Elvis Week 2018
EIN News and Reports from Mandy Squair
It is with a heavy heart that we have to inform you that EIN's special Roving Reporter Sanja Meegin cannot attend Elvis Week this year due to important family commitments. I know that many EIN readers will share my disappointment, however as a real bonus this year we still have EIN's insider Mandy Squair there in Memphis 2018 to report back on all the fun and important events from Elvis week and the Promised Land.
Monday 20 August 2018 - - - - - ELVIS WEEK Final Day Wrap-Up - - - - - |
Elvis Week – The Final Day: EIN’s Mandy Squair was sad as yet another Elvis Week came to an end. Sure the fan numbers were way down on last year’s 40th anniversary but there was still a lot of fun to be had and ELVIS music to be appreciated.
The final day started with ‘Brunch with Ronnie Tutt’ and it was wonderful to see him again as I believe he had been ill earlier this year. Ronnie is well-known for being Elvis’ drummer in the 1970s, part of the TCB band. Tom Brown interviewed Ronnie and wonderful to hear his stories.
One lovely story was when Ronnie’s 5-year-old son went to one of Elvis’ concerts in the 1970s. Afterwards, Elvis asked him how he liked the concert and his father’s drumming? Son replied, “I did but you stood in front of my Daddy the whole concert and I couldn’t see him!”
Ronnie also explained how he was once part of Elvis' karate team and how Elvis also kept a very personal connection with his musicians and bandmates and often asked how their families were. Ronnie told how Elvis had once phoned his Mother just to wish her Merry Christmas. Ronnie lovingly said, "We all became part of Elvis' own family.”
The Elvis Week highlight was the final concert 'Elvis Live in Concert - with an All Star Band' at the Soundstage with Elvis on the big video screen and the Stamps quartet on the left and Olivia Newton John’s band on the right.
Seeing ELVIS on the Big Screen was a great final night and while it was not as emotional as in the past, when it featured all of Elvis’ TCB original musicians and singers, it was still wonderful. What struck me this week is how old a lot of Elvis’ contemporaries have now become and that so many are missing because they have passed away. How fortunate we all are to have seen them all in previous Elvis Weeks!
Luckily for us for the last 2 songs Ronnie Tutt came on stage and drummed! The crowd exploded with appreciation. What a joy it was to see him back in action and his drumming on ‘An American Trilogy’ was a perfect addition and what a finale for the final night. |
The backing vocalists tonight were Bill Baize, Donnie Sumner, Ed Hill and Larry Strickland who were cleverly matched to Elvis on the Big Screen above them. The set-list featured 27 classic Elvis performances with the final song as always 'Can’t Help Falling in Love' with Ronnie Tutt adding his special touch. At the end Elvis' loving fans gave the show a standing ovation. Afterwards we all felt that Elvis had really left the building – for now. |
My last day in Memphis started with my last Morning walk up the Graceland driveway to the Meditation Garden where Elvis and his family are buried.
The crowds were down this year as was expected because it was an off year, but lack of numbers was really noticeable at the Candlelight Vigil. The $28 charge again for locals put many of them off the idea. The Graceland staff I talked to said this charge was being reviewed for next year.
Thanks ELVIS for leaving all your fans with such an emotional and fantastic legacy.
(ElvisWeek, Source;MandySquair/ElvisInfoNet)
Friday 17 August 2018 - - - - - ELVIS WEEK - Day 9 - - - - - |
Elvis Week 2018: After an emotional Candlelight Vigil, EIN's Mandy Squair was back to remembering the power of Elvis with a day celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the '68 Comeback Special'.
Thursday morning 16 August was 'Conversations on Elvis' with those who made Elvis’ 1968 Comeback Special happen!
First of all, it was belly dancer, Tanya Lemani from the Little Egypt segment!
As well as Elvis' 68 Special, Tanya Lemani also appeared in Star Trek, The Man From Uncle and other TV shows.
She explained how the NBC TV shoot was not done in one quick take and that they she to do it over and over again. |
Tanya Lemani also told of how the TV censorship of the time also meant they couldn't show her belly-button and the stone had a habit of a falling-out with all that shaking. (Fans can see it being glued back in in TV Special outakes!). She said working with Elvis was a lot of fun.
Then Tom Brown talked to musical director of the 68 Comeback Special Billy Goldenberg; writer Allan Blye and producer and director, Steve Binder.
What wonderful stories they had to tell such as coping with Colonel Parker and the Memphis Mafia - whom all of them said were scary! - whilst steering Elvis away from a Christmas special which the Colonel wanted!
Steve Binder explained how he came up with the idea of the Boxing Ring set as well as the improv jam and how Elvis got a bed moved into his NBC room so that he wouldn't have to waste time driving to and from his home in Hollywood Hills each day.
Allan Blye (right) has a great story of how just before they went into production late on a Friday night at home he was shocked to find Elvis knocking at his door. Elvis had escaped from his usual entourage of friends and driven to Blye's house on a motorcycle.
As he explained, Elvis talked into the night about his nerves over the TV show and they shared some scotch and cigars. Elvis even picked up the Blye's son's small guitar and sang a few songs to Blye and his wife.
He said that Elvis was such a respectful guy - always courteous - and seemed genuinely astounded by his success. Elvis was a truly humble and an absolutely terrific person. Blye said that Elvis remained his friend until the day he died. |
One of the biggest Events of the week was the '68 Special Anniversary Celebration concert' at the Soundstage.
It was done quite cleverly.
Steve Binder, Billy Goldenberg, Allan Blye and Tanya Lemani each came on stage and talked about their involvement in each segment of the special, then that segment was shown on the big screen.
Mac Davis who wrote Memories and Darlene Love of The Blossoms who weren’t with us tonight, talked on the the video screen before their segment.
Steve Binder told us the story of the end song in the Special, If I Can Dream, and then Elvis sang it on the big screen with the Tennessee Mass Choir on the stage singing with him.
It was quite stunning!
Seeing the Comeback Special on the Big Screen was stunning and with all those involved, who are still alive, available to share their precious memories with us about this incredible turning point in Elvis' career helped make it all that more emotional.
The wonderful thing about staying at the Guesthouse is that everyone else does too! After the 68 Special show tonight, I was able to sit in the Guesthouse lobby and chat to Allan Blye and Billy Goldenberg! |
Thursday 16 August 2018 - - - - - FORTY ONE YEARS AGO TODAY - - - - - |
LONG LIVE ELVIS: In his all too short career Elvis managed to achieve more than any other entertainer, the birth of rock 'n' roll, his career renaissance after two years in the army, the family entertainment of his sixties movies, the powerful musical comeback of 1969, the on-stage live return-to-splendour of the 70s, the power of his musical creativity throughout his whole career, his unbelievable generosity and more than anything, the love he gave to his devoted fans.
On this special day let's remember how much he did for all of us in his all too short life-time.
Elvis lived to make people happy, and he himself was happiest when he brought joy to someone else. I wish there was a way all the good he has done with his gifts throughout the world could be measured.
Four decades after his death, Elvis Presley still reigns unchallenged as the King of rock 'n' roll, the greatest superstar the world has ever known.
All the tabloid reporting and ugly rumours can't change the fact that there never was anyone like him and there never will be another again.
The comfort and enjoyment his music still brings to millions every day is impossible to comprehend. His influence as a performer and as a humanitarian has touched untold millions of people. We can never compile exact statistics, but I believe Elvis Presley will forever remain one of the most inspirational and influential men the world will ever know. Elvis was the most extraordinary ordinary man. - Joe Esposito |
Lisa Marie this week revealed that she still feels a deep closeness to her father 41 years after his death.
“When recording the new duet with Elvis' voice playing in my headphones I felt really emotional. It’s never pleasant to sing and cry. You just can’t do that in a good way. I had to keep my composure, but I felt very connected to him and to the song.”
“I wouldn’t say I still talk to him … I just remember everything. I can sort of pull out of the files whatever memories I have and stuff like that. And occasionally ask for help. Which was the case with this record. I just felt like a hand come down to me, it felt like that a little bit.”
Lisa Marie still says she feels most comfortable when she’s upstairs in the living quarters of Graceland by herself.
“I recently discovered a quote by Elvis as I was leaving the new Graceland exhibit, it said something like, ‘Becoming a father is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.’ I had never seen it before. I knew there was a great love there, there was a really strong connection there since the minute I can remember. "
Elvis died of a heart attack on Aug. 16, 1977, when he was 42 years old. Lisa Marie was just 9 years old at the time of his death |
Wednesday 15 August 2018 - - - ELVIS WEEK 2018 - Day 7 - - - - |
Watch Video of the 2018 Candlelight Vigil - REPLAY: Rather disappointingly there were an extremely low number of Elvis fans at this year's annual Candlelight Vigil - the lowest in decades.
The ceremony for the 40th anniversary is organized as always by the Elvis Country Fan Club.
This year's nominated theme song was Elvis' "Thinking About You". Lisa Marie and Priscilla did not make an appearance. With the usual rule that Gates remain open until all who wish to participate in the procession have done so the gate were clear by 10.15pm whereas last year fans were filing still through until the early morning hours of August 16, the anniversary date of Elvis' passing.
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis Week 2018: Elvis Week hits the emotional time of remembrance as fans gather for the Candlelight Vigil and EIN's Mandy Squair is there. The Candlelight Vigil was tonight from 8.30 marking the 41st anniversary of Elvis’ death. The service at the Graceland gates was first and all out special candles are lit. Then everyone walked up the driveway of Graceland to the Meditation Garden where Elvis is buried. The line of candles up the driveway is very moving. The Elvis Country Fan Club this year selected "Thinking About You" as the theme. They also played the video of Lisa Marie singing her new duet with her father - the gospel song “Where no one stands alone” with all Elvis loving fans gathered together this felt very special. There were not many people this year compared to last year - locals put it down to the $28 fee introduced by EPE last year - and everyone was through the gates by 10.15 pm.
(ElvisWeek, Source;MandySquair/ElvisInfoNet) |
Earlier on in the day the morning session was 'Conversations on Elvis Gospel' and the very special guest was Cissy Houston, mother of Whitney and member of the gospel group The Sweet Inspirations who sang with Elvis from his 1969 return-to-splendor live Las Vegas shows.
Dr. Emily "Cissy" Houston was wearing a bracelet Elvis had given her and inscribed “Squirrelly”, Elvis’ nickname for her - but she doesn’t know why he called her that! |
Afterwards were Bill Baize, Ed Hill, Donnie Sumner and Larry Strickland of the Gospel group The Stamps, and Jim Murray and Terry Blackwood of the gospel group The Imperials who told us amusing and interesting stories of singing as background singers for Elvis in the 1970s.
Terry Blackwood reinforced the fact of how Elvis loved Gospel quartets and that he seemed to know every song. When doing the movie (TTWII) of course they had to fit in with Elvis' rock'n'roll set-list but backstage and in rehearsals Elvis would just love to sing Gospel. It was after the midnight show that Elvis would sometimes ask them up to his penthouse suite and they would be singing all night, staying up until the sun came up! |
Tuesday 14 August 2018 - - - ELVIS WEEK 2018 - - - Day 6 - - - |
Elvis Week 2018: Elvis Week is in full swing, morning, afternoon and night and EIN's Mandy Squair is there to party!
This morning was 'Conversations with Co-stars' in Elvis’ movies!
First was Michael Dante from Kid Galahad. Then Millie Perkins from “Wild in the Country” followed by Ginny Tiu, (photo below right) one of the little Chinese girls from Girls, Girls, Girls. Ginny was a child prodigy pianist from 3 years old.
She played Elvis tunes for us on a grand piano too. What a treat!
Then it was Darlene Love who was in 'Change of Habit' as well as one of The Blossoms in the '68 comeback Special'.
Steve Binder, the director of the 68 Special, was brought on stage as a surprise for Darlene!
Afterwards we could queue up to meet them at the end which was wonderful.
It is obvious however that crowd numbers are not what EPE were hoping for
We met up with Steve Binder of the 68 Comeback Special selling his new book in the gift shop. And also Janice Fadel, daughter of Eddie Fadel from Waco, Texas. Elvis spent time with her family when he was first drafted into the army and was at Fort Hood, Texas. Lovely people and wonderful to meet them and hear their stories. |
At 3 pm, Tom Brown and Angie Marchese took fans through the Graceland Archives for a chance to see some special Elvis memorabilia in. It is 60 years today since Elvis’ mother, Gladys, died, so this session was dedicated to her.
For the 60th anniversary of Gladys’ death, the plaque which used to be at her grave at Forest Hill Cemetery was placed at the Meditation Garden at Graceland this morning beside the Jesus statue. (see story below)
(Elvis Week, Source;MandySquair/ElvisInfoNet) |
Millie Perkins noted that she had been so famous for the award winning movie “The Diary of Anne Frank” that she initially thought that doing a "Elvis" movie would be terrible. She was surprised to find that Elvis was far more interesting a person than she presumed. She had not been an Elvis fan before so it was only years later she realised just how important and special Elvis truly was. She talked about the terrible 'I Slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell' scene in 'Wild In The Country'. "Elvis was forced to sing one of his songs. We were sitting in a truck and we were supposed to be driving home from a dance or going to a dance. One moment I looked out of the car window and thought, ‘Dear Lord, this is so embarrassing and awful' and suddenly Elvis looked at me and I knew he was thinking exactly the same thing. Elvis said, ‘This is so embarrassing, no one would ever do this in real life. Why are they making me do this?’ After that I knew he was really okay."
Angie Marchese with some special Gladys Presley memorblia from the Graceland Archives.
Elvis Week - Lowest Figures in years?: Where have all the Elvis fans gone? While there is no doubt that if you are an Elvis fan you will be having FUN at Elvis Week, a few friends of EIN have written in to comment on the extremely low numbers this year.
The Darlene Love concert last night was around 2/3 empty and at 10pm last night there was not one person at the Graceland Gates or even in sight of them.
The Elvis conventions in Memphis have also been very empty so far.
Similarly the Elvis 'Conversations with Co-stars' also had surprisingly low attendance and in fact we have seen no Elvis Week event yet "Sold Out" which is most unusual.
It is certainly not the "Largest Elvis Week Ever Expected at Graceland' as suggested in EPE's promotion.
Perhaps being the start of the week fan numbers might build up from tomorrow, however I think there is a weariness after last year's big Anniversary
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Watch the Candlelight Vigil Live: Tomorrow evening the world will honour the life and legacy of Elvis Presley and observe the annual Candlelight Vigil at Graceland on Wednesday, August 15.
Thousands of Elvis fans will gather around the gates of Graceland for the annual Candlelight Vigil and to celebrate the life and legacy of the King of Rock 'n' Roll.
The ceremony for the 40th anniversary is organized as always by the Elvis Country Fan Club.
You can watch the vigil live from Graceland starting at 8pm. CT USA tomorrow =1am GMT on Livestream.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Ben Thompson Wins 2018 UETA: Congratulations to 2018 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest winner Ben Thompson!
Ben Thompson, who represents the Hard Rock Cafe Contest, receives a contract to perform with EPE and a cash prize of $20,000.
Ben has been an Elvis fan since he was a child. He became an Elvis tribute artist at the age of 15 and has performed in many venues around the world.
It was Ben Thompson who starred as Elvis in the award-winning 'Bladerunner 2049' alongside Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling.
Aged 24 Ben is touring demonstrating his ability to be one of the only few ETA's that can successfully portray all eras of The Kings Career
This will be his sixth Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest, and he feels it is a great privilege to be a part of the contest.
Congratulations to second place winner Diogo Light and third place winner Cote Deonath, and top five finalists Al Joslin and Nick Perkins.
Since 2007 winners have come from Alabama, Illinois, Arkansas, Louisiana (2), Michigan, Missouri and three from the United Kingdom.
Need to know more please visit EPE website for Elvis Tribute info.
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
Gladys Presley's Headstone added to Meditation Garden: Gladys Presley's headstone was added to the Meditation Garden at Elvis Presley's Graceland, today, August 14, 2018 on the 60th anniversary of her passing.
Elvis' mother passed away on August 14, 1958, and was buried at Forest Hill Cemetery in Memphis. The cross statue with angels was placed in March 1959.
This headstone, which features the Star of David to represent Gladys' Jewish heritage, was placed at her grave in December 1964.
In October 1977 both Elvis and his mother were buried at the Meditation Garden at Graceland. The cross and angels statue was added to the Meditation Garden.
Gladys' original headstone has been in the Graceland Archives since 1977, and was placed in the garden today. (Photo - Mandy Squair)
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
Monday 13 August 2018 - - - ELVIS WEEK 2018 - - - Day 5 - - - |
Elvis Week 2018: EIN's insider Mandy Squair has her days in the Promsied Land packed! At 10 this morning was the Fan Reunion with a chance to reconnect with worldwide friends from last year. Firstly, Dean Z interviewed actor Drake Milligan (photo below) who played Elvis in the 'Sun Studio' TV series!
Drake Milligan had the Elvis style perfect - he was very cool in the Tv series- and he told how he loved the way Elvis never changed, stayed a kinda' humble boy from Tupelo Mississippi and even when he became a huge star Elvis always remained that "Southern boy". When Elvis performed everyone feels that he’s singing to YOU. Elvis connects like no other performer.
Then Tom Brown talked to Norbert Putnam (photo right) , Elvis’ studio sessions bass guitarist. Although not as well-known to most Elvis fans as Jerry Scheff from the TCB Band, Putnam recorded with Elvis between 1970 and 1977 and played on 122 recordings.
Putnam explained how it was so spontaneous recording with Elvis. Elvis was so focused that once he properly started on the song he'd try and get it on the first take with the emotion and power that the vocal needed. The band just had to scramble to
follow Elvis' emotion up and down. Luckily it often took five takes to get it right which let the band perfect their playing. He noted "It was loose." It would be a lot of fun in the studio with Elvis telling us stories for hours - and all on RCA's time.
Norbert then played for us too - with Elvis singing 'Bridge Over Troubled Water' and afterwards was presented with a note which will go on Beale Street downtown.
We then lined up at the end to meet him and buy his book.
I also had a chance later to chat to him alone and talk of his life and Elvis. Norbert is such a nice person. |
Elvis and The Blossoms in the NBC TV '68 Comeback Special, Darlene Love is far right.
Darlene Love in concert at Elvis week 2018 - still as soulful as always
In the evening it was the Darlene Love concert. She was a member of The Blossoms who sang with Elvis in the gospel numbers in the 68 comeback special.
We met her first, then watched her in concert. She sang gospel, Elvis as well as her own famous hits such as 'Da Doo Ron Ron'!
She said she’s 77 and what a strong powerful voice!
Being a Monday many fans missed this great chance, the audience filled around 40% of the soundstage auditorium but were very enthusiastic.
The dance party at the Guesthouse Ballroom afterwards however was packed
(Elvis Week, Source;MandySquair/ElvisInfoNet)
Sunday 12 August 2018 - - - ELVIS WEEK 2018 - - - Day 4 - - - |
Elvis Week 2018: Sunday was "Open Day" at Elvis' old Circle G Ranch - which Elvis and Priscilla owned in the late 1960s and spent their honeymoon there.
EIN's Mandy Squair had a packed day in Memphis taking in not only a visit to Circle G but also visiting Memphis' Memorial Park Cemetery as well as attending the 'Elvis Presley Fan Club Presidents’ Event' with special guests Rex and Elisabeth Mansfield who were best friends during Elvis' army days.
Rex Mansfield was inducted into the Army on the same day as Elvis in March 1958 and went through basic training with him in Texas, traveled with him to Germany and became close friends for the next 18 months. Elisabeth Stefaniak (right) was a young German girl in 1958 and was hired to answer Elvis' fan mail. Elisabeth became romantically involved with Elvis but was torn between her love for Elvis and her love for Rex – and she eventually chose Rex and they married in 1960.
You can read EIN's exclusive interview with Rex and Elisabeth Mansfield here. |
Above left, Rex Mansfield and Elvis: right the 'Elvis Presley Fan Club Presidents’ Event'
Below, The Circle G cross today, Elvis at his Circle G Ranch and RIP Red West, Memorial Park Cemetery |
Elvis' honeymoon house at Circle G - as it is today in 2018
"Elvis was a giant and influenced everyone in the business. Elvis was due the respect he had. No sour grapes. Elvis was the man" - Isaac Hayes |
Elvis Week Graceland Auction Results: Once again eager fans lined up yesterday in hopes of going home with a piece of Elvis history at The Auction at Graceland. Once again the auction was held at the theater The Guest House at Graceland.
The auction featured 208 rare and unique artifacts authenticated by Graceland Authenticated and while none of the prices hit the highs of previous Elvis Week auctions - remember last year's “Blue Armadillo” jumpsuit at $250,000, or the Ram’s head necklace at $138,750 - sales were OK.
This year's auction highlights included:
- General Omar Bradley Owned 1942 Beretta Model M1934 9mm Corto Caliber Pistol Gifted to Elvis Presley on December 9, 1970, Later Gifted to Girlfriend Barbara Leigh: $51,250
- Elvis Owned Large 14kt Yellow Gold and Blue Lapis Ring with Diamonds and Garnets: $43,750
- July 8, 1955 Publishing Agreement between Elvis and Hill and Range Songs, signed by Elvis, Vernon Presley, Gladys Presley and Jean Aberbach: $37,500
- Elvis Owned Turquoise and Silver Statement Necklace Gifted to J.D. Sumner: $13,750
- RIAA Gold Record Award for Elvis Presley’s 1956 Album Elvis Presley – Awarded in 1966: $12,500
- Elvis Owned Original Oil Painting of his Plane the Lisa Marie: $11,375
- Collection of Nine News Photos of Elvis Presley at his 1956 Tupelo, Mississippi Concert: $8,750
Fans must note all of the items in the auction were from third-party collectors and none of the items came from the treasured Graceland Archives owned by Lisa Marie Presley.
Go here to EPE for a final list of sale prices
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
Saturday 11 August 2018 - - - ELVIS WEEK 2018 - - - Day 3 - - - |
New Lisa Marie Exhibition Opening / Album Release: EIN's Mandy Squair attended yesterday's special party for the "Where No One Stands Alone" album release at Elvis Week.
Andy Childs was the MC and questioned Joel Weinshanker, Lisa Marie and Sony's John Jackson about the making of the new gospel LP.
Lisa Marie said that it came at a good time for her in her tricky present situation and she now thought there was something truly special about Gospel music as it helps give you peace peace and strength.the
Lisa Marie explained to us how on the "Where No One Stands Alone" duet that she sang with Elvis she could really relate to the words of the song, especially with all that is going on in her life at this time and she thought of her father. In the time that Elvis recorded it, (mid-1966 when his movies meant so little to him) the song would have also been relevant to his life. Singing that song with her father gave new meaning to her towards Gospel music.
The full 'Making of the new album' documentary was then shown, the very first presentation.
Lisa Marie Presley and daughter Riley were also present to cut the ribbon to open Lisa Marie’s new exhibition at Graceland.
To be honest fans were a little shocked by Lisa's appearance as she has put a little weight on and was looking a little weary. But considering what she had recently been through, everyone thought that it is understandable. Lisa Marie also questioned why fans should interested in her, rather than her Father!
The new exhibition "Growing Up Presley" includes some delightful mementos from Lisa's childhood growing up in Graceland. Her cot, baby rocking chair and that well-known green Golf-buggy are all on display as are a fine selection of her clothes plus a look at her own career and the albums she has released.
(News, Source;MandySquair/ElvisInfoNet) - EIN thanks Mandy for her stories and photos. |
Lisa Marie Presley New Interview:The NBC Today show featured the first TV interview with Lisa Marie in four years.
In this cool 4 minute interview NBC's Jenna Bush Hager talks with Lisa Marie about the new album, her troubled years and recovering from drug addiction as well as recording with Elvis for the new album.
It’s been 41 years since Elvis' passing but last Friday his fans are able to get their hands on a new album featuring Presley’s favorite gospel songs. The album, “Where No One Stands Alone” was co-produced by Presley’s daughter, Lisa Marie Presley.
The NBC's Today show was at Graceland to discuss her relationship with music, her fight with drug addiction and her fondest memories of her father..
CLICK HERE to YouTube to see the interview
(News, Source;NBC/ElvisInfoNet) |
Friday 10 August 2018 - - - ELVIS WEEK 2018 - - - Day 2 - - - |
'The Making of' 'Where No One Stands Alone'': With the new Elvis album's worldwide release today the "Making Of" video is a delight as it shows The Stamps and The Imperials, Darlene Love and Cissy Houston all working in Nashvillle's RCA Studio B recording new backing tracks for the new Gospel album. Lisa Marie also adds her vocal duet and talks about the importance of Elvis' love for Gospel music.
It's a great video clip - Click here to YouTube.
'Where No One Stands Alone' celebrates the power and passion of Elvis Presley’s gospel recordings. Produced by Joel Weinshanker, Lisa Marie Presley and Andy Childs it introduces rare alternate vocals from Elvis and new backing vocals. Hundreds of hours of went into upgrading and enhancing of the original multi track vocals resulting in the richest, most vibrant Elvis vocals on these tracks that have ever been released.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
'Elvis - Where No One Stands Alone' OUT TODAY: The groundbreaking "new" Elvis Album featuring 14 Original Performances of Gospel Songs with Newly-Recorded Instrumentation and Backing Vocals featuring Legendary Presley Alumnae including Darlene Love, Cissy Houston, The Imperials and The Stamps is OUT TODAY.
Produced by Joel Weinshanker, Lisa Marie Presley and Andy Childs, "Where No One Stands Alone" introduces newly-recorded instrumentation and backing vocal contributions from music legends who'd performed on-stage and/or in-the-studio with Elvis. It also includes a reimagined duet with Elvis and his daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, on the album's title track and spiritual touchstone.
"It was a very powerful and moving experience to sing with my father," wrote Lisa Marie in her notes for the album. "The lyrics speak to me and touch my soul. I'm certain that the lyrics spoke to my father in much the same way."
Background vocalists on the album include: Darlene Love (NBC TV special); Dr. Emily "Cissy" Houston (Sweet Inspirations), Terry Blackwood, |
Armond Morales and Jim Murray (members of The Imperials) and Donnie Sumner, Bill Baize, Ed Hill and Larry Strickland (members of longtime backup group, The Stamps).
Pre-Order special- EPE / Shop Graceland will have exclusive, limited edition versions of the album on blue 12" vinyl and cassette configurations.
Fans purchasing the CD, exclusive blue vinyl, and cassette together from ShopGraceland.com will receive a limited edition lithograph signed by Lisa Marie Presley. Click here to order from ShopGraceland.
"Elvis Presley - Where No One Stands Alone" provides new musical perspectives on 14 of the singer's favorite pieces of gospel music, from the reverential to the celebratory, and includes "Crying In The Chapel," "How Great Thou Art," "You'll Never Walk Alone"), praise-filled gospel-rockers (Jerry Lieber and Mike Stoller's "Saved") and traditional hymns and spirituals ("So High," "Stand By Me," "In The Garden," "Amazing Grace" |
On Vinyl and CD - see Below for cheap Amazon Pre-Order prices and check your local record store.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
US Amazon Pre-order
>>>>>>> VINYL
<<<<<<<<< Single CD |
Elvis Week 2018 - 40,000 fans expected: Last year marked the 40th anniversary of the passing of rock 'n' roll icon Elvis Presley and accordingly, the number of visitors, media focus and overall global interest in the annual Elvis Week festivities in Memphis reached previously unseen levels.
While year 41 may not engender the same sort of coverage or frenzy, the event itself continues, like most things Elvis and Graceland, to grow and expand.
Each August, thousands of fans from all around the world descend on Memphis and the Promised Land for a week of celebrating Elvis.
Memphis Convention and Visitors Bureau said between 40,000 and 50,000 people will come to Memphis for Elvis Week this year.
But the Elvis fans aren't the only one's excited about Elvis Week. Business owners also look forward to the annual event.
"It's a great week. It's like our Christmas in August," Hal Lansky of Lansky Bros said. "We meet people from all over the country. We meet people from countries I've never even heard of, but they want to come where Elvis came. They want to walk on the streets where Elvis shopped. They want to do everything Elvis, and we're here to take care of them."
Other stores, like A. Schwab on Beale Street, are also preparing for the large crowds.
"We have more people. We make sure the store is very clean and very stocked for Elvis week, because we sell a lot and do a lot of business," Kyle Roberts said.
This year's festivities are taking place at Graceland and across the Mid-South from August 9 until August 18.
Popular events include the Birthplace of Elvis Presley tours to Tupelo, the Candlelight Vigil, and the Mississippi Delta Blues tour.
Special guests include Lisa Marie and performances by Darlene Love, Elvis Gospel backing musicians and more.
Go here to EPE Elvis Week Schedule for more info
(News, Source;USTabloids/ElvisInfoNet) |
New Exhibits at Graceland: Two new exhibits will be unveiled during Elvis Week at Elvis Presley's Memphis at Graceland!
"Lisa Marie: Growing Up Presley" will open August 10 and features personal items from Lisa Marie's childhood and music career.
"Where No One Stands Alone: The Gospel Music of Elvis Presley" is an expanded exhibit inside Elvis: The Entertainer Career Museum and will focus on the king's gospel work.
The new 'Lisa Marie: Growing Up Presley' exhibit will include personal items from her childhood including her record player, roller skates and clothing, as well as items from her musical career. The exhibit explores Lisa the daughter, the mother, her charity work, her career, as well as how she continues to carry on her dad’s legacy at Graceland. As part of “Elvis: The Entertainer Career Museum” Where No One Stands Alone: The Gospel Music of Elvis Presley is an expansion which includes his three GRAMMYs, sheet music, original acetates, and much more, all related to Elvis’ love of gospel music.
Also new is the just-opened Hillbilly Rock exhibit featuring country music and early rock ‘n’ roll artifacts from The Marty Stuart Collection.
Go here to EPE Elvis Week Schedule for more info
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet)
Memphis' Elmwood Cemetery introduces 'Elvis Connections' tour: The Memphis Commercial Appeal has posted this interesting story.
..... Elvis is dead. That’s hardly news, yet rarely is that fact expressed directly. At least not in Memphis and especially not in August, when thousands of fans from around the world meet at Graceland during Elvis Week to testify that the King is alive in their hearts and in their record collections.
But if anybody doesn't need to pussyfoot around the reality of mortality, it's the folks who run a graveyard.
To that end, the managers of historic Elmwood Cemetery this week introduced a self-guided tour titled "Elvis Connections" that showcases nine gravesites dedicated to late lamented Memphians with a personal or historical relationship with the entertainment legend, who died Aug. 16, 1977.
Of course, Elvis isn't on the tour. He's buried at his home, Graceland. Everybody knows that, right?
Wrong. "People ask us all the time if Elvis is buried here," said Elmwood Executive Director Kim Bearden, referring, presumably, to visitors who won't be at this month's candlelight vigil.
In response to such questions and to aid the more knowledgeable Elvis fans who occasionally visit, Bearden and Elmwood historian Kelly Sowell this year developed a 12-page brochure, "Elvis Connections" which went on sale Tuesday at the Elmwood office.
The booklet is a sequel, of sorts, to a similar specialty guide devoted to Civil War-connected graves.
The cost of the Elvis brochure is $15, with proceeds going to support the maintenance of Elmwood, which has been run as a nonprofit since shortly after its founding in 1852.
Still an active (so to speak) cemetery, with plots available, Elmwood is home to more than 75,000 "residents," as staffers refer to the buried and interred.
The population includes celebrity politicians, anonymous slaves, Confederate generals, brothel madams, yellow fever victims and civil rights heroes, to cite only a few categories, so it's no surprise a number of Elvis-connected individuals would lie in rest among Elmwood's 80 acres of markers, monuments, obelisks and statues.
On the east side of the cemetery is the final resting place of Memphis Horns co-founder Wayne Jackson (1941-2016), who |
played on dozens of hit records by Otis Redding, Aretha Franklin, U2 and, of course, Elvis, including "Suspicious Minds" and "In the Ghetto." The marker depicts Jackson in silhouette, blowing his signature trumpet.
To the southwest is Mary Jenkins Langston (1926-2000), who cooked for Elvis for 14 years at Graceland, providing the King with caramel pie, "very crisp" bacon and fried peanut butter-and-banana sandwiches.
And in between you'll find Grace Toof (1860-1928), the namesake of Elvis' Colonial Revival mansion, Graceland, built in 1939 on land named Graceland Farms by Grace's father, a pressman with the Memphis Daily Appeal.
"Some of the Elvis connections are close," Bearden said, "while some are more historic." For example, the tour includes the Snowden family lot because that influential Memphis clan once owned The Peabody, the grand downtown hotel where Elvis attended his 1953 senior prom.
"People who go to work at cemeteries generally don't leave them, this is the best job in the world."
Located at 824 S. Dudley St., the grounds of Elmwood are open daily from 8am to 4.30pm closed Sunday.
For info go to elmwoodcemetery.org.
(News, Source;NP/ElvisInfoNet) |
Steve Binder revisits Elvis ’68 Comeback Special: Rolling Stone has a feature on director Steve Binder looking back, as the concert film makes its way into theaters for a special re-release.
The article includes... When Elvis Presley was filming the intro to his fabled “’68 Comeback Special,” the program’s director had an unusual problem. “I ended up having too many Elvises in the background,” filmmaker Steve Binder tells Rolling Stone. “I hate to fire anybody, so I decided to use them all. We were afraid the scaffold was not gonna hold the weight. We were sure we were gonna have a major lawsuit if it collapsed.”
Today, the image of the King, flanked by dozens of Elvises and wearing black clothing and a tough look on his face, has become iconic. The special, known then simply as "Elvis" relaunched his singing career and proved that, after nearly a decade of making movies, he was still one of the most thrilling performers around. Now Binder is hoping the film reaches a new audience when the special gets a theatrical release this month to mark its 50th anniversary.
Binder says that part of the reason the special was |
such a success was because he was able to put Presley at ease. Leading up to the show, the King was nervous so Binder made it so that Presley didn’t have to think about much more than performing. “My biggest contribution was saying, ‘Elvis, you just make an album and I’ll put pictures to it, and I don’t want you to be aware of where the cameras are,'” he says. “With television concerts up to that point, you put a piece of tape on the floor and told the artist to stand there, and you shot it all from the front. I was determined to make it like a real concert and three-dimensional.” He also worked with his production staff to make Elvis look larger than life, dressing him in bespoke costumes and erecting the giant E-L-V-I-S sign behind him (taking inspiration from The Judy Garland Show).
When they were rehearsing, Presley asked to move into the studio to shorten his commute. “He said, ‘Maybe if I get a dressing room big enough, I can put a bed in there,'” Binder recalls with a laugh. “That’s what we did, and that was the reason I did the acoustic improv sequence. Every day after rehearsal or taping, he would go into the dressing room, and here was this incredible performer who was totally relaxed, all mussed up, having fun and sharing stories with everybody.” He brought the idea to the Colonel who stuck his nose up at it but eventually relented, leading to a memorable summit of Presley’s friends and early collaborators, like Fontana. It was loose and fun, it showed off the King’s sense of humor and it allowed him to cut loose on “Hound Dog,” “Lawdy Miss Clawdy” and “Can’t Help Falling in Love.” “I knew it was really the heart and soul of the show,” Binder says.
Ultimately, Binder ended up with too much good material and went rogue, cutting his own 90-minute version of the special and begging NBC to expand it from an hour-long broadcast. At the time, the execs said no, but after Presley’s death, they ran the longer cut that is now the best-known version. The special would subsequently become one of the King’s defining moments.
When he thinks back on the struggles he faced to make it, Binder is especially happy about the special’s longevity. “I did it in 1968 and thought it was gonna air one time for 48 minutes and that was the end of it. So I’m thrilled it’ll come back 50 years later.”
Go HERE to Rolling Stone for the full article.
The article includes a 3 minute preview of the special feature that will accompany the Cinema screenings.
(News, Source;RS/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis Week' App: As they did last year EPE have created a special app for those attending Elvis Week and the Elvis Week 2018 app is here!
EPE promise that with the Elvis Week app, you have all of the important information at your fingertips.
You can check out a daily schedule of events and build your own personal schedule for the week.
You'll find a list of special guests, a map, a list of restaurants and shops, and an FAQ, too.
Forgot your candle for the Candlelight Vigil? No worries - there is a candle feature on the app.
The app also features Graceland's YouTube playlists, so you can scroll through hours of videos.
There is a special Elvis Week photo using the app's photo booth.
Download the Elvis Week app for free from Google Play for Android phones or Apple App Store for iPhones.
Last year's version of the app can be simply updated.
Go here to EPE website for more
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis Week 'Garden Party' at Denmark's Memphis Mansion: Some Europe based EIN readers have been asking about Henrik Knudsen's special Elvis Extravaganza for Elvis Week 2018.
Below are the details. For three days August 17-19 European Elvis fans can enjoy the delights of Elvis' friends, acquaintances and musicians without the trouble of flying to Memphis.
This will take place at the "Danish version of Graceland" the Randers Memphis Mansion.
Special guests include Linda and Sam Thompson, Dick Grob, James Burton, Glen D Hardin and The Imperials.
Memphis Mansion Garden Party Schedule:
Friday 17th August
16.00 Pre-opening event for VIP ticketsholders ONLY
19.30 The Imperials, James Burton and Maarten Jansen & Band “That’s The Way It Is Show”
Saturday 18th August
14.00 Talk show The Imperials / Dick Grob – Autograph session
15.30 ELVIS PRESLEY Auction – Campen Auktioner
16.00 Steven Ackles with Band feat. James Burton and The Imperials
21.00 The Sweet Inspirations Band with Bobo Moreno & Tony Smith
Sunday 19th August
10.00 Gospel Brunch Maarten Jansen
11.30 Talkshow The Sweet Inspirations Band – Autograph Session
13.00 Stan Urban and the HISTORY OF ROCK ‘N’ ROLL
14.00 Talkshow Sam Thompson & Louise – Autograph session
15.00 Linda Thompson BOOKSIGNING
16.30 The Imperials “There Is A Sweet Sweet Spirit Gospel Show”
19.30 Big Fat Snake with The TCB Band
21.00 Grand Finale Garden Party 2018 officially ending
Go to www.MemphisMansion.DK for more info and tickets.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
"Elvis Comeback Special" at Event Cinemas: The 68 Cinema EVENT is getting closer - and how fantastic to get a chance to see the '68 Comeback Special' on the big screen.
Fathom Events are thrilled to bring the Elvis '68 Comeback Special to the big screen in celebration of the special's 50th Anniversary for a special cinema event starting on August 16!
See the iconic television special starring singer Elvis that originally aired on December 3, 1968.
It marked Elvis Presley's return to live performance and re-launched his singing career. (CLICK HERE to see YouTube Promo)
This 50th anniversary event includes the legendary television special, plus an exclusive look at the making of the special, featuring a walkthrough of the NBC soundstage with insights from producer Steve Binder and Priscilla Presley.
EIN has been informed that the Cinema presentation will be in the original 4:3 TV ratio (with no picture cropping) and secret screenings of the 19 minute 'Making of' special have hard-core fans very impressed.
It is playing in USA / Canada / UK / Europe / Australia and elsewhere so check your guides
CLICK HERE to USA Cineplex to check if it is showing in your city and to book tickets.
Be sure to check for the event in your local US theatres as well as it supposed to be playing over 800 venues.
See story below for Danish ticket options
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
'Saved' "new" Gospel Album taster: First sample from the "new" Gospel album, featuring the fabulous Darlene Love (NBC special) it is 'Saved'.
The album 'Elvis Presley - Where No One Stands Alone' features 14 original performances of gospel songs with newly recorded instrumentation and backing vocals, all in support of Elvis' original lead vocal recordings.
"Saved" is an energetic gospel-rock call-and-response tune with some fun rhythmic twists, sassy lyrics and Darlene Love jumping in on background vocals. And in classic Elvis fashion, the king testifies as he gives up his errant ways.
Love, who first sang with Elvis on his 1968 NBC TV special, shares, "I had the honor to perform a terrific version of Jerry Leiber and Mike Stroller's 'Saved' on the popular ABC TV show Shindig in 1965 with The Blossoms. Though we never recorded it officially it predates Elvis' version which I sang background vocals for with the group."
Elvis once said, "Since I was 2 years old, all I knew was gospel music. It became such a part of my life, it was as natural as dancing. A way to escape my problems, and my way of release." We can feel the glory!
CLICK HERE to YOUTUBE to listen.
Starting off with extremely different instrumentation it is not as bad some "remakes" with a nice bluesey ending, although "hard-core fans" will probably not be impressed.
(News, Source;Parade/ElvisInfoNet)
'Life in The Elvis World' new book by Charles Stone: Elvis Matters is reporting that Elvis Tour manager Charles Stone is working on a new book 'Life in The Elvis World'.
Back in 2009 Praytome published the glossy book 'My Years With Elvis And The Colonel' also by Charles Stone, so one wonders what new material this book can contain.
Charles Stone worked for Elvis and Tom Parker in the 1970s, and prepared the tours throughout America. He was responsible for tour production and also safety issues on the road. Stone has presumably now got EPE backing as the new book 'Life in The Elvis World' will be presented in Memphis during Elvis Week 2018.
Charles Stone is noted as being one of the few who received a TCB chain from Elvis and a membership card from Tom Parkers Snowmen club. (EIN comments - Was having membership to Parker's Snowmen Club really that good an idea! It cost nothing to join, but $10 to leave!)
(News, Source;ElvisMatters/ElvisInfoNet) |
Graceland Elvis Week Auction 2018: Once again EPE is giving fans a chance to own a piece of Elvis history while at the same time filling their coffers.
The August 12th Graceland-Authenticated Auction feature artifacts from Elvis history including an Elvis owned pistol and Elvis signed contract for “Love Me Tender”
All of the items in the auction will be offered from third-party collectors and none of the items will come from the treasured Graceland Archives. The mansion and all artifacts in the Graceland Archives continue to be owned by Lisa Marie Presley and are not for sale.
Auction highlights include:
Elvis Owned 1942 Beretta Model M1934 9mm Corto Caliber (Known as .380 ACP in Modern Day), Given to Him by General Omar Bradley on December 9, 1970, Later Gifted to Girlfriend Barbara Leigh. Estimate: $50-100,000.
Elvis Hillcrest Home Walnut Desk and Chair. Estimate $5-7,000.
Collection of Historic Documents from Hill and Range Including:
July 8, 1955, Publishing Agreement Between Elvis Presley and Hill and Range Songs, Inc. Signed by Elvis, Vernon Presley, Gladys Presley and Jean Aberbach*. Estimate $20-40,000.
Elvis Signed Songwriters Contract for Song “Love Me Tender” - Also Signed by Ken Darby’s (The Song’s Writer) Wife Vera Matson and Freddy Bienstock*. Estimate $20-40,000. |
Elvis Owned Large 14kt Yellow Gold and Blue Lapis Ring (right) with Diamonds and Garnets with Photographs of Elvis Wearing on Stage and Letter of Provenance from Alan Fortas Estimate $15,000 - $20,000
Elvis Owned Mother-of-Pearl Cross Gifted to Ginger Alden, Mentioned in Her Book*. Estimate $15-25,000.
Elvis Owned and Worn Silver Concho Belt Gifted to Barbara Leigh*. Estimate $10-15,000.
Elvis Owned 14K Gold Bulova Wristwatch with “EP” Engraved on the Reverse. Estimate $8-10,000.
Elvis Owned “Nudie’s” Brown Suede Jacket with Extraordinary Beaded Fringe – Gifted to His Aunt Delta. Estimate $5-10,000.
1954 Sun Records Acetate for Elvis Presley's “Blue Moon of Kentucky” (Sun 209) Estimate $5-10,000.
Elvis Owned Television Set from Lisa Marie’s Bedroom at Graceland With Bullet Hole from When Elvis Shot It. Estimate $5-10,000.
Elvis Presley/Charlie Hodge Stage-Used Black Binder That Held Song Lyric Sheets Estimate $5-10,000.
Highlights will be displayed at Graceland July 23 to August 11th.
On-line bidding is open now
Go here to The Auction at Graceland for bidding and more info
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis Comeback Special' New Steve Binder Book: Elvis Comeback Special director and producer, Steve Binder has partnered with Spencer and Meteor 17 to publish the definitive table top book on Binder's making of the Special and all activities that led up to, were part of and happened, as a result of the landmark television event. Here is the official cover.
M17 long time art director, Hugh Syme, designed the stunning look and feel of the 192 page collector's item book which includes commentaries, interviews and never before seen memorabilia presented to Binder by both Elvis and Colonel Tom Parker.
Grammy winning book manufacturing organization, Integrated Communications are handling the printing of the book.
To further propel the book, there will be a highly visible launch at Graceland in Memphis, August 2018 during Elvis week there. Binder will conduct a town hall forum and panel, followed by similar events at The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland and The Paley Center, in both NYC and LA.
Following the book offering, on a special basis to Elvis fan clubs around the world, there will be podcasts about the Special, a one night theater event in over 800 AMC, REGAL & CINEMARK |
screens via Fathom Events in the top DMAs in America.
A spoken word version of the book via Amazon's Audible division, narrated by Binder will follow.
Spencer and Steve plan to bring the book to life in a documentary, to be directed by John Scheinfeld in 2019. It will center on the making of the Special and Binder's role as director/producer, teaming up with Elvis in a true buddy story that helped inform the course of pop music history. The doc will highlight Steve's interface on the production process with Elvis and NBC to accomplish an evergreen and lauded result.
Binder has the most unique and informed perspective on how this landmark show was made and the events which transpired during production. Elvis bravely stood up and supported Binder in order to have the Special completed and broadcast. This never before told perspective will be at the heart of our documentary.
Click here to Meteor 17 for more info. Prices seen so far are €45 or £50 from the UK Elvis fan club .
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
New "Chapel in the Woods" At Graceland: EPE have announced a brand-new Chapel in the Woods. The newly constructed chapel (see pic right) will feature a grand ceiling and windows throughout to allow the beautiful surroundings of the Graceland woods to be the back drop for couples to be married or renew their vows. Located just steps from The Guest House at Graceland, the Chapel in the Woods makes for the most iconic and memorable wedding destination.
To christen this new chapel, Graceland is hosting a day of love,(??) featuring couples whose love were inspired by Elvis, whether on a visit to Graceland or during Elvis Week. The Chapel in the Woods will be hosting one special wedding and an amazing ten vow renewals on August 13, 2018.
For the last 18 years, nestled in the woods beside Elvis Presley's Graceland, stood the original Chapel in the Woods. |
The quaint wedding venue, (below pic looking oh so cute) located on the iconic property of the King of Rock 'n' Roll, has been host to almost 2,000 weddings, dedications, and vow renewals. The all-new chapel features modern design by HBG Design (Guest House at Graceland). Maintaining the intimate feel, 75 guests can be hosted at this charming new location.
During Elvis Week 2018, fans and friends are invited to an open house at the new chapel from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm on August 16, 2018, when celebratory wedding cake will be served.
Marking the 2,000th wedding at Graceland, the first wedding in the new chapel will be between Julie and Marc, who met three years ago at Elvis Week 2015.
Ccouples who met at Graceland or Elvis Week and would like to take part in a group vow renewal on August 13, 2018 ..Click here to Graceland website for info
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis Week 2018 Special Guests: EPE is pushing the publicity for Elvis Week with less than one month to go.
This year's Special Guests include ...
August 11 - Lisa Marie Presley new Elvis gospel album "Where No One Stands Alone" special listening party.
August 11 - Ultimate ETA Contest champs Gordon Hendricks, Cody Slaughter and Bill Cherry at 'ELVIS: The Greatest Hits' ETA Show
August 12 - Rex and Elisabeth Mansfield at Elvis Presley Fan Club Presidents' Event.
August 13 - Elvis' bass player, Norbert Putnam at Elvis Fan Reunion.
August 14 - Darlene Love live in concert plus she'll be a special guest at the Conversations on Elvis: Co-Stars on August 14.
August 14 - Millie Perkins (Wild in the Country), Michael Dante (Kid Galahad), Ginny Tiu (Girls!Girls!Girls!) Conversations on Elvis: Co-Stars
August 14 - 'The Gospel Music of Elvis Presley Celebration Concert' with Bill Baize, Donnie Sumner, Larry Strickland and Ed Hill, and Elvis' Imperials, featuring Terry Blackwood, Darrell Toney and Lynn Royce Taylor. They will be joined by Jim Murray and Armond Morales and "Cissy" Houston at 'Conversations on Elvis: Gospel' August 15.
August 16 - Steve Binder, writer Allan Blye, guitarist Mike Deasy, music director Billy Goldenberg and dancer Tanya Lemani at 'Conversations on Elvis: '68 Special'
August 17 - Ann Moses "Tiger Beat Magazine"(see Ann Moses EIN interview here), TG Sheppard; Donna Rhodes Morris, Billy Blackwood (Voice), Mark Kogan (Tour promoter) 'Conversations on Elvis: Elvis Connections'.
August 18 - Ronnie Tutt at 'Elvis Week Brunch' plus 'Elvis Live in Concert - with an All Star Band' along with former members of the Stamps Quartet.
To check out the full schedule and for tickets go here to EPE website
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis Fan & Collector Show' at Elvis Week: Every year at Elvis Week there are bonus activities not arranged by EPE and some are free!
The 'Elvis Fan & Collector Show' is the longest running continuous Elvis Convention/ Festival/ Event in Memphis.
This year is the 40th continuous Elvis event during August.
There is lots of activity all over the hotel for several days and nights.
Jimmy Velvet will be there along with Ronnie McDowell.
Ace photographer Keith Alverson will be there to sign copies of both of his glorious photo books.
There is a chance to check out a vast amount of Suzanna Leigh (RIP) personal autographed items. Includes movie posters, books and autographed photos from Paradise Hawaiian Style and other film promo photos. "RIP dear friend."
See poster for details
Go here to their facebook page for more
FREE Admission to the Elvis Fan & Collector Show during Aug. 10th thru 14th.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
See 'The Comeback Special' in Memphis: While there is an opportunity to see “The '68 Comeback Special” at Elvis Week there is also an opportunity for the general public to see it at Malco cinemas.
In celebration of the 50th anniversary Malco Cinemas will show a program dedicated to one of the singer’s most iconic performances next month. The screening is part of a two-day cinema event happening nationally and internationally to celebrate Presley during the annual Elvis Week, marking his death.
Fathom Events and ABG will present “ELVIS 50th Anniversary Comeback Special” at some 500 U.S. movie theaters. The screenings will take place on Aug. 16 and Aug. 20. Theaters in Oxford and Little Rock will have screenings on both dates; the lone Memphis public presentation will take place at 7:30 p.m. August 20 at the Malco Paradiso.
As part of the “Elvis 50th Anniversary Comeback Special” event, organizers have confirmed each screening will include “an exclusive look at the making of the special, featuring a walkthrough of the NBC soundstage with insights from Binder and others influenced by Presley, his music, and this iconic event.”
In a statement, Binder added he hopes “Elvis fans and music lovers everywhere will have an opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of the King through a unique yet personal lens captured in this content.”
Click here to MALCO website to book US cinema tickets
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis Week 2018 - starts one Month from today!: Elvis Week 2018 runs from August 9-18, ten days celebrating the Music, Life and Legacy of Elvis Presley.
Among the very special guests will be Lisa Marie Presley, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Legend and Elvis' '68 Comeback Special performer Darlene Love live in concert, making her first-ever Elvis Week appearance; Gospel and Soul legend and former Elvis back-up singer Dr. Emily "Cissy" Houston, also making her first Elvis Week appearance; Elvis' acclaimed drummer from the TCB Band, Ronnie Tutt; and many more.
Highlights of the week's events include a special tribute to the 50th Anniversary of the legendary '68 Comeback Special, fans can join Lisa Marie Presley for an exclusive launch party for the "Where No One Stands Alone" album on Saturday, August 11, a live concert performance with Elvis on the big screen, a special Lisa Marie Presley autograph opportunity and the Candlelight Vigil held on the evening of August 15.
Other guests include Michael Dante, who co-starred with Elvis in "Kid Galahad"; Former members of The Stamps and Armond Morales, Tanya Lemani George, belly dancer "Little Egypt" Plus army buddies Rex and Elisabeth Mansfield. Click here to EPE Elvis Week 2018 schedule.
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis - Where No One Stands Alone' New Release: EIN beat Graceland to the official announcement but EPE have now posted....
.. Groundbreaking New Elvis Album features 14 Original Performances of Gospel Songs with Newly-Recorded Instrumentation and Backing Vocals featuring Legendary Presley Alumnae including Darlene Love, Cissy Houston, The Imperials and The Stamps
RCA/Legacy Recordings will release "Elvis Presley - Where No One Stands Alone," a new Elvis album celebrating the artist's everlasting love of gospel music, on Friday, August 10.
Produced by Joel Weinshanker, Lisa Marie Presley and Andy Childs, "Where No One Stands Alone" introduces newly-recorded instrumentation and backing vocal contributions from music legends who'd performed on-stage and/or in-the-studio with Elvis. It also includes a reimagined duet with Elvis and his daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, on the album's title track and spiritual touchstone.
"It was a very powerful and moving experience to sing with my father," wrote Lisa Marie in her notes for the album. "The lyrics speak to me and touch my soul. I'm certain that the lyrics spoke to my father in much the same way."
Background vocalists on the album include: Darlene Love (who first sang with Elvis on his 1968 NBC television special); Dr. Emily "Cissy" Houston (who, with The Sweet Inspirations, sang with Elvis on-stage beginning in 1969); Terry Blackwood, Armond Morales and Jim Murray (members of The Imperials, who sang on Elvis' How Great Thou Art - with the title song winning the 1967 Grammy for Best Sacred Performance); and Donnie Sumner, Bill Baize, Ed Hill and Larry Strickland (members of longtime backup group, The Stamps).
Pre-Order special- EPE / Shop Graceland will have exclusive, limited edition versions of the album on blue 12" vinyl and cassette configurations.
Fans purchasing the CD, exclusive blue vinyl, and cassette together from ShopGraceland.com will receive a limited edition lithograph signed by Lisa Marie Presley. Click here to pre-order from ShopGraceland.
"Elvis Presley - Where No One Stands Alone" provides new musical perspectives on 14 of the singer's favorite pieces of gospel music, from the reverential to the celebratory, with song selections including Presley's |
beloved enduring gospel classics (the 1965 Top 5 smash "Crying In The Chapel," "How Great Thou Art," "You'll Never Walk Alone"), praise-filled gospel-rockers (Jerry Lieber and Mike Stoller's "Saved") and traditional hymns and spirituals ("So High," "Stand By Me," "In The Garden," "Amazing Grace").
Elvis Presley once said, "Since I was two years old, all I knew was gospel music. It became such a part of my life, it was as natural as dancing. A way to escape my problems, and my way of release." It was Elvis'
explosive mix of styles--blues, bluegrass, country, swing, pop--that generated his iconic world-changing rock n' roll, but it was the hymns, spirituals and church music of his childhood, the deep-seated gospel roots that sustained Elvis and his musical vision throughout his life.
Friends and family would often recall hearing Elvis sing gospel tunes at home and to warm up before concerts. "We do two shows a night for five weeks," Presley said in an interview featured in the documentary 'Elvis On Tour' "A lotta times we'll go upstairs and sing until daylight-gospel songs. We grew up with it... It more or less puts your mind at ease. It does mine."
Lisa Marie states in the album notes, "This was his favorite genre - no question about it. He seemed to be at his most passionate, and at peace while singing gospel. He would truly come alive - whether he was singing just for himself and me at home, or on stage in front of thousands of fans."
TrackList 1. I've Got Confidence 2. Where No One Stands Alone (with Lisa Marie Presley) 3. Saved 4. Crying In The Chapel 5. So High 6. Stand By Me 7. Bosom Of Abraham 8. How Great Thou Art 9. I, John 10. You'll Never Walk Alone 11. He Touched Me 12. In The Garden 13. He Is My Everything 14. Amazing Grace
See Below for cheap Amazon Pre-Order prices.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
US Amazon Pre-order
>>>>>>> VINYL
<<<<<<<<< Single CD |
Join Lisa Marie Presley at Elvis Week Album Launch: Fans can join Lisa Marie Presley at Elvis Week for an exclusive launch party for the "Where No One Stands Alone" album on Saturday, August 11 at 1:00 pm at Graceland.
Celebrate this "once in a lifetime" moment with Lisa Marie as we listen to this powerful and emotional duet with her father of the album's title track for the first time.
Lisa Marie, who co-produced the album, will be joined album co-producers Joel Weinshanker and Andy Childs, along with John Jackson (Senior Vice President, A&R, Legacy Recordings/Sony Music Entertainment) to discuss the making of this incredible new album celebrating Elvis' love for gospel music.
Go here to EPE EW 2018 Schedule book tickets.
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Lisa Marie' Aircraft gets fresh Coat of Paint: EPE have announced that both of Elvis' air-crafts on display in Memphis are being spruced up for Elvis Week 2018.
With all her financial woes one suspects that Lisa Marie herself might like a shiny spruce-up as well.
Elvis' "Flying Graceland," the Lisa Marie jet, is getting ready for summer - and Elvis Week! - with a fresh coat of paint.
The Lisa Marie and Elvis' smaller Lockheed Jetstar, the Hound Dog II, are in the process now of being repainted. The paint job will be completed soon.
Elvis purchased the 1958 Convair 880 in April 1975 and named it Lisa Marie after his daughter. He spent more than $800,000 having the jet remodeled. The customized jet features a living room, conference room, sitting room, and private bedroom, as well as gold-plated seat belts, suede chairs, leather covered tables, 24-karat gold-flecked sinks and more.
The Lockheed Jet Star, customized by Elvis with a yellow and green interior, was primarily used for taking Elvis' manager and his staff from city to city during his concert tours.
Both planes are on permanent display at Graceland.
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
15 New Guests Added to Elvis Week 2018: Graceland has just added more than 15 new guests to the Elvis Week 2018 lineup for August. The list includes first-time guests to Elvis Week, as well as an amazing ’68 Special Conversations line-up, past UTA Contest winners, and a new afternoon concert for August 18!
Elvis Week is coming up soon August 9-18.
In celebration of the 50th anniversary, ’68 Comeback Special director/producer Steve Binder, musical director Billy Goldenberg, writer Allan Blye and guitarist Mike Deasy will talk in-depth about Elvis’ landmark television special during 'Conversations on Elvis: ’68 Special' on Thursday, August 16.
The Imperials’ Terry Blackwood and Jimmy Murray will join Imperial Armond Morales, along with former Stamps’ Ed Hill, Donnie Sumner, Bill Baize and Larry Strickland, and Dr. Emily “Cissy Houston,” who was a member of |
The Sweet Inspirations” for Conversations on 'Elvis: Gospel' on Wednesday, August 15.
Other special guests include Ginny Tiu, Elvis' "Girls!Girls!Girls!" co-star; Elvis' "Wild in the Country" co-star Millie Perkins; and Elvis' friend and country star TG Sheppard, who will share his memories of the king and perform at The Guest House at Graceland.
Click here to EPE to see Elvis Week 2018 schedule.
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
Largest Elvis Week Ever Expected at Graceland, Memphis, August 9-18: Fans from around the world will gather at Graceland® in Memphis to celebrate and honor the life of Elvis Presley™ during Elvis Week™ 2018 – which will be the biggest Elvis Week in history. Unprecedented concerts, special performances and guest appearances will take place from August 9 through 18 at Graceland’s new entertainment complex, Elvis Presley’s Memphis.
Among the very special guests will be Lisa Marie Presley, who will appear on stage at the Graceland Soundstage on August 15; Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Legend and Elvis’ ’68 Comeback Special performer Darlene Love live in concert, making her first-ever Elvis Week appearance; Gospel and Soul legend and former Elvis back-up singer Dr. Emily “Cissy” Houston, also making her first Elvis Week appearance; Elvis’ acclaimed drummer from the TCB Band, Ronnie Tutt; and many more.
Highlights of the week’s events include a special tribute to the 50th Anniversary of the legendary ’68 Comeback Special, a concert and conversation honoring Elvis’ gospel recordings, a live concert performance with Elvis on the big screen, a special Lisa Marie Presley autograph opportunity and the Candlelight Vigil. Fans will enjoy stories from people who knew Elvis, bid on auction items, and celebrate with special events throughout the week.
Tickets for all Elvis Week events went on-sale this weekend. For additional ticket information, including exclusive Elvis Week packages, visit the Elvis Week ticket page.
Most events will take place at the Graceland Soundstage, a state-of-the-art production and performance space in the heart of Graceland’s new entertainment and exhibit complex, Elvis Presley’s Memphis, directly across the street from Graceland Mansion.
There is limited availability at The Guest House at Graceland resort hotel on select nights during Elvis Week.
Go HERE to EPE's Elvis Week 2018 for tickets and more info
(News, Source;BusinessWire/ElvisInfoNet)
Note that EIN suspects that the 2018 Elvis Week attendance numbers will in fact be "way down" compared to the 40th Anniversary - and with lots of European fans saving money by attending the special "Elvis Week Garden Party" in Randers, Denmark which features a stunning array of guests including, Linda and Sam Thompson, Dick Grob, James Burton, Glen D Hardin, Ronnie Tutt, Alanna Nash and The Imperials. See details below. |
Below - Previous EIN EXCLUSIVE REPORTS from Elvis Week |
Forever Elvis 2017 - Forty Years On: In his all too short career Elvis managed to achieve more than any other entertainer, the birth of rock 'n' roll, his career renaissance after two years in the army, the family entertainment of his sixties movies, the powerful musical comeback of 1969, the on-stage live return-to-splendour of the 70s, the power of his musical creativity throughout his whole career, his unbelievable generosity and more than anything, the love he gave to his devoted fans.
Forty years on we all are once again thinking about tragic end to Elvis' incredible life and how much he did for us in his all too short life-time.
In 2017 EIN's Piers Beagley looks back at why the legacy of ELVIS is so important to us all forty years on - - along with memories of Elvis from Joe Esposito, Marty Lacker and Larry Geller
(Spotlight, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork) |
ELVIS WEEK 2017 - EIN exclusive report: ‘C’mon Everybody’ and watch out Memphis because Sanja Meegin, EIN's roving reporter, is back in the Promised Land once again to give us all the inside scoops on Elvis Week 2017.
Don't miss out on EIN's thorough look at ELVIS WEEK 2017 - all the news and all the scoops. Check out Sanja's visit to the new Museum, the candlelit Vigil, her trip to Tupelo and more. On her last day before bidding farewell, she met plenty of famous Elvis friends at Vernon's house get-together including Billy Smith and Mindi Miller, visits Forest Lawn Cemetery, checks out some fine music with Jamie Aaron Kelly, meets with Elvis' grandson Ben Keough and does her final visit to the Meditation Garden to say her thanks. What a way to end Elvis Week 2017.
EIN is the only website with these exclusive Sanja Meegin Elvis Week 2017 reports, click here & don't miss her great photos
(Elvis Week 2017, Source:ElvisInformationNetwork) |
Elvis Week Through The Years - Sanja Meegin looks back: EIN's Sanja Meegin has been to Memphis and attended Elvis Week 13 times in the past 15 years. During that time she has witnessed great concerts as well as met up with many of Elvis’ family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances.
For the past decade Sanja has done her best to get to every concert, book signing, ceremony, convention, appearance and memorial that she could manage and report back to EIN for those who couldn’t be there to experience it for themselves. Of course that hasn’t been easy when combined with the excruciatingly hot Southern summer temperatures, the lure of cocktails on Beale Street and keeping the hours Elvis kept whilst there – party all night, sleep all day - but she has done her best! - Part of our EIN 100th newsletter celebration!
Go here as Sanja looks back at her fifteen years of visiting the Promised Land and Elvis Week.
(Spotlight; Source;ElvisInfoNetwork) |
(Left:Graceland Wall)
(Right:Elvis' Speedway jacket in the shop window) |
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Elvis Presley, Elvis and Graceland are trademarks of Elvis Presley Enterprises.
The Elvis Information Network has been running since 1986 and is an EPE officially recognised Elvis fan club.
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