'The Elvis Files Magazine'
EIN checks out Issue #5
The seven Elvis Files volumes 1-7 are a very ambitious project by Erik Lorentzen that will carefully document almost every single day of Elvis' life from 1954 to 1977, covering everything from what he wore on stage, to who he met, rare interviews, candid photos and newly discovered images.
Not only is Erik Lorentzen releasing his beautiful Elvis Files books but now an associated quarterly magazine is available!
His collection of Elvis articles and exclusive photos is so extensive that he has more than can fit into his books.
EIN checks out September 2013 - Issue # 5 of this new magazine below ... |
COMING SOON - Elvis Files Magazine Vol.6:
'Elvis Files Magazine Issue.6' OUT SOON:
December 1, - Erik Lorentzen notes that the new 'Elvis Files Magazine Vol.6' will be printed next week. So get in your orders now.
Includes the articles...
- CBS Studio, New York 1956 Candid Photos
- It’s A Miracle Elvis Is A Star - by former schoolteacher
- Elvis Cracked Up in Anaheim, November 30, 1976
- The Last Concerts of the Fifties, Honolulu Stadium 1957
Plus - - NEVER BEFORE SEEN Jacksonville Florida candids
The magazine costs 'delivered to your door'
58 Euros for one-year subscription to anywhere in the world,
Click here to ORDER 'Elvis Files Magazine' at The Elvis Files website> www.elvisfiles.no
Published Setember 2013, issue 5 of The Elvis Files Magazine.
As publisher Erik Lorentzen notes in the introduction to The Elvis Files magazine issue 5,
it’s already a year since this fine magazine started. Ain’t it funny how time slips away!
This magazine series is about newly discovered unpublished photographs of Elvis along with articles that some reason or another missed publication in Erik Lorentzen’s Elvis Files series of books – and there are more marvels revealed in this issue.
And what an intro - I love the super-cool title page (shown above) with Elvis rehearsing for GI Blues looking ultra-relaxed with cigarillo in hand. What a cracker!
Please note that all photos in this article are very low-res scans and deliberately do not represent the image quality of the magazine. Sadly some unscrupulous fans are copying them to other sites. Please do not do this.
The amazing discovery this time is the never-before-published photographs of Elvis in November 1956 with Alis Lesley, the ‘Female Presley’.
Twenty-one stunning new photos from the Silver Slipper Casino – eight of them blown up to full-page size.
As the fascinating article notes..
…Ever since a Mississippi boy named Elvis Presley switched from country music to rock 'n' roll and made a fortune in the process, record companies have been combing the words for a girl who can do to men what Elvis does for the fair sex. Many of the sharper inhabitants of New York's Brill Building —current headquarters of 'Tin Pan Alley' — are certain that the industry has finally found what it's been looking for in 15-year old Alis Lesley.
The Phoenix, Arizona blonde, whose name, by accident or design, is a sound-alike for the ‘Pelvis’, plays an electric guitar, wiggles when she sings. In fact does everything that Elvis does except wear sideburns. The result is a top selling act that leaves its teenage audience panting and shouting for more. "Alis the Malice," as her fans call here, indignantly denies any attempts to copy the famous Presley singing style, "I've never copied Elvis," she drawls "In fact, I just caught his performance recently. You know, I've been singing ever since my 13th birthday".
Once again the magazine continues with the unpublished Frank Powolny photographs from his September 1956 photo shoot, continuing with more full-page shots.
Another highlight is the feature by Hollywood’s Lloyd Shearer "How Elvis Changed His Public Image" from the set of 1962’s "World Fair".
It includes some delightfully honest comments from Elvis….
…How has Presley managed to change his public image? "The simple truth," Elvis says, "is that at the beginning a lot of people called me immoral and obscene without knowing anything at all about me. They just didn't like my act. They didn't think I could sing one way and behave another. I never thought my act was immoral, and I don't think so now. And I don't think I've changed in any of the fundamentals."
"Sure, I've got more money, more material things, also more responsibilities. But I was raised to treat people, all people, with respect and courtesy, and I've always done that. My mother and daddy... they raised me to consider other people's feelings, not to kick anybody on the way up or the way down.
… And to my way of thinking, it's more important for me to surround myself with people who can give happiness and receive happiness. Because if I've learned anything I've learned that you only pass through this life once, Jack. You don't come back for an encore.
"I've had intellectuals tell me," Presley continues, "that I've got to progress as an actor, explore new horizons, take on new challenges, all that routine. I'd like to progress. But I'm smart enough to realize that you can't bit off more than you can chew in this racket. You can't go beyond your limitations."
Left: Elvis at World's Fair movie set in 1962 - Right:Another full-page of revealing Alis Lesley photos
Other articles include...
-- Shelley Fabares & Elvis
-- Interview with William A Graham (director of ‘Change Of Habit’)
this features a great selection of candid photos with Elvis playing football on the movie set. (see below)
-- ‘Elvis My Best Man’ Interview with George Klein – again with some marvellous new photos from his wedding. Why Klein didn’t include these in his recent biography is non-comprehendible.
-- Elvis Jumpsuits ‘White Fringe Suit’
-- Memphis Tennesse February 15 1961 – an interesting feature on Elvis at the Claridge Hotel presentation and the Memphis concert afterwards.
Super fan, Virginia Coons daughter again continues her story about meeting Elvis and there are plenty more candid photographs from outside his LA Hillcrest home from 1968.
I’ve previously seen some of the photographs with Elvis holding his own Christmas album to sign, but here we get the full story including...
… The signatures we got this night are my favorites and are the only ones signed "to" us. In several photos you can see Mom holding the 1957 Elvis Christmas Album. Inside it, and attached to it was a color photo book the size of the album. I had purchased it from another fan and it was terribly beat-up. But the Jailhouse Rock photo in it that I liked the best was in good condition and even had a white border that was perfect to have him sign. He signed it "To Elaine, Elvis Presley" and I watched him sign it. I framed it! Of everything "Elvis" that I own this is my most prized possession.
And once again we learn more about the human side of Elvis…
…. Elvis was wearing a blue suit and a small blue hat and he had a long yellow scarf with dark stripes around his neck. One of the boys stopped the car in the driveway where we were standing and Elvis stepped out with two balloons, a pink one and a blue one. … Elvis came over to where we were standing and he had a mischievous grin on his face. We couldn't imagine what he was up to.
Elvis said, "I want to show you something." He handed one of the balloons and his cigar to someone and began trying to untie the blue balloon. After having a little trouble undoing the knot he got it open. Then he put it in his mouth and took a deep breath. It was a helium balloon and he started talking like Mickey Mouse.
Mom was horrified and said, "Oh, Elvis - your voice!" Elvis looked at her with a little-boy grin and said in a really high-squeaky voice, "Doesn't affect me at all."
He was such a nut! Elvis took the pink balloon in to show Lisa. She was only about 9 months old. I can imagine him teasing her with that Mickey Mouse voice!
Towards the end the magazine includes the all-important feature from the August 1957 African-American JET magazine where Elvis had the chance to reject the rumour of the racist slur that had been mentioned elsewhere in the media....
It includes..
… Not only do negroes know Presley; Presley knows Negroes. "I always wanted to sing like Billy Kenny of the Ink Spots," he said, explaining how he first envisioned a singing career. "I like that high, smooth style." Elvis' present earthy, moaning baritone is a fluke, as he describes it. "I never sang like this in my life until I made that first record — That's Alright, Mama," he says. "I remembered that song because I heard Arthur (Big Boy) Crudup sing it and I thought I would like to try it. That was it."
Presley is frank about his own contributions to the medium. "A lot of people seem to think I started this business," he musses, "but rock 'n' roll was here a long time before I came along. Nobody can sing that kind of music like colored people. Let's face it: I can't sing it like Fats Domino can. I know that. But I always like that kind of music. I used to go to the colored churches when I was a kid - like Rev. Brewster's Church.
With this background, how did the Elvis Presley rumor ever start? One of his associates sees it as the natural result of success, coupled with his Mississippi birthplace. "People will always try to start something like that about a celebrity," he said, adding: "It's a stupid rumor. To Elvis people are people, regardless of race, color or creed."
There is also a seven page feature on Elvis’ 1968 Comeback Special with seven large photos helping to promote Lorentzen’s new ‘King Of The Jungle’ book to be published in early 2014.
Overall Verdict: With only one more volume still to be published in The Elvis Files book series these magazines have proven that they indeed nicely continue Erik Lorentzen’s presentation of newly found photos and interesting articles.
This magazine series is a real joy for anyone who loves great quality and previously unpublished Elvis photos. Over 100 photos, the majority previously unpublished, in 68 pages - Grab a copy or borrow a friends!
Please note that all photos in this article are very low-res scans and do not represent the image quality of the magazine.
Review by Piers Beagley.
-Copyright EIN October 2013 - DO NOT COPY -
EIN Website content © Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
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If you are an Elvis fan interested in newly uncovered stories about our man as well as unpublished photos then this magaizne is well worth checking out – CLICK HERE for more info and subscription.
The magazine costs 'delivered to your door'
58 Euros for one-year subscription to anywhere in the world,
Click here to ORDER 'Elvis Files Magazine' at The Elvis Files website> www.elvisfiles.no
While I am noted as being a contributor to this magazine I did not assist with this issue. I am however looking for content for future issues.
Click here for more information about ALL the Elvis Files books
- Erik Lorentzen
The Seven-Volume series and proposed publishing dates are:
The Elvis Files Vol. 1,1953-1956, (April 2013)
The Elvis Files Vol. 2,1957-1959, (November 2010)
The Elvis Files Vol. 3,1960-1964, (April 2010)
The Elvis Files Vol. 4,1965-1968, (December 2011)
The Elvis Files Vol. 5,1969-1970, (August 2012)
The Elvis Files Vol. 6,1971-1973, (August 2013)
The Elvis Files Vol. 7,1974-1977, (early 2014)
'Elvis Files Magazine ISSUE 4' - Review: Published last month, the June Issue of the Elvis Files magazine once again features Elvis stories, as well as new unpublished Elvis photos, that would be missed from Lorentzen's "Elvis Files" series of books. EIN has been overseas recently so we've been running a little late with reviews.
Favourite features this time include 'Elvis attending Nancy Sinatra’s 1970 opening night' and ten years earlier 'Elvis’ April 1960 train journey to L.A.' - plus the ten pages dedicated to Elvis and Debra Paget.
There are of course plenty of other articles in the magazine including ....
- Elvis Live October 1976 at Fort Wayne
- Elvis Live October 1957 in LA and San Francisco.
- Elvis and his famous luxury gold Cadillac.
- Hedda Hopper "He is the Greatest Phenomenon"
Plus plenty more Rare Candids not featured in previous Elvis Files books.
Go HERE as EIN investigates the new June issue- with plenty of rare Elvis photos.
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork)
'Elvis Files Magazine ISSUE 3' - Review: Released March 2013, this magazine was created by Erik Lorentzen in order to feature Elvis stories that would not fit into his "Elvis Files" series of books - as well as a place to include all the extra new unpublished Elvis photos that he has recently purchased.
The real score here is of course that Erik Lorentzen has managed to get hold of Frank Powolny’s 1956 September photographs - and there are plenty here over twenty good size shots - and in great quality too.
There are of course plenty of other articles in the magazine including ....
- A look at Elvis and Mary Ann Mobley
- Rare photos from 'Follow That Dream'.
- Personal fan stories of meeting Elvis
- Elvis Gospel in his 68 Maroon suit
- Ann-Margret: The Girlfriend Who Isn’t One.
Plus plenty more Rare Candids not featured in previous Elvis Files books.
Go HERE as EIN investigates the new March issue- with plenty of rare Elvis photos.
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork)
'Elvis Files Magazine Issue 2' - Review: Released last month, this magazine was created by Erik Lorentzen in order to feature Elvis stories that would not fit into his "Elvis Files" series of books - as well as a place to include all the extra new unpublished Elvis photos that he has recently purchased.
I have seen little about this December magazine publication elsewhere on the Internet and yet I found it another excellent magazine, and for me even more interesting than the first issue.
The real treat here is Lorentzen’s personal story of meeting Elvis and visiting Graceland, as well as lots of exclusive on-stage photos taken during that 1975 tour by the Norwegian fan club.
There are of course plenty of other articles in the magazine including ....
- Elvis and The Martial Arts – by Master Kang Ree.
- "The World of Elvis Jumpsuits" – Featuring the unusual Black PasSaRyu Karate jacket from August/ September 1974.
- Elvis and The DIG magazine. Four great pages of candids from April 1956
- A rare Elvis Interview from 1964.
Plus plenty more Rare Candids not featured in previous Elvis Files books.
Go HERE as EIN investigates the new publication - with plenty of rare Elvis photos.
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork)
The Elvis Files Magazine - ISSUE 1 : Not only is Erik Lorentzen releasing his beautiful Elvis Files books but now an associated quarterly magazine is available - and issue #1 recently arrived in Australia. Lorentzen's collection of Elvis articles and exclusive photos is so extensive that he has more than he can ever fit into his books.
EIN recently asked Erik Lorentzen a few questions to clarify a few points for magazine subscribers and to find out more.
(BookReviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)
EIN Website content © Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
Elvis Presley, Elvis and Graceland are trademarks of Elvis Presley Enterprises.
The Elvis Information Network has been running since 1986 and is an EPE officially recognised Elvis fan club.