I have known Keith Alverson for many years and I'm very proud to call him my good friend. Keith is a great photographer and has travelled on many tours and to Las Vegas to photograph Elvis. He captured some of the most incredible shots that I have ever see of Elvis on stage. Keith let me use many of his photographs in my magazine that I had published in Memphis after Elvis died, back in the late seventies and early eighties.
Keith's photos of Elvis bring back so many cherished memories to my family and me. It's been said that the picture is a moment frozen in time. This picture book of moments reflects the life the Elvis so loved. Let it take you back in time and listen to the music.
Believe me, this photo book will be a treasure for every Elvis fan! What a wonderful tribute to Elvis Presley! What a great gift to all of us who loved him so much!
Thank you Keith. - Billy Smith, June 2017
Most EIN readers will have already read about Keith Alverson's incredible journey to become one of the world's best Elvis photographers in our extensive interview from July last year.
We learnt in detail that Alverson was born in Atlanta, Georgia, that his first Elvis concert was the November 14, 1971, Tuscaloosa, AL show and that between 1971 and 1977 Alverson took close to 2,800 photos of Elvis.
In the first interview Alverson explained how he also photographed plenty of other entertainers including Neil Diamond, Bruce Springsteen, Waylon Jennings, Ronnie Milsap, Ricky Nelson, Stevie Nicks, Tom Jones and Elton John.
We discovered what he thought of The Colonel, "We never got along at all" and also discussed Elvis' later decline and even how Alverson could judge if a later concert would be good or bad right from the start. "If Elvis' knuckles would appear normal I could always expect an energetic and alert performance compared to when his hands would be puffy or swollen."
To read all these insights and more please check out EIN's Keith Alverson interview "Strictly Elvis 1973 - 1974 - 1975".
While there is no need to repeat those questions fans do want to know more about the second volume of Keith Alverson's photos and what they might find in the new book "Strictly Elvis 1976 - 1977".
EIN: Thanks for finding time to talk with us again about your final book of photos. I believe you will be soon heading to Memphis and Elvis Week?
Keith Alverson: Yes …. I will be arriving in Memphis early in the week. Elvis Week will begin August 10 at the convention I will be appearing with my books! I will be at the Magnuson Grand Hotel on Brooks Road (about a mile north of Graceland) I will be at the Holiday Inn Express on EP Blvd August 15-16. Billy and Jo Smith will be there as well on the 16th.
EIN: First let me ask how many pages this second volume will be and how many photos it will contain? Are you glad to have the final book finished? How long did it take you?
Keith Alverson: Strictly Elvis Voume 2 has 432 color pages and contains over 1200 photos from 1976-1977! I am sort of relieved to have finished this book all the while it was fun and interesting to see some of the photos that I have never seen before it seemed after 40 years of being tucked away in negative protectors. It took over six months to scan all of the negatives while correcting the years of abuse that the photo labs scratched and neglected. Then another month of writing and compiling information for each concert I attended.
EIN: How many concerts does this new book cover, and what was your first concert of 1976?
Keith Alverson: Strictly Elvis Voume 2 covers 26 concerts, the first being Johnson City, TN - March 19, 1976 , there are probably over 800 unpublished photos to my knowledge that fans will never have seen before.
EIN: That's a treasure trove of unseen images. Sadly we all know of Elvis' sad decline over these two years. Do fans really need to see so many images of an unhealthy Elvis?
Keith Alverson: I believe the true fans will appreciate the total amount of photos that I took during his final two years of his life. As I have stated before, "Strictly Elvis" Volumes 1 and 2 will include every single shot that I took while on tour, along with every photo of the back up band and back up singers as well. Nothing was left out and that was my intention from the start. Erik Lorentzen , the publisher left it up to me to choose what I wanted to share with the fans. So if there is anybody that has a problem with the format or selection of photos that appear in this book don't blame Erik, come and see me .. ok?
Even though I agree Elvis doesn't look the best, I still stand firm with my decision to include everything. If for only historical purposes, or mainly for the fact of if not now … when would it be appropriate to release all of the images I possess? I will always believe Elvis Presley was the most photographed human being on the planet. And this was accomplished in just over 20 years! These photos are my legacy, I now feel good about sharing all of my photos with the fans. I can relax now and sit back and watch the massive amount of internet sharing of countless images of my work. … LOL!
EIN: I am sure some fans will not be interested in seeing yet more photos of Elvis overweight and wearing that terrible "Bi-Centennial" blousey jumpsuit. What do you say to them?
Keith Alverson: If they are any kind of serious Elvis fan I believe they will appreciate the photos, many unseen to the public eye. I certainly can attest to the fact if the majority of the most critical remarks possibly made, if those few with a negative nature will turn and face their own personal mirror and then make judgement on their own image! Do we judge all entertainers with the same high standards that Elvis had to uphold everywhere he appeared? We seem to forget his unbelievable voice and stage presence he possessed when in the public eye! We, the devoted fans owe this man that much respect I believe!
While Elvis only wore maybe 10 different jumpsuits over the 2 year period on stage, there are some awesome photos that I trust will be enjoyable for the fans. I began to shoot with a flash unit at the Atlanta shows in June of 1976. It appeared that many of the venues used poor lighting such as Charlotte, NC in March of 1976. I didn't prefer flash photography during concerts, but I was forced to utilize the flash in order to capture the true colors and action that was conceived on stage!
EIN: Elvis certainly had a tough ride in 1976. He did nine mini-tours and two Casino seasons. How many of those did you get to see?
Keith Alverson: I was fortunate to attend as many shows as I could while working a regular job at home. I traveled from Florida to Philadelphia to Indianapolis to Alabama! I did not attend any Las Vegas or Lake Tahoe engagements.
EIN: Did you feel it was a roll-of-the-dice whether you got a good or bad performance in these last years?
Keith Alverson: It was always a chance you would catch a below average show in the last few years, but again, nobody forced you to go watch his performances! I have no regrets spending my hard earned money for any of the concerts I witnessed. Sure some were lackluster, but again I am fortunate to have lived in his lifetime I believe.
EIN: One of the things I liked the best with your first book was being able to sit down and listen to Elvis' performance while looking through hundreds of photos from the actual concert.
As FTD have officially released so many shows from 1976 - and so many more are out on bootleg - I am sure it will be the same with this volume.
When compiling this 1976-77 book, did your relive each concert via soundboard recordings and does it bring back amazing memories?
Keith Alverson: I will admit that I did utilize some of the boots and FTD releases to acquire the atmosphere of some of the shows I photographed. Plus to enhance my memory on what songs he sang as well. Those live recordings certainly assisted in some of my text for sure. It certainly was the right decision to include the correct songs for each concert for those most critical readers.
Elvis live in Birmingham, December 29, 1976
EIN: Some of your December '76 Birmingham photos capture Elvis at one of the most energetic concerts of the year. How many photos did you take at that concert and what memories do you have?
Keith Alverson: The Birmingham and Atlanta shows in December of 1976 was for sure the best period of shows in 1976! I only wish I had traveled to Pittsburgh for the New Year's Eve performance. I took 65 photos at the Birmingham show and 85 shots at the Atlanta show. I had a much better seat at the Atlanta show so I took advantage of this and took more pics. These shows were very special for these reasons... his appearance, the song selection, and the addition of his piano segment ("Unchained Melody"). Also seemed these shows were a little over the 60 minute standard routine outline.
EIN: By 1976 had you worked out more of a system to get good concert tickets or was it still a matter of luck or ticket scaplers?
Keith Alverson: I learned to locate seat position at most shows, but still there were times I could not sit or stand exactly where I preferred of course. Most of the time I was lucky at finding tickets just before many of the concerts the last couple of years.
Alverson's future wife Marsha McFarland gets a kiss from Elvis at his Huntsville 1976 concert.
EIN: One of the delightful surprises in your previous books was your personal stories about each concert, having trouble with Col Parker, seeing the band arrive before the concert and so on. You also met your future wife Marsha. Are there more personal stories in this volume and by 1976 did Marsha go to every concert with you?
Keith Alverson: I didn't actually meet Marsha until August of 1978 in Memphis at an Elvis convention. In Huntsville, Al in May of 1975 we were both sitting on the first row (5 seats apart) but didn't know each other at the time! Marsha was at the stage at the show in Huntsville again in September of 1976. She got a blue scarf and a kiss (Marsha is wearing the red dress). I could not get a ticket to this show. Elvis photographer Ron Wolfe took two photos of her at the stage. (photo above) So, in fact, Marsha and I never went to any of the Elvis concerts together.
EIN: As you became better known to Elvis' team (and also Col Parker) did this make it easier or harder for you to get close and take good photos?
Keith Alverson: I didn't have any problems the last two years with Parker or any of the other staff at the shows. I certainly was not given any privileges while shooting the photos!
EIN: In 1976-1977 what do you think was the worst Elvis performance that you attended and does it show in the photos?
Keith Alverson: I think the worst conditions was at the Charlotte show in March of 1976. The lighting was terrible and Elvis did not appear well during the show. HIs hairstyle was unusual with the bangs as seen in the photos.
EIN: Elvis had changed so much since his slimmer lively concerts of the previous year 1975, had you any idea how troubled he really was by is health?
Keith Alverson: I only thought at the time that Elvis was not healthy and should maybe change his diet and get a different doctor that really cared about his well being.
EIN: Elvis' shows seem to still sell-out whenever he played even in his last two years when some concerts received poor reviews. Did you ever have trouble finding hotel rooms or have to pay high prices to get accommodation?
Keith Alverson: The only time I had a problem with hotel room availability was in Largo, Md in late June of 1976. With the Bicentennial celebration of 200 years of freedom in America and being in the nation's capital of Washington, D.C., there were so many people in town that week that I had a difficult time finding a place to sleep the night before the Elvis concerts. I ended up staying about 30 miles from the venue in a handicap room. I really never paid a tremendous amount for a room. (See Largo concert photos above)
EIN: What memories do you have of the final June Indianapolis show - from the soundboard we have Elvis seems more energised that early 1977?
Keith Alverson: The Indianapolis show was in my opinion, the best all around show of 1977. It was almost like he knew that this would be his final appearance. I only regret that I didn't have a better seat in order to take more photos! The Cincinnati and Indianapolis shows were so much better than the two concerts selected for the CBS Special. Parker should have filmed the entire tour and selected the best footage for the tv show.
Elvis at his final concert, Indianapolis, June 26, 1977
EIN: How many photos did you take at the final concert?
Keith Alverson: I only took less than 10 shots! I never sat in my designated seat. I only walked around and finally took a few photos at the side of the stage before I left during the final song to catch him driving out of the arena. Another reason I didn't take more of this show was of course the fact he wore the "Sundial" jumpsuit and I had plenty already not knowing that this would be his final show!
EIN: In this new volume what performances do you think capture the best? Ones that are your favorites?
Keith Alverson: My favorite photos in this book of course would be Birmingham and Atlanta in December of 1976! I like the photos from the Richmond,VA concert in June of 1976.
EIN: Have you the same deal with selling this new volume, that US fans should buy it direct from you?
Keith Alverson: I will be the sole distributor in the US …. the reason of course being the high postage cost for the foreign fans. Erik Lorentzen will take care of the European sector as he did for Volume 1.
EIN: And I hear that you will be in Memphis for Elvis Week. Can fans get signed copies direct from you?
Keith Alverson: I will be in Memphis during ELvis Week and I will be signing the books for the fans there as long as I have the books available. I will have a limited amount with me this year. I will also have Volume 1 available as well for the fans that didn't purchase it last year. I will be in Norway with the photo books with James Burton and Jerry Sheff for 3 concerts in 3 different cities September 21-23. I am really looking forward to meeting many fans there and taking in the beautiful country of Norway! I wish the fans reading this interview would check my face book page so they can stay in touch with me and keep up with where I will be in the future.
Keith Alverson: Thank you Piers for giving me the opportunity to express my thoughts and to give you the answers to your questions for your readers as well.
EIN: Keith, thanks for finding time to talk with me. From the photos I've seen I'm looking forward to seeing the whole book and reading more of your personal stories of being there at Elvis' final two years on stage.
*** US FANS - Contact KEITH ALVERSON to see if any copies of the book are still available - or ask your local Elvis dealer.
EIN's Piers Beagley interviewed Keith Alverson August 5th, 2018
Please note that low-res scans used in this review do not show the true quality of the images.
Interview by Piers Beagley.
-Copyright EIN August 2018
EIN Website content © Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
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You can buy STRICTLY ELVIS direct from the Elvis Files - Or CLICK HERE to www.Elvisfiles
(PLEASE Note- Your local Elvis dealer MAY have it even cheaper - so do ask around. EIN cannot know exactly what all international dealers are charging.)
'Strictly Elvis: 1973-74-75' Book Review: Photographer Keith Alverson's new book with Erik Lorentzen was the perfect new publication for Elvis Week 2017.
Keith Alverson first saw Elvis in concert in the early 70s when he secretly smuggled in his small pocket camera to sneak a few photos of Elvis from there he went from strength to strength. One his first Elvis' concerts where he was able to get quality photos of Elvis in concert was Elvis in Atlanta, July 1973 after which he saw Elvis over 80 times live on stage.
Alverson's outstanding photos of Elvis in his "Phoenix" jumpsuits are known by every Elvis fan. With 1,500 photos this book concentrating on Elvis from 1973-1975 has the possibilty to be a real stunner.
With the book arriving a little late in Australia EIN's Piers Beagley has at last had the chance to discover whether the book really lives up to its publicity -- Hint - It really does!
Go here to our in-depth review of this stunning book - with plenty of example pages. Now updated with reader comments including super-fan Jeanne P who saw Elvis 19 times in concert.
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)
'The World of FTD' In-Depth Review: The new deluxe book 'The World Of FTD' has been received by some lucky fans and Elvis collector Mike Lodge has provided EIN with a very detailed review - of well over 3 thousand words!
The book was authored and designed by Keith Flynn with input from a large number of other Elvis specialists including EIN's Piers Beagley, EM&HM's Trevor Cajiao, Geoffrey McDonnell, Gordon Minto and many others.
It is 1,200 pages, hardbound three book set, chronicling every release by FTD.The book also features 100s of high-quality photos from the collection Erik Lorentzen
KJ Consulting are proud to publish this Box Set which weighs 8 kilos.
Unfortunately the book has not arrived in Australia yet so I have not seen the final product!
Go here to see his very detailed review - plus more new preview pages - EIN thanks Mike Lodge for the review
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
- 'Ultimate Elvis' Book Review: 'Ultimate Elvis – The Complete And Definitive Recording Sessions' is a this three-volume, deluxe set that not only comprises all the session information available to date, based on Keith Flynn's incomparable website and includes comprehensive notes on each session, discographies, letters, original sheet music covers plus huge index all included in its 1,800 pages.
The book includes around 3,000 stunning high-quality photographs many of them previously unseen, relating to the time period in question.
The promotional publicity for this three-volume set was very impressive with the original publishing date of August 2014 missed as more photographs were discovered and the content expanded. Finally published in December 2014, Elvis enthusiast Brian Quinn checks out this astounding deluxe package to discover if it is as good as promised.
Go HERE to check out Brian Quinn's review - Now updated with some detailed comments from author Shane Brown and Elvis expert Jordan Ritchie - -
(Book Reviews, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNet) |