The Baz Luhrmann Movie Sydney Premiere
June 5, 2022 - EIN was there!
Spotlight by Piers Beagley
It was as far back at May 2014 that EIN first reported that fellow-Australian Baz Luhrmann had started working on his concept for a stunningly fabulous ELVIS movie. At the time there were plenty of skeptics that didn't believe that this Academy award-winning director of The Great Gatsby, Strictly Ballroom, Romeo + Juliet, Australia and Moulin Rouge could be interested in an ELVIS biopic but we were proved right.
Last night, Sunday June 5 2022, EIN's Piers Beagley attended the ELVIS Sydney Premiere and finally got to see this beautiful Baz Luhrmann masterpiece.. |
The Sydney Premiere of Baz Luhrmann's ELVIS movie was presented in the glorious Sydney State Theatre where Luhrmann's first film 'Strictly Ballroom' happened to be featured thirty years ago at the 1992 Sydney Film Festival.
EIN's Piers Beagley was also there in 1992 and was lucky enough to be part of the 2022 ELVIS celebration.
The evening was part of Sydney's VIVID festival and before the actual Premiere, director Baz Luhrmann spent an hour in conversation discussing his life in movies, as well as his thoughts on ELVIS.
This is part of what he had to say..
Baz Luhrmann: My least favourite expression is “the problem with that is.. ” whereas I just need to say Yes and find the solution. To be honest while you are going to see 'ELVIS' tonight, I don't think I ever truly finish a movie, it just gets taken away from me by the distributors, like a baby! In my mind you can always do more. I have an original four hour version of the film.. which I'd love you to see.. but had to edit it down to two 1/2 hours for theatrical release. But there is a real line you cross at various test screenings when you know it's working... and can go out into the world.
I am always creating stuff and I don't see myself as a “film maker” per-se, I see my life as a creative venture. I come from a very small country town in New South Wales. I've always loved musicals and we watched old-time movies on TV. I lived in a great world of fantasy. I was always terribly enthusiastic but when you're 15 being an enthusiast is incredibly uncool!
For my films I pick up a primary myth, using it as some underlying structure. At one point, for instance, I was thinking of setting ‘Moulin Rouge’ in Studio 54 for instance! But in the end Paris seemed right. However I need to find the validity in my idea and then discover how can find a worth in putting it out there as a film.
The pathway I chose for the film ELVIS was through his relationship with the Colonel. But I feel that the film is more like Shakespeare were you take a historical figure and explore the idea - more about the whole context rather than only Elvis. I can parallel it with the movie ‘Amadeus’ (by Miloš Forman) which was about Mozart but where the main character was in fact the mentally disturbed Salieri who recounts the story.
So ELVIS is a way of exploring America in 50s 60s and 70s and Elvis was of course culturally at the centre of America from the 50s through to the 70s where having grown up in Tupelo the black culture and black music were totally important in his life. There are two key points or theories.
One is the haphazard chaos theory where all of these different characters get jumbled up together and "new stuff" happens – like Elvis. Whether it is the Apple computer or the confluence of popular culture out of which something new grows. The other is The Sell, the roll-up roll-up snake-oil marketing and enthusiasic push-for-the-money sell. When those two things are in balance it is in great thing. But a few years ago I thought that things had changed and I felt that “The Sell” failed, and failed supporting the creative part, failed the substance part of it. It is a sort of Humanity versus pure Energy. There's the obvious part in the film that I included where The Col invents major merchandising. That in the 50s was a big change.
ELVIS as a person was obviously a tricky subject, as no one can be the real Elvis. Even as I was developing the film I set myself a rule that I thought might get me out of actually making it (laughing) - which was that I wouldn't do it unless I could find an “Elvis”. I really didn't believe I could find an actor, a perfect performer who could represent the real Elvis. Until I found Austin Butler…
I don’t make subtle, naturalistic films I leave that to others. I like to challenge. I like bright colours and very fast-edited cuts, surrealistic zooms and loud challenging soundtracks. I like to create a line and push the audience to either happily go over that line for the wild ride - or if not they can opt out. And that’s OK, my films are not for everyone! (Laughing). I feel that there is a definite moment towards the beginning of all my movies where the audience knows that they are on-board, ready for the ride and then they know that they will be thrilled and entertained by the whole film.
I hope that you all feel this with ELVIS at this Sydney Premiere. Thank You.
The Sydney crowds packed the streets for a glimpse of the movie's stars who arrived via the Red Carpet.
The Sydney Media were out in force to celebrate the international cast of the movie, including Austin Butler, Tom Hanks and Australia's Olivia DeJonge, along with Director Baz Luhrmann.
Baz Luhrmann, Tom Hanks with Producer Schuyler Weiss
After the Red Carpet, Baz Luhrmann came on stage to not only welcome the stars to Sydney but also to thank the cast and crew before showing the movie.
Then Tom Hanks came on and thanked Sydney for putting on such a special light show for him.. (it was actually all part of the Sydney Vivid festival).
Hanks noted that Ron Howard is now also working in Queensland - “Everybody's making movies in Australia. We had a great time it was absolutely marvellous. We could do this at the end but right now why don't we all have a quick sing-a-long, you know the Elvis song, "Wise men says, only fools rush in..."..
and at that point the whole auditorium - along with Tom Hanks and Baz Luhrmann - started singing 'Can't Help Falling in Love'. Who knew that my night would include singing an Elvis song with Tom Hanks!
at the end Baz Luhrmann rightly noted.. “Bam!” that was so good!”
Baz Luhrmann then welcomed Olivia DeJonge "this actor got the role because she was the best, a new Australian discovery, a true new Star" and again discussed Austin Butler, "I really didn't believe I could find an actor who could represent the real Elvis. Until I found Austin Butler..."
Austin Butler apologised for being somewhat stage-shy but noted..“Thank you all for being here I had the most incredible two years of my life, being able to live in Australia to make this film. It means the world to me, being back here. Thank you and I hope you love the film”.
EIN reviews the film tomorrow....
EIN 'ELVIS" Movie Spotlight: Baz Luhrmann's new biopic 'ELVIS' will finally be released to the cinemas on June 24 2022.
It was as far back at May 2014 - eight years ago - that EIN first reported that fellow-Australian Baz Luhrmann had started working on his concept for a stunningly fabulous ELVIS movie. At the time there were plenty of skeptics that didn't believe that this Academy award-winning director of The Great Gatsby, Strictly Ballroom, Romeo + Juliet, Australia and Moulin Rouge could be interested in an ELVIS biopic but we were proved right.
In our in-depth spotlight EIN presents all the stories, interviews and drama that have accompanied this brilliant achievement since those early days of 2014.
Compiled by EIN / Piers Beagley.
EIN Website content © Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
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2. The 32nd Anniversary of Elvis' final concert in Indianapolis.
3. The 30th Anniversary of the death of Elvis' father, Vernon Presley.
4. The 30th Anniversary of the revelation to Elvis’ estate that Colonel Parker was still fleecing his client.
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. Go here for this fascinating investigation- and also Have Your Say.
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His review includes,
“The genius of the documentary though, is in its decision to present Elvis Presley to all viewers in a new and unexpected fashion. For the devotees this is realised through the constant use of new film (professional and amateur) and studio outtakes: it keeps the faithful on their toes and creates the impression of seeing and hearing Elvis anew. This is why Zimny insisted on using the alternative Aloha, the handheld “Trilogy” and “Never Been to Spain”, the “Burning Love” rehearsal, the “If I Can Dream” outtake, the off-air segments from ’68, the non-masters of “Lonely Man”, “Hurt”, “Suspicious Minds”, “Loving You”.. It is a deliberate and clever approach which was much appreciated by this writer.”
Go here to “Bicycle Rider: Thoughts on The Searcher” this is essential reading.
(Spotlight; Source;GeorgeSmith/ElvisInfoNet)
Dec 3, 2018- ‘Behind The Music- Elvis 68 Television Special’: It was FIFTY YEARS AGO TODAY - that Elvis' stunning 68 NBC Television Special was broadcast in the USA. The programme would become one of the highest rated of the year, Elvis re-discovered his roots, Col Parker was stunned by the reception and Elvis was empowered to choose Memphis' American Sound Studio for his next serious recording session. A string of top-ten Billboard Hits beckoned and his life and ours would never be the same.
EIN contributor Dennis Laverty has compiled a unique documentary called “Behind The Music- Elvis 68 Television Special” to celebrate this great day.
It tells the story of the 'Comeback Special' by those that were there examining the How and Why Elvis career came to this creative point where he desparately needed to do the show. There is discussion of production numbers, sit down, standup shows, the '69 rebirth plus much more.
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and features Scotty Moore, DJ Fontana, Chris Bearde, Steve Binder, Billy Strange, Tanya Lemani Little Egypt, Anita Mann (choreographer), Bill Belew, Earl Brown plus plenty of old compiled interviews from all too many who have sadly passed away.
EIN thanks Dennis Laverty for the input.
Click here to Vimeo. - Sit Back And Celebrate this special day - The video runs around 2 1/2 hours.
(Spotlight, Source;DL/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis: The Searcher - Additional Stories' Spotlight: Like all too many serious Elvis fans Dennis Laverty felt let-down by the lack of seventies content in the HBO 'Elvis The Searcher' documentary. Luckily for us he has produced a lovely documentary "Elvis Presley: The Searcher - Additional Stories Not in the Original Film" that anyone can view on Vimeo.
He writes, "I really enjoyed The Searcher documentary, but after watching I wished they would have made it 4 hours. The 1950's skipped what pushed Elvis over-the-top when he appeared on TV, two of his best films and soundtracks (Loving You & Jailhouse Rock), and the backlash he took with his rock and roll Christmas Album. The 1960s unfortunately glossed over American Sound, especially Elvis taking a risk with 'In The Ghetto'.
The 1970s disappointed when nothing was discussed about Elvis' only concept album (Elvis Country), nor 'He Touched Me' (they could have included unreleased Elvis on Tour footage of gospel segment) and finally with David Porter one of the Execs of the film from Stax Records that nothing was discussed about Elvis' returning to Memphis and STAX to record three key albums.
My goal was just to highlight those stories in some way.
Obviously I don't have access to the Elvis archives at Graceland, but I hope you enjoy.
The following are 10 segments that I thought could have fit into the film."
... EIN totally agrees and thoroughly recommends this 37 minute video.
This is the type of material that should have been in the DVD Extras
CLICK HERE to VIMEO to watch
EIN thanks Dennis Laverty for his input.
(Spotlight, Source;Dennis Laverty/ElvisInfoNet) |
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How much control did Parker have over Presley’s films, and what kind of technical advice did he provide between 1956 and 1972?
The Colonel developed the strategy – and ensured it was executed. Though his client often complained that he was "tired of these damn movies" in which fought in one scene and sang to a dog in the next, he never decisively rebelled, signifying his distaste by hiding in Memphis for as long as possible until the next shooting schedule beckoned.
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