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Thursday 30 September 2010 |
Tony Curtis Dies aged 85: Tony Curtis, the classically handsome movie star died Wednesday of cardiac arrest in his Las Vegas area home. He was 85. As a performer, Mr. Curtis drew first and foremost on his startlingly good looks. With his dark, curly hair, worn in a sculptural style later imitated by Elvis Presley, and plucked eyebrows framing pale blue eyes and wide, full lips, Mr. Curtis embodied a new kind of feminized male beauty that came into vogue in the early 1950s.
Curtis himself never professed to be, marrying five times, claiming affairs with all his leading ladies, including Monroe, making his share of what he called schlock and admitting to working "to pay the bills".
His first wife was Janet Leigh, victim of the famous shower scene in Psycho, and their daughter is actress Jamie Lee Curtis.
In a recent UK interview Tony Curtis talked about meeting Elvis on the film-set.
Curtis: Elvis raised his hair like mine. I was making a |
picture at Paramount, and Elvis was on the lot. He had these big trailers, about a hundred feet long. I liked to get out, put on a sweater and shorts and walk around on the backlot, it was a lot of fun. I was immersed in movies, I just love them. So I walked by his trailer, the door opened, I looked up, and there was Elvis. And he grabs me and pulls me in. And Elvis said, "Mr Curtis, I want you to know what a fan I am. I used to watch your movies in Tennessee." And I said, "Please, don't call me Mr Curtis." And this handsome kid looks at me and said, "So what do you want me to call you?" And I said, "Just call me Tony." And I said, "So what do I call you?" And he said, "Mr Presley!"
Bam, was he funny! We had a great time together. We passed a few girls between us, that's what guys do."
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Listen to 'Viva ELVIS - The Album' samples: You can now preview "Viva ELVIS - The Album" before it becomes available in November via Amazon.com.
The tracklist & remixers are listed below.
1. Opening (mixed by Robert Meunier & Erich van Tourneau)
2. Blue Suede Shoes (mixed by Serban Ghenea)
3. That's Alright (mixed by Brendan O'Brien)
4. Heartbreak Hotel (mixed by Brendan O'Brien)
5. Love Me Tender (mixed by Robert Meunier & Erich van Tourneau)
6. King Creole (mixed by Robert Meunier & Erich van Tourneau)
7. Bossa Nova Baby (mixed by Serban Ghenea)
8. Burning Love (mixed by Serban Ghenea)
9. Memories (mixed by Robert Meunier & Erich van Tourneau)
10. Can't Help Falling In Love (mixed by Serban Ghenea)
11. You'll Never Walk Alone (piano interlude) (mixed by Robert Meunier & Erich van Tourneau)
12. Suspicious Minds (mixed by Brendan O'Brien)
GO HERE TO LISTEN & pre-order.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork) |
EPE supporting Trapped Miners in Chile: As you will recall, one of the Chilean trapped miners is an Elvis fan and insisted on a photograph of Elvis being sent down to him. He also raised the spirits of the other miners by organising Elvis singalongs. It was anticipated that the miners would not be freed until around Christmas time but rapid progress has been made and it is anticipated that they will be free in around two weeks time.
EIN contributor Brian Quinn and others, thought that it would be a nice gesture if EPE were to arrange a free trip to Graceland for him and perhaps, the other miners, when they were rescued and had time to overcome some of their trauama. An e-mail was sent to EPE. and I am very pleased to print the following reply I have just received from them:
EPE: "Yes, we are in touch with CNN Chile and have sent a big package of movies and music to him that they are sending down to him for the rest of the time. We are also talking with them about a visit!"
(News, Source;BrianQuinn) |
Wednesday 29 September 2010 - -- Extra Update |
Viva Elvis' Album - Big UK Marketing Campaign: Look out for the huge promotion and marketing that is planned in the UK for the new 'Viva Elvis' The Album. Cirque du Soleil, Pricilla Presley and the album producer Erich Van Tourneau are all undertaking the promo circuit and Priscilla has already appeared on “The One Show” and with other Major TV interviews being lined up.
- The Marketing aspects will feature a very heavy TV campaign across ITV, C4, Five and satellite space booked from launch up to Christmas plus a national “X Factor” launch-spot the day before release. There will also be outdoor poster campaigns and radio campaigns booked with Heart, Smooth and Capital radio stations. There will also be On-Line Facebook, Youtube and Google promotions.
There will also be plenty of national press campaigns and full page adverts.
The presss publicity has already started with The Sun today writing "Elvis Gets A ReVamp On New Album; HERE'S a real treat for ELVIS fans. The King's new album - his first in 33 years - sees the late singer's music reworked for Cirque Du Soleil show Viva Elvis"
Go here for the SUN article..
(News; Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNetwork) |
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNetwork) |
Myrna Smith health update: On Saturday, 9/25, Myrna was sent to Northridge Hospital ER with an infection, she was given two antibiotic treatments intravenously & then sent back to Canyon Oaks Rehab. Center. Myrna was extremely weak. By the time we got back to the center, she was exhausted & went right to sleep. I visited Myrna on Sunday, 9/26. She was better than on Saturday, but still very weak & talking only a little.
Thank you for all the cards with love & good wishes, we read all of them & Myrna thanks everyone for caring about her. Thanks to those who helped raise the money in Myrna's account at Premier America Credit Union, she really appreciates it. Because of the generosity of Myrna's friends & fans, we are able to pay the $5,184.00 to Canyon Oaks for Myrna to stay there. That amount is Myrna's share of the money owed to them for her stay to date, plus the month of October (they require October paid in advance), & must be paid to allow her to stay there through the end of October. The check has been mailed. If it were not for all of you, Myrna would not have the care she needs for October.
Myrna's condition is very serious. Please keep her in your prayers. (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited) |
The Elvis you should rediscover: Most people think about Elvis Presley in two simple ways: There’s the young Elvis, the hip shaker who brought “black” music into white homes, or the jump suit clad,sweating, drug fueled and fat Elvis. Which one is your favorite?
I’ve always dubbed my favorite Elvis Presley period as the “Comeback Elvis.” From 1968 to 1972, Elvis Presley hit his peak creatively, vocally, and musically. Let’s take a look:
Coming off the heels of the 1967 MGM film “Speedway”, co-starring Nancy Sinatra, Elvis felt dissatisfied with his career and his last four singles released failed to chart. Music had changed as well. 1967 saw the release of The Beatles’ “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”, and months later, the epic single - “Good Vibrations” by the Beach Boys. Psychedelic culture was influencing music, its artists and popular culture. |
Elvis packed up, left Los Angeles, and decided to take everything “home.” This meant pulling stakes and getting back to his roots, going home to Memphis, Tennessee. Arriving right on the heels of the birth of his daughter, Lisa Marie, Elvis contracted an agreement with NBC that had them hooked into financing another Elvis theatrical feature film, as well as a television special.
The result, originally called simply - Elvis, aired on NBC television on December 3, 1968. This Christmas special of sorts would go on to become known as The Elvis ‘68 Comeback Special. Up until this time, there had been nothing like it on television ever.
The ‘68 Comeback Special was the blueprint that MTV would eventually steal and use to create their infamous “Unplugged” series. Elvis and band sat mingled with their crowd, playing stripped down versions of all his classics from his early era. Between songs Elvis would remind the world exactly how he’d become the star he was, by cracking jokes about his lip twitch and playfully bantering with his audience members. He also introduced quite possibly his most infamous stage outfit, one that people have never forgotten, the black leather jumpsuit. It was the essence of cool, and the creation of “Comeback Elvis.”
As the final minutes of the ‘68 Special played out, NBC came back from its final commercial break, and Elvis sang a song that was written exclusively for the television special, called “If I Can Dream.” Simple, intimate and very emotionally powerful, it resurrected Elvis like a phoenix rising from rock-n-roll ashes, and sent shivers down the spines of millions, reminding us that Elvis is truly king.
One Rolling Stone magazine critic was quoted after the performance: “I bet that just made Jim Morrison shake in his boots.”
Soon followed the best album of his entire catalog, 1969’s “From Elvis In Memphis”. This 1969 release would produce something that had never been heard before on any Elvis album. Every song on the album was a classic cut. Up until this time, Elvis was still a victim of record company foolery dictating that an album should have just a few really good songs on it, and the rest forgettable filler.
Songs like “Long Black Limosene”, “In The Ghetto”, “True Love Travels Down A Gravel Road”, “Power Of Love”, and “Only The Strong Survive” showcase a worn man trying to get back what he’d lost and reminding us just how good he truly was.
Even though, they didn’t make the final 1969 “From Elvis In Memphis album” two of Elvis Presley’s greatest singles ever to be released, “Suspicious Minds” and “Kentucky Rain”, were also produced by at this time.
Oppsosite: Elvis and band at the American Sound Studio in 1969 |
Not long after the success of the television show and album, Elvis was given the opportunity to produce his own live show for Las Vegas. The initial Las Vegas concerts of the 1970s were massive events, featuring celebrities. The shows always sold out. A documentary crew followed Elvis from Memphis to Las Vegas as he prepared in the studio rehearsing for his big Las Vegas premiere. The film also documented the first Elvis in Las Vegas performances in their entirety.
“That’s The Way It Is: Elvis Live From Vegas” was released into national theaters in late 1970 to massive success. The film showcased Elvis in prime peak, blasting through classics like “All Shook Up” and “Jailhouse Rock”. Another documentary film would be produced and released into theaters by late 1972, Elvis On Tour.
Highly successful in Las Vegas and touring again across the US, Elvis found out that his wife, Priscilla, was leaving him. He never recovered and neither did his career, until his life was cut short in 1977.
Essential Elvis Presley 1968-1972 Releases:
* Complete 68 Comeback Special: 40th Anniversary Box Set (2008)
* Memories: The 68 Comeback Special (1998)
* From Elvis In Memphis (1969)
* The Memphis ‘69 Anthology: Suspicous Minds (1999)
* From Nashville To Memphis: The Essential 60’s Masters (1993)
* Walk A Mile In My Shoes: The Essential 70’s Masters (1995)
* Elvis: That’s The Way It Is Soundtrack Special Edition Box Set (1971, 2000)
* Back In Memphis (1970)
* Elvis Country (1970)
* Elvis Now (1972)
* Elvis On Stage (1972) (News, Source: Justin Buzong, collegenews.com)
La Vie du King DVD set: This 8 DVD set, we guess French because of the title La vie du King carries one hour specials and was released in August. (News, Source: Elvis News/Elvis Club Berlin)
Latest on Lisa Marie's 3rd album: Lisa Marie writes that she is currently (back) working on her new album that will now come out in 2011.
Lisa also says that all is going well in the UK. (News, Source: Lisa Marie Presley Facebook/EIN/Elvis Matters) |
EPE expansion plans on track in Memphis: The plans for the rebuilding around the grounds of Graceland are still in the works. The Daily News announced that EPE bought the lot on 3716 Elvis Presley Blvd. This is the building that sits between the EPE offices and the souvenir shop, right across from Elvis' planes. EPE payd $1.1 million for the building and grounds. (News, Source: Elvis Matters)
Elvis on Tour Aussie DVD release under $10.00!: It was only released yesterday in Australia, but already major outlet, Kmart, is selling Elvis On Tour for only A$9.00!
Earlier in 2010, Sony Australia's TV promoted CD release, Elvis 50 Top Ten Australian Hits, also flopped with sales (<11,000) well below even Gold award status (35,000). (News, Source: Kmart catalog/ARIA)
EIN Note: EIN recently watched the Region 1 (USA) Blu-ray edition of Elvis On Tour.......and compared to the original video release it is simply stunning!!! The audio and video quality is brilliant!!

Aussie duet on upcoming Viva Elvis album: Elvis Australia reports that Sony Australia will release the Viva Elvis Soundtrack "downunder" on November 5th. The 13 track 10 song set (Descibed to us by Sony as 2 tracks and 2 interludes) will include an Australian artist Duet. (TBA).
01. Opening
02. Blue Suede Shoes
03. That's All Right
04. Heartbreak Hotel
05. Love Me Tender
06. King Creole
07. Bossa Nova Baby
08. Burning Love
09. Memories [interlude]
10. Can't Help Falling In Love
11. You'll Never Walk Alone [piano interlude]
12. Suspicious Minds
13. Australian Duet (TBA) |
Viva ELVIS - The Album, is a 21st century celebration of Elvis and his music, featuring the voice of the king in a whole new context. The undisputed King of Rock 'n' Roll, Elvis Presley, remains one of the most iconic and powerful forces in popular culture. 'Before Elvis', said John Lennon, 'there was nothing'.
After Elvis, the world looked and sounded different. With a swivel of his hips and the power of his voice, Elvis broke down barriers and shattered the status quo, revolutionizing the worlds of music, film and fashion, while signaling a seismic shift in gender, class, race, and generational relationships.
The Elvis revolution continues with Viva ELVIS - The Album.
EIN Comment: An Aussie artist duet with Elvis! Tacky or innovative? You be the judge.
Deceased war hero Col. Thomas S. Jones promoted Elvis Presley to sergeant: Col. Thomas S. Jones might have been beheaded, as were the other members of his unit in the Philippines during World War II. Instead, his Japanese captors deemed Mr. Jones too weak to bother executing and he survived.
His company of guerilla fighters had been surrounded in the jungles of Luzon, unable to rejoin the 26th Cavalry. Rather than surrendering, the men in Company C built a primitive radio station, from which they broadcast information about Japanese troop movements to Allied forces.
After the war, then-Maj. Jones, a mild-mannered man who once studied classics at the University of Oxford, became a colonel and then a civilian adviser to the U.S. Army in Vietnam.
While in Germany, he promoted his Jeep driver — Pvt. Elvis Presley — to sergeant.
"I don't know how good a musician Elvis was," Mr. Jones wrote in a published letter to the St. Petersburg Times in 1977, a week after Presley died, "but as his battalion commander I can testify that he was a top-notch soldier, a credit to his parents, to his outfit, to his country."
For his own role in helping the Allies win in the Philippines, the Army presented Mr. Jones with the Distinguished Service Cross, its second-highest honor (after the Medal of Honor). He also was awarded the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart and Legion of Merit. Mr. Jones, a scholar on military history whose own life rivaled those of the heroes he read about, died Tuesday. He was 95 and had lived in Pinellas County since 1973.
U.S. and Philippine troops suffered great losses in Luzon, the main Philippine island, including members of the 26th Cavalry, who in 1942 conducted what would prove to be the last mounted cavalry charge in U.S. history. At the time, Mr. Jones' Company C had been sent to cover Japanese landings on the northern coasts.
After invading Japanese troops cut off their ability to return, Gen. Douglas MacArthur radioed instructions to retreat through mountain trails. Two dozen men remained in the jungles for 20 months until they were captured in August 1943. They spent 18 months in a prison camp, during which time Mr. Jones' weight withered to 80 pounds.
At the time of his scheduled execution, a Japanese doctor told captors that Mr. Jones would not likely survive the trip, according to the book The Intrepid Guerillas of Northern Luzon. Allied forces liberated the camp in February 1945. A commanding officer presented Mr. Jones with the sword used to behead his colleagues. He kept the sword until he lost it in a burglary about 10 years ago.
Col. Thomas S. Jones, second from left, after Allied forces liberated a Japanese prison camp in the Philippines in February 1945. He weighed only 80 pounds after 18 months in captivity. |
He stayed in the Army, serving in France and Germany. In the late 1950s he supervised Presley, who he said had "earned his promotion the old-fashioned way, as a member of a combat unit, not with some sort of army entertainment group."
Mr. Jones retired in 1962 as a full colonel. He served in Vietnam for another decade as an adviser for the Agency for International Development. He married his Vietnamese teacher, Minh. They spoke French, their only common language. They had two daughters and moved to Dunedin in 1973.
He grew up in Albany, N.Y. His father died when Mr. Jones was 3. He remembered the horses that pulled a carriage with his father's body to the cemetery. By the time his mother died two years later, around 1919, the funeral home had replaced horses with cars — a change for the worse, he thought.
An uncle, the editor-in-chief of the Albany Times-Union, raised Mr. Jones and exposed him to horseback riding. The boy also loved reading, and would study history and classics at Union College in New York and at Oxford. His Safety Harbor home, where he moved eight years ago, was filled with books. In the 1990s, he contacted the St. Petersburg Times and asked that the paper review more books about military matters. Times book editor Margo Hammond hired him to do just that.
His reviews showed a thorough grasp of history, weaponry and military intelligence. He often contrasted a book he was reviewing with others he had read, and he could level tough criticism if an author omitted aspects of a character or issue he thought they should have included.
"He wasn't just interested in recent history," Hammond said. "He really was interested in the whole development of military strategies and philosophies."
Though he was an active member of the Democratic Party, Mr. Jones resisted urgings to run for public office. Nor did he write his memoirs, apart from some incomplete beginnings and a novel he never submitted for publication. As a father, he offered authoritative guidance that stopped short of being forceful. "He didn't see things in black and white," said daughter Lynn Johnston, "but he definitely thought some things were right. Once he sees something a certain way, you couldn't change his mind."
Mr. Jones died of complications from a stroke. A team of horses will pull a caisson containing his flag-draped casket to his grave at Arlington National Cemetery. (News, Source: Andrew Meacham, St. Petersburg Times/tampabay.com)
Elvis' favourite watch.....the Hamilton Ventura: When, in the late 1950s, Elvis Presley played Las Vegas for the first time, the casino boss Frank Williams presented him with an $800 diamond-studded watch. Then on the cusp of international stardom, Presley was said to have been so thrilled that he bombarded Williams with letters of thanks.
Elvis liked watches. Look at his wrist in any photograph and you'll spot a carefully chosen model. In 1960 he took to wearing a particularly distinctive style, the Hamilton Ventura. While the offbeat arrowhead-shaped dial sat comfortably within the design aesthetic of the time (it was launched in 1957), as the world's first electrical, battery-powered watch, the Ventura was by then the coolest wristpiece in America. It had been presented to Presley to wear in the film Blue Hawaii, and he took to wearing it off set too.
Ever the stylist, Presley had the original bi-colour black and gold strap replaced with a chic metal bracelet by his jeweller. The Ventura is now the only proper watch endorsed by Presley's estate and this year, to celebrate the 75th anniversary of his birth, Hamilton has issued a replica Elvis quartz model. Hamilton Ventura, from £580 (0845-275 2900). (News, Source: Caragh McKay, Telegraph.co.uk)

Vote for your favorite Elvis Visa card design: The Elvis Presley Visa Platinum Rewards credit card is going to be offering some new card designs soon and we want Elvis fans to give us feedback on their favorites.
Please take a look at the card designs and select your top three (3) favorites in the poll. Your feedback will be very important when deciding which card designs to feature. Thanks for your input! (News, Source: EPE)

Russell Brand brings Elvis back to life: Russell Brand's new book has a vividly written section about his night with model Kate Moss, back in 2006. Brand, a British comedian and soon to be Mr. Katy Perry, reveals kind of an odd fetish:
"Eventually there is no more universe between our lips and so we kiss. And yes, on one level I'm enjoying the kiss, but my mind is screaming, screeching, body-popping, lambada-ing, every-dance-craze-there's-ever-been-ing."
And then: "To be in her presence in my house doesn't make sense. It is a baffling fusion of the real and the imagined.
It's like looking into the garden and seeing Vegas Elvis mowing the lawn, or going into the kitchen and finding Elvis in the Elvis Comeback Special '68 suit cooking up beans, or going into the bedroom and there's Golden Jacket Elvis from '54. Elvis, lying on my bed looking into my eyes. Elvis Presley has entered the building." The book, his second autobio, is annoyingly called My Booky Wook 2: This Time It's Personal. It's out Sept. 30. I saw the excerpt at www.femalefirst.co.uk. (News, Source: The Montreal Gazette)
In related news, pop star Katy Perry and actor Russell Brand recently visited Graceland (see photo above). (News, Source: EPE)
Latest issue of the Memphis Mafia Newsletter now out: The September 2010 issue of the Memphis Mafia Organisation (MMO) newsletter has been released.
In the Sep issue are items about the origin of the MM; info about MM members; little known MMO member, Mike Keeton; Elvis' cousin, Gene Smith; and MMO members questions answered.
For more information on this ONLINE newsletter contact Marty Lackar. |
Superman, Elvis, Princess Di flop at NY auction: Superman didn't fly, Elvis wasn't king and Princess Diana's star power faded at an auction in New York where dozens of curios from the world of celebrity and entertainment failed to sell.
The auction at Guernsey's in Manhattan boasted an eclectic collection of memorabilia. The 104 lots ranged from a milk churn used by Houdini in one of his incredible escapes to the sunglasses of rocker Jim Morrison. Those with grandiose tastes could bid for the Ten Commandments tablets brandished by Charlton Heston in the epic 1956 movie of the same name, a section of the Eiffel Tower staircase, and even a pair of nostrils from the Statue of Liberty.
Yet, unusually for a New York auction, virtually nothing sold.
"I am a little beaten up right now," Arlan Ettinger, president of Guernsey's auction house, told AFP.
The flops included a supposedly irresistible Superman cape, a gold-and-diamond bracelet worn by Elvis, and a diamond necklace once belonging to the late Princess Diana, which went to auction with a price estimate of 1.5 to 2.5 million dollars.
"We tried to convince the sellers to be realistic in a tough economy," Ettinger said. "I think the reserve prices were very high."
Reserves are the base price that owners and auction houses agree on, in confidentiality. When no bids meeting that figure are made, the lot is withdrawn -- usually a relatively rare event.
The biggest spender of the evening was US billionaire Stewart Rahr who snapped up the statuette from the classic movie "The Maltese Falcon" for 305,000 dollars. Rahr's friend, the actor Leonardo di Caprio, was at the auction but did not bid from the floor. (News, Source: AFP)
Saturday 25 September 2010 |
'Viva Elvis' Album – Worldwide Update: It is now coming to light that a lot of countries are going to get an extra local bonus 'duet' track with an artist from that country. The Belgian version has 13 tracks including 'That's All Right', 'Burning Love' plus a 'Love Me Tender' Duet with Belgian singer Dani KLEIN from the group Vaya Con Dios. This is in addition to the 'Love Me Tender' remix.
In France local singer Amel BENT is an added duet on 'Love Me Tender' whilst Spanish singer Lourdes HERNANDEZ (aka Russian Red) also duets on the same song on the Spanish version.
This a similar local promotion concept to what happened on the 'Christmas Duets' album last year.
However on the Viva Elvis' UK Album SONY(UK) has assured EIN contributor Brian Quinn that there will be only be 12 tracks on the their version, for some reason with no added bonus duet.
SONY state that they believe it is a fantastic new Elvis album and will be a big record when compared to any artist.
'Viva Elvis - The Album' UK tracklist: The updated UK tracklisting is...
1. Opening
2. Blue Suede Shoes
3. That's All Right
4. Heartbreak Hotel
5. Love Me Tender
6. King Creole
7. Bossa Nova Baby
8. Burning Love
9. Memories [interlude]
10. Can't Help Falling In Love
11. You'll Never Walk Alone [piano interlude]
12. Suspicious Minds
Fans should realise that a multitude of Elvis "samples" have been integrated into this new VIVA production. The tracks will all be new re-versions and not the simple 12 well-known songs as the tracklist might imply.
Please go HERE for info on how YOU can help promote this new UK release and get ELVIS back to the top of the charts.
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNetwork) |
"Elvis The Movie" new German DVD release: According to the German division of Amazon the John Carpenter film "Elvis The Movie" featuring Kurt Russel as Elvis and Shelley Winters as his mother Gladys will be released on dvd and blu-ray in Germany on October 15th, 2010. Responsible for this project is the "Edel" company from Hamburg, which has released a couple of other German editions of Elvis dvds earlier.
It seems that there will be two different versions: A vanilla edition (one disc) and a deluxe edition (two discs).
Second to "Elvis On Tour", "Elvis The Movie" has been a long-time fan favourite for release on dvd and blu-ray, until Shout Factory managed to realize this project in Australia in March, 2010.
(News, Source:The King'sWorld)
New ESTONIAN ELVIS Biography: Proving that Elvis' impact is worldwide, ’Kuningas Elvis’ is the title of a new biography that has just been published in the Baltic state of Estonia. The book was written by Estonian Elvis fanclub president Tony Tuulas, who’s an attorney-at-law in daily life. It’s no coincidence that the Elvis fanclub there was founded in 1990, the same year that the reign of the communistic regime ended. EIN contributor Arjan Deelen reports... “During the communistic regime all western music was forbidden”, Tuulas says, “But Elvis was nevertheless quite popular, because many of us were able to listen to him by tuning into Finnish radio stations with our antenna radios. Mind you, this was strictly forbidden and could result in a prison sentence”.
The book is a lavish hardback 192-page publication with many color and b&w photos, the story of Elvis’ life and career, an album discography from ’56 to ’77, an overview of his gold and platinum albums, a filmography as well as a chapter about the Estonian fanclub’s activities since ’90. Even though I can’t read Estonian, I thoroughly enjoyed leafing through the book, as the design and the reproduction of the photos are topnotch.
For more information about this remarkable book, you can contact Tony directly at: Tonu.Tuulas@leppik.ee
A fascinating book for Elvis collectors.
(News, Source;ArjanDeelen/ElvisInfoNetwork) |
'The Bicentennial King Vol.2' New Import CD: Elvis as recorded live in Seattle, April 26, 1976. The relatively new label Millbranch Music will release its second CD next week. This release will be limited to 500 copies with an 8-page booklet containing lots of photos from Seattle '76 concert and original Seattle newspaper articles published before and after the concert. The sound is good for an audience recording and Elvis is delivering a surprisingly fine show, being in good spirits and strong voice. Tracklisting:
1. Also Sprach Zarathustra - 2. C. C. Rider - 3. I Got A Woman/Amen - 4. Love Me - 5. If You Love Me (Let Me Know) - 6. You Gave Me A Mountain - 7. All Shook Up - 8. Teddy Bear/Don't Be Cruel - 9. Tryin' To Get To You - 10. My Way - 11. Polk Salad Annie
- 12. Monologue about New Year's Eve show in Pontiac - 13. Band Introductions - 14. What'd I Say - 15. Drum Solo (Ronnie Tutt) - 16. Bass Solo (Jerry Scheff) - 17. Piano Solo (Tony Brown) - 18. Electric Piano & Clavinet Solo (David Briggs) - 19. School Day - 20. America (The Beautiful) - 21. And I Love You So - 22. Hound Dog - 23. Hurt - 24. Help Me - 25. How Great Thou Art - 26. Blue Suede Shoes - 27. Funny How Time Slips Away - 28. Can't Help Falling In Love - 29. Closing Vamp. Runing time: 71:30
(News, Source;Millbranch) |
Welsh Porthcawl Elvis Festival this weekend: It's the same every year the Welsh coastal village of Porthcawl is swamped with Elvis's from all over the world, here to celebrate one of Europe's biggest Elvis festival. This weekend thousands upon thousands of Elvis fans will fill the hotels and pubs around Porthcawl - it's all great fun though and there's something entertaining in watching scores of Elvis's compete to be the year's official best Elvis.
The beach, windswept and looking desolate in the September chill, was full of Elvis's on horseback. It's all quite bizarre and left me, all shook up.
The Grand Pavilion will tonight host the Elvies the annual award for the best Elvis impersonator -
(News, Source;ElvisPorthcawl)
Russell Brand posts Elvis thoughts: Katy Perry and love-interest Russell Brand were planning an Indian wedding next month, but the comic's brush with the law may has thrown a spanner in the works. The 'Get Him To The Greek' movie star's October court date leaves the couple little time to get hitched in Goa, in India, as planned. The comedian has now uploaded a picture of Elvis and Priscilla dolls kitted out in wedding regalia to his Twitter account.
He wrote: "Mum. Have moved to the South and made friends with a lovely little couple."
Tabloids have commented.... Could a Gracelands wedding be on the cards? After all, the Memphis home of The King is a lot closer to their California base than Goa, where the couple were intending to tie the knot.
Only 2 days ago Katy Perry and actor Russell Brand visited Graceland!
(News, Source;SanjaM/ElvisInfoNetwork) |
Wednesday 22 September 2010 |
'Elvis In Concert' 2011/2012 Update: Latest news from Stig Edgren, the producer of 'Elvis In Concert'.
The U.S.A. and
Canadian legs of the next tour will be in 2011. The UK leg will be in March,
2012 and in Asia sometime in 2012.
This is GREAT news, especially for Canadian and Asian fans, which for some of them will be their first experience of these shows.
EIN will feature complete dates & Tour Itinerary as soon as they are announced.
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNetwork)
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame new ELVIS exhibit: The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum has unveiled its latest exhibit devoted to the King of Rock and Roll as a part of the Museum’s 15th anniversary celebration this September. ELVIS 1956: Photographs by Alfred Wertheimer is open to the public in the Circular Gallery of the Main Exhibit Hall. Taken during the year Elvis turned 21, Alfred Wertheimer’s photographs are a remarkable visual record of a defining time for rock and roll’s most enduring figure.
1956 was the year Elvis first appeared in the national consciousness. His RCA records and national broadcast helped make him a star. Alfred Wertheimer, then a young freelance photojournalist, was there to document the extraordinary transition.
ELVIS 1956 is the first and last unguarded look at Elvis, featuring images of him in every aspect of his life—from performance and with the fans, to the recording studio and at home with his family. On stage and off, Elvis defined the notion of “rock style.” His electrifying synthesis of rhythm and blues, gospel, and country bridged traditional divides between white and black, urban and rural. For tens of millions of fans, Elvis transformed the beat of everyday life. His music and style helped launch a cultural revolution.
In addition, the Rock Hall has on display nearly 30 new artifacts on loan from the Graceland Archives and are located next to the photography exhibit. Highlights include:
· Shirt and belt Presley wore for performance rehearsals in 1970. Seen on the poster for the film Elvis: That’s the Way It Is.
· Hand-painted poster for Presley’s February 1955 performance in Memphis.
· Presley’s 1974 Grammy Award for Best Inspirational Performance for “How Great Thou Art,” the handwritten set list and jumpsuit from the show where the performance was recorded.
· Proclamation from the City of Memphis declaring February 25, 1961 to be Elvis Presley Day .
· A 1974 Guild acoustic guitar used by in concert by Presley in 1976.
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Cleveland, Ohio - Open daily: 10am - 5:30pm.
Go here for more info
(News, Source;SanjaM/ElvisInfoNetwork) |
Scotty Moore’s unique Guitar Sound Recreated: Ever since guitarist Vince Gordon heard "Mystery Train" and "My Baby Left Me" with Elvis Presley in his youth, he wanted that guitar sound. After years of extensive research he came up with an impressive result that can be heard on video. How everything was done is laid out in details on his website and can be copied by the many guitarists who also want to sound like Scotty Moore’s legendary recordings.
Guitarists into Scotty Moore will be happy to know that the guitar sound was recreated using only affordable modern day equipment. An approach that is typical for the rockabilly guitar advice found on Vince Gordon’s website The Rockabilly Guitar Page.
The key element to getting the Scotty Moore sound is a semi-acoustic Epiphone guitar that Vince Gordon of rockabilly band The Jime customised with special pick-ups etc. The website offers an in-depth article that tells how everything was done – from customising the guitar to the actual recordings.
Go here to Vince Gordon’s own website and here to cute YouTube clip.
Go here to EIN's interview with Scotty Moore by Arjan Deelen.
(News, Source;SanjaM/ElvisInfoNet) |
"Nashville Chrome" new book: "Nashville Chrome" by Rick Bass is the imagined story of The Browns three real-life siblings who formed the root stock of what we now call country music, Nashville style. Bass gives us Maxine, Bonnie and Jim Ed Brown, three of the five children of Floyd and Birdie Brown; their childhood in the backwoods of post-Depression south-central Arkansas; and their rise to fame as singers and songwriters, members of the fledgling Grand Ole Opry and contemporaries of Elvis Presley. The trio's biggest hit was "The Three Bells," and they broke up in 1965. Maxine, who had the strongest pull to fame, went on to release a solo album and write her autobiography, "Looking Back to See," which was published in 2005.
Bass creates a slice of music history from the ground up, from the backwoods and front porches all the way to Elvis (whose heart was broken by Bonnie) and Graceland, the "American Taj Mahal."
Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Holly, and Patsy Cline all came to hear the three-voices-in-one of Jim Ed, Maxine, and Bonnie Brown. Elvis Presley, just a Southern boy then, sat at their table in the woods by Poplar Creek and fell in love with Bonnie. Here's the young Elvis, pre-fame (if such a thing existed): "Grasshoppers clacked. Elvis was just walking, maybe knowing he was stepping into history, maybe not. Maybe just hungry. Seventeen years old. Still essentially just a boy, whistling. His old car out of gas. Walking …"
Go here to full LA Times book review.
(News, Source;SanjaM/ElvisInfoNetwork) |
'Remixes' new German Double-CD: Warner Music Germany announced the release of the double CD "Remixes" containing the two remix compilations as remixed by the Italian DJ Spankox. The set has September 24, 2010 as the release-date.
1 Blue Moon Of Kentucky, 2 Don't Be Cruel, 3 [let Me Be Your] Teddy Bear, 4 Jailhouse Rock, 5 All Shook Up, 6 Baby Let's Play House, 7 Heartbreak Hotel, 8 Too Much, 9 Just Because, 10 You're A Heartbreaker, 11 That's All Right, 12 One Sided Love Affair, 13 (Now And Then There's) A Fool Such As I, 14 Hound Dog, 15 Let Me, 16 Lover Doll, 17 A Big Hunk O' Love, 18 Paralyzed, 19 King Creole, 20 Poor Boy, 21 How Do You Think I Feel, 22 When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again, 23 I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry, 24 We're Gonna Move, 25 Blue Moon Of Kentucky.
All Public Domain tracks remixed. Initially this was set for a March 2010 release.
More info here.
(News, Source;ElvisMatters) |
Australian Elvis On Tour release Next week: On September 29 the Elvis On Tour DVD in local PAL format plus the Blu-ray version will be released by Warner Australia. With a collectible booklet these new releases with highly improved vision as well as surround sound will be available from your local stores.
'Elvis On Tour' DVD is at the great price of AU$13
'Elvis On Tour' BluRay for only AU$20
Check out your local JBhi-fi, Sanity, EzyDVD for best prices.
See our EIN 'Elvis On Tour' special review.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
'Viva Elvis' Album/'Suspicious Minds' Single - UK Radio Request Campaign: The 'Viva Elvis' Album from the Cirque du Soleil Vegas Hit Musical 'Viva Elvis' will be released on 8th November in the UK/Europe and on 9th November in the U.S.A.. The first single release from the album is 'Suspicious Minds' to be released on 25th October. Sony are going to give these releases major promotion. Those who have heard the tracks, fan and non-fan, are amazed at the remix quality bringing Elvis' sound into the 21st Century. Major worldwide hits are expected for these releases.
- Having said this we must consider that no release can make it on its own without Radio and TV exposure. The TV/Magazine exposure will come from Sony but the radio exposure can only come from requests made to local and national radio stations by us, the fans. Bearing this in mind I hope you will all join me in my efforts to get as many tracks played as possible by blanketing radio stations with requests thus ensuring 'Viva Elvis' and 'Suspicious Minds' go straight to No.1 on the UK Album Charts during its first week of release.
It is as easy as sending a email to your favourite Radio station.
Please click here to help with Brian Quinn's campaign to get ELVIS BACK TO NUMBER ONE.
(News, Source;BrianQuin/ElvisInfoNet) |
Tupelo 'Presley Heights Museum' Closed & other scams: The 'Presley Heights Museum' in Tupelo has now officially closed down. The controversial museum which "claimed" to have Elvis' tour bus from his 1976 - 1977 tours, the microphone from the Tupelo '56 concerts, Elvis' pink & black Cadillac from 1957 and also the original 'Blues Brothers Mobile' shut its doors on August 31st, 2010. The museum and its contents, operated by Bill Kinard, have been the subject of debate within the Elvis World and plenty of knowledgeable fans believe that the items were a fake.
EIN has now been informed that Bill Kinard has been sending out a disturbing e-mail stating that "my wallet was misplaced on my way to the hotel" and asking for a major loan. It is believed that Kinard might owe a small fortune in legal fees to his attorneys and others.
Lee Dawson of Elvis Express Radio has carried out a fascinating and very detailed investigation into owner Bill Kinard and the supposed Elvis artefacts. Go here to see this exhaustive investigation on EER.
(News, Source;JC/ElvisInfoNet)
Army man recalls his time with Elvis: When Bob Errant was serving in an Army tank battalion in Germany during the late 1950s, he'd occasionally miss the bus that would take him from his post back to his living quarters.
When that happened, a fellow soldier in his battalion who lived a few doors away would come up and offer him a ride. At the time, his buddy was one of the most celebrated soldiers in the Army, a guy who later became known for his dark hair slicked to a perfect pompadour and a crooner's voice: Elvis Presley.
Errant served for two years in the Army alongside Presley. And despite all the hoopla surrounding Presley's military service, Errant said the star remained remarkably humble and grounded.
Errant first Elvis met at Fort Hood in Texas. The two saw each other every day while they finished their training in a M48 tank battalion. After six months of training, the company was then shipped off to Germany. There Elvis lived a few doors down from Errant and his future wife, Ella.
Throngs of German girls were waiting at the train station for Presley to arrive. And throngs of them camped out in front of Presley's residence. If Presley revelled in all the attention, he didn't show it.
"He was kind of on the shy side," Errant said. "He wasn't one to shout out, 'I'm Elvis Presley the superstar.' He just kind of kept to himself."
But keeping to himself also didn't mean Presley was aloof. Errant said out in the field, Presley wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty and never shied away from the work that was expected of him and the rest of the tank company.
After his two-year enlistment ended Errant parted ways with Presley. They wouldn't see each other again until 1972, a short time before Presley was to play a concert at the old Chicago Stadium.
Errant knew a Chicago police watch commander who was working security that night. Police tried to stop the Errants from getting backstage at first, but Elvis saw them and talked with them for a few minutes.
It was the last time they would see or talk to him.
Go here to complete original article.
(News, Source;SanjaM/ElvisInfoNetwork) |
Saturday 18 September 2010 |
'Viva Elvis - The Album' Tracklisting: According to Sony(UK) the following is the tracklist for the 'Viva Elvis' album:
1. Opening
2. Blue Suede Shoes
3. Heartbreak Hotel
4. Love Me Tender
5. King Creole
6. Bossa Nova Baby
7. Memories
8. Can't Help Falling in Love
9. You'll Never Walk Alone
10. Suspicious Minds.
As we already knew, there were over 40 tracks recorded for the session including 'Burning Love' which is absent from this list. Sony state they are going to let fans hear the album tracks very soon.
Go here to Amazon for $12 album pre-order and promo clip.
Out November 9th
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNetwork) |
Elvis Presley’s white buck shoes feature in Beatles exhibit: That the Beatles were fans of Elvis Presley is no secret. John Lennon said, "Before Elvis, there was nothing." Elvis’ famous white buck shoes have now become a new addition to the Beatles Story exhibition. The shoes – worn in the 1957 film, Jailhouse Rock – have been lent to the Albert Dock-based collection by the estate of Presley himself.
George Harrison said, "I remember at school there was all that thing about Elvis. When a record came along like ‘Heartbreak Hotel' it was so amazing. We know Elvis is great. Seeing Elvis was like seeing the Messiah arrive."
Paul McCartney also told of his love for Elvis. "Every time I felt low, I just put on an Elvis record and I'd feel great, beautiful." So maybe it's not so ironic that the Beatles Story is displaying Elvis' shoes this month. It's the first time the shoes have been displayed outside of Presley's Graceland home.
Go here to EIN's earlier Spotlight on the Liverpool Beatles Exhibition.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
The Complete Elvis Presley Masters - Less than 300 Copies Remain: Less than 300 copies of "Complete Elvis" now remain available for purchase.
Over 35 Hours of music: All 711 MASTER RECORDINGS plus 103 RARITIES ON 30 CDs.
The Unique package features 240-page hardbound book printed on archival paper, with annotated discography and artwork for every original Elvis album, single and EP, plus rare and classic photography and new 6,000-word essay
Limited edition first run of 1,000 copies worldwide, each set individually numbered.
If you are interested in getting one of these first run, limited editions, the time to order is now.
Go here to EIN's special spotlight on this great release and other FTD releases.
(News, Source;EIN) |
BBC Larry Geller Interview: BBC producer Matthew Shepherd recently interviewed Larry Geller for the BBC World service.
A very interesting interview, it looks at Larry Geller's friendship with Elvis and inside Elvis' private life as he looked for answers and inspiration. It also talks about the sad final years.
Runs 9 minutes.
Click here to listen.
(News, Source;Matthew Shepherd/ElvisInfoNetwork) |
Bill Baize Added to Elvis Cruise Line-up: Another exciting addition has been made to the entertainment lineup for The 2010 Elvis Cruise! Bill Baize will now join Elvis' Imperials and all the special guests including the TCB Band, the Memphis Boys and Jerry Schilling and on The Elvis Cruise as they set sail for the Bahamas. November 4 - 8 2010.
Elvis' Imperials are excited to present him during their performances with their new baritone, Darrell Toney. Fans and friends on board will enjoy the sound and blend of these notable and talented voices from Elvis’ concert and recording career.
Bill Baize was a member of J.D. Sumner and The Stamps, which backed Elvis both on stage and in studio recording sessions that produced songs such as "Burning Love" and "Always On My Mind". Other shows that will be performed on The 2010 Elvis Cruise are in the planning stage as we speak, and Elvis' Imperials are rehearsing all the favorites for the main lounge shows, along with a few surprises. It also wouldn’t be an Elvis Cruise without a gospel show full of Elvis’ signature gospel tunes. Passengers will have a chance to participate in a choir made up of fans during a Sunday morning gospel program -- just one of the many exciting highlights that can be expected on The 2010 Elvis Cruise!
GO HERE for Elvis Cruise Info.
Visit the Elvis' Imperials website for more information.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
New dates confirmed for Europe TCB Live Tour: The January Tour of the TCB Band runs over three weekends already. On January 23rd, the Band featuring Dennis Jale, will be playing in GENK, Belgium (the ONLY stop in Belgium/Holland) in the brand new, super de luxe, Cultural Center C-Mine. Check the link below for tickets. Here's the list of gigs so fare (probably more to be added in Austria at a later stage):
Jan 14 & 15 & Jan 16: Vienna, Austria
Jan 21: Bayreuth, Germany
Jan 23: C-Mine Deluxe Cultural Center GENK, Belgium
Jan 25: Budapest, Hungary
Jan 27: Luzern, Switzerland
Jan 29: Milan, Italy
Go here for Tickets
(News, Source;ElvisMatters) |
Lamar Fike offers Townes Van Zandt Original masters on Ebay: After Lamar Fike left Elvis’ employ in ’62 he became Brenda Lee’s Road Manager and quickly established a reputation for being a highly knowledgeable participant in the entire Nashville music scene. He forged great friendships and working relationships with many artists, songwriters and producers as well as the heads of the Country Music Record Companies. He then was given the important position as the head of the Nashville office of Hill & Range Music and Elvis’ Music Publishing Companies. One of those artists he knew was Townes Van Zandt as well as being close friends with the CEO of Van Zandt’s Record label.
It was through that friendship that Lamar was asked, after Van Zandt died in ‘97, as a personal favor to the head of the label, if he would store the masters to Van Zandt’s classic sessions dubbed the Fire Station Sessions.
These are now for sale on Ebay. Go here to check out the details.
(News, Source;Ebay) |
Tuesday 14 September 2010 |
'Elvis Forever' London concert Review: In order to celebrate the fact that 2010 marks what would have been Elvis' 75th Birthday, BBC Radio 2 organized the 'Elvis Forever' Concert in Hyde Park (London) on Sunday 12th September, 2010.This was the first ever outdoors Elvis Tribute Concert held in the UK. The Concert was given considerable publicity on BBC Radio 2, especially on the Chris Evans Breakfast Show. It was reported that ticket sales were healthy prior to the big day. EIN contributor Brian Quinn presents a fabulous review of the whole event plus some great images of the performers.
"It must be said that ALL artists appearing, famous and new, gave their best on the night and did Elvis proud."
Go here for this great review of a stunning and important event.
(Spotlight, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNetwork)
Elvis 8mm Colour 1956 Milton Berle Movie on Ebay: For sale for starting bid $100,000 is a colour 8mm movie of Elvis rehearsing for Milton Berle show on the Aircraft carrier Hancock. April 03,1956. It states "Only known private movie in color. No sound."
No duration is mentioned. The eBay sample image is a single frame from the amateur 8mm film and it is clearly from the dress rehearsal.
Go here to check it out and bid!
(News, Source;Ebay/EPgold)
'Reluctant Rebel' new book: On January 31, 2011 the book 'Elvis Presley, 'Reluctant Rebel His Life and Our Times' by Glen Jeansonne, David Luhrssen and Dan Sokolovic will be released.
About the book:
"Elvis Aaron Presley was born in a two-room house in Tupelo, MS, on January 8, 1935. He died at his Memphis home, Graceland, on August 16, 1977. In those 42 years, Elvis made an indelible impression on pop culture the world over. Elvis Presley, Reluctant Rebel—His Life and Our Times probes both the man and his influence, delving deeply into the personality of its protagonist, his needs and motivations, and the social and musical forces that shaped his career.
Elvis's musical talents and liabilities are explored, as are his records, films, and live performances and his relationship with his manager, Colonel Tom Parker, whom he allowed to manipulate him as a money-making machine. Readers will learn about Elvis's personal life, his devotion to conventional religious and political beliefs, and his decline into self-destruction and death. Finally, the book explores Elvis's impact on the musical and racial revolutions of the 1950s and 1960s, his legacy, and his importance in shaping a generation of Baby Boomers."
(News, Source:ElvisClubBerlin) |
'Elvis -Duluth Revisited' new import CD: From Elvis' show on April 29th 1977, Duluth Revisted is one of the best Audience Recordings ever, sounds almost as a Soundboard. Some fans for sure will prefer this sound to a real Soundboard. Comes with a 12 page Booklet.
A standard 1977 setlist, go here for full track details.
(News, Source;Management3)
Monday 13 September 2010 - - - 2nd News Update |
New Elvis Single 'Suspicious Minds': Hot off the Press. The new Elvis single, from the 'Viva Elvis' Album, is 'Suspicious Minds' reports Briann Quinn. The flip-side or other tracks have not yet been announced. According to SONY (UK) it will get its first airing this coming Wednesday (15th) on a UK morning radio show but I do not know which one - I suspect it will be the Chris Evans Show on BBC Radio 2.
The release date of 25th October has been mentioned.
Fans at Elvis Forever commented that hearing at the concert it was "absolutely stunning" with a modern twist - but with Elvis' vocal sounding as if they were recorded in 2010.
Here it at the end of the concert podcast below.
Go here for all things 'VIVA ELVIS'
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNet/www.elvis.de)
LISTEN TO London's 'Elvis Forever' concert: Broadcast last night the BBC presented a dazzling roster of musicians at Elvis Forever, a concert celebrating the music of Elvis Presley, with Radio 2 Breakfast host Chris Evans and Priscilla Presley, in London's Hyde Park Sunday 12 September. It's great to hear such a loud crowd roar for ELVIS!
The line-up included Tom Jones, JKT Tunstall, Scouting For Girls, Imelda May, Fyfe Dangerfield, Jon Allen, Michael Ball, Mica Paris, Tony Christie, Craig David, Tony Hadley plus the TCB Band.
Priscilla appears at 2.10. Tom Jones at 2.23 (Plus Elvis and a crowd storming 'Wonder of You') Plus the NEW 'Cirque Du Soleil v Elvis 'Suspicious Minds'
Click here for PODCAST. NOTE the live show starts 20 minutes in.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork)
Book Review 'The Roots of Elvis Presley': Whether you are an avid Elvis fan or a casual Elvis fan, there is one thing you cannot deny. Elvis has a way of leaving you wanting more, be it his music or his biography. If you have visited Tupelo and Elvis’ birthplace, then you have already committed yourself to wanting to know more about Elvis’ early life without even realizing it! Up until now, there has been very little written about this time in Elvis’ life. We all have read that he was a shy child, loved his mama, was poor and attended church and school on a regular basis. But what came before this? Who exactly were Elvis’ relatives, who because of being in a certain place at a certain time became family to the most celebrated entertainer/musician of all time? Julian C. Riley has given us answers to this question. He and Rachel Ann Harden embarked on a four year adventure researching the genealogical roots of Elvis Presley.. . .
Go here to the review and links.
(Book Reviews, Source;BarbaraGarton/ElvisInfoNet) |
Tom Jones & Elvis: Following on from the story below - and the tales that Tom Jones relates of his "good friend" Elvis - Marty Lacker has more to say...
>>> "I read the recent story about Tom Jones ridiculing Elvis on Paul O'Grady's show as well as O'Grady's smart ass remark.
The reality is that contrary to what Tom Jones says, he and Elvis were not that close. Yes, they knew each other and were in a small degree friends, but they were not bosom buddies as Jones likes to tell. When he was in Elvis' presence, Jones always looked like he was in awe of Elvis.
As an example, one night, in between shows in Elvis' Vegas dressing room, Elvis was in the back cooling off and changing clothes. In the main sitting room there were a number of people, some of us guys, James Brolin and his wife, (before Streisand), and Tom Jones. Jones was sitting their mouthing off in a loud voice and bragging about something. All of a sudden Elvis walked in and Jones got that look on his face and thankfully shut up.
He's like so many other people who since Elvis died, exaggerates their relationship. Elvis had very few celebrity friends because Elvis remained down-to-earth not 'showbiz like'. Elvis had no need to be one of them."
- Marty.
(EIN also notes that despite being supposedly "good friends" Tom Jones always seems to relate the same few stories again and again)
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork) |
Lisa Marie Presley chased by Paparazzi in London: As usual the gutter-press steps out to persecute any celebrity leading a regular life.
Elvis' daughter Lisa Marie Presley was out enjoying London life last week and being dropped off at home after a great night out. ONE photo of her when she slipped on her London Hotel stairs, means that everyone can now call her a "drunk".
In Lisa Marie's defense, the Hotel stairs outside look exactly like the sidewalk and are easy to slip on.
EIN notes that if we had been married to both Nic Cage and Michael Jackson we'd be having a few de-stressing drinks at times as well!
She looks pretty "chilled out" after a big night to us!!
(News, Source;TabloidRubbish)
New German novel about a young Elvis fan: In Germany a new novel has been published, written by 32-years-old author Jana Scheerer. It is entitled "Mein innerer Elvis" ("My inner Elvis") and tells the story of a young Elvis fan and her attempt to meet the King in person:
Antje is 16 years old and does not believe that Elvis had passed away. So, she persuades her parents to spend summer holidays in the United States, but the journey first leads to the Niagara Falls instead of Graceland...
"Mein innerer Elvis" appears to be a humorous story, printed on 248 pages in a hardcover book. It is available for EUR 17,95 at book stores in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
(News, Source:The King'sWorld) |
New Elvis Aloha Doll: Now released the pathetic & exploitative brand-new Elvis doll from The Ashton-Drake Galleries Online. The Aloha doll of 17 inches is their latest "collector's item" and if you buy the doll now, you get a '68 Comeback Leather Outfit for free - not to mention the Certificate.
The doll sells at US $180 - (EIN, you are KIDDING!) and is now available at Ashtondrake.com.
Officially licensed by EPE!!!
(EIN Note: Poor Elvis!)
(News, Source;ElvisMatters/ElvisInfoNetwork)
Saturday 11 September 2010 |
Elvis Presley in Australian TV Commercial: Elvis Presley’s 1965 song 'Spring Fever' from the film 'Girl Happy' is featured in the animated TV advert for Schweppes' Spring Valley juice. The ad is the first time a Presley song has been licensed for commercial use in Australia outside Elvis product. The advert is made by US animation company Psyop.
Schweppes Australia marketing director said: "Our objective was to create a new and exciting campaign for Spring Valley that had a broad appeal. We are wrapped with the final result; it is bright, colourful, and simply leaves you smiling."
As well as TV, the campaign will also feature in cinemas, newsprint and online.
Australia being in the Southern hemisphere is already in Spring season - so maybe the commercial will be used world-wide next year. ( See EIN 'Girl Happy' spotlight here)
Spring Fever was first recorded in 1965 for the movie Girl Happy as a duet with Shelley Fabares.
(News, Source;SanjaM/ElvisInfoNet)
Tom Jones Ridicules Elvis On National UK TV: Brian Quinn reports on Tom Jones disappointing Elvis fans on UK TV ahead of tomorrow's concert.
Brian Quinn,, "I have just finished watching Tom Jones on the Paul O'Grady Show (ITV) and yet again Tom Jones had to ridicule Elvis. He told the 'shower' story and then related how Elvis went into the toilet immediately afterwards and had to call Red West to come and help him pull up his leather trousers. To add insult to injury Paul O'Grady suggested that if Jones had kept some of Elvis' excrement it would now be worth a lot of money. Jones merely laughed. This gave a very poor impression of Elvis.
Tom Jones should be ashamed of himself for treating his former 'pal' in such a manner and on national television at that. He will not be getting any applause from me on Sunday. And yes, surprise, surprise, he will be singing the Elvis track 'Run On' (Jones latest single) at the Concert".
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNetwork)
GO here for tomorrow's London 'Elvis Forever' concert info: The BBC is proud to announce a dazzling roster of musicians at Elvis Forever, a concert celebrating the music of Elvis Presley, with Radio 2 Breakfast host Chris Evans and Priscilla Presley, in London's Hyde Park on Sunday 12 September 2010.
The line-up includes Tom Jones, JKT Tunstall, Scouting For Girls, Imelda May, Fyfe Dangerfield, Jon Allen, Michael Ball, Mica Paris, Tony Christie, Craig David, Tony Hadley plus the TCB Band.
The evening, which will be broadcast live on Radio 2, will be full of surprise presenters and will culminate in a spectacular firework finale.
Elvis' unfinished Karate film 'New Gladiators' from Sept 1974: On YouTube now are edited highlights of Elvis' Karate Legacy Project, that sadly was never finished and this is what we have left.
Producers 'Averyshakyproduction' have edited it down to the Elvis' bits only and since the sound is very poor have dubbed some 70's rockers over the footage, T-r-o-u-b-l-e, Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin On & I Washed My Hands In Muddy Water.
It's a great watch - catch it here NOW - before the Internet Police spoilsports take it away as always! Runs 10 minutes.
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNetwork) |
'Elvis Country Volume 3/The Prequel' new CD: After the huge success of the 2009 'Elvis Country/The Sequel, which was sold out within 2 days, here’s the final and last edition. 'The Sequel' is now a very hard to find and rare release, sold for big bucks on ebay.....if you have both the original Volume 1 and 2009's Volume 2, be sure to order your copy of this limited edition Volume 3 today!!
This final edition goes back to the roots..... 'Elvis Country' (1970) contained tracks from 1970, 'The Sequel' (2009) contained tracks from 1971-1976 and now 'The Prequel' (2010) contains tracks from 1968-1954, so its full circle, going back to where it all began... At Sun Studios in Memphis, Tennessee.
As with volume 2, this great release contains 24 mostly rare and hard to find recordings, mixed in the style of the original 1970 album, so with segments of 1 song between each track (this time its I'm Movin' On ). A fantastic idea, still enjoyable to listen to these days! This is by far, one of the most surprising Elvis country compilations ever released! With many extra surprises, that you will notice when playing this release. |
Outtakes, rare tracks, unreleased tracks, fantastic quality, brilliant artwork in style of the original album......its all here....it's all Elvis...it's all country!!
By Popular Demand, the final edition.....it's here for you.....order your copies today.
Silver pressed cd - no cd-r !!!! - limited edition of only 500 copies worldwide! |
It Keeps Right On A-Hurtin – Take 2
Kentucky Rain – Take 1
I Can't Stop Loving You – Informal Recording
From A Jack To A King – Take 3
Clean Up Your Own Backyard – Undubbed Master
Let's Forget About The Stars – Original Master With Piano Overdub
When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again – Live, June 26, 1968
Stay Away – Take 2
Too Much Monkey Business – Take 9
Just Call Me Lonesome – Take 4
Guitar Man – Take 9
You Don't Know Me – Spliced Take *Unreleased*
She's A Machine – Take 7 |
Tommorow Night – Overdubbed Version
It’s A Sin – Take 1
Lonely Man – Take 12
A Fool Such As I – Take 5
Your Cheatin Heart - Take 9
Little Cabin Home On The Hill - Informal
Sweetheart You Done Me Wrong - Informal
Blue Moon Of Kentucky – Take 3
Blue Moon Of Kentucky - Master
It Wouldn’t Be The Same Without You – Demo
Bonustrack :
I'm Movin' On - 1981 Remix
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Tupelo designated with new Entertainment District: People seldom describe Elvis Presley without mentioning his ability to entertain and now his birthplace will serve as a launching point for downtown Tupelo to do just that.
"I had some calls from different towns that said their downtown areas were suffering and they wanted to get family entertainment. We're known for our rock-n-roll and our blues," Mississippi Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann said. "We want to keep people who come here from Memphis to spend the night here. We want to have multiple things they can do. They can come to the Elvis Presley birthplace. They can go to entertainment at night that would feature young rock-n-roll singers, for example. Get something to have them stay in Tupelo."
That's why Hosemann chose Presley's old stomping grounds for a major economic announcement Friday.
Birthplace executive director Dick Guyton said he isn't surprised. "We obviously draw more tourists than any other pure attraction in the state of Mississippi. Supporters say the birthplace would become a capstone of sorts for this newly-established entertainment district, but it would also do something else: it would reunite East Tupelo with the rest of the city."
Many local businesses already see lots of visitors from out-of-state -- or the country -- because of their ties to "the King."
One of the best examples is Johnnie's Drive-In.
"Nobody can claim what we can claim. We got an old booth in there where Elvis came in. Nobody can claim that," owner Don Knight said. Knight said this new initiative could completely change tourism in Tupelo.
"Elvis is gone, but his name lives on, and we ought to do everything we can, because it has a lot of impact on the city of Tupelo," Knight said. "A lot of poeple do not realize how many people come to Tupelo, just because of Elvis Presley."
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNetwork) |
More Elvis iTunes releases: More iTunes releases both featuring public domain fifties songs. Oddly the fifty track 'It's Now Or Never' album has licensed the title track only from 1960 while all the other 49 songs are from Elvis in the fifties!
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Thursday 9 September 2010 |
New FTD tracklist details: The tracklisting and further details about the up-and-coming FTDs have been released.
- ELVIS (Fool):
A 2-CD 'Classic Album' release. Originally released in 1973, the track listing was changed substantially before its commercial release. Here for the first time, ALL the proposed recordings are in included for the first time.
In addition it features great unreleased outtakes plus a 12-page booklet with great photographs and wonderful unseen memorabilia.
As a treat it features plenty of unreleased Outtakes, Steamroller Blues (45rpm mix) and the longest 'Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right' unedited at over 11 minutes.
(EIN notes: Didn't we just buy nearly that on the FTD 'Elvis Now'?)
(Go HERE for full tracklist)
- Elvis As Recorded At Boston Garden '71:
The highly regarded concert that Elvis performed on November 10, 1971. Still at the height of his power, Elvis received critical acclaim for this show and now this official release finally makes it available for fans around the world. With so few live recordings available from this period, this is a key release for anyone’s collection.
(EIN notes: An essential 1971 bootleg that deserves an official release)
- November FTD Releases:
In mid-November FTD will be releasing 'Jailhouse Rock Vol.2' in the 7” Classic album series and 'Elvis In Chicago ’76' featuring shows from the Chicago Stadium on October 14 / 15,1976. This will come in a 2-CD 5” digipack format featuring an 8-page booklet.
There will also be a new FTD VINYL release in November.
Go HERE to EIN 2010 CD releases for full details.
(News, Source;FTD) |
Disappointments at Elvis Week 2010: While in general the reports from Elvis Week were positive - see EIN's exclusive reports here - a few fans have contacted EIN noting their disappointments....
The Myrna Smith Benefit.
Several fans commented that the turn-out was incredibly low for all the publicity the concert received. As noted by Deena Dietrich..
"They finally let us into the auditorium around 7:40. Maybe 5 rows were full by 8 when the show started. Very sad that more people wanted to see Elvis impersonators at the Orpheum rather than true legends such as Cowboy Jack Clement! The band consisted of Reggie Young from the Memphis Boys at American Studios who recorded with Elvis, Norbert Puttnam who was Elvis’ session bassist, guitarist Billy Burnett and drummer Jerry Carrigan. There were 2 other singers who did Elvis songs and Billy Burnett did a Fleetwood Mac song as well. I am glad I went because it was a benefit for Myrna Smith, and I got to hear Jack Clement perform. I had seen WS Holland and Barbara Hearn before. The event was a little disappointing because of the low attendance. I left at intermission."
Go here for Deena's full story and video of the Myrna Smith Event.
Elvis Unlimited's Henrik Knudsen noted "We did not quiet sell the tickets we have hoped for but, we raised some money. The event raised $6,000 but money is still coming in".
EPE Ultimate Elvis Meet and Greet:
At the Hard Rock cafe we had a VIP package for Ultimate Elvis Meet & Greet, but although we stood in line in the hot sun for 35min we could not get a seat or move or anything else for that matter. The place was so hot, so uncomfortable. We had bought our tickets from Graceland and we paid $500! I would think that it would include seats for us but it didn't. The place was so hot and crowded a lot of people left. The fans you have in the Elvis Insiders can be like us in their 60's & 70's. It was our 1st year for this and we all agreed we would never do it again.
- Marie Halstead.
VIP Reception before the special EPE Elvis On Tour screening:
I paid a lot extra for the EPE VIP tickets and Meet & Greet. The pre-event drinks at the Rendezvous Restaurant was a joke, the only excitement being with our excited friends. There was only a few snacks and only some Elvis music playing from a jukebox. It was a really lame affair and I wish I had just gone to the movie showing. This VIP stuff for at extra cost is a fan rip-off.
Perhaps they will charge for VIP trips on the Candle Light Vigil next! - Barbara G.
(News, Source;EIN) |
Lady Gaga chooses Elvis wedding-ring: According to news sources Lady Gaga is planning to wed boyfriend Luc Carl in New York and then travel to Europe for a five-day party. "They've ordered matching Elvis lucky horseshoe wedding rings - just like Elvis Presley had - because Luc is a huge fan."
A friend of the star reportedly told the magazine: "She's not going to spare any expense with this wedding and wants a Cirque du Soleil-style troupe, fireworks and every day of the wedding to have a different theme."
"She wants a seven-foot wedding cake which she plans to get Dita Von Teese to jump out of and perform a burlesque dance, and Sir Elton John to serenade them."
(News, Source;Gaga)
Tom Jones to star at London 'Elvis Forever' concert: The BBC is proud to announce that Sir Tom Jones will be leading the dazzling roster of musicians at Elvis Forever, a concert celebrating the music of Elvis Presley, with Radio 2 Breakfast host Chris Evans and Priscilla Presley, in London's Hyde Park on Sunday 12 September 2010.
The line-up of this unique tribute to the king of rock 'n' roll in the year that he would have turned 75 includes KT Tunstall, Scouting For Girls, Imelda May, Fyfe Dangerfield, Jon Allen, Michael Ball, Mica Paris, Tony Christie, The Magnets, Fran Healy (from Travis), Craig David, Tony Hadley and Marti Pellow. These musicians will be accompanied by the TCB Band (Takin' Care of Business), the group who provided the rhythm section to Elvis's band from 1969 until 1977.
The evening, which will be broadcast live on Radio 2, will be full of surprise presenters and will culminate in a spectacular firework finale.
"I am delighted that Sir Tom can join us to celebrate the music of Elvis Presley, for a night that promises to be very special," comments Lewis Carnie, Radio 2 and 6 Music Head of Programmes.
EIN contributor Brian Quinn also notes - The TCB Band were at the BBC this week-end going through the final details. Tom Jones is also appearing at 'The Concert For Heroes' at Twickenham on the same day. Perhaps he will bring Robbie Williams with him. It looks as though the TCB Band will back most, if not all, of the artists appearing and there will be some surprise guest presenters.
Gates open 5 pm; entertainment on stage from 6.30pm
Click here for tickets and more information. Tickets £30.00 (under-3s free)
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNetwork)
Complete Interviews from 'Elvis On Tour' Movie: The YouTube Elvis interview we featured below proved to be very popular.
Thanks to EIN contributor Brian Quinn here complete interview recorded with Elvis as he talks openly about music and his career.
At 70 minutes total, most parts are 10 minutes long, so make sure you sit back, relax and make some Elvis time of your own.
ELVIS: "It was work, it was a job. (But) I cared so much until I became physically ill... I didn't have final approval of the script which meant I couldn't say, 'This is not good for me'. Hollywood's image of me was wrong!"
'Elvis On Tour' Interview - Part 1
'Elvis On Tour' Interview - Part 2
'Elvis On Tour' Interview - Part 3
'Elvis On Tour' Interview - Part 4
'Elvis On Tour' Interview - Part 5
'Elvis On Tour' Interview - Part 6
'Elvis On Tour' Interview - Part 7
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNetwork) |
'Remembering Elvis with Priscilla Presley' PODCAST 1 day left: If you missed the BBC show last Wednesday when Bill Kenwright interviewed Priscilla Presley - you have ONE DAY LEFT to listen to the podcast... Priscilla went to high school in Wiesbaden, West Germany, where she met her future husband, Elvis Presley. Although Priscilla and Elvis divorced in 1973, they remained close up until his untimely death in 1977.
Priscilla is a successful business woman and her acting work includes Dallas and the Naked Gun trilogy, as well as guest roles in Spin City and Melrose Place. In 1987, her book Elvis And Me spent six weeks at the top of The New York Times bestseller list before being adapted into a television mini-series. She's also developing a stage play based on her life, which is written from the perspective of a teenage girl thrust into the public eye because of her relationship with one of the most famous men in the world.
From BBC Radio 2
Go here for Priscilla BBC Elvis Podcast
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Huge success for "Elvis - Die Show 2010" in Berlin: Sunday, September 5th, 2010 saw the final curtain of "Elvis - Die Show 2010",
this year's biggest Elvis event in Germany. The project which was presented by the Hotel Estrel Berlin in cooperation with the German fan service "The King's World" included 15 gala concerts within 19 days and attracted more than 400 fans per night. In total almost 7000 fans attended the dynamic performances, featuring Irish-Canadian ETA Grahame Patrick, a 7 piece band, a soulful choir and Elvis himself appearing via video screens. There was a good rockin' every night at the Estrel!
Go here for more about The King's World Events in Germany.
(News, Source:The King'sWorld) |
The Complete Elvis Presley Masters more inside details: The website for the deluxe release The Complete Elvis Presley Masters is offering example images and text from the deluxe book.
See what a change 13 years can bring!
From 1955 – "The Hillbilly Cat, as Elvis was nicknamed, performing on stage at the Louisiana Hayride in Shreveport on August 13, 1955. That night, Elvis sang his first record ‘That's All Right’ and his current first national country hit ‘Baby, Let's Play House’. He also rocked the audience with and a cover of Chuck Berry's ‘Maybellene.’ |
From 1968 – "There are many iconic images of Elvis, but few that look as timeless as him in the leather outfit he wore for the 1968 NBC-TV special Elvis. Considered a "has-been" by music critics and even some disenfranchised fans, he had a great deal to prove. The result was electrifying as Elvis went back to basics and created, in tandem with producer Steve Binder, the most significant comeback by any artist in popular music. Set free from the chains of Hollywood, Elvis returned to the stage and sang as if his life depended on it. Elvis also signalled to the world that he was not just reliving great moments of the past, but insisting on making a contemporary statement by finishing the show with the socially conscious plea for peace ‘If I Can Dream’.
GO HERE to EIN's exclusive inside story to The Complete Elvis Presley Masters
Go here to the SONY 'Complete Elvis Presley Masters' Blog for more photos & details.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork) |
Elvis Talks About His Movie Career: On YouTube is an excellent interview by Elvis talking about his movie career.
ELVIS: "It was work, it was a job. (But) I cared so much until I became physically ill... I didn't have final approval of the script which meant I couldn't say, 'This is not good for me'. Hollywood's image of me was wrong!"
This is an extract (audio only) from the interview Elvis did during the filming of 'Elvis On Tour'.
Well worth a listen - Click here
(News, Source;BrianQuinn)
New Lisa Marie/Elvis book: "LMFP – Karma 2010:A Genesis Of Rebel DNA/Elvis – Through My Eyes: America The Beautiful" is an A5 format soft cover written in memory of Mr. Vernon Elvis and Mrs. Gladys Love Presley.
This project is dedicated to the daughter who dreams of redemption for a father that worshipped the ground she walked on and with whom she shares a magical connection; who dreams about dignity being restored to the Presley family name and has never lost faith that some day it would happen. LMP has identified a media campaign to demean her. In fact, the campaign has spanned 4 decades and targets not only Lisa and Elvis, but unbelievably – Vernon and Gladys.
More information coming soon.
Please visit the author’s website here
(News, Source:DarrinLee) |
"Elvis Presley's Memphis" now on Amazon: The new book 'Elvis Presley's Memphis' by the Commercial Appeal is now available via Amazon.
EPE Inc and Memphis's award-winning newspaper have opened their significant archives and discovered photographs, documents and news stories that share Memphis through the eyes of the King of Rock n Roll. The hard-bound, full colour, book contains photos, reproductions of articles and more showing Memphis in the 1940s and 1950s and Elvis during the same era. The book presents a good idea of how Memphis affected Elvis and how Elvis affected and changed Memphis.
With 178 pages it costs US$40. Go here for details.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork) |
Dean Vegas on tour in Australia: Having recently returned from a successful tour in the USA, Australia's Dean Vegas is back on tour, playing weekends throughout September to December including the October Tallangatta Rock'n'Roll Festival in Victoria.
If you are in Australia and want to catch up with one of the contest winning ETAs..
Go here for Australian TOUR dates and more info
(News, Source;DeanVegas) |
Elvis Mercedes up for Auction: Elvis Presley is well known for his passion for collecting luxury cars. The King of rock & roll is estimated to own more than 200 vehicles during his lifetime, including some of the most famous vehicles of all time, one of which is now up for grabs. Sources say Elvis Presley purchased this silver short-wheelbase Mercedes 600 new in 1969 for $15,000 with a $5500 down payment. Presley kept it for two years before giving it to a friend, James Leroy Robertson. In 2005, it was purchased by the vendor from Robertson Motors Memphis, and exported to the UK.
At one time the front doors of this car boasted Elvis’ famous TCB Lightning Bolt in gold leaf logo. Now restored the estimate is US$250,000. To be auctioned 6 December in Weybridge, England.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
'Elvis On Tour' BluRay Review: In 1972 Elvis was still riding high from his commercial and critical rebirth. Hoping to recapture some of that special Elvis magic directors Robert Abel and Pierre Adidge followed Presley on his 15 cities in 15 nights 1972 tour, the results of which became Presley’s 33rd and final film, Elvis On Tour. Long out of print on VHS, it makes its DVD and Blu-ray debut with this release.
It has taken 38 years for the movie 'Elvis On Tour' to be finally been released on BluRay - however the classic opening of 'Johnny B. Goode' has been replaced with 'Don’t Be Cruel' and the disc comes with no extras. So are we being ripped off once again or does the brilliance of the new technology take the film to new heights? EIN fan club member Carolyn Mitchell checks out the new BluRay disc... having seen it 100 times before is it really worth purchasing again?
(DVD Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
And the EIN 'Elvis On Tour' WINNERS are...; Thanks to the hundreds of Elvis Fans that entered EIN's Worldwide 'Elvis On Tour' Competition - here are the winners.
FIRST PRIZE - Elvis 75th Anniversary DVD Collection - Featuring 17 films on DVD!
To; Mike Hermenet, New York.
2. Elvis Blu-ray Collection 3 hi-def Elvis films in one pack!
To; Valerie Phillipps, Scotland
3. Elvis on Tour Blu-ray Book
To; Peter Dawson, Queensland
4. Elvis Insiders Annual Membership
To; John W Lobb, Ashburton, New Zealand.
Thanks to all that entered all the way from Brazil to Norway, Russia and all the way to Zambia, we are sorry that everyone couldn't be a winner.
(News,Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
'Pocketful Of Rainbows' Enters Irish Top 50: An amazing chart entry for this new millenium! The song 'Pocketful Of Rainbows' is a new entry at #39 on this weeks Irish Top 50. No doubt because of its use in a TV commercial for the Irish lottery.
Go here to see the TV commercial
(News, Source:BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNet)
'Forever Elvis' Concert Not to be televised live in UK: Over the last couple of days the BBC website indicated that the 'Elvis Forever' tribute show being held in Hyde Park in London on September 12th would also be available to watch as a digital option for fans in the UK.
Sadly the promotion that "Please note: This Concert will be available to watch on TV via the Red Button" has now been removed from the BBC website. Presumably this was a mistake or they have changed their minds. Presumably it will be edited for a future BBC programme.
According to DJ Chris Evans over 40,000 tickets have already been sold for the Concert. |
"Too Much Monkey Business" Elvis Forum: Elvis fans who are interested in discussing Elvis' music and other serious topics should check out the "Too Much Monkey Business" forum which has now moved address but is back in action.
Featuring a cool bunch of posters with interesting discussions such as "The Franklin Mint set vs Complete Masters" it is well worth a visit.
Luckily the forum is fan-friendly and with no big egos involved. EIN Recommended.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
'Million Dollar Quartet' heading for London 2011: The Tony Award-nominated musical Million Dollar Quartet, which conjures a legendary jam session among some of country music's biggest stars, will likely make its West End debut in 2011.
Auditions for the four main roles of Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash and Carl Perkins will begin Sept 13 in London, with dates to follow in Glasgow, Liverpool, Bristol and Dublin. The official site states that the West End production is projected for a 2011 arrival. It is noted,"Produced by Relevant Theatricals, John Cossette Productions, American Pop Anthology, Broadway Across America, ... Million Dollar Quartet is looking to open in London's West End in 2011 with exploratory casting sessions/auditions beginning this month."
As on Broadway, producers of the London run are seeking actor-musicians who will not only inhabit the music icons, but play their songs as well. Producers are also soliciting auditions via a YouTube casting page for the musical.
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNet) |
Wednesday 1 September 2010 |
Did you miss any of our Elvis Week 2010 special interviews?
Featuring Linda Thompson, Red West, D.J. Fontana plus Ray Connolly and Ann Moses talking about Elvis' return to Las Vegas in 1969.
'The King's 25 Greatest Film Hits' new import DVD: Finally the complete Film Hits on one DVD!! Due to copyrights reasons its impossible to release an official DVD with all The King's greatest film hits. But finally, here is an fantastic brand new unofficial DVDr release, containing 25 of the biggest film hits!! In superb sound and footage, you can now enjoy all the hits, without using the search button when watching the entire Elvis movie.
And..... if you don´t like to watch Elvis movies, we´re sure you´ll like to watch these 25 superhits, all on 1 disc for the very first time!! A very classy product!!!
Features 25 Movie hits for the FIRST TIME on 1 disc, Beautiful package, Alternate tracks, Animated motion sound menus.
- Love Me Tender
- Teddy Bear
- Jailhouse Rock
- Baby I Dont Care
- Treat Me Nice – Take 19
- Mean Woman Blues
- King Creole – Take 18
- Hard Headed Woman
- GI Blues
- Wooden Heart
- Rock a hula baby
- Cant help falling in Love- Movie Version
- No More
- Follow That Dream
- Angel- Stereo Master |
- Return To Sender
- One Broken Heart For sale – Movie Version
- Bossa Nova Baby
- Mexico
- Viva Las Vegas
- I´m Yours |
- Kissin Cousins
- A Little Less Conversation – Single Version
- Rubberneckin – Single Version
- I Just Can´t Help Believin´
(News, Source;Film Hits) |
"The Elvis Index" an Economic Indicator: For the past year or so, "Elvis Presley" did not come ‘round the Doo Wop Shop on Bardstown Road. Last week "the King" stopped in twice.
The first Elvis purchased a wireless microphone. Two days later, a second Elvis rented portable stage lights.
"There was a big Elvis drought," shop manager Rob Baker said of the recession’s impact on Elvis impersonators and the businesses that service them.
But Elvis is back in the building, those businesses say — and economists suggest it may be a sign of better economic times ahead.
"Elvis is a dipstick, of sorts, for our economy," Baker said. "The party business is coming back. People are not thinking twice about having an event. They are feeling a bit more relaxed."
Economist Uric Dufrene of Indiana University notes, "The increase in Elvis-related consumption items suggests that discretionary spending might be on the upswing."
Dufrene, a business professor, says a case can be made for measuring economic progress based on what he called "The Elvis Index."
He’ll get no fight from the staff at B&K Enterprises, a Charlestown, Ind, maker of Elvis gear for performers around the world that recently brought back one of three employees laid off during the recession.
Last year demand plummeted at B&K for $1,300 reproductions of the black leather "Comeback Suit," Elvis Presley wore in 1968, and the $2,500 "Aloha" jumpsuits with optional $900 gem-studded cape.
B&K Enterprises in Charlestown, owns the rights to remake original artwork from Presley's costumes to sell to tribute artists.
As recently as March it seemed to be now or never for B&K’s longtime Elvis costume business — that’s about the time that the European debt crisis hit and abruptly halted once thriving demand from continental Elvis tribute artists.
Before the recession hit couples at the Elvis Chapel in Las Vegas, Nevada, came three or four times a month to buy the US$1,000 deluxe Elvis package to hear a full hour of crooning. Now it is rare for couples to spend that much, owner David Nye said Thursday. Instead, the $305 "Hound Dog" package has become a steady staple, whereby Elvis sings three songs of his choice.
The latest economic Elvis Index news has been giving Nye a suspicious mind.
(News, Source;SanjaM/ElvisInfoNet) |
Bollywood version of 'Jailhouse Rock': The Bollywood movie 'We Are Family' has a cover of Elvis' Jailhouse Rock. The producers asked permission for the cover, but things did not went as smooth as they expected. The contract they received from the publishing company asked that no dance moves, content or lyrics from the original version were copied.
It is a pretty funny clip and there's enough homage to Elvis that makes it a fun Bollywood version and worth watching!
'The Man and His Music' Sept Issue Out Now: Out now is one of EIN's favourite magazines 'Elvis: The Man and His Music'. Issue #89 contains
The making of 'Wild In The Country', author Bill Bram documents the interesting details plus photos of deleted scenes.
Ger Rijff takes a personal look at some fabulous and rare Elvis magazines from the 1950s, beautifully illustrated in full-colour.
David Jull goes in search of the truth about a unique promo single of 'Roustabout'.
CiskoKing aka Joachim Bernecker concludes his fascinating two-part series on Elvis' 'audience-recorded exclusives'.
It also includes a rather interesting review of the new 'On Tour' DVD. Have EPE/Warners ripped us fans off once again?!
Plus the magazine includes plenty CD, book and DVD reviews.
Highly recommended!
Don’t miss out - only US$4.60
Go here for details & to purchase:
(News, Source;Garfield/ElvisInfoNet)
Elvis Loses Out In recent Major Pop Polls: EIN contributor Brian Quinn notes, "Can you believe the results of these two polls. As Elvis would have said "It's enough to stagger a billygoat!" However one only has to consider the VH1 general demographic to realise that Elvis coming in at #8 isn't all that bad.
And with Michael Jackson's death still a recent memory his impact in 2010 is hardly surprising.
In CNN's recent "Music Icon" poll Michael Jackson was voted as the number one global music icon. British pop group The Beatles, late Canto pop sensation Leslie Cheung, rock 'n' roller Elvis Presley and Reggae godfather Bob Marley also made the top five. No female artists made the list, although U.S. pop queen, Madonna came in at number six, narrowly missing a place. EIN notes that the voting looked strange to say the least, Leslie Cheung #2, really? |
On VH1's '100 Greatest Music Artists of All Time', Michael Jackson, the Beatles, Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones were the top five.
6. Jimi Hendrix 7. Prince 8. Elvis Presley 9. James Brown 10. Stevie Wonder
The list was determined by a poll of well-known music artists and music experts in the industry .
Interestingly current headliners like Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and The White Stripes failed to make the cut.
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNet) |
Tickets now on sale for US October Elvis Fan Festival: In Kingsburg, California running from October 1 - October 3 is the 'Forever The King' 75th Anniversary Fan Festival. This is going to be an Elvis cantered convention, the ETA concert is just a small part and not the focus. King Productions are currently lining up an impressive list of Elvis' friends that will be taking part in this three day Elvis party! Includes the Elvis Mobile Museum featuring many of Elvis’ personal possessions – plus the special Sunday Gospel Brunch.
For full details & schedule go here.
(News, Source;KingProductions) |
VIVA ELVIS - Behind the Scenes at Cirque: ARIA's Viva ELVIS cost more than $100 million to develop and stage.
The most recent addition to the Montreal-based Cirque du Soleil family of productions in Las Vegas opened last February, and so far is winning great reviews. It is fascinating to take a peek behind the curtain to better understand all that goes into creating such a dazzling production.
Most interesting is the fluid nature of the show, which isn’t locked in. Artistic Director Gene Lubas said it’s more akin to a living organism, adapting and changing in time. "Over time the show really develops into something. The beauty of working with Cirque is that it isn’t like Broadway, where the show opens and is locked. We can keep judging by audience response what is working and what is not working," says Lubas.
In fact, a lot of the show has already changed since it started in February. Producers made it more biographical and used more music to tell the story, but not necessarily in a chronological order. It also ends with Elvis’ triumphant comeback in Las Vegas and doesn’t address his final years. All the acts are driven by the song book, said Lubas, to keep the show moving so there is very little dialogue.
"We are heading in the right direction. The audience is now getting on their feet and having a great time. The beauty of this is that a lot of Elvis songs are less than four minutes so it’s bang bang. We were really able to take the highlights and positive aspects of his life and work in the Cirque magic and do an abstract biography. We tried to do it so it’s not a boring history lesson."
Aside from incredible acrobatics and dance from the performers, the music is of course the main reason people come to the show. But most of the songs have been rearranged with a modern spin so a new generation could fall in love with him and his music, Lubas said. For example, a 1960s Bossa Nova Baby song was turned into a hip hop mash-up, while another song was turned into a reggae song ('King Creole'). "Blue Suede Shoes" was transformed into a new hard rock song. Over 600 well-positioned speakers create some of the crispest sound we’ve ever heard, adding to the energy of the room as audience members actually feel every beat pulsating through them.
But the real magic is what’s happening backstage. Technical Director Dave Dovell has worked on two other resident shows and faced many construction challenges…like getting 14 separate lifts installed and having them work seamlessly twice every night. In all, there is $68 million of lifts and machinery.
Interestingly, Priscilla Presley was not heavily involved in the production. While Lubas says she provided great resource material such as home movies – which have been incorporated into the production – she didn’t really offer up her thoughts until the show was about to open.
"She saw what we were doing and then offered suggestions, saying things like, ‘Don’t make it look like Grease cause Elvis wouldn’t want it that way’," said Lubas.
(Go here to the full original article)
Go here to Cirque du Soleil VIVA ELVIS website.
Click here to EIN's all things VIVA ELVIS.
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNet) |
'ELVIS 77 The Final Curtain' Boxset New Trailer: The imminent new Boxcar release ‘ELVIS 77 – THE FINAL CURTAIN’ has just issued its second trailer focussing only on the 400 page book and the 2 DVD’s containing the 8mm movies.
It is understood that this is part of a 6 DVD and 6 CD package promising unreleased footage and new complete soundboards. However due to security issues, further contents of the box cannot be revealed at this time. In the meantime further details have surfaced that this set will be out before the end of the year but will only be Limited to 1500 copies.
It is also estimated that the initial cost is around the 250 Euro mark. If any of their previous releases are anything to go by, as soon as it is released, the price is expected to go much higher.
Go here to see FINAL CURTAIN YOUTUBE promo
or HERE for quality Download version |
'Elvis Meets The Beatles': Forty-five years ago AUGUST 27th 1965 - The famous night in 1965 when the Fab Four finally met the King. In 1965 The Beatles manager Brian Epstein initiated contact with Colonel Parker, and the decision was made that on the night of August 27, the Beatles would come to Elvis’ home for an informal get-together. Intensive security arrangements were worked out, and it was agreed that no press would be involved and no pictures would be taken or recordings made of whatever happened.
"So many things could have gone wrong," says Jerry Schilling, "If Colonel and Brian hadn’t gotten along, it wouldn’t have gotten past the phone-call stage. But there were no ego battles, and from the start it was approached as a pair of music greats coming together out of admiration for each other."
Piers Beagley and LA writer Chuck Crisafulli tell the story of this amazing night.
(Spotlight, Source;EIN)
Latest Line-Up London Hyde Park ELVIS Tribute Concert: The latest line-up as of 28th August for the 'Forever Elvis' Tribute Concert: Scouting For Girls, Imelda May, Fyfe Dangerfield,
Jon Allen, Russell Watson, The Magnets, Fran Healy (from Travis), Craig David, Tony Hadley, Marti Pellow, Nell Bryden, Suzi Quatro, TCB Band - Glen Hardin (piano) James Burton (Gtr) Jerry Scheff (Bass gtr) Ronnie Tutt (dms)
* BBC Concert Orchestra (60 piece) Conductor Mike Dixon Capital Voices -
Plus Firework finale.
More artists to be added.
According to DJ Chris Evans over 40,000 tickets have already been sold for the Concert and we do not yet know the names of the really big stars who will attend. The 'Elvis Forever - Tribute' is to held in London’s Hyde Park on Sunday 12 September
Nigel bids farewell to Elvis: We received plenty of supportive messages regarding EIN President Nigel Patterson's sudden notice of departure from the Elvis World yesterday. I'll leave the kind words to Elvis' best-man Marty Lacker...
>>> "It is with sadness that I read Nigel's farewell message to everyone here at EIN but I know that he has a good reason to stop doing something he loved and did a good job at.
I would personally like to thank him for all the great work he has done over the years to help keep Elvis' memory alive and I appreciate the things he also did to help me personally and some of the Memphis Mafia.
I know and am confident that he has left EIN in the more than capable hands of Piers and I know Piers will continue to carry on the first class operation of EIN that he and Nigel have performed all these years.
I have never dealt with Sanja but I know if she is the choice of Piers and Nigel she must be good. I wish her luck in dealing with me and the Elvis fans.
Take care Nigel and have a good life and good luck in whatever you do.
- Marty Lacker
A change at EIN: They say nothing stays the same forever. After 40 years of involvement in the Elvis world I have decided to pursue new challenges and interests. The past 40 years has been an exciting rollercoaster ride with many ups and the occasional down. Along the way I have made many lifelong friends and amassed several lifetimes of irreplaceable memories (not to mention a ridiculously large Elvis collection)!
I thank all I have met along the way, both face-to-face and online. I have enjoyed the challenge, the stimulating debates and above all the wonderful comraderie.
There is an astonishingly enduring positive spirit in the Elvis world, one which symbolises Elvis’ impact on us all and one which I know will continue long into the future.
I leave EIN in exceptional hands!! Piers has already taken over the EIN operation through this past month, ably supported by EIN’s ‘roving reporter’ and new Vice-President, Sanja Meegin.
I’d like to leave you almost….wasn’t that an Elvis song? with the following observation by Robert C. Gallagher:
‘Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine.’
On that note I wish all of you the best and until our paths cross again, it is Aloha from Nigel. |
Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
Elvis Presley, Elvis and Graceland are trademarks of Elvis Presley Enterprises.
The Elvis Information Network has been running since 1986 and is an EPE officially recognised Elvis fan club.
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