Paul Dowling is without doubt one of the major names in the Elvis World. He started collecting and selling Elvis vinyl over 40 years ago and has one of the world's largest Elvis Presley record collections.
He started his "WorldWide Elvis" shop back in the seventies, way before the internet, where fans could get hold of rare Elvis records and memorabilia.
With such a fascination with Elvis, Dowling not only became a big name in the early years of Elvis bootlegs but later became friends with Ernst Jorgensen and helped RCA / BMG with various official releases including their three superb 90's Elvis 50/60/70s box-sets, as well as all of the 1994 "Double Features" CD box sets.
EIN's Piers Beagley recently caught up with Paul Dowling for a lengthy talk about his incredible life, his fantastic bootlegging legacy, his fascination with Elvis and much, much more ...
In Part One of our interview Paul Dowling previously discussed.
- How he became part of the Elvis World
- How he became one of the world's most famous Elvis bootleggers
- The shock of Elvis' death
- Unreleased Elvis material - includes the possibility of 'Don't Be Cruel' outtakes!
- Unreleased material noted on RCA paperwork
- Famous Elvis Bootleg customers such as Elton John and RCA's 'Elvis producer' Joan Deary
Go here for PART ONE an essential read for Elvis collectors. |
Great postcard featuring bootlegger Vic Colona (Sam Theaker) designed by the talented Ger Rijff
Paul Dowling is without doubt one of the major names in the Elvis World.
In 2012 the wonderful book 'Bootleg Elvis' was published which helped explain how a group of super-keen Elvis fans from around the world, including Paul Dowling, created the fascinating world of Elvis vinyl bootlegs to satisfy demands of Elvis collectors who were being ignored by RCA at the time.
In the book Dowling is credited as "revolutionizing the Elvis bootleg scene" due to his desire to create high-quality product that could compete or even be better than the official RCA output.
Dowling also contributed four delightful stories to the Bootleg Elvis book and while he left the bootleg scene decades ago but still runs "WorldWide Elvis" selling official FTD releases as well as rare Elvis vinyl and books.
It has been a long time since fans read an interview with Paul Dowling and EIN wanted to find out what he was up to - and what he thought of the Elvis scene after all these years.
Now the story continues in PART TWO of our in-depth interview...
EIN Can you tell us all where you obtained some of the tapes that you and Sam used on your bootlegs?
WWE: After all these years it is hard for me to remember the exact source of every unreleased take we got hold of. However I recently came across this letter that I had written to some guy named "Mike" a long time ago. That was just after we did our 13th LP. The letter helps explain where we got a lot of our material. I was amazed to find it while I was looking through my files. (click image for full-size)
EIN: I believe there were actually two versions of your DORSEY LP. Can you explain to us why?
WWE: Sure it's pretty simple. The first pressing was the one I did alone with the blue lettering. This was done at the Nashville Record Plating plant in Nashville in 1975. The second pressing was the one Sam and I did when we became partners sometime in 1976.
We did this for one reason which was because we had found a better quality tape of some of the shows (I cannot remember which ones) so we decided to repress it at Sam's pressing plant in Glendale, Ca and to show the difference we changed not only the lettering of the title of the LP to yellow but also added and subtracted some photos from my earlier version so that fans would know that it was a new version.
In fact
I still also have a poor quality copy of my original hand-typed advertising flyer from around 1975 for my original Dorsey single.
EIN: As a result of your involvement in producing and distributing Elvis boots you were eventually jailed for mail fraud. After losing initial court cases in the lower courts you prevailed when the Supreme Court found in your favor. That must have been a harrowing time for you and your family. Please tell us about it.
WWE: Sam and I were found guilty of copyright infringement, mail fraud, interstate transportation of commerce and conspiracy and sentenced to 18 months in "jail". Sam did not appeal it as I did and he went away to a low level facility near his home in California. I decided to appeal the case but only the interstate charge.
I first had to take it to the 9th CIRCUIT COURT in Los Angeles (the reason being that the LP's were made in that state and that's where we were charged) which I did in 1983 but, as my lawyer figured, this was not accepted by the Judge and the appeal was denied. So the next step was to take it to the U.S. Supreme Court. This took over a year to be heard but on June 29, 1985 (see newspaper clippings) I heard the news on a local radio station that I had won that case.
I was obviously thrilled and definitely celebrated as winning a Supreme Court case is huge and historic! However, and this is way too complicated to get into now so just accept what I say, even though I won the case it DID NOT eliminate the "jail" time but it did dismiss the $5000 fine I was given.
So on January 16, 1986 I went away to Lewisburg Federal "Prison" in Pennsylvania but this was a minimum security facility which was called "The Camp" back then. There were no bars, etc etc as in a REAL prison and literally it was like going away for a vacation to some camp for awhile to rest. Now this may sound odd but it's true. I had one of the best times in my life there! I was "released" December 22 the same year. The food was great, there were all great people there who had committed very small low level crimes and everyone was non violent. And the two "guards" there were nice as could be. In fact on weekends some of the guys and even the guards went down to the local shopping center and brought back beer and we had parties all weekend. It was, as crazy as it sounds, a nice vacation and not a horrible place at all.
I would have of course rather not have gone there (and it was a waste of tax payers money as it cost $50,000 per person I was told!) for us to be there! Oh and besides that I was allowed to get all my Elvis mail, call anyone any time of the day and I even had two "furloughs" where I could go back home to Baltimore for 4 days or so and then come back!! It was too good to be true!
EIN: I can't believe that "prison time" for you went so well - the only thing that seemed to be missing was Spider Murphy playing the saxophone! Someone mentioned to me that you knew Janis Martin the famous “female Elvis”, is that true?
WWE: Yes it definitely is true. My friend Edd Bayes in Baltimore was a serious Janis Martin vinyl collector. In 1975, Janis was working for the Halifax, Virginia Police Department when Music Historian Dennis West tracked her down. Edd, who knew Dennis, asked him for her address which Dennis gave to him. He then coaxed her to appear locally in Baltimore on a morning TV show I believe in 1976. I believe the hosts' name was Larry Angelo. Anyway, the night before Edd had me and Janis and her son over to his home and I surprised her by showing her my copy of the rare JANIS & ELVIS 10" South African LP and she was totally completely shocked as she had no idea at all that it existed.
She told me it was maybe the high point of her career at the time just seeing and knowing about it and when I told her it was the rarest known Elvis record at that time she was thrilled beyond belief. The next morning Janis and I appeared on the LARRY ANGELO TV show in Baltimore (Channel 13) "live" at 9 AM. I have added a picture of me and Janis at our first meeting, it was a thrill to meet her and I must of course thank Edd for setting this up.
EIN: You also knew Ronnie Mc Dowell before he was a super star, correct?
WWE: Yes I did. His song THE KING IS GONE had just been released and in November 1977 he and his band appeared in Baltimore at a local club on the water called THE BARGE. After the concert I introduced myself to him and invited him to my home the next day and amazingly he accepted. I have also scanned the pictures of us when we first me at the club and also at my home in Ruxton, Md the next day when he came over and stayed for dinner. The next night he appeared at a local high school and he let me video tape the show from backstage. I still have it on BETA somewhere in my collection. We became very good friends and he also invited me out to Las Vegas the next year. We kept in touch for a long time but I haven't heard from him in a few years but I'll never forget those days!
EIN: What about having any contacts with people from RCA, apart from Joan Deary ordering records from you!
WWE: Good question and yes I have met quite a few. The main person who comes to mind is Felton Jarvis who I spoke to in November 1977. He actually called ME up as he was looking for copies of Elvis singles on SUN. But the conversation went way beyond that. We spoke for over three hours and it was like talking to your best friend. He was totally honest and said that really Elvis was his own producer and that he (Felton) helped out but the final results were always what Elvis wanted. We talked about everything from him recording his first single for (of all names!) the VIVA label - Honest John (‘The Workin' Man's Friend) / Don't Knock Elvis (1959) to the song "FOOL FOOL FOOL" which he said he had in his library but as we all know didn't come out ‘til many years later.
I also asked him what he thought of all the Elvis bootlegs that had been coming out - although I never revealed that I was the one doing them! - and he amazingly said that Elvis liked them all and wished RCA would do ones similar especially to the design I did on the NEW YEARS EVE boot booklet cover. What a compliment!
The last time we spoke was in December 1980 but he was not feeling well and he told me his wife Mary would send me a copy on cassette of that song the next day but she forgot and unfortunately he died the next month. A great guy!
EIN: Have you ever talked or met anyone of Elvis' family?
WWE: Yes, two people. I met Vernon at the ALWAYS ELVIS convention in Las Vegas which ran from September 1 - 10 at the Las Vegas Hilton. It was put together by Colonel Parker and Vernon. One day I was walking in the casino and saw Vernon all by himself playing a slot machine and I simply walked up to him and introduced myself and he was more than nice and he asked if I was having a good time, etc etc. I think we spoke for maybe 15 minutes. After I left (well the next day) I thought about all the things I should have asked him - like if MY HAPPINESS still existed - but it was too late by then. I also said hi to Col. Parker for a few seconds and met Ricky Nelson who was attending and was also performing one night in concert which I saw.
Besides the people I just mentioned I also spoke to Priscilla for MAYBE 30 seconds when I wanted to get permission to use a photo for the ELVIS: FOR CD FANS ONLY CD. Michael Omansky at BMG had given the ok but I needed to find a good cover photo.. I needed permission to use the pic I liked for the cover so I called Graceland who then switched me to California and I spoke to a Graceland attorney who said he could not help me and told me I had to talk to Priscilla to get permission. I asked him how can I do that and in two seconds he transferred me over to her private number and I explained to her what I needed and she was very rude and abrupt and only said "Sorry, you will have to speak to someone else. I am busy doing a new movie"! And that was that lovely "conversation".
Needless to say I do not have good feelings about her. At any rate I was switched back to the lawyer who switched back to some woman at Graceland and then I paid $750 just to use a photo which honestly I probably could have use anyway without getting any permission.
EIN: Paul, speaking about doing that CD you have also done other solo projects with BMG haven't you? Can you tell us just a little about these?
WWE: WWE: Well Piers I thought it would be simpler if I just listed them as this interview is getting quite long!
A) Red Vinyl B) Gold Vinyl C) Promotional Blue Vinyl D) Promotional Clear Vinyl E) Promotional White Vinyl F) Promotional Green Vinyl
Only available with Dale Hampton's Book
Songs: Tomorrow Night (Overdubbed Version That was only found on the now deleted 'Elvis For Everyone' CD); I Was The One (Alternate Take 2 - found on the now deleted 'Heartbreak Hotel' CD Single); Black Star (from the now deleted Double Soundtrack CD) ; Sylvia (from Elvis Now' Cd); Tiger Man (Studio Jam) (From the 70's Masters Box Set)
- DPC-12808 - FROM MEMPHIS TO CANADA (done for the Canadian Elvis fan club) PROMO CD 'NOT FOR SALE' promotional 3 track CD single in jewel case, made by BMG Special Products USA in 2000 for Walter Pacheco's fan club in Canada. 1000 copies made.
Songs: 500 Miles, Lady Madonna, The Lord’s Prayer. - PHOTOS: ME - ARTWORK: JIMMY CARPENTER)
Singles Inside and Special Picture Sleeves Made For Each (ARTWORK FOR BOX AND SINGLES: JIMMY CARPENTER)
EIN: The "Public Domain" laws in the EU have meant that a lot of substandard PD product is flooding the "general" Elvis market. However within that Joe Pirzada has been producing excellent product not only with high-quality "coffee-table" books but also value-for-money remastered audio box-sets and even vinyl releases. What do you think of these " Public Domain / legal" releases?
WWE: I love Joe's releases the best. As far as all of the others I can't believe people actually buy them but I guess they do as companies keep putting them out. I really have no feelings at all about these either
EIN: The Elvis bootleg industry has waxed and waned over time. Today, with little new material to release, bootleggers are relying on enhanced audio, a lot of audience recordings, as well as attractive (and often well researched) books to generate sales. What do you think of the Elvis bootleg industry today?
WWE: Personally I am not interested in 99% of the boot CD's that come out because they all contain "live" material from the 70's and I find that very boring but obviously a few thousand (maybe less) people still want to hear things like this so I guess they are happy. Other than that I have no feelings one way or the other.
EIN: Do you in fact have the biggest Elvis vinyl collection in the world? How many sides of vinyl do you have and from how many different countries?
WWE: No, not at all. In fact I couldn't even begin to tell you who deserves this title as I know so many Elvis collectors from around the world who have incredible collections that are gigantic. Plus there are different types of collectors. When I started out collecting I wanted every Elvis Presley record on RCA (and of course SUN) that was different than the U.S. version as far as cover and / or compilation and I wanted these from every country possible. Some collectors only want U.S. releases and never got into the overseas ones but not me. I had to have them from every and any country that released Elvis on vinyl. But as I mentioned they had to have a different picture cover or compilation. However, later I went totally nuts and just wanted to collect EVERYTHING from any country no matter if the front, back, and labels were identical to the U.S. I was a maniac!
So Elvis collectors vary from those who just collect the original U.S. issues to those who collect only their own country's releases (especially guys from England and Germany) to people like myself, David Light (England), Christian Sutter (France), Chris Giles (England), Tom Thaleau (Germany), George Cooper (Australia) etc etc etc. who want everything from every country in the world on Elvis issued on RCA. Sorry I could have gone on an on with collectors' names but these are just the ones that came to my mind right now.
The three amigos! Paul Lichter, Paul Dowling and Jim Curtin.
EIN: Are you surprised that nearly 40 years after his death Elvis can still make the top of the charts?
WWE: Well after the HUGE success of the LITTLE LESS CONVERSATION single years ago (the original 45 single version was a total dud in the 60's) I guess the answer is NO I wasn't surprised and I believe it will happen again. Loads of his songs are timeless.
EIN: As an American Elvis fan, why do you think the new 'If I Can Dream' album got to Number 1 in the UK and Australia yet made such little impact in the states?
WWE: Unfortunately Elvis has not been as big in the U.S. as he has in other countries for a LONG LONG time but of course I am just talking about Elvis vinyl / CD collectors and not the mainstream public. But why? I have absolutely no idea but all I know is that this is true. For example, most of my buyers are from Europe, Japan, Australia, South America, etc and NOT from the U.S. Again, why that is something I don't think anyone will ever know. I just think foreigners appreciate him a lot more than we do here in the U.S. And also I think Elvis' new releases are promoted better overseas than here.
EIN: What was the last BMG / SONY release that you worked on? Do you and Ernst still keep in regular contact?
WWE: I haven't talked to Ernst for a few years but I'm sure we'll talk again. I met him first around 1978 or 1979 when he came to my home in Baltimore. I was a huge fan (and still am) of his RECORDING SESSIONS books. We met a lot when I was traveling to New York from January 1992 - around May 1992 when Bernadette Moore (who was in charge of the Archives at BMG New York then) invited me to come up there and do research for my huge book (THE WORLDWIDE ELVIS RECORD DISCOGRAPHY) which is now around 4000 pages but of course it still hasn't come out as I have found TONS AND TONS of new information and continue to do so daily. But anyway Bernadette gave me total access to any and all files they had on Elvis' vinyl and I found many that even people up there never knew they still had. I came home with over 3000 photocopies of listing notices, production cards, pre production cards, inner office cards, and files (I can't recall the actual name of them but they give more information on recording dates, production quantities and other extremely interesting information).
I also found listing notices of singles, EP's and LP's that either came out and no one has found yet or that were planned and then cancelled for some reason. Plus many foreign releases (one that comes to mind is a German LP) that no one knows about even now! I have supplied EIN a few scans of just some of the ones I have. I may have leaked a few of these out before but others I am keeping to surprise collectors later. There are loads and loads of super interesting items I found that I will picture in my book someday as I just previously mentioned.
Anyway sorry to get off the subject but while I was in New York Ernst asked if I could help with the MASTERS BOX SETS and I did plus I also helped with the DOUBLE FEATURES MOVIE CDs they were going to release at that time. Also, MOBILE FIDELITY from California flew me out to help them with the THAT'S THE WAY IT IS CD. They initially wanted me to supply them with some photos for the booklet but then, because I knew the owner very well, I was asked to help with mastering the CD but I just want to tell you that all I did was to be in the control booth and listen to the engineer changing levels, backgrounds, etc and giving them my input. Whether the final result had anything to do with what I suggested is unknown but it was a fun experience. They credited me but God knows why!
EIN: Do you think that, overall, the FTD label has done a good job in their selection of releases?
WWE: Ernst has done a superb job on these and every fan is grateful to him and his crew.
EIN: Having passed the 40th anniversary back in 2012, do you have any idea why SONY have not released the "On Tour" box-set yet?
WWE: No idea at all. Wish I did!
EIN: Does the infamous "Pied-Piper Of Cleveland" film actually exist? Did you ever get to see it?
WWE: I have no idea just like everyone if this still exists. I was never offered it but sure wish I had been!
EIN: How many times did you get to see Elvis live in concert?
WWE: I saw him four times - November 1971 Baltimore; September 1974 College Park, Md; and May 1977 in Largo, Md and the Baltimore Civic Center when he left the stage for 30 minutes or so. Of course the best was 1971. The worst was the College Park University of Maryland one.
Bootleg CD release of the 1971 Baltimore concert from an audience recording
- Elvis in fact wore his 'White Pinwheel' jumpsuit -
EIN: Wow, Baltimore November 9 1971 was the day before the fabulous Boston concert that finally got official FTD release in 2010 - that would have been a great show. However what a comparison to have that with College Park, September 1974 - known as one of Elvis' worst concerts of all time! What on earth did you think back in 1974, you must have been so shocked?
WWE: As I just mentioned that was the worst show ever. He looked terrible. His hair looked grayish like he hadn't done a good job of dying it and he talked more than he sang. I had second row seats thanks to a DJ friend of mine and I saw him close up. The reviews the next day were terrible and it was I think the first time ever I believe that any one mentioned he might have been drunk but of course we found out later what the problem was.
EIN: The 1977 Baltimore concert was Elvis' 15th last performance of his life. At the time, did you realize that the end was near?
WWE: No but most of us knew something wasn't right and the thing I remember the most is that we all were hoping he would change the song lineup and add some other songs. It's crazy but if he only had ONE different song we would all be happy. But by then the shows in my opinion were very very boring. But I don't think anyone thought he wouldn't be with us three months later.
EIN: Paul, you have been operating WorldWide Elvis for many decades now, was it always called WorldWide Elvis?
WWE: I started selling Elvis vinyl in 1974 under my own name but didn't change it to WORLDWIDE ELVIS until around 1981 and you already know about all my initial releases.
The Elvis Presley "Patriot Box" release
EIN: With so many original Elvis fans getting old and selling their collections, do you see a downturn in the Elvis collectors world or are there enough new fans coming along?
WWE: Definitely there is a huge change in the interest and it is not good. For example I used to sell an average of 200 of any FTD CD. Now I barely sell 30. The BEST seller I ever had was ALL SHOOK UP with the laughing version of ARE YOU LONESOME TONIGHT. I advertised at that time on Jay Gordon's radio show every weekend and after the CD came out I sold 473 copies of this! Incredible but true. All I was doing for days was taking orders, calling people back who I put on hold, etc. It was way too much work but I'll never forget it!
For a time in the 80's and early 90's CD's just took over as far as sales but then I think around the mid 90's vinyl came back and basically that's the majority of my sales although most of buyers are in Europe but still vinyl is way down. I think we can thank E BAY for this also.
EIN: Recently I have noticed that you are selling larger amounts of books and vinyl. I presume these are not from your personal collection?
WWE: Yes everything I sell are extras except for the books which I really don't collect unless they have interest but mainly I like the good biographies and the vinyl discographies from various countries.
EIN: I have always been mystified about some fans enthusiasm for Japanese Elvis Vinyl, what's that all about?
WWE: Well I can answer that question via our mutual friend Sam Theaker - he is still a genius and always was. Somehow he knows why those Japanese pressings were so good and here is exactly what he told me
..... "The reason your Japanese lps sounded better is that in japan they mixed a chemical with the polyvinyl chloride (PVC) that prevented hairline cracks from forming. This is why mobile fidelity pressed in japan and their lps sounded better. This chemical was labeled a carcinogen in most countries, all the major ones that pressed records anyway, so that's why it was only japan. Little burrs could form in the grooves with the use of this chemical additive, but the needle polished them away in the first couple playings. You were left with a superior product, that fractional bit of surface noise that we were used to, and that caused mild distortion, was eliminated. they were truly smooth as a geisha's kimono."
- Damn guy is brilliant!!
EIN: What are the most popular items you sell these days?
WWE: Nothing in particular at all. Since I have over 10,000 records in stock people just don't want one item. They want many different ones. I do sell all the new FTD CD's but not as many as I used to but I have talked more about this elsewhere in this interview.
EIN: The digital age and the consequent slow demise of physical product is transforming how music is obtained and enjoyed. What is your view on what this means for the future of the Elvis industry?
WWE: I think the future as far as the "normal" everyday Elvis fan will be in just buying songs online but I still believe that there will be collectors of vinyl out there worldwide forever.
EIN: What did you think of the 'Bootleg Elvis' book? After all those years, surely it must have felt somewhat of a relief for the full story to be out there for the Elvis fans to enjoy?
WWE: I loved it. Felix and his pals did an incredible job and I thank him very much for saying all those nice words plus it must have taken him and the other guys a long time to put this masterpiece together.
EIN: You must have shared such amazing times discovering Elvis rarities and releasing them for the fans. Do you still keep in touch with the "Old gang" like Vic Colonna / Sam Theaker, Paul Lichter, Richard Minor, Jean-Marc Gargiulo, Ger Rijff and suchlike?
WWE: Well Richard died many, many years ago but yes I still keep in touch with Sam, Paul, Jean Marc but I haven't talked to Gerry for quite awhile.
EIN: In the book you are delightfully described as "looking more like a Beach Boy going out on a Surfin' Safari"! How is the Beach Boy nowadays and life in Florida?
WWE: That was nice of him to say that as the Beach Boys have always been # 2 after Elvis for me. And I am living the life of a beach boy plus I married the most perfect beach girl - the extremely lovely and young PRINCESS SHARLENE. I met her at my local post office as she was the postmaster and we had our first date February 29, 2012. We got married across the street on the beach June 6, 2015.
That was my first marriage. It's like a dream come true. She has everything I could have ever asked for in a girl and is literally PERFECT. Gorgeous, fun to be with, we love the same things (she loves Elvis, Roy Orbison, Jerry Lee, etc and she is only 45), same food, loves the beach, etc. Couldn't be more perfect.
IF I EVER COULD HAVE DREAMED UP SOMEONE SO PERFECT FOR ME SHE WOULD HAVE BEEN THE ONE IN THAT DREAM! So I somehow lucked out again in life. I turned a hobby I loved into a business I still love and found the MOST PERFECT GIRL EVER. And if I could have planned my life in advance I would have done so exactly the way it has turned out!! |
EIN: Wow, a fairytale ending to a career with Elvis, not too many people could say that in 2016 - that’s fantastic. Thanks for the great stories.
WWE: It took some time checking out all those questions - but it was fun reliving those great days.
But wait, there is still more to come in our follow-up Paul Dowling Interview where he answers yet more questions, including some sent in by EIN readers - Part Three - coming soon ...
Paul Dowling EIN Interview Part Three: Paul Dowling is without doubt one of the major names in the Elvis World. He started collecting and selling Elvis vinyl over 40 years ago and has one of the world's largest Elvis Presley record collections. He started his "WorldWide Elvis" shop back in the seventies, way before the internet, where fans could get hold of rare Elvis records and memorabilia.
With such a fascination with Elvis, Dowling not only became a big name in the early years of Elvis bootlegs but later became friends with Ernst Jorgensen and helped RCA with various official releases.
In the final part of our fascinating interview Paul Dowling discusses ....
- Dodging the FBI agents that were sent after him
- Unreleased Elvis material that still hasn’t come out
- Why does Ernst Jorgensen doubt this claims
- His BMG project 'For The First Time Ever' - what happened
- The true story of obtaining the Million Dollar Quartet tape
- His thoughts on Paul Lichter, Sean Saver, Sherif Hanna, Rex Martin
- Spending time with Alan Fortas
- Jim Curtin, newly added story
Interview by Piers Beagley.
-Copyright EIN May 2016 -
EIN Website content © Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
DO NOT COPY ANY OF THIS MATERIAL © Copyright the Elvis Information Network / Paul Dowling.
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Bootleg Elvis (Book Review): Illicit Elvis recordings released by underground labels on pristine black or colored vinyl! For many fans the thought and memories of that important part of the Elvis music scene still resonates in 2012.
And now one of the year's greatest book releases has been published, Bootleg Elvis.......a high quality, incredibly well researched narrative and visual history of the 900+ Elvis bootlegs released on vinyl.
EIN recently delved deep inside this formidable book to sample its veritable treasure trove of Elvis delights! Old and new fans take note!!
Read EIN's detailed review |
One of Sam Theaker / aka Vic Colonna's original adverts featuring seven classic bootleg vinyl albums, costing as little as $8.00 each!
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