Joe Esposito Interview
Elvis' close friend Joe Esposito shares his stories with EIN
2001 Interview by Nigel Patterson
Joe Esposito is best known as a key member of the "Memphis Mafia' and one of Elvis' closest friends. Joe met Elvis in 1958 when they were both in the army. They met in Germany and formed a friendship over playing games of football and taking trips to Paris. Before leaving the service Elvis asked Joe to work for him, from then on their friendship would last almost two decades with Esposito's main role being road-manager.
In 2001 EIN's Nigel Patterson met up with Joe Esposito in Canberra. He had agreed to give us 15 minutes of his time, but ended up talking for over an hour. This interview was featured in our EIN Fan Club newsletter but not on-line. |
November 23 2016 - Joe Esposito Has Died, Aged 78: It is very sad to have to confirm the passing of Joe Esposito. He was a good friend of EIN's and a lovely man every time we crossed paths. The photo shows EIN's Sanja Meegin with Joe Esposito in 2011.
Joe Esposito is best known as a key member of the "Memphis Mafia' and one of Elvis' closest friends. Joe met Elvis in 1958 when they were both in the army. They met in Germany and formed a friendship over playing games of football and taking trips to Paris. Before leaving the service Elvis asked Joe to work for him, from then on their friendship would last almost two decades with Esposito's main role being road-manager.
Along with Marty Lacker, Esposito served as co-best man at Elvis' wedding while Esposito's wife, Joan was matron of honor. After Elvis' death in 1977 Esposito went to work for Tour promoter Jerry Weintraub and worked as road manager for multiple stars including Michael Jackson, The Bee Gees, Karen Carpenter and John Denver.
Joe Esposito was a principal consultant for the 1981 movie 'This Is Elvis' and has authored several books on Elvis.
Esposito has 3 children, with one from his second marriage to Martha Gallub. Very sadly Martha died on March 19, 2012, after a long fight with cancer. |
The last time EIN had a chance to catch up with Joe was in 2011 when he toured with Australia with Shawn Klush and Donny Edwards and helped raise money for Cancer Awareness.
Joe Esposito died November 23, 2016 after a year of declining health.
It's a truly sad realisation that all these good friends shown in this 1968 photo, Alan Fortas, Col Parker, Elvis, Lamar Fike, Joe Esposito and Charlie Hodge are all no longer with us.
Joe Esposito January 22, 1938 - November 23,2016 - RIP.
EIN’s Nigel Patterson met Joe Esposito, twice in the one day, on a sunny afternoon at Waldorf Apartments, Canberra City in 2001. This was part of Mick Gerace’s ‘In The Spirit of Elvis’ tour in which Joe Esposito was doing a question and answer segment.
Joe was very friendly, pleasant and spoke positively about Elvis. He had agreed to give us 15 minutes for an interview but ended up chatting for over an hour.
Unfortunately EIN has lost the full original transcript of the 2001 interview – it is probably on a floppy-disc somewhere – but we did publish most of it in our EIN Fan Club printed newsletters. We remember asking Joe questions about working with John Denver and the Bee Gees and also what else he had been doing in the previous decade but that section is missing.
The following is all we can find in our EIN archives of printed originals. Unfortunately at the time we never published it in full on the EIN website as one always believes you will meet up with these great characters from Elvis' life again in the near future.
From Joe Esposito’s “Elvis Straight Up”
The plain truth is we were a bunch of young guys, traveling in the fast lane of life with the brightest star the world has ever seen. We lived upside-down lives where night was day and day was night. We took many absurd risks and made many foolish choices. Quite a few of us lost ourselves, and our families, along the way. We shirked responsibilities, hurt loved ones, and made extreme sacrifices to be with Elvis. But we did so willingly. We were there, and we wanted to be there. We paid a heavy price for that lifestyle... and Elvis paid his. More importantly, we all shared a brotherhood and camaraderie with one another that could never be duplicated or experienced by any other group of men.
We all made mistakes but regardless of what it cost or how much it hurt when I lost it, I would never trade the memory of those days for anything in this entire world. Deep in our hearts, despite the dissentious between some of us, I believe we still love as brothers. We will forever share something unique only a handful of people on this whole earth can claim.
I had the time of my life, and I sincerely thank all of them, and especially Elvis, for having been a part of it. |
Q. Having met Elvis in the army what was the first big event you remember after going to work for him?
Joe Esposito: The Frank Sinatra TV show. Elvis was just so nervous because he'd been away in the army almost 2 years. I remember how he was pacing back and forth in his dressing room and I remember him really sweating. He was so nervous. I think it was the first time he had ever met Sinatra and Frank had said some bad things about Elvis back when he started out. And Colonel Parker or Sinatra also wanted everyone to wear tuxedos so we all had to get fitted out by a tailor. Elvis really didn't know what to expect. In the end of course it all worked out great.
Y' know it was the first time I had seen Elvis performing on stage to a live audience. Seeing that reaction, all the screaming and yellin’ for the first time, it was really exciting - for me. It was just great for me to be there and see it for the first time.
Vernon Presley, Frank Sinatra, Joe Esposito with Elvis in Las Vegas 1969
Q. Was it because of Frank Sinatra that you all got to be called the Memphis Mafia?
Joe E: Yeah, like Frank Sinatra and the Rat Pack we were Elvis and the Memphis Mafia but there was never a rivalry thing. The name was given to us by a reporter - maybe in Vegas. We'd all be driving round there in limousines with black suits and sunglasses, white shirts looking like the mob. We thought it was funny. We all got a real kick out of it. Of course Sammy Davis was a good friend of Elvis' - and Elvis loved Dean Martin - so there was no rivalry.
Q. The 60s movies were they good or bad for Elvis?
Joe E: To begin with they were great. I remember the first day on the set of G.I. Blues, Elvis was so thrilled and excited to be back at the studio. Blue Hawaii was one of the best movies Elvis ever made and so much fun for everyone being in Hawaii. We stayed at Coco Palms on Kauai and every night we’d eat together and go sit and party in the bar. Patti Page (EIN Note: Best-selling female artist of the 1950s) was there because her husband Charlie O’Curran was the choreographer on Elvis’ movies. Elvis would sit around play guitar and sing songs - it was fun in those days.
And then there was Ann-Margret and Viva Las Vegas, amazing chemistry between those two.
But Elvis soon got tired, he wanted a serious role, he wished he didn’t have to sing in every movie. He wanted to do action movies, he wanted to be like Clint Eastwood, something like Dirty Harry. Elvis loved Clint Eastwood.
Q. What about Elvis and Ann-Margret?
Joe E: I can tell you that Ann-Margret was his all-time favourite co-star and they were more than good friends for many years. She would call Graceland when he was there. And every time she had an opening show in Vegas Elvis always remembered to send her expensive flowers. Ann-Margret was Elvis’ only co-star that came to his funeral.
Q. What about the idea for Elvis in ‘A Star is Born’?
Joe E: I don't know what happened, there were a lot of meetings with Elvis and the Colonel. Streisand's boyfriend Jon Peters was going to direct the movie but it all never happened. Elvis could have done a good job in it - possibly better than Kris Kristofferson.
Q. The Comeback Special and playing live in Vegas saved him from those terrible movies?
Joe E: We all saw Elvis get excited again. He told the Col that was what he wanted to do. Elvis loved to be on stage more than anything else in the world. He wanted to go back to live performances in front of his fans. And that's what he did for the rest of his life, that’s what we did, and I was there at every concert.
From Joe Esposito’s “Elvis Straight Up”
I have been involved in show business a long time now, and I have worked with many, many of the great stars. I can say without reservation that Elvis Presley possesses the most intense, loyal and passionate relationship with his audience, which as you know has grown even more massive and worldwide since his passing. His primary goal was to please them. If ever he left the stage feeling he didn't do a great show, he would beat up on himself and get into a funk if he thought he disappointed his fans.
Immediately after a performance, having just slammed the doors of our limousine, Elvis's first concerns were about the show: "How did we do", and "Was the sound okay?" If he were unhappy with his performance, he would openly criticize himself or make suggestions to someone like Charlie Hodge or conductor Joe Guercio on how things could be improved in the next show.
Once, when he felt the sound system had caused a poor show, Elvis asked us to see if we could arrange to have the entire audience's money refunded!
Q: Joe, you are one of a select few who has worked as Tour Manager for two of the world's biggest superstars, Elvis and Michael Jackson. What was it like working with 'The King of Pop'?
Joe E: Working with Michael Jackson was very different to working with Elvis. I didn't actually tour with Michael but I did the up-front arrangements. Michael's tour involved 18 months and there would have been a lot of time twiddling my thumbs in hotel rooms as Michael only performs three times a week. As my son had just been born, I asked if I could fly home every couple of weeks to be with my family but his policy was that no one left the tour. I think he was concerned that something might happen, they wouldn't return, leaving him with a problem. I didn't want to leave my family for long periods as I had done during my time with Elvis when my two daughters were growing up.
Q: Your first book ‘Good Rockin' Tonight’ was a really interesting and positive tribute to Elvis. Have you any plans to re-release it?
Joe E: Good Rockin' Tonight has been out of print for a few years now and I'm interested in re-issuing it in an expanded version. My original manuscript was 500 pages but Simon & Schuster released it as 250 pages. There are a lot more interesting things in the manuscript including things beyond Elvis's death in 1977.
(EIN note: Joe Esposito published several books after we talked including ‘Remember Elvis’ and his ‘Elvis: Straight Up’ volumes)
From Joe Esposito’s “Elvis Straight Up”
Music to Elvis was his life's blood. He lived to sing, and he sang to live. I believe he was destined from birth to be "Elvis Presley". I'll tell you something about Elvis, he was the most natural talent that I've ever heard or seen. Everything he did was natural and innate. He wasn't a music student; in fact he did poorly at the subject in school. And he never took a lesson. Yet his "feel", his pitch, his creative edge, his expressiveness, and his power were all on point, and from a very early age. Even at twenty, he possessed the experienced vocal prowess of someone over twice his age.
It is almost supernatural how he sang. His entire career seemed guided by the stars. Many people feel he was a gift from God, and I must say I agree. |
Q. What do you think Elvis would be doing if he was still alive?
Joe E: I think he might have got back in to the movie business. Maybe got a chance to do those action movies he loved. In his music I think he would have gone back to his roots and recorded more country and gospel songs. Y’know, Elvis sang gospel more than anything else when he was at Graceland playing the piano by himself.
(EIN Note: Back in 2001 the “Elvis Is Alive” stories were far more active and headline-grabbing than they are now)
Q. What about the ‘Elvis Is Alive’ stories and Gail Brewer-Georgio’s book?
Joe E: If only. Everyone knows it was Elvis in the coffin whatever the stories and what people say. That woman is only in it for the money, it’s all fiction. I am surprised that Graceland don’t make a statement to counteract her stories. That phone-call tape she supposedly had.. the guy on the tape was really a guy named David Darlock and he admitted to me that it was a hoax. He said the same thing on TV ... on Geraldo I think it was.
Q. Can I ask you about the stuff Dee Stanley has written about Elvis?
Joe E: All those bad lies are coming from a very bitter and angry old woman. Elvis was always skeptical of Dee and that was why Elvis did not attend her wedding to Vernon. He was right. Those horrible claims about Elvis and Gladys… as well as Elvis being gay. I can tell you that Elvis loved women and that women loved Elvis! After everything that Elvis did for her three sons… I think Priscilla or someone should take Dee to court for defamation.
Q. So what is your fondest memory of Elvis?
Joe E: Best memory is Elvis looking at me with that big smile on his face. And also I remember him performing on stage when sometimes he would sing a song with such sincerity that it would bring tears to my eyes. I also knew that Elvis was always there for any of his close friends. To this day I feel bad that he's no longer with us.
On the 2001 tour Joe Esposito talked openly about the final days with Elvis so we didn’t want to ask him all over again. However this is how he explained that fateful night to Larry King on CNN.
Joe E: Elvis got depressed a lot towards the latter couple years of his life. Because people don't realize when you're a big star, you turn 40 years old and at that time 40 was old. And there was a picture on a magazine, I forgot, it was 'Life' or 'Look' that said 'Happy Birthday Fat and 40 Elvis'. And that's a horrible thing to say about anybody. And that got to him. Little by little... You know, if you get depressed, you try to take something to make you feel happy, just like a person that drinks, they'd have a drink. Well, he'd take a pill.
Turning 40 was the downhill point.
Elvis didn't eat good. He had an enlarged heart. He had high blood pressure. People didn't realize. And not only that, if you look at his family on his mother's side, they all died at very young ages. They were all addictive people. Couple of his cousins died from drug overdose and stuff, and his mother drank a lot. So, on his mother's side it was bad.
He was on medication because he had glaucoma in one eye. He had some intestines problem. That's why a lot of his medication was off. But all that medication doesn't help because Elvis figured, you know, if one pill is ok, then take two pills must help better. But you know it doesn't work.
I was there August 16. We were getting ready to go on tour that evening. The night before, I talked to him. He was fine. I talked to him. I said, anything you need before we leave?
We were getting ready to go to Portland, Maine. We were leaving the day of the 16th at 7.00. And I fly to Portland, spend the night there and do the show the next day.
We were going to leave that night of the 16th. And his girlfriend Ginger Alden called downstairs.
She called downstairs, asked for somebody -- Elvis had fainted in the bathroom. So, I ran upstairs and went into the bathroom. And I saw him on the floor. And... so I turned him over. And the minute I touched him, I knew he had been dead. I knew it right then. I picked the phone up real quick. It was sitting right next to the bathroom, there was phone there. And I called for an ambulance. The ambulance got there and I went into the ambulance with him, him and Charlie Hodge was with me and Dr. Nick got there too. We went to the hospital, took him to the emergency room.
I knew it. I was hoping it could be possible, but I just knew there was no way. It was -- you know, it didn't hit me for awhile that he passed away. It was just -- I just sort of blocked it out of my head. But it was tough. It was very tough.
He was, we were very close friends and we spent a lot of time together. And I consider him my best friend. And, so, when you lose somebody like that and all the time we spent together, our whole lives together, I thought my life had ended right there.
At the hospital they wanted me to made the announcement to the press but I wouldn't do it. I just couldn't. They wanted -- I said, yes I'll do it. But then, emotionally, I couldn't have done it. So the P.R. guy from the hospital made the announcement.
It was a day of my life I'll never forget.
I want you to know that at his core, Elvis was a wonderful, decent person. He cared deeply about his fans and sacrificed a great portion of his personal life to please them. He loved his country and supported its military. He was a praying man and he respected people. He honored his parents, cared for his daughter and cherished his friends.
He strove to be the pillar of strength we could all rely upon. He rarely complained of his own problems but was always there to listen and help us with ours. His generosity knew no bounds.
Elvis lived to make people happy, and he himself was happiest when he brought joy to someone else. I wish there was a way all the good he has done with his gifts throughout the world could be measured.
The comfort and enjoyment his music still brings to millions every day is impossible to comprehend. His influence as a performer and as a humanitarian has touched untold millions of people. We can never compile exact statistics, but I believe Elvis Presley will forever remain one of the most inspirational and influential men the world will ever know. |
Joe Esposito was interviewed by Nigel Patterson for the EIN Fan Club in 2001.
-Copyright EIN November 2016 -
EIN Website content © Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
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Joe Esposito January 22, 1938 - November 23,2016 - RIP.
Other EIN interviews with members of the Memphis Mafia:
Read EIN's 2005 interview with Marty Lacker
Read EIN's 2008 interview with Lamar Fike
Read EIN's 2007 interview with Sonny West
Read EIN's 2006 interview with Billy Smith
Read EIN's 2006 interview with Larry Geller
Larry Geller interview with EIN 2007:
Read EIN's 1986 interview with Charlie Hodge
Patti Parry exclusive EIN Interview:
Red West Interview:
Linda Thompson - Interview Special:
Jerry Schilling Interview - 2008
Sam Thompson, Elvis' bodyguard, 2011 Interview:
Linda and Sam Thompson in Australia 2013
Interview with Dick Grob, Elvis' Head Of Security:
Shirley Dieu, author of Memphis Mafia Princess, talks to EIN:
- Copyright Elvis Information Network 2016.
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