'ELVIS: at 3am Sahara Tahoe 1973'
MRS 2CD package
- Review by Piers Beagley
This 2CD set features live performances of both the Midnight and 3:AM concerts from Elvis’ May 1973 engagement at The Sahara Tahoe in Lake Tahoe, Nevada.
The shows are presented in stereo for the first time ever.
The accompanying booklet featuring rare photographs, memorabilia and includes liner notes that set the scene.
The LP version is only of the 3:AM show and is available in black and clear (the clear only Elvis dealers) versions.
Elvis' 3am 'Mother's Day' concert is in very good quality audio and Elvis is loose, having fun, the mix is excellent and captures an important part of Elvis' emotional year.
EIN's Piers Beagley provides an in-depth review of this recent MRS release
Apology: EIN was traveling overseas for work so has only just picked up their recent MRS orders. This 'ELVIS: at 3am Sahara Tahoe' set was delivered to most dealers at the end of February 2024 |
Memphis Recording Service, UK/EC, 2024, Hardback, 2CD, 20 pages, MRS10005073
Compilation produced by Joseph Pirzada,
design by Kev Reape. DES Remix, audio Restoration and Remaster by Studio D.
For Elvis 1973 had started with the amazing high of the Aloha TV special but having performed his ultimate live TV show it was downhill from there. Elvis cancelled several concerts at the following Las Vegas season and similarly cancelled the eight final shows of his May '73 Lake Tahoe residency.
However on May 13 1973, midseason, Elvis was in good shape when he performed an extra 3am concert for ‘Mother’s Day’, his third concert that day. The proceeds would go to Lake Tahoe’s 'Barton Memorial Hospital' where his mother Gladys had once undergone surgery.
One bonus treat for Elvis collectors this season is to hear Emory Gordy (Burnin’ Love) playing bass in place of TCB regular Jerry Scheff who had quit the band back in March. Emory Gordy plays some mean walking-bass lines which are joy to listen to especially in this clear 2024 remastered mix.
While I can understand the debate about the fact that the classic SUN recordings have to be MONO, that is still a somewhat crazy notion since Elvis and the Blue Moon Boys were playing in the studio in “Stereo” and the ‘mono’ mix-down was purely an artefact of Sam Phillips’s recording.
In comparison seeing Elvis in concert was always an all-encompassing emotional experience with the band and orchestra spread across the stage, the reverb of the venue and with the screaming fans seated all around you. It was a full-scale spatial audio experience! And these two new “stereo” Lake Tahoe May ’73 Presley performances from MRS wrap around you in brilliant stereo sound and are some of the best remastering MRS has yet released. These leave any hissy-mono-cassette versions trailing in the dust. Major credit to audio engineer ‘Studio D’.
Despite having to perform three concerts in the one evening, Elvis was feeling somewhat inspired and although it was 3am he still treated the ‘Mother’s Day’ benefit more like a Closing Night performance. Elvis was in extremely jovial spirits, teasing the band and adding some crazy lyrics. He also added unique (for this season) live versions of ‘My Way’, ‘Faded Love’, ‘Funny How Time Slips Away’ and a rare ‘It’s Over’. Elvis asked for 'The Impossible Dream' but the orchestra didn’t know it and also attempted a one-off ‘Release Me’ but that also didn’t work. It is an exceptional show that should be in anyone’s collection. No wonder MRS released this unique concert on Vinyl.
The earlier May 12 Midnight performance was also surprisingly good and while it is a shorter show we do get the added bonus of a wonderfully sensitive ‘I’m Leavin’ as well as a beautiful extended-intro ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’ plus a rocking ‘A Big Hunk O’ Love’. There is plenty to enjoy in both shows.
The Package
Following on from their 'Closing Night 1972' this MRS set continues the slim Book / CD combo package. Two CDs with one front and back within easy to pull out cardboard sleeves.
The front cover photo of Elvis in his Pharaoh jumpsuit is an absolute stunner. There are however surprisingly few photos of Elvis at this Tahoe season which is perhaps why the booklet is only 20 pages this time.
The book features a concise description of the season even noting that Elvis was not getting great reviews in some press, “...loose as the proverbial goose” however the two shows included here prove that Elvis was still in fine form and somewhat back on track after his post Aloha dip.
The booklet also includes memorabilia some candid photos I had not seen before and also a contemporary review which includes the delightful line, “Elvis maybe an older king but a 15-year string of aspiring kings from Fabian to Neil Diamond have failed to unseat him. Obviously he still reigns.”
Audio Quality.
The important 3am May 13 Tahoe show was first released as a bootleg audience recording in ok-quality back in 1990 and as a 2003 soundboard by FTD ('Takin' Tahoe Tonight!' no longer available as it is long sold out). Twenty years later audio remastering has vastly improved and whereas the FTD release was mono with the usual cassette hiss this MRS version truly shines. The earlier release had Elvis’ vocal disappointingly low in the mix (tracks like ‘My Way’ did not work so well with his low vocal) whereas this stereo mix not only separates the musicians, backing vocals and orchestra but also lifts Elvis’ vocal to be the real focus.
The May 12 Midnight show was also released as a mono soundboard by FTD but was surprisingly muffled with little top-end. Here Ronnie Tutt’s high-hat and cymbals ring crisp and loud – you can now appreciate his brilliant work on ‘Steamroller’ – and again the cassette hiss has been cleverly removed. This is excellent work.
Listening to both concerts on quality loud-speakers you can easily believe that these were multi-track recordings.
CD2 - 3AM Mother's Day performance May 13, 1973 - 56 minutes.
From the first stereo blast of the 2001 trumpets and kettle drums with The Stamps and Sweets singing on the right channel you know this is going to be a great listen.
It’s hard to believe this was Elvis’ third show of the evening as he kicks into a really energetic 'See See Rider'. The horns (left channel), bass-guitar (centre) and drums panned right with audience screams all around place your right in the middle of the audience. Elvis laughs mid-song "Just woke me up, Whooo!" but this time, unlike the later Las Vegas Dinner shows, it is obvious that he is joking!
A cool 'I Got A Woman/Amen' follows and luckily even with a JD Sumner double-ending, this version is short and sweet unlike later versions.
After a quick "Good Morning" noting the early hour of the day, Elvis unusually drops the regular 'Love Me Tender' and goes straight to 'Help Me Make It Through the Night'. Maybe this was intentional since it was his 3rd show that night!
The audio remastering shines with Glen D Hardin’s piano super-clear (left channel) and sweeping violins and super tight Ronnie Tutt drumming, lovely Emory Gordy walking bass and no cassette tape hiss -this could easily be a multi-track recording.
‘Steamroller Blues' then warms things up nicely and the band is cookin'. At a faster tempo and sounding funkier than the "bluesier" Aloha version, it helps show off the great stereo mix along with Emory's funky bass. Elvis’ vocal is nicely raised and separated from The Stamps harmonies. Elvis really digs into the track, "I'm a steamrollin' mother" it is a GREAT version.
Teasing with “Good morning ladies and gentlemen” 'You Gave Me A Mountain' again sounds like a multi-track recording with brass and piano left channel, soaring backing-vocals right. Elvis' restraint works on this song - listen to his "Just tired of being my wife". Elvis’ enjoyment is obvious as he hollers, "Whoo" mid-song @2.33. Elvis is feeling the excitement and his humour is infectious.
During a cool 'Love Me' he exclaims, "Behave James!" to James Burton and laughs with the band, teasing Ronnie Tutt with a Peter Seller’s styled "You want to play funny? Eh, Ronnie?". Elvis is definitely enjoying himself & having fun.
The Blue Suede Shoes/ Oldies Medley is the usual throwaway crowd-pleaser although Elvis digs into Whole Lotta Shakin’ and with Glen D Hardin’s Jerry-Lee piano it’s a shame Elvis didn’t do a full-length version.
At two points in this concert the Stereo mix truly captures the emotion of this Lake Tahoe concert and both feature Glen D Hardin - one is ‘My Way’ the other ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’. With Glen D’s piano beautifully clear on the left channel, Elvis singing centre almost a-Capella and with the hum of the crowd all around you, one can really feel the ambience and emotion of being there.
Since 'Aloha' and his on-going voice problems Elvis had been avoiding the song 'My Way' but tonight he is obviously feeling much better. Here it is the first real challenge of the show. On the stage of Sahara Tahoe Elvis sounds perfectly alone, and the power-ending shows that his voice really has improved since earlier in the year. The violins swirl, The Stamps sing (left channel) while Ronnie Tutt keeps the rhythm tight. There is also a genuine, cute moment when he forgets the line "But through it all, when there was doubt" and hums the last few words! The crowd rightly explode with appreciation.
The compulsory ‘Hound Dog’ is thrown-way to help him get this breath back. Burton’s chicken-pickin’ rings out loud and clear – although notable being on the left channel rather than the correct right side.
Elvis gives 'What Now My Love' a power-ending but otherwise hangs back on this and, surprisingly, 'Suspicious Minds' too which is very laid-back compared to the Aloha version. Unsurprisingly Elvis’ throat sounds sore at points but James Burton, The Sweets and the band are on great form. It also sounds like Charlie Hodge is trying to compensate for Elvis.
After the quick 'Introductions' Elvis knows the end is in sight and is warming up for some “closing night” kinda’ fun. He introduces Emory Gordy as “Emerson Boozer” before correcting himself!
Elvis starts singing "I Remember You,,, Alfie!" and announces "This is from the TV Special we did recently" before cracking up as he changes the lyrics to reflect that it is 3am. “the sun’s coming up.. somebody do something!” His laughter is infectious and captures the overall feel of this Charity show. Again the stereo dynamic clarity with sweeping violins, neat percussion and lovely piano - why does the crowd laugh at @0140? – sounds fabulous.
"Well that's about enough!- Who--er" is a hilarious start to a fun 'I Can't Stop Loving You' which gets the fans screaming.
'Bridge Over Troubled Water' was an Elvis classic sadly missing from the Aloha shows. In fact Elvis hadn't been performing it since June 1972 so this was a real bonus and also a highlight of this night's show. As mentioned the start is gorgeous and the mix is terrific with Glen Hardin's piano (left) and Emory's bass (centre) shaping the song. Here Elvis' voice really does suit the sentiment of the lyric and he enjoys it so much that he does a rare reprise at the end. This is a real treat for the 3am audience and also an obvious surprise for the band!
Elvis suggests 'The Impossible Dream' as the next track but the orchestra obviously haven't rehearsed the song which is a shame. Elvis also asks for 'For The Good Times' but that suggestion is rejected too!
Showing his “extra concert” spontaneity and good humour Elvis instead goes for a very enjoyable and laid-back 'Funny How Time Slips Away' which works very nicely with some lovely JB Guitar, Stamps’ harmonies and delightful crowd interaction.
For the second time Elvis suggests 'The Impossible Dream' but again gets told "We can't do it!"
Instead Elvis chooses 'It's Over' (another song rarely performed since Aloha) explaining “you got the lead, Ronnie” and it’s another treat even though Elvis fluffs the words!
Elvis pushes the tired musicians by jumping straight into 'Release Me' a song not performed since June 1972 and never with this orchestra! It kicks off in too high a key which causes it to fall apart after 30 seconds.
Elvis changes his mind "Goddamn that's high. Hold it, hold it! Let's do Faded Love." This really surprises the band and Elvis has to ask them to adjust the tempo - They were playing fast that night.
This was only the second time Elvis performed 'Faded Love' on-stage and it is excellent fun. Glen D Hardin plays fine piano, Emory Gordy adds a lovely walking-bass and even the brass section really getting into it. It truly fits the spontaneity of the concert.
Sadly with dawn in sight, it was time to wrap up the show and those dreaded words "I'd like to sing a song from Blue Hawaii for you" and a very fine 'Can't Help Falling In Love' takes us home.
CD1 –Midnight Show May 12 1973, Lake Tahoe - 50 minutes
This concert from a few hours earlier is the appetiser to the main course. His second of the three performances that evening it is a surprise that Elvis still puts in so much energy.
The previous mono release sounded rather flat so it’s nice to have the top-end frequencies restored with this remaster.
Once again the stereo ‘Also Sprach Zarathustra’ ups the anticipation before a fine ‘See See Rider’ with Ronnie Tutt’s cymbals ringing nicely. Elvis is full of energy “whoa, yeah, yeah, yeah” before rightly noting , “We’ve got three shows to do tonight. It’s weird to be singing Blue Suede Shoes at 5 o’clock in the morning!”
A cool ‘I Got A Woman / Amen’ has Elvis asking J.D “to take it down” before asking them to “get the oxygen ready” for J.D’s second attempt.
Elvis notes, “Good morning, hope you have a good time tonight, we started off with a bang”.
‘Help Me Make It Through The Night’ follows with a delightful start, “Let me ask a favour of you….. Take the ribbon from your hair…” and is not a bad version at all.
While ‘Steamroller Blues’ doesn’t have the power of some other versions here in stereo with Burton’s cutting guitar, Glen D’s “rubber piano” plus funky brass it sounds very fine and nice and bluesy. Elvis is obviously enjoying getting down with the band.
‘You Gave Me A Mountain’ with piano left, drums right is a lovely 1973 version and very sincere.
After the “oldies” a real highlight here is a delicious ‘I’m Leavin’’. Never performed in 1972 and a highlight of this season this sounds like a multi-track recording and delicately sung. The lovely swirling violins and with The Stamps harmonies panned right, this is a treat.
With no intro ‘Hound Dog’ is the usual 1973 slow/fast version before and its noticeable that Elvis was less chatty in this show.
‘What Now My Love’ is again a fine nicely paced performance version with stereo adding even greater impact.
‘Suspicious Minds’ is routine for ’73 and midway through Elvis starts laughing and joking with “Oh, Doncha know, ah ha, Doncha know,” so this classic show-stopper suddenly loses its impact but of course the crowd still loved it and scream their appreciation at the end.
By now the US fans have seen the Aloha special and so rightly applaud when Elvis notes that “we did a TV show recently.. ”
‘I’ll Remember You’ in this stereo mix is a truly beautiful, delicate version. Again this could be a multi-track recording with Glen D’s piano left, violins and subdued backing-vocals right. A lovely treat, it gets the applause it deserves.
‘I Can’t Stop Loving You’ – includes some great James Burton guitar, is sung strongly and Elvis adds a power ending.
‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’ – is the stereo highlight for me and for 1973 is a stunning version. With a delightful extended piano intro from Glen D Hardin you can really feel the ambience of the showroom. Elvis’ first verse is nearly a Capella before the orchestra and then the backing-vocals (nicely placed on the right) finally come in. The harmonies with Elvis blend beautifully together in this mix as he heads to the powerful ending. A beautiful and powerful version, it is the concert highlight. Play it again, Sam!
‘A Big Hunk O’ Love’, surprisingly not sung in the Las Vegas season after Aloha is a real rocking version and a great concert ending.
Elvis says a brief and workmanlike, “You’re a very good audience” before heading upstairs to get a rest and ends with a routine ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love’.
Following this we get a neat announcement stating that the hotel’s Elvis souvenir proceeds will go to the Barton Hospital Memorial fund.
Overall Verdict: 'Aloha From Hawaii’ was Elvis’ greatest on-stage achievement of his career, but having to perform LIVE for the satellite transmission it wasn’t the “real Elvis” as he had to hold back. With the cassette hiss removed, the musicians and orchestra in stereo, the backing vocals panned right and Elvis’ vocal raised to the correct level, this MRS release sounds just like an RCA recorded multi-track and is the best representation of the “real Elvis” live in 1973 that fans could hope for. If there was any 1973 performance that needed to be released in high-quality remastered Stereo it was Elvis’ Mother’s Day 3am Lake Tahoe concert. This is such a treat and captures the relaxed Elvis having fun and rocking out after the obvious post-Aloha slump. Elvis is up for a good time and throws in some unique song choices. As stated earlier it has that ‘Closing Night’ feel. The earlier Midnight show with vastly improved sound and with tracks such as ‘I’m Leavin’’, ’Bridge’ and ‘A Big Hunk O’ Love’ is a neat bonus disc. While we have so many multi-track recordings of Elvis' concerts in Las Vegas, RCA never recorded anything in Lake Tahoe. So there is no question that this MRS set includes the best sounding Elvis Lake Tahoe performances that have ever been released.
Check your local dealers or find it at Amazon UK (go here) - for £26 / US$33
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Please note that the low-res personal scans used in this review do not show the true quality of the images.
Visit the official Memphis Recording Service site
Review by Piers Beagley.
-Copyright EIN March 2024
EIN Website content © Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
CD1 - 12th May 1973 (Midnight Show)
1. Also Sprach Zarathustra
2. See See Rider
3. I Got A Woman / Amen
4. Help Me Make It Through The Night
5. Steamroller Blues
6. You Gave Me A Mountain
7. Love Me
8. Blue Suede Shoes
9. Long Tall Sally / Whole Lotta Shakin'/ Mama Don't Dance / Shake, Rattle & Roll
10. I'm Leavin'
11. Hound Dog
12. What Now My Love
13. Suspicious Minds
14. Band Introductions
15. I'll Remember You
16. I Can't Stop Loving You
17. Bridge Over Troubled Water
18. A Big Hunk O' Love
19. Can't Help Falling In Love
20. Announcement |
CD2 - 13th May 1973 (3.00am Show)
1. Also Sprach Zarathustra
2. See See Rider
3. I Got A Woman / Amen
4. Help Me Make It Through The Night
5. Steamroller Blues
6. You Gave Me A Mountain
7. Love Me
8. Blue Suede Shoes
9. Long Tall Sally / Whole Lotta Shakin'/ Mama Don't Dance / Shake, Rattle & Roll
10. My Way
11. Hound Dog
12. What Now My Love
13. Suspicious Minds
14. Band Introductions
15. I'll Remember You
16. I Can't Stop Loving You
17. Bridge Over Troubled Water
18. Funny How Time Slips Away
19. It's Over
20. Release Me
21. Faded Love
22. Can't Help Falling In Love |
'ELVIS: Closing Night 1972' MRS CD Review: This MRS 2CD set features a live performance recorded on 4 September 1972,during the last night of Elvis’ seventh engagement in Las Vegas at the Hilton Hotel.
The show is presented in stereo. A bonus CD of remastered rehearsal tracks, recorded days before the engagement began, is also included.
While Elvis is perhaps not as full-blast as on the 'Opening Night' here MRS's 'Studio D' engineer has done some brilliant audio remastering, removing the bad cassette-tape-hiss of all previous releases. Emphasising the instrumentation with this "Stereo remaster" not only elevates Elvis and the musicians' performance but also places the listener right into the audience.
This night Elvis rocked into 'Johnny B. Goode' and even performed the golden-oldies with some real respect.
It's a great show.
Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley discovers something new in this re-release - the near perfect bookend to MRS' examination of Elvis’ 1972 Summer Festival.
(CD Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork) |
MRS CAMDEN reviews: The UK MRS label have re-released 3 CD titles on its new alternate budget label 'MRS CAMDEN'.
- One Night In Pearl Harbor 1CD
- Elvis On Television 1956 - 1960 2CD
- The Complete 1950's Live Recordings 3CD
All three were released late November 2023.
The releases on MRS CAMDEN are scaled-down budget versions priced for the mainstream market. The titles have slight changes from the original MRS deluxe versions and now come in a Digi-Sleeve packs with small booklets.
There are minor upgrades on each release but they still all pack a punch and cover important sections of Elvis' historical journey. Going from 1954 to 1961 it is one incredible rockin’ trip.
EIN's Piers Beagley checks them out as possible Santa bonus treats...
If you are in the UK and order them on Amazon you can still get them delivered by Christmas Day!
(CD Reviews; Source: ElvisInformationNetwork) |
'ELVIS: Opening Night 1972' MRS CD Review: Elvis’ first 1972 Las Vegas season ran from January 26th through February 23rd, 1972. Elvis was in great shape both physically and vocally, and he was once again serious about performing.
While a large number of fans think that Elvis started losing inspiration and impetus after the power-year of 1970, his rejuvenation of his first live performances in 1972 demonstrate another more positive aspect. Introducing the new songs 'You Gave Me A Mountain', ‘I'll Remember You’ , 'A Big Hunk O'Love' and the brilliant 'An American Trilogy' would enrich Elvis’ live shows for the rest of his career. So while Elvis collectors may have heard the bootleg recording multiple times before, you have never truly enjoyed this concert, or appreciated its importance, until this sessional MRS audio Remaster.
Elvis was in superb form and this set-list - along with the new MRS audio remaster - is truly sensational.
Check out EIN's detailed review here
(CD Reviews;ElvisInformationNetwork) |
'Las Vegas Summer Festival 1972' MRS CD Review: This 4CD set contains a varied selection of live performances drawn from Elvis’ seventh engagement in the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel during Elvis’ summer festival in the month of August 1972.
It features the 11 August Dinner and Midnight Show plus 12 August Dinner and Midnight Show. For the first time ever these performances are released in "Stereo". Bonus rehearsal tracks, recorded days before the engagement began, are also included.
The accompanying 40-page booklet includes rare photographs, memorabilia and liner notes help set the scene.
Key songs include My Way, Fever, Its Over, Until It’s Time For You To Go, American Trilogy, What Now My Love, Little Sister/ Get Back, Never Been To Spain, For The Good Times and A Big Hunk O' Love'.
Elvis was in superb form and with more new songs in his set-list sounding even better with the new MRS audio remaster it is a power-packed set.
Go here for EIN's in-depth review .
(CD Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork) |
MRS presents 'ELVIS: September 1970' in-depth Review: MRS's new 2CD deluxe set features a new previously unreleased soundboard from 2nd September 1970 and a bonus CD that covers the final rehearsals at the International Hotel on August 10th before the start of the summer festival.
In September 1970 Elvis was still excited to be back on stage and performing for his fans. Newspaper reviews of his concerts wrote about the excitement and fun Elvis was having back on-stage.
This brand-new previously unknown concert captures Elvis feeling 'loose-as-a-goose' yet still performing with a real intensity. His live versions of ‘You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’’, 'Bridge Over Troubled Water' were truly exceptional this evening.
The accompanying 40-page booklet of the CD deluxe includes rare photographs and memorabilia taken during these engagements along with introductory notes.
EIN's Nigel Patterson and Piers Beagley check out this new collection and enjoy a hilarious ride-with-the-king.
(CD Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork) |
'Summer Festival 1970: The Rehearsals' In-Depth Review: MRS's new triple-CD set 'Summer Festival 1970: The Rehearsals' was released last month.
The CDs contain rehearsal highlights from one of the most memorable periods in Elvis’ career - his captivating performances at The International Hotel Las Vegas in the summer of 1970. With remastered audio and accompanying 40-page booklet the package is aimed at the general public, plus Elvis collectors who could not afford last year's FTD fan club deluxe release.
Elvis’ glorious rehearsals on 24 July at RCA studios are the real key to this release. Twenty seven classic performances and with Elvis not only rehearsing the familiar songs we would all come to know from the MGM movie but also songs he would never perform on stage.
EIN's Nigel Patterson and Piers Beagley check out this new collection and discover some neat surprises along the way.
(CD REviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)
MRS 'Elvis:Back In Living Stereo' in-depth Review: The new MRS set contains 6CDs of essential 1960-1962 master recordings, plus rare alternate outtakes - including plenty of officially unreleased material - and all of the personal home recordings Elvis made during the 1960s.
The 100 page book, with text from Gordon Minto, includes rare unpublished documents and photographs, supported by a comprehensive text discussing each of Elvis’ RCA studio (non-film) recording sessions held during 1960-62.
Musically the packed cds - over seven hours - present a stunning look at Elvis recording in the early sixties before the shine wore off. The "Master" sessions nicely contrast with the looser "Outtakes" discs and with Elvis getting even more uninhibited on the Home Recordings. - Very unihibited with a certain Nancy Sharpe!
But with so much thrown into the mix, and some tracks in poor audio quality, have MRS packed "Too Much" into the one release.
Go here as EIN's Nigel Patterson & Piers Beagley check out the positives and negatives in their in-depth review.
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork) |
'Elvis - Made In Germany’ In-Depth Review: The new MRS 'Elvis - Made In Germany – The Complete Private Recordings’ 4CD set contains more than 3 hours of the private recordings Elvis made while off duty in Germany when he was serving as a soldier in the US army during the 1958 -1960 period and, includes rare tracks from a recently discovered tape comprising over an hour of unheard personal recordings.
The 152-page hardback book contains rare photographs and documents plus a comprehensive text provided by Gordon Minto, which discusses each of Elvis’ RCA studio (non-film) recording sessions held during 1957-58, before focusing on the private recordings he made in Germany.
The BONUS CD features the essential RCA studio masters from 1957-58.
With such an expansive book, along with hours of Elvis jamming with his friends in Germany, there is plenty to discuss as well as finding out what extra material this set contains over the official releases.
Go here as EIN's Nigel Patterson & Piers Beagley provide an in-depth review of this new MRS release
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork) |
EIN's reviews of other MRS releases:
The Complete 50s Movie Masters Session Recordings
Elvis Studio Sessions '56 The Complete Recordings
The Complete Works 1953-1955
Elvis On Television 1956-1960
Elvis Live in the 50s The Complete Concert Recordings
Off Duty with Private Presley
Tupelo's Own Elvis Presley
Memphis Recording Service Volume 2 'The Rise of Elvis Presley' 1955
Memphis Recording Service Volume 1 'The Beginning of Elvis Presley' 1953-1954
'The Complete ‘50s Movie Masters And Session Recordings' In-Depth Review: This MRS 'The Complete ‘50s Movie Masters And Session Recordings' 5CD/Book combo pays tribute to Elvis Presley’s complete music recordings made for his movies during the 1950s.
The 5CDs contain the complete works of the master and session studio recordings made for each of Elvis’ movies during the 1950s, and all tracks have been remastered.
The 200-page book focuses on each of the recording sessions held for the four motion pictures made between August 1956 and March 1958.
The comprehensive text is complemented by rare and previously unseen photographs and documentation.
So what surprises will collectors discover in this new set, what is in this new collection that FTD have missed and how good will the audio sound.
Go here as EIN's Nigel Patterson & Piers Beagley provide an in-depth review of this new MRS release
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork) |
‘ELVIS: Studio Sessions 1956' In-Depth Review: MRS newest release, a massive 3CD/172 page book compilation "Elvis Studio Sessions ‘56 The Complete Recordings". The 172-page book, with text by Gordon Minto, focuses on each of Elvis’ studio recording sessions during his first year of national stardom - from the first one in January, held in Nashville, then later in New York, before finishing his final session of the year in Hollywood in September. The full and comprehensive text is complemented by rare and previously unseen photographs and pieces of documentation.
The 3CDs contain the complete archival master and session studio recordings of Elvis Presley from 1956, along with bonus interviews. All 90 tracks have been remastered and restored. Also for the first time on CD is the complete ‘The Truth About Me’ from an original US 45rpm flexi-disc. Also included are all the out-takes from this interview.
Once again MRS release a first putting all of Elvis' key 1956 Studio Session masters onto one disc, with the addition of two other fully-packed cds of 1956 material and a stunning 172 page book. But what does this set offer over other previous releases
Go here as EIN's Nigel Patterson and Piers Beagley check out this new volume from MRS to find what is on offer. Includes stunning example photos & a detailed audio investigation.
(Book Review: Source;ElvisInformationNetwork) |
EIN Website content © Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
Elvis Presley, Elvis and Graceland are trademarks of Elvis Presley Enterprises.
The Elvis Information Network has been running since 1986 and is an EPE officially recognised Elvis fan club.