'Elvis: Day By Day 2019'
The Year In Review
- Book Review by Joan Gansky -
2019 was a year of many celebrations. It marked the 50th anniversary of
Elvis Presley's triumphant return to live performing and the release of
two of his most iconic recordings, "Suspicious Minds" and “In The Ghetto”.
Sadly 2019 also marks the 42nd anniversary of his untimely death. Elvis Presley will soon have been gone for longer than he was among us, but he left a permanent mark.
His cultural impact may very well have been more visible and ‘alive’ during the last 42 years than when he was actually alive. And so is the Elvis-world today.
Kees Mouwen's "Elvis Day By Day 2019 - The year in Review" compiles a comprehensive and illustrated chronology of ‘everything Elvis from 2019’ in one physical reference book.
The full color book measures 20 x 25 cm, contains 300 pages with more than 500 illustrations. The book is now available on-line as both a paperback and hardcover edition.
EIN's good friend Joan Gansky provides a lovely insider's review of this new book
Joan Gansky first met Elvis on August 18, 1967. She was lucky because not only was she in the audience for Elvis' TV musical renaissance of the '68 NBC Special but she also saw Elvis at his most dynamic - first at his August 22nd 1969 Midnight Show and then the following night at his August 23rd Dinner Show. |
EIN's good friend Joan Gansky reviews the new book 'Elvis: Day by Day - 2019 - The Year in Review'
What an amazing book this is! This book is not only a daily diary of all Elvis news for 2019, it contains precise and detailed facts on every album, CD, book etc. released, including European issues and "bootlegs" as well as FTD releases.. they are all here!
Older Elvis fans will probably remember the "Elvis Special" annuals put together by Albert Hand in the UK when Elvis was alive.
These were fairly basic, around 80 pages and with very little probing content. They often listed Elvis songs, films and included lots of (usually rather substandard) black and white photos. Occasionally they featured a skimpy film or album review from the year and then perhaps a lightweight article on what fans thought of Elvis!
To be honest I did have a few articles printed in them back in the day! But these, of course, were pre-internet and, my, how things have changed since then.
Elvis has been gone 42 years and yet in this new 'Elvis Special 2019' author Kees Mouwen has put together a totally packed 300-page colour book of everything Elvis in 2019.
As he notes in the preface, Elvis' legacy seems to be more alive in 2019 than it did back in those "Elvis Specials" years.
The real impact of this compendium is to discover that something "ELVIS" was published or announced, or featured in the media, almost every day last year.
- and that's without including the regular UK tabloid rubbish!
The day-by-day information is laid out in three-columns and is easy to read. With plenty of full-page images of Elvis, for a self-produced book, it is beautifully designed.
Along with the daily news there are detailed articles pertinent to these happenings of 2019, written by Elvis experts in their field (including EIN's Nigel Patterson, Piers Beagley and others).
Fabulous photo of Elvis taken from the book's review of 'St. Paul to Wichita '74' FTD
I must also comment on the great quality of the photos included throughout the book, that definitely enhance the overall appeal and the carefully researched and detailed written information.
Each month is also accompanied by at least one review of the month's major Elvis release.
The book's reviews look at all kinds of releases from SONY to MRS vinyl to Erik Lorentzen's books plus all the major FTD releases.
Taking January 2019 alone as an example, the month featured multiple vinyl and CD releases (bootleg and FTD), Elvis' Birthday, the Elvis Graceland auction, several new Elvis book announcements, Elvis magazines, Elvis on the front of the US TV Guide, Rick Stanley, Reggie Young and Harold Bradley died, 'Elvis In Concert' played in Mexico City, plus Elvis featured in the US charts. And January certainly wasn't the busiest month!
For January 2019 the book also includes a lengthy review of the FTD 'St. Paul to Wichita 74' double soundboard (the positive review makes one want to go and revisit it) plus a review of the two Paul Belard books released that month.
Of course almost all of this can be found if you want to search the internet - (the acknowledgements indicate just how many sources the author uses) - however the book puts it all together in a much more accessible way. And what a delight to find a detailed Index at the back.
Having this book handy to refer to when a thought or question regarding Elvis pops into conversation (or your own head!) - will prove invaluable.. especially the size being so compact! I find my heavy, over-sized "deluxe" Elvis books get "used" less and less these days.
The author notes that several of the reviews are brand new for the book and have never been published elsewhere. I was interested to read new reviews on releases such as the 'Elvis In Paris' book, Lorentzen's 'Elvis Now In Person', the Dutch 'De Elvis 100', 'Elvis Is Back Sessions' and others.
We are both honored and proud that this book features my husband Paul's photographs and my fond memories of August '69 at the International Las Vegas!
When I wrote them back at that time, I never dreamed 50 years later they would be printed in any book, especially one of this high caliber. This ongoing deep interest is due to Elvis Presley and the enduring love for and appreciation of him by his fans worldwide.
The book neatly ends with Shane Brown's excellent look back at "2010-2019: Decade In Review"
The 2020 Graceland Auction announcement demonstrates the book's stylish design
Overall Verdict: I do try to keep up with all things "Elvis" but was pleasantly surprised to read something new to me on nearly every page! It kept me engrossed throughout - as I learned details and facts that were either new to me, or I had, sadly, forgotten.
I thoroughly recommend this book - if you are reading this, then you are an Elvis fan, and I am sure you will enjoy and appreciate it too!
My congratulations and thanks to author Kees Mouwen on an exceptional book project so very well done!
We wonder what Albert Hand would think if he was still alive today.
- Joan Gansky
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Review by Joan Gansky.
-Copyright EIN February 2020
EIN Website content © Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
Elvis Day By Day 2019 - now available from Amazon:
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