'Elvis vs Hitler'
Elvis Is Alive IV
By Mickey Maughon
Book Review by Nigel Patterson, May 2023
Book Review
Elvis vs Hitler: Elvis Is Alive IV
by Robert Mickey Maughon
Reviewed by Nigel Patterson , May 2023 |
Book description: Fictional account that speculates how a world-famous music and entertainment icon is called upon to help his country, the United States of America, by exposing a dictator wanna-be mad scientist who has his mind set on world dominance via nuclear weaponry. Ironically, this dictator bears a striking resemblance to the world renown entertainer, even to the point of being indistinguishable from the icon, including his musical and performance skills, and is using that skill set to put his evil plan into action.
Mickey Maughon's series of Elvis Is Alive books has grown to four, with the recent publication of Elvis vs Hitler: Elvis Is Alive IV .
While the title may be off-putting for some readers, as with the previous three books in the series, the latest volume is a neatly written and interesting story, one which takes place circa the year 2000. For those who remember it, the book has nothing to do with the cult psycho-billy band from the late 1980s, Elvis Hitler (most noted for its album, Disgraceland).
Maughon's series of novels are premised on the idea that Elvis did not die in 1977. The first volume, Elvis Is Alive, had Elvis living in Paris in the mid-late 1990s, Elvis Returns: Elvis Is Alive II had him living in the red Australian outback, and Elvis Forever: Elvis Is Alive III was supposed to be the concluding chapter. However, Robert Mickey Maughon obviously had a change of heart, and his Elvis Presley is back.
The Hitler in the story is not Adolf, but his "mirror image" son, Ivan, who also happens to be an Elvis tragic.
Apart from Elvis and Ivan, the principal characters include Adrianna (Ivan's partner), Katarina (Elvis' beauty queen partner who also plays a critical role in relation to Ivan), Nikita Khrushchev, and Dick and Pat Nixon (aka the President and First Lady). A nightclub operated by Ivan is called Red Elvis and the narrative also has President Nixon eating a McDonald's cheeseburger!
Ivan also has access to technology which makes him a threat to the survival and security of the world. In this context, Elvis is summoned to the White House…..
The author's prose is evocative and flows effortlessly:
Between sobs, Ivan looked up and grabbed Hilda's long blonde hair and buried his tortured face into her long golden locks. Nursemaid Hilda tightly held the 'sobbing load' and headed into the back seat of the silver Mercedes.
Nikita looked again at the gyrating Ivan in the middle of the apartment and simply shook his head in confusion...Nikita threw his hand out, pointing to the human dynamo attempting to mimic the Western World's Rock music icon, Elvis Presley.
While Ivan may be a passionate fan of Elvis, he is also a sworn enemy of the democratic-capitalist west and seeking retribution for the loss of his father and mother. He also has grand aspirations:
When Ivan released the smiling and giggling Adrianna, he looked skyward and gave a 'Heil Hitler' salute again and declared, "ALL I need is SIX ICBMs...ONE FOR EACH CONTINENT... and with the Hitler Nuclear Bomb for each missile the....I... Ivan Hitler, will CONQUER THE WORLD ...AND..... I.... Ivan Hitler.... WILL RULE THE WORLD!!!
Elvis vs Hitler essentially establishes the back story for the principal characters and sets the scene for what may well be a cataclysmic fifth volume in the series as the book closes with:
The End?
The answer can soon be found in: Elvis vs Hitler 2 (Elvis Is Alive 5)
The book occupies 222 pages (6 x 9 inches), although it could have been less as there is excessive use of white space on each page. Elvis vs Hitler is available in softcover and Kindle formats.
Verdict: Elvis vs Hitler: Elvis Is Alive IV is another solid novel from Mickey Maughon. The characters and plot maintain interest with some neat twists and turns, and the final section indicates there is a tense concluding volume yet to come.
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Book Review by Nigel Patterson.
-Copyright EIN May 2023
EIN Website content © Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
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Go here to read Nigel Patterson's review
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Go here to read Nigel's insightful review
(Book Review, Source:ElvisInformationNetwork) |
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