Welcome to the "Elvis Information Network", home to the best news, reviews, interviews, Elvis photos & in-depth articles about the King of Rock & Roll, Elvis Aaron Presley...
The latest on www.ElvisInfoNet.com:
'Elvis Today' - Buy the double CD for only US$13.88! Don't let other Elvis websites rip you off by charging $29, when you can get the new release for under $14! - This 40th anniversary Legacy Edition contains the original album, undubbed session mixes plus live performance - all remastered. "Like a true premier vintage, Today has matured with age and needs to be savored." Release date August 7 2015
BUY IT HERE>>> . ELVIS Today. at AMAZON for US $13.88 - great value for a double CD! |
"A Touch Of Gold Lamé" OUT NOW: Elvis Files "A Touch Of Gold Lamé" is out now and getting great initial reviews. Being in Australia EIN does not have their copy as yet.
However the well-respected Elvis Sessions expert Keith Flynn has commented....
"Not having worked on "A Touch Of Gold Lamé" at all, I have now taken some time to look over the book which I received on Friday, and I have to say this book is the most comprehensive detailing of Elvis' 1957 concerts I have seen, and it amazes me that 58 years after these shows were performed, Erik still manages to find new photographs that have never been seen before, and in such beautiful quality!
I actually found some listings of songs and transcripts of interviews that I hadn’t seen before too, which was another bonus for me.
As always, and as we’ve now come to expect from Erik, the printing is to the highest standards, and the text accompanying the photo’s is second-to-none, although I did find one small typo on the back cover, where ‘outery’ should have read ‘outcry’, but that does not in any way take anything away from the overall presentation of the book.
This to me, is a book I'll look to quite often as a form of reference.
Well done Erik and the gang, for a truly breathtaking look at Elvis in 1957, when he was still in his prime and at the top of his game, before he was tamed by the army years. -10 out of 10!"
Go HERE for EIN's preview pages and how to order
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis / Singer 1968 Commercials: As we all know Singer, the company mainly known for sewing machines, sponsored Elvis' 1968 'Comeback Special' show for NBC TV.
But perhaps you have never seen how Singer marketed Elvis in their commercials. These age old adverts are hilarious - they even advertise a special COLOR TV!
The commercials include...
"Singer presents ELVIS - staring Elvis Presley in his first TV special. His first personal performance on TV in nearly ten years."
"You couldn't possible forget this special stereo record offer, 'Singer Presents Elvis' it's only $1.95 and only at your Singer centre. You'll find a great selection of Elvis Presley hits all on RCA in the record department of your Singer centre."
CLICK HERE to the Singer commercials via YouTube
With our thanks to Paul Richardson
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
ETMHM #109 Out Now: EIN's favourite music magazine 'ETMHM' #109 September 2015 issue is out now.
It features
- David Winters Interview Part 2
- Billy Fury’s 1962 meeting with Elvis
- The King’s connection to the song ‘Fool’s Hall Of Fame’
- Elvis - A Life Unfolding Part 2
- Elvis In Person
- Readers letters
- CD, DVD & book reviews
Everything you need about Elvis' music, so forget the rest and read the best.
Go here to subscribe
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
Miley Cyrus Wants to Marry Elvis: Miley Cyrus revealed some interesting trivia about herself in a recent Tumblr "Answer Time" interview.
The host of the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards didn't hold back when talking about late rocker Elvis Presley as saying that she wanted to marry him.
Miley made the confession when a Tumblr user asked her, "If you could choose one person to host VMAs with you, who would you choose and why?" The "Wrecking Ball" singer soon answered, "Elvis." She continued adding even more about her admiration for the King of Rock'n'Roll saying that she also wanted to "marry him."
In addition to answering that question, the 22-year-old singer answered things fans might not know before. When asked about what her weirdest dream was, she wrote, "David Bowie taught me how to skateboard but he was shaped like Gumby."
(OddSpot, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
David Briggs, Putt and Jerry Phillips On Elvis: Due to his appearance at Elvis Week David Brigg , Norbert Putnam plus Jerry Phillips recently talked to TimesDaily.com.
Keyboardist David Briggs, a Killen AL native, was originally a member of the first FAME Recording Studios rhythm section.
"Elvis kind of blazed a trail and path so bright, nobody has ever been able to extinguish the flame, he was just one of a kind. He was so generous with his praise".
Briggs spent a week at Graceland, for the Jungle Room sessions.
"We talked, watched TV and played games, I stayed a week and finally said I have to go back to Nashville."
Like Briggs, Putnam said Elvis was a laid-back artist and easy to work for. He said Presley always would make a grand entrance.
Putnam adds, "Elvis always had a big smile on his face. He would come in and hold his arms up and say, ‘Hey gang, you guys ready to do it again?’ " |
Instead of getting right to work, Presley liked to tell the musicians stories. "Later on, I’m looking back and I wondered why we didn’t go right to work. The first time he wanted to make sure we were totally relaxed. I don’t want to say he had an aura about him, but he almost had an aura about him. He was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen. His hair was perfectly jet black. I remember being a little disappointed he wasn’t eight feet tall."
"His voice was soft like mine was, like he didn’t want to interrupt anyone over in the corner. He’d have us rolling in the floor. He was so good at this."
Felton Jarvis, the producer, eventually would come out of the control room and coax Presley into starting the session.
"Elvis says, ‘What’s the first song?’ He’s just so relaxed. I think it was to get us relaxed."
Before his days with RCA, Presley recorded his first tracks at Sam Phillips' Sun Recording Studios.
Jerry Phillips (Sam's son) explains how he and his brother, Knox, grew up differently than other people.
"I remember dad bringing home Elvis' record, he wanted us to hear it. It was what he was looking for all along. He was very excited about it."
Phillips said he has great memories of Presley, dating back to his childhood. He said Presley would visit the Phillips home, but it would be late at night.
"Elvis could never get out until after midnight, or he would absolutely get mobbed. If he stopped at a service station, within 10 minutes there would be a mob. "
He said Presley would drop by their home after midnight, and Phillips’ parents would let him and his brother get up and miss school the next day to spend time with Presley.
"Elvis was a very special person, a very humble individual. At the top of his game, he was the most handsome guy you’d ever seen in your life, the coolest guy you’d ever want to meet."
He said Presley always would have more than one woman with him. Phillips said it was true Presley would address his parents as Mr. and Mrs. Phillips.
"He was one of the biggest influences in my life," Phillips said. "He would come sit around with a guitar in the living room and play music. He was the biggest star in the world, but he was still very polite and humble. I have great memories of Elvis Presley."
Go here for EIN’s FTD ‘Nashville Marathon’ review
(News, Source; TimesDaily.com/ElvisInfoNet) |
The Elvis Inn, Israel: To appreciate how much Israelis love Elvis Presley, you just have to hear three generations of the Mizrachi family of Rehovot crooning, "Wise men say only fools rush in… but I can’t help falling in love with you."
The Mizrachis - mom Aliza, sons and granddaughter, had just downed some American-style burgers at the Elvis Inn, a restaurant, convenience store, and gas station that proudly claims to be the only Israeli institution devoted to The King. And they were busy inspecting the impressive Elvis memorabilia and chotchke collection on the premises.
Drivers passing through this corner of the hills surrounding Jerusalem often do a double-take from the car window when they spot not one, but two way-more-than-life-sized statues of Elvis. Unless, of course, they’re among those who like the Mizrachis make a special pilgrimage to The Elvis Inn, located in the small hillside town of Neve Ilan.
Where else can Israelis hear all-Elvis, all-the-time piped into a 1950s-style diner while they feast on burgers and fries? Where else can they purchase an Elvis mini-alarm clock, a platter-sized "Elvis in Jerusalem" plate, or a postcard with Elvis wearing tefillin in front of the Western Wall?
But nothing of this Elvis sanctuary was in the picture when Uri |
Yoeli was a 12-year-old growing up in Jerusalem, the seventh generation of his family to do so. The year was 1958 and the Israeli pre-teen had a girlfriend who was a hardcore fan - "I didn’t understand one word of English but I knew this was great music," he says nearly six decades later.
Over the years, the venue has grown, adding to the two oversized statues and attracting not only Israelis, but plenty of Americans on vacation looking for some old-fashioned home cooking.
"I always felt Elvis had a Jewish soul," Yoeli says. Indeed, two books on the subject, "Elvis and Gladys" by Elaine Dundy, and "Schmelvis" by Jonathan Goldstein and Max Wallace, trace signs of Elvis’s Jewish identity, including necklaces he sported with a Chai (Hebrew for life) symbol and Star of David, as well as his generosity to several Jewish charities over the years.
(News, Source;Algemeiner/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Burning Hot Tonight' New Import CD: Out soon is the new Straight Arrow single CD titled 'Burning Hot Tonight' featuring the Las Vegas, August 24th, 1972 Dinner show. This is a previously unreleased mono audience recording in remarkably good sound. It is taken from a recently found source which has never been in circulation (however, an alternate recording in inferior quality is out there, but this new source is far better quality). Straight Arrow's sound man was able to improve the sound quality noticeably. Ask your local dealer for samples! The dinner show from August 24th, 1972 is another top-notch performance by Elvis. He’s right in the middle of the engagement, with still about two weeks left, but he delivers the goods and puts his soul especially into the power ballads. As usual, this release is presented in Straight Arrow's standard deluxe digipack with photos taken at the Las Vegas Hilton hotel in August/September 1972. It was designed by one of the best graphic artists in the Elvis world.
Go HERE to 'All The 2015 CD News' for the tracklist
(News, Source;SA/ElvisInfoNet)
'Next - Stop Fayetteville' Import 1976 Box-Set: 1976 was not a great year for Elvis in concert but Graceland Records 'Next - Stop Fayetteville' features three brand new audience recordings from Fayetteville, NC, Cumberland County Memorial, August 3rd, 4th and 5th, 1976 shows
The publicity notes... We all have said it once or twice, "You should have been there, it was amazing, and you should have heard it. Wow! Guess what… You can, really? YES!
Graceland Records label managed once again a rare momentum. This time it’s not just one show, but 3 complete and previously unreleased concerts. They were not available in any form until now!
Rumours lingered about only a few songs he sang on the 3th of August 1976, but nobody heard it since that day. NOTHING was known about these 3 concerts, no recorded evidence, no track listings available, too. Just rumours.
These 3 concerts are definitively rare and also very good, for the hot summer of 1976!
Concert Highlights...
- On August 3rd, Elvis is in good mood and the audience really joins in. Elvis loves it and interacts tremendously! Wow! Best moments of |
this show: America The Beautiful (with reprised last part), Love Letters, Hawaiian Wedding Song and very rare (unusual for summer of 1976) performance of An American Trilogy!
- On 4th, Elvis was looking forward to perform again and he gave a hell of show, playing off the roof. Great moments: And I Love You So, America The Beautiful (with reprised last part) and two full performances of Hurt.
- The August 5th was closing show of whole tour and last ever Elvis show in Fayetteville. Elvis makes sure the people from Fayetteville will remember that he was there, giving another fantastic performance. Best songs: America The Beautiful (with reprised ending), Jailhouse Rock, Love Letters and Hurt (with reprised last part).
Speaking about somewhat up & down shows of summer '76, this is certainly Elvis at his best. Those 3 shows are definitely "up" and far from being "down".
These rare audience recordings came from a non fan, who recorded it since he believed it was historical moment. At Graceland Records we are very grateful since these are almost beyond par the best concerts of the 1976 Bicentennial tour, in very good sound !
This special summer set is presented in 3CD-digipack, in slipcase, with great 44-page booklet filled with many rare photos (some are presented for the very first time) of Elvis on stage in Fayetteville.
You can't go wrong with this set. If you know the Graceland Records releases, you’ll will love this !
EIN adds - An independent audience recordings expert describes the quality as sound as "listenable / decent' and the shows "OK, with Elvis vocally better on August 4th."
Go HERE to 'All The 2015 CD News' for the tracklist and box-set details
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis Meets The Beatles': "It was fifty years ago today"... on August 27, 1965 An EIN spotlight on this famous night in 1965 when the Fab Four finally met the King. In 1965 The Beatles manager Brian Epstein initiated contact with Colonel Parker, and the decision was made that on the night of August 27, the Beatles would come to Elvis’ home for an informal get-together. Intensive security arrangements were worked out, and it was agreed that no press would be involved and no pictures would be taken or recordings made of whatever happened.
"So many things could have gone wrong," says Jerry Schilling, "If Colonel and Brian hadn’t gotten along, it wouldn’t have gotten past the phone-call stage. But there were no ego battles, and from the start it was approached as a pair of music greats coming together out of admiration for each other."
Piers Beagley and Chuck Crisafulli tell the story of this amazing night.
(Spotlight, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
Elvis moves closer to Sinatra's US Top 40 record: Incredibly it is six decades after Elvis' chart debut, and he earns his 53rd top 40 album on the Billboard 200 chart as the new compilation 'Elvis Presley Forever' debuts at No. 11. The set, sold exclusively through the U.S. Postal Service, is Presley's highest-charting album since 2003, when Elvis: 2nd to None peaked at No. 3. The debuting album was released in conjunction with the promotion of Presley's new commemorative stamp.
The new Presley set is sold only as a CD through the Postal Service's website and brick-and-mortar locations, and bows with 27,000 equivalent album units earned in the week ending Aug. 20, according to Nielsen Music. The entirety of that sum is generated by pure album sales.
Among all acts with the most top 40-charting albums, Presley remains in second place behind Frank Sinatra, with 57. The latter collected his most recent visit to the region with this year's 'Ultimate Sinatra' compilation, which debuted and peaked at No. 32 in May.
With 'Elvis Presley Forever', the King of Rock & Roll also fittingly debuts at No. 1 on Billboard's Top Rock Albums chart. It's his first
No. 1 on the list (which originated in 2006).
'Elvis Presley Forever' also makes a strong debut on the Top Country Albums chart at No. 2, marking Presley's highest-charting set since 2002's Elv1s: 30 #1 Hits, which spent three weeks atop the list. Presley has visited the top two rungs of Top Country Albums 11 times; seven of those sets hit No. 1.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
James Burton on Elvis at 80: Elvis Presley would be 80 years old if he was still with us and recently the Cleveland Clarion Ledger paper asked lead guitarist what he imagined would happen if Elvis was still with us.
James Burton, “I can imagine Elvis still being here. And I’ll tell you how I picture him: An incredible gospel singer, and I would say a great gift to the young folks today to bring them to Jesus, to encourage them toward the Christian way. That’s what I think.”
“Elvis would definitely be into the gospel. He loved it so much. His focus would be different than it was when he was running around the stage doing all those karate moves. Being 80 tends to slow you down a little bit.”
Burton, who was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2001 by the Rolling Stones' guitarist Keith Richards, smiled and tapped the table where we were seated.
The Mississippi GRAMMY Museum is set to open in November here in Cleveland and it is going to knock people’s socks off.
But Monday night was about 'The Band of Legends', Elvis and
hundreds of hits by other artists from the 1960s through the 1980s. Bobby Wood was there long with the Holladay Sisters as well as drummer Gene Chrisman who toured for years as Jerry Lee Lewis’ drummer.
Chrisman laid down the beat for the Elvis Memphis Sessions was asked to go on tour with him.
“I turned him down,” said Chrisman, “and I have no regrets about it. I enjoyed recording with him, but his concerts were sometimes as much show as they were music. I don’t mean that in a bad way. But I just wasn’t a ‘show’ kind of person.”
Norbert Putnam was there and then there was Burton.
The last nine years of Elvis’ performing life, he said countless times in the middle of a song: “Play it, James.”
Burton noted, "I still hear it every now and then. And if he were here with us and I could hear him say it one more time, I’d probably give you my new guitar.
I miss that man.”
Elvis called him aside one night before a performance. He put a small chain around Burton’s neck. At the end of it dangled “TCB” and the |
lightning bolt. It was Elvis’ motto, meaning Taking Care of Business.
“I got tired of women coming up and tugging on it. I was afraid they were going to break it,” he said. “Elvis only gave that to a select few people. It meant you were in his inner circle, almost like family.”
Elvis had noticed Burton’s talents in the 1950s when the guitarist became a regular on “The Ozzie and Harriet Show,” which featured teen heartthrob Ricky Nelson. Burton played the guitar licks on Nelson’s hits such as “Hello, Mary Lou” and “Traveling Man.”
“I owe a great deal of gratitude to Ricky’s family for inviting me to live with them while I was in California doing that show,” Burton said. “Elvis told me once that he liked watching me play on there, and I sort of got a kick out of that. The King of rock and roll was watching me on television?”
"Elvis sang ballads so great,” Burton said. “And I enjoyed playing on them because when I hit a sweet note in one, he would turn around and give me that look like, ‘Yep, that’s it.’
“But he closed the show every night with ‘I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You.’ ”
Burton couldn’t help himself. “But, you know, we’d do songs like “Trilogy” and aw, man … ”
He doubled over as if the song had punched him in the gut.
Just as he and his mates in the Band of Legends did to approximately 800 fortunate people Monday night.
Go here for the full Clarion Ledger article
Go HERE To EIN'S special on James Burton and Ricky Nelson
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Death-defying knife Olga Frei and Elvis: At the age of 18, Olga Frei answered an advert for “a girl with nerves to join an established act”. It was a decision that would land her a dashing husband and friendships with the likes of Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe. The only downside was that it involved having knives hurled at her head.
“Even now when I go to the hairdressers they look at my scalp and say, ‘How did you get all these dents and scars?’” she chuckles, blue eyes still sparkling at the age of 85. “When I tell them I was in a knife-throwing act they look at me as if I’m mad.”
Nonetheless it made for a show-stopping performance that took Olga around the world. In America she found herself sharing the bill with stars including Tony Bennett and Mickey Rooney, along with the still relatively unknown Marilyn and Elvis.
Elvis was a “real southern gentleman” whose onstage gyrations concealed a shy, sensitive personality. Monroe was a fragile, complex character whose emotions see-sawed constantly.
She and Olga, who always called her by her real name, Norma, struck up a friendship that would see them regularly hit the shops together and even led Monroe to give her a spare key to her New York apartment.
Born in Davos in Switzerland, Olga was a baby when she moved to England, her parents running the Clarendon House Hotel in Leeds. Intent on pursuing a career in showbusiness, she won places at both the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art and the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. Then came her big, if somewhat unusual, break.
Having responded to that advert posted by knife-thrower extraordinaire Hal Denver she was invited to an interview in London, where he was appearing in a travelling show. Their meeting, for her at least, was a case of love at first sight.
Denver was the stage name of Ralph Norman, second son of Tom Norman, who as ‘The Silver King’ was one of the most successful showmen of the 19th century, with The Elephant Man among his sideshows.
Despite the occasional flesh wound, she and Hal were soon married and the pair found themselves in demand across the Atlantic, where they mostly worked in nightclubs. They first encountered the young Elvis when they were booked to appear at a fair in Memphis.
The tutor who had given Olga elocution lessons for a lisp back in Leeds had moved there after marrying into the Presley family. She invited them to dinner and Elvis was there. Over the next few years they would appear alongside him on a number of occasions, becoming first-hand witnesses to the birth of a music icon.
“The first time I saw Elvis on stage I just thought he was absolutely marvellous. He really did draw people to him and had such a lovely personality. He was so polite too, it was always ‘Ma’am’ this and ‘Ma’am’ that. He’d almost carry me through me a door rather than just hold it open.
“He was a really good laugh too, he’d mimic himself, making fun of |
the way he performed onstage, and have us all in stitches. He and his gang would often come in late after they had finished playing so I used to make bacon sandwiches for them. I even made him some Yorkshire puddings once, which he loved.
“He was just an ordinary boy really. I remember him being fascinated by the different things we used in the act. We spent ages showing him how to handle the whips. I think he wanted to be a cowboy.
Once offstage, however, Elvis could just as easily retreat into his shell. “He always struck me as being quite shy and quiet away from the theatre side of things, the showing off bit. He was a very sensitive soul.”
So too was Monroe, who Olga met and befriended during promotional stints for fledgling supermarket chains. “There were two sides to her,” she says. “Sometimes she was Marilyn Monroe and other times she was Norma. She could be offhand with you one day and the next she would be lovely, giving you a big cuddle. She used to come in, sit me down and spend ages brushing my hair. I think it calmed her down because she was always very nervy.
“When she was taking tablets was the worst. She took one to get to sleep and one to wake up. And she always thought someone was out to kill her. You could be sat nice and quiet, just relaxing with her in her home, and suddenly she would jump up, all the lights would go on and she would be going from room to room checking them all.”
On her return to Britain in 1957, Olga developed her own stage show featuring a troupe of chihuahua dogs, appearing in theatres and on television. The comedian Les Dawson borrowed some of them for a Hound of the Baskervilles inspired sketch.
Then, with her marriage to Hal failing, she set up a children’s zoo in the grounds of their large home in Garforth, complete with chimpanzees and a lion cub who she would regularly kiss. “I never dreamed she would hurt me,” she tells.
“Now,” she says, “did I tell you Tony Bennett still owes me money?” And with that she’s off into yet another tale of showbusiness royalty.
(News, Source;NP/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis Presley Forever' CD debuts at Billboard No.11: US Postal Service customers snapped up enough copies of the service’s exclusive new “Elvis Presley Forever” compilation, released last week in conjunction with the new Elvis Presley Forever postage stamp, to put it at No. 11 in its first week on Billboard’s 200 Albums chart.
The 18-track CD, which sold 27,000 copies last week, spans Presley’s career from his 1954 Sun Records recording “That’s All Right” through his early-1970s hits “Burning Love” and “The Wonder of You,” and includes previously unissued versions of “If I Can Dream” and “What Now My Love.”
It also includes such Presley signature hits as “Heartbreak Hotel,” “Hound Dog,” “Return to Sender,” “Viva Las Vegas” and “Suspicious Minds.”
It’s the highest debut for a Presley album in a dozen years, since his “2nd to None” album debuted at No. 3 in 2003. “Elvis Presley Forever” is being sold at Postal Service locations and online for $9.99.
Presley’s ex-wife, Priscilla Presley, was joined by Postmaster General Megan Brennan to introduce the stamp, and the album, during this year’s Elvis Week activities in Memphis, surrounding the commemoration of the 38th anniversary of his death on Aug. 16, 1977.
(News, Source;LATimes/ElvisInfoNet) |
The Man Who Dressed Elvis Presley: In 1944, a tailor named Sy Devore moved to Los Angeles from New York to open a 900-square-foot shop at the glamorous intersection of Sunset Boulevard and Vine Street, in Hollywood. The shop, which sold handmade custom suits, was next to Wallichs Music City and down the street from the world-famous Brown Derby restaurant.
Just five years later, Devore was nearly as famous as the legends he dressed: John Wayne, Bing Crosby, Spencer Tracy, Jackie Gleason, Peter Lawford, Joey Bishop, Nat King Cole, President John F. Kennedy, and Sammy Davis Jr. who once ordered 84 suits for $30,000.
Devore’s threads made those cats the epitome of 1960s cool. There were sharkskin suits lined in paisley silk, sports coats, pastel sweaters, skinny ties and trousers with big belt loops, all finished with an impeccable fit.
According to Devore’s niece, Marti, jazz legend Ella Fitzgerald once purchased Devore’s private label V-neck sweaters in |
every color and gave them to the Count Basie Orchestra players as Christmas gifts; Elvis Presley shopped at Devore’s off the rack, picking out 20 suits at a time at $350 a pop. Devore’s is also where Sammy Davis Jr. discovered his hip signature Nehru jackets. Soon, the musician had a jacket collection so flamboyant, it would impress Liberace. By the late ’50s, Devore was so well known that Bob Hope made the famous haberdasher the brunt of a joke. “In a very good year,” he said, “I have my choice between a Rolls-Royce, a new house in Beverly Hills, or a suit from Sy Devore.”
When the Rat Pack starred in the original Ocean’s 11 film in 1960, it was Devore who designed their close-cut suits.
After the tailor passed away from a heart attack at age 57 in 1966, his family kept the business going. In fact, Sy Devore is still in business today; the company’s only shop is on Ventura Boulevard in Studio City. There you can see autographed endorsements from Nat King Cole, Elvis Presley, and Sammy Davis Jr. that once hung in the Hollywood location.
The 15-year-old Studio City store, which is owned by Danny Marsh, continues to deliver excellence in tailoring and has kept Devore’s legacy alive by working with celebrities and costume designers as well as designing Sy Devore label suits, shirts, and sweaters for everyday customers. So you can still pick out something swanky to celebrate Frank Sinatra’s 100th birthday this December.
Go here to the LAMAG for the full article
(News, Source;LAmag/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Scotty Moore and the Guitar That Changed the World': Part of the BBC radio's August 2015 tribute to Elvis, 'Scotty Moore and the Guitar That Changed the World' was featured last night.
As part of the most amazing musical adventure of modern times Scotty Moore pioneered the role of guitar in pop music with searing solos that inspired and influenced generations of guitar heroes.
To mark the 60th anniversary of the first time that Scotty recorded with Elvis at the legendary Sun Studios in Memphis, Chris Isaak - who has been a fan of Elvis's singing and Scotty's playing since he bought his first Sun Records single - journeyed to Memphis to meet Scotty and find out more about the man who has played on more hits than any other guitarist.
Back in the studio where the Elvis legend began, Scotty tells Chris how he and bass payer Bill Black recorded the song 'That's All Right' with Elvis in 1954 and unwittingly sparked a
revolution that changed music forever. As well as being Elvis's guitarist Scotty was also his first manager and was with Elvis every step of the way as his career flourished. While Elvis's vocal style was a combination of hillbilly howling laced with gospel, Scotty's guitar playing combined jazz, blues and country to create a prototype for all rock guitar that followed.
Scotty's was highly influential both in his style of playing and the fact that he became the first rock 'n' roll lead guitarist. In the 50's artistes like Ike Turner, Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley and BB King played their own lead guitar parts, but Elvis left lead duties to Scotty, who became an inspiration to countless guitarists that followed.
As The Rolling Stone's Keith Richards explains, "Everyone else wanted to be Elvis, I wanted to be Scotty.".
CLICK HERE and listen to the BBC podcast - runs 1 hour. Recommended by EIN!
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
EIN Joyce Bova Interview: Joyce Bova worked in Washington DC and had a fascinating relationship with Elvis that lasted between 1969 and 1972. The story of which she wrote about in her 1994 book, 'Don't Ask Forever: My Love Affair With Elvis' has recently been re-published as an updated E-Book.
Bova was a Capitol Hill staffer on the House Armed Services Committee when she first met Elvis in 1969 in Las Vegas during her vacation.
'Don't Ask Forever' is the intimate true story of two star-crossed lovers-and a revealing portrait of an Elvis Presley that also looked at the crazy day-to-day world rarely featured in other Elvis books.
As the book publicity stated, "It started out like a fairy tale. She was a beautiful, hardworking Congressional aide. He was America's most explosive entertainer. They met one night in Las Vegas in 1969 - a night that changed Joyce's life forever".
Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley recently caught up with Joyce Bova to talk about her incredible times with Elvis and to learn more about the new revised and update Ebook publication.
(Interview, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis Forever' #8 in Billboard's End-Of-Week Sales: While the final Sunday night (US) charts have yet to be announced. the end-of-week sales have Elvis' special USPS album 'Elvis Forever' as a new entry at #8. Yes ELVIS PRESLEY is back in the Top Ten US charts once again.
Here’s how it looks endofweek -SALES. 1. Luke Bryan (Capitol Nashville)
2. Ed Sheeran (Asylum UK)
3. Dr. Dre (Aftermath/Interscope)
4. Now 55 (NOW/Legacy)
5. N.W.A (Priority/UMe)
6. Melanie Martinez (WMG)
7. Bullet For My Valentine (RCA)
8. Elvis Presley (RCA) ** USPS Exclusive CD **
9. Taylor Swift (Big Machine/BMLG)
The Elvis Presley set is also rated as #9 in the "Streaming' charts. The final chart placing will be announced later today!
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNet)
Memphis Music Hall of Fame Grand Opening: Elvis guitarist Scotty Moore, country-pop hit maker Charlie Rich, Stax soul sensations Sam & Dave, and modern day megastar Justin Timberlake are among the latest inductees to the Memphis Music Hall of Fame. Blues songstress Alberta Hunter, Booker T & the MGs drumming legend Al Jackson, Jr., and piano great Memphis Slim round out the 2015 class, which was announced on Friday evening.
The announcement doubled as the official grand opening for the Hall of Fame’s location on the second floor of the Hard Rock building near Beale Street. Though the Hall opened its doors at the end of July, Friday marked the formal celebration of the $1.3 million 4,800-sq foot hall space, which is operated by the Rock and Soul Museum.
The presentation featured appearances by Mayor A C Wharton, and executives from Sun Studios, the Blues Foundation, the Memphis & Shelby County Music Commission and Royal Studios.
The 2015 inductees will be officially enshrined during ceremonies held October 17 at the Cannon Center for the Performing Arts. The seven member class will join 47 previous inductees — including B.B. King, Elvis Presley, Otis Redding and others — bringing the total number of hall members to 54.
Sun Records was well represented with both Scotty Moore and Charlie Rich among this year’s group.
“Charlie Rich had the last big hit on Sun Records with ‘Lonely Weekends’ and he’s |
a true Memphis music great,” said Sun Studios executive Jayne Ellen Brooks. “And Scotty Moore ... when people think of the classic Sun sound, it’s his guitar playing that defines that. So we’re really excited to see them honored.”
Aside from Timberlake, Scotty Moore, and Sam Moore, the rest of the class will be honored posthumously. Family members of all the late inductees are expected to be part of the October ceremonies. Jackson, who died in 1975, will be celebrated in October with “40 Years of Snap,” a multi-day event celebrating Jackson’s life presented in conjunction with the Soulsville Foundation and world renown drummer Steve Jordan.
The HOF museum is open every day from 10am to 7pm - CLICK HERE to the Museum website for info
(News,Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis' Honeymoon Hideaway Expected To Sell for $7 Million: Elvis Presley's Palm Springs honeymoon retreat is back on the market with its price slashed by over 25 percent. Last year, the honeymoon hideaway was listed for $9.5 million, a number which has now dropped to $6.93 million.
Elvis purchased the home in 1967 for $21,000 and spent his honeymoon with Priscilla Presley there.
"Their daughter, Lisa Marie Presley was born exactly nine months later, on February 1, 1968.
The 4,695 modernist home, designed by William Krisel, includes dining and living rooms, a bar, a breakfast bar, four bedrooms, along with five bathrooms. The property features a pool, a tennis court and a fruit orchard.
Featured in 'Elvis & Me' and 'Elvis by the Presleys,' the home measuring nearly 5,000 square feet is built in 'four perfect circles, on three levels,' according to its listing page. The home also includes a pool, tennis court and even a stage. |
Elvis and Priscilla Presley used the Palm Springs home as a honeymoon hideway after their May 1967 wedding Elvis and Priscilla spent their wedding night and honeymoon in Palm Springs after their Las Vegas wedding.
As the story goes, Presley and his wife-to-be had rented the house as a venue for their ceremony and reception, but gossip columnist Rona Barrett who lived nearby became suspicious.
When Barrett spilled the beans about the upcoming nuptials, Elvis and company decided to move their celebration to Las Vegas, with Frank Sinatra providing the transportation, including a fleet of limousines and his Lear jet, Christina.
After saying 'I do' at the Aladdin Hotel in Sin City, the First Couple of Rock 'N Roll hosted a breakfast reception for 100 guests and then returned to Palm Springs to begin their honeymoon.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Did Elvis Record 'Tiger Man' At Sun?: A question that has puzzled Elvis fans through the years is whether he actually recorded the song ‘Tiger Man’ during his years at SUN studios.
The basic question is why did Elvis refer to 'Tiger man' several times in concert as “The second song that I ever recorded, not too many people heard it”?
And if Elvis DID record it, then why hasn’t any reference to it at SUN or proof of its existence been found?
Elvis would first perform ‘Tiger Man’ in concert at his first 1969 Las Vegas International season and would continue playing it through the years – usually in a medley with Mystery Train - until his last performance at Saginaw on May 3 1977. He would sing it over 150 times on stage!
The thought that there might be an acetate or undiscovered tape of Elvis at SUN singing ‘Tiger Man’ is a mouth-watering concept - but is it an unlikely fantasy or strong possibility?
Go here to our detailed 'TIGER MAN' spotlight as EIN's Piers Beagley puts in the hard yards to check the facts from the fantasy .
(Spotlight; Source;ElvisInfoNetwork) |
ASK Marty: Today Marty Lacker answers your questions about....
- Do you know how / when Elvis learned to play piano
- Did Elvis ever meet Paul Newman
- What do you do on August 16 each year
- Elvis and Karate, in the film was he "strung out"
- Did Elvis have a mini facelift in 1967/68 just before the TV Special
- Why do so many of the Memphis Mafia dislike Priscilla so much
- Which albums did Elvis say he was disappointed with
Go here to 'ASK MARTY' for his answers plus how to send in your questions.
(Ask Marty, Source;ML/ElvisInfoNet)
Marty Lacker comments on the "New" Album: Marty Lacker comments about the recent publicity put out by Priscilla (see news story below) about the new orchestral album.
... I read that story and comments from Priscilla about the new album and once again she tries to make it about her and not Elvis. Ever since she took over Graceland everything is about her and also her presumed statements about "What Elvis always wanted" or "Elvis would have liked this". This time she said, "I was driving down Sunset Boulevard and I heard Mickey Newbury singing it, and I went 'Oh, my God' and made a U-turn and went back to the house", She then said, "No one usually ever brought songs to him.
Elvis picked out all of his songs, with the exception of movie songs which matched the scenes. No one ever said, 'Hey El, you got to do this song.'
This is BULLSHIT as everyone should know.
I brought him songs for one, and Elvis did all then all except one he didn't finish, "We Had It All" because he didn't want her to think he was singing it about and to her after the divorce. It was during the Stax session. He did do two that night that I had
brought him just as Elvis did in previous sessions. And of course Red West brought him a number of songs that he also did, so did Lamar and of course so did Felton.
How come Priscilla suddenly announces now about bringing Elvis 'American Trilogy'? Mickey Newbury who wrote the song also had Felton Jarvis as his record producer and Mickey Newbury has stated that it was Felton who got the song to Elvis.
Another thing Priscilla said this time was about how Elvis thought he would "love to do the album with the full orchestra". I can tell you that in 20 years that I was close to him I never once heard him say anything like that and if he had wanted to work with a full orchestra RCA would not have stopped him from doing it.
What's she gonna' come up with next? - Marty
(News, Source;ML/ElvisInfoNet) |
Happy Birthday James Burton: Back in 2003 EIN's Piers Beagley interviewed James Burton - It was August 21 and he was surprised that we knew it was his birthday.
In the interview Burton talked about his time with Elvis, why Elvis recorded 'Fools Rush In', being “The Hardest Working man in Show business” and much more!
He even talked about times motor-cycling in the gang with Ricky Nelson, Eddie Cochran & Gene Vincent!
Go HERE to EIN's exclusive Interview with James Burton.
(Interviews, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
'ONONDAGA Nights' New Import CD: Following the remarkable success of our "From The Rick Rennie Mastertapes“ series, it is time to move on to yet another exciting project. Straight Arrow is pleased to announce this new 2CD set, featuring two concerts from the July / August Bicentennial tour, in topnotch audience recorded quality. It was somewhat problematic tour and especially at the end of July and first days of August, Elvis' voice was affected by some kind of laryngitis. Nevertheless, the two concerts from Onondaga War Memorial Auditorium in Syracuse July 25 & 27 1976 are examples of two solid Presley concerts, with Presley sounding clear and enthusiastic, and in good voice. Both shows were taken directly from recently found original audience-recorded mastertapes. The July 25th, 1976 show was released in 2002 on a CD called 'Stormin’ Syracuse' from an inferior and incomplete (14 minutes missing!) source. The July 27th show is previously unreleased. Every second was digitally restored, every click manually removed, every drop-out fixed to achieve optimal listening pleasure. |
This special release is presented in a de-luxe double digipack, accompanied by a 20-page booklet filled with many professional photos from July 27th and positive press reviews of both shows. Photos from July 25th are extremely rare (amateurish snapshots only).
Go HERE to 'All The 2015 CD News' for the tracklist
(News, Source;SA/ElvisInfoNet) |
"Don't Ask Forever: My Love Affair With Elvis" New E-Book: Due to popular demand Joyce Bova has published a revised and updated version of her 1994 hardcover book "Don't Ask Forever: My Love Affair With Elvis". It includes an additional chapter, which most revealingly chronicles her personal life before and after Elvis. She also discusses the Presley/Nixon meeting and reiterates the real reason behind Elvis’s visit to Washington, D.C. She has added a postscript divulging some events she neglected to include in the hardcover, as well as a very touching P.P.S.
Joyce is an identical twin. Joyce shares her innermost thoughts, and Elvis’s, about his conflicts in coping with the absence of his twin and how severely it impacted his life.
It started out like a fairy tale. She was a beautiful, hardworking Congressional aide. He was America’s most explosive entertainer. They met one night in Las Vegas in 1969… a night that changed Joyce’s life forever.
Now Joyce reveals all about her love affair with Elvis Presley. From the glittering public stages of Las Vegas to Elvis’s Graceland palace… glamorous celebrity parties to steamy hotel room trysts… from Joyce’s pregnancy with Elvis’s child to her agonizing decision to finally walk out on the “King.” 'Don't Ask Forever' is the intimate true story of two star-crossed lovers—and a revealing portrait of an Elvis you’ve never seen before…and will never see again.
Additionally, there are dozens of digitally enhanced color photographs. Many of them are new and were not in the original book. |
'Elvis Forever' Hits Billboard Top Ten Mid-week!: Elvis' new special USPS album 'Elvis Forever' has got everyone's stamp of approval as it hits the mid-week charts as a new entry in the Top Ten.
While Ed Sheeran enters the race at #2 (thanks to a discount sale) going up against defending champ Luke Bryan - look who is at NUMBER 7 beating Taylor Swift - Yes ELVIS PRESLEY is back in the Top Ten US charts once again.
Here’s how it looks midweek.
1. Luke Bryan (Capitol Nashville)
2. Ed Sheeran (Asylum UK)
3. Dr. Dre (Aftermath/Interscope)
4. Now 55 (NOW/Legacy)
5. N.W.A (Priority/UMe)
6. Melanie Martinez (WMG)
7. Elvis Presley (RCA) ** USPS Exclusive CD **
8. Bullet For My Valentine (RCA)
9. Taylor Swift (Big Machine/BMLG)
10. The Descendants (Walt Disney)
The Elvis Presley set will enjoy a nice week thanks to a USPS tie-in, as The King’s commemorative stamp is readied for your letters. Meanwhile, millions of young people asked what a letter is!
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNet)
Actress Yvonne Craig dies at 78: Yvonne Craig, who appeared with Elvis
in both 'It Happened at the World’s Fair' and 'Kissin Cousins', passed
away at her home in Pacific Palisades August 17, surrounded by her
immediate family. She died from complications brought about from breast
Yvonne Craig began her theatrical career as the youngest member of The Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo and toured for three years when she was accidentally discovered by John Ford’s son Patrick and cast for the lead in the movie The Young Land.
This was quickly followed by many years of film and television including two movies with Elvis Presley 'It Happened at the World’s Fair' and 'Kissin Cousins'. However, she is probably best known for originating the role as Batgirl in the 1966 TV series of Batman, or for her character “Marta” from the third season of Star Trek.
Over a span of years she appeared as a guest star in many TV series, including The Six Million Dollar Man, Land of the Giants, Mod Squad, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea and Courtship of Eddie’s Father just to name a few and worked opposite Bing Crosby, Sal Mineo, Don Knotts, George Hamilton, Dwayne Hickman, Dennis Hopper as well as Elvis Presley and James Coburn.
Her next career was that of a real estate broker where she was involved not only in commercial real estate, but also residential income properties for a period of years and still held a real estate license.
In 2000, Ms. Craig wrote a book of anecdotal memoirs, 'From Ballet to the Batcave and Beyond', which covered some of her years in the ballet and her theatrical career.
She actively did voice over work and she was recently Executive Producer for the documentary feature film BIRTH.
Yvonne has been involved with social work as well as philanthropic work through the years, and was a public voice to support worker |
unions and equal pay for woman, as well as supporting free mammograms for women who cannot afford them.
One of Yvonne Craig's best quotes is "We had a love-scene by a tree and Elvis said, "You need to stand closer to me because my fans expect that", and I thought, "Okay"!'
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Bob Johnston, Producer/ Composer Dies aged 83: Music producer Bob Johnston most famous contribution to Rock'n'Roll history was his work with Bob Dylan’s “Blonde on Blonde” and Johnny Cash’s “At Folsom Prison” although in his early career he composed over a dozen songs for Elvis with his wife Joy Byers, including 'It Hurts Me', 'C'mon Everybody', 'Let Yourself Go' and 'Please Don't Stop Loving Me'.
He is remembered as a maverick who helped bring folk rock to Nashville, Johnston died Friday. He was 83.
Johnston was responsible for Bob Dylan coming to the Music City, and that Dylan’s “Blonde on Blonde” was one of at least three recordings Dylan and Johnston made in Nashville.
From 1956 to 1961 Bob recorded a few rockabilly singles under the name Don Johnston but by 1964 he had moved into production work New York and signed as a songwriter to music publisher Hill and Range. He also married songwriter Joy Byers with whom he began to collaborate. (Right Bob Johnson with Dylan and Johnny Cash) |
In later years Bob Johnston claimed that songs still credited to his wife Joy Byers were actually co-written, or solely written by himself, citing "contractual reasons" for this situation. These include at least 16 songs for Elvis Presley's films between 1964 and 1968, including 'It Hurts Me', 'C'mon Everybody', 'Let Yourself Go', 'She's A Machine', 'Please Don't Stop Loving me', 'So Close, Yet So Far', and 'Stop, Look and Listen'.
Johnston grew up in a musical family in Texas and began pursuing a career in music after a stint in the U.S. Navy. In the early 1960s, after a short career as a rockabilly artist, he began writing songs for Elvis Presley movies, and traveling to Nashville to record demos.
He would later get a job at Columbia Records in New York. One of the first recordings he produced there was Patti Page’s “Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte,” which became a Top 10 hit in 1964. Following that success, he began working with Dylan, eventually persuading him to come to Nashville.Johnston also helped revitalize Johnny Cash’s career when he supported Cash’s plan to record a live album inside a prison, something label executives had repeatedly rejected.
“He was a maverick,” Cooper said. “He was the guy who fulfilled Johnny Cash’s vision of recording albums in prisons.”
Johnston also produced multiple stellar albums by Leonard Cohen, Simon and Garfunkel, Flatt & Scruggs, Pete Seeger, Marty Robbins and several other now-legendary artists, all within a 10-year span. His career continued through the 1990s, when he produced albums for Willie Nelson and Carl Perkins, and into the new millennium.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Ginger Alden's Husband Dies August 16th: Elvis' former fiancee Ginger Alden was doubly saddened on August 16, the 38th anniversary of the King of Rock and Roll's death. Alden's husband Ron Leyser died suddenly of what is believed to be a sudden heart attack according to a post from Ginger's sister Rosemary Alden Starkey on Monday evening, August 17. Haunting Ginger Alden for nearly four decades, the death of her great love Elvis Presley still weighs heavily on her mind every year on August 16. Now the tragic day will hold even more painful memories for Ginger.
“I have some very very tragic and devastating news,” said sister Rosemary Alden, “Ginger's husband Ron passed away late evening of August 16th. We are all still in shock over his untimely passing. Please keep Ginger and her son Hunter and The Leyser Family as well as our Family in your thoughts and prayers. I am really at a loss for words as it has been so very traumatic. Thank you all.”
Elvis death was already weighing on Alden's mind, two days before the anniversary Ginger shared a very touching and heartfelt tribute to the late King via Facebook. Ginger wrote,“On the 16th, we will remember and honor a man who changed many lives and for me and my family personally, it was a blessing to get to know him, love him and be a part of his life,” wrote Alden. “We remember many beautiful times, he brought such happiness to so many and although his time here with us was not long, he gave so very much of himself, loved his fans dearly and he would be so happy to see such support and love for him still. May God bless all of you with much peace, love, and new friendships made through Elvis, TLC, Ginger.”
On the final day of Elvis' life, Ginger Alden discovered him unresponsive on his bathroom floor. It was a day that rocked millions of Elvis fan's lives worldwide. As time passed Alden moved on and in 1990 married Leyser, a graduate of Syracuse University Law School.
How unbelievable that Ginger Alden would lose both of her great loves, Elvis Presley and Ron Leyser on August, 16 even if 38-years apart?
EIN's condolences go out to Ginger Alden and the Leyser family during this difficult time.
(News, Source;NP/ElvisInfoNet) |
Sunday 16 August 2015 - - - ELVIS WEEK 2015 - - - |
Forever Elvis - A 2015 commemorative Spotlight: Elvis touched the soul of every true fan and that hot August night in 1977 the fans returned the love. The funeral for the famous musician stopped the city. Thousands of people packed the streets, sharing their grief and love for the man who was gone. They followed the casket, which was festooned with flowers, and then, together, started singing one of the musician's most popular songs. Never before had so many voices joined in glorious harmony.... There is a universality to grief.
Just as mourners in Milan did back in 1901 as they joined together to sing one of Verdi's signature tunes, so too in August 1977 did people gather from all over the world at the gates of Graceland to mourn over their lost idol.
EIN's Piers Beagley contributes a special Spotlight for August 16th - And Elvis will live, Forever.
(Spotlight, Source;EIN) |
Graceland Candlelit Vigil 2015: An estimated 30,000 fans gathered at the Graceland gates to remember the king. Presented by Elvis Country Fan Club this year's theme was 'Echoes of Love'.
In a surprise move Lisa Marie was joined by her twins Finley and Harper, along with Priscilla Presley who thanked all the fans for remembering Elvis and how much it meant to them
As fans gathered outside Graceland’s gates at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Lisa Marie Presley was lighting a torch from the eternal flame at his Meditation Garden gravesite. She then made her way down Graceland’s winding driveway, along with mother Priscilla, husband Michael Lockwood and the couple’s 6-year-old twin daughters, Harper and Finley.
“Thank you. I love you. You all have my heart, you always will,” Lisa Marie said to the assembled Elvis faithful.
Priscilla noted that it was the first time that "My two beautiful granddaughters" (Finley and Harper) had attended the event and it was nice that they could begin to understand what it was all about and how important that their grandfather was (to everyone)". |
In a delightful move it was Lisa Marie who set up all the main torches from which fans could light their remembrance candles and stood guard as the "lead flame" for fans to light their candles off hers. It made it a very special start to the procession for hundreds of fans.
The procession continued up the driveway and with the help of Lisa Marie and her "angels" it looked even more beautiful than ever.
As an EPE observer stated, "To actually walk up the driveway and then through the Meditation Garden surrounded by other fans all in quiet remembrance is unlike anything else. The love and passion for Elvis Presley and all he did is contagious and can truly be felt at the Candlelight Vigil."- Go here to Sanja Meegin's 'Elvis Week 2015' for more photos.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis nurse Tish Henley overwhelmed by book response: Elvis' nurse "Tish" Henley Kirk never dreamed it would be like this.
Her book, "Taking Care of Elvis … Memories with Elvis as His Private Nurse and Friend” was released on Monday and the reaction from Elvis fans has been remarkable.
“It’s the most unbelievable experience I’ve had in my 73 years,” she said. “It’s been overwhelming. I’ve had calls from Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Austria, Australia, England and just about every state,” she said.
Tish Henley lived on the grounds at Graceland with her husband and two young daughters from 1972 until 1983, and often traveled with Elvis on tour. The book is a collection of short stories about her life around Elvis and his family and includes dozens of previously unpublished photos.
“Can you believe it. It’s been 38 years since Elvis died, and this country hick girl is getting all this attention. It blows my mind.”
“Talking to these fans has been very heartwarming, many of the conversations are touching and moving. And it’s all very exciting for me.”
She believes Elvis has his hand on the project.
“The spiritual side of me thinks he’s dressed in his white jumpsuit and cape and is looking down on all of this,” she said. “He and I used to sit at the meditation garden at Graceland and watch the clouds. I’d ask him if he could spot the Mickey Mouse ears and other shapes, like we did as kids. It was a relaxing time and had a calming effect.
“So, I’ve been looking at the clouds this week to see if I can pick out Elvis.”
The book will be available on Amazon.com next week.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Saturday 15 August 2015 - - - ELVIS WEEK 2015 - - - |
Watch Video of the 2015 Candlelight Vigil: Thousands of Elvis fans gather around the gates of Graceland for the annual Candlelight Vigil and to celebrate the life and legacy of the King of Rock 'n' Roll.
The ceremony for the 37th anniversary is organized as always by the Elvis Country Fan Club.
After the opening ceremony at the gates of Graceland, fans will walk up the driveway to Meditation Garden and back down carrying a candle in quiet remembrance. Gates remain open until all who wish to participate in the procession have done so, which typically takes until the early morning hours of August 16, the anniversary date of Elvis' passing.
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet)
Massive New Elvis Box Set In The Works: There have been plenty of rumours about a new SONY Box-Set going around for months. While in Memphis for Elvis Week, Roger Semon at last explained what it was all about on Elvis Radio.
Posted today on the FECC website, "Roger Semon, SONY's John Jackson and Rob Santos were on Elvis Radio. They said they had a big announcement to make about a mammoth box set that was being worked on. They're working on a project to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Elvis' RCA contract of November 1955. The set will include replicas of every album released in Elvis' lifetime and a 300 page book. No word on how much this will cost yet."
Presumed Release Date November 2015 - No more info as yet.
(Note the image right is actually the Japanese "Elvis Presley, Paper Sleeve Collection")
(News, Source;FECC/ElvisInfoNet)
Friday 14 August 2015 - - - ELVIS WEEK 2015 - - - |
Graceland Auction Results: With over 40,000 fans in town for Elvis Week celebrating the life and career of the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll at Graceland, music fans and collectors in Memphis and around the world participated on site and online in hopes of going home with a piece of Elvis history at the third "Auction at Graceland," which brought over $950,000 yesterday. Presented by Graceland Auctions, the auction was the largest and most comprehensive auction yet held at the Graceland Archive Studio. All of the items in the auction were from third-party collectors and none of the items included in the auction came from the treasured Graceland Archives.
The auction featured 160 rare and unique artifacts expertly authenticated by Graceland Authenticated, including merchandise memorabilia from Elvis’ early career, prized jewelry pieces and movie costumes.
EIN notes that several "Graceland authenticated" items had been |
withdrawn before auction (Including the special jumpsuit) from the original number of 174 items up for sale. Some had been flagged as obvious fakes by Elvis experts.
Highlights included...
Elvis Presley's Personal engraved Walther Model Handgun sold for the most at $62,500 (although the estimate had been $100,000)
The "TCB" gold and diamond necklace gifted to Sammy Davis Jr. which sold for $40,000.
The Gold Ring with Diamonds and Tourmaline worn by Elvis and gifted to Linda Thompson sold for $47,500
Elvis’ racquetball shirt which sold for $32,500
Elvis’ personally-owned and worn custom-made leather and mink coat $27,500
Elvis' Gold Owl-Shaped Ring gifted to a fan from the stage which sold for $32,500
Others included a 1960s Elvis’ jacket and leather pants ensemble (right) which sold for $32,500, and a 1962 suit worn by Elvis in "It Happened at the World's Fair" went for $25,000.
The much publicised 'Viva Las Vegas' jacket did not sell.
CLICK HERE to EPE for all the auction results
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
Anniversary of Gladys Presley Passing: On August 14, 1958, 3.15am Gladys Presley very sadly passed away- she was only 46. Elvis was never the same without her. After the Presleys moved to Memphis in November 1948, Gladys would still continue to work to support her family. She worked as a nurse’s aid at St. Joseph’s Hospital and also worked at Britling’s Cafeteria. Seeing the stress this was causing her Elvis desperately wanted to give his mother a better life. After his early sucess Elvis purchased their first home on Audubon Drive, a year before purchasing Graceland.
Elvis entered the Army in March 1958 but had to take special leave when Gladys fell ill later that year and passed away.
Gladys lived at Graceland until her death in 1958, which broke her son’s heart. But Gladys’ impact on her son was lifelong. He was loving and protective of his own daughter, Lisa. He loved the same music Gladys loved and recorded some of her favorite songs. He shared his love of music with the world, the way she shared her love of music with her son.
At her funeral on August 15, 1958, Elvis sobbed hysterically and was a broken man. Elvis cried out, "Oh God, everything I have is gone. You know how much I lived my whole life just for you."
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
David Lee Wins 2015 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist: EPE congratulates the 2015 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest winner David Lee!
David, who represents the Ocean City Elvis Festival, receives a contract to perform with Legends in Concert, the 2015 Ultimate ETA Contest belt, designed by B&K Enterprises and a cash prize of $20,000.
David Lee is from Birmingham, Alabama. Almost 20 years ago, a co-worker turned him on to some of Elvis’ more obscure music. He started listening more and more to Elvis’ music and became a big fan. He says it is an honor to be part of such a prestigious event paying tribute to the one and only King of Rock ‘n’ Roll. His favorite Elvis songs are "Promised Land" and "Unchained Melody."
Congratulations to second place winner Dwight Icenhower and third place winner Ryan Pelton, and top five finalists Pat Dunn and Michael Chambliss.
EIN was impressed with Dwight Icenhower when he played onthe "An Evening with Elvis' Friends and Original Musicians" 2015 UK Tour
(News, Source;EPE)
Official Elvis Forever Stamp Fan Mosaic: Due to the popularity of the earlier 'fan mosaics' EPE has launched yet another one.
Elvis fans worldwide can upload a photo of themselves to help create a 24" x 30" mosaic image collector’s print of the new Elvis Music Icon Forever stamp.
A 12-foot mural of the fan mosaic featuring the fan-submitted photos will be unveiled at Graceland in the fall. Photo submissions can be uploaded for free atFanMosaics.com/ElvisForever starting today through to September 12, 2015.
The collectors print can also be purchased now at the Fan Mosaic website, and prints will ship in October.
You can return to the Fan Mosaic site on September 12 and see the completed mosaic.
Click Here to ELVIS FAN MOSAIC upload your picture.
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet)
The Guest House at Graceland to Open 2016: The opening Weekend for 450-Room Graceland Resort is scheduled for October 27-30, 2016. With construction of The Guest House at Graceland in full swing it was announced today that the official opening for the new 450-room, full-service resort hotel will take place October 27-30, 2016, with a four-day, star-studded Grand Opening Celebration. Opening activities will be highlighted by a Guest House ribbon-cutting ceremony, exclusive live concerts, celebrity appearances and red carpet VIP events throughout the weekend to celebrate Elvis Presley and his legacy, and mark the opening of the most significant enhancement to Graceland since it opened to the public in 1982, and the largest hotel project in Memphis in over 90 years.
Members of the Presley family will join a roster of Elvis’ friends, music artists and celebrities during |
the grand celebration weekend to open this world-class hotel located just steps away from the landmark mansion, recently named the Best Music Attraction worldwide by USA Today’s 10Best Reader’s Choice awards.
Inspired by Elvis’ iconic home, every aspect of The Guest House at Graceland will reflect Elvis’ personal style (EIN- Really??!?) and the unique character of Graceland, from the southern colonial exterior to themed specialty suites, many with designs supervised by Priscilla Presley. The Guest House at Graceland will feature spacious rooms and a range of elegant and contemporary facilities, including two full-service restaurants, expansive meeting and special events space, a large outdoor pool and a 464-seat theater for live performances and movies.
"Lisa and I, and our entire family, are excited to see The Guest House at Graceland take shape," stated Priscilla Presley. "The Guest House will be the perfect place to stay while visiting Graceland and experiencing everything that Memphis has to offer. We can’t wait for this unique hotel to open in October 2016."
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
Latest Billboard Album Charts: The feeling of love continues for 'Heart And Soul'.
'Heart And Soul' drops from 19 to 20 on the Billboard Country Catalog Album
Chart for w/e 22nd August, 2015.
'He Touched Me' - The Gospel Music Of Elvis Presley (Vols.1 and 2) re-enters the Music Video Sales Chart at 27.
Elvis has no other entries on the Billboard Charts - sadly no sign of the TODAY new legacy release.
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNet)
Thursday 13 August 2015 - - - ELVIS WEEK 2015 - - - |
Listen to Elvis' Newly Orchestrated 'If I Can Dream': The new SONY compilation will attempt to prove that Elvis Presley was more than just the King of Rock & Roll. The album, If I Can Dream: Elvis Presley With the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, pairs one of the most recognizable voices of the past half-century with classical arrangements that don't so much overtake the original versions that fans hold near and dear as "sweeten them" - says Rolling Stone
The record's first single is "If I Can Dream," the plea for a better world that Presley sang as the closing number of his legendary '68 Comeback Special. In the context of that performance, the song came off as a dramatic showstopper. The updated track, which adds some tasteful strings and a smart horn arrangement that beefs up the one on the original, isn't a different so much as a fuller version of the song. - CLICK HERE TO LISTEN.
Priscilla explains, "This is the album I think he always would have wanted to do. RCA would have never allowed him to have an orchestra. And if it was up to Colonel Parker, he would have had Elvis just singing — no background, no nothing. I think we have given him the freedom here to experiment with all the orchestras he would have loved in the pieces."
When it came to picking the songs for If I Can Dream, Priscilla purposely chose tunes that weren't "the obvious songs," even if it's hard to avoid some of his biggest hits. So alongside "Love Me Tender" and "Burning Love," the new collection features the Aloha From Hawaii standout "Steamroller Blues," the 1962 single "Anything That's Part of You" and the Neil Diamond–penned "And the Grass Won't Pay No Mind." It also features a new guitar line by Duane Eddy on "An American Trilogy," operatic vocals by Il Volo on "It's Now or Never" and Michael Bublé singing half of a feisty duet on "Fever." "One of the main concerns was not having an artist that would compete with Elvis," Priscilla says. "This was thought out. This was not putting his name on something. Michael was so professional and such a perfectionist. Elvis loved great talent and talented people, and I know Michael would have been one of them." |
If I Can Dream also features "An American Trilogy," which Priscilla says she brought to Elvis. "I was driving down Sunset Boulevard and I heard Mickey Newbury singing it, and I went 'Oh, my God' and made a U-turn and went back to the house," she says. "No one usually ever brought songs to him. Elvis picked out all of his songs, with the exception of movie songs which matched the scenes. No one ever said, 'Hey El, you got to do this song.' So I said, 'There's a song I think you really should listen to.' And he said, 'Well, put it on.' So I did, and he just sat there at the desk. He put his head down and kind of nodded to it. He closed his eyes and said, 'Damn, damn good song.' And the next thing I know, we're back in Vegas, and he ate it up and spit it out."
The release of the orchestral album, and Priscilla says she's already imagining what she would like to put on a second volume, marks a move by EPE to keep Elvis relevant.
"We have to keep Elvis current. We're just carrying out, really, the DNA of Elvis Presley and keeping him authentic."
(EIN wonders why new orchestral overdubs are actually relevant to today's music scene?)
Priscilla says she has a few ideas of what she wants to do next and that she's looking at If I Can Dream as a tester of sorts. "Our culture and music has changed so drastically, I think that we have to keep [Elvis] right in line and do whatever we can to keep him current".
That authenticity is still what affects Priscilla most when listening to If I Can Dream. "His voice is crystal clear," she says. "I mean it's so today and current that you would never know it was from the Sixties and Seventies. He was a risk taker, and this is a risk he would have taken. I feel it's the right thing to keep his legacy alive and current."
'If I Can Dream: Elvis Presley With the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra' is released October 30th.
Click here to see the Comeback Video combined with the new overdub - EIN thanks Rob Salamanca.
(News, Source;RS/ElvisInfoNet) |
New Elvis Stamp Dedicated at Graceland: Priscilla Presley, Postmaster General Megan Brennan and Elvis fans gathered on the front lawn of Graceland on Wednesday for the official Elvis Forever Stamp Dedication Ceremony.
The new stamp goes on sale today August 12, along with the Sony Music’s RCA/Legacy Recordings CD "ELVIS FOREVER."
First-day stamp covers are available now on Shop Graceland and feature new artwork by Joe Petruccio.
Fans lined up the entire length of the front wall of Graceland to purchase the new stamp at midnight Wednesday. Stamps will be sold at Graceland throughout Elvis Week.
The Postal Service previously honored Presley on a stamp in 1993. The Smithsonian’s National Postal Museum calls that stamp the most popular U.S. commemorative stamp of all time.
Click here to EPE to watch the Elvis Forever Stamp Dedication Ceremony
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet)
Sonny West Health Update: The Wests are doing it tough and Sonny's family is trying to raise some funds. His son has posted, " I have always been extremely proud of my dad Sonny West. He is the toughest man I will ever know in my lifetime. He has beaten stage 4 throat cancer. However, his health has slowly been taking a turn for the worse. With trips back and forth to the hospital. Right now, he is lying in a hospital bed hooked to oxygen battling pneumonia. He is also having to deal with his wife, my mom recently being diagnosed with breast cancer. To say the least.... my parents are in need of financial help at this time. This is a son asking if you have it somewhere in your heart to give a donation.....I know it would mean the world to my dad and lift his spirits. To see how many people care and are rooting for him. God bless and thank you. - Bryan West.
If anyone is willing or able, please donate some money to one of Elvis' closest friends - Click here to this 'Fund Me' page.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
In Memory of Beth Pease: Elvisly Yours Sid Shaw writes - I have only recently been informed my dear friend Beth Pease died from cancer on June 3rd 2015. Any older fans that went to Memphis in the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s would know of Beth Pease who was one of Elvis’ greatest fans and who was a leading light in the Elvis World. It was Beth who persuaded Graceland Management to open the gates so that fans could pay their respects at midnight August 15th and file by the Presley family graves in a candlelight procession. So began the "Graceland Candlelight Service" that was sponsored by Elvis Country Fan Club of Texas.
Beth Pease was the owner and publisher of the wonderful "Graceland News" that is now very much a collector’s item. It recounted all the news that emanated from Graceland after it was opened to the public in 1982. In the early days before EPE took control Elvis Week was so much fun and mostly free. Beth
would organise Elvis "sock hops" (discos), Elvis Tribute Shows, Elvis flea markets and be of service all year round to Elvis fans that visited Memphis. (Above: Beth Pease with George Klein, Alan Fortas, Bill Burk and Jimmy Kingsley - 1982),
Beth was one of those old school, diehard Elvis fans that were there from the very beginning chasing Elvis all over town in fleets of cars, from the mid-50s to early 70s.
Our sincere condolences go to her children and her grandchildren. Beth had a heart of gold; she was a ‘Memphis Angel’. She was much loved and will be sadly missed by all who knew her,
Go here to Elvisly Yours Tribute to Beth Pease
(News, Source;SidShaw/ElvisInfoNet) |
Wednesday 12 August 2015 - - - ELVIS WEEK 2015 - - - |
Elvis "Non Stop Erotic Cabaret": 45 years ago today Elvis’ performance from the midnight show at the Las Vegas International on August 12, 1970 has been described by his record company as " Probably the best live concert ever recorded by Elvis Presley."
This stunning performance has been released by SONY on last year's "That's The Way It Is' Deluxe box-set as well as the June 2000 BMG 'That’s The Way It Is: Special Edition' 3cd set.
When he decided to investigate in-depth author George Smith discovered however that this 1970 Midnight performance was not just "the best live concert ever recorded by Elvis Presley"; it is an almost spiritual experience. But, like most great albums and concerts of that nature, it cannot be rushed: one must sit and listen to the show in its entirety. Then, and only then, can the genius of Elvis the performer be fully appreciated.
The show takes the form of a metaphorical sexual act with Elvis wooing, loving, and then ravishing his audience before twice taking it to an exhausting musical peak.
(Spotlight; Source;GeorgeSmith/ElvisInfoNet) |
Tuesday 11 August 2015 - - - ELVIS WEEK 2015 - - - |
Elvis Week Releases for 2015: How would most Elvis Presley fans prefer to commemorate the upcoming 38th anniversary of his death on Aug. 16? Or the fact that the Presley, who was 42 when he died Aug. 16, 1977, in Memphis, would have turned 80 earlier this year?
With a moment of silent contemplation?
By listening to 'Mystery Train', 'Heartbreak Hotel' and other galvanizing early hits by the intensely charismatic singer who shook up an entire generation in the 1950s and helped spark the rock 'n' roll revolution that followed?
By watching 'Blue Hawaii', 'Viva Las Vegas', 'Spinout' or perhaps the exciting seventies LIVE performances of 'That's the Way It Is', 'On Tour' or 'Aloha'?
But 38 years after his death, thanks to the U.S. Postal Service, Sony Records, Tish Henley and "The Elvis Files", fans of "The King Of Rock'n'Roll" will once again have plenty of mouth-watering NEW Elvis releases to choose from.
Next week will see the release of "The Music Icons: Elvis Presley Commemorative Forever Stamp." It bears a black-and-white image of the young rocker in the mid-1950s, when his career was igniting. There will be an official dedication ceremony Wednesday at Graceland..
Before becoming available to the general public next week, the stamp will go on sale Thursday, following a second dedication ceremony at the Elvis Presley birthplace in Tupelo. This is, for the record, the second collection of U.S. Postal Service stamps honoring Presley. The first collection, issued in 1993, is the best-selling in Postal service history.
As we noted yesterday two new statues of Presley, almost side by side, were unveiled in Tupelo in honor of "The King".
The new book "Taking Care of Elvis … Memories with Elvis as His Private Nurse and Friend", written by "Tish" Henley Kirk, Elvis' in-residence nurse was published yesterday.
Another new book on Presley hitting the shelves this week is "Elvis: Behind The Legend" by Trina Young. It is said to include "startling revelations" about Presley (see below).
The eagerly awaited 'Elvis - A Touch Of Gold Lamé' from the Elvis Files production team is also due out this week. (see details and previews here)
Lastly Sony Legacy will release their major new chart push "If I Can Dream: Elvis Presley With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra" on Oct. 30 but will be heavily promoting it at Elvis week. It features "classic Elvis vocal performances with brand-new orchestral accompaniment," along with a posthumous duet on "Fever" with Michael Bublé, and appearances by rock guitar great Duane Eddy and Italian operatic pop vocal group Il Volo on “It’s Now or Never”. (see details below)
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis: Behind The Legend' New Book: It's time to look at Elvis from the inside out. In 'Elvis: Behind The Legend', author Trina Young explores the inner motivations and desires of the man who would be crowned The King of Rock and Roll, and reveals how Elvis Presley's success actually conflicted with many of his own personal passions.
Elvis Presley’s public image as The King of Rock and Roll was constantly at war with his inner desires: the rock and roll revolutionary who wanted to be a mainstream pop star, the teen heartthrob who wanted to be a serious actor, the defiant rebel who dutifully served in the military, the sex god who released religious gospel records and the anti-establishment symbol who proudly shook hands with President Nixon.
Similar to Bob Dylan, Presley was ultimately assigned a title and image that he never aspired to. While Dylan abruptly left the musical genre of folk music that made him famous to freely pursue his other musical passions, Presley was never allowed to escape his rock and roll image.
Many rock and roll fans wondered why he had changed so much over the years and some even criticized him for it. Elvis was forever compared to his 1950s image of sex, defiance and rebellion which in many ways led him to be misunderstood.
Elvis: Behind The Legend is a compilation of surprising facts and revelations about The King – some light-hearted and fun, and some striking at the core of Presley’s heart and passions. It also explores some of the myths in the Presley legend. |
By looking beneath the surface, this book gives music fans an insight into The King of Rock and Roll like never before.
The E-book version is released today. The paperback version is due out the end of the month.
Go here to the book website: www.elvisbiography.net
(News, Source;TY/ElvisInfoNet) |
Monday 10 August 2015 - - - ELVIS WEEK 2015 - - - |
Two New Elvis statues in Tupelo: In honor of Elvis week, two new statues of the King were unveiled in Tupelo this weekend. The two new statues are created by sculptor Michiel VanderSommen. The two statues “Elvis, the Boy” and “Elvis, the Entertainer” were shown at Elvis' birthplace in Tupelo on Saturday. The statue of Elvis as a boy shows an 11-year-old Elvis sitting on a milk crate with a guitar in his lap.
The other statue stands 7-feet tall and shows Elvis with his arms extended and his head looking skyward.
The two new Elvis statues collectively titled “Becoming” symbolize the transformation of Elvis the boy into Elvis the entertainer.
Unveiled Saturday during Elvis Fan Appreciation Day atop the overlook, the life-size “Elvis, the Boy” statue depicts an 11-year-old Elvis sitting on a milk crate with his $7.75 guitar resting on his lap as he looks out at the lights of the city and conceived his dream.
With a wide stance, arms stretched to full extension and head titled back to the sky, the 7-foot immortalization of “Elvis, the Entertainer” stands, donning his signature eagle jumpsuit. It’s his final pose at the end of his last concert.
Henry Dodge, chairman of the Elvis Birthplace Memorial Foundation, said his stance signifies the end of a performance and a life.
“It symbolizes the bigger-than-life personality that Elvis had,” he said. “It stands in stark contract to ‘Elvis, the Boy,’ by design.” |
Drawn to the lifestyle of Elvis, VanderSommen began designing the new statues three years ago. First, he made clay models before casting them in bronze.
Using photographs for reference, VanderSommen still needed a way to get more detail on the eagle suit. Luckily, famed Elvis tribute artist David Lee was in town to pose for the “Elvis, the Entertainer” statue.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis' Nurse Tish Henley New Book: "Tish" Henley who was Elvis' private nurse is releasing a book about her life around the music legend and his family.
Letetia Henley Kirk lived on the grounds of Graceland with her husband and two young daughters from 1972 to 1983 and often traveled with Presley on tour.
Her self-published book, titled 'Taking Care of Elvis: Memories with Elvis as His Private Nurse and Friend', is a collection of short stories. It also includes dozens of previously unpublished photos.
"He was not only my patient but a good friend," said the 73-year-old Letetia "Tish" Henley Kirk, who planned to release the book today.
For nearly 40 years, she kept silent about her years with Presley. But she changed her mind after a friend convinced her to attend an event during Elvis Week last August in Memphis.
She talked to many of the fans gathered,
"I realized how hungry the fans are for stories about what life was like during a normal day at Graceland. They already know the stories about drugs and sex and life on the road. They want to know what Elvis was like at Graceland during his private time. That's what this book is, light-hearted stories of my memories and experiences with Elvis."
Henley was hired at The Medical Group in Memphis where she worked for 40 years. She met Presley in 1968 when he came to the clinic for treatment of saddle sores from riding horses.
"We treated him after hours, and he saw Dr. Nick. I was in the room assessing Elvis, and he was sitting in the corner talking to me with his head down.
"I walked over, lifted his chin and said, `Elvis, if you talk to me, you look at me.'"
She thought she was in trouble when Nichopoulos called her to his office and, with a solemn look on his face, asked what she said to Presley. When she told the doctor, he grinned and said Presley liked her country ways.
She became Presley's regular nurse when he came to the clinic, and that led to her move to Graceland in 1972.
Elvis' nickname for her was Tashina or Tish for short.
Henley recalled working at the clinic on Aug. 16, 1977, when her husband called and told her to "get home quick." She jumped in her car and soon saw the ambulance as it raced Presley to the hospital. She drove through the front gate of Graceland and learned what happened.
"I was in total disbelief. I never dreamed something like that would happen. I still get emotional about it, and the book was very hard to write because of that emotional journey."
But Henley said the light-hearted stories in the book kept her spirit lifted, such as the ones about gifts she received from Presley, including how she turned down a black Cadillac.
"Elvis was extremely generous and just loved to make people happy, I was a very blessed country girl."
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
'Collecting The King Memorabilia Show' Memphis: Elvis Week fans and collectors don't forget to visit the Annual Collecting the King® Memorabilia Show at the Peabody Hotel. This year The CTKM Show will be held in the Bert Parker Room (same room as last year) on August 12-13-14-15 (Wednesday through Saturday) during Elvis Week 2015 at the luxurious Peabody Hotel.
As always, there is FREE ADMISSION to all who attend. And as we have always done in the past, there will still be an Early Bird VIP Admission on Tuesday night from 6 pm to 8 pm, the night BEFORE the show officially begins on Wednesday. Admission is $10.00, that night only.
Dealers at our show this year will include many good friends and well established names in the Elvis collecting world including, Ray Jackson (R&J Collectibles) with his large assortment of Elvis collectibles, Rocky Kruegel (Stardust Records) who always has the most incredible assortment of 45’s each year, and of course, yours truly, Soundz Good Records with our large assortment of rare and collectible Elvis Records and memorabilia.
I am truly grateful to all the collectors who continue to attend and support our show and I am looking forward to seeing you all again to share stories about the world on Collecting the King as well as memories of Elvis Presley.
More info at their Facebook page
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis-themed Exhibition at L Ross Gallery, Memphis: A new exhibition of Elvis-themed art has opened in Memphis for Elvis week, 'It's Good to Be the King,' the L Ross Gallery
A recent review noted, "What's so satisfying about this Elvis exhibition is that as wildly diverse as the 27 pieces are, their primary theme is respect, whether dealing with Presley's clothes, his birthplace, his music or his general aura.
The main gallery is dominated by several large pieces that include Megan Hurdle's “Blue Suede Shoes,” which treats those iconic items as the sacred objects they deserve to be; Matthew Hasty's “Red, Hot and Blue,” a realistic depiction of Dewey Phillips’ radio broadcasting studio, a sort of ground-zero of local rock music.
But all the works in this exhibition are not epic in scale, and many are even more gratifying for their intimate scope and message.
And while an exhibition is not a contest, the top prize should go to Kurt Meer, whose 12-by-12-inch oil portrait of Elvis, all in tones of black, white and gray, captures what was thoughtful, hesitant and shadowed about the singer's self-regard. Called “Can't Help Falling,” it transforms biography into a quasi-religious experience.
“It's Good to Be the King” At L Ross Gallery, 5040 Sanderlin, Suite 104, through August 29.
Go here to their FB site
(News, Source;SM/ElvisInfoNet)
“Elvis Presley Karma 2010: Useful Knowledge" Book: A special book offer from author Darrin Lee. 'Elvis Presley Karma 2010: E.P., LMP And Cilla – Useful Knowledge' is a 188 page, format soft cover featuring the fantastic artwork of Nightrider Designs, beautiful photographs from Keith Alverson and Special Collections at The University of Memphis, in addition to exclusive interviews with trustworthy Elvis World figures: Kathy Westmoreland, Joseph Tunzi, Phil Gelormine and Rosemary Alden.
The author’s remaining inventory, twenty two copies, are being given away as GIFTS to those folks who visit eBay (www.ebay.com), utilize the key word search "Elvis Darrin Lee", and win one of his ongoing auctions / ”Buy It Now” listings. Each Elvis Presley FTD CD, DVD or item of memorabilia that is being offered for sale is competitively priced – often below market. To hold this stunning book in your hands allows you to fully appreciate graphic artist Chris Middleton’s skills (as evidenced in The Elvis Files series) and what Nightrider Designs is capable of creating!
Chapters include
- The Self-Destruction Myth Collapses Under Authorial Scrutiny
- If I Died Tonight, It Would Take ‘Em A Year To Get The Smile Off My Face (Spoken By Elvis)
- The Man In Black, The Memphis Flash & Hollywood Hokum
- A Rumored Near Fatal Drug Overdose In St. Louis’s Chase Park Plaza
- Revisiting The June-July 1973 Tour And Jeanne LeMay Dumas Meets A Greek God
- The 1975 Las Vegas Hilton “Summer Festival” And Hospitalization: A Testament Of Courage
More Darrin Lee Elvis articles are available via Amazon Kindle.
(News, Source;DL/ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis and Russian-French artist Marc Chagall: Elvis as the quintessential American pop star and Russian-French artist Marc Chagall were two very different men, with very different backgrounds, very different lifestyles and very different visions of life.
Yet for Pinehurst art expert Vivian Jacobson, both were men of art with much in common, especially in their reverence for religion and their ability to express the power of love in their work.
A recognized expert on Chagall’s life and work, Jacobson will discuss the parallels she has observed between the two during an upcoming complimentary lecture on the campus of Richmond Community College, 6pm Saturday, Aug. 15.
“Elvis and Chagall” will feature Presley’s music and some of Chagall’s most important art with commentary by Jacobson.
“Although they never met, Chagall, who is often referred to as the quintessential Jewish artist of the 20th century, shared striking similarities with Elvis,” said Jacobson. “The fervor of Chagall’s paintings and the energy of Elvis’ music are both electric. Both of them were born into the humblest of circumstances to mothers who had confidence in them and their early talents. Women played important roles in the lives of both men.”
The audience will hear Presley’s rendition of “Amazing Grace” while viewing Chagall’s paintings of the “Crucifixion and Resurrection.” Jacobson will also present several of Chagall’s most well-known paintings depicting lovers — “Lovers in Red Sky,” “Bella in Green” and “Bouquet with Flying Lovers” — against the background of Presley’s recording of “The Wonder of Love.”
“I fervently believe in the commonality of these two men, one a Jew, one a Christian, who came from different parts of the world and engaged in very different forms of expression,” Jacobson said, “yet each impacted the lives of millions of people through their power of their art.”
Long recognized for her expertise on Chagall’s artwork and history, Jacobson was appointed as Chagall speaker for the North Carolina Humanities Council Forum in 2001. She has lectured for art groups, museums, churches, synagogues, colleges and schools nationally as well as in Europe and Israel.
To register for the complimentary “Elvis and Chagall” program email lholland@firsthealth.org by Aug. 7. A reception will follow the program.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Saturday / Sunday 8/9 August 2015 |
Elvis Week 2015 starts: On August 16, 1977 Elvis Presley died at Graceland, his sanctuary and estate in Memphis, Tennessee. He was just 42 years old. The news sent a wave of shock and sadness as the world mourned the man who transformed how we listen to music and so much more. "Elvis Presley's death deprives our country of a part of itself. He was unique and irreplaceable... His music and his personality, fusing the styles of white country and black rhythm and blues, permanently changed the face of American popular culture," wrote President Jimmy Carter at the time.
All this was quite the achievement for a boy who grew up poor, had failed one of his high school music classes, and was the first member in his immediate family to graduate from high school. But Elvis' unique sound and cool soulfulness inspired legions of great artists from John Lennon to Elton John.
As Keith Richards later shared, "Before Elvis, everything was in black and white. Then came Elvis. Zoom, glorious Technicolor." Bruce Springsteen said, "It was like he came along and whispered some dream in everybody's ear and somehow we all dreamed it." Even Leonard Bernstein respected Elvis, remarking, "Elvis is the greatest cultural force in the 20th century." |
38 years after the King's passing, Graceland continues to get more than 600,000 visitors each year. Graceland is one of the most popular home tours in the United States. In fact, each August, to commemorate his death, thousands of Elvis fans descend upon Graceland to celebrate the superstar's life, music, movies and legacy. At the end of "Elvis Week" the remembrances and tributes conclude with a solemn candlelight vigil on the anniversary of his August 16th passing.
EIN's Sanja Meegin has just arrived back in Memphis to report on all things ELVIS for EIN readers!
EIN was the first website with a daily blog from Elvis Week - and once again Sanja will report on the inside gossip without the all-too-common marketing BS. - Go here to EIN's ELVIS WEEK 2015
(News, Source;Huff/ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis' "Starburst" Jumpsuit Withdrawn from Graceland Auction: The item that was getting the most publicity and driving the media postings, Elvis' "Starburst" Jumpsuit, estimated at $100,000-150,000, has been suddenly withdrawn from this week's Graceland Authenticated auction. No official explanation has so far been published.
As EIN noted only a few days ago...
Among the 174 items to be included in the August 13 auction, notable items include:
Elvis Presley Light Blue “Starburst” Jumpsuit worn in 1973 at the Las Vegas Hilton and other concerts
(Estimated $100,000-150,000)
EIN notes there is an oddity about this jumpsuit and where are all the photos of Elvis wearing it? The auction catalogue says, “Sometimes tragedy becomes serendipity, as is the case with this Elvis Presley stage-worn jumpsuit from his 1973 Las Vegas Hilton shows and concert tours. With its parts damaged, disassembled and then reunited after decades, it has emerged as a complete and original stage worn artifact from the peak of Elvis' 1970's performing career.“
EIN wonders if Graceland has discovered some fakes among the supposedly "Authenticated" auction lots?
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis Stamp on sale Thursday in Tupelo: Tupelo and Memphis are both gearing up for Elvis Presley Week and now the U.S. Postal Service is getting involved.
"The Music Icons: Elvis Presley Commemorative Forever Stamp" goes on sale next week. The stamp features a black-and-white image of the young "King of Rock 'n' Roll."
On Wednesday, there will be a dedication ceremony at Graceland in Memphis.
On Thursday, the stamp goes on sale in Tupelo with a dedication ceremony at the Elvis Presley Birthplace in Tupelo.
Some souvenir envelopes from the 1993 commemorative issue of the Elvis Presley Stamp will also be on sale.
Presley was born in Tupelo on Jan. 8, 1935, and moved to Memphis with his parents at age 13. He was 42 when he died Aug. 16, 1977, in Memphis.
Go here to the Tupelo Birthplace Website.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
Michael Bublé’s voice gives Priscilla chills:
The American crooner has jumped on board a project that puts a new spin on late singer Elvis’ classic songs, taking on popular track 'Fever'.
His former wife Priscilla worked on the album, If I Can Dream: Elvis Presley with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, and opened up about Bublé’s important role.
"Michael Bublé came on board and it was so good. He duets with Elvis," Presley explained, "My god, Elvis would have loved his voice and his material… It gives me chills because it was so good."
Tracks on the new record include popular songs like 'Love Me Tender', 'Bridge Over Troubled Water' and 'In The Ghetto'. Even almost 40 years after his death, Elvis’ songs have been revamped and given a new lease of life.
"This particular version, it's just so big," Presley smiled. "All the instruments and the voice, it's quite impactful."
Joining Bublé on the album are musicians including Il Volo and guitarist Duane Eddy. They will join with the booming sounds of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra to create a completely unique sound.
The album will be released worldwide on October 30. (see details below)
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
"The 50 Best Elvis songs": Selecting the fifty-best Elvis songs is an incredibly difficult task. Do you go for Greatest Hits or creative innovation instead? The Memphis Commercial Appeal are choosing their favourite fifty over Elvis Week - Although with both “If I Can Dream” and “In the Ghetto” near the bottom of the Top 50 list EIN wonders what will be at the top!
AS they note, Thirty-eight years after his death, Elvis Presley remains a global icon. As the years pass, it’s perhaps too easy for Elvis’ image to obscure his artistry. In Memphis, especially, Elvis the revolutionary artist, the “sing all kinds” boundary smasher, and the versatile vocalist shouldn’t be forgotten. So for the next two weeks, we’ll be celebrating Elvis Presley’s music by counting down our picks for his 50 best songs:
Here is their initial choices and reasons Why..
50. “In the Ghetto” (1969)
Why: This oddity in the Elvis oeuvre — pop song as social commentary — is a tale of poverty, violence and the vicious cycle of inner-city life, with a second-verse call to action. You’d have thought the songwriter was Bob Dylan, not Mac Davis. “In the Ghetto” was seen as a controversial song for Elvis, but better sense prevailed. Whatever you think of the song |
as a political and artistic statement, “In the Ghetto” had a sincerity and ache you hear in the best of Elvis’ beloved gospel sides (but without the bombast). -- David Williams
49. “Stuck on You” (1960)
Why: “Stuck on You” was recorded just a couple of weeks after a just-discharged Elvis set foot back in the States and was rushed to release, offering an exciting hint at what his post-Army music might have been had it not been so hijacked by Hollywood. Both more adult and more urbane than his Fifties music, Sun or RCA varieties, “Stuck on You” is more easeful than slick, as Elvis slurs and purrs his way around the song’s gently rocking, call-and-response foundation. -- Chris Herrington
48. “My Happiness” (1953)
Why: If Elvis’ debut Sun single -- “That’s All Right” backed with “Blue Moon of Kentucky” -- represents the Big Bang of Rock and Roll, then this demo acetate is the small flame that lit the slow-burning fuse. Studio manager Marion Keisker was the first music industry professional to experience Elvis as a self-conscious if still private performing artist. “What kind of singer are you?” Keisker asked the shy 18-year-old. |
Elvis replied, “I sing all kinds.” Were truer words ever spoken? A 1948 hit for a Capitol vocal quartet called The Pied Pipers,” Presley’s interpretation -- a slow, plaintive, boyish croon, accompanied by a softly strummed acoustic guitar -- represents a message of devotion from son to mother that is remarkable in its sincerity: “Whether skies are gray or blue/Any place on Earth will do/Just as long as I’m with you/My happiness.” Presley paid $3.25 to record the ballad, along with a version of an Ink Spots hit, “That’s When Your Heartaches Begin,” as a take-home gift for mom; 62 years later, rocker Jack White paid $300,000 for the original 10-inch acetate disc, which he reproduced and reissued on his Third Man Records label.-- John Beifuss
47. “Fame and Fortune” (1960)
Why: Penned by frequent Elvis collaborators Fred Wise and Ben Weisman this was just the kind of doo-wop ballad that Presley biographer Peter Guralnick noted the singer “could really sink his teeth into.” He does just that, adding a real sense of longing to lyrics such as "Who cares for fame and fortune, they're only passing things/But the touch of your lips on mine, makes me feel like a king." While “Stuck on You” soared to #1, it’s flip also become a hit, with “Fame and Fortune” reaching #17 on the charts and proving that this King still reigned supreme. -- Bob Mehr
46. “If I Can Dream” (1968)
Why: “If I Can Dream” was influenced by the words of Martin Luther King Jr., and recorded just two months after the civil rights leader’s assassination in Presley’s hometown, and mere days after the slaying of Bobby Kennedy. Penned by vocal arranger Walter Earl Brown, it was written at the urging of Presley and television director Steve Binder, in order to serve as the grand, emotional finale for the “’68 Comeback Special.” A white-suited Presley delivered a deeply felt reading of the song – included in the program over the objections of his manager Col. Tom Parker – and it would become one of the great “spiritual” standards in his catalog -- Bob Mehr
45. “(You’re So Square) Baby I Don’t Care" (1957)
44. “Crying in the Chapel” (1965)
43. “Men With Broken Hearts”/“Walk a Mile in My Shoes” (1970)
42. “King Creole” (1958)
41. “Can’t Help Falling in Love With You” (1961)
Click HERE to the Commercial Appeal for more...
(News, Source;CM/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Las Vegas' Voice - Volume Two' New Import CD: Rock Legends will soon release ''Las Vegas' Voice - Volume Two'' featuring the complete unreleased performance from February 2, 1974 Midnight show. This second unreleased booth recording is another good quality product and also a good performance by Elvis. As about all performances recorded during that season, Elvis sounded in control and very relaxed in front of his fans and Las Vegas' crowd.
If you enjoyed the first volume then the second volume is for you too !
(EIN note - Rock Legends have apparently printed the discs in the wrong order, Volume 1 was the Feb 2 concert, while this CD - announced yesterday - is in fact Feb 3! Email your dealer for clarification, 'cos we are confused!)
Go HERE to 'All The 2015 CD News' for the tracklist
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Latest Billboard Album Charts: The feeling of love continues for 'Heart And Soul'.
'Heart And Soul' rises from 22 to 19 on the Billboard Country Catalog Album Chart for w/e 15th August,2015.
Elvis has no other entries on the Billboard Charts.
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNet) |
'If I Can Dream' New CD Announcement: Today Legacy Recordings announced the new major Elvis release, 'If I Can Dream: Elvis Presley With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra' for October 30, 2015. The remarkable new album features classic Elvis vocal performances with brand-new orchestral accompaniment, along with a duet with Michael Bublé, and appearances by Il Volo and Duane Eddy.
An exciting revisit of Elvis’ work, If I Can Dream focuses on the iconic artist’s unmistakable voice, emphasizing the pure power of The King of Rock and Roll. Recorded at Abbey Road Studios in London with acclaimed producers Don Reedman and Nick Patrick, the 14-track album features Elvis’ most dramatic original performances augmented with lush new arrangements by The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. “This would be a dream come true for Elvis,” Priscilla Presley says of the project. “He would have loved to play with such a prestigious symphony orchestra. The music…the force that you feel with his voice and the orchestra is exactly what he would have done.” Don Reedman also commented, “Abbey Road Studios and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra are as good as it gets and Elvis deserves as good as it gets.” |
The album features a scintillating duet with best-selling jazz-pop singer Michael Bublé on “Fever.” The album also includes additional contributions by Rock and Roll Hall of Fame guitarist Duane Eddy adding his signature sound to “An American Trilogy” and “Bridge Over Troubled Water,” and Italian operatic pop trio Il Volo lending their outstanding vocals to “It’s Now or Never.”
As producer Nick Patrick said, “This is the record he would have loved to make.” If I Can Dream also highlights Elvis Presley’s diverse musical tastes and appreciation for great vocalists spanning a variety of genres from standards to opera. If I Can Dream is part of the ongoing ELVIS 80th Birthday Celebration in 2015.
'If I Can Dream: Elvis Presley With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra' may be pre-ordered now
The UK version features an alternate cover - you decide
- Check out the great Amazon Pre-order prices below...
Tracklist, 1. Burning Love, 2. It’s Now Or Never, 3. Love Me Tender, 4. Fever (feat. Michael Bublé), 5. Bridge Over Troubled Water, 6. And The Grass Won’t Pay No Mind, 7. You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling, 8. There’s Always Me, 9. Can’t Help Falling In Love, 10. In The Ghetto, 11. How Great Thou Art, 12. Steamroller Blues, 13. An American Trilogy, 14. If I Can Dream
<< US for only $11.98 <. . . . . > UK for only £9.99 >>
(News, Source;Sony/ElvisInfoNet) |
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'If I Can Dream: Elvis With The Royal Philharmonic' Deluxe Box set: The big release for Elvis Presley's 80th Birthday 'If I Can Dream: Elvis Presley With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra' has also been announced as a VINYL release as well as a deluxe BOXSET. This includes the THREE extra tracks 'Anything That's Part of You', 'What Now My Love' and 'Heartbreak Hotel'.
The box-set "Super deluxe version" of the album will included 3 additional tracks on CD, 2 heavyweight LPs, a poster and a 12” booklet, all housed in a box.
You can Pre-order here at Amazon UK Priced at £34.34 -
OUT Oct. 2015
Number of Discs: 1CD, Two Vinyl LPs
Format: Box set
Label: RCA Records
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
"Listening Party" for New Elvis Album at Elvis Week 2015: As suspected by EIN there will be a special PREVIEW of Elvis' new album "If I Can Dream: Elvis Presley with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra" featuring classic Elvis vocal performances with brand-new orchestral accompaniment, at Elvis Week in Memphis.
The album will be released worldwide on October 30, 2015 but fans attending Elvis Week 2015 at Graceland in Memphis can hear the new album exclusively at a listening party on Wednesday, August 12 at the Elvis Presley Automobile Museum at Graceland.
An exciting revisit of Elvis’ work, "If I Can Dream" focuses on the iconic artist’s unmistakable voice, emphasizing the pure power of The King of Rock and Roll. Recorded at Abbey Road Studios in London with acclaimed producers Don Reedman and Nick Patrick, the 14-track album features Elvis’ most dramatic original performances augmented with lush new arrangements by The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
Go HERE to EPE's Elvis Week schedule
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet)
Author discovers Elvis album sales increase by 1 million: Author Trina Young has discovered that in doing research for her new book, 'Elvis: Behind The Legend: Startling Truths About The King of Rock and Roll's Life, Loves, Films and Music' she discovered a discrepancy in the RIAA's reported figure of 134.5 million for Elvis Presley's total U.S. album sales.
The error was found in the calculation of Elvis Presley EP sales which are weighted differently than LPs. Elvis had 16 EPs that were certified either Gold, Platinum or Multi-Platinum, and the RIAA includes the sales of certified EPs in their album totals for each artist.
She writes, "I noticed in my calculations that there was an error on the RIAA searchable online database in the weighting figure for Presley's Multi-Platinum EP sales which resulted in the underreporting of 1 million units. The increase of Elvis Presley album sales by 1 million was significant because it bumped Elvis Presley up a half a million units above Garth Brooks as second to The Beatles.
The RIAA acknowledged in email correspondence in July that a revision in the calculation of Multi-Platinum EPs would be updated on their searchable database and that Presley's total would increase. On July 16, 2015, they updated their figures which resulted in Elvis Presley's album total rising to 135.5 million.
However, just 5 days later, on July 21, the RIAA awarded Garth Brooks another 1 million in album sales bumping him up a half a million ahead of Elvis Presley again. The RIAA did not make any official statement about the sales increase of either Presley or Brooks.
The full list of Gold, Platinum and Multi-Platinum albums awarded to Elvis Presley and The Beatles is included in my new book.
Elvis: Behind The Legend is a collection of over 30 articles revealing surprising facts and discoveries about The King – some light-hearted and fun, and some striking at the core of Presley’s heart and passions. With topics covering the full span of Presley's life, it also explores some of the myths in the Elvis legend.
The E-book version will be released on August 11. The paperback version is due out the end of the month.
Go here to the book website: www.elvisbiography.net
(News, Source;TY/ElvisInfoNet) |
"Joanna Lumley: Elvis and Me": The "Absolutely Fabulous" UK TV star Joanna Lumley is a devoted fan of the King of Rock 'n' Roll and will explore his private life for new ITV documentary, "Joanna Lumley: Elvis and Me".
Lumley, 69, will meet some of Elvis's closest surviving friends and family, including ex-wife Priscilla Presley, who gives her a private tour of his famous home, sharing intimate details of their married life.
Lumley said: "I have loved Elvis as a devoted fan since I first heard his fabulous voice when I was ten years old. The opportunity to visit Graceland and spend time finding out more about his fascinating life from Priscilla, and those closest to him, was absolutely thrilling."
This year Elvis would have turned 80 and Lumley said it was one her biggest regrets that she never got the opportunity to meet him.
Elvis died in 1977 aged 42.
Lumley also visits the town where Elvis was born and meets his childhood friends and first love.
ITV commissioner Jo Clinton-Davis says: "Who knew Joanna Lumley was head over heels in love with Elvis? This is a passion project in a literal sense as Joanna goes in search of the story behind the man and his music."
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
Nashville RCA Studio A listed on the National Register: RCA Studio A, the Music Row building that touched off a sweeping debate regarding the city's music landmarks and overall preservation policy, has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
The National Park Service's listing, which was made official July 21 and announced on Friday, gives a decisive win to activists, led by Nashville piano rocker Ben Folds, who fought to save the studio from demolition. Folds leases the building's famous studio, where an array of superstars have recorded, including Dolly Parton, Willie Nelson and Miranda Lambert.
While Elvis recorded all his classics in RCA Studio B, he did however play a charade on Priscilla arranging for her to observe a pretend Elvis session in Studio A! |
Bassist Norbert Putnam explains ....
"When we entered the control room right on time at six o'clock, there sat the King, the man who in the past had never arrived before eight. He jumped to his feet and pulled his beautiful Queen across the room to meet us. We were introduced as "Putt and David, the greatest bass player, the greatest piano player in the world!" He went on to say, "Putt was the one who played that great bass part on 'You Don't Have To Say You Love Me,' and you remember the great piano intro on 'Love Letters'?"
... Soon Pachucki led Priscilla out of the control room and into the large cavernous studio. With Priscilla gone, Elvis seized the opportunity to apologize for the charade, but begged us to please play along. "You know I love this woman dearly, but I wouldn't ever want her to witness all the silly shenanigans that occur on a real live session," he said. We smiled and nodded our heads in quiet understanding.
(News, Source;GregCain/ElvisInfoNet) |
FTD’s Roger Semon replaces Ernst Jorgensen at Elvis Week: Elvis collectors who were keen to meet Ernst Jorgensen at Elvis Week this year in Memphis will be disappointed to learn that he is no longer listed as an attendee and has been replaced by FTD’s Roger Semon.
Jorgensen confirmed with EIN that he is not involved in the new Elvis SONY ‘If I can Dream’ "Royal Philharmonic Orchestra" September remix release and it is Roger Semon who is working on this project. This would have to be the main feature of the scheduled "Sony Music's RCA/Legacy Recordings Event" on August 12 where fans are going to "experience a new and exciting music project."
Roger Semon has also replaced Jorgensen at the special "Elvis 101" event which will help examine "Elvis' influence on music, pop culture and society"
Go HERE to EIN's collection of Roger Semon / Ernst Jorgensen Interviews and articles.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Latest Billboard Album Charts: The feeling of love continues for 'Heart And Soul'.
'Heart And Soul' rises from 24 to 22 on the Billboard Country Catalog Album Chart for w/e 8th August, 2015
Elvis has no other entries on the Billboard Charts.
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNet) |
July 31 1969 - Such A Night! : It was 46 years ago today, July 31, 1969 which marked a major historic milestone in Elvis' career. Bolstered by the runaway success of the '68 Comeback show and energized by productive recording sessions at American Sound Studios, which would spawn such timeless hits as "Suspicious Minds", "In The Ghetto" and "Don't Cry Daddy," Elvis launched his return to live performance at Las Vegas's International Hotel in the summer of 1969.
As super-fan Ian Fraser-Thomson noted, "The room exploded and a deafening roar came from the crowd and Elvis was bathed in praise and received his first standing ovation. After Elvis traversed both sides of the stage he found his way back to the centre where the microphone stand was situated and I was only 10 feet away from him!
I was amazed with the sight of Elvis reaching out with his right hand to take the mic and utter the first words of the evening and I saw his hand was shaking. Holy smokes, Elvis was trembling!"
Please check out our interview with Ian Fraser-Thomson, the only fan to witness Elvis' astounding July 1969 rehearsal, Las Vegas Opening Night and the Press Conference afterwards (see below).
Also if you don't already own a copy of the book 'ELVIS:Vegas 69' - check out our EIN review here.
(News, Source/ElvisInfoNet) |
Ian Fraser-Thomson 1969 fan Interview: Ian Fraser-Thomson was the only fan to witness Elvis' astounding July 1969 rehearsal, Las Vegas Opening Night and the Press Conference afterwards. As we all know July 31, 1969 marked a historic milestone in Elvis' career. Bolstered by the runaway success of the '68 Comeback show and energised by productive recording sessions at American Sound Studios, Elvis launched his return to live performance at Las Vegas's International Hotel in the summer of 1969.
(Interview, Source;EIN) |
Elvis and Herman's Hermits: With more than 50 years in the music industry Barry Whitwam of "Herman's Hermits" fame has plenty of stories to tell and there's no doubt that he's really lived the rock and roll lifestyle.
Along the way he met The King, Elvis Presley, got blown up by Keith Moon from The Who and remembers the band getting a $25,000 dollar hotel bill after trashing it with birthday cake.
Even after all these years Herman's Hermits still have a great fan base all around the world, performing more than 160 shows each year and to date they've sold more than 75 million records.
The band were in and out the charts many times in the 60s with hits such as 'I'm into Something Good' and 'Mrs. Brown You've Got a Lovely Daughter'.
At their peak, the band were playing alongside and meeting music legends including Elvis.
"It all came about in the summer of 1965. Herman's Hermits had just finished a big tour of America in Hawaii at the Coliseum and we were booked to fly home the |
next day, but that night after the last show we got a telephone call from Colonel Tom Parker, who managed Elvis. He said that Elvis Presley would like to meet Herman's Hermits on his film set the next day. I and Peter were delighted to be invited and we managed to change our tickets home for a flight 24 hours later.
Elvis was filming Paradise Hawaiian Style and we were to meet him on the film set."
When Barry (photo, far right) and Peter arrived Elvis was nowhere to be seen as the music legend had gone for a ride on his motorbike.
Before long they heard a roar and saw a sight they'd remember forever.
"There were about 15 Harley Davidson bikes coming towards us in a the shape of a V and Elvis was in the centre. It was certainly an entrance. I was very nervous as I didn't know what to expect, but he was a very warm person and a gentleman and we got on really well. He got off the bike and not a hair on his head moved. We found out later that Elvis had bought each of his friends their motorbikes. He was such a generous person.
As Elvis approached us I was spell bound, it was as if God had come down from heaven. Altogether we had about two hours with Elvis and talked about our tour of America.
"He knew we had millions of fans there, but I don't think he really understood why, Elvis seemed to want to know what our secret was - how five young lads from Manchester could make such a big impact around the world."
Now a days life on the road is a lot calmer and the band is still going strong. "We visit some great places and still love what we do," said Barry.
EIN note: This story of meeting Elvis is regularly used to publicise their new tours. Marty Lacker who was there sent EIN these relevant points about the meeting and the quotes above...
"Let's set the record straight. They called Colonel wanting to meet Elvis, not the other way 'round.
Secondly, we did not ride motorcycles in Hawaii we used cars, we were already on the set when Herman and The Hermits showed up."
Go HERE for the full story of Elvis being interviewed by Peter Noone.
(News, Source;SM/ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis Files Magazine #13: Erik Lorentzen has posted the cover of the September Elvis Files Magazine and at the same time noted that back-issues are still available
The magazine, four issues per year, costs €58 subscription which includes world-wide postage.
CLICK HERE to 'Elvis Files Magazine'
(News, Source;EL/ElvisInfoNet) |
News from earlier this week ... |
"Elvis: The Best Of British, The RCA Years 1959 – 1960" New FTD Book: The final UK book concluding the Trevor Simpson "Best Of British" trilogy. 'Elvis: The Best of British' this time focuses on the RCA recordings of 1959-1960 and, consistent with the previous volumes, contains over 500 pages. Discover exactly how Elvis, on his triumphant return from army service, reinvented his career at the top of the entertainment world when RCA declared ‘Elvis is Back!’ before the movie G.I. Blues changed his life forever. His story is graphically told through the music with over FIFTY iconic songs, originally released on the British RCA label, having been extensively researched. Over 1100 rare or previously unpublished photographs, charts and unique memorabilia, create a visually enhanced record of a superstar with unsurpassed acclaim. Read about the management strategy to keep Elvis’ name in the public eye whilst he was away, which not only succeeded in retaining his image of more than just a singer, but as the pulse at the heart of a generation. With its wealth of invaluable information, this book includes: -
- Every known photograph and press cutting of Elvis in Scotland, his only time on British soil! |
- Photographs from the pivotal meeting with Hal Wallis in a German restaurant where Elvis’ future movie career was mapped out!
- The New York Elvis songwriter who was thrown into the East River by mobsters and the British composer who appeared on a £10 bank note!
This book includes a 30 track CD featuring many performances officially released for the first time (these are mainly "film" versions and radio adverts). Hear Elvis personally introduce his British chart toppers during this two year period along with other classic tracks, rare movie versions and audio movie promotions. Add to that, exciting songwriter demos as Elvis first heard them and you will own a unique CD to treasure.
Go here to All The SONY FTD News 2015 for tracklistings and info
(News, Source;FTD/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Live In Las Vegas' Box set Re-Release: Sony is re-releasing the 2001 original "Live In Las Vegas Box-set" with the original 4 CDs but this time in the new cheaper "mini-book" format.
CD1. Features Elvis' Dinner Show from August 24, 1969.
CD2. Features Elvis' Midnight Show from August 11, 1970.
CD3. Featured the then previously released 'On Stage' / 'Burning Love' Feb 1970 & 1972 compilation.
CD4. Features Elvis' 1956 Las Vegas performance plus 20 soundboard recorded tracks from 1974 and 1975.
Keen Elvis fans will already own the original 2001 box-set so EIN hopes that there is some new publicity to attract more of the "general" Elvis fans.
It is also a shame that this set hasn’t been remastered for 2015.
But priced at £12.99 = US$20 it is a cheap bargain for four live concert cds.
From Sony Music, the release date is 18 Sept. 2015.
You can Pre-order it at Amazon UK here > 'Live In Las Vegas'
(News, Source;Sony/ElvisInfoNet)
Graceland Auction Online bidding now open: The third auction of rare and authentic Elvis artifacts and memorabilia will be held during Elvis Week 2015, featuring an impressive 174 lots, making it the largest and most comprehensive auction yet held on the grounds of Graceland. The live Auction will take place in the Graceland Archives Studio on Thursday, August 13, 2015, at 8:00 pm
You can start bidding now at GracelandAuctions.com.
Fans, music collectors and pop culture enthusiasts from around the world are expected to participate on site and online in this unprecedented auction, with all 174 lots expertly authenticated by the staff of Graceland Authenticated. All of the items in the auction will be offered from third-party collectors and none of the items included in the auction will come from the treasured Graceland Archives. NOTE - the mansion and all artifacts in the Graceland Archives continue to be owned by Lisa Marie Presley and are not for sale.
Among the 174 items to be included in the August 13 auction, notable items include:
Elvis Presley Light Blue “Starburst” Jumpsuit worn in 1973 at the Las Vegas Hilton and other concerts
(Estimated $100,000-150,000)
EIN notes there is an oddity about this jumpsuit and where are all the photos of Elvis wearing it? The auction catalogue says, “Sometimes tragedy becomes serendipity, as is the case with this Elvis Presley stage-worn jumpsuit from his 1973 Las Vegas Hilton shows and concert tours. With its parts damaged, disassembled and then reunited after decades, it has emerged as a complete and original stage worn artifact from the peak of Elvis' 1970's performing career.“
Elvis Presley Jacket from the “Viva Las Vegas” dance scene with Ann-Margret. Worn in the movie during the Nevada gymnasium stage "C'mon Everybody" scene.
The offered jacket is one of two created by Sy Devore, noted Hollywood wardrobe designer.
(Estimated $30,000-50,000)
Elvis Presley-Owned Gold Owl-Shaped Ring gifted to a fan from the stage
(Estimated $15,000-20,000)
Elvis Presley's Personal Walther Model PPK/S 9mm Kurz Handgun - Ornately Engraved "Elvis" and “TCB"
(Estimated $100,000–125,000)
Elvis Presley and Colonel Parker Signed Hollow Body Electric Guitar -
This six-string Conrad hollow body double-cutaway |
electric guitar, model 40185, has been signed by both Elvis and Colonel Parker on the body. Elvis has inscribed a big, bold signature — "Respectfully yours Elvis Presley" — and Colonel Parker has simply signed "Col. Tom Parker." The guitar was taken backstage concert on December 31, 1976, in Pittsburgh, PA where it was handed to Elvis in his dressing room. He he signed 'Respectfully Yours Elvis Presley.' It is likely that he may have strummed the guitar before he handed it back. Col Parker autographed this guitar in Las Vegas at a later date.
(Estimate: $25,000 - $35,000)
1957 EPE Elvis Presley Doll in rare original box
(Estimated $7,000-10,000)
You can start bidding now at GracelandAuctions.com. Click Here
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
July 30 Proclaimed 'Elvis in Asheville' Day: Forty years ago this month, Elvis Presley sold out in Asheville.
The memory of Elvis Presley’s visit there in 1975, which resulted in three performances, still looms large. In fact, a fundraiser for Grateful Steps Foundation celebrates the Elvis anniversary on July 30 at The Orange Peel with storytelling, silent auction, music and dancing.
“I grew up here, and I was too young to go to the Elvis concert, but I remember hearing legends about it for years afterward,” said Jon Elliston, a local writer, editor and historian who is organizing the benefit event. “With the advent of the Internet, Facebook in particular, all of a sudden all these local people have shared even more of their memories.”
The event includes an open mic session, so people who attended the concert can share those stories. Apparently, it was a wild event. Asheville clamored for tickets, and the concert that was originally scheduled for one day stretched into three with about 22,000 tickets sold.
To honor his visit to Asheville, today, July 30 will be proclaimed as Elvis in Asheville Day.
The proclamation was made during Tuesday's Asheville's City Council meeting to honor the residents' "Burning Love" for the king.
Presley sold out three nights at the Asheville Civic Center in 1975.
(News, Source;NP/ElvisInfoNet) |
Australian Parkes Elvis Festival Wins Tourism Award: The Australian Parkes Elvis Festival has won the Festivals and Events category at the 2015 Inland Tourism Awards.
Parkes Tourism representatives including Emily Mann the Festival Director were on hand to collect the prestigious award.
The Inland Tourism Awards are held annually to acknowledge excellence in tourism in the four regional tourism areas.
Parkes Elvis Festival was part of a record-breaking year, with 51 finalists competing in 19 categories across the four tourism regions.
There were three finalists with Parkes Elvis Festival in the company of the Tamworth Country Music Festival and Dubbo Stampede Running Festival.
“2015 was the first year of the Festival’s organisation under the stewardship of Parkes Shire Council, with the strong support of volunteers and the local community. This award is a credit to all involved,” Emily said.
“The award further cements Parkes Elvis Festival’s status, this year’s Elvis Festival attracted some 20,000 visitors and generated up to $12 million in the local district economy.
Go here for more about the Australian Parkes Festival
(News, Source;SM/ElvisInfoNet) |
"Elvis Meets The Beatles" New BBC radio Play: The historic moment the Fab Four met the king of rock 'n' roll will be recreated in a new radio play almost 50 years to the day since it happened. Presley is played by Kevin Mains, who previously starred as the US singer in the West End show Million Dollar Quartet and portrayed Paul McCartney in ITV's drama 'Cilla Black'.
Two other stars of Cilla, Tom Dunlea and Michael Hawkins, recreate their roles from that show, playing Ringo Starr and George Harrison respectively, with Shaun Mason as Paul McCartney.
The meeting, which took place at Presley's Bel Air mansion on August 27 1965, was not filmed or taped and only a few people know what really happened.
It has been recreated by writer Jeff Young who said it made for "a strange and compelling narrative".
He said, " The piece that has emerged is a kind of fake documentary. Elvis's life was an American tragedy and the seeds of it are sown here in this meeting between the King and the pretenders to the throne."
'When Elvis Met The Beatles' airs on BBC Radio 2 at 7pm on Monday August 31 as part of a series dedicated to Presley and the Beatles.
Go here as EIN explores 'Elvis Meets The Beatles'
(News, Source;SM/ElvisInfoNet) |
More ELVIS on BBC Radio 2: This August, BBC Radio 2 will be marking the 50th anniversary of a momentous meeting between Elvis Presley and the young pretenders of pop The Beatles, with a weekend of programmes, including the drama 'When Elvis Met The Beatles' (see above) plus a series of documentaries, special features and some great music.
Other programmes include:
'Johnnie Walker Meets Priscilla Presley' (Thursday 27 August, 6pm UK), an in-depth personal conversation in which Priscilla talks about meeting Elvis, his extraordinary music and film career, the ‘68 Comeback Special, the profound effect he had on her life, plus a brand new project involving Elvis recordings backed by The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
'Elvis’s Suitcase of 78s' (Wednesday 26 August, 10pm UK), tells the story of Elvis Presley’s personal collection of 78 records. In 1968 Scotty Moore owned a recording studio in Nashville and Presley was so worried about his precious collection getting broken that he took them to Scotty in a small suitcase and asked him to dub them on to reel to |
reel tape so he could listen to them at home without worrying about damaging them. Elvis then recorded the ’68 Comeback special with Scotty, after which Elvis never saw Scotty again. Elvis never collected his suitcase. In this documentary Chris Issak travels to Nashville to meet Scotty, and discover more about Elvis’s 78s collection.
There will also be Beatles and Elvis features within the network’s regular weekend shows
Go here to BBC Radio 2 media release for more info
(News, Source;BBC/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Atlanta Loves Elvis' New Import CD: As 1976 came to an end, in spite of well visited concerts and a constant high interest of his fans his live concerts were reaching a low point in summer, which was noticeable at less euphoric feedback's from the press and his fans who were sometimes disappointed by his performance. The following autumn brought an upturn for Elvis. Towards the end of the year Elvis managed to turn his low point into his last golden age. His concerts were getting exiting with an Elvis who became more healthy and in shape again. The great mood of the King was showing of in his concerts which made his last tour 1976 to one of the greatest in the 70s. Touchdown presents an Audience Recording of the December 30 1976 concert on a new 2 Disc set. Elvis and Atlanta always had a special connection to each other which made concerts in Atlanta even more exiting. Elvis loved Atlanta and Atlanta loved him. An amazing set list and an artist who gave everything for the audience made this show the favorite for many fans. Even though this is just a record from the crowd the quality is amazing and much better than all others known so far what you can hear in the sample. Furthermore this evening Elvis sang and ultra rare and full length "Such A Night“ for his fans. |
'Elvis Closing Show 1975' new Import CD: New from AudiRec 'Elvis Closing Show 1975' a brand new CD Set which will be released shortly. It includes an audience recording of the complete performance from Las Vegas "Closing Night" December 15, 1975. The complete concert has never been released before.
Expectations were high when Elvis returned to Las Vegas in December of 1975. Will the “King” reign again or will he again leave tons of disappointed fans who were waiting for “their” concerts back in August of the same year, only to learn that Elvis had to cancel the main part of his two-week engagements at the Showroom then? To cut it short: Elvis delivered mainly great shows. He seemed to be relaxed and enjoying himself on stage. The fans loved the performances and from what we can hear on several audience recordings and soundboard recordings, too, this Las Vegas Winter season of ´75 was a very good one.
The concert is now being released for the first time in its entirety.
Expect a fine, decent 2 CD Set containing a great show and be sure to get your copy at your local dealer! Accompanied by a 16-page booklet with lots of information and pictures from the show itself.
Go HERE to 'All The 2015 CD News' for the tracklist
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
More News and EIN exclusives from earlier in July ... |
Elvis London O2 Exhibition EIN Review: Having visited Graceland several times the lure of being able to see more than 300 of Elvis’ personal belongings in a less tour-group-timed environment was an opportunity not to be missed.
The display is sorted into 10 different rooms focusing on Elvis’ fabulous career from his very early beginnings in Tupelo, to the start of Elvis Mania, his Army Years, Hollywood, the 68 Special, his later concert years and the lovely section dedicated purely to Graceland.
In each room relevant Elvis music helps create the right atmosphere along with various interviews, recording sessions and suchlike.
To be honest I was expecting something a little more tacky but, surprisingly, a lot of thought and attention has been put in to the display and what has been chosen to be exhibited.
Some of the items on display were a delight to linger over.
Go here for EIN's Piers Beagley's look at the London ELVIS O2 exhibition - now open until January 2016!
(Review/Spotlight, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis Music FAQ released in ebook format: In late 2013 EIN reviewed Mike Eder's book, Elvis Music FAQ. Mike has advised us that his book is now available in ebook format. Mike also said: ".....the pictures are all in color, like they should always have been, and look really nice now. I know that was a sticking point for some people who don’t realize these things aren’t within an author’s control who doesn’t self publish."
(News, Source: Mike Eder/ElvisInfoNet) |
Jon Abbott interview with EIN - your feedback added - Noted pop culture author Jon Abbott recently took time out of his busy schedule to discuss Elvis' film career and Jon's passion, pop culture TV and film with EIN's Nigel Patterson.
Along the way Jon reveals a multitude of things about Elvis' films and offers often strong commentary and keen insight on a range of subjects including:
- how the Colonel protected Elvis
- why Elvis' film career worked
- could Elvis' film career have been better?
- will Elvis' film canon survive as an area of interest for future generations?
why Barbra Streisand's A Star Is Born would have been a bad idea
Bad Nauheim Elvis Week Festival 2015: From 14th to 16th of August 2015 Elvis fans from all over the world celebrate their idol with concerts, exhibitions, a Cadillac-parade, a fan market, guided tours and so much more in Bad Nauheim, Germany.
From 1958 to 1960, Elvis Presley had his “European home“ in the Hessian town close to Frankfurt. Every year since 2002, Bad Nauheim has hosted the “European Elvis festival” to mark the anniversary of the King’s death on August 16th. During the festival, Bad Nauheim celebrates Rock'n'Roll as a way of life.
There will be a music contest at the 14th European Elvis Festival. The best male and female singers and the best bands in Europe will be selected. A jury preselected the best candidates and those selected are welcome to perform throughout the daily live programmes during the 14th European Elvis Festival. In the course of the festival the panel of experts and the audience will judge the final contestants. The winner’s prize is to perform as the supporting act of the original TCB-Band on the afternoon of August 16th, 2015 as well as a professional live act at the “15th European Elvis Festival” in 2016!
Saturday Afternoon features "Conversations with The TCB Band, The Imperials and Sam Thompson"
Members of both bands reminisce about their encounters and adventures with Elvis. Take advantage and ask the questions you always wanted to! Listen to the exciting memories of the musicians and friends of Elvis! |
The main saturday night concert is "The TCB Band Plus Dennis Jale and The Imperials"
The TCB-Band with James Burton, Glen D. Hardin and Ronnie Tutt are going to perform with Dennis Jale.
Go HEREm to the Bad Nauheim website for more info
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
'The Elvis Files Vol. 7 1974-1975': Due to the extra work that had to go into the deluxe '1957 A Touch of Gold Lame' there is no confirmation that Volume 7 of the great Elvis Files series will be published in time for August - However Erik Lorentzen assures EIN that "the whole staff is now working on Elvis Files Volume 7. Here's a
few pages from the tour of July 1975. I was fortunate to attend several
of the shows on this tour. And working on this pages bring back a lot of
great memories."
The sixth volume of the Elvis Files story chronicles Elvis' years on tour through the USA, the Las Vegas and Lake Tahoe seasons..
All ELVIS EVENTS in this Time Frame 1974-1975 are shown
- Every Working Moment...
- The Mid-Seventies Tours
- The Las Vegas and Lake Tahoe Seasons
- Plenty of CANDID Moments
- The Recording Sessions
- Previously Unpublished Photos.
The cover photo is taken by our friend Keith Alverson.
Go HERE for info 'Elvis Files 2015' and full-size example pages |
New Guests At Elvis week: EPE are excited to announce some great new guests for Elvis Week 2015! Elvis' back-up singers, Susan Pilkington, Mary Holladay, and Ginger Holladay - who backed Elvis on some of his greatest hits - have been added to the Graceland Insiders Conference on August 14 to share their stories of working with Elvis. Susan Pilkington, Mary Holladay Pederson, and Ginger Holladay, along with Jeanne Green and Donna Thatcher, sang back up for many of the top artist in the late '60's and 70's. These five vocalists (in various combinations) sang on the Memphis recordings for B.J. Thomas's "Hooked on a Feeling," Neil Diamond's "Holly Holy," The Box Top's "Cry like a Baby" and such artists as Percy Sledge, Joe Tex, Joe Simon, Sonny and Cher, Merrilee Rush and Joan Baez. However, it was Elvis Presley's 1969 American Sound Studio's recordings of "Suspicious Minds" and "In the Ghetto" |
that was the zenith of their careers. “Long Black Limousine,” “Kentucky Rain,” and "Any Day Now” are among the numerous songs they did with Elvis at American Sound. They also recorded backup vocals in Memphis for Elvis on both of the 1973 Stax Studio sessions. Mary and Ginger later toured with Ronnie Milsap, Linda Ronstadt and others.
Priscilla Presley will also make an appearance at the Official Graceland Insiders Conference on August 14 as part of the Sony Panel on Friday afternoon. (EIN notes - Hopefully she will reveal more than last year)
Elvis' friend and TV game show host Wink Martindale will share his memories of the King of Rock 'n' Roll at Conversations on Elvis on Saturday, August 15.
(News, Source; EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis At The Springfield Civic Center 40 years ago: Elvis has long left the building, but 40 years ago he caused a stir in the City of Homes. The King held court three times at the Springfield Civic Center – the first time took place on July 14, 1975.
At legendary manager Col. Tom Parker's request, tickets - which ranged in price from $5 to $10 - were put out for sale on March 20, 1975, a day after the July 14 show was announced.
The strategy was to take maximum advantage of the excitement caused by the announcement.
All 9,969 tickets were sold from the arena's main box office.
Lines formed 12 hours before the box office opened at 9 a.m. The weary box-office staff sold the last ticket at 3 a.m. the following day.
Demand was so great that a July 15 show was added – and promptly sold out.
"The crowds, the lines we had for tickets, there was nothing like it," Gerald M. Healy, who managed Civic Center at the time, noted in a 1992 interview.
"We sold so many tickets, we were offered a third night," Healy said. "Instead, we asked for a return engagement (on July 29, 1976)."
(Healy also negotiated a fourth concert set for February 1978 prior Presley's death on Aug. 16, 1977).
Warming up the crowd in the summer of 1975 was a comedian and songs by The Sweet Inspirations and J.D. Sumner and The Stamps.
When Elvis began his set, fans rushed the stage for a closer glimpse of The King or to catch one of the white scarves he tossed into the crowd.
He was in fine voice, belting out early hits such as "Hound Dog" and "Don't Be Cruel," as well as his later favorites like "Burning Love" and "Funny How Time Slips Away." |
The newspaper review of the time noted, "They came from near and far, all ages, to see the King do his thing and Elvis Presley didn't disappoint. A capacity audience clapped, shouted, whistled and screamed for the man who made it a night to remember, especially for that group who lived through the '50s.
.... Elvis wound it all up with Time Slips Away, Little Darling, Mystery Train, a few handshakes around the stage and Elvis was whisked away by a cordon of bodyguards to a waiting limousine and an undisclosed hideaway. Was it all worth waiting in line last March in the cold and having to plunk down $10 for a ticket? You'd better believe it!"
Go here to MassLive for more pictures
(News, Source;SM/ElvisInfoNet)
'Elvis Today' Officially Announced!: SONY has finally announced the Legacy 40th anniversary version of "Elvis Today".
The promo notes, "In the lead up to the Today sessions, Elvis won a Grammy® for 'Best Inspirational Performance' of 1974. The award was for an in-concert version of "How Great Thou Art," and it couldn't have come at a better time. The chance to take possession of the treasured trophy came when Elvis flew out to the coast in readiness to rehearse and record at RCA's studio in Hollywood. Elvis' last studio album, like his first, was made up of songs he chose and loved.
This 40th anniversary Legacy Edition contains the original album featuring the hit single "T-R-O-U-B-L-E" and 10 undubbed session mixes. Disc 2 features live performances given within weeks of the album's release. Previously issued in 1980, this constructed show has been remastered and reassembled from original source tapes to offer improved audio definition.
Like a true premier vintage, Today has matured with age and needs to be savored." Release date August 7 2015
Go HERE To EIN's SONY 2015 CD News for the full tracklist
BUY IT HERE>>> . ELVIS Today special
AT AMAZON for only US $13.88 - great value for a double CD!
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
'Elvis Encore Performance Volume V' New JAT Book: Joe Tunzi has announced a new book 'One Performance Only: Featuring Chicago 57'.
Rather interestingly this obviously competes with the Elvis Files soon to be released book 'A Touch Of Gold Lamé' that covers the Chicago concert and so much more from 1957.
No info yet regarding number of pages or whether it contains unreleased images.
Retail $79.95 & $35 (Shipping) = US$115
Go HERE to JAT to pre-order
(News, Source;JAT/ElvisInfoNet)
Elvis Hologram for 15 Shows Next Year In Las Vegas!: According to a recent interview with the managing editor of Pulse Evolution, the company is working on a hologram of Elvis Presley for use in a live concert setting.
Pulse Evolution currently owns the rights to creating holograms of Presley, Marilyn Monroe, and Michael Jackson. The company was responsible for last year’s Michael Jackson hologram performance at the Billboard Music Awards.
If the Jackson example is any indication, a full show performed by a Presley hologram could change the game when it comes to the deceased entertainer’s drawing power. Presley was arguably the biggest draw in the history of Las Vegas, and it’s not a stretch to imagine a realistic, hologram of The King drawing thousands back to the city that he once ruled. Presley sold-out 636 consecutive shows in Las Vegas between 1969 and 1976.
Rudy Mazzocchi, Pulse Evolution’s managing editor, recently confirmed the 15 show opportunity for the Presley hologram to perform in Las Vegas next year. Mazzocchi also spoke of how simple the process would be for the hologram to tour the world, requiring only a crew to set up the stage equipment and a thumb drive containing the hologram’s file. Unlike real-life entertainers, the show’s producers don’t have to worry about travel, security, or keeping the stars happy backstage.
There is no word yet on which version of Presley will grace the stage in Las Vegas, but one would imagine it would be an early 1970s Elvis. Though the process of creating the hologram involves creating a hyper-realistic animation of the star, the highest quality film of ELVIS stage comes from 1970’s Elvis: That’s The Way It Is and 1972’s Elvis: On Tour, documentaries that were shot on 35mm and 16mm high resolution film. |
By comparison, Presley’s 1968 television special Elvis and Aloha From Hawaii were recorded on video tape. Thus, the video quality is far below what was captured by the 35mm and 16mm cameras during the 1970 and 1972 Elvis concert documentaries. The same goes for 1956 era Elvis.
No location has been announced for the Presley hologram performances, but the new Elvis Presley Theatre at the Westgate Hotel and Casino would seem like the most obvious location. EPE recently had a limited run Elvis impersonator show in the theatre which starred Martin Fontaine.
(News, Source;Inquisitir/ElvisInfoNet) |
ASK Marty: Today Marty Lacker answers your questions about....
-Did Parker want dancing girls with Elvis on stage during his Vegas act in 1969.
- Was any of the upstairs 'This Is Elvis' footage actually shot at Graceland
- Elvis and his crash diets
- Why did no one photo or tape Elvis and The Beatles
- Do you think Elvis could ever have left his comfort zone and played leading roles in major dramatic movies like Lawrence of Arabia
- Did Elvis ever mention Australia to you
- Can everything after American studios be that bad, what about Nashville's “I really don´t want to know”
Go here to 'ASK MARTY' for his answers plus how to send in your questions.
(Ask Marty, Source;ML/ElvisInfoNet)
Jon Abbott, author of The Elvis Films and acclaimed author on pop culture talks to EIN: Noted pop culture author Jon Abbott recently took time out of his busy schedule to discuss Elvis' film career and Jon's passion, pop culture TV and film with EIN's Nigel Patterson.
Jon's fascinating interview is one in two parts. In the first part Jon discusses the Elvis film canon and in the second part he takes us on a rollercoaster ride back to a time many readers will fondly remember, the swinging 60s' and 70's when pop culture ruled, particularly in television and film.
Along the way Jon reveals a multitude of things about Elvis' films and offers often strong commentary and keen insight on a range of subjects including:
- how the Colonel protected Elvis
- why Elvis' film career worked
- could Elvis' film career have been better?
- will Elvis' film canon simply be an artefact of 20th century teen culture or can it survive as an area of interest for future generations?
- why co-starring with Barbra Streisand in A Star Is Born would have been a bad idea
.jpg) |
- Mae West considered for Roustabout
- the special type of film director needed to direct Elvis
- why pop culture resonates with us
- marketing and the re-evaluation of pop culture hits
- the role of guns on TV and film
- the use of CGI in film
- the vagaries of what becomes a pop culture hit
- the good and bad of comic book super heroes on film
- classic TV shows including The Man From U.N.C.L.E., The Avengers, The Prisoner, Danger Man, Lost In Space, Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea, Time Tunnel, My Favorite Martian, Green Acres and The Beverly Hillbillies
- Stephen J. Cannell, the man behind TV hits such as The Rockford Files, Adam-12, The A-Team, Hunter, and Hardcastle and McCormick
- his latest book releases Cool TV of the 1960s: Three Shows That Changed The World and Strange New World: Sex Films of the 1970s
With a healthy serving of thought provoking Elvis and dollops of juicy pop culture this is a flavorsome interview which will satisfy the tastes of many fans and stimulate one's thought processes. (Interview, Source: EIN)
Read EIN's full interview with Jon Abbott
Torchbearer - Larry Geller talks about Elvis' view on who invented rock 'n' roll: Elvis' close friend and spiritual confidante, Larry Geller
wrote the following article about a discussion Elvis and he had about the of rock and roll. EIN thanks author Bruno Tillander (The world knows Elvis Presley- but they don't know me) for providing Larry's article for EIN to publish:
It was sometime during our hiatus in June of 1965, at Graceland. The Memphis days were long and humid. In a few weeks we’d be off to Hawaii to make another movie, “Paradise Hawaiian Style.”
Graceland from the beginning had been Elvis’ center of gravity. His refuge and sanctuary, the quintessential oasis in the midst of his fishbowl life. He thrived on being there.
On most lazy, skyblue afternoons our pattern was for the two of us to retreat upstairs where I would take care of Elvis’ hair. The ideal setting to relax and talk before our midnight run to the Memphian Theater with everyone to watch movies til the wee hours of the morning. Our days were filled with laughter, excitement and exuberance. Life was radically amazing - could anything be any better than this? Elvis was always Elvis. A man of many sides and endless depth, always radiating a magnetic force, a soft smoldering sulkiness, raw, vulnerable - a troublemaker.
One afternoon Elvis decided to stop by the office outside in the back of Graceland to visit for a few minutes and say hello. When we left he grabbed a stack of the fan mail that poured in every day, just before we headed upstairs to his special dressing room down the hall from his bedroom.
I began brushing Elvis’ hair as he read a few letters. As he was reading one particular note from a fan, he shook his head from side to side, “No, this girl has it all wrong.” A self-deprecating look stole across his face. “I’ve heard all this before, but I wasn’t the one who invented Rock ‘n Roll. No way, no way!”
“Larry,” Elvis began passionately, “let me tell you the real truth that most people have no idea about; how the whole thing really happened.”
Elvis was silent for a moment, as his mind wandered back over the years. He stared into the distance and beganto point with his index finger, indicating the stretch of time.
“It all began not too far from where we are right now, in the heart of the deep ol’ South. Man, back in those days the poor ol’ colored slaves were forced to work their asses off. They had to, or they’d be whipped, tortured or even killed by the sons of bitches in charge. Those slaves really knew what pain and suffering was, more than most people can ever imagine. From the time the sun came up til it went down, they worked in the fields picking cotton, or whatever else they had to do. It broke their damn backs and bodies, bending down and working all day long in the hot blistering sun. But it didn’t break their spirit.”
I was soaking in every word Elvis spoke, his entire body reflecting the deep, overwhelming emotions he was experiencing. His focus momentarily fell to the ground - then his eyes carefully looked into mine.
“And do you know how they survived, Larry, how they got through it?
They sang. It was their music and their faith, that’s how. Slavin’ their lives away they did what came natural to them, they sang. They sang their hearts out, from deep down in their very souls. All day long working in the fields they would all sing out together, makin’ up the words as they went along. And some of those songs from back then are still with us today.
What blows me away is that during all that, they never lost their faith in God. Their faith was something else, and that’s what got them through it all. Man, a lesson for all of us, that’s for sure. What a message! They brought their music right into their churches, and then white people started copying what they did. As time went by their music spread outside the churches to become honky-tonk and ragtime in places like New Orleans, and Beale Street right here in Memphis. Later it became the birth of the blues in St. Louis, Chicago and New York; then it eventually evolved down to our times in the form of rhythm and blues.”
I pretended not to notice as Elvis brushed his hand across his eyes.
“Look, real truth is that I wasn’t the one who invented Rock ‘n Roll. I was just lucky enough to have been in the right place at the right time. All I did was to introduce their music to a white audience. And right there is why I love this country so much. I mean, no matter who you are, or where you came from, or even if all the odds are all against you to making it, you can dream the impossible dream and get the chance to achieve it. That’s what America is all about. Believe me, I know; I’m so damn grateful - because I’m living that dream.” (Article by Larry Geller, courtesy of Bruno Tillander)
The world knows Elvis Presley- but they don't know me: Bruno Tillander has advised EIN that a 'revised' second printing of his unique approach to the Elvis story is in development. The book was recently released in Germany (EIN expects it should cause an interesting reaction from German readers given its coverage and photos of Elvis' collection of Nazi uniforms and guns). A Swedish edition is also planned. (News, Source: EIN) |
Available from Amazon USA and Amazon UK:
It is one of a handful of Elvis’s recordings that – like his cover of Dylan’s 'Tomorrow Is A Long Time' – suggests roads he sadly never got to take.
Yet it also intrigues me because of the possibility – and I put it no more strongly than that – that it inspired 'Imagine', the utopian anthem that became John Lennon’s signature song.
USPS Announces New Elvis Stamp & Exclusive CD: The US Postal Service has confirmed the new Elvis Presley Commemorative Forever stamp today and joined with Sony Music’s RCA/Legacy Recordings in announcing the upcoming debut of an exclusive 'Greatest Hits' CD titled "ELVIS FOREVER". The CD includes 'If I Can Dream' "as you’ve never heard it before" taken from the new September 2015 CD Sony release with Elvis remixed along with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and other special guests.
The CD will be available online and in select US Post Offices from August 12 — on the same day as the Elvis Presley stamp dedication ceremony.
Priscilla Presley will join Postmaster General Megan Brennan in dedicating the stamp on the morning of Aug. 12 at Graceland in Memphis as part of this year’s Elvis Week celebration.
The exclusive CD features 17 of Elvis' greatest hits along with the newly remixed "If I Can Dream".
Launched in 2013, the Music Icons series consists of beloved musicians whose blend of sound and way of life broke musical boundaries. The first inductees were Lydia Mendoza, Johnny Cash, Ray Charles, Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin.
The Postal Service previously honoured Presley on a stamp in 1993. The Smithsonian’s National Postal Museum calls that stamp the most popular U.S. commemorative stamp of all time.
This stamp features a 1955 black-and-white photograph of Presley taken by William Speer. In the bottom left corner, between the words "Forever" and "USA," is a small gold crown, a nod to Presley’s nickname, The King of Rock ‘n’ Roll. Presley’s signature, in gold ink, also is featured along the right side of the stamp.
The square stamp pane resembles a vintage 45 rpm record sleeve. One side of the pane includes 16 stamps while the image of a sliver of a record seems to peek out of the top of the sleeve.
An image of Presley performing was shot by photographer Alfred Wertheimer and the logo for the Music Icons series appear on the reverse side of the stamp pane.
Click here to US POST to preorder on-line.
The stamp is available in various forms including a first day issue letter.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
UPDATED - 'Hard Knocks' Bootleg CD Review: How many times have keen collectors bought a new and exciting bootleg release to discover 3 months later that FTD will be releasing the same material?
After all, for the past decade everyone has been scraping the bottom of the Elvis barrel trying to beat each other to the almighty dollar.
Keen fans appear to be willing to buy almost anything “Previously Unreleased” on bootlegs only to find that the same material will then be released by FTD - and we buy it all over again!
So here is a new bootleg featuring only 5 new complete outtakes from Elvis' low mid-sixties period - and the majority of the material from the ghastly 'Easy Come, Easy Go'.
Can it really be worth buying?
EIN's Piers Beagley checks it out - and discovers some surprising delights along the way. - Now UPDATED with YOUR comments.
(CD Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis Files Magazine Issue 12' Out Now: Once again Erik Lorentzen's new June 2015 issue of his 'Elvis Files Magazine' looks like another essential purchase.
As always featuring some great unseen photos and interesting articles..
And what a SENSATIONAL front cover photo!
Go HERE for some Issue 12 Sneak Preview Pages - as well as a look at the previous magazine.
or Go Here and order yours direct from Elvis Files.
(News, Source;EL/ElvisInfoNet)
(Interview) Bob Hayden talks to EIN: Noted Elvis and rock 'n' roll researcher/author, Bob Hayden, recently sat down with EIN's Nigel Patterson to talk about his life, his critically acclaimed books about Elvis and the heyday of Australian rock 'n' roll. In a fascinating interview Bob:
- recounts the strategic game-play between promoter Lee Gordon and the Colonel
- talks about his friendship with Lee Gordon's right-hand man, Alan Heffernan
- reflects on Aussie rock 'n' roll stars including the late, great Johnny O'Keefe,
- names the 'most popular rocker' in Melbourne
- reveals what gave him the idea for his recent Elvis book trilogy
- discusses how he was able to confirm facts and source photos for his Elvis books
- tells us what will be in the final volume of his "Biggest Shows of 1957" trilogy
- and a lot more!
Bob's candid interview will appeal to not only Elvis fans but will also conjure up many pleasant memories for those old enough to remember the golden days of Australian rock 'n' roll. (Interview, Source: EIN) |
Now available from Amazon USA:
'Elvis’ Golden Records' New FTD Classic Album: FTD have announced a new July 2015 Classic Album release.
With U.S. sales of more than six million, and an even higher figure for rest of world, Elvis’ Golden Records is Elvis’ biggest selling album except for his 1970 budget album Elvis’ Christmas Album. It was complied from eight #1 A-sides, along with five B-sides and the track "Love Me" from his second LP ELVIS. Collectively they represent more than 20 million singles sold in the USA alone, resulting in 17x platinum certifications. Elvis' best-selling EP ELVIS (EPA 992) sold more than one million copies in the USA and was RIAA certified double platinum. For this FTD release we have added four songs that easily could have been included; "Blue Suede Shoes," "My Baby Left Me," "I Was The One" and "Playing For Keeps." Additionally, stereo versions available in RCA’s vault are added of four songs from the album. Unfortunately, most of the outtakes from the sessions that produced these songs have been lost, so the bonus disc includes all the outtakes of four songs recorded during the period in January 1957.
Also includes "The Stereo and Binaural Hits" with 'Treat Me Nice' (undubbed movie master) Previously unreleassed in binaural plus
'That's When Your Heartaches Begin' (splice of takes 7/M & 6) Previously unreleased edit.
The second CD features "The Binaural Session Tapes" many tracks we know from "Stereo '57"
Go here to EIN's '2015 SONY/ FTD New releases' for full tracklist
(News, Source;FTD/ElvisMatters/ElvisInfoNet) |
'If I Can Dream' - Orchestral / Duets - New SONY CD for 2015: EIN contributor Brian Quinn reports that the BIG Sony release for 2015 looks to be a brand new Elvis album "If I Can Dream" which will feature Elvis and other artists, including Michael Buble, remixed with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
For some while SONY has been working on the idea of an Elvis "duets" but were somewhat disappointed with the reception to the Christmas Duets CD from 2008. This is a new re-working of the concept. The CD features other “special guests” also supplying “extra vocals” although not strictly duets.
There is certainly a potential for high sales figures if the set gets good TV exposure. The UK 'Greatest Hits' compile 'The Nation's Favourite Elvis Song' in 2013 with its associated TV special after all made #1 in Britain.
Hopefully some more popular recent chart acts will feature in duets. Think how much publicity the recent Lady GaGa / Tony Bennett album received. No cover or anymore info is available as yet.
The release date is September 2015.
The album was produced by Don Reedman and Grammy nominated Nick Patrick (Gypsy Kings / West Side Story |
50th Anniv). The new production sounds totally contemporary with Elvis' remastered vocal track showing an unbelievable power and control. Engineered at Abbey Road the journalists and engineers present, along with Priscilla, broke into spontaneous applause upon hearing the new production. The remake of 'Bridge Over Troubled Water' is a case in point where the 2015 orchestra remix supply the song with a brand new and contemporary ambience. Priscilla has noted that, "Elvis would have loved this new album, because it presents Elvis where he always wanted to be - The best sounding entertainer on the planet".
Do not copy EIN news items without proper acknowledgement.
(News, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork) |
EIN's Rare Elvis Facebook page Now with 15,200 members! - including several of Elvis' own friends and colleagues
So Elvis fans don't miss out on these rare and exciting photographs - from EIN's V-P Sanja Meegin.
Now with over thousands of great photos, News and with more added every day – including YouTube footage.
Click here to access our Facebook - Elvis Information Network group.
You need to be a Facebook Member. |
'Ultimate Elvis' in Soft Cover: Elvis Files has announced that as the deluxe 1,720 page 'Ultimate Elvis' Hardback Box-Set is sold out from the dealers, they are now offering a special SOFT COVER set at a special lower price.
The original release have already been reviewed as....
"I can honestly say that I have never got so much pleasure from a post Elvis product as I did from these magnificent books which were obviously a labour of love from those who compiled it."
"This is the most thorough analysis of Elvis’ recorded output ever undertaken, with the finished product being exceptional"
"I don't see how this publication can be topped by anyone. It is what I consider |
truly groundbreaking and THE definitive work concerning Elvis' recording career."
GO HERE for full reviews
So now is the chance for anyone who missed out to get the three huge books in exactly the same high-quality print but as a Soft-Cover version and now at the special price €197 = US$208 = £141 including shipping worldwide.
Get in early for your copy and send an email for info to sales@elvisfiles.no
(News, Source;ElvisFiles/ElvisInfoNet) |
Big News from 'The Elvis Files': Elvis Files publisher Erik Lorentzen and his team have some big news and big surprises up their sleeves for 2015 - 2016.
Firstly the news that the final volume of "The Elvis Files" series of books has had to be split into two, due to the fact that Elvis was so busy touring during his last years.
There are so many stunning photos available - so it was just not possible to do justice to Presley's final four years in just one volume.
The first book 'The Elvis Files Vol. 7 1974-1975' is planned for August 2015 publication.
'The Elvis Files Vol. 8 1976-1977' is planned for Spring 2016.
Also another new book underway, "Greater Than Ever - A Touch Of Gold Lame" an in-depth look at Elvis tours of 1957.
And also not forgetting the quarterly 'Elvis Files Magazine'.
For a better quality look at all these releases - please go HERE to our Elvis Files 2015 information page.
(News, Source;EL/ElvisInfoNet) |
FTD "What now, What next, What If? PART TWO ": The FTD label has been doing an excellent job at looking at the recording anthology of Elvis Presley and releasing every significant LP or recording session on a 1CD or 2CD ‘Classic Album’ version.
However, as noted with the recent "ELVIS" second LP release and the Christmas album, there are less and less outtakes and studio sessions left in the vaults.
With our new article “What now, What next, What If?” EIN contributor Ian Garfield examines exactly how FTD might present their future 'Classic Album' releases.
This second article covers the possible releases Speedway; Live a Little, Love a Little; Charro, The Trouble with Girls and Change of Habit.
Go here as EIN also wants YOUR input and ideas - and we will send the final suggestions to Roger and Ernst at FTD.
(Spotlight, Source;IanGarfield/ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis and the Coco Palms Resort: Elvis spent quite some time on the Hawaiian island of Kauai vacationing, and filming Blue Hawaii - in fact the last 20 minutes of the movie was shot on and near the grounds of the Coco Palms resort. Kauai has always been EIN's Sanja Meegin's favourite of the Hawaiian Islands, primarily because of its unspoiled majestic natural beauty, but also because of its Elvis ties.
The recent news that Hawaii's Coco Palms Resort will be completely renovated made her extremely eager to see this paradise where Elvis sang The Hawaiian Wedding song whilst floating up the lagoon on a floral canoe with co-star Joan Blackman.
Click here as Sanja brings us her fabulous 2015 report on one of Elvis' most famous Hawaiian destinations with some fabulous before and after shots.
- Aloha From Hawaii!
(Spotlight, Source;SM/ElvisInfoNet) |
UPDATED Reviews - 'Ultimate Elvis' Book Review: 'Ultimate Elvis – The Complete And Definitive Recording Sessions' is a this three-volume, deluxe set that not only comprises all the session information available to date, based on Keith Flynn's incomparable website and includes comprehensive notes on each session, discographies, letters, original sheet music covers plus huge index all included in its 1,800 pages.
The book includes around 3,000 stunning high-quality photographs many of them previously unseen, relating to the time period in question.
The promotional publicity for this three-volume set was very impressive with the original publishing date of August 2014 missed as more photographs were discovered and the content expanded. Finally published in December 2014, Elvis enthusiast Brian Quinn checks out this astounding deluxe package to discover if it is as good as promised.
Go HERE - Now updated with a new 2,000 word in-depth new review from super-fan Neil Colombari- -
(Book Reviews, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNet) |
The Two Best Books in 2014 that add Appreciably to our Knowledge & Understanding of Elvis: |
The Two Best Elvis Related Memoirs of 2014: |
The Four Best Elvis Photo-Journal Book Releases of 2014: |
Indepth Review soon |
Indepth Review soon |
Note: Not all these releases are not available from online or regular bookstores (to obtain enquire with your regular Elvis supplier) |
More great Elvis deals on Amazon
'Young Man With The Big Beat' Cheap Box set: Re-released for 2014 in a Limited Edition cheap slim-line box-set is Elvis' 'Young Man With The Big Beat'.
A great opportunity for those that missed it in
Go HERE for EIN's detailed YMWTBB review
UK price - only £19.99 = Euro25 = US$33 with FREE Delivery in the UK.
Click to Order now special deal >> . . Young Man With The Big Beat
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
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