - Mystery Train / Tiger Man 12. 00:10 - Blue Hawaii (excerpt) 13. 04:59 - Monologue 14. 02:21 - Baby What You Want Me To Do 15. 02:25 - Runaway 16. 02:58 - Are You Lonesome Tonight? 17. 02:21 - Yesterday 18. 01:54 - Hey Jude 19. 03:17 - Band Introductions 20. 03:00 - In The Ghetto 21. 07:18 - Suspicious Minds 22. 04:15 - What'd I Say 23. 02:09 - Can't Help Falling In Love (News, Source: Elvis News/FECC)
Elvis Legendary Concert Performances: Based on the late 1970s album set, this steelbox contains some of Elvis´ best 1970s live performances on 1 CD.
The tracks are mixed as to 1 rockin´ live show. |
Track listing:
Blue Suede Shoes – August 22, 1969 D.S.
Sweet Caroline – February 15, 1970 M.S.
Burning Love – April 18, 1972
Runaway – August 22, 1969 D.S.
My Babe – August 25, 1969 M.S.
Johnny B. Goode - – August 24, 1969 M.S.
Mystery Train/Tiger Man – August 25, 1969 M.S.
You Gave Me A Mountain – February 1972
Never Been to Spain - April 18, 1972
See See Rider – February 1970
Words – August 25, 1969 M.S.
Proud Mary - April 18, 1972
Walk A Mile in My Shoes – February 1970
Steamroller Blues – March 20, 1974
Polk Salad Annie – August 11, 1970
Something – August 11, 1970
Let it Be Me - February 15, 1970 M.S.
The Impossible Dream – February 1972
My Way – June 21, 1977 (News, Source: Email
French Elvis miss named?: On Le Monde's comment pages, writer and lawyer Jean-Paul Carminati uses the French Elvis to satirise the vexed public debate on national identity. Johnny Hallyday started his life as Jean-Philippe Smet. Johnny Hallyday is hardly an appropriate pseudonym for France's national treasure. No, François Vacances would have been much more suitable.
EPE's ShopElvis - Weekend Sale: Save 30% or More on Sale Items -
Save 15% on Vegas Items This Weekend
Elvis Matchstick Sculpture: A sculpture of Elvis Presley has been made out of 50,000 matchsticks.
It took the artist, David Mach, more than 500 hours to make and has just sold for 18,000. (News, Source: Sanja Meegin)
At Full Force CD from Audionics: From the press-release: By popular demand! For those who missed Fort Baxter's 1998 A Hot Winter Night In Dallas СD, Audionics will release the strictly limited edition CD At Full Force (AUDIONICS 2010-02-2). This release will contain the dynamic December 28th, 1976 show as recorded live from the mixing desk at the Dallas Convention Center.
To achieve the best possible sound quality, Audionics worked with a 1st generation DAT copy of the original soundboard tape, that was also used for the 1998 release. The sound was restored in a renowned studio and is a significant improvement over the original release.
As you’ve come to expect from us, this new release will come in a beautifully designed package with a 16-page booklet, containing a selection of live photographs from Elvis Presley appearances in Dallas
in 1956, 1971, 1976 and 1976 as well as informative liner notes. This CD is set for release in late February. Don't miss your opportunity to get the ultimate release of that legendary concert recording! Those that are a bit weary of hearing another ’76 show following the release of several substandard ’76 shows of late, are in for a real surprise. The way he attacks “C.C. Rider” sets the tone for an action-packed evening with Presley in great mood ("If I die tonight, it will only take a year to get the smile off my face"), with the highlight being the first version of “Unchained Melody” that we have – he’d started doing it the night before, but it’s still uncertain whether that 1st version exists. It’s great to hear this fantastic song in such embryo-like fashion, with Elvis still not being entirely ‘at home’ with it, exploring its possibilities and making it his own.
Tracklisting: 01. Introduction: Also Sprach Zarathustra - 02. C. C. Rider - 03. I Got A Woman / Amen - 04. Love Me - 05. Fairytale - 06. You Gave Me A Mountain (with false start, incomplete) - 07. Jailhouse Rock (incomplete) - 08. O Sole Mio (Sherrill Nielsen) / It's Now Or Never / O Sole Mio (Sherrill Nielsen) - 09. Tryin' To Get To You - 10. Blue Suede Shoes - 11. My Way - 12. Polk Salad Annie - 13. Introductions by Elvis of Singers, Musicians - 14. Early Morning Rain (John Wilkinson) - 15. What'd I Say (James Burton) - 16. Johnny B. Goode - 17. Drum Solo w/"Hey Bo Diddley" one-liner (Ronnie Tutt) - 18. Bass Solo (Jerry Scheff) - 19. Piano Solo (Tony Brown) - 20. Electric Piano Keyboard Solo (David Briggs) - 21. Love Letters - 22. School Day (Joe Guercio Orchestra) - 23. Hurt (with reprise) - 24. Unchained Melody - 25. Can't Help Falling In Love - 26. Closing Vamp. Approx. running time: 61:06 (News, Source: Email)
Global Chart Update Week 6:
United States:
Top 200 Current Albums:
• # ---- (188) Elvis 75 [1CD]
Top Catalog Albums:
• #47 (49) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
Top Country Catalog Albums:
** not available this week **
** charts not yet published **
Top 50 Albums:
• #36 (24) 50 Australian Top Ten Hits: 1956-1977
Top 50 Physical Albums:
• #31 (19) 50 Australian Top Ten Hits: 1956-1977
Top 40 DVDs:
• #31 (24) Elvis: The King Of Rock ’N’ Roll
Europe (by Billboard):
Top 100 Albums in Europe:
• # ---- (87) Elvis 75
(News, Source: Mael/FECC)
United Kingdom:
Top 200 Albums:
• #73 (43) ELVIS 75 [3CD]
Top 250 Comprehensive Albums:
• #157 (169) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
Top 40 Compilation Albums:
• #34 (17) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
Top 100 Albums:
• # ---- (103) Elvis 75 [3CD]
Top 20 Music DVD’s:
• # ---- (17) The King Of Rock ‘N’ Roll
Top 75 Albums:
• #7 (6) The King - 75th Anniversary Edition [3CD]
Top 100 Albums:
• #54 (37) Elvis 75 [3CD]
Top 50 International Albums:
• #31 (38) From Elvis In Memphis (Legacy Edition)
• #37 (43) The Collection [7CD]
Man arrested for stealing Elvis items: A Lincolnville man faces theft charges after police say he tried to steal things from his landlady, including some of her Elvis memorabilia. The Waldo County Sheriff's Department says 29-year-old Jason Cromenes took several thousand dollars worth of stuff, including a lot of Elvis memorabilia, and put it in a rented storage unit.
Police say Cromenes and his girlfriend rented the house from a woman who lives in Nevada. The landlady's sister told her the items were being moved out of the house, which prompted her to call police. If convicted, cromenes faces up to five years in prison and a five thousand dollar fine. (News, Source: Rob Poindexter, wabi.tv)
Wednesday 17 February 2010 |
(CD/Book Review, Source;EIN) |
'JAILHOUSE ROCK' FTD Limited Edition 12” VINYL: Following on from the success of previous releases, FTD is pleased to announce the release of JAILHOUSE ROCK - a special 2-DISC 180-gram 12” vinyl set. To be released in April.
Supplied in a high quality gatefold sleeve, the album features the original masters and many outtakes from this great movie.
• Vinyl cutting by ABBEY ROAD STUDIOS
• Contains many Stereo and Binaural outtakes
• Features original movie opening version of “Jailhouse Rock” in stereo!
• DMM Copper Mastering
• 180 Grams heavyweight vinyl
• Strictly limited pressing
FYI: Blue Hawaii and Standing Room Only – only very limited stock still available.
(News, Source;FTD) |
'ELVIS NOW' new FTD Classic Album release: The next release in the classic albums series is ELVIS NOW. 'Elvis Now' is a 2-DISC SET in the CLASSIC ALBUM series. Originally released in 1972, this great album features the single “Until It’s Time For You To Go”/ “We Can Make It In The Morning”. Bonus tracks include “I’m Leavin’”, “It’s Only Love” and “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face”.
In addition to the masters, it features many great outtakes. The 7” inch digi-pack format features a 12-page booklet with great photographs and RARE memorabilia.
Tracklist: ELVIS NOW - The Original Album
01 Help Me Make It Through The Night
02 Miracle Of The Rosary
03 Hey Jude
04 Put Your Hand In The Hand
05 Until It’s Time For You To Go
06 We Can Make The Morning
07 Early Morning Rain
08 Sylvia
09 Fools Rush In (Where Angels Fear To Tread)
10 I Was Born About Ten Thousand Years Ago
Bonus Songs - The Singles
11 I’m Leavin’
12 It’s Only Love
13 The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
The Jam
14 Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right (udedited master)
15 Help Me Make It Through The Night – takes 8- 10
16 Fools Rush In (Where Angels Fear To Tread) – takes 11,12 &14
17 Lady Madonna
DISC 2- Outtakes
01 Help Me Make It Through The Night – takes 1-3
02 Early Mornin’ Rain – Takes 1,2 & 9
03 Fools Rush In (Where Angels Fear To Tread) - takes 5 & 6
04 Until It’s Time For You To Go - takes 1-5
05 I’m Leavin’ – take 1
06 It’s Only Love - takes 1-4
07 I Shall Be Released
08 It’s Only Love - takes 6 & 7
09 Help Me Make It Through The Night -takes 4-7
10 Fools Rush In (Where Angels Fear To Tread) - takes 8 & 9
11 Put Your Hand In The Hand – take 1
12 It’s Only Love –takes 8 & 9
13 Miracle Of The Rosary – take 1
14 Until It’s Time For You To Go - takes 6 & 7
15 Fools Rush In (Where Angels Fear To Tread) – take 10
16 Early Morning Rain – take 11
18 Help Me Make It Through The Night - take15
19 I’m Leavin’ –takes 2 & 3
Album produced and art directed by Ernst Mikael Jørgensen & Roger Semon
Mastered by Vic Anesini
Additional mastering and editing: Sebastian Jeansson (disc 1) Lene Reidel (disc 2)
Audio consultant: Sebastian Jeansson - Original A&R: Felton Jarvis
(News, Source;FTD) |
'Elvis In A Minnesota Minute' MRS book out NEXT Week: As reported 2 days ago, the new MRS limited edition book release will be heading to dealers next week. The 9 x 11 inch hardback book contains 100 pages in full color gloss print, featuring the photographic works of Tim Healy in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Elvis Presley show on October 17, 1976.
"As the Minneapolis Tribune reported at the time, “Elvis is in as good shape as ever and, of course, as a performer on stage, singing or just fooling around, he has more charisma than a dozen other top performers combined. Will Elvis endure? Judging by the screams of the audience he's in no trouble.”
See more images below.
Click here for more details & purchase info.
(News, Source;MRS) |
Knoxville's Market Square with Roy Acuff and Elvis Presley's early days: Jack Neely is the author of a history of Market Square, and today, he's your tour guide to the square's musical past. Long before the Sundown in the City or live bands at the Square Room and Preservation Pub, music resonated from Market Square in downtown Knoxville.
"Market Square has been a music venue since the 1860s, believe it or not," says Knoxville Historian Jack Neely.
It began with classical music shows, and then street musicians joined the scene.
"It was known for what they weren't yet calling country music. Guys like Roy Acuff were playing on Market Square, often in the Old Market Hall."
In fact, some claim the Old Market Hall is where country music was born, thanks to Roy Acuff!
He often played in the Hall's second floor auditorium. This was at least a decade before his debut on the Grand Ole Opry.
The country great isn't Market Square's only claim to fame. Sixty years ago, Rita's Ice, then Bells Sales Company, was serving up sounds not sweets.
"It was the kind of record store that was full of records, up and down the walls," says Neely. "You could get almost anything there."
Known for discovering hits, the small record store was closely watched by some in the industry, especially RCA. An executive there believed that if a record sold well at Bells Sales Company, it had potential to go national.
That theory proved to be true in the Summer of 1954. Sam Morrison, the
proprietor of Bells Sales Company, played a new record out of Memphis.
"It was called, 'That's All Right, Mama,'" says Neely. "And, Morrison said, 'Watch what happens.'"
Even then, Elvis Presley had Market Square all shook up, selling 5,000 copies in just two weeks.
"RCA had never heard of this guy Elvis Presley, but they thought, 'Gosh, we ought to put him in our sites.'"
A year later, RCA signed the king of rock and roll, and the rest is history.
As Market Square continues to revive itself, the venue's rich, musical legacy lives on.
"I think it's only natural that it's become a cultural interchange," Neely says. "A conduit of all sorts of music."
(News, Source;SanjaM/ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis, the Cherry Girls of Biloxi and the Beer Barrel Polka: It is an unchallenged fact all around Biloxi, even today, that there was no one closer to Elvis during the summers of 1955-56 than those whom we will identify here only as the Cherry Girls. They spoke only on the basis we would not use their names. Today [1996] they are respectable business women and they think if someone ever heard of their giggly, teenaged past, well…
“The first night he appeared down here, well, he was good looking, but I was not impressed with the pelvis. I had been raised with values. But, we were teens and he was a teen, so we liked him. Still, we were teenaged girls, hanging out together. We went to places together and we left those places together….The night he played at the Community Center (Lodge), six or eight of us went backstage to see him. My sister was wearing a strapless dress. Elvis saw her in the back of the crowd and told the people, ‘Let those girls through.’ My sister had dark hair and he seemed to like dark-haired girls.”
“He once invited us to come and see him at the Louisiana Hayride,” CG One continued. “We had to take a chaperone along or our parents would never have allowed this. We were just out of high school at the time.”
What the parents never knew was, once the chaperone arrived in Shreveport, she was dumped off at Barksdale Air Force Base, where she visited her son. The Cherry Girls checked into one room at the Al-Ida Motel, where Elvis was staying. |
“During the Hayride show……My sister was wearing these tight black pedal pushers and a bright pink blouse. As Elvis was singing, he stopped and he said he wanted someone out of the audience to come up there and help him sing. He pointed at my sister and she went up there on stage with Elvis.
“When she walked on that stage, the emcee said into the mike, ‘You must have stood up all the way over here your pants fit so snug!’
“Elvis started playing and singing the Beer Barrel Polka, but my sister was so embarrassed she couldn’t remember the words to the song…..After the show he came over to the Al-Ida and all of us laid on the bed and watched television until late,” CG One added.
Today, as CG One re-tells the tales of them and Elvis, the girls – now women – giggle as stories unfold, just as they must have giggled then when Elvis would amuse them.
A borderline member of their clan was a dark-skinned, dark-haired beauty named June Juanico. (Source: Excerpted from Early Elvis: The Sun Years, Bill E. Burk, Propwash Publishing, USA, 1997, ISBN: 1879207516)
EIN Note: The Early Elvis trilogy of books by the late Bill E. Burk are mandatory inclusions in any serious Elvis library. Based on exhaustive research by Burk and firsthand accounts by those there during Elvis’ early childhood and rise to fame, Early Elvis: The Tupelo Years; Early Elvis: The Humes Years and Early Elvis: The Sun Years, are an archival treasure which provide an invaluable source of information and insight about Elvis before he became an international superstar. Long out of print, copies can sometimes be sourced through Amazon or eBay.
Elvis In Concert 2010 Tour Booklet: Here's the first glimpse of the new "Elvis Presley In Concert 2010" Tour Book. This program, which will be sold at all Video Shows, features 26 pages and a 4 page cover. Size 250mm wide by 350mm high. Available at all concerts and on-line. (News, Source: Elvis News/Elvis Matters)

Elvis In Concert 2010 Merchandise: If you're going to see one of the European 'Elvis Presley In Concert' concerts with his original band members, you can't go home without an official EPE souvenir. There are T-shirts, key chains, lanyards, pins, tote bags, baseball caps, magnets, even an official 'Elvis 75th Anniversary Lithograph'...(News, Source: Elvis News/Elvis Matters) |
Elvis the Movie – finally coming to DVD early next month!: Just two years after Elvis Presley passed away, Kurt Russell brought him back to life in the original biopic about the King of Rock n Roll.
Released through ABC in 1979, Elvis marked the first time director John Carpenter and actor Kurt Russell would work together in what would become a legendary pairing in film history (Escape From New York, Big Trouble In Little China, The Thing and Escape From L.A.).
Tracing Presleys life from his impoverished childhood to his meteoric rise to stardom to his triumphant return to Las Vegas, Elvis features Shelley Winters (Gladys Presley), Season Hubley (Priscilla Presley), Bing Russell (Kurt’s real-life father as Vernon Presley), Pat Hingle (Colonel Tom Parker), Joe Mantegna (Memphis Mafia member Joe Esposito) and Ed Begley Jr. (drummer D.J. Fontana) in an all-star supporting cast for an effort that garnered numerous Emmy nominations including Outstanding Lead Actor for Russell. Restored From The Original Film Elements.
EIN has ordered a limited supply of the DVD for Aussie fans
-Note: the DVD is Region 1 coded so an All Region DVD player is required
Aussie Chart Update: On this week's ARIA charts, Elvis The King of Rock 'n' Roll slipped 7 places to #31 on the Music DVD Chart after 92 weeks on the chart. Elvis Presley Australian 50 Top Ten Hits slipped 12 places to #36 on the Album Chart after 5 weeks in. (News, Source: ARIA)
TIME magazine accolades for Viva Elvis in Vegas: Time magazine has weighed in on Cirque du Soleil's "Viva Elvis" with a big Valentine.
"No tribute show can touch this one in its level of sophistication and its power of evocation," wrote Richard Corliss in this week's issue.
The show, "as much a dance show as a circus show," officially opens Friday at CityCenter's Aria hotel and casino.

By comparison, Corliss said "Love," Cirque's homage to the Beatles, is "sedate stuff next to this audiovisual-balletic-acrobatic explosion from director Vincent Paterson and 'director of creation' Armand Thomas. They've concocted an experience that's both symphonic and in every way fantastic."
"The wonder," wrote Corliss, "comes not just in the death-taunting circus feats -- trapeze agility, high-bar gymnastics -- that are the company's hallmark but also in the superb editing of Elvis clips (by Ivan Dudynsky) and the savvy sampling of the musical material (by Erich van Tourneau) that revises and refreshes the Presley oeuvre. No tribute show can touch this one in its level of sophistication and its power of evocation."
"The real Vegas has had its profits pinched by the Great Recession lately," Corliss said. "But luxe, energy, sexual threat and primal rock 'n' roll are back in fashion on the Aria stage, where Cirque is throwing its most joyous party ever -- and where Elvis lives." (News, Source: Norm Clarke, http://www.lvrj.com/news/viva-elvis-lauded-for-sophistication-84371742.html)
Ask Elvis on BBC2 Radio: Are you all shook up? Well that's alright mama. Maybe your hound dog is stuck on you and you want to get him off. If it's always on your mind, Elvis has the answers to your questions. Please note that Elvis gets loads of questions every week, so if you do fill out the form it's not guaranteed to be used on air.
Ask Elvis
Zippin Pippin collapses: The Zippin Pippin roller coaster, which Elvis Presley loved to ride, is on the ground in Memphis after part of it collapsed during dismantling.
Steve Mulroy is president of a nonprofit group negotiating the sale of the century-old coaster. He told The Commercial Appeal that Green Bay, Wis., will acquire the name, design and configuration of the Pippin. He said only a small portion of the wood might be usable.
During a news conference Thursday, Mulroy said Green Bay Mayor Jim Schmitt is taking a purchase proposal to his city's parks committee next week and city council approval is anticipated in March.
Schmitt wants to rebuild the Pippin at his city's Bay Beach Amusement Park.
The coaster became surplus when the Libertyland amusement park closed in 2005. (News, Source: Amber Smith/Associated Press) |
Sunday 14 February 2010 - Happy Valentine's Day |
On Valentine's Day - VOTE for Elvis in the best all-time lovesongs artist poll. CLICK HERE & see details below |
'Off Duty With Private Presley' sneak-peak: 'Off Duty With Private Presley' 50 YEAR COMMEMORATIVE ISSUE (1960-2010) is already on the way to dealers.
Contains recordings made during Elvis' time off duty with such classic's as 'A Big Hunk 0' Love', `A Fool Such As I' and 'I Got Stung' plus 30 UNRELEASED TRACKS privately recorded by Elvis, available for the first time ever. The accompanying book has 100 pages of stunning rare and unreleased photographs with informative text and historical facts.
See below for some stunning new photos. EIN full review tomorrow.
With links to on-line sales via HMV (click here)
or Play.com (click here) there is a good chance that this new release will get to a high position in the UK charts, after already reaching the Top Ten on pre-order charts.
'Elvis In A Minnesota Minute' MRS book should be on the way to dealers next week. - see below for more info & pictures.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
'A Minnesota Moment' FTD released: According to Elvis Unlimited the new FTD 'A Minnesota Moment' has been released. The CD contains a live recording of Elvis at the Metropolitan Sports Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota on October 17, 1976.
(News, Source:ElvisUnlimited)
VOTE for Elvis as your favourite!: In the "All-time Favourite LoveSongs Artists" poll Elvis has increased his lead to third place. Of course Michael Jackson fans are taking over and he has recently overtaken earlier top-place John Denver. BUT as talented and loved as Michael is, he is NOT the all-time best love song singer!
You know that, we all know that...AND we all know who IS the best.
SO why not continue the fantastic job that Elvis fans have all been doing voting for ELVIS and please if you know anyone who will help in the voting, pass this along to them !
If "50,000 Elvis Fans Can't Be Wrong" then surely we can find 1,000 votes to put Elvis in the lead.
Click here to vote.
Thanks from Bette.
(News, Source;Bette) |
Jacko’s Spirit Talks to Lisa Marie: According to British tabloids (EIN - so it must be true!) Michael Jackson's "unsettled" spirit begged ex-wife Lisa Marie Presley to forgive him at a seance, her pal has revealed.
Karen Faye, who was Jacko's make-up artist, said she and Lisa Marie contacted the King of Pop using a psychic last week.
Karen, 53, said: "He seemed to be on a mission to reach out to people in his life and be forgiven. Michael spent his time explaining his faults and wanting us to forgive him. He seemed unsettled.
"He seemed more jovial with Lisa. The psychic turned to me and said Michael is telling me, 'You took such good care of me, and I am so sorry I hurt you so much'.
"He said he should have listened to me more. It hit me straight in the heart."
Karen insisted the medium had "no idea" of her link to Jacko, who died last June.
She said: "There were definite, deep insights that would have been difficult to make up.
"It was detailed about the inner dynamics of his family and his levels of pain and emotional inability."
Elvis' daughter Lisa Marie wed Jacko in 1994. They split after 18 months.
In 2002 it was reported that she contacted her late father for approval before she married actor Nicolas Cage.
(News, Source;SanjaM/ElvisInfoNet) - Go HERE to EIN's Jacko vs ELVIS files. |
"Viva Viva Elvis" says US Time Magazine: There he is, in vivid black and white, onstage at Las Vegas' new Aria hotel-casino, squalling "Blue Suede Shoes" on a gigantic screen behind a jukebox-shaped set. Below him, eight musicians serve as his amped-up house band while a dozen dancers practically leap out of their tight pants and pedal pushers. At centre stage is a huge shoe, which another half-dozen revellers use as a trampoline, performing double somersaults in time to the music. The King looks down, smiling as if in approval of this spectacular union of two crucial elements--one past, one present--of Vegas show biz. Elvis Presley, meet Cirque du Soleil's Viva Elvis.
From his first concert series at the International Hotel in 1969 until his death in 1977, Elvis was Las Vegas. Glammed up in sequined duds that would make a showgirl or Liberace envious, he pleased his aging audience, singing his early hits that once had the musk of sexual revolt but by then were golden oldies. And while he redefined Sin City's notion of a headliner show, the town changed Presley as well. At the end, the kid from Tupelo, Miss., may have been more Vegas than Elvis.
The Strip has another king now. Since 1993, with the opening of Mystère, the Montreal-based Cirque has come to dominate Vegas entertainment with such theatrical extravaganzas as the water show O and the martial-arts epic Ka--pieces that in scope and technical éclat are to the typical Broadway show what Avatar is to the 1933 King Kong. In 2006, Cirque pulled off a Beatles homage, Love, but that was sedate stuff next to this audiovisual-balletic-acrobatic explosion from director Vincent Paterson and "director of creation" Armand Thomas. They've concocted an experience that's both symphonic and in every way fantastic.
Beginning and ending with Elvis '56 ("Blue Suede Shoes" to start, "Hound Dog" for the finale), the 90-min. show, now in previews before its official opening Feb. 19, sprints through Presley's youth, his first phenomenal success, his Army service, his marriage to Priscilla Beaulieu, his movies and the Vegas years. This is hagiography, not biography; it's no warts, all wonder.
The wonder comes not just in the death-taunting circus feats--trapeze agility, high-bar gymnastics--that are the company's hallmark but also in the superb editing of Elvis clips (by Ivan Dudynsky) and the savvy sampling of the musical material (by Erich van Tourneau) that revises and refreshes the Presley oeuvre. No tribute show can touch this one in its level of sophistication and its power of evocation.
Got a Lot o' Livin' to Do
In Vintage Cirque style, Viva Elvis often soars into the symbolic, the oneiric. To suggest the star's closeness to his twin brother Jesse, who died at birth, the show offers, to a tender rendition of the ballad "One Night," a vision of two young men in James Dean--ish white T-shirts and jeans, executing soulful acrobatics, alone and together, on a guitar-shaped apparatus suspended in front of a starry night sky. At the end, one of the men--Jesse--falls off into the abyss.
There's plenty of vigorous terpsichore (this is as much a dance show as a circus show), but Viva Elvis can't stay earthbound for long. In the Army section, to the tune of "Are You Lonesome Tonight?," two figures on wires--a soldier abroad and his girl back home, holding a letter she's written him--execute a poignant pas de deux; they never touch until at last he grasps the letter and presses it to his chest. The Elvis-Priscilla courtship is staged with a man and a woman reclining on separate beds, then (to "Love Me") rising in sleep to meet their dream lovers on large airborne engagement rings in two complementarily sensual couplings. Cover the kids' eyes!
The very smart choice of songs covers both the canonical ("Heartbreak Hotel," "Jailhouse Rock," "Burning Love") and the merely fabulous ("Got a Lot o' Livin' to Do," which accompanies an ecstatic amusement-park bit with high-bouncing superheroes). Of course the climax is "Viva Las Vegas," with 40 Elvis impersonators and a dozen chorines filling Mark Fisher's staircased set and the Big E back onscreen, overseeing the riot of color and movement.
The real Vegas has had its profits pinched by the Great Recession lately. But luxe, energy, sexual threat and primal rock 'n' roll are back in fashion on the Aria stage, where Cirque is throwing its most joyous party ever--and where Elvis lives.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet/NaveenVerghese) |
On Stage: Legacy Edition 2-Disc CD Revisits Elvis’ Historic Return to Public Concerts in Las Vegas: It was at the International Hotel in Las Vegas where – after eight years of non-stop movie making that left no room for live performance tours – Elvis and his manager Colonel Tom Parker finally staged his triumphant return to public concerts in 1969. As if making up for lost time, Elvis unleashed a torrent of pent-up energy at the International, picking up where his black-leather NBC-TV “comeback” special of December 1968 left off.
The International Hotel premiere took place over the course of four memorable weeks in July-August 1969; Elvis returned to the International for another four weeks in January--February 1970. A handful of the 12 songs from the 1969 shows were released in November that year as Elvis In Person at the International Hotel, better known as disc one of the double-LP From Memphis To Vegas – From Vegas to Memphis. The next year, ten songs from the ’70 shows were released in June as the album On Stage (inexplicably including two songs from the previous year). |
Now four decades later, those two albums – with multiple bonus tracks on each – have been coupled together for the first time. ON STAGE: LEGACY EDITION pays tribute to Elvis in one of the most outstanding performance periods in his career.
The specially-designed double-CD package, encased in the distinctive Legacy Edition mylar slipcase, will be available at all physical and digital retail outlets starting March 23rd through RCA/Legacy, a division of SONY MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT.
ON STAGE: LEGACY EDITION is the latest entry in a full slate of Elvis Presley catalog titles that will be released on RCA/Legacy throughout the year. On December 8th, RCA/Legacy officially kicked off the birthday year with ELVIS 75: GOOD ROCKIN’ TONIGHT, the first four-CD deluxe box set to ever provide the definitive overview of his entire recording career. The 100 songs – a broad collection of hit singles, deep album tracks, live performances, and rarities – range from the first demo acetate that Elvis made at the Memphis Recording Service of Sun Records in 1953 (“My Happiness”), to a sampling of Sun Records sides produced by Sam Phillips in 1954-55 (“That’s All Right,” “Blue Moon Of Kentucky,” “Good Rockin’ Tonight,” and more), through 21 and a half years of RCA tracks, from 1956 to 1977. On January 5th, ELVIS 75 was released, a single CD collection of 25 tracks from 1954 to 1972, culled from the box set.
ON STAGE: LEGACY EDITION contains a full-color booklet with numerous photos and a new 3,000-word liner notes essay by Ken Sharp that provides the essential backstory. Sharp’s recent book, Elvis: Vegas ’69 (Follow That Dream Books, 2009), draws on exclusive interviews with the people who were there, including Elvis’ TCB bandmates, the Sweet Inspirations, the Imperials, celebrities in attendance, International Hotel personnel including hotel president Alex Shoofey, international media, and many others.
“It was his first live show in eight years and it was a big challenge coming back,” master guitarist and TCB bandleader James Burton told Sharp. “He’d been doing movies for so long and was very insecure about how his fans would accept him. Elvis came up to me right before the show and said, ‘James, I’m so nervous, I don’t know if I can do this.’ I said, ‘Elvis, when you walk out there and the curtain goes up, after the first two or three songs it’ll be like sitting at home in your living room.’”
The 1969 shows (represented on disc two) found Elvis asserting his dominion over the formative songs of his career, including ’50s hits “Blue Suede Shoes,” “All Shook Up,” “Hound Dog,” “Heartbreak Hotel,” a medley of “Jailhouse Rock/Don’t Be Cruel,” and a medley of “Mystery Train” with Rufus Thomas’ “Tiger Man.” Early ’60s hits include “Are You Lonesome Tonight?” and “Can’t Help Falling In Love.” There were covers of early rock and blues standards from Chuck Berry (“Johnny B. Goode”), Willie Dixon (“My Babe”), Jimmy Reed (“Baby, What You Want Me To Do”), Lowell Fulsom (“Reconsider Baby”), and Ray Charles (“I Got A Woman,” “I Can’t Stop Loving You”). Contemporary material was limited to “In The Ghetto” and “Suspicious Minds” (both from the Memphis sessions earlier that year), Willie Nelson’s “Funny How Time Slips Away” (a year before Elvis recorded it in 1970), and a surprising cover of the Bee Gees’ “Words” from 1968.
Six months later, the repertoire of the 1970 shows (represented on disc one) was entirely different – except for Elvis’ red hot version of the blues staple, “See See Rider” (the opening number) and Little Richard’s “Long Tall Sally,” now the material was all from the contemporary song book. This included two songs from the ’69 Memphis sessions, “Don’t Cry Daddy” and “Kentucky Rain.” The emphasis was on ballads, including updates of the Everly Brothers’ 1960 hit, “Let It Be Me,” and Ray Peterson’s 1959 “The Wonder Of You” (which Elvis chose to issue as a rare live single, and it rose to the Top 10; included here is a bonus afternoon rehearsal version of the song).
“Eschewing the rockier edge of the ’69 shows,” Sharp writes, “Elvis broadened his artistic swath, lending evocative interpretations of contemporary material like ‘Sweet Caroline’ by Neil Diamond, ‘Proud Mary’ by CCR and Joe South’s ‘Walk A Mile In My Shoes.’” Elvis also applied his personal stamp to Engelbert Humperdink’s “Release Me” and Tony Joe White’s “Polk Salad Annie.” As mentioned, two songs were brought over from the International Hotel recordings of the year before, Del Shannon’s “Runaway” and the Beatles’ “Yesterday.” Four decades later, the impact of these live tracks confirms the fact that Elvis was as much a part of the current pop music scene as any performer of his time.
ON STAGE: LEGACY EDITION is one element of dozens surrounding the 75th birthday anniversary year. The celebration kicked off with four days of fanfare centered at Graceland from January 7-10th.. In addition to the annual birthday proclamation ceremony on the front lawn of Graceland, events included exhibits, parties, dances, and panel discussions. Also, a Friday night tribute at the FedEx Forum by NBA’s Memphis Grizzlies, wearing blue suede shoes for the occasion; a Saturday night pops concert by the Memphis Symphony Orchestra, with guest TCB Band members Ronnie Tutt, James Burton and Glen D. Hardin; and a Sunday morning gospel concert by Elvis’ Imperials at Graceland Plaza.
Disc One – Selections: 1. See See Rider • 2. Release Me • 3. Sweet Caroline • 4. Runaway • 5. The Wonder Of You • 6. Polk Salad Annie • 7. Yesterday • 8. Proud Mary • 9. Walk A Mile In My Shoes • 10. Let It Be Me • Bonus songs: 11. Don’t Cry Daddy • 12. Kentucky Rain • 13. Long Tall Sally • 14. The Wonder Of You (Hot 100 #9). (Tracks 1-10 originally issued June 1970, as On Stage, RCA 4362.)
Notes: All tracks 1-13 recorded at dinner shows and midnight shows at the International Hotel, Las Vegas, February 16-19, 1970, except tracks 4 and 7, recorded August 25, 1969. Track 14 recorded at afternoon rehearsal, February 18, 1970.
Disc Two – Selections: 1. Blue Suede Shoes • 2. Johnny B. Goode • 3. All Shook Up • 4. Are You Lonesome Tonight? • 5. Hound Dog • 6. I Can’t Stop Loving You • 7. My Babe • 8. Medley: Mystery Train/Tiger Man • 9. Words • 10. In The Ghetto • 11. Suspicious Minds • 12. Can’t Help Falling In Love • Bonus tracks: 13. I Got A Woman • 14. Medley: Jailhouse Rock/Don’t Be Cruel • 15. Heartbreak Hotel • 16. Baby, What You Want Me To Do • 17. Reconsider Baby • 18. Funny How Time Slips Away. (Tracks 1-12 originally issued November 1969, as Elvis In Person at the International Hotel, i.e. disc 1 of original double-LP From Memphis To Vegas – From Vegas to Memphis, RCA 6020; re-issued November 1970 as single-LP Elvis In Person, RCA 4428)
Notes: All tracks 1-18 recorded at dinner shows and midnight shows at the International Hotel, Las Vegas, August 23-26, 1969. Tracks 13-16 originally issued 2003, on Elvis In Person (Follow That Dream Music, 88697 40721 2) .Track 17-18 originally issued 1971, on Collectors Gold (RCA 3114).
Go here for EIN's exclusive interviews with author Ken Sharp
(CD, Source: EPE/Brian Quinn)
Viva Elvis - Gold hit or lead bomb?: Las Vegas remains the foreclosure capital of America. Tourism is faltering; Nevada faces a $1 billion budget deficit; and Crystals contains only retailers like Tiffany, Yves St. Laurent, Tom Ford, Prada, and Cartier – and restaurants like Wolfgang Puck or Eva Langoria Parker's would-be celebrity boite, Besos.
Aria has even put The King on steroids. Viva Elvis, the new Cirque du Soleil musical whose opening has been postponed twice, is getting raspberries from preview audiences.
Just down the street, Carl Icahn recently purchased the new $2 billion Fontainebleau Hotel and Casino project (only 70% complete) out of foreclosure for $186 million. There is
trouble in River City. (News, Source: Robert Julian, ebar.com) |
Before Bowie - Elvis the androgynous figure whose changed the world: “Until Elvis came along,” remembers Jan Hodenfield, rock writer for the New York Post, “I didn’t think anyone else was feeling what I was feeling”.” That sexual expression – that screaming and ranting and carrying on - was totally unheard of the straight, uptight fifties. Nowhere in white music had a man been so expressive. Johnny Ray may have pioneered emotional expressiveness, but it took Elvis to add a physical dimension to it.
Emotional plus physical expressiveness: what Elvis’ unique synthesis did was tell young men that it wasn’t unmasculine to writhe and quake and bellow, to let the nerve ends show through the skin. As macho as he is taken to be, his real liberating effect may have been exactly the opposite.
As New Times’ rock critic Patrick Carr points out: “Elvis was the first entertainer who showed female qualities. He told us all that men didn’t have to look and move like aircraft pilots with rods stuck up their asses. He was almost an androgynous figure – the first performer to project both male and female qualities.”
This sensibility that he planted in the young boys who watched him and copied him would bloom a decade later in the love-power sixties, when qualities once clearly though female – long hair, langorous movements, preoccupation with the idealistic and the bucolic, and disdain for the competitive and the ambitious – became the benchmarks of a whole new kind of masculinity.
At that moment, remembers one journalist, “thousands of kids’ bedroom doors slammed around the nation.” The Generation Gap was born. (referring to Elvis’ appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show)
(Extract from The Pelvis That Shook the Nation, Sheila Weller, Forum magazine, February 1978) |
New book reveals author knows something Elvis didn't: Mercia Fiore never dreamed her stint as a secretary would catapult her into the limelight. The Elmwood Park resident recounts her experiences as part of Elvis Presley's 1957 East Coast summer tour in her latest book, What Elvis Never Knew.
That summer, Fiore was working in the office of Chicago talent booking agent, Al Devoin.
"I was a secretary, and on this particular day, we got a phone call about needing a change in the opening act," Fiore said. "Mr. Devoin had heard that I could sing, so he asked me to sing right then and there. The office was absolutely chaotic, but I sang "Mr. Wonderful," a song that was very popular at the time. Al told me I did great, so I got the job" as the opening act for Presley's 1957 concert. I had to catch the train the following morning," she continued, "but before that, I had to purchase gowns and gather some musical arrangements.
"I was on Cloud 9 when I landed in Georgia that next day."
Presley's reputation as a wild one was cause for concern -- at first.
"My mom and dad told me to stay away from Elvis," Fiore said. "He had that reputation. And I promised I would."
Keeping that promise proved rather easy for Fiore for two reasons.
"The (producer) told the girls not to get close to (Presley)," Fiore said. "Otherwise we could lose our jobs. Elvis wanted to teach me how to dance, but I kept staying away. I didn't want to get fired."
Reason number two was waiting back at home.
"I was dating Frank (Fiore) at the time," she said. "I couldn't wait to get home, get back to Frank, and get married."
In her book Fiore recalls Presley as a "very shy, polite young man" even when hounded by girls who, swept up in the moment, would rip his clothes and pull out pieces of his hair. As a memento of the tour, Fiore walked away with an autographed photo of Presley that read, "To Mercia, love ya hon, enjoyed having you in the show."
What Elvis Never Knew is Fiore's fourth book.
"I've been writing since I was 7," she said. "My dad played baseball. He pitched to Babe Ruth. I wanted the whole world to know. I rewrote that book every year, and it ended up becoming Life is a Baseball Game.
Her first book -- self-published -- was a fictionalized version of the life of Emma Lazarus, the woman who wrote the poem, The New Colossus, a portion of which is inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty.
"It was around the time of the rededication of the statue," Fiore said. "There was precious little information here, so I wrote to places overseas."
"I had six months to get the book put together before the dedication. Frank helped, and I ended up selling 5,000 copies at the statue."
In October 1986 she received a note from Frank Sinatra thanking her for sending him a copy of the "lady." Fiore said she then decided she needed a publisher.
"I finally found one -- PublishAmerica. "Now we're looking for a producer," Frank said, adding his wife's latest book "would make a great movie."
Mercia Fiore also wrote a book about the struggles her parents had later in life.
"They're my heroes," she said. "All the things they went through, all the struggles. Dad had a hemorrhagic stroke, and Mom took care of him. It truly is a love story."
What Elvis Never Knew and other books by Fiore are available through www.publishamerica.com (News, Source: Cathryn Gran, pioneerlocal.com)
Fan letter sells for $7.613 on eBay: WhatSellsBest.com, a website which tracks top sold prices for rare and unusual items selling on eBay, is reporting a 1956 handwritten letter by Elvis Presley to a fan, has fetched a final bid of $7,613. The authenticated letter was written (by Elvis) to the fan who met and then wrote Presley in late 1955. The auction also included a letter from the fan, detailing the encounter they had with Elvis. To see what was written in the letters, (by Elvis and the Fan) and see the other rare items selling on eBay. Visit: WhatSellsBest.com or use the links below. (News, Source: WebWire)
Elvis' former son in law won't receive Tennessee honor: Being Elvis Presley's son-in-law at one time wasn't enough to garner Michael Jackson an honor by the Tennessee legislature.
A resolution honoring the late "King of Pop" failed in the state senate Thursday.
Seven senators voted for the resolution; six voted against it. Measures need at least 17 votes to pass in the senate.
The vote came a week after the resolution passed in the House. Representatives noted Jackson was once married to Lisa Marie Presley, which made him Elvis' son-in-law.
In 2007, the Senate voted against a resolution honoring singer Justin Timberlake. (News, Source: Mary Katherine Rooker, wsmv.com)
Photo Credits: Michael Jackson: Paul Bergen, Redferns; Elvis: Michael Ochs Archives, Getty Images |
THE ULTIMATE ELVIS TRIBUTE ARTISTS TOUR scheduled for Reading’s Sovereign Performing Arts Center on February 10 has been cancelled due to hazardous weather conditions that have also caused school, government offices and many businesses to be closed.
Tickets are refundable at point of purchase.
Recognizing the fans in the greater Reading metropolitan market, the show’s producers will make an effort to include an appearance in Reading on future cycles of the Tour. At this time, none of the other remaining engagements on the Tour are expected to be adversely effected by the snow storm. (News, Source: EPE)
Wednesday 10 February 2010 |
Sir Paul McCartney to be at Viva Elvis VIP opening: Plans are well underway for the star-studded VIP celebration for Viva Elvis' premiere Feb. 19 at Aria at CityCenter, and Cirque du Soleil is expecting Paul McCartney and members of The Beatles Love family at The Mirage to attend.
Cirque officials also are hoping for Ringo Starr with Barbara Bach, Yoko Ono with Sean Lennon and George Harrison's widow Olivia. All of them are fans of Elvis' music, and both John Lennon and Harrison have admitted that the King of Rock and Roll inspired the two Brits. |
Additionally, Priscilla Presley and Lisa Marie Presley are scheduled to attend next week's premiere at the Elvis Theater in Aria. Other musicians and Hollywood stars have already accepted invitations. It will not be a red carpet gala, but in fact a blue carpet celebration paying tribute to Elvis and those blue suede shoes.
As the spectacular $100 million production nears its official unveiling, Viva Elvis still is undergoing creative fixation by Cirque's top producers. This past week the production suspended four nights of previews, including Saturday night's late show, for continuing rehearsals as segments were deleted and numbers added.
This is said to be a normal part of Cirque's creation process, as the colorful, action-packed musical nears its premiere. Priscilla Presley herself has shuttled back and forth from her Malibu, Calif., home watching over and approving the changes as the Elvis show takes its final shape.
"Nothing is wrong, and it's all going to be absolutely incredible when it's really seen for the first time. The exciting audience responses through previews have been phenomenal and wonderfully enthusiastic with supportive suggestions," a theater source said. A source also has confirmed that the Elvis character on stilts has been dropped from the show.
For those who want to witness the star turnout, the blue carpet starts at 6 p.m. Feb. 19, with a post-premiere gala planned for that night, possibly lasting past the midnight hour. (News, Source: Robin Leach, Las Vegas Sun)
The Elvis Files - six volume book release: From Erik Lorentzen, the author of the critical acclaimed book, Elvis - The King Of Las Vegas, comes a stunning six-volume series, unlike anything you’ve seen before. The Elvis Files volume 1-6 carefully documents almost every single day of Elvis Presley’s life from 1954 to 1977, covering everything from what he wore onstage to whom he meet that day. Each book contains 360 pages packed with over 1200 images, many of them never seen before, interviews and concert reviews. –This is a labour of love for me, says Erik Lorentzen, author and long time Elvis fan, who have found images and information never revealed before. The six-volume series contains:
The Elvis Files Vol. 1, 1954-1956
The Elvis Files Vol. 2, 1957-1959
The Elvis Files Vol. 3, 1960-1965
The Elvis Files Vol. 4, 1966-1969
The Elvis Files Vol. 5, 1970-1973
The Elvis Files Vol. 6, 1974-1977
The first book The Elvis Files Vol. 3, 1960-1965 will be launched in April/May 2010. The Elvis Files - a must for every fan. (News, Source: Elvis Matters)

Elvis Presley 50 Australian Top Ten Hits 1956-1977 (CD Review) - A Case of What Could Have Been!: There has been a strong response to our review of the latest "Aussie only" album, with noted Australian Elvis collector and researcher, Bob Hayden, particularly strident in his well argued views. Other Aussie Elvis identities, Dr. John Walker and Kim Morrison, have also weighed in to the debate and another reader, Jeremy, has identified factual errors in the booklet liner notes!
EIN even received a copy of a message about the release from Sony Music Australia apparently meant for another website.
Not surprisingly, Sony ignored all of the key points in our review and suggested Mother's Day would be the next key point in sales activity.
In directly accepting the album's quick slide down the charts Sony was disingenuous in also ignoring how well earlier "TV promoted" Elvis releases have done in Australia. (See also next news item)
If Sony has forgotten, EIN would be only too happy to refresh its memory!
Read EIN's detailed review and reader feedback
Aussie compile relegated to "Clearance Bin" after less than a month: In another example of the failure of Elvis Presley 50 Australian Top Ten Hits 1956-1977, major Aussie online seller, Chaos Music, has relegated the double album to its clearance bin where it can now be bought for only A$13.00! (News, Source: Chaos.com)
Electro Elvis: This collection is now on iTunes: Tribute to Elvis Presley Electro Cover Compilation - meets KORG DS-10.
1 ALL Shook Up by Miguel Angel Ibanez Munoz
2 (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear by David Solanes Venzala
3 Love Me Tender by Butterfly In The Moon
4 I Want You, I Need You, I Love You by ZESTA
5 Jailhouse Rock by Atsushi Tokushima
6 (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear by Aki Takatsuki
7 Can't Help Falling In Love by Parking Project
8 DON'T BE CRUEL by The Shrapnelles
9 Jailhouse Rock by Butterfly In The Moon
10 Good Luck Charm by Jim Ediger
11 G.I. Blues by Mina
12 Jailhouse Rock by Charles Ferraro
14 Jailhouse Rock by TRIO THE DS-10
(News, Source: Elvis News) |
New exhibit looks at Elvis' media impact: A new exhibit opening March 12 at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. will look at Elvis Presley as the groundbreaking media phenomenon who changed the way celebrity is covered by journalists.
Some of the artifacts of his life to be displayed have never before been made public, even at Graceland, according to exhibit curator Cathy Trost. They include a leather Harley Davidson jacket and an original acetate recording of his first appearance on "The Louisiana Hayride" radio show, in 1954.
The Newseum is a journalism museum that includes television studios, Pulitzer Prize-winning photographs and iconic items showing technical breakthroughs in news coverage. "Elvis! His Groundbreaking, Hip-Shaking, Newsmaking Story" will run through Feb. 14 of next year.
Elvis Presley Enterprises has cooperated fully in the venture and has sent such items as the original keys to Graceland and the King's first Grammy Award, from 1968, for the album "How Great Thou Art." Of course, there will be a costume cape and belt.
"It really gave us a chance and an opportunity to explore how Elvis really impacted American pop culture and how the media not only helped create Elvis but also, kind of in the beginning, helped spur all the controversy," said Graceland's director of archives Angie Marchese.
It's a big year for Elvis in the nation's capital. Already, to commemorate his 75th birthday, The National Archives has showcased his quixotic, 1970 visit to Richard Nixon's Oval Office. The Smithsonian Institution's National Portrait Gallery is displaying "One Life: Echoes of Elvis" through Aug. 22 and screened "Viva Las Vegas" earlier this month. In October, the gallery will have the traveling "Elvis at 21: Photographs of Alfred Wertheimer" that's now in Los Angeles.
"One of the cool things that is going to be part of the Newseum exhibit is the jacket that Elvis was wearing when he met Nixon," said Marchese (pronounced Mar-kay-see), who started out as a Graceland summer tour guide in high school. "When I brought the artifacts up there last week, when I landed in Washington, it kind of ran through my mind that this jacket has not been here since 1970 when Elvis wore it. It was kind of one of those surreal moments."
Airport Transportation Security Administration agents needed a second look at Elvis' gold belt worn at the same White House meeting because, "When you send it through the X-ray, it did not look like a belt," Marchese said.
According to Kenneth A. Paulson, the Newseum's president and CEO, the genesis of the idea of an Elvis exhibit came from Commercial Appeal editor Chris Peck.
Peck said efforts to build a stronger relationship between the newspaper and Graceland started with brainstorming last summer, then led to Peck's call to Paulson. They talked about the news media's role in building the myth and image of the King of Rock 'n' Roll, and then in helping in the destruction of the image with criticism of his comeback and his handling of "various demons," Peck said.
"Sometimes it's easy to dismiss or diminish the importance of a regional newspaper in a hyperactive media world, but in fact the Elvis exhibit at the Newseum is a great example of the old saw that newspapers are the first rough draft of history," said Peck. (News, Source: Bartholomew Sullivan, The Commercial Appeal)
Elvis sighted all over D.C.:
Newseum promotional video of "Elvis! His Groundbreaking, Hip-Shaking, Newsmaking Story" -- newseum.org/exhibits_th/elvis/
Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery: "One Life: Echoes of Elvis" -- npg.si.edu/exhibit/exhelvis.html
The National Archives: "When Nixon Met Elvis." -- archives.gov/exhibits/nixon-met-elvis/
ETA dies too young, aged 54: The housing crash has created many new careers, but few as imaginative as the one Martin Barry Silverberg chose: Elvis impersonator for wedding and bar mitzvah gigs.
Mr. Silverberg, a former mortgage broker who went by the stage name Marty Barry, died Wednesday at a clinic in Bogotá, Colombia, where he was pursuing an alternative treatment for cancer. The Hollywood resident was 54.
"He sang just like Elvis, danced just like Elvis — he didn't just look like Elvis," said Mr. Silverberg's daughter, Laura Powell, of Hollywood. "I called him Dad but all his friends called him Elvis as a nickname."
Mr. Silverberg was born and raised in Rockaway Beach, N.Y., where he worked as a city lifeguard in his youth. As an adult he founded a modeling agency. There he met his future wife, Tracey Broussard, who came by the agency to support her roommate, an aspiring model. The couple married 24 years ago and moved to Hollywood about four years later.
For more than two decades, Mr. Silverberg had a successful career as a mortgage broker and worked as an Elvis impersonator on weekends. He was also ready to channel Elvis for those in need. In 2005 he described to the Sun Sentinel how he came to perform and hand out teddy bears for a charity benefitting seriously ill and developmentally disabled children.
But last year his mortgage work began to dry up and he needed new full-time employment. He turned into Elvis around the clock and in 2009 was ordained as a minister with the Church of Spiritual Humanism. After that he could perform wedding ceremonies, as well as sing and gyrate at them.
"He'd been doing Elvis since he was 18 years old, but he didn't do it professionally, full time, until he had more time on his hands," Powell said.
His brother-in-law, Isaac Aroshas, of Boca Raton, helped Mr. Silverberg with the technical aspects of performing. "He liked to see people in front of him smiling ear to ear and dancing to the rhythm," Aroshas said. "They were moving, that's for sure."
But his children saw a completely different persona.
"He was the best," said Powell. "He would always take us on beach days, millions of vacations. He gave us advice. He was an extremely positive force. If you got down he would say, 'Push through it, you can do it.'"
In addition to his wife and daughter, Mr. Silverberg is survived by two sons, Max, 16, and Sam, 13. Services were held. (Almost Elvis, Source: Sun-Sentinel) |
Global Chart Update - Week 05, 2010:
United States
Billboard 200:
• # ---- (138) Elvis 75 [1CD]
• # ---- (160) Boy From Tupelo
• # ---- (178) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
Top 200 Current Albums:
• #188 (125) Elvis 75 [1CD]
Top Rock Albums:
• # ---- (47) Elvis 75 [1CD]
Top Holiday Albums:
• #35 (27) Christmas Duets
Top Catalog Albums:
• #49 (27) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
• # ---- (22) Boy From Tupelo
Top Country Catalog Albums:
** Not available this week **
US (Soundscan) sales, as of this week:
• Elvis 75 - 31,513 (sold 2,590 copies this week)
Top 100 Albums:
• #50 (42) Édition 75ième anniversaire [2CD]
• # ---- (89) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
Top 50 Country Albums:
• #20 (9) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
• #37 (57) Essential Elvis
Top 50 Albums:
• #24 (20) 50 Australian Top Ten Hits: 1956-1977
Top 50 Physical Albums:
• #19 (17) 50 Australian Top Ten Hits: 1956-1977
Top 40 DVDs:
• #24 (25) Elvis: The King Of Rock ’N’ Roll
Top 50 Catalogue Albums:
• # ---- (46) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
Europe (by Billboard):
Top 100 Albums in Europe:
• #87 (37) Elvis 75
(News, Source: Elvis News/Source: Martin Arvidsson)
United Kingdom
Top 200 Albums:
• #43 (24) ELVIS 75 [3CD]
• # ---- (186) The Best Of
Top 20 Music DVD’s:
• # ---- (18) ’68 Comeback Special
Top 250 Comprehensive Albums:
• #169 (Re) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
Top 40 Compilation Albums:
• #17 (Re) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
Top 100 Albums:
• #103 (69) Elvis 75 [3CD]
Top 20 Music DVD’s:
• #17 (Ne) The King Of Rock ‘N’ Roll
Top 75 Albums:
• #6 (2) The King - 75th Anniversary Edition [3CD]
Top 100 Albums:
• # ---- (97) Elvis 75 [3CD]
Top 100 Albums:
• #37 (28) Elvis 75 [3CD]
Top 100 Albums:
• # ---- (80) Elvis 75 [3CD]
Top 100 Albums:
• # ---- (82) Elvis 75 Greatest Hits
• # ---- (90) Rockin’ With The King
Top 50 International Albums:
• #38 (27) From Elvis In Memphis (Legacy Edition)
• #43 (33) The Collection [7CD]
Elvis, music and religion: HEAVY metal fans in Britain are being urged to officially register themselves as followers of a religion in the next Census.
The campaign has attracted more than 10,000 followers on Facebook. The big question is why. Perhaps fans want tax exemptions on heavy metal albums - or hearing aids.
Music can be a dangerous art. That much was understood by Plato, Tolstoy and the fathers of the medieval church, all of whom wanted to control it.
The churches first attempted to control that power long ago. In 1322, Pope John XXII issued a decree banning the use in church of certain musical notes thought to cause "wantonness". The 82-year-old pope - a skilled musician - acknowledged that secular musicians were using the notes in the major scale to express joy and pleasure and could thus destroy "religious feeling".
During the 1940s, the conservative white southern churches in the US preached against jazz because it contained what they called "the devil's notes". It's no joke. The church leaders were intimidated by what were technically the flattened third and seventh notes of the musical scale that gave jazz its slightly out-of-tune blues feel. |
Jazz was described by Henry Van Dyke in 1920 as "music invented by demons". The Argus, a respected Melbourne newspaper, said in an editorial in 1926: "An imported vogue of sheer barbarism, jazz is a direct expression of the negroid spirit ... it affronts the ear at every turn."
A few years later, the challenging and invigorating nature of early rock 'n' roll was interpreted by some groups as evil. This mixture of intense rhythms and staccato melodies was surely the devil's work, they said.
And Elvis Presley was the devil's man, according to some. Elvis would be 75 if he were alive today and perhaps would have been all shook up by the way he is now viewed by some. For sheer religious craziness, it is hard to top the Elvis is God movement that has sprung up in parts of the world. The number of religious sites devoted to the King is staggering: there are several churches of Elvis and several online Elvis shrines.
There is a Jewish Elvis impersonator called Jelvis, who wears a Jewish prayer shawl and bills himself as the "Kosher King". In India, there is a shrine outside New Delhi devoted to Elvis, whose photo hangs beside pictures of Hindu gods. The faithful reportedly come to worship Elvis just like the other deities.
"I know it sounds strange, but there are those who sincerely believe Elvis is God," once said a spokesman for the First Presley-terian Church in Denver.
The cult of St Elvis has fascinated social scientists for years. Even Sam Phillips, the man who first recorded Elvis, was once moved to proclaim: "The two most important events in American history were the birth of Jesus Christ and the birth of Elvis Presley."
No matter that Christ was not born in the US. Truth does not matter when religious fanaticism and pop music are involved. More powerful than religion or even science, music is able to directly express the fundamental urges that move mankind. Aldous Huxley said that, after silence, music comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible.
Music is much more than mere sound waves. It is an instinctive spiritual language that is universally recognised. When Einstein was asked about his theory of relativity he said: "It occurred to me by intuition and music was the driving force behind that intuition. My discovery was the result of musical perception."
Music is the language of emotions and strong, honest emotions are often mistrusted these days, hence the facile pop lyrics that seem to push songs to the top of the charts. Much pop music is disposable dross, but thankfully not all. The best of it can be inspiring.
As Elvis himself said: "Music is like religion. When you experience either of them, it should move you." (News, Source: Bryan Patterson, Herald Sun)
New Releases: As we reported earlier, o n March 22 the Jasmine label will release a 2CD set Hits Of The '50s.
According to Amazon UK Chrome Dreams will release a DVD with Elvis' picture on it this month. We have no idea what the content might be of a DVD called All Hail The King and subtitled A 75 Year Tribute To Elvis Presley.
New home for the King's favorite ride?: Bay Beach Amusement Park may become home to a roller coaster that was Elvis Presley's favorite ride.
Green Bay Mayor Jim Schmitt expected to go to Memphis, Tenn., this weekend to check out a wooden roller coaster that is being taken apart there.
Green Bay has been scoping out antique roller coasters around the country in hopes of acquiring one for Bay Beach. A roller coaster was one of the recommendations when the city hired a consultant in 2008 to upgrade the park.
The city has had its eye on a 1920s-vintage roller coaster, the location of which the owner has asked to keep confidential, Schmitt said. While studying that option, the city discovered the other antique that's for sale in Memphis. |
Known as the Zippin Pippin, the wooden structure stands in the former Libertyland amusement park in Memphis. Workers were dismantling it this week and numbering the pieces for eventual reconstruction, but halted at Schmitt's request so he could travel down to see it. The trip, including air fare and hotel accomodations, should be less than $600 and would come out of the parks department budget, according to Schmitt's office.
The ride was built in 1915, then moved and reconstructed in 1923. A sign at the Memphis park claims the Pippin was Elvis Presley's favorite ride, and that he had rented the entire park for a group of friends eight days before he died in 1977. It reportedly was his last public appearance.
The owner is a nonprofit group dedicated to saving the ride and amusement park, Schmitt said. "People don't want to see these things disappear from their communities," said Green Bay parks director Bill Landvatter.
Libertyland closed in 2005 for financial reasons. Both roller coasters under consideration are among the nation's 10 oldest, Schmitt said. Either would be suitable, but Schmitt admitted it would be especially attractive to have a ride that the King of Rock 'n' Roll loved.
"Could you just see having Elvis Presley Day at Bay Beach?" Schmitt said.
Along with continuing negotiations with both owners, Schmitt said, the city is studying Wisconsin's amusement ride standards to see what would be involved in bringing either roller coaster up to code. The cost of either is almost irrelevant, because the purchase price is a fraction of the cost of dismantling, moving, reassembling and re-engineering, Schmitt said. The overall price tag likely will range from $2.5 million to $3 million —about half the cost of building a new one from scratch, Schmitt said.
"We're confident that revenue from rides will pay for the cost of it, and we'd have a revenue source for years to come," Schmitt said.
Bay Beach generates hundreds of thousands of dollars in income each year through ticket and concession sales. If a third of park visitors rode the roller coaster at $1 a ticket, it would quickly pay off the purchase debt and increase the use of the park's other attractions, Schmitt said. Bay Beach last had a roller coaster in 1936. (News, Source: greenbaypressgazette.com)
Presley's Place cafe/pub: If you happen to be in Belgium, be sure to visit the new Elvis cafe "Presley's Place" in the city of Rijkevorsel, about 15 minutes from the Elvis shop. Peter Godefridi opened up this themed pub this week and invites all Elvis fans to check it out. And since it's so close to the Elvis Matters shop, why not combine both? Here's the address: Presley's Place, 12 Dorp, Rijkevorsel Belgium. (News, Source: Elvis News/Elvis Matters) |
Aussie Chart Update: On today's ARIA charts, Elvis The King of Rock 'n' Roll slips one place to #24 (91 weeks on chart; 2xP) on the Music DVD Chart. On the Album chart, Elvis Presley 50 Australian Top Ten Hits slides four places to #24 (4 weeks on chart). (News, Source: ARIA)
Local woman reunited with late mother thanks to Elvis Friday Flashbacks: Elvis, as we all know, is even bigger now than he was when he was alive and a local family is saying thanks to Elvis.
Watch the video
This month, WHAS11’s Friday Flashbacks, from the WHAS11 archives continues and what fitting way to start it with a true occurrence. On January 8th, WHAS11 News featured a Friday Flashback honoring Elvis’ 75th birthday and a Louisville family watching the newscast that night, suddenly reunited with their late mother, after a nine second film clip.
It was Louisville in 1974 and on the video; Elvis emerges from his hotel room near the fairgrounds to head to Freedom Hall for his concert. In the crowd that day, WHAS reporter Jim West was interviewing people. He happened to talk to Dorothy Goff, who was with her daughter and grandkids that day. Because the concert ended late, she never saw her interview that aired on WHAS that day. She and her family missed it.
That is, until a few weeks ago, during WHAS11’s 6pm news. WHAS11 invited them both to the station to view that short clip once again. It became a tearful reunion, 30 years after her mother's death. The family has no home movies so it was the first time they've seen or heard her voice since her death. But WHAS11 had a surprise for them both; a longer segment of Dorothy on film that had never aired. And through it all, the unlikely reunion via film really does have the hand of Elvis all over it. Dorothy died at age 75. Her daughter and granddaughter saw her again, by chance, on the day of Elvis' 75th birthday, which was also Dorothy’s birthday. (News, Source: whas11.com)
Dr. Nick 'special guest' at Tampa Elvis Convention: The Florida State Fair in Tampa, FL will play host to The Elvis Extravaganza National Finals and Fan Convention February 13 & 14. Shows at the fair at 3pm and 6pm daily in the 6,000 seats entertainment hall. Shows are free with fair admission. The event brings together winners from regional contests held throughout the country during 2009 as well as performers competing in an 'open' round who were unable to attend or qualify at a regional contest.
The show is produced by the Elvis Extravaganza Fan Club. Founded in 1989 it has become the World's Largest Elvis Presley Fan Club with over 150,000 members world-wide. |
The show is backed by The Extravaganza Show Band the #1 touring tribute band in the country complete with rhythm section, horns, singers and complete orchestra charts based on Elvis' original arrangements. In addition to the show fans will have more than a dozen memorabilia tables to choose from to find their favorite Elvis collectible or souvenir as well as exclusive fan-only gatherings after the shows at a nearby hotel.
This year's special guest is Elvis Presley personal physician Dr George Nikopolous, "Dr. Nick." Nikopolous was Elvis' full time doctor and traveled with Presley from 1970 until his death in 1977. Nikopolous attempted to resuscitate Elvis, pronounced him dead on August 16, 1977 and was present during his autopsy. This marks the first time that Dr. Nikopolous has participated in a fan event. Also appearing is Dean Nikopolous, a member of Elvis' Memphis Mafia.
On Sunday at the 6pm show the National Winner will be announced and will receive cash, prizes and the title of "The World's Finest Elvis Impersonator." 2008 Winner Vic Trevino of Denton, TX is now touring with "The Ultimate Elvis Tribute Tour" produced by Elvis Presley Enterprises and On Stage Touring (a division of Legends in Concert). 2009 Winner Billy Lindsey will return to the event to defend his title.
Fans can obtain more information and impersonators can still sign up to participate at www.elviscontest.com. VIP Passes are still available which include 2-day admission to the fair (Sat & Sun), admission to the fan after-show events, a t-shirt and an advance meet and greet with Doctor Nick Friday night at the VIP gathering. Get yours here:
"Original Elvis Tribute" Returns To Holland & Belgium To Mark Elvis' 75th Anniversary!: In early May, "The Original Elvis Tribute 2010" production will return to Holland and Belgium for three exclusive shows in Holland and Belgium to mark The King's 75th year:
Effenaar, Eindhoven - May 2
Roma, Antwerpen - May 6
Het Bolwerk, Sneek - May 8

The show in Eindhoven will be rather special, because the Dutch Elvis-fanclub "Elvis For Everyone" is celebrating its 15th anniversary, and they are planning lots of surprises for that day. The "Original Elvis" show will consist of top Elvis sound-a-like Robert Washington, Elvis' 1974/'75 bassplayer Duke Bardwell, Elvis-songwriter Michael Jarrett, singer & model Sue Moreno, top session-guitarist Chris Casello and Hollywood drummer Marc Singer.
Duke says: "We are really looking forward to coming to Holland and Belgium. I've always had a special relationship with both countries ever since I first performed there back in 2003. I have made a lot of friends there, and I'm very excited about seeing them all again at the shows. We are planning to make this something special for Elvis' 75th anniversary, and we will be doing a lot of Elvis' lesser-known songs that are just as good as the classics, like 'Stranger In The Crowd'. Wait til you hear Robert Washington sing - he's the closest to Elvis that I have ever heard. Sue Moreno from Holland will also be a part of the band, and I'm really looking forward to working with her. She's a gorgeous woman and a great singer.
Let's make these shows a great celebration in memory of The King - see you there!". (Info: www.elvisnews.dk) (News, Source: Arjan Deelen)
'Ernst Jorgensen talks about Elvis Presley': Two very interesting interviews with Ernst Jorgensen from the TCM movie channel feature on YouTube.
In Part 1 Ernst talks about his early discovery of Elvis as well as missing tapes & discovering Elvis' private gospel recordings.
"To really appreciate music today, you need to know where it came from. That's a fascinating road."
Click here for Part 1 - 10 minutes
In Part 2 Ernst talks about rare discoveries from Elvis movies, Priscilla playing Ernst 'My Happiness' for the very first time and why Elvis is the most important of them all.
"I don’t think we ever got to see Elvis as an actor in a proper setting."
Click here for Part 2 - 10 minutes.
Go here for EIN's exclusive interviews with Ernst Jorgensen.
(News, Source;EIN/YouTube)

'Love Me Tender: The Love Songs of Elvis Presley' to Air On US Hallmark Channel: On February 12, at 8.00PM Eastern Time "Love Me Tender…The Love Songs Of Elvis Presley" will air on The Hallmark Channel, celebrating romantic favorites by Elvis. "Love Me Tender" is hosted by Ashley Judd and includes footage of Elvis singing his most heart-warming hits, plus interviews that offer a truly unique look at another riveting facet of this international superstar.
Known and loved around the world as the undisputed King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley was also among the world’s most beloved singers of love songs. Starting with his first recorded love song in 1956, "I Want You I Need You I Love You" his love songs revealed a tender side of Elvis in which his audiences fell in love!
Click here to see EIN's review of the DVD.
(News, Source;EPE)
'RARE ELVIS VOLUME 4' 30th Anniversary CD: A new import release. From 1980 to 2010, 30 years after the first volume of RARE ELVIS, finally here is Volume 4, to celebrate its 30th anniversary!
Features 25 hard-to-find tracks in the best sound quality ever available!! Limited Edition of 500 copies.
Full colour booklet - lots of info and great pictures!
Including 6 tracks unreleased in this form!
Almost 70 minutes of rare tracks for the first time on one CD!
Ready Teddy - 1983 remix from I Was The One LP (unreleased on CD)
Brown Eyed Handsome Man - (unreleased new edit )
Don’t – 1983 remix from I Was The One LP (unreleased on CD)
Ain´t That Loving You Baby - spliced alternate take, full version
Frankfort Special – takes 7,8
Tonight is All Right for Love – extended stereo version
Bossa Nova Baby – original 1987 extended mix by Simon Harris (unreleased in digital remastered sound )
Please Don’t Stop Loving Me – take 17
Just Call Me Lonesome – take 6
Stay Away Joe – Takes 5,6 & 8
Blue Suede Shoes- from This Is Elvis Soundtrack album (unreleased in digital remastered sound)
Let’s Forget About the Stars – original mix with piano overdubb
Swing Down Sweet Chariot – Brass overdubs
Stranger in My Own Home Town - Alternate mix
Sound Of Your Cry (extended version)
Havana Gila – Rehearsal July 29, 1970 (unreleased new edit)
Something – Live February 23, 1971 (closing show)
The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face - duet with Temple Riser
I’ve Got A Thing About You Baby – short version from This Is Elvis soundtrack album
Let Me Be The One – informal recording
Mr. Songman - undubbed master
Promised Land – harmony version from This Is Elvis soundtrack album
You Gave Me A Mountain - Live, September 2, 1974
Wooden Heart – Live December 13,1975
Solitaire - Undubbed Master
(News, Source;FECC/Ruud Kuijpers) |
'All Hail The King' new UK DVD: UK company Chrome Dreams will release an new Elvis DVD on Feb 15th this month. Titled 'All Hail The King' and subtitled 'A 75 Year Tribute To Elvis Presley' EIN imagines that the content will be interviews with the usual suspects and little more.
Chrome Dreams have so far concentrated on Presley Public Domain releases.
(News, Source;EIN/ElvisNews)
'Elvis In A Minnesota Minute' MRS book Previews: The MRS label will publish its first standalone book as a limited edition only release. The 9 x 11 inch hardback book contains 100 pages in full color gloss print, featuring the photographic works of Tim Healy in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Elvis Presley show on October 17, 1976.
"As the Minneapolis Tribune reported at the time, “Elvis is in as good shape as ever and, of course, as a performer on stage, singing or just fooling around, he has more charisma than a dozen other top performers combined. Will Elvis endure? Judging by the screams of the audience he's in no trouble.”
Below are two of Tim Healy's exclusive photos from the book showing Elvis in fine form for 1976.
Click here for more details & purchase info.
(News, Source;MRS) |
Elvis My Best Man (Book Review): George Klein became a friend of Elvis' while they both attended Humes High. EIN contributor, Susan MacDougall, recently sat down to read George's memoir. What Susan found was an entertaining memoir which has met with some criticism. Susan says:
The stated purpose of the book is to document some of the important things about Elvis that have been missed elsewhere, especially “his deep, natural intelligence and how funny he was”. There are certainly some entertaining anecdotes, such as putting a gift-wrapped box of snakes on a car seat to frighten thieves, and Elvis hiding under a train to escape a horde of sorority sisters.
Read Susan's full review
(Book Review, Source: EIN) |
Global Chart Update - Week 04, 2010:
United States
Billboard 200:
• #138 (43) Elvis 75 [1CD]
• #160 (116) Boy From Tupelo
• #178 (156) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
• # ---- (57) Memories
Top 200 Current Albums:
• #125 (42) Elvis 75 [1CD]
• # ---- (55) Memories
Top Rock Albums:
• #47 (8) Elvis 75 [1CD]
• # ---- (15) Memories
Top Holiday Albums:
• #27 (25) Christmas Duets
Top Music Video:
• # ---- (39) ’68 Comeback Special
• # ---- (40) He Touched Me: The Gospel Music Of Elvis Presley: Vol. 1 & 2
Top Catalog Albums:
• #22 (7) Boy From Tupelo
• #27 (23) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
Top Country Catalog Albums:
** Not available this week **
US (Soundscan) sales, as of this week:
• Elvis: 30 #1 Hits - 4,600,858 (sold 3,183 copies this week)
• Boy From Tupelo (re-issue) - 31,935 (sold 3,497 copies this week)
• Elvis 75 - 28,923 (sold 3,946 copies this week)
Top 100 Albums:
• #42 (47) Édition 75ième anniversaire [2CD]
• #89 (38) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
Top 50 Country Albums:
• #9 (3) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
• # ---- (47) Essential Elvis
Top 50 Albums:
• #20 (17) 50 Australian Top Ten Hits: 1956-1977
Top 50 Physical Albums:
• #17 (14) 50 Australian Top Ten Hits: 1956-1977
Top 40 DVDs:
• #25 (21) Elvis: The King Of Rock ’N’ Roll
• # ---- (39) ’68 Comeback Special
Top 50 Catalogue Albums:
• #46 (35) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
Europe (by Billboard)
Top 40 Albums in Europe:
• #37 (23) Elvis 75
United Kingdom
Top 200 Albums:
• #24 (16) ELVIS 75 [3CD]
• #186 (Ne) The Best Of
• # ---- (182) Elvis: 30 #1 Hits
Top 20 Music DVD’s:
• #18 (16) ’68 Comeback Special
Top 100 Albums:
• #69 (34) Elvis 75 [3CD]
Top 75 Albums:
• #2 (2) The King - 75th Anniversary Edition [3CD]
Bonus: On January 14 2010, 'The King - 75th Anniversary' (3CD) had shipped over 10,000 units in Austria and was certified GOLD!
Top 100 Albums:
• #97 (87) Elvis 75 [3CD]
Top 100 Albums:
• #28 (19) Elvis 75 [3CD]
Top 100 Albums:
• #80 (63) Elvis 75 [3CD]
Top 30 DVD’s:
• # ---- (22) 75th Anniversary Collectors Edition
Top 60 Albums:
• # ---- (44) The Collection [7CD]
Top 10 DVD’s:
• # ---- (7) Aloha From Hawaii
Top 100 Albums:
• #82 (53) Elvis 75 Greatest Hits
• #90 (61) Rockin’ With The King
Wednesday 3 February 2010 |
Alanna Nash talks to EIN: In the final part of her absorbing interview with EIN, author Alanna Nash talks candidly about many fascinating issues including:
- the controversy about her new book, Baby, Let's Play House
- Elvis and physical force against women in his life
- Elvis' psychological issues
- Elvis and relationships
- the Gladys Presley letter to Parchman Prison
- why Elvis acquiesced to the Colonel
- Elvis' mischievous side
Read the interview |
The spelling of "Aaron": Following our story yesterday about documents uncovered by Elvis researcher, Patrick Lacy, we received this message from Memphis Mafia member, Marty Lacker:
For those who have not read my book Elvis Aaron Presley: Revelations of the Memphis Mafia (later re-issued as Elvis and the Memphis Mafia), here is the full story of what Patrick Lacy refers to when he mentions my name in his findings about the true spelling of Elvis' middle name Aaron, not Aron.
In December, 1966 in the basement den with Elvis, his father, Richard Davis and Mike Keaton, we were talking about something that had to have his name on it. Out of the blue I said to Elvis,"You know with your knowledge of the bible, how come your middle name is spelled with one "A" as opposed to the biblical spelling, which is normally used, that of Aaron with two "A's?" He answered while glancing at his father then back to me,"Well you know back then some people didn't know how to spell or spell someone's name." He was referring to Vernon giving Elvis his middle named to honor Vernon's best friend in Tupelo, Aaron Kennedy.
So when Vernon went to register his name for the birth certificate he misspelled the name when filling out the form. What's ironic is that the Dr. who delivered Elvis, when filling out the required birth record that he was legally bound to do, he spelled Aaron with two "A's" on the birth record. What makes it even more unusual is the Dr. wrote Elvis' first name as Evis because when he asked Vernon the name, Vernon always,for whatever reason, didn't pronounce the "L" in Elvis and called him Evis. I have a copy of the birth record and it plainly states in the Doctor's handwriting Evis Aaron Presley.
So after Elvis saying that about the spelling, he further turned to his father and said,"Daddy from now on, on any legal document or anything else I want you to spell my middle name with two "A's." And there you have the reason why the spelling was changed from one "A" to two "A's."
Read more of Marty's Comments on EIN
Live On Tour New Version: This will feature footage of Madison Square Garden, the March '72 " Rock'n'Roll Medley " rehearsal, the complete Jaycees documentary, the most complete Madison Square Garden Press Conference, the complete Houston Press Conference, superb, never-before-seen-quality video of the hit single "Always On My Mind," plus a few extras! (News, Source: Elvis News/FECC) |
Elvis' death revisited: Radio DJ Michael O'Connor was program director on station KYA 1260AM in San Fransisco in August 1977. Michael just launched a site, deticated to Elvis' death, filled with original news broadcasts.
The site features radio broadcasts from August 1977 including vintage interviews of shocked friends and fans reacting to the death of Elvis. Hear on-the-scene reports as fans are interviewed at the gates of Graceland.
Listen to the news conference at the hospital where Elvis was taken. Tune-in to rare interviews with friends who last saw him alive. (News, Source: Elvis Matters/Michael O'Connor) |
New licensed product - Elvis Coin Banks: Flexcraft brings you their Elvis Presley coin bank series, where all seven high gloss, guitar-shaped banks measure 21" tall and each is decorated with memorable graphics of the king himself.
The banks are offered with or without Flexcraft's gourmet popcorn, and are sure to be a hit with your favorite Elvis collector. (News, Source: Elvis News/EPE) |
More FTDs deleted: FTD has deleted Studio B and Nashville Marathon. (News, Source: Elvis News/Elvis Australia)
Nick Jonas as Elvis: Nick Jonas, member of the pop group The Jonas Brothers, can be seen on the Spring 2010 issue of the Vman magazine.
Jonas' photoshoot is inspired by Elvis. As you can see, there is a resemblance of Elvis' publicity shots for the movie Love Me Tender. Jonas announces a solo album in the article. (News, Source: Elvis Matters) |
'Off Duty With Private Presley' MOJO Promo: Noted UK music publication MOJO features an advert for the new MRS release 'Off Duty With Private Presley' in this month's issue. The full page advert notes,
Contains recordings made during Elvis' time off duty with such classic's as 'A Big Hunk 0' Love', `A Fool Such As I' and 'I Got Stung' plus 30 UNRELEASED TRACKS privately recorded by Elvis, available for the first time ever.
The accompanying book has 100 pages of stunning rare and unreleased photographs with informative text and historical facts.
OUT 22nd February 2010.
With links to on-line sales via HMV (click here)
or Play.com (click here) there is a good chance that this new release will get to a high position in the UK charts, after already reaching the Top Ten on pre-order charts.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet/MojoUK)
Elvis Presley's GOLD Cadillac Tour of Australasia 1968-69 (Book Review): Australasian Elvis fans never got to see Elvis on their sunny shores but in 1968-69 they did get to see a piece of Elvis history when his 1960 Series 75 Fleetwood Limousine went on display across Australia and New Zealand.
Well known Australian Elvis historian, Bob Hayden, has released his comprehensive look at the events behind the tour and its trek north, south, east and west around Australia and on to New Zealand.
Filled with well researched information and many rare photos, this is a little known tour in Elvis history well worth taking!
Read the full review
(Book Review, Source: EIN) |
A love affair that became a fatal attraction – celebrity obsession and the selling of fantasies: If the greatest love affair celebrities have is with their fans, Elvis Presley was our Don Juan.
Although entertainers inspired adulation long before, and long after The King's arrival, it was the feral attraction to Presley -- who would have turned 75 today -- that forever changed the way we consume entertainment.
"He wasn't just a famous musician. He ultimately became a commodity: a brand, a symbol and a vehicle, not only for selling products but also for selling fantasies," says sociologist Patricia Leavy, an associate professor at Stonehill College in Massachusetts. "Elvis was really the beginning of consumer culture as we experience it now."
A sequin-swaddled star, Presley set the course for an entire industry. Even now, 32 years after his death, the entertainer's influence is evident in everything from the border-crossing music of Eminem to the gyroscopic invitation of Britney Spears' hips. Forbes consistently ranks the singer among the top-earning dead celebrities, with his 2009 income swelling to $55 million US. That fortune is only expected to grow with this year's birthday exhibits and a new Viva Elvis! Cirque du Soleil show opening in Las Vegas. |
"He's probably the most important, influential figure in all of popular music," says biographer Alanna Nash, author of the new book Baby Let's Play House: Elvis Presley and the Women Who Loved Him. "Nobody was prepared for the level of fame to which he ascended. He literally couldn't go out without being mobbed. I think the only time he was ever truly happy was when he was on stage and felt that unconditional love."
The initial romance between the artist and his fans, however, devolved into a fatal attraction for a self-destructive star in decline, a seemingly different man altogether, who history would mockingly remember as "Fat Elvis."
"Elvis rolled out the blueprint for a lot of the behaviour that modern-day rockers take for granted: excessive women and substance abuse," says Nash. "But he would hate to think that was his legacy."
The morbid fascination with Presley's decay set a tone for tabloid stories about celebrities that endures to this day. Fortunately for the singer, planting the seeds of schadenfreude meant he didn't experience the full ugliness of its outgrowth. The sexual dalliances laid bare in Baby Let's Play House, for example, are enough to make Tiger Woods' indiscretions look like fodder for Seventeen magazine.
Lest we forget that, among countless other improprieties, Presley began courting future wife Priscilla when he was 24 and she was 14. But, save for conservative fearmongering over his swivelling midsection, Presley's tawdrier exploits went largely unreported.
"I suspect there's a lot of stuff Elvis did that we don't know about," says Robert Thompson, one of North America's foremost experts on popular culture. "And even if the press were aware of the more unsavoury stories, they were often reluctant to cover them; look at how they gave [U. S. president John F.] Kennedy a pass."
Although the passion still flourishes, it's an informed love that recognizes Presley as a complete person -- both flaws and fortes -- and as a foundational piece in a much bigger picture.
"Elvis Presley was the beginning of a new era in celebrity culture and obsession, which manifested itself in what now seem like charming, innocent ways," says Thompson, director of the Bleier Center for Television and Popular Culture at Syracuse University. "Michael Jackson represents the end of that chapter, with it becoming totally toxic and ultimately deadly." (Book Review, Source: Misty Harris, Canwest News Service/The Vancouver Sun)
Tomorrow on EIN: The final part of EIN's absorbing interview with noted author, Alanna Nash, author of the intriguing and controversial book, Baby, Let's Play House: Elvis Presley and the Women Who Loved Him.
In Part 3 of her interview, Alanna talks candidly about many fascinating issues including:
- the controversy about Baby, Let's Play House
- Elvis and physical force against women in his life
- Elvis' psychological issues
- Elvis and relationships
- the Gladys Presley letter to Parchman Prison
- why Elvis acquiesced to the Colonel
- Elvis' mischievous side
Alanna Nash podcast links: As more fans discover one of the best Elvis books to be released in years, Baby, Let’s Play House: Elvis Presley and the Women Who Loved Him, author Alanna Nash has been on the media trail and here are a selection of podcasts involving Alanna:
Win A Trip To Memphis: Win a trip to Memphis with Radio Caroline during the month of March and listen to the start of a new "Talking Elvis" radio series written and presented by Todd Slaughter, researched by Victoria Molloy, and produced by Jon Aldersea at Blue Line 45 studios. Each show is broadcast at 5.00pm UK time, 18.00 hrs CET, and 11.00am in Memphis, Tennessee.
Talking Elvis on Radio Caroline with Todd Slaughter:
Programme 1 – Tuesday 9th March: The Great British Songwriters: with Guy Fletcher OBE, Les Read OBE, David Most, George Harrison MBE, Sir Paul McCartney, Ken Howard, and Sir Tim Rice.
Programme 2 –Tuesday 16th March: Fan Of Elvis: Sir Tom Jones, Sir Paul McCartney, Annette Day, Tony Prince, Robert Plant, Sir Tim Rice, Eric Idle, and Sir Cliff Richard.
Programme 3 – Tuesday 23th March: Sun Days: Marion Keisker, Rufus Thomas, Scotty Moore, Wink Martindale, Johnny Cash, George Klein, and of course Sam Phillips.
Programme 4 – Tuesday 30th March: Close To Elvis: Steve Binder, Loanne Parker, Johnny Tillotson, Bob Dylan, Victoria Molloy and Priscilla Presley.
Don’t miss these Radio Caroline Programmes on Sky Channel 0199, NTL Eire, across Europe on the Astra satellite and a variety of fm radio services, plus around the world on the Worldspace Satellite Network and on line on www.radiocaroline.co.uk (News, Source: Todd Slaughter/Elvis News)
Elvis 76 - Hot Summer Nights: new CD-book set: 4 CD Book, Memphis Tennessee, July 5, Hartford, July 28, Charleston, July 24, Hampton Roads, August 1.
Limited and Numbered Edition of 500 Copies. (News, Source: www.elvisunlimited.com/ www.epgold.com)
Leading Asian Elvis stylist releases new album: One of Asia's most popular and respected Elvis stylists, HT Long, has released his latest album, HT Long Sings the Golden Hits of Elvis Presley The Number One Love Songs Album.
The track listing is:
1. I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry
2. Never Ending
3. Pocketful Of Rainbows
4. Hard Knocks
5. Hawaiian Sunset
6. Echoes Of Love
7. Fountain Of Love
8. I'll Be There
9. Mr.Songman
10. Love Me Tender
John Wilkinson remembers Elvis: Sunday night the music industry celebrated its biggest stars at the Grammy Awards, including people who have made such a mark on the world's culture, we refer to them simply by their first names because we feel like we know them.
A Springfield musician, though, really can say he knew Elvis. Johnny Wilkinson says he's one of the few people who lived out his childhood dream. The guitarist shared the stage with Elvis Presley for the last ten years of the King's life. It's a friendship that began here in Springfield.
"I'd like to introduce some members of my group to you," Elvis said during one concert. "On the rhythm guitar from Springfield, Missouri, John Wilkinson." |
The Queen City is where the King met his future guitarist: a pint-sized fan who watched him on TV.
"I was 9 years old. It was about 1954," Wilkinson says. "I watched him and thought, that kid's having a lot of fun."
Elvis Presley played a gig at the old Shrine Mosque. Remember, this was the hip-swiveling Elvis who was filmed from the waist-up, and Wilkinson had one thing to say to his idol.
"My actual words were, he can't play guitar with a damn," Wilkinson says. "He said, you think you can play better than me boy? I said oh, I know I can."
Turns out, the guitar prodigy floored the King, and Elvis had one thing to say to this precocious kid.
"He said Johnny, I just know in the bottom of my heart we're going to meet again," Wilkinson says.
And they did meet again, but this time at a famous bar on Hollywood's Sunset Strip where Wilkinson's band opened for Jefferson Airplane.
"He says, are you the same Johnny Wilkinson that told me I couldn't play guitar worth a damn about 10 years ago?" Wilkinson says.
Later that night, Elvis hired Wilkinson to play guitar, and the musician from Springfield went all over the world.
Elvis even gave him the famous gold "Taking Care of Business In A Flash" necklace on January 31, 1969. To Elvis, that meant Wilkinson was part of his inner circle and could live up to the motto.
"Every place he went I went," Wilkinson says.
Perhaps most famously to Elvis' 1973 "Aloha Hawaii" concert.
"Through everything, until that awful day in August in 1977 when he checked out," Wilkinson says.
Wilkinson's now retired from the music business and living with his wife in Springfield. He looks back in wonder at the King who rocked the stage night after night.
"Each person in that audience felt like he was singing directly to them," Wilkinson says.
Unfortunately, Wilkinson can no longer play guitar because a stroke paralyzed his left hand, but he says he can't complain because he "took care of business" back in the day. (News, Source: AJ/Springfield)
Elvis fan remembers Elvis in Minnesota: Coinciding with the 'Elvis In A Minnesota Minute' MRS book and the FTD ‘A Minnesota Moment’ CD release, Elvis fan Terrie Counter sent us her special memories of being at the very concert.
>>> This is my story of being there the Elvis concert in Minneapolis on October 17,1976......it is how I remember seeing Elvis - Terrie Counter.
When the news broke Elvis was going to be in Minneapolis to do a concert, I immediately called my sister who lived 250 miles away to tell her. I am sure in the back of my mind, I wanted to make her jealous since she was really the Elvis fan in the family. I actually was not an Elvis fan at the time.
Once it came out in the paper we could send for tickets, I did just that. Much to my disappointment, I got a letter back saying “THE ELVIS CONCERT WAS SOLD OUT”- Fortunately, a neighbor of mine had sent for tickets and so had her brother. They had two extra tickets and sold them to me....surprisingly for what they paid for them...which if memory serves me correctly, it was $12.50 each.
The night we walked into the auditorium you could feel something in the air.....it was like there was a charisma.....I now know why and what fans mean when they say they feel it. |
When Elvis walked out on stage, it was the most exciting and incredible feeling one could ever experience.
I actually did not think I was going to like Elvis....I thought he would act like.....here I am..... I was totally blown away..... I was so impressed with how he treated his fans. He acknowledged everyone that hollered something out to him.....he could not always do what they wanted him to do, but he acknowledged them. Elvis never forgot who put him where he was.
Elvis did a fabulous show and I walked away from that concert an Elvis fan and have been one ever since.
After seeing him in Minneapolis, I wanted more and wanted to see him in Vegas. A group of us were going to go see him September 1977 in Vegas but we all know that did not take place. I do feel very fortunate though that I got to see him when I did.
The ironic part of this is my sister, as I said, was the true Elvis fan and she always wanted to see Elvis and I wanted to go to Hawaii......I saw Elvis and she went to Hawaii....crazy, huh? -TCB 4 NOW, Terrie, January 2010.
(Right:Elvis fan Terrie Counter & the FTD ‘A Minnesota Moment’)
See below for full details of the MRS & FTD releases.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet/EP.ScrapbookTony)
Marty Lacker hits back at Charlie Watts. Yesterday EIN ran the on-line newspiece that Rolling Stone Charlie Watts never liked The Beatles or Elvis: "Of Ringo, yes, but not of the music. And I've always hated Elvis. He was the last one I wanted to use as a guide. Miles Davis and Fats Domino, yes, but Elvis, no."
Marty Lacker sent EIN the following...
"I read with interest the comments by Charlie Watts that he hates Elvis and doesn't like the Beatles but he is condescending to Ringo because he's a drummer which would make Watts look bad if he dissed Ringo.
I'm sure the world couldn't go on until they got Watts' opinion on Elvis. I know I wouldn't have been able to sleep tonight without knowing.
I just heard from rumblings Elvis' resting place at Graceland and I could swear I heard him say, "Charlie Who?" - Marty Lacker.
(Photo Right; Keith Richards, Scotty,Elvis,Ronnie Wood)
EIN points out that it is important to remember that beneath all The Stones 'Rock'n'Roll', Charlie Watts has always stated that above all he was a true Jazz fan.
Charlie Watts would have probably had to hide his dislike of Elvis from The Rolling Stones driving force, guitarist Keith Richards, who has always stated his understandable appreciation....
Keith Richards, "Elvis hit like a bombshell, it was like the world went from Black & White to technicolour.
It was the first white band that anybody heard with a good lead singer, that could actually play black and sound black. They had the rhythm, that fluidity which white music, especially in those days, didn't have.
Those Sun tracks are so "Elvis Presley". The sound and the attitude are so pure, so unforced, so joyous! There was an enthusiasm that bounced right off the tape from Elvis and the band. You can even hear him laughing on some of the tracks. You couldn't make music like that today."
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) - Thanks to James Roy for the image - Check out his Scotty Moore Website |
Eight new Soundtrack Re-Releases Out Now: Sony Special Products have re-released the 8 new Elvis Soundtrack original albums BUT have included 'Viva Las Vegas' as a single album release for the first time.
The soundtracks are G.I. Blues, Viva Las Vegas, Roustabout, Girls! Girls! Girls!, Frankie & Johnny, Girl Happy, Clambake, Fun In Acapulco all with the original tracklistings.
Here are the new 75th Anniversary covers - plus the new one specially for Viva Las Vegas (note the added .. 'AND MORE'.)
With thanks to Super-collector Barry McLean.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork;Barry Mclean)
Elvis Weekly Chart Update:
- Billboard Top 200 Album Charts:
'Elvis 75' - Down from 43 to 138
- 'Cashbox Charts':
Top Pop Albums - 'Elvis 75' (17)
Top Pop Albums - 'Memories' (3CD Box Set) (39)
Top Rock Albums - 'Memories' (3CD Box Set)(16)
Top Rock Albums - 'Elvis 75' - (20)
Top Recurrent Country Albums
'Elvis: 30 No.1 Hits' (10).
- Somewhat sadly the QVC/Sony 'Memories' compilation is undermining 'Elvis 75' sales in the US.
Australian ARIA Charts
ARIA Album Chart
'50 Australian Top Ten Hits 1956-1977' dissapointingly down to No.20 (3rd Week).
ARIA Music DVD Chart
'Elvis The King of Rock 'n' Roll' #25
(News, Source:BrianQuinn/ARIA)
'Elvis 75 - The Concert' in Europe; Fans in Europe will be interested in the new Elvis Matters concert with the TCB Band.
May 22nd (Utrecht, The Netherlands) and May 23rd (Turnhout, Belgium) - be sure to take down those dates in your agenda. That's when ElvisMatters present "ELVIS 75 - THE CONCERT" featuring the TCB Band, Joe Guercio + Orchestra and backing vocals, and the new Dutch singing sensation Bouke.
Rolling Stones drummer, Charlie Watts blasts Elvis and the Beatles: What's up with the Rolling Stones? As they fast approach the anniversary of their half century of playing together, guitarist Keith Richards recently hopped on the wagon after decades of pummeling his body and now drummer Charlie Watts has told an Austrian newspaper that he's always hated the music of Elvis Presley and 60s rival the Beatles.
The drummer, who is currently playing a series of concerts in Austria with blues-jazz ensemble The ABC&D of Boogie Woogie (named after the musicians in the band - pianists Axel Zwingenberger and Ben Waters, drummer Charlie Watts and bassist Dave Green), said, "I've never been a big Beatles fan. |
"Of Ringo, yes, but not of the music. And I've always hated Elvis. He was the last one I wanted to use as a guide. Miles Davis and Fats Domino, yes, but Elvis, no."
The legendarily non-plused Watts also said the he wouldn't be bothered if the Stones stopped rolling. "Honestly, I couldn't care less if it were over." He added, "Jazz is my passion. This is the music that I really want to do. The Stones are merely an annoying pastime."
However, the Austrian tour's promoter, Willi Turk, was adamant that the Rolling Stones would be back in action soon. He said, "The ABC & D concerts are only possible because the Stones are just taking a break. But when Mick Jagger calls, Charlie is ready." (News, Source: spinner.com)
Baby, Let's Play House #1 on Davis-Kidd Bestselling books list: Earlier this week, Alanna Nash's revealing new Elvis release, Baby, Let's Play House Elvis Presley and the Women Who Loved Him, hit #1 on the Davis-Kidd Bestselling Books Listing.
Davis-Kidd is one of America's biggest independent book sellers in the southern states with outlets in Memphis and Nashville.
Of the three Elvis books released in Dec-Jan, Baby, Let's Play House is also the best selling on Amazon. The other two releases are the memoirs by Dr. Nick and George Klein. (News, Source: The Tennesean) |
Elvis (DVD Review): Whether we’ve wanted to or not, we’ve all seen our share of Elvis Presley impersonators, and most of them aren’t worth the bejeweled jumpsuits they’re stuffed into.
But the greatest one of all has to be Kurt Russell who, in an early big-boy role ("The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes" typified previous Russell vehicles) took the job seriously in "Elvis," the 1979 TV movie directed by John Carpenter.
Without a trace of parody, Russell channels Elvis the performer — his hip-swiveling rivals that of "the King" of rock ’n’ roll — and even musters dramatic authenticity in his scenes as Elvis the person. With help from a wild assortment of wigs and wardrobe, Russell achieves a remarkable resemblance. |
"Elvis" hits the same marks as many biopics, beginning with a pensive backstage moment prior to a pivotal gig — in this case, Presley’s 1969 Las Vegas comeback. The narrative then doubles back to Presley’s poverty-stricken childhood, through career and life milestones (Sun Records, "The Ed Sullivan Show," the movies, marrying Priscilla, the birth of Lisa Marie).
"Elvis" scores highest when depicting Presley’s increasingly paranoid, passive-agressive treatment of his posse and wife. But the film stops short of presenting Presley’s ultimate disintegration; it ends on the Vegas stage, so we are spared the "fat Elvis" years.
DVD extras include casual commentary by Ronnie McDowell, who did all of the singing in the film, and Edie Hand, a cousin of Presley’s. Also included are vintage "American Bandstand" clips (alas, none with Presley) and "Elvis: Bringing a Legend to Life," a documentary produced at the time of the original broadcast. In it, Shelley Winters (who plays Presley’s mom, Gladys) recalls that Presley and Natalie Wood used to neck on her white-leather couch, and theorizes that Presley was such a mama’s boy, he wouldn’t get married until after his mother’s death. (DVD Review, Source: Mark Voger/The Star-Ledger)
Chart Update: Many thanks to Brian Quinn for the following chart details:
From this week's Billboard Top 200 Album Charts:
'Elvis 75' - Down from 43 to 138
'Boy From Tupelo' - Down from 116 to 160
'Elvis: 30 No.1 Hits' - Down from 156 to 178. |
From this week's Cashbox Charts:
Top Pop Albums - 'Elvis 75' (17)
Top Pop Albums - 'Memories' (3CD Box Set) (39)
Top Rock Albums - 'Memories' (3CD Box Set)(16)
Top Rock Albums - 'Elvis 75' - (20)
Top Recurrent Country Albums - 'Elvis: 30 No.1 Hits' (10) |
Demolition of Zippin' Pippin: Elvis Presley's favorite roller coaster the Zippin' Pippin is coming down. Yesterday, a demolition crew began to tear down the classic 1923 out and back woodie.
Efforts to save and relocate the roller coaster from the closed Libertyland amusement park failed.
The city is spending $2 million to demolish the remains of Libertyland and the fairground property, so they can proceed with plans to redevelop the Mid-South Fairgrounds property.
In November the city hired an expert to see if the roller coaster was salvageable. After a section of the ride was tore out, it was estimated that it would cost millions to restore or rebuild it.
Zippin' Pippin has been sitting unused, exposed to the elements, since Libertyland shut its doors forever in October 2005. (News, Source: ultimaterollercoaster.com) |
Singer says The King a real prince of a guy: Glen Campbell was a highly respected studio guitarist in L.A., before he became a solo artist in his own right in the late '60s and a superstar in the '70s.
Among the classic songs he played on as a member of the studio clique, The Wrecking Crew, was Elvis Presley's Viva Las Vegas. Campbell said he thinks often of The King, who would have celebrated his 75th birthday on Jan. 8.
"He's with me all the time," Campbell said. "I'll see stuff and it'll remind me of him. He was really, really a nice guy. I knew Elvis when he came in through Albuquerque, and that's where I was at the time (playing in my uncle's band). That's the first time I met him and he opened for Farron Young, and guess how many times he opened for Farron Young? Once. The crowd was saying, 'We want Elvis! We want Elvis!' I think Elvis had more charisma than anybody I've ever played with, ever met or ever seen. He just had it."
It helped that the Arkansas-born Campbell and the Tennessee-born Presley were both small-town Southerners.
"When I started the (Glen Campbell) Goodtime Hour (on CBS from 1969-72), I'd make it a point to go to Elvis, when Elvis was there, and he'd make a point to (come to me). 'Cause we really enjoyed talking to one another and singing. He was born and raised the same way, out in the sticks." (News, Source: Brian Quinn) |
New book of Elvis poetry: Elvis Presley A GI's Watch is a collection of poetry by the Author Barbara O'Sullivan. This book contains a poem called A GI Watch which tells the story of a German Army wrist-watch being swapped for a bar of Chocolate in London in the second World War by the author's father, the late Timothy O'Sullivan. The wrist-watch is very similar to the wrist-watch Elvis wore in the film GI Blues and so the poem is dedicated to the late Elvis Presley and to the author's father and mother.
In the film GI Blues, Elvis sings the song Wooden Heart as he watches a Punch and Judy show; he enjoyed it so much that he joined in as well.
The book also contains poems dedicated to the author's mother, the late Monica O'Sullivan, the late Marlon Brando, the late Princess Diana, the late Michael Jackson, as well as many other poems and sonnets on various subjects including mythology and nature, and a poem about 5p - a shrinking British coin that predicts its own demise. (News, Source: Geri Walker)
Buy the book |
New eBook: Elvis' legend lives on... New generations continue to be fascinated by Elvis and his music. He was truly a 'legend in his own time' and since his death in 1977 his fame has only continued to grow. But who was Elvis BEFORE he was a legend, how did he become famous and how did fame and its pressures take over his life?
“Want to Know the REAL ELVIS?”
Ask the questions, find out the answers! Once you get started you won't want to stop. Elvis' life story is sure to captivate you...
"Satisfy Your Craving for MORE Elvis...”
Before you move to Memphis or book a trip to Vegas, satisfy your curiosity in the comfort of your home with information on the songs that made Elvis a hit, how his image changed during his career and the personal struggles that plagued him...
All this and more in...
ELVIS - Life of the King of Rock'n'Roll...(News, Source: Geri Walker)
Buy the eBook
Graceland Brooklyn barbershop is fit for a king: Graceland Brooklyn, an Elvis Presley-themed barbershop and tattoo parlor that opened in Williamsburg last week, is drawing a steady stream of hipsters who want to go hillbilly.
"There's definitely a throwback, retro attraction to it," said 44-year-old Village resident Doug Vannoni as he waited for an appointment.
Vannoni said his pompadour hairstyle, which he nicknamed "Sheldon," gets him plenty of attention on his daily commute.
"I'll be on the subway and a bunch of ...kids will see me and yell, 'Yo, Elvis! What's going on?' It's been pretty interesting." |
While Graceland Brooklyn cuts hair in all styles, co-owner and stylist Corvette Hunt said variations on Elvis' popular pompadour is seeing a resurgence in Brooklyn's trendiest neighborhood.
"There's a lot of pompadour haircuts that we've done," said Hunt, 39, who idolized Presley as a kid growing up in Denver. It's just a different version. Elvis' pompadour was actually pretty long. The guys still like to have that essence on top but definitely the sides and the back are cleaned up."
The haircuts at Graceland aren't the only things that harken back to a time when Elvis was king. The salon itself looks like it was plucked directly from Presley's sprawling Memphis home. A black velvet painting of Elvis draped in fur tails greets customers as they enter the motorcycle garage-turned-salon on Lorimer St. Animal skin rugs and vintage barber chairs made of reptile skin fill the space as a turntable plays a wide variety of classic rock records including - you guessed it - Elvis.
"I actually have my mom's first-pressing 45s in here," said co-owner and stylist Bethany Paul who has an Elvis tattoo that covers her entire back. "Every time he came out with a new one she went out and bought it."
There's even a candle-covered piano with sheet music of Elvis love songs and a guitar mounted on the wall for anyone who gets a sudden urge to shake, rattle and roll while waiting to have their muttonchops trimmed. Some may scoff at the notion that Elvis' unique style still has a place in modern-day New York, but Vannoni and his throwback hairdo beg to differ.
"I think if Elvis fell out of the sky today and started walking the streets of Manhattan," Vannoni said, "people would think he is very fashionable and cool." (News, Source: Jeff Wilkins, NY Daily News)
Watch video of Graceland Brooklyn
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