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The Memphis Horns / “Cowboy” Jack Clement, Memphis Music Hall of Fame inductees 2017: Roy Orbison, “Cowboy” Jack Clement, legendary sidemen Wayne Jackson and Andrew Love of the Memphis Horns plus Earth Wind & Fire founder Maurice White are among the latest inductees to the Memphis Music Hall of Fame announced last week.
Bluesman Frank Stokes, gospel artist Cassietta George and Beale Street Music Festival founder Irvin Salky round out the 2017 class.
The seven-member 2017 class will join 60 previous inductees — including B.B. King, Elvis Presley, Otis Redding and Justin Timberlake — bringing the total number of members to 67 for the Rock 'n' Soul Museum-affiliated Hall of Fame. "We’re pleased that once again Memphis is showing its true diversity among musical genres – from blues to gospel, soul to rock 'n' roll -- with this year's class," added Doyle.
The 2017 inductees – all honored posthumously – will be enshrined during Oct. 27 ceremonies at The Cannon Center for the Performing Arts. |
The Memphis Horns, trumpeter Wayne Jackson and saxophonist Andrew Love made their early reputation as part of the house band at Stax Records in the 1960s. Jackson and Love later struck out on their own, billing themselves as the Memphis Horns. The pair was essential in providing parts for hit records by Elvis Presley, Neil Diamond, James Taylor and U2, among many others. The duo was recognized with a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award in 2012. Love died that year, while Jackson passed way in 2016.
“Cowboy” Jack Clement, recording engineer, singer, songwriter, producer, raconteur and musical philosopher, the Memphis-born Clement, first made his mark as Sam Phillips right hand man at Sun Records. Clement would record Jerry Lee Lewis’ biggest hits, pen several others for Johnny Cash and generally help define the label’s sound and aesthetic through the ’50s.
Go here for EIN's exclusive interview with Wayne Jackson of Elvis' Memphis Sessions
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Coming this week to EIN:
Hasselblad Master, Thom Gilbert talks to EIN about his life as a successful photographer, Memphis music and his new visually stunning new book, one of 2017's premier Elvis releases:
Blue Suede Shoes: The Culture of Elvis
In a fascinating interview we learn about:
what was hidden for decades in one of Elvis' velvet jackets
what actress Cynthia Pepper learned about Elvis while filming Kissin' Cousins
the rarest Elvis ID badge in the world
the tightly controlled process for photographing Elvis artefacts housed in Graceland's extensive archives
how the legendary and recently deceased comedian, Jerry Lewis, put Thom in his place
Memphis Soul music........and a lot more
'Elvis In Hawaii November 1957' New Book: A self-published new book has been announced 'Elvis In Hawaii November 1957' by Paul Bélard.
Described by 'MikeFromHolland' on FECC, "168 page book featuring some 160 pictures and they all deal with the two weeks Elvis spend during his trip to and his stay in Hawaii from November 5 to November 13, 1957.
A new book that solely deals with those two very interesting weeks. The dedication makes it a pleasure to read and flip through. No analysis, just pictures and articles from the time, as if we're stepping into a time machine.
Not all pictures are of fantastic quality, and some are plain screen shots from footage, but it's all to give us a feel of how it must have been those days. How Elvis looked and moved, and how fans reacted. They have historical value, even the blurry ones.
A soft cover book with matt printed pages, 8.50 x 11.00 Inch.
To my understanding, this book is a one man's project with the aim of showing as much photos and articles about a short period of time as possible.
If you're interested in the book, you can get in contact with the author directly by mail: pbelard@hotmail.com
(News, Source;MikeFECC/ElvisInfoNet) |
Circle G Ranch seeks historic designation: Elvis' Circle G Ranch has a place in the hearts of his faithful fans, but now the property's owners want it to have a place among the nation's historic sites.
The process to nominate the DeSoto County ranch for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places is underway, and Circle G owners hope to gain approval by early next year.
"We're thinking the soonest it might happen would be February, which would be pretty cool because February is the month Elvis bought it," said Whitney Lee, a spokeswoman for the group redeveloping the ranch. "That means we could announce it the month of the 51st anniversary of Elvis buying it.
The ranch, in Horn Lake, was a getaway spot for Elvis when he wanted a break from Graceland. Elvis and Priscilla spent part of their honeymoon at the ranch in 1967, just after Elvis bought it.
Back in 2014 when real-estate developer "Buddy" Runnels Jr. bought the ranch he wanted to redevelop it as a tourist destination to complement Graceland.
Archaeologists from Prentice & Associates Inc. began researching and documenting the site's history when Runnels bought the property. However the nomination was withheld until this year, 50 years since Elvis purchased the property, because sites must be at least 50 years old to be considered for National Register.
Moving forward with the nomination in 2017 also worked out nicely because it coincides with the 40th anniversary of Elvis' death, Lee said.
The first step in the nominating process is submitting a preliminary evaluation to the Mississippi Department of Archives and History, followed by the formal National Register documentation.
(News, Source;MCommAppl/ElvisInfoNet) |
'The Seeker King' - Book Review: A woman in the audience once handed Elvis a crown saying, "You're the King." "No, honey," Elvis replied. "There is only one king -- Jesus Christ. I'm just a singer."
In his 2013 book 'The Seeker King: a spiritual biography of Elvis Presley' author Gary Tillery presents a coherent view of Elvis's thoughts through such anecdotes and other recorded facts. Elvis came to believe that the Christ shines in everyone and that God wanted him to use his light to uplift people. And so he did. Elvis's excesses were as legendary as his generosity, yet, despite his lethal reliance on drugs, he remained ever spiritually curious. This intimate, objective portrait inspires new admiration for the flawed but exceptional man who said, "All I want is to know and experience God. I'm a searcher, that's what I'm all about."
EIN book reviewer Susan MacDougall explores this interesting book and questions that since so much has been written about Elvis' including at least a dozen books about his spiritual search, is there anything new to say? Go here to read her detailed review to find out!
(Book Reviews, Source;SMacDougall/ElvisInformationNetwork)
Devoted to the King and Queen; The UK Church Times has published an article linking the devotion of Elvis and Princess of Wales. EIN had never considered the link before.
Ted Harrison (author of The Death and Resurrection of Elvis Presley ) suggests that although not religious figures, two famous people who died 20 years apart have spawned pseudo-religions.
... The shock announcement came early one August morning. Within hours of the news of the death, people were taking to the streets; many were weeping openly. Flowers were laid in tribute by the thousand. With equal speed, the rumour mill began churning: the media were asking if there was more to the death than the authorities were admitting.
That, however, is not a description of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, in 1997, but of Elvis Presley in 1977. "The King" and the princess both died in the same month almost exactly 20 years apart, and the public response to the two events was very similar.
Elvis is remembered every year in ritual and pilgrimage. Tens of thousands of Elvis fans converge on the star's Graceland home on the anniversary of his death, to hold an all-night vigil. |
They process through the grounds and around the Presley graves, carrying candles in silent prayer. For many, it is the highlight of a year of Elvis devotion.
Elvis has been the subject of several academic conferences and university courses. Students of modern religious movements describe visits to Graceland as pilgrimages, and study the messages and prayers to Elvis written on the wall outside the grounds. It is argued that within the song "An American Trilogy", invariably sung on such occasions, a theology of Elvis has evolved which echoes the theology of incarnation, suffering, and triumph to be found in Christianity. On the wackier fringe of Elvis fandom, he is viewed as the true messiah.
After the death of Elvis, it took a few years for the quasi-religious practices associated with him to take shape and become established. It helped that the Presley estate was also actively developing Graceland as a visitor attraction. Since then, the growth in Elvis devotion has been steady; a new generation, who never knew Elvis alive, are becoming involved and getting to know his music through remixes and reissues of his recordings.
The posthumous devotion to Diana has not reached the same cultic intensity, but there are nevertheless fans for whom the magic and memory of "the people's princess" have not faded.
On 31 August this year, to mark the 20th anniversary, her followers will most probably gather outside Kensington Palace, as they have done regularly since her death. They will leave flowers, and tie cards and prayers to the wrought-iron gates. The prayers will address Diana as "Queen of Hearts" and "Queen of Heaven". The iconography and many of the words will be borrowed from the Roman Catholic tradition of devotion to Mary.
At present, the hardcore Dianaphiles, unlike the Elvis fans, are numbered in their hundreds, not thousands. As with Elvis fans, a few have shrines to Diana in their homes, and they treasure mementoes of her life, and light candles in her honour. Yet, already a theology of Diana is emerging. She is viewed as the feminine expression of the God of the New Age.
As with Elvis, the mockers are active. Yet within a year of her death, a virtual Church of Diana was created on the internet. More seriously, there are now several mediums who claim to receive messages from Diana, and there have been several repeated sightings of the princess in ethereal form as an angel of mercy.
It remains to be seen whether a Diana cult will follow the same pattern of growth as the Elvis "religion". To date, the parallels between the two have been close, but there is no certainty that the memories of either 20th-century celebrity will survive as long-term religious movements.
Click here to ChurchTimes for the original article
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis' sub-par movies were marketing gold: Academic journal TheConversation recently posted an interesting article on Elvis movies. In it they point out that Elvis was paid a king's ransom for sub-par movies - because they were marketing gold.
The article includes... From the moment he burst onto the music scene Presley's career tells a host of intriguing tales. From an economics point of view, however, his roster of entirely forgettable, but wildly successful movies offers the most fertile ground.
Between 1956 and 1972, he made 33 movies and they were popular. In today's money, the total box office receipts equate to over US$2.2 billion, and that is for the US alone.
Each film typically cost around US$2m to make, a reasonable sum in the 1960s, equating to around US$15.5m in today's money. On average, they grossed around three times that at the US box office. Hollywood saw them as a safe money-spinner, the domestic market alone guaranteed a profit. |
In some ways, Elvis' films were the precursor to today's music videos. They followed a tried and tested formula, generally featuring Elvis in exotic locations such as Hawaii, Acapulco, or Las Vegas, and performing an album's worth of songs in the midst of adventures involving racing cars, flying planes, or deep sea diving.
From a marketing perspective, film making was a win-win situation, a virtuous circle of marketing gold. The films advertised Presley's latest recordings to his fans. Seeing the film would then encourage fans to buy the soundtrack album, while radio plays of recordings from the soundtrack would prompt them to go and see the film. And there was the added bonus that fans all around the world could watch Elvis perform without him having to travel. The film companies generally paid the costs for recording the soundtrack, as well as the publicity photos that went on the sleeves, meaning that RCA, Elvis' record company, had the majority of their costs covered too.
The films may have been sound financial investments, but their artistic ambition didn't impress the critics. The focus on profit meant that budgets were squeezed. Filming schedules were very tight, typically four weeks, although films such as Kissin' Cousins were made in less than three weeks by a producer known as the "king of the quickies".
The songs also got worse, soundtrack recordings such as Yoga is as Yoga Does, and A Dog's Life were a far cry from the hits that made him famous. In his comprehensive overview of Elvis' recording career Ernst Jorgensen quotes Gordon Stoker, "the material was so bad that Elvis felt like he couldn't sing it".
By the late 1960s, Presley's popularity had waned; movie box office receipts fell, critics were less impressed with each release, and the records from the soundtracks no longer climbed as far up the charts. Strangely though, at the same time, film companies such as MGM and United Artists, were paying ever higher fees for his services. |
The chart below shows both the box office receipts and the fee Elvis received for the film.
Over time we can see that the fees Elvis earned were rising as the box office receipts were declining.
Hollywood appeared to be paying for his star power, which in turn pushed them towards making cheaper, low quality films. Economic theory would predict that as demand falls, the price, Elvis' fee, should also fall. Yet, it appears that his fame insulated him somewhat from market forces, with film companies prepared to cut other costs in order to secure their star.
(EIN notes - This article ignores the "Col Parker factor" where he always negotiated for money over artistic quality. Parker wanted $1Mill for Elvis with the cost-cutting elsewhere).
... Presley's film career is often remembered as playful and flimsy, and rightly seen as an |
exercise in marketing first and foremost. Yes, US$2.2 billion is a lot of money, but could Elvis' film career been more fulfilling? There is a long line of singers who have made a successful film career for themselves from Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin through to Tom Waits and Justin Timberlake.
Colleagues that worked with Presley felt he had more to give.
Norman Taurog, who directed nine of his films, felt Elvis never reached his peak. Don Siegel, director of Flaming Star (and later on Dirty Harry), felt he only went along for the ride. Robert Abel, co-director of Elvis on Tour, neatly summed it up when he said: "Elvis was basically an incredibly fine actor with a lot of vulnerability and a lot of humanity that he could have communicated in his films. And occasionally he did".
Yet, the films are mostly fun, and they mean we still get to see a youthful Elvis perform classic songs such as Teddy Bear, Jailhouse Rock or Can't Help Falling in Love. And don't forget, A Little Less Conversation - the song which was remixed and launched into an entirely new generation in 2002 - was originally found in the 1968 movie Live a Little, Love a Little.
Ultimately, these films served their purpose at the time, and have helped to give The King longevity into the 21st century.
Go here for the full article
(News, Source;Conversation/ElvisInfoNet) |
'The Alternate Moody Blue' Import Release: To mark the 40th anniversary of the album release of "Moody Blue" HEPCAT Records releases 'The Alternate Moody Blue' as 10 Inch VINYL / 45 RPM / CD
The publicity notes... The ultimate edition of Elvis' legendary last album is now available.
This deluxe 10 inch boxset contains a 10 inch vinyl record + a 45 RPM EP & a fully packed cd.
This is a very limited release so get it while you can.
TRACKLISTING: 10 INCH: SIDE 1 01. HE'LL HAVE TO GO Undubbed Master (Vocal Overdub) 02. WAY DOWN Unedited, Undubbed Master (take 2c) 03. PLEDGING MY LOVE Unedited, Undubbed Master (take 6)
SIDE 2 01. MOODY BLUE Take 4 02. SHE THINKS I STILL CARE Take 14 03. IT'S EASY FOR YOU Take 1 04. LITTLE DARLIN' Undubbed Master (Live 04-24-77)
45RPM EP side A LET ME BE THERE side B IF YOU LOVE ME LET ME KNOW (undubbed master) UNCHAINED MELODY (undubbed master)
CD: Mainly Undubbed Masters - 23 tracks
Available in black and blue vinyl.
Go to 'All The CD News 2017' for full tracklistings
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
'The Alternate Moody Blue' 2 LP Set Import: To mark the 40th anniversary of the album release of "Moody Blue" HEPCAT Records is also releasing 'The Alternate Moody Blue' 2 LP Set
2 LPs fully packed with the best available material from this legendary album.
Available in BLACK and BLUE vinyl.
SIDE 1 01. UNCHAINED MELODY Undubbed Master (Live 04-24-1977) 02. IF YOU LOVE ME (LET ME KNOW) Undubbed Master (Live 04-26-1977) 03. LITTLE DARLIN' Undubbed Master (Live 04-24-1977) 04. HE'LL HAVE TO GO Undubbed Master (Vocal Overdub) 05. LET ME BE THERE Live 03-18-1974 06. WAY DOWN Unedited Undubbed (Tke 2c)
SIDE 2 01. PLEDGING MY LOVE Unedited Undubbed Master (Take 6) 02. MOODY BLUE Strings Overdubbed Master (Take 10) 03. SHE THINKS I STILL CARE Take 14 04. IT'S EASY FOR YOU Undubbed Master (Take 2) 05. WAY DOWN Unedited Overdubbed LP Master, diff. mix
SIDE 3 01. MOODY BLUE Take 3 02. PLEDGING MY LOVE Take 3 03. WAY DOWN Take 2 & 2a 04. UNCHAINED MELODY Live 02-16-1977 05. MOODY BLUE Live 02-20-1977 06. MOODY BLUE Live 02-21-1977
SIDE 4 01. IF YOU LOVE ME Live 04-24-1977 02. LET ME BE THERE Live 03-16-1974 03. UNCHAINED MELODY Live 02-20-1977 04. LITTLE DARLIN' Live 10-20-1976 05. IF YOU LOVE ME 6-24-1977 06. UNCHAINED MELODY Live 6-21-1977
Go to 'All The CD News 2017' for full tracklistings
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
'You've Lost That Loving Feeling' Live 1971 Rare Footage: Recently posted on YouTube rare fan-filmed footage of Elvis singing 'You've Lost That Loving Feeling' Live in Houston 1971.
It is fantastic footage and wonderfully lip-synced to an Elvis 1972 live version.
GREAT footage - don't miss out Click Here to YouTube.
Thanks to 'Elvis Presley 4 you' for posting
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
SUN Records Sonny Burgess, Dead at 88: "Sonny" Burgess, who was an early pioneer of what became known as rockabilly music, has died in his native Arkansas.
Albert 'Sonny' Burgess died Friday in Little Rock, Ark. He was 88.
Burgess was among a group of singers in the mid-1950s who mixed rhythm and blues with country and western music. The sound became known as rockabilly and included Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash and Jerry Lee Lewis.
He eventually signed with the legendary Sun Records where Presley, Cash and Lewis were already among the artists under contract.
Burgess toured under the name "Sonny Burgess & The Pacers," transitioning from honky tonk to what became rockabilly.
Rockabilly historian Colin Escott described Mr. Burgess's 1956 debut record, "Red Headed Woman," and its flip side"We Wanna Boogie" as "punk before punk, thrash before thrash." It became known as one of the rawest singles of the early rock era.
Though their music was classified as rockabilly, Mr. Burgess's band, the Pacers, owed more to the horn-driven jump R&B of the 1950s than to the more acoustic sounds of the era's country music.
Sun Records founder Sam Phillips told the Rockabilly Hall of Fame that Burgess "could have been one of the greats but he never got the right break."
Burgess is a member of the Rockabilly Hall of Fame.
Sonny Burgess saw Elvis on tour in his early days and commented, "Elvis stepped onto the stage. The band started to play. His hips began to move. He sang "Good Rocking Tonight" and before he was done the crowd was whirled into a frenzy.
Boy, he was different, as soon as Elvis walked into the building you could feel his energy. He had the looks, the songs and the charisma. Whatever a star has, he had it - more than anyone else."
Sonny Burgess continued to record for Sun and later toured with Cash and Roy Orbison. His other Sun recordings included a cover of the Hank Williams hit "My Bucket's Got a Hole in It" (1957) and the bluesy instrumental "Thunderbird" (1958) with Billy Lee Riley on harmonica. When Cash settled in California, Mr. Burgess declined an offer to perform regularly on Cash's syndicated television show.
In the '80s, he teamed with guitarist Paul Burlison, bassist Stan Kesler and several other Sun Records alumni to form the Sun Rhythm Section, releasing the album Old Time Rock 'n' Roll in 1987.
Burgess reunited the Pacers in the '90s and continued tour, finding renewed popularity in Europe and Japan. Burgess continued to perform until July, when he was hospitalized after falling at his home.
(News, Source;AP/ElvisInfoNet) |
Jerry Lee Lewis Talks ELVIS: In an interview this week with People magazine the great "Last Man Standing" Jerry Lee talked about Elvis.
There are men and then there are myths. Jerry Lee Lewis is the latter. The rock pioneer first set the charts ablaze in 1957 with twin dynamos “Great Balls of Fire” and “Whole Lotta Shakin’ Going On,” and 60 years on he’s still pounding the keys before packed houses across the country. With the death of Chuck Berry and with Little Richard and Fats Domino largely retired, Lewis is the last of the great rock ‘n’ rollers still conjuring the sounds of long nights in long gone Delta juke joints.
Lewis recently sat down with PEOPLE in his dressing room just before a sold out show at New York City’s B.B. King Blues Club and Grill. This is edited highlights..
Q- Your status as a rock ‘n’ roll pioneer often overshadows the huge success you’ve had as a country star. Do you have any favorites from your country period?
Jerry Lee Lewis: Country hits, rock ‘n’ roll hits, pop hits. I’ve had number ones in every field of music you could imagine. I got “Whole Lot of Shakin’ Going On,” and “Great Balls of Fire.” Also a song called “Breathless,” “High School Confidential,” “Take Another Chance on Me.” My records would hit number one with a bullet on it.
Q- Do you remember your first time in Sun Studios?
Jerry Lee Lewis: Yes, I do remember it real well. I was 20 years old at the time and—could have been 21. But I knew I was on my way then. It was hard to get there, you know? I had to convince a lot of people that I could do what I was talking about. Mr. Sam Phillips and Mr. Jud Phillips, they were responsible for getting my hit records. Sam Phillips started it, and Jud Phillips got it to a disc jockey on WSPQ. If he played your record, it was a hit. If he didn’t play your record, it wasn’t a hit. But when he heard mine he knew what he had. Just like he started Elvis off the same way — so I’ve been told.
Q- You played with Elvis, as well as Johnny Cash and Carl Perkins, at the famous Million Dollar Quartet session.
Jerry Lee Lewis: Yes, Sam Phillips was responsible for that. He knew what he was doing the whole time. You don’t know how much trouble he caused me! [laughs]
It was a lot of fun. I never regret one minute of it.
Q- It was just the 40th anniversary of Elvis Presley’s death. Do you have any memories that you’d like to share of your time with him?
Jerry Lee Lewis: We had some great times riding motorcycles, and racing cars! He always took my advice. Little did he know I wasn’t giving him great advice…[laughs]
Q- Who would win when you were racing?
Jerry Lee Lewis: We both had Eldorado Cadillacs. Same year. I was coming down the street, Elvis was coming down the street. I saw this black Eldorado pull over into my line. I thought, “Whoever the hell this is, I guess we’re playing ‘Chicken.’ So we were blowin’ those Eldorados up Union Avenue just in front of the record store. We pulled right up to each other. He jumped out of his car, and I jumped of mine, and I didn’t know what else to do. He said, “I’m gonna sue you!” I said, “Sue me? Man, for what?” He said, “Mean Woman Blues.” He couldn’t get over that I covered him on it. I didn’t know I covered him on it! I had no idea. I rewrote it, I put different words
over the tune. “I ain’t bragging but it’s understood, everything I do I sure do it good.” I added to it.
Q- You’ve always had your own way with words.
Jerry Lee Lewis: They said “Whole Lotta Shakin’ Going On” and “Great Balls of Fire” were risqué records. I couldn’t see anything risqué about it!
Q- Did that hurt you?
Jerry Lee Lewis: It didn’t hurt me, but it made me wonder — how could I be so stupid that I didn’t know what this meant? I am not risqué! [laughs]
Q- What does rock ‘n’ roll mean to you?
Jerry Lee Lewis: Rock ‘n’ roll? It’s a mixture of boogie-woogie and my style. I kind of introduced rock and roll to the world with “Whole Lotta Shakin’ Going On.” Elvis was not rock ‘n’ roll, he was rockabilly. And that’s a lot different from rock ‘n’ roll. “Ohh baby, whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on.” That’s rock ‘n roll. Elvis, Wanda Jackson, and a few of them, they were rockabilly. But I was rock ‘n’ roll, and you just can’t beat rock ‘n’ roll.
Go here to people for the full interview
(News, Source;People/ElvisInfoNet) |
Ray Connolly considers "What if ELVIS Really Hadn’t Died": Elvis Presley died 40 years ago this week but some fans have continued to insist he is still alive, it’s become a commonplace joke that he’s been spotted on a ranch in Arizona. What if ELVIS hadn't really died, what if his heart attack hadn’t been fatal? What would Elvis' past 40 years have looked like?. Ray Connolly - who met Elvis several times - thinks the singer’s story might have gone something like this...
... Had he been dreaming or had he been dying? He didn’t know. One minute he’d been at home in his Graceland bathroom reading a book about the imprint of Jesus’s face on the Shroud of Turin....
The next thing ELVIS was aware of was coming round in a bed in the Baptist Memorial Hospital in Memphis and watching a TV headline news item about how the day before, August 16, 1977, he’d suffered a massive heart attack.
His life, the TV presenter was saying, had been |
saved when his 20-year-old girlfriend, asleep in his adjacent bedroom, had been woken by the sound of his unconscious body hitting the bathroom floor.
He’d been in this hospital before - drying out. This time, however, it was different. ‘Elvis,’ the cardiac surgeon told him, ‘with the way you’ve been abusing your body you shouldn’t be here today. The paramedics who brought you in had all but given you up for dead.’
Elvis didn’t reply.
.. For several weeks as the doctors went through their tasks of helping his heart repair itself while beginning a detoxification programme on his other badly damaged organs. Naturally, his father and cousins, current and past girlfriends and some of the guys who worked for him, came to visit.
His manager, ‘Colonel’ Tom Parker, came, too - wearing a Hawaiian shirt and pulling some papers out of a plastic document holder and stretching out a hand with a pen in it.
Feigning tiredness, Elvis didn’t read or sign the contracts. His mother had never trusted the man, and it was she who was now dominating his thoughts. Besides, he needed time to think.
The Get-Well cards and letters from people such as Bob Dylan, John Lennon, Neil Young and Elton John told a different story. Apparently they still revered him. He was astonished.
Then, one day, he had a surprise visitor. It was guitarist Scotty Moore, alongside whom he’d started his career. His mother had always liked Scotty, so he asked him what the meaning of her appearance might have been?
‘It seems to me she came to tell you that it wasn’t your time yet,’ Scotty hazarded. ‘That you still had work to do, and were being given a second chance.’
‘A second chance?’ Elvis repeated. That was it. He would start again following Gladys’s code of conduct. But it wouldn’t be like before when, as a singing cash-cow for the Colonel, he’d sleep-walked through a couple of dozen beach boy movies he’d hated and sung songs in them that he’d loathed.
That night he instructed a nurse to dump all the contracts the Colonel had left with him in the hospital incinerator.
When he was finally fit to return home to Graceland, he asked lawyers to begin to unravel his deal with a very angry Colonel. Owing millions in gambling debts, the manager needed Elvis as a working client. But Gladys had finally won that battle.
Then in early summer 1978, his hair now no longer dyed black but returning to its natural brown, though flecked with much grey, he drove himself the 200 miles to Nashville to join Scotty in a small rented studio.
In his hand was a demo record of a song called 'Fire' that he’d been sent by Bruce Springsteen just before his heart attack. For two decades all songwriters had been told by the Colonel’s publishing men they would have to give up some of their royalties if they wanted Elvis to record them.
But that side-deal wouldn’t operate any more. Elvis would sing exactly what he wanted to, and Fire was sexy rock ’n’ roll. When he’d finished, he turned to Dolly Parton’s country hit 'I Will Always Love You'.
He’d wanted to record that three years earlier but had been talked out of it when Dolly refused to give up some of her royalties. He didn’t blame her. Then there was '500 Miles', which he and Priscilla used to sing when they had friends over for dinner, and 'You Are My Sunshine'.
It was his most personal album ever and when it was released just a year after his heart attack it became his biggest seller since the Fifties.
For years he’d struggled to find good material, but now all the top writers wanted him to sing their songs, provided they weren’t being ripped off any more. So when Freddie Mercury sent him 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love', it meant that he, and not Queen, had the hit single.
The hits just kept coming as top musicians, including Ringo Starr and Eric Clapton, queued up to play with him.
He’d always felt he’d failed in Hollywood, with producers having dropped him in the late Sixties when the public had bored of the girls, sand and songs formula of Blue Hawaii.
But he now found that film folk soon developed amnesia when money was in the air, and a big break came when he was chosen over Harrison Ford to play the cop in Witness. Ford, it seemed, was considered too much of a Star Wars man.
Other movies followed. Naturally, there were disappointments, but his part in Shawshank Redemption alongside Morgan Freeman in 1994 was a wiser choice, and won him an Oscar nomination.
Altogether the mid-Nineties were great Elvis years when he was asked to sing, not only at the Super Bowl, but also at the White House for fellow southerner and fan, President Bill Clinton.
These days, aged 82, it seems he’s hardly ever away, sitting among Wimbledon tennis-goers, and teasing Tom Jones on Later . . . With Jools Holland that his version of Prince’s song 'Kiss' sold more than Tom’s.
He even appeared on The Graham Norton Show, although he did look uncomfortable when the conversation lingered for too long on sex. He wasn’t brought up to talk about sex when ladies were present.
Back in 1975, he’d found turning 40 emotionally crippling and stayed in his bedroom at Graceland all day, but reaching 60 and then 70 and even 80, was no problem.
Scotty Moore’s death last year was a blow, but this winter Elvis will be on stage again with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. What he still enjoys most of all, though, is a big crowd, and his appearance in the legends slot at the next Glastonbury festival is certain to give him that — when, we’re told, he’s already planning a duet of 'Islands In The Stream' with Adele.
All of which isn’t bad for a man who really should have died 40 years ago.
Above was a very edited version - Click here to the full article
Go here to EIN's Elvis Interview by Ray Connolly
(News, Source;DM/ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis White Knabe Piano Sells for $375,000: Elvis famous white Knabe baby grand piano was sold on Ebay for US $375,190 after 117 bids. Previously figures of up to 1 million had been mentioned.
The grand piano — which reportedly was played by W.C. Handy, Duke Ellington, Count Basie and Cab Calloway before it was acquired by Elvis Presley.
The piano was built in 1912 and an d bought by Elvis in 1957 aafter he moved in to Graceland. It stayed in his Music Room at Graceland until 1969.
A statement on the piano reads: “It was played constantly by Elvis and many friends for practice sessions, friendly sing alongs and untold numbers of jam sessions by Elvis and visiting celebrities to Graceland and became one of Elvis's most loved, personal musical instruments.” In 2016 Heritage Auctions were hoping for $600,000 for the same piano.
Click here to Ebay for sale info
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
Elvis at UK Number Two & Scottish Number One!: In an incredible race up the UK Official Charts, Ed Sheeran just piped Elvis Presley to the Number 1 Album in one of the year's closest chart races
The Top 2 on this week’s UK Official Albums Chart were separated by just 35 combined sales, and it is Ed Sheeran who scoops his 16th (non-consecutive) week at Number 1, denying Elvis Presley an extension of his Official Chart record.
In the Scottish Official Album Charts Elvis' "The 50 Greatest Hits" was NUMBER ONE ahead of Glen Campbell's final album 'Adios' with Ed Sheeran at #3.
Ed’s third studio album and the reissued Elvis compilation "The 50 Greatest Hits" were neck-and-neck all week, but Ed has pipped Elvis to the post at the final whistle.
Elvis’ collection, re-released in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of his death, reaches a new peak of Number 2 following its previous best of Number 8 achieved in 2000.
Elvis holds the record for the most Number 1 albums ever achieved by a solo artist; he topped the Official Albums Chart last year with his 13th Number 1 album The Wonder Of You, his collaborative collection with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
(News, Source;OfficialCharts/ElvisInfoNet) |
Gordon Hendricks Wins 2017 Ultimate ETA Contest: Gordon Hendricks, who represented the Collingwood Elvis Festival won the 2017 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest in Memphis as Elvis Week 2017 came to an end. He also won a cash prize of $20,000 and a contract with EPE.
Australia's Mark Anthony won second place.
WOW, remember the old days when EPE had nothing to do with Elvis impersonators!?
Gordon Hendricks of Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England, was a barber who became known as the "Singing Barber of Stoke," before becoming an Elvis tribute artist. He became a fan of Elvis as a child, and he loves paying tribute to the king. He says it's a dream come true for him to be in Memphis for the contest. His favorite Elvis song is "American Trilogy."
Congratulations also to third place winner Ben Thompson, and top five finalists Taylor Rodriguez and Al Joslin.
Contestants must win an official EPE preliminary round to be eligible to participate in the Semifinal Round held during Elvis Week in Memphis. Since 2007, two UETA winners have come from the United Kingdom.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
Miley Cyrus channels Elvis!: The King would be proud. It wasn't only the older fans who were remembering Elvis during Elvis Week, Miley Cyrus was thinking of Elvis as well as she released her new video.
Unlike her "Malibu" music video, which featured breezy white dresses, Miley Cyrus is all about color and ELVIS in her new "Younger Now" video, out August 17th.
In the Diamond Martel-directed clip, Cyrus pays homage to Elvis Presley, rockin' out in a studded blue Nudie suit while being surrounded by tiny mimes. She took to Instagram on Friday to post a photoshopped image of her next to the King of Rock 'n' Roll in similar-looking outfits, writing, "Twins! We miss you Elvis!"
She's even got the pompadour to match.
During the video, Cyrus wears a variety of eye-catching ensembles, including a red satin 'Loving You' button-up shirt paired with high-waisted shorts and Western-style belt, an all-red, off-the-shoulder gown with a ruffled neckline, and a multi-color checkered onesie under a red sheer skirt.
She also appears in a custom-studded leather outfit designed by good friend Jeremy Scott.
Click here to hew new videon on YouTube
Elvis will never be forgotten
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
Friday 18 August 2017 - - - - Elvis Week Day 8 - - - - |
Wednesday 16 August 2017 - - - - FORTY YEARS AGO TODAY - - - - |
Forever Elvis - Forty Years On: In his all too short career Elvis managed to achieve more than any other entertainer, the birth of rock 'n' roll, his career renaissance after two years in the army, the family entertainment of his sixties movies, the powerful musical comeback of 1969, the on-stage live return-to-splendour of the 70s, the power of his musical creativity throughout his whole career, his unbelievable generosity and more than anything, the love he gave to his devoted fans.
Forty years on we all are once again thinking about tragic end to Elvis' incredible life and how much he did for us in his all too short life-time.
In 2017 EIN's Piers Beagley looks back at why the legacy of ELVIS is so important to us all forty years on - - along with memories of Elvis from Joe Esposito, Marty Lacker and Larry Geller
(Spotlight, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork) |
Vigil Numbers down on 2012: Forty years ago today, Elvis Presley died in his Memphis home. As one of the world's biggest stars and a pioneering voice in rock and roll music, news of his death at age 42 would give rise to the cult of personality that endures still today.
It's a fandom that drew an estimated crowd of 50,000 to 60,000 people last night to Elvis Presley Boulevard for Graceland's annual Candlelight Vigil, about 15,000 fewer than five years ago. Officials predicted a larger than average attendance this year, enticed by the recent $130 million expansion of the entertainment complex.
But many long-time Elvis fans had as much to say about the corporate changes at Graceland and EPE as they did about their love for the King of Rock and Roll.
"It's just not the same; it just isn't," said Kelly Diakonis, a frequent vigil attendee from Chicago. She was first in line outside the famous gates of Graceland on Tuesday afternoon.
"I don't think it's only me, most of everybody is saying the same thing. It's kind of Disney World now. It's lost that feeling of being someone's house."
The expansion added gift shops, a hotel and museum exhibits. It also added steeper admission prices.
Cheryl Skogan from LA said the structure and pricing of Elvis Week is broadcasting the wrong message to fans. "It's not personal anymore; it's too commercial," she said.
The most egregious change for die-hard Elvis fans was Graceland's decision to make the vigil a paid event. Traditionally, it has been free, giving everyone who wanted to wait in the enormous line the opportunity to walk quietly past Elvis' grave and pay their respects. Now locals who have no desire to buy tickets to see the Museum during Elvis Week must pay Graceland $28.75 for the privilege.
Skogan called the scheme "ridiculous."
Graceland defended the cost, citing crowd size and beefed up security measures that kept many early arrivals standing in long lines just to access the street in front of the house. Far fewer in numbers were the homespun Elvis "shrines" set up most years by local Elvis fans.
Elvis would have been 82 this year, and while the ages of his fans seem to get ever younger, his music itself remains ageless.
News, Source;WKNO/ElvisInfoNet) |
Priscilla Talks Elvis 40 Years On: Priscilla Presley, 72, candidly spoke about life with late husband Elvis and described iconic singer as vulnerable when promoting her up-coming Australian speaking-tour on Channel 9's Today Show.
In an interview with the Richard Wilkins, Priscilla Presley admitted that she never viewed her husband as a worldwide phenomenon, the 72-year-old revealed a vulnerable and softer side to his persona: 'He poured his heart out to me.'
Priscilla appeared on the Channel Nine breakfast program to promote her upcoming Australian tour in November, that will see her share stories from her fascinating life.
And in the short clip, the actress and businesswoman revealed details on life as the partner of one of the greatest entertainers of all time. |
Quizzed as to whether she knew she was dating a superstar, Priscilla responded with a laugh: 'No, I didn't.
'I saw him at probably one of the most vulnerable times of his life. Losing his mother and then of course being drafted which was devastating at the top of his career. So he poured his heart out to me,' the actress and businesswoman revealed.
(EIN note, Elvis of course met Priscilla after his Mother died)
'Obviously I'd heard of Elvis, one of my best friends had a fan club that you could join and she showed me the magazine, and when she showed me the inside...
'Elvis was signing this blonde woman across her breasts. I looked at that and (thought) there's no way I could be a part of this fan club. It's really gross.
'And then I was introduced to him, but do you know what it was?' Priscilla trailed off.,,
Priscilla will visit Australia in November this year, sharing her personal stories in an interview format.
Click here for tickets
(News, Source/ElvisInfoNet) |
Ann-Margret, Elvis and TCM Movies: It’s been 40 years since Elvis Presley died at the age of 42, but former co-star Ann-Margret is still very protective over The King, according to Turner Classic Movies host Ben Mankiewicz.
“Ann-Margret does not discuss Elvis and not because she bears him any ill will,” said Mankiewicz, “Quite to the contrary, she is very eager to protect Elvis’ legacy and she thinks, correctly, that the media and others... sort of pick away at his legacy because we’re so desperate for information on him. And I suspect she thinks his career was mishandled by Colonel Tom Parker.”
In honor of the rock ’n’ roll star, TCM is airing 24 hours of movies made by Elvis as part of their Summer Under the Stars series.
Mankiewicz previously interviewed the now-76-year-old Elvis co-star. Ann-Margret revealed in her 1994 memoir that she and Presley had a love affair that ended in 1964 when he believed she spoke with British tabloids, claiming they planned to marry. He called it quits and since then she avoids discussing the relationship with the press.
“A read of her autobiography, and she wrote it, makes it pretty clear that they were in love,” said Mankiewicz. “She doesn't say it in so many words, but she says it in enough words. And they clearly meant a great deal to each other. They loved each other."
He also added, "It probably couldn’t last. But they had a real meaningful connection with each other. They understood each other, they both come from small towns, they both loved motorcycles, and they both were uncomfortable in their spotlight of Hollywood… And I think that’s what connected them to each other during the duration of Elvis’ life… I think my understanding of it is we should all be so lucky to have a friendship that’s as meaningful as the one between Ann-Margret and Elvis Presley.”
Despite the doomed romance, Ann-Margret moved on and married fellow actor Roger Smith in 1967. |
It was the same year that Presley married Priscilla Ann Beaulieu, who was 10 year his junior at age 21. The couple welcomed daughter Lisa Marie in 1968, but would later divorce in 1973. Ann-Margret’s marriage lasted until Smith’s death this year at age 84.
Presley was a great film star in Mankiewicz's eyes, his last movie, “Change of Habit,” would premiere in 1969 but Mankiewicz isn’t sure whether Elvis would have gone on to pursue more success in Hollywood.
“Francis Ford Coppola or Martin Scorsese or Peter Bogdanovich, could they have done something interesting with Elvis Presley? There was a lot that Elvis had to offer and we underestimate him as a performer… There was just too much talent there.”
(News, Source;TCM/ElvisInfoNet) |
“Elvis: Live in Concert” Memphis Fed-Ex Review: Elvis multimedia concert captures essence of the King, thrills fans gathered for 40th anniversary remembrance
The King returned home to Memphis on Wednesday, as FedExForum hosted “Elvis: Live in Concert,” a combination musical performance/video event that drew an estimated 10,000 devotees, most of them in town to mark the 40th anniversary of Presley’s passing.
The concert program began with a surprise: a teaser for the forthcoming and much-anticipated HBO documentary on Presley. The film, titled "Elvis: The Searcher,” is directed by Thom Zimny, an Emmy and Grammy winner who’s made several projects for Bruce Springsteen.
The four-minute preview of the doc focused on Presley’s return to serious music-making in Memphis in 1969 with producer Chips Moman. The clip included interviews with Springsteen, Tom Petty, Stax songwriter/producer David Porter and various Presley associates including the recently departed Red West. The film will premiere on HBO at some point in 2018.
After the film preview, the concert kicked off with the arrival of conductor Robin Smith, and a 40-piece ensemble that included a core rock band and backing singers, abetted by strings (featuring members of the Memphis Symphony Orchestra), brass and woodwinds.
Elvis’ former wife Priscilla Presley introduced the show and served as host for the evening, promising a visceral experience. “You’ll see Elvis bond with his band, you'll see the rapport he had with the audience, you’ll see him have fun,” she said. “It’s a delight to have him back.”
The first part of the performance charged out with a big-screen Presley in his early-‘70s prime belting out “Burning Love” and “Steamroller Blues,” while smaller secondary screens flashed images from across his career.
The presentation was not without precedent. In 1997 and 2007, for the 20th and 30th anniversaries of Presley’s passing, Memphis |
hosted similar concert productions. The technical aspects of those earlier shows cleverly featured the bulk of Presley's '70s TCB Band, including James Burton, Ronnie Tutt, Jerry Scheff, and Glen D. Hardin. Having Presley’s players on hand offered a direct connection to what his dazzling ‘70s stage show felt like.
The new "Elvis: In Concert” -- while lacking some of the frisson and precision of the previous shows -- did manage to highlight different sides of Presley’s musical makeup, focusing on powerful ballads ("Bridge Over Troubled Water;" “You Gave Me a Mountain”) and songs of operatic scope (“It’s Now or Never”; “Can’t Help Falling in Love”).
Though the concert was not fully sold out – the top rafters were largely empty – those in attendance had come from all over. Fans from places as far flung as Tasmania and near as Tullahoma, Tennessee thrilled to Presley’s voice, his comic interludes and jumpsuit gyrations as though he were there in the flesh. For them the King was neither gone, nor forgotten.
Go here to Commercial Appeal for full review - See EIN's detailed review of the RPO Elvis concert here.
(News, Source;CommAp/ElvisInfoNet) |
Tuesday 15 August 2017 - - - ELVIS WEEK 2017 - Day 5 - - - - |
Watch Video of the 2017 Candlelight Vigil - REPLAY: Thousands of Elvis fans gather around the gates of Graceland for the annual Candlelight Vigil and to celebrate the life and legacy of the King of Rock 'n' Roll.
The ceremony for the 39th anniversary is organized as always by the Elvis Country Fan Club.
Priscilla was there to thank everyone as was Lisa Marie - - This year's nominated theme song was Elvis' "America".Gates remain open until all who wish to participate in the procession have done so, which typically takes until the early morning hours of August 16, the anniversary date of Elvis' passing.
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet)
On this hot and steamy night Lisa Marie let fans light their special rememberance candles from hers.. |
New UK Exhibition, 'Elvis on Tour': Due to phenomenal public demand, Elvis Presley will be returning to The O2 in London with a new exhibition, Elvis on Tour, opening on November 3, 2017.
Following the mammoth success of 'Elvis at The O2 exhibition' which was visited by over 200,000 people, Elvis on Tour The Exhibition will showcase more than 200 artifacts from the Graceland archives many of which will be in the UK for the very first time.
This new exhibition covering the years 1969 – 1977 will provide an in-depth look at the world that was Elvis on Tour, offering a unique insight into exactly what drove the audiences wild in the ’70’s – the chance to see the King in concert as he toured America.
Bringing together dozens of examples of Elvis’ costumes and stage wear along with the guitars, jewellery, posters and - for the first time - unique interviews with Elvis’ touring band.
Providing an insight into what went on backstage, the planes, the clothes and of course the music, Elvis on Tour The Exhibition will bring fans as close as possible to the experience of seeing the King live for themselves.
Artifacts showcased in Elvis on Tour The Exhibition and leaving Graceland include:
Over 35 jumpsuits and costumes worn by Elvis between 1969-1977
Elvis Guitars from tours played during the period, including the Gretzch Country Gentlemen Guitar from 1969
Tour trunks including one still filled with silk scarves that Elvis gave out to audiences at his concerts during 1969-1970
Original acetate of ‘An American Trilogy’ – brought by Priscilla
Original costume sketches designed by Elvis’s designer Bill Belew
Gold Belt given to Elvis in 1969 by the International Hotel to mark his record breaking live performance attendance in the City
''To have a second exhibition dedicated to Elvis opening in London is remarkable. We were overwhelmed by the huge numbers, who were not only fans but people who were curious to learn more about Elvis, who visited the last exhibition at The O2," Priscilla Presley said.
Priscilla Presley will be making a very special appearance in London on November 30, 2017, joining the RPO on stage at The O2 as part of the Elvis in Concert – Live on Stage UK tour.
Opens November 3, 2017 Tickets: Adult £25 / Child £12 / Concessions £18.
To book, please visit: www.elvisontourexhibition.co.uk Opening times: 9:30am > 7:30pm
Tickets for this new three month retrospective will go on sale at 9am on Friday, August 18.
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
Monday 14 August 2017 - - - ELVIS WEEK 2017 - Day 4 - - - - |
'Roustabout' FTD Soundtrack Review: Roustabout was Elvis' 16th movie, it had been five months since Elvis’ last album session and his publishers had a chance to secure soundtrack material from a variety of composers. Eleven songs were needed and while the carnival theme stopped most of them having any inspired lyrics, at least the composers Leiber / Stoller and Otis Blackwell were included in the selection.
Reaching #1 on Billboard in early 1965, it would Elvis’ last chart topping album until "Aloha From Elvis Via Satellite" in 1973.
53 years after its original release FTD is pleased to announce the long awaited "Classic Album" version of "Roustabout". Packaged in 7" format with a full colour 16-page memorabilia booklet, it contains some previously unreleased material.
So why has it taken FTD so long to release? It was once noted that only the masters had been located in the vaults, so there was not much to include for a “Classic Album”...
Go here as EIN contributor Ian Garfield examines this new FTD soundtrack release and checks out what's new.
(FTD Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork) |
Ernst Jorgensen At Elvis Week: Yesterday Elvis Historian / Producer Ernst Jorgensen was part of EPE's ''Elvis 101' discussion on Elvis at the 'Memphis - Soundstage A'.
In this fan-filmed presentation Ernst Jorgensen talks about how he managed to track down obscure or forgotten information about Elvis' early years for his new set 'A Boy From Tupelo'.
He talks about the annoyance of the unknown live-recording of 'I Forgot To Remember To Forget' being released on the same week as his original "Complete Recordings" FTD set as well as delightful stories of how he confirmed Elvis performance dates in obscure small towns in the US.
He mentions the hope of working with MGM to get the unreleased material for the official box-set of 'On Tour' - he did the same back in 2002, fifteen years ago!
The film runs 20 minutes, worth watching if you are a collector -
Click here to YouTube
Thanks to Johnny van der Geld for the clip
(News, Source;JVdG/ElvisInfoNet) |
Annett Wolf, 'Elvis In Concert' Interview: This is an interesting CTVNews interview with Annett Wolf, one of the co-producers of Elvis In Concert in 1977. She supervised all of the backstage filming, fan interviews and Vernon's interview, plus a few other bits.
Filmed this week in Halifax, Nova Scotia on the east coast of Canada where she now lives.
She discusses a difficult run-in with all-controlling Colonel Parker, shooting Elvis back-stage praying before going on-stage and more.
"Elvis was a very very kind man", he always said "'Hello Darling' and gave me a squeeze on the hand".
She also notes that a better-edit should have been released of the special in the first place, "Elvis was weary" she tells.
"A moment in Elvis' and my life - I will always respect him as a kind, wonderful man who had so much humanity"
- Here Great clip runs 11 minutes
Thanks to Paul Sweeney for the info
(News, Source/PS/ElvisInfoNet)
Sunday 13 August 2017 - - - ELVIS WEEK 2017 - Day 3 - - - - |
40th Anniversary Elvis Fan / Collector Show: The huge 40th Anniversary Elvis Fan / Collector Show is being held August 11 through 16th, 2017.
At Magnuson Grand Hotel (just off of Elvis Presley Blvd, the old Clarion)
The longest running Elvis Convention in Memphis (our 39th year) will once again be present at what will most likely be the largest gathering of Elvis fans throughout the world during Elvis Week
More than 15 Elvis vendors and celebrities.
The Elvis Memphis Fan/Collector Show is featuring special celebrity guests such as: Suzanna Leigh (Elvis’ co-star from the movie “Paradise Hawaiian Style), Nancy Rooks (Elvis’ maid & cook from 1962 -1977), Barbara Hearn Smith (Girlfriend of Elvis from 1955-1956), and Jimmy Velvet (Elvis’ friend and fellow musician from the 1950’s through the 70’s).”
This show is in the same location as Mary Beck’s “Rockin’ To the Oldies” shows at Magnuson Grand Airport Hotel at 1471 E. Brooks Rd., just 3 blocks off of Elvis Presley Blvd.
Now in it’s 39th year, the Elvis Memphis Fan & Collector Show has always featured FREE ADMISSION & FREE BREAKFAST.
The show started out at the old Howard Johnson’s Motor Lodge on EP Blvd., which is now torn down.
The new location is The Magnuson Grand Airport Hotel, which is recently remodeled and renovated by new owners.
(News, Source;SM/ElvisInfoNet) |
Graceland Auction Brings in Over $1.6 Million: Collectors from around the world raised their paddles to bid in hopes of going home with a piece of Elvis history at the “Auction at Graceland” yesterday with items selling for over $1.6 million.
It was the first time Graceland Auctions brought in over $1 million in its history.
Big ticket items included an Elvis owned and stage-worn sleeveless jumpsuit and jacket that sold for $250,000.
Jeff Marren director for Graceland Auctions, said the stage-worn suits tend to fetch the most money because only 15 to 18 of them are owned by collectors.
"Those are very hard to come by because the vast majority of them are in the Graceland archives"
The 40th Anniversary attracted a worldwide bidding contingent with an unprecedented 315 lots available, it was the largest and most comprehensive auction to date at Graceland.
All of the items in the auction were offered from third-party collectors and none of the items included in the auction came from the treasured Graceland Archives. The mansion and all artifacts in the Graceland Archives continue to be owned by Lisa Marie Presley and are not for sale.
Among the 315 items sold the major items included:
- Elvis owned and stage-worn “Blue Armadillo” two-piece jumpsuit - $250,000
This jumpsuit was one of Elvis' favourite in mid-1975 worn multiple times during March, April and May 1975.
- Elvis owned and worn gold and diamond ram’s head necklace - $138,750
- Elvis owned and worn gold and diamond guitar ring with “EP” initials - $112,500
- 1973 Elvis stage worn cape with tiger skin pattern on the interior - $83,750. The cape will be coming home to Graceland to join the jumpsuit and belt.
- Elvis Presley TCB necklace - $75,000
- Elvis Presley owned and worn red “elephant corduroy” suit - $62,500
- March 26, 1956, Elvis Presley signed contract solidifying Colonel Parker as his exclusive management - $35,000
- Historic 1977 Elvis Presley signed legal document giving Vernon Presley power of attorney, one of the last legal documents Elvis signed - $32,500
- Elvis Presley handwritten and initialed note “When You’re Not In Love, You’re Not Alive – God Is Love. E.P.” - $27,500
This incredible handwritten missive measures was given to his good friend Patti Parry who noted, "Elvis was a very spiritual person. Over the years we spent countless hours discussing the bible and other spiritual books."
- Scotty Moore’s personal 1999 Gibson “ES-295 Scotty Moore” guitar – The first one made, presented to Scotty by Gibson - $25,000
Go here to EPE for all the Elvis Week Auction results
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet)
40 Years on, Elvis’ friends feel love, pain: The LA Daily News has posted..
,,, It isn’t just the legend of Elvis Presley that has unmatched staying power 40 years after his death. The guilt, pain and regret felt by those who knew and loved him lingers, too.
Prolific session musician and producer Norbert Putnam was on vacation with his family in Hawaii when he heard his friend died of a heart attack. After years of making groundbreaking music and acting in more than two dozen movies, Presley’s career had slowed, and historical accounts of his life note he was fighting obesity and substance abuse when he passed away in his Graceland home in Memphis, Tennessee.
Putnam was standing in line to pay for items at a general store when he heard someone say Presley had died.
“I reached into my pocket, threw some money down, ran to the car, threw the food down, turned on the radio,” the announcer said: “Elvis Presley died this morning.”
“I sat there in my car and bawled like a child who had a toy taken away from him,” Putnam said. “I could not believe it. I thought someone should have staged an intervention. I thought he could have been saved.”
Since Presley’s death, devotees of the swivel-hipped, smooth talking performer have been flocking to Memphis for Elvis Week, the annual celebration of his life and career.
An estimated 30,000 people are expected to attend the candlelight vigil Tuesday night.
Putnam is scheduled to make a public appearance during Elvis Week along with Righteous Brothers Bill Medley.
They were friends dating back to the early 1960s. Before Presley would go on stage at the Las Vegas Hilton, he and Medley would spend a few minutes together, talking about their mutual love for motorcycles and musical influences. Medley remembers those chats fondly, as Presley had few moments when he could just be himself, away from fans and handlers and an entourage known as the Memphis Mafia.
“We would sit there, one on one,” Medley said. “So Elvis and I just really became Bill and Elvis. We would just talk about normal stuff. ... Nothing too deep.”
Another musician who will appear during Elvis Week is Ginger Holladay. She was only 17 and in high school when she sang backup on Presley hits “Suspicious Minds” and “In the Ghetto.”
“He was more at home in the studio than he was anywhere else,” Holladay said. “He loved being a musician and he loved making connections with other musicians. We got to see another part of him that was more comfortable and not so much of a performer.”
Medley says he wanted to visit Presley when he was hospitalized in the mid-1970s, but was discouraged by his handlers.
Such regret probably follows Presley’s friends around to this day, Holladay said.
“We all have that guilt with Elvis,” she said. “Looking back, how could we have supported him more? I think we all have that feeling that we let him down.” -
Go here to LADailyNews for full article
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis White Knabe Piano on EBay: Elvis famous white Knabe baby grand piano is now on EBay - previously figures of up to 1 million have been mentioned.
The grand piano — which reportedly was played by W.C. Handy, Duke Ellington, Count Basie and Cab Calloway before it was acquired by Elvis Presley. Bids go through to August 20 via eBay.
The piano was built in 1912 and was moved to the Memphis Auditorium in the 1930s. Presley obtained the instrument in 1957 and had it customised to his own personal specifications and placed in his Music Room at Graceland, where it remained until 1969.
A statement on the piano reads: “It was played constantly by Elvis and many friends for practice sessions, friendly sing alongs and untold numbers of jam sessions by Elvis and visiting celebrities to Graceland and became one of Elvis's most loved, personal musical instruments.”
Along with the piano, the winning bidder will receive the original bench, custom travel cases, original documents and photographs.
In 2016 Heritage Auctions were hoping for $600,000 for the same piano. In 2010 a figure of $1Million was mentioned! -
Current bid only US $21,100 with 'Reserve not met" !
Click here to Ebay to bid
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Dick Grob Talks Elvis: Elvis' bodyguard Dick Grob recently talked to the UK Telegraph about life with Elvis...
.. I'd met him six years earlier when I was working for the Palm Springs Police Department and he'd just married Priscilla. He rented a house for his honeymoon and his manager, Colonel Parker, arranged for a police car to sit outside for security.
I took the assignment as overtime and I remember thinking, I must be crazy, because it was 100F that day, there was no shade and no air-conditioning in my patrol car.
Elvis came out and introduced himself. He handed me a glass of lemonade and asked if he could sit in the car. I wasn't a fan of his music, but I quickly found out he was very interested in and knowledgeable about police work.
After an hour of listening to radio reports of dogs and break-ins, I thought, this guy is crazy, because he's sweating too and he could be in an air-conditioned house with his beautiful new wife.
Elvis told me to come up to the house if I wanted any more lemonade later, and when I went to the kitchen door he ran over and locked it. He said, 'Any friend of mine comes in the front door.' So I went around to the front and he took me in and introduced me to his wife, his father and his entourage.
Elvis was a gun nut and whenever he came back to Palm Springs he would ask me to take him out to the police shooting range. He tried every gun we had in the armoury. I was the chief marksman and when he saw what a good shot I was, he said, 'I think I need a new bodyguard.'
We became friends and one day he gave me a gold necklace inscribed with TCB (for Taking Care of Business). He said all his guys had one and now I was a member of the Memphis Mafia.
I became his head of security, liaising with the police in the cities where he toured, and his bodyguard for the rest of his life. The biggest problem was women trying to touch him, because he'd often get scratched. He also had death threats from jealous husbands, and frivolous lawsuits.
When he came to my wedding on 11 December 1973 all the other guests were policemen and I think he liked the fact that no one bothered him for photos or autographs.
When the preacher asked if there were any objections, Elvis started waving a cane in the air, but I'd warned the preacher beforehand to ignore him if he did something like that. In fact, as we were leaving, he came over and said, 'Don't you want a picture with me?'
Outside, he took my bride and me aside and shone a torch on a Mercury Marquis convertible and said, 'That's your wedding present.'
The things I most remember about Elvis are his generosity and the fact he never forgot where he came from. Several years later, he said, 'Dick, I wish I'd had a wedding as normal as yours.'
Dick Grob will launch his book, Elvis: Safe and Sound, at Elvis Week
Go here to EIN's 2014 Arjan Deelen in-depth interview with Dick Grob
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Saturday 12 August 2017 - - - ELVIS WEEK 2017 - Day 2 - - - - |
Lowell Hays Elvis' Personal Jeweller: Billboard have posted a new interview with Elvis' personal jeweller Lowell Hays.
It includes,, The Memphian Theater was mostly empty when Lowell Hays walked in and took a seat behind Elvis Presley on Christmas Eve of 1969. From time to time, the rock n' roll icon would gather friends for private movie screenings at the gilded, Art Deco venue -- but Hays, the city's most respected jeweler, wasn't yet one of those deeply trusted companions. He was there on business.
"Come on with me," Elvis said, ushering him into the men's room where the musician pushed open a stall door and took a seat on a toilet. "You can put your briefcase right here on my lap," he gestured to the brown leather bag Hays had stocked with jewelry.
"So that's exactly what I did," the jeweler, now 78, recalls nearly five decades later. In what was the first of nearly two hundred purchases from the brown leather case Elvis picked out three large diamond pieces for his aunt, father and girlfriend that night.
"I could tell you stories like these for hours," smiles Hays. Because the truth is, over the course of his seven-year friendship with Presley, he amassed stories so wild, they can feel mythic.
Like the time he first visited Graceland only to find Presley outside in the rain in a floor length mink-coat shooting a pistol: "They shot up his daddy's office pretty good." Or middle of the night phone calls with near-impossible jewelry requests, and flights Hays would take to New York's La Guardia airport for the sole purpose of picking up precious gems to help meet Presley's demands. "Our nickname for Elvis was 'Crazy'... you never knew what he was gonna do next. It's a moniker that would ultimately be engraved onto a gold ID bracelet for the star.
Best remembered might be Elvis' horse-shoe ring worn to great effect at his record-breaking "Aloha" TV show.
For every piece Presley kept for himself, he gave nearly just as many away. During a 1975 show in North Carolina, for example, Hays remembers Presley summoning the bag on stage: "He just started handing jewelry to people in the front." When Hays hopped in Presley's limo after the show, distraught about how much money had been guzzled away, the singer got a twisted little half-smile on his face and patted Hays on the knee. "He said, 'Lowell, I'll have to sing five minutes longer tomorrow night to pay for it.'"
The trail of sparkling baubles, which have become prevalent in the auction world in recent years, often make their way back on the jeweler's radar when he's contacted for certificates of authenticity. Pieces like the ruby and baguette diamond ring that will be auctioned at Graceland on August 12, can fetch $10,000 to $15,000. Other creations, like the Aloha Horseshoe ring that was designed with a central 10.5 carat diamond surrounded by 11 full-cut round diamonds, have brought in upwards of $200,000. |
Among the pieces Presley never parted with, however, is the "TCB" ring Hays crafted using 56 diamonds including an 11.5 carat solitaire. Intended to be a show ring, "something that would immediately make people think 'Elvis Presley,'" it incorporated Presley's "Taking Care of Business" mantra that also doubled as his backing band's name. To this day, the ring remains identifiably Elvis, who was so thrilled with the design, he paid the $35,000 price and then handed Hays the keys to his Lincoln Mark III Cartier edition as an additional token of gratitude.
While the Memphis Mafia was paid to surround Presley constantly, Hays could come and go as he pleased. .. Which isn't to say he never stepped in to protect the King.
During a show at what was formerly the International Hotel in Las Vegas, Hays remembers sitting in one of the circular booths when he noticed a man trying to sneak on stage. "Elvis is pointing but the bodyguards aren't paying any attention, so I bailed out of my seat and took care of it." After the show, Presley ripped into the guards. "Then he looked at me and said, 'Lowell, you have any TCBs?'" Hays fetched the briefcase and handed a necklace over. "It's about time you had one of these," Presley said to him.
It still sits on his neck today.
Go here to BillBoard for full article
(News, Source;BB/ElvisInfoNet) |
"Elvis as you've never seen him before": The UK Mirror continues the tabloid love-fest with ELVIS on the 40thh anniversary of his untimely death.
Today they publish a great set of photos - in very good quality - promoting a stunning new book of photos from the private collection of The King's family "Elvis: The Legend" by Gillian G Gaar that brings to life some of his most beloved moments.
EIN readers will surely know all of these classic photos.
Staring down the barrel of the lens, the young Elvis Presley is yet to turn 20 - but that famous sparkle in his eyes, the one which would go on to sell more than a billion records and break a million hearts, is already unmistakeable.
The shot is from the early 50s, when Elvis was making his first mark on the charts. By 1960, he was the King of Rock n' Roll - the gyrating, hip-swiggling, one-of-a-kind who changed music for ever.
From his beginnings in a two-room shack in Tupelo, Mississippi, through his army days and the happy moments in his over-the-top home, the images will remind you why - four decades on - we still can't help falling in love with the so-called "Elvis the pelvis".
The King might be dead, but he'll long live on in history...
EIN will review the new book "Elvis: The Legend" by Gillian G Gaar soon.
It's still worth checking out all these great ELVIS images - Click here to The Mirror
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
Friday 11 August 2017 - - - ELVIS WEEK 2017 - Day 1 - - - - |
Graceland Charge for visits to Elvis' grave: The FOX13 network have reported that "For the first time since Elvis Presley's death, you will have to pay to visit his gravesite."
This year, Elvis Week, which begins this weekend, promises to draw one of its largest crowds ever because this will be the 40th anniversary of Elvis' death.
While this is true, any visitor who buys tickets to Graceland / Elvis Memphis Museum will receive an "Elvis Week Property Pass" which is free with any ticket purchase that includes Elvis Presley's Memphis. The pass allows access to all non-ticketed parts of the property including the Elvis Entertainment Tent, free parking after 5:00 p.m, and more.
EPE responded that - "This year we have updated our security measures at Graceland for Elvis Week, as we anticipate very large crowds for this 40th anniversary. In order to keep everyone safe and ensure an enjoyable and meaningful event for all, we have worked closely with local, state and federal security authorities to establish new procedures that have been widely used across the us.
An Elvis Week property pass wristband now allows guests to enter all non-ticketed parts of Graceland property throughout Elvis Week, including the Elvis Week entertainment tent, ticket pavilion, restaurants and select gift shops, plus free parking after 5 pm. This wristband is included with a ticket to Elvis Presley's Memphis during Elvis week (our lowest priced tour ticket). Since the vast majority of our guests take our tour as part of their visit during Elvis Week, there is no additional cost to them."
This means that it is the fans who ONLY want to take part in the vigil that will actually have to pay for the extra ticket.
EPE notes, "As with all other Elvis Week events on the Graceland campus, to join the procession up to meditation garden, guests will need their Elvis Week property pass wristband. For guests who join us for vigil night only and wish to join the procession, they will be able to purchase an Elvis Presley's Memphis tour ticket that evening and receive their property pass."
EIN notes that with security and large crowd-numbers an authorised wrist-band is not a bad idea - However this does penalise local Memphis fans who might only want to pay their respects on the night.
(News, Source;TonyS/ElvisInfoNet) |
"August Vinyl Giveaway" from Sony: Every day this month, there's a chance to win great Elvis Presley titles on VINYL plus a brand-new Sony USB turntable from Sony legacy.
We're celebrating Elvis this August by giving away 30 albums and a turntable!
Enter for a chance to win one of these prizes, a new album revealed each day
Sadly the competition only applies to US residents
CLICK HERE To Sony Legacy to ENTER
(News, Source;Sony/ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis Movies on HDNET - August 16th marathon: The King lives on HDNET MOVIES, as the network pays tribute to Elvis Presley on the 40TH Anniversary of his tragic death with six classic films in the Elvis marathon on Wednesday, August 16 at 7pE.
The night begins with the high-stakes musical FRANKIE AND JOHNNY, then PARADISE, HAWAIIAN STYLE, go backstage with Presley in THAT'S THE WAY IT IS, then CLAMBAKE and ending with back2back docos ELVIS ON TOUR and THIS IS ELVIS at 3:20aE.
See schedule of films and times, visit HDNet website
ELVIS 40: Honoring The King-Wed., August 16
ELVIS: THAT'S THE WAY IT IS (1970) - 10:05pE
CLAMBAKE (1967) - 11:45pE
ELVIS ON TOUR (1972) - 1:35aE
THIS IS ELVIS (1981) - 3:20aE
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis Week 2017 starts Tomorrow: On August 16, 1977 Elvis Presley died at Graceland, his sanctuary and estate in Memphis, Tennessee. He was just 42 years old. The news sent a wave of shock and sadness as the world mourned the man who transformed how we listen to music and so much more. "Elvis Presley's death deprives our country of a part of itself. He was unique and irreplaceable... His music and his personality, fusing the styles of white country and black rhythm and blues, permanently changed the face of American popular culture," wrote President Jimmy Carter at the time.
All this was quite the achievement for a boy who grew up poor, had failed one of his high school music classes, and was the first member in his immediate family to graduate from high school. But Elvis' unique sound and cool soulfulness inspired legions of great artists from John Lennon to Chris Isaac. As Keith Richards later shared, "Before Elvis, everything was in black and white. Then came Elvis. Zoom, glorious Technicolor." |
Bruce Springsteen said, "It was like he came along and whispered some dream in everybody's ear and somehow we all dreamed it." Even Leonard Bernstein respected Elvis, remarking, "Elvis is the greatest cultural force in the 20th century."
Almots 40 years after the King's passing, Graceland continues to get more than 600,000 visitors each year. Graceland is one of the most popular home tours in the United States. In fact, each August, to commemorate his death, thousands of Elvis fans descend upon Graceland to celebrate the superstar's life, music, movies and legacy. At the end of "Elvis Week" the remembrances and tributes conclude with a solemn candlelight vigil on the anniversary of his August 16th passing.
EIN's Sanja Meegin has just arrived back in Memphis to report on all things ELVIS for EIN readers!
EIN was the first website with a daily blog from Elvis Week - and once again Sanja will report on the inside gossip without the all-too-common marketing BS. |
'A Boy From Tupelo' documents the big bang of rock 'n' roll: The LA Times has posted a good article about the new 40th Anniversary set.
It includes some discussion with Ernst Jorgensen...
..... The Twitterization of history, and with it, culture, is a trend that deeply worries Ernst Jorgensen who's been overseeing Elvis Presley's recorded legacy since the early 1990s.
"I'm convinced that history needs to be told and retold and retold again," said Jorgensen, who is retelling a critical part of Presley's contribution to cultural history with the new box set.
For Jorgensen "A Boy From Tupelo" is one more way to refresh the memories of those who may have forgotten just how monumental Presley's arrival was more than 60 years ago.
"Stories tend to get shorter and shorter over time to the point where you can't make sense of them anymore," said Jorgensen, who chased down elusive outtakes, alternate takes, live recordings as well as radio broadcasts and interviews that Presley made before his career fully blossomed.
He also uncovered hundreds of photos from the period that have never been widely seen, many of them in color. Those are included in a richly detailed 120-page book that accompanies the new three-CD set released on July 28. |
The new set delivers a comprehensive look at everything the Tupelo, Miss., native did en route to leaving fans around the globe all shook up with his RCA releases, which began with the bluesy ballad "Heartbreak Hotel."
"Everything he did, all the hard work, all he learned from these people he worked with - when he arrives at RCA in 1956, he knows exactly what he wants to do," Jorgensen said.
"Nobody at RCA liked 'Heartbreak Hotel,' but he believed in it. I've spent my life in the record business. If I were just starting out, I wouldn't have started with 'Heartbreak Hotel.'"
Yet Presley's instincts turned out to be right. That debut major-label single shot to No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 and remained there for eight weeks, helping to usher in this new genre called rock 'n' roll.
For his own research, Jorgensen had to rely on more than just instinct. He placed ads in small-town newspapers throughout the South to root out people who had seen Presley in his early years. "All these people, hundreds of Americans who helped me, came forward with audio, pictures and stories they let me use," he said. "I love American librarians. Some of them would call their sister, whose best girlfriend went to the show and maybe took some snapshots."
The point is "telling this story in much greater detail than it's been told before. If nothing else should come through, it's that we don't need to go back to "Elvis got lucky" theory. He didn't just get lucky. |
Chuck Berry didn't just get lucky. Little Richard didn't just get lucky. They adjusted to a new form of music that wasn't like any other form of music. They did something original, something that affected everything that came later.
"Yes, they arrived during an environment that was ready for the change. You could call it a cultural change even. They arrived at the right time, that's for sure. But if those three hadn't arrived when they did, would somebody else have come along in their place? We can speculate on that forever."
Go here to the LA Times for the full article
(News, Source;LAT/ElvisInfoNet) |
Thousands Heading to Memphis: Forty years ago next week, Elvis Presley left us. Starting this week and continuing through the anniversary of his death, thousands of admirers and curiosity seekers will be descending upon Elvis Presley Boulevard and the rest of Memphis to pay tribute.
The Memphis Commercial Appeal have launched their special Elvis site and journalists Chris Herrington, Bob Mehr, and John Beifuss assemble to discuss the state of Elvis culture, what's happening during this 40th Elvis Week, and what all else they've been writing about on the Elvis beat.
We also note the recent passing of former Elvis pal Glen Campbell and suggest a few Elvis-related events happening in Memphis this week.
Click here to Commercial Appeal - Looks good.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Vintage Rock Elvis 40th Issue: UK's Vintage Rock makes no apologies for marking the 40th anniversary of Elvis Presley’s passing.
While Elvis will always be best remembered for his pioneering early records, we’ve this time chosen to celebrate his later years. There was much darkness, of course, in the final decade of Elvis’ life: but the flipside were some outstanding records, even if they were delivered with a little less frequency than before.
We re-evaluate the outstanding Elvis Country album, seemingly cut on the fly. We also look back on Elvis’ gospel tracks of the late-60s and 70s, which evinced an increasingly spiritual if vulnerable King of rock’n’roll.
There are revelations from Norbert Putnam, Elvis’ 70s bassist, about Elvis Presley’s studio sessions and his own way of working. Plus a crucial timeline that reveals that, actually, 1968 onwards were some of his most dramatic years, even before he started to quickly deteriorate…
The story doesn’t shy away from painful truths, but these pages are a celebration. As the Reverend CW Bradley told the congregation at Elvis Presley’s funeral: “Elvis would not want anyone to think he had no flaws or faults. But now that he’s gone, I find it more helpful to remember his good qualities, and I hope you do, too.”
There’s plenty more elsewhere. Vintage Rock speaks exclusively to Crickets drummer and songwriter Jerry Allison about the remarkable story of the Buddy Holly classic That’ll Be The Day, a transatlantic No.1 60 years ago. - Nice Cover design.
You can get Vintage Rock at good newsagents or visit their website.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
German 'GQ' Style Magazine features Elvis: The up-coming issue of the German style magazine "GQ" features an article on Elvis.
The magazine notes, "While Elvis Presley died forty years ago the King of Rock'n'Roll is still fascinating and inspiring style even today with his music and fashion.
Everything about the style of Elvis Presley can be read in the September issue of the GQ. "
Another nice cover design.
(News, Source;ElvisClubBerlin/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Frankie And Johnny' Free with UK 'Mail On Sunday': As Elvis Week starts Elvis' legacy once again features in the mainstream media.
While EIN cannot recommend the UK Daily Mail as a quality newspaper this weekend's issue of The Mail On Sunday features a free DVD of Elvis' 1965 movie 'Frankie And Johnny'.
UK fans can obtain the DVD from Tesco or WH Smith stores using the vouchers in the paper.
(News, Source;SP/ElvisInfoNet) |
RIP Glen Campbell (April 22 1936 - Aug 8 2017): During his 50 year career Glen earned 10 Grammys (including a record 4 in 1967) and sold over 45 million records (including many Gold and Platinum), with hits like Galveston, Rhinestone Cowboy, By The Time I Get To Phoenix, Wichita Lineman, and many others.
Glen claimed to have first met Elvis at a concert in Albuquerque around 1957, where Elvis shared the bill with Faron Young. Later, when Glen was playing at a small club in LA (The Crossbow), Elvis and some of the Memphis Mafia would occasionally drop by. Subsequently, Glen played guitar on What'd I Say from Viva, Las Vegas, and assisted with some acetate and demo recordings for Elvis.
In 1969 Elvis recorded Campbell's 1967 hit Gentle On My Mind, and both artists recorded a number of the same songs including Tomorrow Never Comes, Let It Be Me, I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry, The Lord's Prayer, My Way, Amazing Grace, Mary In The Morning, It's Over, The Impossible Dream, Until It's Time For You To Go, You'll Never Walk Alone, Bridge Over Troubled Water, Help Me Make It Through The Night, and Your Cheatin' Heart.
Elvis and Glen remained friends, and both were famously photographed together at George Klein's wedding in December 1970. According to Memphis Mafia member Richard Davis, one night Glen and Tom Jones went to Elvis' suite at the International Hotel where the three jammed together for a couple of hours.
In early 2011, Glen was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease, and his condition was made public in June the same year. Recording sessions at the time resulted in the albums Ghost On The Canvas, See You There, and Adios, and he commenced a 15 month, 151 concert 'Goodbye Tour' which ended in November 2012. That same year he was honoured at the Grammy Awards ceremony. In 2014, the documentary I'll Be Me was released, focussing on his Goodbye Tograur and condition. As the Alzheimer's progressed, Glen had to enter a long-term care facility.
On Campbell's final album 'Adios' released in June this year, he included a number of covers previously recorded by Elvis: Funny How Time Slips Away (duet with Willie Nelson), Don't Think Twice, It's All Right, She Thinks I Still Care, and A Thing Called Love.
These were Glen's final studio recordings, and as he knew they would be his last, he wanted them to be songs that loved, but had never recorded.
Glen Travis Campbell passed away peacefully at around 10:00 AM, Tuesday 8 August 2017 in Nashville, Tennessee. He was 81.
Check out on YouTube Gentle on My Mind: Glen Campbell - and Gentle On My Mind: Elvis Presley
(News, Source;NeilColombari/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis - Live in Concert' Returns to Europe June 2018: Hot on the heels of the European tour this May, the reprise of "The Wonder Of You" tour has been announced by EPE for June 2018.
Elvis will return to Europe to visit ten new cities, and to give music fans an opportunity that many have never had before: experiencing the biggest selling solo artist in history in a live concert experience. The 2018 tour will once again feature the most recognizable voice of all time with a full symphony orchestra live on stage performing his most well-known rock 'n roll songs and his tender, heart-wrenching ballads with a very special personal appearance by Priscilla Presley.
Following the success of the two orchestral albums and a sold out UK arena tour featuring Elvis Presley on the big screen backed by a full symphony orchestra in November 2016, a very successful European 10 date arena tour has just been completed this May. After rave reviews from fans and media alike, a new European tour has been announced for June 2018, exactly 50 years after Elvis' iconic '68 Comeback special.
Elvis: Live in Concert is produced by EPE. The European concert tour is produced by GEA Live.
Tour Dates Europe 2018
June 1st - Sweden, Gothenborg Scandinavium
June 2nd - Sweden, Stockholm Ericsson Globe
June 3rd - Norway, Oslo Spektrum
June 4th - Denmark, Copenhagen Forum
June 6th - Hungary, Budapest, Papp László arena
June 7th - Poland, Krakow, Tauron Arena
June 8th - Czech Republic, Prague, O2 Arena
Click here to EPE for Tickets
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
"Elvis Safe & Sound" New Book: More info on the new book. Dick Grob first met Elvis in 1967, when Elvis was on his honeymoon in Palm Springs, California. Dick was then a Palm Springs Police Officer and was assigned to personal protection to the "Star." Thus began a friendship that lasted for more than ten years.
Dick is no stranger to the field of personal protection. During his career, Dick has worked with the FBI, CIA, and other government agencies, including the U.S. State Department, providing protection to very high profile dignitaries, including U.S Presidents and Vice Presidents. Palm Springs was the playground of the "stars and dignitaries," many of whom Dick provided personal security, and Elvis was no exception.
After providing security to Elvis during his visits to Palm Springs, Elvis made Dick "an offer he could not refuse" as his full time personal bodyguard and eventually Elvis' Chief of Security. In this capacity, Dick planned the security for all of his concert tours, appearances, and vacations to locations like Vail, Colorado and Hawaii. Dick was responsible for the safety of not only Elvis, but for his daughter, Lisa Marie, and the rest of Elvis' family.
Not only was Dick Elvis' bodyguard and Chief of Security, he was Elvis' close personal friend. Some of his stories are funny; some are scary; other's just plain interesting. |
"Elvis Safe & Sound" includes documents from Dick's personal archives as well as rare, never before seen photos of Elvis on stage, and copyrighted documents and photos.
"Elvis Safe & Sound" is a great narration of Dick's authentic and personal time while he kept "Elvis Safe & Sound." -
Click here to the "Elvis Safe & Sound" website for more info
(News, Source/TonyS/ElvisInfoNet) |
That "Elvis Feeling" still in Bad Nauheim: It's 40 years this month since Elvis Presley died. His Graceland mansion in Memphis, Tennessee is a place of pilgrimage for fans - but so too is a German town which is very proud of its connection to the King of Rock and Roll.
The street was the very picture of sturdy German middle-class, dappled, leafy, with white wooden dog-tooth fences, weather vanes and plane trees.
Yet one house seemed a little different. A sporty, defiantly rebellious-looking white BMW 507 coupe was parked outside and a small cardboard sign by the front gate read: "Autographs: 7:30-8pm."
In the evenings, you could hear singing coming from inside the front room. The songs would range from gospel to country - even hymns. Holding the higher notes and occasionally breaking into yelps of laughter, the voice sounded strangely familiar.
Because here, at 14 Goethestrasse in the small spa town of Bad Nauheim, Elvis Presley was in the house. |
Six decades later, things haven't changed much in the street that Elvis - then Private Presley - called home during his enforced two-year stint with the US Army at the height of the Cold War.
This summer at least 6,000 Elvis fans from across the world, to celebrate the star's life.
Bad Nauheim is where Elvis did his military service and as he once wrote in a letter home, he felt like "a little, lonely boy 5,000 miles away".
Drafted at the height of his early fame, the rock and roll sensation was offered the chance to swerve conventional duties by simply performing for soldiers on US bases around the world. |
There's another draw for visitors this year, in the reopened Hotel Grunewald - the place Elvis and his gang stayed for their first few weeks in Bad Nauheim before they all moved to Goethestrasse.
"If you stay in the room where Elvis lodged, you'll find nothing has changed," says the manager, Thomas Droescher, who has taken over the handsome 16-room, late 19th-Century corner hotel.
"The bed is the same walnut wood bed that he slept in. Even the black Bakelite toilet seat is his. But I don't know how I can stop people taking souvenirs. Last time this was a hotel, every crystal from the chandelier in Elvis' room was taken one by one by the guests."
Four decades on from his tragic end, the appetite for a piece - no matter how small - of Elvis only continues to grow in this quiet corner of Germany.
Go here to full BBC article
(News, Source;BBC/ElvisInfoNet) |
Oldie Magazine features Elvis: The UK Oldie magazine "a free-thinking, light-hearted alternative to a press obsessed with youth and celebrity" features Elvis on the cover of its August issue.
Inside the two page feature "King of Britain"is intelligently and sympathetically written by the obituaries editor of the Daily Telegraph, with a picture of Elvis at Prestwick, Scotland.
The article comments of Elvis' very British kind of humour (his love of Monty Python and Peter Sellers) as well as his possible Scottish / Irish / Celtic family roots.
The article also takes a good swipe at Albert Goldman's "sneering biography".
Click here to The Oldie magazine
(News, Source;FECCSteveMorse/ElvisInfoNet)
'Elvis: That's the Way It Is' In Melbourne August 16: A good way for Australia's Melbourne fans to remember Elvis on August 16th.
At the ASTOR cinema Wednesday, 16 August at 7:30pm
'Elvis: That's the Way It Is' by director Denis Sanders.
Click here to the Astor Cinema for tickets and info
(News, Source;TonyC/ElvisInfoNet)
'Viva Las Vegas' and 'That's the Way It Is' in Sydney: A good way for Australia's Sydney fans to remember Elvis in August.
The Sydney's marvellous art-deco Randwick Ritz cinema presents "Elvis - 40 Year Tribute" - Celebrate the life of the King on the big screen with two Elvis classics.
We are honoured to be showing VIVA LAS VEGAS and THAT'S THE WAY IT IS on 35mm film in our prestige 80-year-old cinema across one weekend to pay tribute to the King of Rock and Roll.
VIVA LAS VEGAS - Saturday August 19, 7pm
THAT'S THE WAY IT IS - Sunday August 20, 4pm
Both sessions on 35mm film in our grand Cinema One
Click here to Ritz Cinema for tickets and info
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
Monday 7 August 2017 - - - - Today with EIGHT big News stories - - - |
‘A Boy From Tupelo: A Short Film’: In a lovely surprise move Legacy Recordings have released a new promotional film ‘A Boy From Tupelo: A Short Film’.
The film tells the story of Elvis Presley from the perspective of the people who witnessed his rise to the top.
World premiere today.
A 15 minute film with great footage of inside SUN studios and the original equipment (which created Rock'n'Roll history) with wonderful early photos of Elvis. Jerry Phillips features and there is some marvellous rare footage of Sam Phillips. Highly recommended.
Click here to Sony Legacy 'A Boy From Tupelo Short Film' to watch
"Elvis Presley: The Searcher" HBO Doco: HBO have announced the name of their forthcoming major Elvis documentary that will debut next year.
"Elvis Presley: The Searcher" is a three-hour, two-film presentation focusing on Elvis Presley the musical artist, taking the audience on a comprehensive creative journey from his childhood through the final 1976 Jungle Room recording sessions. The films include stunning atmospherics shot inside Graceland, Elvis’ iconic home, and feature more than 20 new, primary source interviews with session players, producers, engineers, directors and other artists who knew him or who were profoundly influenced by him.
The documentary also features never-before-seen photos and footage from private collections worldwide.
An HBO Documentary Films Presentation in association with Sony Pictures Television; executive producers, Glen Zipper, Priscilla Presley, Jerry Schilling, Andrew Solt, Alan Gasmer and Jamie Salter (chairman and CEO, Authentic Brands Group); producers, Jon Landau and Kary Antholis; directed and produced by Thom Zimny.
Thom Zimny, is a Emmy and Grammy winner who has work on multiple Bruce Springsteen projects
“The producers came to HBO and Sony with the idea for a film drawing upon very rare footage that captures Elvis’ musicianship in a new and exciting way. The artistry on display in that footage reminded us of the great work by Jon Landau and Thom Zimny on their previous HBO documentaries, we are thrilled to have them at the helm to lend their unique cinematic perspectives to this iconic, complex and singular artist” noted HBO's Kary Antholis.
Debuts in 2018.
(News, Source;HBO/ElvisInfoNet)
'Kid Galahad' on Blu-Ray: On August 15, 2017, Elvis is back boxing in the building when Twilight Time releases a limited edition of Kid Galahad (1962).
Directed by Phil Karlson, Elvis Presley stars as Walter Gulick, an ex-G.I. who returns to his rustic home town in upstate New York looking for work as an auto mechanic. Amibitious but naive, he's reluctantly roped into becoming a boxer by dubious manager turned-inkeeper Willy Grogan (Oscar-winner Gig Young). With his loyal trainer Lew Nyack (screen legend Charles Bronson) at his side, the iron-jawed, anvil-fisted Elvis quickly becomes the top-drawing champion "Kid Galahad." But when the mob tries to muscle in on he action, the cool-headed fighter is forced to pull no punches in the ultimate bout to protect his honor and his dreams.
Limited Edition to 3000
Out Aug 15, 2017
Go here to buy direct from Twilight Time $29.95 and for more info
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
Jon Daly's Elvis 40th Anniversary Show at Elvis Week: Elvis Presley Blvd is the place to be for Elvis Week. The new Graceland Complex and Jon Daly's Elvis 40th Anniversary Show are within 1 mile of each other.
We have over 15 confirmed celebrity guests includng Wayne Mann (Elvis' cousin), Tish Henley Kirk (Elvis' Nurse), Wayne Carman (Elvis' Karate Instructor), JoCathy Elkington (Elvis' Girlfriend), Nancy Rooks, Dean Nicholpulous.and many more..
Memorablia will also feature,
Elvis owned artifacts,
Elvis autographs,
60 year old Elvis collections, 40th Anniversary Gear,
over 1000 Elvis books for sale..
Cool off in the Elvis fan lounge.. snacks, and Elvis movies playing
Free Parking, Free Admission - shop in our 12,000 sq ft showroom
Even a raffle to see Elvis Presley's Bed from Hillcrest Home.
Beside the special guests it's gonna be all about the memorabilia / collectibles.
1956 items, movie posters, concert items, 40th merchandise, autographs, tons of books including Janelle McCombs and Sandi Pichon's book collections, CD's, Shirts. This is truly a fan friendly show. There will be numerous collections here selling items. I myself have about 25 collections of items that will be there.
The main showroom is 12,000 square feet. The building is a monster so come hang out with us. There is plenty of room and air conditioning to go around.
This Show is done to honor the legacy of Elvis Presley.
Click here to Facebook for Details
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis Safe & Sound' New Dick Grob book: As noted above, Jon Daly's Elvis 40th Anniversary Show is also proud to be the exclusive location to buy Dick Grob's new book 'Elvis Safe & Sound'.
Dick Grob worked as head of Elvis' security detail.
This nearly 300 page book will be available at Elvis Week starting August 12.
Many unreleased photos and stories of his time with Elvis Presley.
'Elvis Safe & Sound' is full of color photos, pictures of artifacts from Dick's collection and tons of historical information.
Dick will be at the Graceland Sponsored Elvis Insider Event on August 14.
Be sure to grab your copy early and have him sign it there.
The first 50 copies sold will receive a FREE photo of Elvis and Dick.
See ya August 12 - 16.
The book is priced at $40.00
(News, Source;TonyS/ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis Week App 2017: EPE notes that the Elvis Week app is ready to download.
The free Elvis Week app is your official guide to this year's celebration in Memphis on August 11-19.
The app features a schedule of events, a list of featured guests, dining and shopping information, a candle for the Candlelight Vigil and much more.
Fans can stay up-to-date with the latest Elvis Week info with push notifications, too.
To download the free app, visit iTunes or Google Play for Android.
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
40th Anniversary Stirs up tabloid interest into Elvis Death: Picked up by M-S-M from Radar Online the 40th Anniversary has stirred up interest into why Elvis died so tragically young. Elvis' possibly allergy to Codeine is once again being discussed..
... For decades it has been reported that Elvis Presley was found dead in his Tennessee Graceland mansion home face down on the bathroom floor from cardiac arrhythmia.
New reports from Radar Online state that a new investigation into Elvis Presley's death and autopsy reports reveal that it may have been something entirely different that took the life of Elvis, something that could have been prevented.
Former forensic scientist Dr. Cyril Wecht claims that Elvis' autopsy reports were bogus claiming that there is "no way to diagnose cardiac arrhythmia on a person who has already died." The Doctor, who throughout his career has conducted over 14,000 autopsies and consulted on more than 30,000 others said there was a fatal error made by Presley's dentist Dr. Lester Hofman the day Elvis died.
Dr. Hofman had performed a painful dental procedure on Elvis hours before his demise. Following the procedure, he prescribed a prescription of codeine to help Elvis manage the pain. The only problem was that Presley was highly allergic to the painkiller and his allergy was clearly marked on all of Presley's medical and hospital charts.
Hofman passed away in 2006, and according to the shocking new report was not the only person aware that Presley was allergic to the painkiller. |
It has been no secret that Elvis had a drug problem and was catered to by his physician, Dr. George “Nick” Nichopoulos. Dr. Nick, as he was referred to, catered to the singer with an endless supply of potent painkillers, including Dilaudid, morphine, Quaaludes, and barbiturates.
Despite that, it is now believed that it was "10 times the therapeutic" amount of the codeine found in Elvis' system the day he died that killed the singer. Joe Esposito described Elvis' frame of mind on the day he died stating that, "I think Elvis gobbled down the whole bottle of codeine by mistake."
“All my life I have been haunted by the idea that my best friend — and the greatest talent the world has ever seen — didn’t have to die!” Joe concluded.
Even without an allergy, the dosage consumed by Elvis would have likely been fatal the doctor noted.
However back in 2014 DNA testing was supposed to reveal that Elvis suffered from a genetic heart muscle disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
He appeared to suffer symptoms of the condition in his final years, including an irregular heartbeat, fatigue, fainting and high blood pressure.
The 2014 findings suggested that regardless of his diet, the iconic singer was always destined to die young.
EIN notes that it only goes to prove Elvis' amazing legacy that 40 years later he is still in the Main-Stream-Media every day.
(News, Source;RO/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis And Me' Australian Tickets on sale Now: Priscilla Presley, the original first lady of Rock n Roll, has stories to share. Be captivated by Priscilla as she tells us about her teenage years, being romanced by Elvis, their marriage and life inside the gates of Graceland. Hear how she raised a daughter during the rise of the tabloids and how she coped with Elvis’ passing. From being named as co-executor of the Elvis estate to her stint on the number one hit television series Dallas, to the Naked Gun franchise, be riveted by Priscilla as she takes us on a journey through her fascinating life. Audiences will feel invited into her living room as she shares intimate stories and hand-picked
pieces from her private collection of home movies and photos. For the first time, Priscilla will answer your questions directly.
Priscilla Presley, philanthropist and actress, mother and business woman, live and on stage. Do not miss this opportunity to join this intimate and once in a lifetime open conversation!
Saturday 4 November 2017 - The Star, Gold Coast
Monday 6 November 2017 - Crown Theatre, Perth
Thursday 9 November - Crown Palladium, Melbourne
Sunday 12 November - Star Event Centre, Sydney
Click here to RCM Touring for tickets and more info
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
Blue Suede Shoes The Culture of Elvis Presley (Thom Gilbert) - outstanding book release marks the 40th anniversary of Elvis’ passing: One of the stand-out book releases marking the 40th anniversary of Elvis’ death is without doubt, Thom Gilbert’s Blue Suede Shoes The Culture of Elvis (published by Glitterati Incorporated). This is no ordinary narrative-visual history of the Elvis story – it places itself on a high pedestal due to its incredible, sublime visual quality and the interesting array of anecdotal material contributed by those who knew and worked with Elvis.
EIN has viewed a low-res copy of the book and the images, even in low-res quality, are simply stunning, resonating an incredible amount of vivid color and fine detail, from the glorious interior shots of the Graceland mansion and Elvis and Priscilla's Honeymoon Hideaway in Palm Springs to the facial crevices of people such as George Klein, the often well-worn markings of various musical instruments including Scotty Moore’s 1952 Gibson ES-295 guitar and the up-close, intricate design and markings of items like Elvis' Federal Agent-at-Large badge and a Gold, Diamond and Emerald ring Elvis gifted to George K.
And wait until you see the views from Elvis' exclusive Hilton International suite in Las Vegas! |
The photographic finesse of Thom Gilbert is one you will savour time and time again. The in-your-face visual delights are nicely complemented by stories by those who knew Elvis. The line-up of contributors includes Elvis’ step-brothers David and Bill Stanley, former girlfriends Dixie Locke Emmons and Barbara Hearn, musicians Ronnie Tutt, Glen D. Hardin, Terry Blackwood and Bob Moore, songwriters Mike Stoller and Mark James, Elvis film co-stars Darlene Tompkins (Blue Hawaii) and Anne Helm (Follow That Dream), singers Bill Medley (The Righteous Brothers) and Sonny Turner (The Platters), friends Kathie Spehar and Don Wilson, and Tupelo Hardware salesman, Forrest Bobo.
As the press release well states:
Larger-than-life in talent, Elvis Presley was also legendarily charismatic, a man who left a deep and lasting impression on every person who knew him. Blue Suede Shoes is an all-access pass to the personal world of Elvis Presley, an intimate look at the culture he created and the legacy he left behind. From photographer Thom Gilbert (Soul: Memphis' Original Sound) comes this unique visual history, an interplay of photographs and stories that reveal the private Elvis. This stunningly photographed collection pairs personal anecdotes from 75 of Elvis's friends, fellow musicians, and fans, with portraits of the people whose lives he touched and the objects and artifacts he left behind. Rediscover the man behind the image through these photographs of the places he lived and recorded, the jewelry and clothing he wore, and even the gifts he chose for friends (plus, uniquely, items that were given to Elvis) and through reading first-hand accounts from those whose experienced his profound generosity. A magnificent gift for fans old and new, Blue Suede Shoes provides a beautiful and insightful look at one of America's most beloved performers. (News, Source: Glitterati Incorporated) |
(Review) Book with new Elvis offering is better than the music: Elvis Presley, "A Boy From Tupelo: The Complete 1953-1955 Recordings" (RCA Legacy, 3-discs plus 119-page book): The enclosed book is one of the best written enclosures in any deluxe Elvis package. Lord only knows, then, why it's such hard work detecting who the author was of the terrific weekly chronology of Elvis' young life between 1953 and 1955.
It turns out to be Ernst Mikael Jorgensen, not exactly a household name but a man who did first-rate work. Unfortunately, the music here in this punctiliously accurate portrait of larval Elvis emerging in Memphis from his musical egg and being recorded wretchedly far too often doesn't begin to be worthy of what went into the book. |
Once upon a time, the best of this three-disc set was called "The Sun Sessions" and it was always known as some of the primal music in all of rock, the moment when Elvis and Sam Phillips changed American ears forever. Some of the live performances memorialized here are interesting but there's so much music wretchedly recorded that it has no chance of winning affection from anyone but completists more interested in his life than his music. And even there, the enclosed book satisfies them in ways that the musical scrapings from the bottom never could. One disc is good here, the other two are for Elvis fanatics. *** (out of four) (Review, Source: Jeff Simon, Buffalo News) EIN Note: The vinyl release does NOT include the 119 page book. |
Has Elvis really been gone 40 years?: The JournalReview has posted the following thoughtful article..
... When I think about the 40th anniversary of the death of Elvis Presley (Aug. 16), it seems we were living in a completely different world in 1977.
News of his passing was relayed by television, radio, word of mouth or the next morning’s newspaper. Tweets, blogs and podcasts were far in the future. Grief over his demise was expressed with hugs, tears and wreaths, not emojis.
Later in the year, October 20, 1977, when one of my high school classmates protested the sparsity of coverage of the plane crash that killed three members of the Lynyrd Skynyrd band compared to the hoopla over Elvis, she had to do it via a snail mail letter to the editor designed for publication in a paper-and-ink periodical. |
Distraught fans would talk about “that movie Elvis did with what’s-her-name,” since (in that pre-Wikipedia world) they didn’t have his biography and discography at their fingertips.
One of my customers at the convenience market where I worked after school implored me to save him a copy of the next “Photoplay” magazine, because he heard they were going to do an Elvis tribute, and this might be the last chance he would ever have to own a memento of “The King”!
Elvis fans resigned themselves to a future of scouring second-hand stores for vinyl records and bugging local DJs to play the occasional Elvis oldie. Little did they know that eBay, Craigslist, YouTube, Amazon, satellite radio and streaming services would eventually make Elvis more available than ever.
We knew our troops in Vietnam had listened to rock music, but who would have thought our soldiers would someday be listening to Elvis in Iraq and Afghanistan?
My parents’ generation clucked their tongues over how the infamous “Dr. Nick” could keep a nice boy like Elvis hooked on prescription drugs. Of course, the opioid crisis of 2017 dwarfs any excesses by Seventies rock stars.
Only a prophetic futurist would have thought that “apps” could someday perform most of the functions handled by Elvis’s “Memphis Mafia” entourage.
Elvis died at a time when there was no MTV or rap music, dramatic TV shows didn’t use hit songs in their soundtracks and the Super Bowl didn’t court pop stars to perform at halftime. We would have laughed if someone had suggested that Disney would use an Elvis song in an animated movie. (But along came “Burning Love” in “Lilo & Stitch.”)
Elvis (who was filmed from the waist up on “The Ed Sullivan Show” and whose bordello scene was censored from his 1968 comeback special) died as standards were loosening, but few of us anticipated the language, substance abuse and sexual situations on network primetime TV in 2017.
We might have suspected that Graceland would become a tourist shrine, but we had no idea we would someday get there guided by “GPS” and driving electric cars or cars fueled by gasoline from “fracking.” Take pictures with something other than Kodachrome? And what’s a “selfie”?
Yes, it’s a different world. But some of our most basic needs remain.
We still need a mixture of songs about love, heartbreak, fun, reverence and patriotism.
I hope that the works of Elvis will remain available for many generations - and that other artists will try their best to stir all the emotions that Elvis stirred.
If they do, I’ll say, “Thank you. Thankyouverymuch.”
Go here to the original article
(News, Source;JournalReview/ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis in 2017 Calvin Klein Campaign: Showing that 40 years on Elvis and Andy Warhol are still important as objects of style, the new Calvin Klein Campaign features models standing against Andy Warhol's "Elvis 11 Times" from 1963 in the Mojave Desert, California.
The campaign features the debut CALVIN KLEIN 205W39NYC collection by Chief Creative Officer Raf Simons.
Shot by photographer Willy Vanderperre, the visually striking campaign presents a cast of 22 models shot against a series of billboards that feature billboards of the previous campaign – which include works by artist Andy Warhol – were erected in the California desert in the days leading up to the shoot. The campaign is a study in art and artifice, of the real and the imagined, the mannered world of high fashion combined with a sense of the everyday. Ultimately, the campaign explores the cinematic and romantic outsider’s view of America.
EIN wonders what Warhol and ELVIS would think?
(News, Source;SM/ElvisInfoNet)
Priscilla Presley talks about Elvis/Aussie ticket prices high: With tickets to her Australian tour (December 2017) now on sale, Priscilla Presley presented her “Elvis and Me: An Open Conversation with Priscilla Presley” show last Friday at the Beau Rivage Resort & Casino in Biloxi, MS. The show features Priscilla telling her stories of life with and without Elvis.
While ticket prices for the Biloxi show started at the very affordable US$19.95 (A$25.00), Aussie fans wanting to hear Priscilla will be buying tickets starting at the not so affordable A$110.00 (approx. US$87.00). The Diamond Dinner tickets for Priscilla’s Australian tour sell for A$399.00 (US$316.00). It does cost a lot to bring artists "downunder" but the 350% price increase does seem way on the high side.
(News, Source: EIN/Sun-Herald.com/Ticketek – Australia) |
'My Vegas Life: Memories of Elvis ... and the Golden Age of Vegas' New Book: Out now the story of Las Vegas Casino manager Dominic Parisi titled in full 'My Vegas Life: Memories of Elvis Presley, Barry Manilow, and the Golden Age of Vegas'.
The publicity notes... This is the story of Dominic Parisi, one of the most famous hotel and casino managers in the history of Las Vegas. In fact, members of his family helped to build Las Vegas during its Golden Age, in places like Caesar's Palace and the Fremont Hotel and Casino. Dominic learned about illegal gambling in the back room of his father's store in Steubenville, OH, before his own journey to Las Vegas as a young man. For more than 30 years, Dominic directed the hospitality venues, high-roller suites, and entertainers suites and green rooms at the Las Vegas Hilton--one of the most iconic hotel and casinos in Las Vegas! Through the years, Dominic interacted with dozens of famous entertainers and high-rollers, like Olivia Newton-John, Michael Jackson, and more. However, he was closest to Elvis Presley. The Las Vegas Hilton (LVH) was called "the hotel that Elvis built." Over the span of 8 years, Elvis sold out 837 consecutive concerts at the hotel; a record that still stands in Las Vegas! When the hotel became the Las Vegas Hotel and Casino, one of the main headliners was Barry Manilow. During his 5-year run at the LVH, Dominic helped Barry Manilow in countless ways and they developed a good friendship. Recently, the LVH was purchased and beautifully remodeled by the Westgate Las Vegas Resort and Casino. Once again, it is the premier property in Las Vegas. This is the fascinating story of the Golden Age of Las Vegas, Elvis Presley, Barry Manilow, and other great entertainers. It's the story of famous gamblers and infamous characters.
Go here to Amazon for more info
(News, Source;NP/ElvisInfoNet)
'ELVIS: The 50 Greatest Hits' Re-Release: Elvis may soon be back in the charts as his earnings potential surges on the 40th anniversary of his tragic death. Presley, who came in fourth last year in the Forbes List of Top-Earning Dead Celebrities with $27 million, will be boosted by events such as the re-release of his 2002 double album The 50 Greatest Hits.
The album, out on August 11, is just one product out of many set to boost the tally of more than one billion records worldwide already sold by the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll.
Presley still moves more than 1 million albums per year, most of them physical – music-industry analysts said the demographic of his fans tends to be a little older than average, with such purchasers favoring CDs or vinyl over downloads or digital; a lot of the more recent Elvis products have been elaborate box sets.
Even so, the Presley income stream from music is dwarfed by the cash that still flows in from Graceland, Memphis. While Elvis died at his Tennessee mansion on August 16 1977, he has never left the building in the sense that it has become a place of pilgrimage for his fans worldwide. Organizers of the annual Elvis Week say that they are expecting this year’s festival to be the biggest ever. |
This time fans can sleep at Graceland, thanks to a new Elvis-inspired hotel, Guest House at Graceland, which is open for its first Elvis Week after being previewed late last year.
RCA/Legacy has also just released Elvis Presley - A Boy From Tupelo: The Complete 1953-1955 Recordings. Tupelo: The Complete 1953-1955 Recordings. This lavish set expanded on the likes of The Sun Sessions and is the most comprehensive early Elvis library assembled. Over three discs, it includes every known Sun Records master and outtake, along with live and radio recordings and even his first acetates.
The greatest hits compilation, one of many available, puts a convincing case for Presley, often seen as more of a singles artist than an albums star. It runs from “All Shook Up” through “Jailhouse Rock” and “Can’t Help Falling In Love” through to “Suspicious Minds” and more. The album also includes songs taken from Elvis’ film soundtracks including “Return to Sender,” “Hard Headed Woman” and “King Creole” - Sadly this is a straight forward re-release and his best seller 'A Little Less Conversation' is not included.
Elvis Presley has famously returned to the charts in the last few years. Two albums, If I Can Dream (2015) and The Wonder Of You (2016), combined his voice with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and both went to No. 1 in the U.K. – a country that the King only visited briefly, on a plane stopover. Way Down In The Jungle Room last year was a 2 CD set of his final studio recordings recorded in Graceland’s den.
Of course his earnings will be greatly boosted by Elvis Week 2017 which could be the largest ever.
Still, Presley maintains his appeal among those with longer memories and he has been clocking up 382 million streams a year on Spotify. While that lags Bowie and Michael Jackson on 600 million, Sony Legacy has been consistently releasing material from his archive and Elvis memorabilia-selling is an industry all to itself.
(News, Source;Forbes/ElvisInfoNet) |
Rolling Stone gives 'A Boy From Tupelo' Top-Rating!: Rolling Stone magazine has given 'A Boy From Tupelo' an incredible 5-out-of-5 in their review noting Elvis Presley's 'A Boy From Tupelo' Is a Museum-Grade look at Sun sessions years
The 3-CD set contains a wealth of material from 1953 to 1955
There's an eye-popping photo in this essential 3-CD set taken on July 31, 1955, at a Tampa, Florida. gig. Elvis clutches his customized Martin acoustic, hollering to heaven and the cheap seats, right hand a strumming blur, face and throat glistening, pants soaked in sweat, as Scotty Moore leans into the shot with his Gibson peghead.
It's a high-resolution alternate angle on the cover shot from Presley's debut LP, one of rock's most iconic images, packaged with a 120-page detailing – via images and a day-by-day timeline, of Presley's birth as recording artist and mega-star.
Why buy music when you can stream it? This is why.
The set includes the Memphis Recording Service acetates Presley had cut on his own dime ($3.98 a pair, to be exact); the entire legendary Sun Sessions, aborted takes and all; and every known concert and radio recording from the period. |
The sound quality is likely as good as it'll ever get, and the performances are musical bedrock. Five versions of "Blue Moon," with slight variations on its clip-clop falsetto-moan conjuring? More'd be fine.
Ditto the Louisiana Hayride live recordings here, which show a 19- and then 20-year-old galloping headlong into fame's stratosphere.
Go here to RS for the review
(News, Source;RS/ElvisInfoNet) |
'A Boy From Tupelo: The Sun Masters' VINYL - OUT NOW: Sony Legacy Recordings has released the new single disc 12" vinyl package that chronicles the rise of Elvis Presley before he became The King of Rock and Roll - and it looks damn attractive! Recorded with producer Sam Phillips, guitarist Scotty Moore and bassist Bill Black during his first incredible year as a professional recording artist (July 1954-July 1955), this collection includes Elvis' complete single A and B-sides for Sun Records, plus additional songs recorded at Sun Studio and released on his landmark self-titled debut album in 1956.
THANKS to our friends at ElvisExpress for the photo - EIN's copy has not arrived in Australia as yet. Side 1, That’s All Right, 2. Blue Moon of Kentucky, 3. Good Rockin' Tonight, 4. I Don't Care if the Sun Don't Shine, 5. Milkcow Blues Boogie, 6. You’re a Heartbreaker, 7. Baby Let's Play House, 8. I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone, 9. I Forgot to Remember to Forget.
Side 2, 1. Mystery Train, 2. I Love You Because (RCA LP version), 3. Blue Moon, 4. I'll Never Let You Go (Little Darlin’), 5. Just Because, 6. Tryin’ to Get To You, 7. Tomorrow Night, 8. Harbor Lights
(News, Source;ElvisExpressRadio/ElvisInfoNet) |
Canberra TTWII Special Showing: Australia's capital Canberra is kicking off it's Elvis Week celebrations early with a National Film and Sound Archive special showing of TTWII this Friday August 4th.
"Kick back with the King!"
On 31 July 1969, in Las Vegas, Elvis Presley staged a triumphant return to the stage from which he had been absent for almost a decade. His series of concerts broke all box-office records and completely re-energized the career of The King. This feature-length concert film crosses the footlights, revealing the legendary singer as a man preparing for an emotional career comeback and the fans that travelled from all over the world for this history-making event.
Got any plans this Friday? Worried you might be lonesome that night? Dust off your blue suede shoes and join us to celebrate the music of the one and only Elvis Presley!
We'll be kicking off the night with a special edition of Vinyl Lounge, followed by a screening of the documentary Elvis: That's the Way it is, which tells the story of the King's 1970 concert comeback. Drinks will be available in the foyer from 5pm. Dir: Denis Sanders, PG, United States, 1970, 97mins
Don't miss a special Blue Suede Vinyl Lounge before the screening.
EIN will be well represented - Don't Miss Out.
FRI 4 AUGUST @ 5.30pm / Tickets $5,
CLICK HERE to book & for more info
(News, Source;NP/ElvisInfoNet)
'Blue Mountains Elvis Festival' 2017: This year is the fifth Australian 'Blue Mountains Elvis Festival', which is only 2 hours from Sydney.
The Blue Mountains Elvis Festival's main venues this year are the Wentworth Falls Country Club and the Palais Royale Hotel, Katoomba, with additional shows at the Family Hotel and other venues in and around Katoomba.
Jack Gatto, Marcus Jackson, and Sean Spiteri will headline the festival this year. This will be Sean Spiteri's third appearance. All three are Competition winners and have represented Australia at Memphis ETA Competitions.
This year also includes the Sing Like Elvis competition, additional shows opening night dinner dance and the markets.
Thursday 3 August to Sunday 6 August 2017
Please refer to the website for further details
Disclaimer- EIN is based in Sydney but we know very little about the authenticity of this Festival
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
'A Boy From Tupelo' First Review: NPR music site has published their "First Listen" review of the new Elvis 'A Boy From Tupelo' 40th Anniversary set.
The review notes, "Think of this three-disc set as The Rise of Elvis Presley: The Granular Detail Version. The fabled personal recordings young Presley paid Sun Records $3.98 to make are here. The very early singles are all represented as well - and they've been put through a magical audio scrubber and buffed to diamond clarity. The set includes every available studio outtake, and some choice banter between takes. Naturally there are live performances, among them a rousing (and previously unissued) "I Forgot To Remember To Forget" from a 1955 Louisiana Hayride radio broadcast.
Fans may ask, "Haven't we been sold much of this stuff several times before?" Yes, we have. But this collection is different in a few crucial ways: The sound is astonishing, and there's an accompanying 120-page book that offers a lovingly researched account of every step along Presley's path from Tupelo to stardom.
Delightful in a way most catalog projects are not, 'A Boy From
Tupelo' presents the well-known biographical details from the Presley trajectory as they unfolded, week by week, with galvanic musical accidents followed by unremarkable contract signings and radio station visits. The timeline begins on July 4, 1954, with Presley visiting guitarist Scotty Moore's house to go over songs for a tryout session at Sun. The next day's session began with the torch songs they'd rehearsed, but soon detoured when Presley, between takes, sang a jittery reworking of Arthur Crudup's "That's All Right." Moore recalls that he and bassist Bill Black got swept up in Presley's "acting the fool," and eventually caught the attention of Sam Phillips in the control room, who told them "Back up, try to find a place to start, and do it again."
Just savour this twist of fate. Presley shows up for his first big recording session expecting to sing tender romantic songs. On a whim, he starts "acting the fool," and the band follows, chasing a twitchy mix of rockabilly, R&B and country that was utterly new. Suddenly that became the art.
The book provides this kind of specific context for most of the highlight reel moments of Presley's time at Sun. It suggests that what can seem, in the biopic version, like an overnight success, is often something more routine: There's day-in and day-out work involved in developing a musical trademark. The blazing neon meteor of sound we associate with Elvis at Sun was also the story of a Crown Electric deliveryman making the transition to full-time musician, and figuring out how to present himself on stage.
Not all of this "process" stuff can be considered essential, but many of the studio alternates are worth hearing. The crew spent a long time pursuing a very particular stargazing mood on "Blue Moon of Kentucky," and the alternate takes show how they refined it, with Moore eventually doing muted guitar percussion to keep time. The live performance disc is arguably even more revealing, as it shows how quickly Presley grew into his role: Just a few weeks after the release of "That's Alright" the 19-year-old Presley appears on the Louisiana Hayride to deliver a version of the song that bubbles over with teenage irreverence. It was just another gig in a career of thousands, but as this set makes clear, sometimes an ordinary gig (or song or clowning moment) can trigger a cultural contagion.
Click here to full NPR review - by Tom Moon.
EIN will post our review soon.
(News, Source;NPR/ElvisInfoNet) |
<< Buy from Amazon US for only $26.80
Buy from Amazon UK for only £24.99 >>>
Australian and NZ fans should go to Amazon UK here >>> and get it for ONLY AU$43.00 including postage to your door.. |
AXS Cable TV 'ELVIS Month' Special: AXS TV is presenting a month-long line-up of classic films and concerts starring Elvis Presley in the "All Hail The King" block, airing every Tuesday in August at 10pE/7pP. Specials include "Elvis: That's The Way It Is" (Aug. 1), "This Is Elvis" (Aug. 8), "Elvis Lives!" (Aug. 15), "Elvis On Tour" (Aug. 22), and "Clambake" (Aug. 29).
Additionally, on Wed, Aug. 16, the 40th Anniversary of his tragic death, the network will air a special edition of the profile series "Classic Albums: Elvis Presley" at 9pE followed by an encore presentation of "Elvis Lives" at 10pE.
The month kicks off with a pair of insightful documentaries, featuring an intimate look at Elvis' return to the stage after a successful film career in the 1970 documentary ELVIS: THAT'S THE WAY IT IS on August 1, capturing the King's Las Vegas Summer Festival. Then, on August 8, filmmakers Andrew Solt and Malcolm Leo combine archive footage with detailed re-enactments of key moments from Presley's life and career in the unique 1981 film THIS IS ELVIS.
Stay tuned for the 2016 AXS TV original film Elvis Lives! on August 15, which puts an inventive spin on one of the most infamous conspiracy theories of all time and imagines an alternate reality where Elvis (Jonathan Nation) goes undercover to take down a crime syndicate and protect his family. And AXS TV pays tribute to the King on the 40TH Anniversary of his tragic death with a special block on Wednesday, August 16, featuring a behind-the-scenes exploration of Elvis' self-titled RCA debut, and a rare glimpse at Presley's early days and unprecedented rise to rock n' roll royalty in the acclaimed 2002 profile series Classic Albums: Elvis Presley at 9pE.
Viewers in the U.S., Mexico and Canada can find AXS TV on a number of national providers.
Click here to AXS Cable for more info
(News, Source;ASX/ElvisInfoNet)
'Riding The Rainbow' UK Vinyl: From Rockwell Music new vinyl 'Riding The Rainbow' (1961 part 3)
Featuring more classic Elvis recordings from 1961 printed on Electric Blue Vinyl
Side One:
Follow That Dream / Angel / What a Wonderful Life / I'm Not the Marrying Kind / Good Luck Charm / Anything That's Part Of You / Night Ride
Side Two:
Riding the Rainbow / Home Is Where the Heart Is / A Whistling Tune / I Got Lucky / This Is Living / King Of The Whole Wide World
Rockwell Music - RWLP022-c
Printed in Electric Blue Vinyl, Limited 150 copies
- Priced at £22.99 = US$30.20 from Rockwell direct
(News, Source;Rockwell/ElvisInfoNet) |
News from earlier this week ... |
'A Boy From Tupelo: The Complete 1953-1955 Recordings' 2017 - OUT NOW: 'A Boy From Tupelo: The Complete 1953-1955 Recordings" for the 40th Anniversary - is out today- July 28.
On 3CDs every surviving Elvis Presley Sun master and outtake with accompanying 120-page book compiled by Elvis authority Ernst Mikael Jørgensen and is, in essence, a fully-illustrated travelogue. It details the birth of Elvis' career through facts, anecdotes, documentation, many rare photos, and a succinct narrative. Independence Day 1954 is when this uniquely American saga begins and it ends in December 1955, when the rights to Elvis' Sun tapes officially expire and the singer leaves Sam Phillips and Sun Records to record for RCA Victor.
This is the story of Elvis Presley and how this amazing young man readies himself for stardom, achieving success on a level that no one could have dreamed possible. |
<< Buy from Amazon US for only $26.80
Buy from Amazon UK for only £24.99 >>>
Australian and NZ fans should go to Amazon UK here >>> and get it for ONLY AU$43.00 including postage to your door.. |
‘Good Rockin Tonight’ 78rpm Misprint: EIN has been informed that all new 78RPM 10" pressings of the SUN 210 ‘GOOD ROCKIN TONIGHT’ on both black and clear vinyl are printed vice-versa.
‘Good Rockin Tonight’ actually plays ‘ I Don’t Care if the Sun Don’t Shine' while the B-side plays ‘Good Rockin Tonight’.
EIN just gave our 78rpm a spin and indeed it is true. To be honest I have played them all but never noticed.
In a strange way this has created an instant collectable!
The supplier notes ALL misprints will be replaced for free both black vinyl and clear.
Just contact your dealer for replacements next week
As Elvis would say, "Fair exchange ain't no robbery"
The miss-pressed versions can be kept as collectable souvenirs - NICE!
WHOA! - An instant collectable!
See more about these 40th Anniversary 78rpm releases below
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
'ELVIS WAS HERE': Renovations at Lawhon Elementary School in Tupelo revealed a surprise this week that will make the school's auditorium look a lot like it did when Elvis Presley was a student there in the early 1940s.
As they were pulling up tile in the school's auditorium, workers at Lawhon found original hardwood floors from when the school was built in the 1930s. Instead of replacing the tile, Tupelo Public School District director of maintenance Kirk Kitchens said they decided to refinish the heart pine floors.
"We knew it would look so good that we decided to keep them and refinish them," Kitchens said. "It's probably been under that tile since the 1960s."
The school has been completely renovated this summer as part of the Tupelo Public School District's $44 million bond issue, passed in 2015.
After refinishing the floors, the original seats were moved back into the auditorium, including a seat that's been marked as one the King of Rock n' Roll sat in as a student.
Another seat is engraved with "Elvis was here" although Kitchens said he's not sure if Presley actually carved those words into the seat himself.
"We don't know if Elvis actually did that, but we thought it was neat," Kitchens said.
Along with the restoration of the floors and installation of the original seats, the auditorium's stage has also been refinished this summer.
The stage at Lawhon was one of the first stages Presley ever sang on.
Presley attended Lawhon, which was then called East Tupelo Consolidated School, in the early 1940s until fifth grade.
According to Judy Schumpert at the Elvis Presley Birthplace, Presley's time at Lawhon, and one teacher in particular, was instrumental in helping him pursue music as a young boy.
That teacher was Oleta Grimes who taught Presley in the fifth grade.
"She was not the only teacher he had at Lawhon, but the most prominent. He would visit with her when he came back to Tupelo," Schumpert said. "She encouraged him so much, and that made an impact on him."
It was Grimes who would encourage Presley to sing in school programs at Lawhon as well as who entered Presley in his first talent competition at Children's Day of the Mississippi-Alabama Dairy Show in 1945.
"That's how he first got started in that kind of thing," Schumpert said.
(News, Source;JGansky/djornal/ElvisInfoNet)
'Elvis Under The Covers' New book: Author Michael Madden (whose new book "The History Of Zombies" is now at the proof stage) has written 'Elvis Under The Covers' which explores Elvis' influence through the artists that have recorded his six most often covered original songs. These are Can't Help Falling In Love, In The Ghetto, Don't Be Cruel, Heartbreak Hotel and Jailhouse Rock.
The publicity notes that.. As we acknowledge the 40th anniversary of his passing, it is appropriate to remember the full extent of the man's legacy, a legacy that continues to grow. Glam rock legend Suzi Quatro has provided the foreword in which she describes the times that Elvis Presley touched her life, and when she touched his. Mike Sanchez explains the influence that The King had on his life and his career.
There are also personal contributions from many of the artists featured in the book, including Eddi Reader, Mary Coughlan, Chris Spedding, Wanda Jackson, Tanya Tucker and Stella Parton.
It is not often that a book can legitimately mention Bob Dylan, Andy Williams and the members of The Beatles alongside Bugs Bunny, Stephen King and a camembert cheese. However, on a journey through this legacy there are many unusual connections, the one thing that binds them all together, the essence of the journey that they have all chosen to take, is the elixir that is Elvis Presley.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
EPE sued after Guest House Legionnaires' outbreak: A Florida family is suing Elvis Presley Enterprises after a recent outbreak of Legionnaires' disease.
The suit, filed July 18 in Shelby County Circuit Court, alleges that Douglas and Marisol Johnson, of Miami Lakes, Florida, checked into the Guest House at Graceland on June 4 and stayed at the hotel for three nights. According to the suit, the plaintiffs came into contact with the bacteria that causes Legionnaires' disease "through the normal use of The Guest House at Graceland's water system."
While staying there Douglas Johnson began experiencing unusual sleepiness and fatigue and, by the next day, his symptoms worsened to the point where he needed a wheelchair to help him board his flight back to Florida. He spent over a week in an |
intensive care unit and is continuing to receive care from his primary care doctors and a pulmonologist, according to the court documents.
The lawsuit also said that other members of his family developed symptoms consistent with Pontiac Fever, which is caused by the same bacteria that causes Legionnaires' disease.
The lawsuit seeks compensation for Johnson and his wife for an amount exceeding $25,000 each.
According to Shelby County Health Department it closed the aquatics facilities on June 27 due to an epidemiological investigation of Legionnaires' disease cases at the hotel. As of July 19, the health department confirmed nine cases of the illness.
Moving forward, the establishment will implement their preventive water maintenance plan monthly - instead of quarterly - for the next six months as well as continue routine sampling on the aquatics facilities."
(News, Source;NP/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Rock'n'Roll' New Uk Vinyl: The UK label Republic of Music is putting out a new 12 track "Public Domain" vinyl album on August 4, 2017.
Titled 'Rock'n'Roll' and selling for £11.99.
It offers nothing new at all (Interesting to have 'That's All Right' followed by 'Surrender'!) however we love the cover design.
Label: Republic of Music
1. That's All Right Mama, 2. Surrender, 3. Ready Teddy, 4. All Shook Up, 5. Money Honey, 6. Lawdy, Miss Clawdy, 7. Blue Suede Shoes, 8. Tutti Frutti, 9. Shake Rattle and Roll, 10. Hound Dog, 11. Rip It Up, 12. Long Tall Sally
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
The King and I: Ed Bonja photos Exhibition in Australia: Elvis Presley and music fans alike will have a chance for unique look into the life of the King of Rock and Roll next month.
The Ophir Tavern in Orange, country NSW, is hosting an exhibition of 170 photos taken by Elvis's personal photographer, Ed Bonja.
The collection is curated by Adam Nicholson, who runs the Ophir Tavern.
The opening of the exhibition - which will coincide with the 40th anniversary of Elvis' death -will be the first time in five years the collection has been displayed publicly.
Some of the iconic images of the king are familiar to many fans, as Mr Bonja photographed Elvis from 1970 to 1977.
The photographs include hundreds of shots taken at concerts and in Elvis's private life that were used for album covers.
"All the famous photos were taken by Ed. He was the only photographer permitted on stage," Mr Nicholson said.
The exhibition is made up of original prints, including some photos which have rarely seen the light of day.
"One of the first Ed ever took was of Elvis on Frank Sinatra's private jet that Elvis leased," Mr Nicholson said.
"And the very last photo ever taken of Elvis on stage.
You won't see the photos in Graceland. It's the largest collection of photos taken by one man of Elvis," Mr Nicholson said.
He said the photos covered the years in Las Vegas and the jumpsuits, including the famous 'American eagle' suit worn during the Aloha from Hawaii concert.
The free exhibition will open on August 16 - the anniversary of Elvis's death - until August 20, midday to 2pm each day.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
EIN exclusives and News from earlier in July . . . |
Keith Alverson Interview - 'Strictly Elvis: 1973-74-75': Photographer Keith Alverson's new book with KJ Consulting (with Erik Lorentzen as editor) is at the printers.
The publication date will be in August, 2017 during the 40th anniversary of Elvis' death!
Keith Alverson first saw Elvis in concert in the early 70s when he secretly smuggled in his small pocket camera to sneak a few photos of Elvis from there he went from strength to strength. One his first Elvis' concerts where he was able to get quality photos of Elvis in concert was Elvis in Atlanta, July 1973 after which he saw Elvis over 80 times live on stage.
Alverson's outstanding photos of Elvis in his "Phoenix" jumpsuits are known by every Elvis fan. With 1,500 photos this book concentrating on Elvis from 1973-1975 has to be a real stunner. Even better the photos have been newly scanned straight from the original negatives.
Beyond his stunning photographs of Elvis live in concert, very little is known about photographer Keith Alverson and so EIN's Piers Beagley tracked down the man to asked him more about his background, times with Elvis and his exciting new publication...
Go here to our interview and plenty of PREVIEW pages from this great book
Plus USA ordering details & how to get a signed copy at ELVIS WEEK!
(Interviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)
'Auction at Graceland' Saturday August 12 details: Graceland Auctions is once again delighted to host a robust auction event during this very special 40th anniversary Elvis Week and we encourage participation in this incredible auction to help preserve the memory of Elvis for future generations through these treasures.
The auction includes a wide and diverse range of artifacts from an extraordinary stage-worn jumpsuit along with more concert and personally-owned and worn clothing to jewelry, advertising materials, awards and movie memorabilia. This is our largest and most all-encompassing auction yet, with something for every budget and every collector.
Auction highlights include:
- Elvis Owned and Stage-Worn Sleeveless Jumpsuit and Jacket Made by I.C. Costume Co. - From the 1999 Graceland Archives Auction (C36A), Estimate $200,000-250,000 - see photo below
- Elvis Owned and Worn Gold and Diamond Ram’s Head Necklace, Estimate $100,000-150,000
- 1973 Elvis Presley Stage Worn Cape with Tiger Skin Pattern on the Interior, Estimate $70,000-100,000
- Elvis Owned and Worn Brown Velvet Jacket, Pants and Cape Ensemble Made by I.C. Costume Co. – From the 1999 Graceland Archives Auction (C44A), Estimate $70,000-80,000
- November 6, 1954, Louisiana Hayride Contract Signed by Elvis Presley, Gladys Presley and Vernon Presley as well as Scotty Moore and Bill Black, Estimate $30,000-50,000
- Elvis TCB Necklace Taken off His Neck and Gifted to His Personal Hairdresser Larry Geller, Estimate $30,000-50,000
- The Bible Used by Rex Humbard to Officiate Elvis Presley’s Funeral and the Handwritten Notes Dictated by J.D. Sumner Outlining Elvis’ Funeral Service, Estimate $30,000-40,000
- March 26, 1956, Elvis Presley Signed Contract Solidifying Colonel Parker as His Exclusive Management - One of the Most Famous Contracts in Pop Culture! Estimate $30,000-35,000
- Elvis Presley Owned and Worn Gold and Diamond Guitar Ring with “EP” Initials Gifted to Charlie Hodge, Estimate $20,000-30,000
- Historic January 25, 1956, Elvis Presley First Signed Document as an Adult - Certifying Earlier Agreements with Colonel Parker, Estimate $20,000-25,000
- Elvis Presley Owned and Worn Red “Elephant Corduroy” Suit Made by I.C. Costume Co., Estimate $60,000-70,000
Additional highlights include artifacts from the Estate of Scotty Moore and from the Trude Forsher Archive.
Go here to Graceland auctions for more details
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Hollywood Night' New Event added to Elvis Week: Lights, camera, action - Hollywood Night at The Guest House at Graceland has just been added to the Elvis Week schedule of events!
Actress Laurel Goodwin and actor Gary Lockwood will share stories about their TV and movie careers at 6pm. Friday, August 18, at The Guest House at Graceland Ballroom. Both of these stars worked with Elvis, but this event will focus on their careers beyond starring with Elvis. Hollywood Night is hosted by Tom Brown, and will include a Q&A session. The event also includes an autograph session with both Laurel and Gary in The Guest House Ballroom following the event.
Hollywood Night tickets (including autograph session) are $20.
Following Hollywood Night, there will be an Elvis Double Feature in the Guest House Theater. "Girls! Girls! Girls!" starring Laurel Goodwin and Elvis Presley will screen at 8:00 p.m., followed by "It Happened at the World's Fair," starring Elvis Presley and Gary Lockwood, at 10:00 p.m.
The double feature is free.
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
'An Evening With Priscilla Presley' Australian Dates Announced: RCM Tour productions who organised the recent massive 'The Wonder Of You' Elvis tour of Australia have now confirmed the dates of their new "in conversations" tour featuring Priscilla Presley.
'An Evening With Priscilla Presley: An Open Conversation', which has been touring in the USA, will offer Australian audiences an extremely rare opportunity to gain insight into a world only a few have entered, being married to Elvis and his girlfriend at only 14 years of age.
Click HERE to the 'Elvis and Me' An Evening With Priscilla Presley' Australian Tour' website and register for updates.
Tickets on sale soon - plus VIP options
(News, Source;RCM/ElvisInfoNet)
'Elvis Files' Magazine # 21: The Elvis Files Magazine has now been running for an incredible five years, yet it still seems such a new publication.
Elvis Files Magazine #21 - September 2017 issue - is already being edited and Erik Lorentzen reminds fans that it is
"Time for collectors to renew your subscriptions"
You can send € 58 by PayPal to: sales@elvisfiles.no or go to www.elvisfiles.no
Here's the cover and as always we do promise you some awesome photos....
EIN loves that cover shot.
(News, Source;EL/ElvisInfoNet)
"Remembering the 'King' 40 Years On" LIFE Magazine: They reprint the very similar magazine every 5th anniversary and this year's 40th anniversary is of course no different.
Available at book stores plus Time Shop and Amazon
... There’s plenty of kitsch to indulge in on a visit to Graceland, the estate-turned-tourist-mecca where Elvis lived for the last 20 years of his abbreviated life. And what you get out of a trip to that world—and why Graceland is so hugely successful, and touching in its way—is an impression of the man, not just the phenomenon or the caricature. You leave with the certain feeling that you’ve gotten to understand him somehow. Even despite an enormity of fame and global idolatry almost incomprehensible in a modern, Twitter-riddled world, Elvis remained unceasingly authentic. Garish and showy and heavy handed in his taste, he was, to the bone, Elvis himselvis, the kid from small-town Mississippi made inordinately good.
That first record at Sun was Elvis’s high-spirited version of an old blues song called That’s All Right, which fits his story-line neatly given that Elvis had first come to Sun Studio to record a song for his own mama, Gladys, whom he lived with until the day she died. Gladys is now buried, alongside Elvis and Elvis’s father, Vernon, and Vernon’s mother, Minnie Mae, in a place called the Meditation Garden at Graceland. Inside the Graceland TVs seem as if they were collected as a quintessentially American show of wealth and success. Elvis had an unapologetic appetite for the obvious.
On such a TV screen you might see Elvis, in the mid 1950s, in all his marvelous, hip-swiveling virility, belting out Heartbreak Hotel or Don’t Be Cruel or another in the sudden outpouring of hit songs that reframed popular music then and forever. And on another TV screen you might see him in the 1970s, in that studded white jumpsuit, singing Suspicious Minds, perhaps, or Simon & Garfunkel’s Bridge over Troubled Water, sweat descending in rivulets down his changed familiar face, eyes closed, and still with that voice, deep and melancholy and free of constraint. Elvis at the start and Elvis to the end: Beautiful, brilliant, and true.
Click here to Amazon for more info
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
JULY 18 - Red West has Died, aged 81: Terrible news as Red West, yet another of Elvis' very best friends, has died.
Red West died Tuesday night after suffering an aortic aneurysm at Baptist Hospital. He was 81.
Born in Bolivar, Tennessee, the athletic Robert Gene "Red" West befriended Elvis at Humes High School, where the 6-foot-2 redhead protected the smaller pre-fame Elvis from bullies on at least a couple of occasions, according to Presley lore. He worked for Elvis for some 20 years, occasionally taking small roles in such films as “Flaming Star” and writing or co-writing such memorable Elvis songs as the 1972 hit 'Separate Ways,' 'If Every Day Was Like Christmas', 'That's Someone You'll Never Forget' and the masterpiece of infidelity, 'If You Talk in Your Sleep,' recorded at Stax in 1973.
Red West also composed or contributed to songs recorded by other artists, including Ricky Nelson, Pat Boone and Johnny Rivers.
An ex-Marine, Golden Gloves boxer, karate instructor and genuine tough-guy-with-a-heart-of-gold (at least in his later years), West said it was his protective streak that motivated him to co-write "Elvis: What Happened?" a tell-all best-seller published only two weeks before Elvis' death.
As Elvis' friend, driver and bodyguard, Red West was among Presley's closest associates during the singer's meteoric rise, Army tour of duty, Hollywood stardom, late 1960s so-called comeback and 1970s decline. West's father, Newton West, died the same day as Elvis' mother, Gladys Presley, which only strengthened the men's bond.
When Elvis was in the Army, West traveled to Germany to be nearer the singer, at Presley's request. Elvis attended Red West's wedding (photo right), but was too late to act as best-man as planned.
Red West, Elvis and others would frequently spar at the old Tennessee Karate Institute, co-owned by West. "He was a tough son of a gun," said former kickboxing world champion Bill "Superfoot" Wallace, one of the studio's co-owners.
Prior to being fired in July 1976, Red West and some of Presley's other bodyguards had received some criticism for heavy-handed tactics in attempts to protect Elvis.
West always defended his work for Elvis, while Vernon Presley said the firings were an attempt to cut Presley's expenses.
Post-Elvis, West became a full-time actor, earning a regular role opposite star Robert Conrad in the late 1970s series “Black Sheep Squadron" about a squadron of World War II fighter pilots.
West's most famous role was in the 1989 Patrick Swayze cult classic “Road House,” but major critical acclaim eluded him until late in life, when he landed his first top billing in the acclaimed independent drama “Goodbye Solo” (2008), which critic Roger Ebert labeled "a masterwork" and The New York Times called "a near perfect film."
“It took me 59 years to be an overnight success,” West told The Commercial Appeal, in a 2009 interview timed to the local release of the movie, in which he portrayed a taciturn |
old-timer contemplating suicide.
“I started out in this business as a stuntman, and it’s taken its toll on me,” West added. “I’ve had knee replacements, and I’ve got big calcium deposits in my neck from falling on my head so many times. So this is just in time.”
“Goodbye Solo” director Ramin Bahrani said of West: "I wish Clint Eastwood would quit casting himself and realize that this guy's better."
Red West also appeared in the movies Francis Ford Coppola’s “The Rainmaker”, Ira Sachs’ “Forty Shades of Blues,” both shot in Memphis, as well as Robert Altman’s made-in-Mississippi “Cookie’s Fortune,” Oliver Stone’s “Natural Born Killers,” Bahrani’s “At Any Price” (with Dennis Quaid), the horror sequel “I Still Know What You Did Last Summer” and the true-sports story, “Glory Road.”
On TV he appeared in episodes of “Mannix,” “The Six Million Dollar Man,””Magnum P.I.” and “The A-Team.” A 2015 appearance in the series “Nashville” was his final credit.
In a 2011 episode of "Memphis Beat" a TNT crime series set but not shot in Memphis, West played a cancer-stricken inmate serving time for the murder of the father of the series' star, an Elvis-impersonating police detective played by Jason Lee.
Red West and his wife, acting coach Pat West, had celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary on July 1. A Messick graduate who met her husband while she was |
working as a secretary for Elvis, Pat West said Red had complained of pains Sunday afternoon and was taken to Baptist Hospital. Early Tuesday he died after suffering what she described as an abdominal aortic aneurysm.
“From the very start, we had a bond that was just unusual,” Pat West said of her husband. “He was just a straight shooter.”
Pat West said she and her husband usually skipped "Elvis Week," but they had been planning to participate in some activities organized this year by friend and longtime Elvis associate George Klein. "We wanted to go this year, this special year," she said, referring to the 40th anniversary of Presley's death.
According to most sources Red West was born on Nov. 20, 1936, which would make him 80 at the time of his death. But Pat West said his actual birthday was March 8, 1936.
West is survived by two sons, actor John Boyd West, Brent West, brother Harold West of Olive Branch; and six grandchildren.
Memorial Park Funeral Home will handle services.
(News, Source;CommAppeal/ElvisInfoNet) |
Red West Interview: Red West was one of Elvis' closest friends. He first met Elvis in High School and went on to work for Elvis as a bodyguard until 1976. Elvis and Red West became close friends when Red volunteered to help drive Elvis, Scotty Moore, Bill Black and DJ Fontana around the southern US states for their early tours of 1955-1956. Red West is also a talented composer and actor who still appears in award-winning movies.
In 1999 Red West was the main guest at the Elvis English Fan Club Convention where he opened up to fans like never before, revealing his true love for Elvis. It is certainly one of the longest and the best interviews with Red West - and at times devastatingly honest.
EIN added this fascinating interview for Elvis Week 2010.
(Interviews; Source;OEPFC) |
'Elvis: A King in the Making' Re-Release: The 2007 book 'Elvis: A King in the Making' by Alfred Wertheimer and Peter Guralnick is getting a tenth anniversary release.
... In 1956, a twenty-one-year-old Elvis Presley was at the beginning of his remarkable and unparalleled career and photographer Alfred Wertheimer was asked by Presley's new label, RCA Victor, to photograph the rising star. With unimpeded access to the young performer, Wertheimer was able to capture the unguarded and everyday moments in Elvis' life during that crucial year, a year that took him from Tupelo, Mississippi to the silver screen, and to the verge of international stardom and his crowning as "The King of Rock 'n' Roll."
Wertheimer's photographs of Elvis are extraordinary and he appears almost ethereal. After 1958 and Elvis' induction into the army, the world seemingly forgot about Wertheimer's magical photographs until the day Elvis died and Time Magazine called. "The phone hasn't really stopped ringing in the last thirty years," observed Wertheimer.
Peter Guralnick is an award-winning biographer of Elvis Presley, historian of American popular music and author of 'Dream Boogie: The Triumph of Sam Cooke'.
Hardcover 224 pages - Release date October 17, 2017
Amazon Pre-order is only $24.99. Go HERE>> Elvis: A King in the Making
Go here for EIN's 2007 review 'Elvis: A King in the Making' - "Highly Recommended"
Go here for EIN's Spotlight on Alfred Wertheimer.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
'Strictly Elvis 1973-75' - Now Printed: Photographer Keith Alverson's new book with KJ Consulting (with Erik Lorentzen as editor) is at the printers.
The publication date will be in August, 2017 during the 40th anniversary of Elvis' death!
Keith Alverson first saw Elvis in concert in the early 70s when he secretly smuggled in his small pocket camera to sneak a few photos of Elvis from there he went from strength to strength. One his first Elvis' concerts was Elvis in Atlanta, July 1973 after which he saw Elvis over 80 times live on stage.
His outstanding photos of Elvis in his "Phoenix" jumpsuits are known by every Elvis fan.
With 1,400 photos this book concentrating on Elvis from 1973-1975 it has to be a real stunner.
Four more preview pages are shown below - EIN will have plenty more examples.. coming soon.
You can Pre-order the book here from Erik Lorentzen at Elvis Files - €125 including shipping Worldwide - Not USA.
Coming soon to EIN an interview with Keith Alverson about this beauty
(News, Source;KA/ElvisInfoNet)
New FTD Releases OUT NOW: The three FTD releases announced for "late June" are OUT NOW and at your local Elvis dealer.
- 'Roustabout' (1-CD)
Reaching #1 on Billboard in February 1965, Roustabout would Elvis’ last chart topping album until "Aloha From Elvis Via Satellite" in 1973. Packaged in 7" format with a full color 16-page memorabilia booklet, it contains previously unreleased material.
- Album Sales Tips From RCA Victor: (Special album release for November 1964)... the new "ROUSTABOUT" album is undoubtedly on of the finest we’ve had! "It’s A Wonderful World" and "Big Love Big Heartache" are delivered smoothly to a smooth Latin-flavored accompaniment. Most of the tunes however, are the hard-rocker variety, especially "Hard Knocks and "There’s A Brand New Day On The Horizon." We’ve got great music, a great cover, the movie tie-in, advertising and promotion support.
The FTD includes the previously unreleased tracks 'Hard Knocks' (take 4, movie version), ' Its A Wonderful World' (take 17, instrumental), 'It’s Carnival Time' (movie version) and newly discovered 'Roustabout' (takes 1-5,7, 10-16 & movie version). Go to 'FTD/ SONY News 2017' for full tracklisting |
Elvis At Madison Square Garden (Book And CD):
The Ultimate book about Elvis’ appearances in the Big Apple, June 1972. The book comes with a bonus CD - audience recording - containing the opening night, June 9th, 1972 show.
Pål Granlund was in New York in 1972 for the MSG concerts and there are photographs of him meeting Elvis backstage, so the book will no doubt feature his personal stories and much, much more.
Elvis At Madison Square Garden, NY City June 9 1972
1) Also Sprach Zarathustra 0:47 2) That's All Right 2:15 3) Proud Mary 2:39 4) Never Been To Spain 3:43 5) Until It's Time For You To Go 2:36 6) You Don't Have To Say You Love Me 2:02 7) You've Lost That Loving Feeling 4:16 8) Polk Salad Annie 3:05 9) Love Me1:37 10) All Shook Up 1:08 11) Heartbreak Hotel 1:42 12) Teddy Bear/Don't Be Cruel 1:56 13) Love Me Tender 1:46 14) Blue Suede Shoes 1:29 15) Hound Dog 2:05 16) Bridge Over Troubled Water 4:10 17) Suspicious Minds 4:50 18) Introductions by Elvis 1:19 19) For The Good Times 3:08 20) American Trilogy 4:45 21) Funny How Times Slips Away2:49 22) Can't Help Falling In Love 1:40 23) Closing Vamp 1:23
An audience recording
Click here for promo video on Facebook. |
Too Much Monkey Business" (2-LP Limited Edition)
Based on the original 1981 "Guitar Man" album, FTD Vinyl’s new release contains all the tracks featured on the FTD CD release from 2000. The 2-LP features full overdub session data insert. Pressed on 180 Gram heavyweight vinyl, it’s availability is strictly limited as all previous releases.
SIDE 1 - 1) If You Talk In Your Sleep 2) Just Call Me Lonesome 3) I’ll Be There 4) Too Much Monkey Business 5) After Loving You 6) You Asked Me To.
SIDE 2 - 1) Faded Love 2) Clean Up Your Own Backyard 3) Lovin’ Arms 4) Guitar Man 5) Kentucky Rain 8) In The Ghetto
SIDE 3 - 1) Burning Love 2) I’ll Hold You In My Heart 3) Only The Strong Survive 4) She Thinks I Still Care 5) Long Black Limousine SIDE 4 - 1) I’m Movin On 2) Hey Jude 3) Blue Suede Shoes BONUS SONGS 4) Paralyzed* 5) The Elvis Medley+ Jailhouse Rock - (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear) Hound Dog - Don’t Be Cruel Burning Love - Suspicious Minds 6) Wear My Ring Around Your Neck* *Taken from the album "I Was The One," + Taken from the album "The Elvis Medley, " 1982
Go to 'FTD/ SONY News 2017' for full details |
UPDATED - 'ELVIS & The Colonel' Book Review: Published in March 2017 from author Darrin Lee Memmer, 'ELVIS & The Colonel' is an A4 format, 200-page project.
The publicity noted, "Rest assured that this is no whitewash or rose-colored approach to biography; nah, just the most contemporaneously-rich, fair-minded & engaging collection of material about Colonel Parker to be assembled in one place."
There is no doubt that "ELVIS & The Colonel" is one of the strangest books EIN has ever read.
Darrin Lee truly enjoys challenging Elvis myths. His most famous publication so far is in fact 'Desert Storm; The Shattering of a Myth' about Elvis' emotional roller-coaster ride of mid-1974.
So while the book about Elvis and Col Parker promises NOT to be a "whitewash" you can expect that it will be.
Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley spends some time soaking up the author's controversial thoughts and finds the book a challenge to the reader that will certainly getting one involved and feeling argumentative - which is not necessarilly a bad thing.
Now with READER FEEDBACK + a note from Geoffrey McDonnell
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork) |
'Elvis Sun 78rpm Vinyl' Special Release - SELLING OUT FAST: EIN has been informed that the recently announced special limited edition release of Elvis' SUN 78rpm records are selling out fast. Collectors should order them asap so as not to miss out.
Record players sold today are increasingly adding the 78RPM speed to the norm and these 5 magnificent Sun 10" (inch) replica singles play at 78RPM.
This is the first time since Elvis Sun replicas produced in the 1970’s, that have been made to play the original 78RPM speed. Since then some were only made at 45rpm.
Each of the five Sun replica 78s have the original etched numbers included with the appropriate song sides and are by far the most authentic original 10 inch Sun 78 Records yet produced. All the labels are perfect (as the original) in size, accuracy and color.
All the singles come in the same type sleeves as sold with the original releases. The sound quality is excellent with the original Sun sound recordings (including That’s All Right) and is pressed on heavy stock vinyl.
Your local Elvis dealer should have copies - or check Ebay.
This is a strictly low limited number release and an extra low limited number release of a CRYSTAL-CLEAR version in a clear polybag. These are a first-time-ever high quality release for any Elvis Sun single replicas.
EIN has heard these beauties playing LOUD the other day (via a valve amp) and they sound truly AMAZING.
It is such a great sensation seeing Elvis' original releases spinning at 78rpm and sounding so good - bristling with that original excitement - the sound of the "Birth of rock'n'roll".
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
More Special Guests Added to Line Up for Elvis Week 2017: EPE is excited to announce more special guests for Elvis Week!
Elvis Week is August 11-19 in Memphis at Graceland, and the festivities include Conversations on Elvis panels, The Official Graceland Insiders Conference, the Elvis Week Dance Party, the Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest and much more.
The new four special guests are
Laurel Goodwin - (right) who made her film debut as Elvis’ co-star and leading lady in "Girls! Girls! Girls!" released in 1962.
She will attend 'Conversations: Elvis in the Movies'
Wanda Jackson - who had success in the mid-1950s and 1960s as one of the first popular female rockabilly singers and a pioneering rock-and-roll artist.
Dixie Locke Emmons - who met Elvis in Memphis at church, and the pair dated as Elvis' career took off. Official Graceland Insiders Conference
Both will appear at Official Graceland Insiders Conference
Randy Starr - who composed twelve songs for Elvis movies including 'Kissin' Cousins', 'Could I Fall in Love' and some of the WORST songs Elvis ever recorded, including 'Datin'', 'Old MacDonald' and 'Who Needs Money'.
At 'Conversations: Elvis in the Movies'
Go HERE to EPE for ELVIS WEEK 2017 Schedule for more info
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet)
"ELVIS: The Wonder of You" at Elvis Week: As EIN stated for months, "ELVIS: The Wonder of You" is the Elvis Week 2017 highlight '40th Anniversary Celebration Concert Event with Full Symphony Orchestra'. Tickets on Sale now.
The new, critically-acclaimed concert event which has sold out arenas across the world is coming to Memphis to celebrate the life and music of Elvis Presley during the 40th anniversary. The concert will feature a very special personal appearance by Priscilla Presley plus other surprise guests. This production is inspired by the award-winning, chart-topping Elvis / RPO album releases. Join us for this historic night as we salute the life and legacy of the King of Rock 'n' Roll.
8PM. FedExForum, downtown Memphis.
Tickets for the show range from $300 to $65.
Go HERE to Ticketmaster for tickets
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Moody Blue' 40th Anniversary Vinyl?: Rumours abound that Sony will be releasing a 40th anniversary vinyl release of Elvis' final album Moody Blue. EIN has not had a confirmation as yet.
Our friends at Elvis Express have posted,, With Sony Music Entertainment just announcing they will be manufacturing new vinyl for the first time in almost 30 years at a plant outside of Tokyo, Japan. September will see Sony/Legacy will be releasing a special 40th Anniversary vinyl edition of Elvis' last "NEW" album, 'Moody Blue' originally released in July 1977.
The album was a mixture of live and studio work, and included the 4 tracks from Elvis' final studio recording sessions in October 1976 and two tracks left over from the previous Graceland session in February 1976. |
"Moody Blue" was previously recorded at the earlier Graceland session and held over for this album. Also recorded at the February session was "She Thinks I Still Care".
"Way Down" became a hit upon Elvis' death less than one month after the album was released. 'Moody Blue' was certified Gold and Platinum on September 12, 1977 and 2x Platinum on March 27, 1992 by the RIAA.
Sony hasn't released the final cover or the tracklisting, but one possible suggestion is that Sony could release the FTD double Vinyl edition through their mainstream label which featured the original masters and on the second album was several outtakes.
(News, Source;ElvisExpress/ElvisInfoNet) |
"The Colonel" New Film: A new biopic is being planned about "Colonel" Tom Parker, the Dutch undocumented immigrant turned carnival huckster who became Elvis' manager.
The film is being co-produced by Joe Berlinger, the filmmaker who helped free the "West Memphis Three" with a trilogy of documentaries about the infamous 1993 murder case.
Tentatively titled "The Colonel," the film will be adapted from Alanna Nash's 2003 book, "The Colonel: The Extraordinary Life of Colonel Tom Parker and Elvis Presley."
In 1977, Alanna Nash, a feature writer for various publications, was one of the few journalist allowed to view Presley's remains, which perhaps prepared her for a career in Elvis postmortem investigation: Some of her other books include "Elvis Aaron Presley: Revelations from the Memphis Mafia" and "Baby Let's Play House: Elvis Presley and the Women Who Loved Him."
According to reports Berlinger and Nash will develop the screenplay, with Berlinger as director. The producing team will include Berlinger; Spencer Proffer, a longtime composer, music producer and specialist in music projects; and Steve Binder, producer-director of the so-called "'68 Comeback" special, the NBC program broadcast on Dec. 3, 1968, that helped reestablish Elvis' credibility in the wake of the British invasion and the psychedelic Summer of Love.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
'The Dark Side Of Colonel Parker' - EIN Spotlight: June 26th 2009 was a special date that commemorated four unique events of the Elvis World.
1. The 100th Birthday of Colonel Parker.
2. The 32nd Anniversary of Elvis' final concert in Indianapolis.
3. The 30th Anniversary of the death of Elvis' father, Vernon Presley.
4. The 30th Anniversary of the revelation to Elvis’ estate that Colonel Parker was still fleecing his client.
Although comedian Nipsy Russell stated that "Every entertainer should go to bed at night and pray he finds a Colonel Tom Parker under his bed when he wakes up in the morning" - is that really the truth?
It is a fact that after Elvis' death an official investigation found that "both Colonel Parker (and RCA) acted in collusion against Presley's best interests. Colonel Parker was guilty of self-dealing and overreaching and had violated his duty to both Elvis and to the estate."
While there is no doubt that Elvis and The Colonel's story is extremely complex, in this in-depth Spotlight EIN takes a look at the darker side of Colonel Tom Parker - and includes plenty of insights from Elvis’ colleagues and friends.
. Go here for this fascinating investigation- and also Have Your Say.
(Spotlight, Source;EIN) |
'Elvis In Atlanta' FTD In-Depth Review: Mid 1975 found Elvis back in good form and having fun on stage.
As the Atlanta Journal commented … "The mere dimming of the lights is sufficient to set off a feminine uproar. Elvis moves across the stage .. surely the walls of the Omni will tumble at any moment. Musically he's the old Elvis... but also introduces a new recording called "TROUBLE" which is a feverish rocker harkening back to his early days."
FTD has now released a double CD of two legendary 1975 shows from the Omni Coliseum on April 30th and May 1, 1975 retrospectively.
The different piano/vocals sound mix offers an alternate musical vibe to the previously released mid-summer concerts and the gentler, less "Rockin", mix suits the ballads making them sound less O-T-T than usual.
Go here as Elvis soundboard super-collector Geoffrey McDonnell & EIN's Piers Beagley check out this new 1975 two-for-the-price-of-one FTD double-pack.
(FTD Reviews, Source:GM/ElvisInfoNet) |
"Elvis: The Wonder of You" Glorified end to Australian Tour: The Australian "Elvis: The Wonder Of You" tour ended its capital city run last weekend with stunning reviews and packed houses. Close to forty years since Elvis checked out of Heartbreak Hotel, The King was back in the building and rocking Australian audiences at every venue.
The review from Elvis' last stand in Melbourne included..
Elvis Presley is a legend and although it’s almost been 40-years since his death, his music is still just as powerful and unfortunately for Australians, he never had the opportunity of touring Australia until now. Using past footage of Elvis from concerts and his films plus the live music from an orchestra and back-up singers, Elvis Presley the Wonder of You is a true concert spectacular that almost makes it feel like the King is actually performing.
The Master of Ceremonies for this leg of the tour is Jerry Schilling who had a very close friendship with this music icon who helps set the scene of this |
performance. Although Elvis is no longer with us, Schilling creates a link for the audience. Matched with the exceptional orchestra and back-up singers, Elvis Presley the Wonder of You is quite a powerful performance which also tugs at your emotional heartstrings. Given that, it’s quite a loud experience!
Hearing Elvis performing American Trilogy with the live orchestra was definitely a wow moment and there’s plenty of them throughout the concert. Seeing the actual footage of Elvis on the giant screens not only showcased the talent of this man but also his wide range of vocals that becomes quite an immersive experience from start to finish. Songs such as Always On My Mind and You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin are lifted to a new level thanks to the live music that not only pays homage to the original songs but creates a new experience for both new and old.
So as you become drawn into the music and |
'ELVIS: Las Vegas ‘74' FTD Review: A double set featuring both Dinner and Midnight shows from August 20, 1974 from Elvis' legendary 1974 Summer Season at the Las Vegas Hilton.
For Elvis 1974 was an emotionally turbulent year. This was his sixth season singing to the Las Vegas casino audiences, still doing two shows a night, and he was really feeling the loss of Priscilla. Yet this inner turmoil helped produce the most fascinating Las Vegas season of his career. He gave some of his longest performances and with a varied set-list including great new songs It’s Midnight, Promised Land, If You Talk In Your Sleep and Help
One of the fascinations of this new double-pack is that it presents Elvis' second and third concerts by which time Elvis was back once again to the old regular set-list routine. Whatever the reason for Elvis' backwards step, fans can consider whether these concerts capture Elvis' happiness at being back pleasing his audience with the regular set-list.
Go here as super-collector Geoffrey McDonnell & EIN's Piers Beagley provide an in-depth review of this new release.
(FTD Reviews; Source;ElvisInformationNetwork) |
Available from Amazon US and UK:
‘Elvis RPO Christmas/ Gospel’ album for Xmas 2017: As EIN reported back in December 2015, UK producers Don Reedman and Nick Patrick were already working on the ‘Elvis RPO Christmas / Gospel’ album before the team, including Priscilla, decided on following up with the second ‘The Wonder Of You’ release and world-wide concert tour.
This was no doubt due to the massive success of the first 'If I Can Dream' album which the previous 'Christmas Duets' experimental album had not achieved.
With yet another Number One album in the UK and the “RPO” concert event ending Elvis Week 2017, EIN believes the delayed ‘Elvis RPO Christmas / Gospel’ album will now be announced for Christmas 2017 release. (Right: an EIN suggested cover)
Watch this space for confirmation..
As you can see below, producer Don Reedman has now moved on to a similar RPO overdub project but this time with Roy Orbison.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis Week 2017 Tickets On Sale Now: With expectations of crowds over 80,000 Elvis fans have the chance to buy tickets for EPE events at Elvis Week 2017 starting today. Elvis Week will celebrate the King of Rock 'n' Roll like never before, with special events such as Elvis: The Wonder of You Concert Event, the Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest, The Auction at Graceland, Elvis 101, The Official Graceland Insiders Conference, A Band of Legends Remembers Elvis Concert and much more. Our special guests include Priscilla Presley, Jerry Schilling, songwriter Mac Davis, Lisa Marie pilot Ron Strauss, Elvis' "Easy Come, Easy Go" co-star Pat Priest and more.
See below for Elvis Week Highlights |
Elvis Week 2017 Schedule of Events: EPE have announced the 2017 Elvis Week Schedule of Events. Elvis Week 2017 will mark the 40th anniversary since Elvis' passing. EPE are hoping for this to be the largest Elvis Week ever with fans from around the world making the ultimate pilgrimage in August to be in Memphis during this very special celebration of the life and legacy of Elvis Presley. Ticket general on-sale begins Friday, May 26.
Highlights are ..
- Elvis Presley Fan Club Presidents' Event
10:00 AM. Graceland Soundstage A, Elvis Presley's Memphis.
Special guest speaker Larry Geller. |
- The Auction at Graceland, 2PM. Guest House Theater
The Auction at Graceland will include artifacts from across the spectrum of collecting, including items owned by Elvis, gifted by Elvis, written by Elvis, used by Elvis and created to promote the king and his career.
- The Gospel Music of Elvis Presley Celebration Concert, 8PM Graceland Soundstage A.
Special guest performers Bill Baize, Donnie Sumner, Larry Strickland and Ed Hill, former members of JD Sumner and the Stamps Quartet; Terry Blackwood, Darrell Toney and Lynn Royce Taylor of Terry Blackwood and The Imperials; plus musician Terry Mike Jeffrey.
- Elvis 101. 10am Graceland Soundstage A,
Elvis 101 features scholars, authors and those who have spent hundreds of hours studying Elvis Presley, special guests include author Peter Guralnick, Ernst Jorgensen and Tupelo historian Roy Turner.-
- A Salute to Sun Records Hosted by John Paul Keith. 8pm Graceland Soundstage A.
Featuring special guests Jerry Phillips and Sun studio drummer J.M. Van Eaton with some of Memphis' top musicians.
- Official Graceland Insiders Conference 9am & 12:30pm Graceland Soundstage A,
Hosted by Tom Brown, special guests include: Bill Wallace, Elvis' friend and karate champion; Sam Thompson, Charles Stone, Dick Grob, Lisa Marie co-pilot Ron Strauss;
- A Band of Legends Remembers Elvis 8PM. Graceland Soundstage A
Unique concert event with special guests Norbert Putnam, David Briggs, Bobby Wood and Gene Chrisman plus guitarist Kerry Marx.
- Conversations on Elvis: Elvis Family & Friends 10AM. Graceland Soundstage A
Hosted by Tom Brown, special guests include Priscilla Presley, Jerry Schilling, Bill Medley, Bill Morris plus childhood friend Guy Harris.
- Songwriters Showcase 3PM. Graceland Soundstage A
Hosted by Andy Childs, confirmed guests include Mac Davis, and Mike Stoller.
- Candlelight Vigil 8:30 PM. Graceland Front Gate
- Conversations on Elvis: In the Studio, 10AM. Graceland Soundstage A.
Hosted by Tom Brown, special guests include: DJ Fontana, back-up singers Mary Holladay Pederson and Ginger Holladay and Sony Music's Ernst Jorgensen
- "ELVIS: The Wonder of You" Elvis Week Concert Finale:
8PM. FedExForum, downtown Memphis. |
- Conversations on Elvis: Elvis in the Movies, 10AM. Graceland Soundstage A.
Hosted by Tom Brown, confirmed guest include Marlyn Mason, Pat Priest, - more guests to be announced soon.
- Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest Showcase, 1PM. Guest House Theater, The Guest House at Graceland.
- Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest Semifinal Round, 7pm. Graceland Soundstage A,
See more than 20 of the best Elvis tribute artists in the world perform on stage in the Semifinal Round of the 2017 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest.
- Conversations on Elvis: The Elvis Connection, 10AM. Graceland Soundstage A,
This special event will feature musicians, actors and entertainers sharing their story on how they have been influenced by Elvis and what the King of Rock 'n' Roll means to them. Special guests to be announced.
- Inside the Archives: 3PM Guest House Theater, The Guest House at Graceland. Free.
Take a look inside the Graceland Archives. Limited seating available on a first-come, first-served basis.
- The Ultimate Return, 7PM. Graceland Soundstage A,
Past Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist winners return for an unforgettable concert.
Performances by Shawn Klush, Brandon Bennett, Bill Cherry, Justin Shandor, Cody Slaughter, Ben Portsmouth, Dean Z, Jay Dupuis, David Lee and Dwight Icenhower.
- Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest Final Round, 7.30PM. Graceland Soundstage A
10 Elvis tribute artists from the Semifinal Round compete for the 2017 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest title.
Go HERE to EPE for ELVIS WEEK 2017 Schedule ticket info and more details
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
The Guesthouse at Graceland Gala August 14: Strictly Elvis (UK) are holding a fabulous gala night in the fantastic new Guesthouse at Graceland.
If you're in Memphis this August for Elvis Week 2017, then come and party with us and the Elvis Family at what promises to be one of the biggest and best events of the week.
Featuring two live music acts, all the way from the UK Rockin' Dave Riley, the amazing Brad Birkendahl plus an all-Elvis disco with one of the UK's best Elvis DJs - Paul Downie, this is one event you will not want to miss!
As always with Strictly Elvis events, we keep the cost low but the quality high - and this is going to be a seriously high quality and classy event.
And as ever - we have invited lots of special guests to be part of the night, you never know who'll turn up!
Monday AUGUST 14 8pm > Midnight
Tickets in advance are just £24 ($30) per person and you can get your tickets now.
Click here for tickets and more info.
EIN recommended
(News, Source;SM/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis Studio Sessions '56' MRS Box set: Memphis Recording Service will release
a Limited Edition 3CD / book ‘ELVIS STUDIO SESSIONS ‘56’ on June 16th.
The set pays tribute to Elvis Presley’s first recordings made for the RCA label in 1956. The 172-page book focuses on each of Elvis’ studio recording sessions during his first year of national stardom - from the first one in January, held in Nashville, then later in New York, before finishing his final session of the year in Hollywood in September. The full and comprehensive text is complemented by rare and previously unseen photographs and pieces of documentation.
The 3CDs contain the complete archival master and session studio recordings of Elvis Presley from 1956, along with bonus interviews. All 90 tracks have been remastered and restored to their original sound quality. Also for the first time on CD is the complete ‘The Truth About Me’ from an original US 45rpm flexi-disc. Although this has been claimed complete by FTD and other past official releases, they all had a missing sentence that was on the original disc. Included also are all the out-takes from this interview.
Click here to 'All The CD News 2017' for tracklistings and more details.
It is available for pre-order on Amazon UK here > Elvis Studio Sessions 56 - The Complete Recordings (3CD + 172 Page Book) - £32.22 & free delivery in the UK.
(News, Source;Amazon/ElvisInfoNet) |
Mindi Miller Interview with EIN: Mindi Miller was a working actress when she met Elvis in early 1975. She was interested in karate (she performed all her own movie stunts), exploring spirituality and the Bible and so they had a lot in common.
Mindi Miller and Elvis bonded over their common interests and soon afterwards he asked her to go on tour with him in April 1975.
She stayed friends with Elvis through the years - along with members of the 'Memphis Mafia' - and attended his funeral.
EIN's Sanja Meegin recently caught up with Mindi Miller to talk about her close friendship with Elvis over the years.
In this fascinating interview she discusses. . .
- Her first night with Elvis
- How Elvis persuaded her to cancel her overseas movie & modelling plans
- Their mutual interest in Karate
- Graceland and meeting Lisa Marie
- Attending Elvis' funeral . . . and much much more...
Go here for EIN's Sanja Meegin and her intimate and detailed discussion with the delightful Mindi Miller - Now with Reader Feedback.
(Interviews, Source;SMeegin/ElvisInformationNetwork)
'Platinum: A Life In Music' Re-Release OUT NOW: Sony UK has re-released the classic 4-Cd set 'Platinum: A Life In Music'- in a small-book format twenty years after its first release in 1997.
The set chronicles the outstanding career of Elvis Presley (1954 to 1977) from a unique perspective and it includes 100 performances, 77 of which were previously unreleased in 1997. This historic overview traces his development as an artist and emphasizes how Elvis' music always returned to its unshakable core values. This 4-CD box set contains a 48-page book and consists mostly of previously unreleased alternate takes of Elvis Presley's hits.
There is no info on whether this 20th anniversary release includes audio upgrades of all the "77 were previously unreleased takes" which have since been remastered.
The publicity notes, "You probably think you've heard all there is to hear from The King, what with countless Elvis retrospectives, anthologies, and reissues flooding the market. While PLATINUM is far from the first Elvis boxset, it's unique in that it's composed largely of previously unreleased material. Four discs cover every phase of Presley's career, from young Memphis hip-shaker to the Las Vegas era, adding a fresh perspective to each period.
It's both an education and a kick to hear alternate versions of songs as ingrained in the public consciousness as 'That's All Right', and others from Elvis' legendary Sun sessions."
Only £18.53 & FREE UK Delivery on Amazon UK orders (see below)
(News, Source;Sony/Amazon/ElvisInfoNet)
Official Elvis CD Box-sets at bargain prices through Amazon UK |
'The Wonder Of You' Elvis RPO UK Tour 2017: Following the sellout British arena tour last year and the No.1 multi-platinum album The Wonder Of You, Elvis Presley returns to the UK for a live concert experience like no other backed by the legendary Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra.
The six date UK arena tour kicks off in Glasgow at the SSE Hydro on November 23rd, taking in Leeds First Direct Arena (24th), Newcastle First Direct Arena (25th), Birmingham Genting Arena (27th), Manchester Arena (28th), with the finale at London's O2 Arena on November 30th.
Last year's run gained critical applause including, the Lancashire Telegraph's "By the end, the show left no-one in any doubt. Elvis is and always will be the king of rock and roll - and so much more besides".
Featuring a special personal appearance by Priscilla Presley, the shows will once again give fans a chance to experience the man who changed the course of popular music. |
If I Can Dream and The Wonder Of You (Elvis' 13th No.1 album in the UK!) were produced by Don Reedman, Priscilla Presley and EPE. Priscilla Presley will be also be making a very special appearance at the arena shows.
These shows will be a musical celebration of the legend for whom superlatives weren't enough and who continues to break records.
Go here to EIN's exclusive review of the Elvis / RPO 2016 London Concert
Tour Dates: - ON SALE NOW - click here for tickets
November 23 Glasgow SSE Hydro
November 24 Leeds First Direct Arena
November 25 Newcastle First Direct Arena
November 27 Birmingham Genting Arena
November 28 Manchester Arena
November 30 London O2 Arena
(News, Source;BQuinn/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Marty Lacker: A Life Well-Lived' & Elvis at American Studio's Interview: It was with immense sadness that last month EIN had to report on the death of our great friend - and a true friend to Elvis - Marty Lacker. We will miss him dearly.
Marty is well-known as one of the key members of the Memphis Mafia and also co-Best Man at Elvis' wedding. He was known for both his honesty and being forthright with his opinions. He was the only member of the Memphis Mafia who still watched and commented on recent Elvis News. He had no issue with holding people to account (especially ones who would inflate their importance within Elvis' legacy) and would regularly ask EIN to add his comments or to correct any inaccuracy.
Elvis fans often ask about Marty Lacker's background, how he came to meet Elvis, as well as his involvement in the music industry outside of working for The King.
As a prelude to Ken Sharp's fascinating interview with Marty Lacker and a discussion about Elvis' famous American Studio' Memphis sessions, EIN presents "Marty Lacker: a life well-lived" in which Marty tells of his life in the music industry, his friendship with Elvis along with his dislike of the over-controlling Col Parker.
Go here to learn all you need to know about Marty Lacker as well as Elvis outstanding Memphis American Sound sessions in 1969.
(Spotlight; Source,KenSharp/ElvisInformationNetwork) |
(Book Review) 'Being Elvis - A Lonely Life': The latest Elvis biography is authored by noted rock writer, Ray Connolly. Media reviews have suggested that... "Perhaps because we all know how it ends, it’s those early years that make for the hardest reading. The decisions Elvis makes all seem to be omens of what’s still to come for the young man."...
EIN's Nigel Patterson offers his observations on a release which searches below the surface to reveal how Elvis' insecurity and loneliness were exacerbated by the unique situation that he experienced as the world's first truly global superstar.
Go here to Nigel's review of this new biography
(Book Review, Source: EIN) |
Marty Lacker RIP : Sadly Marty will no longer be able to answer all your those fascinating questions, but his honesty and openess should not be forgotten.
- Chips Moman (RIP) later thoughts on Elvis
- Being a consultant on 1979 "ELVIS" movie.
- The demonstrations in Memphis this Elvis Week.
- Felton Jarvis as Elvis' Executive Album Producer.
- The Jungle Room sessions
- Elvis might have some illegitimate children
- Why did Elvis never travel to holiday in Europe,
- Is David Stanley, Holy Priest of truth, OR a liar
Go here to 'ASK MARTY' to remember the great man.
(Ask Marty, Source;ML/ElvisInfoNet)
'The World of FTD' In-Depth Review: The new deluxe book 'The World Of FTD' has been received by some lucky fans and Elvis collector Mike Lodge has provided EIN with a very detailed review - of well over 3 thousand words!
The book was authored and designed by Keith Flynn with input from a large number of other Elvis specialists including EIN's Piers Beagley, EM&HM's Trevor Cajiao, Geoffrey McDonnell, Gordon Minto and many others.
It is 1,200 pages, hardbound three book set, chronicling every release by FTD.The book also features 100s of high-quality photos from the collection Erik Lorentzen
KJ Consulting are proud to publish this Box Set which weighs 8 kilos.
Unfortunately the book has not arrived in Australia yet so I have not seen the final product!
Go here to see his very detailed review - plus more new preview pages - EIN thanks Mike Lodge for the review
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
EIN's Elvis Facebook page this week celebrates its 20,000 members! - including several of Elvis' own friends and colleagues
So Elvis fans don't miss out on these rare and exciting photographs.
Now with over thousands of great photos, News and with more added every day – including YouTube footage.
Click here to Facebook - Elvis Information Network group.
Book Review: A Little Thing Called Life: Finally, Linda Thompson's memoir has been published.....and it has been well worth the wait! Linda's life, not only with Elvis, but with two other global icons and her own amazing career is an engrossing and revealing read.
Inside its nearly 400 pages Linda reveals her life as an individual, as a mother and as a partner. We learn of the similarities and differences between the three.
Alternating between the light, dark and shades of life in between, A Little Thing Called Life is an honest and intimate account of the incredible life of an amazing woman, from the three men who shared her life and her family to the highly successful and varied career that she continues to enjoy. (Book Review, Source: EIN)
Read Nigel Patterson's detailed review
Canvas Print |
Vinyl Record |
Canvas Print |
UPDATED - 'Way Down In The Jungle Room' EIN Review: Released for August 2016 this SONY Legacy pack celebrates the 40th anniversary of Elvis’ last recording sessions which took place in Graceland’s Jungle Room.
The publicity noted the sessions “have been newly mixed by Matt Ross-Spang at Sam Phillips Recording” and “includes both outtakes and in-the-studio dialog, providing a ‘fly-on-the-wall experience’ of what the sessions were like".
Elvis' original 76/77 albums were fairly uninspired collections (bar a few fine singles) and on the original LPs it was almost impossible to glimpse any sign of creative input from Elvis through the syrupy overdubs. It wasn't until the release of FTD’s magnificent ‘The Jungle Room Sessions’ that many fans began to understand the raw emotion, close camaraderie and Elvis’ personal feelings that were revealed by these intimate Graceland sessions.
To produce that same kind of revelation for the 'General Public' would be a very tricky project but that is exactly what the new legacy team has done - and to great effect.
Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley discovers the old Elvis magic and what is special for Elvis Collectors in our in-depth review Now Updated & Expanded with Your Comments - James Burton talks about the Jungle Room sessions & more
(CD Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork) |
In Australia - buy this great release for only $23 at JBHiFi click here . delivery only $1.70!
Please Do Not be ripped off by other Australian Elvis shops. |
UPDATED - Paul Dowling EIN Interview Part Three: Paul Dowling is without doubt one of the major names in the Elvis World. He started collecting and selling Elvis vinyl over 40 years ago and has one of the world's largest Elvis Presley record collections. He started his "WorldWide Elvis" shop back in the seventies, way before the internet, where fans could get hold of rare Elvis records and memorabilia.
With such a fascination with Elvis, Dowling not only became a big name in the early years of Elvis bootlegs but later became friends with Ernst Jorgensen and helped RCA with various official releases.
In the final part of our fascinating interview Paul Dowling discusses ....
- Dodging the FBI agents that were sent after him
- Unreleased Elvis material that still hasn’t come out
- Why does Ernst Jorgensen doubt this claims
- His BMG project 'For The First Time Ever' - what happened
- The true story of obtaining the Million Dollar Quartet tape
- His thoughts on Paul Lichter, Sean Saver, Sherif Hanna, Rex Martin
- Spending time with Alan Fortas
- Jim Curtin, newly added story
'Elvis Taking Care Of Business - In A Flash FTD Book Review: Focusing on Elvis in late 1970 and early 1971, "Elvis Presley Taking Care Of Business - In A Flash" is the new FTD Book/CD combo by Flaming Star/FTD.
Produced by David English, Pål Granlund and Paul Richardson, this book presents a detailed chronicle of Elvis’ personal life and public career between the autumn of 1970 and the early weeks of 1971.
It is a hardcover, large-format book with 450 pages that offer detailed coverage of Elvis’ life and career over the important four months from October 1970 to January 1971.
The publicity promised hundreds of photographs, many of them candid and previously unpublished and new and exclusive interviews.
It also comes with a bonus CD with unreleased versions of studio-tracks plus Elvis’ concert in Portland, Oregon on Nov 11th 1970.
Can it really be as good as promised? EIN's Piers Beagley investigates and discovers plenty .. Go here to our indepth review featuring plenty of extracts and wonderful photographs.
(FTD Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork) |
Now available:
NOW UPDATED - 'Elvis Presley - The Album Collection' EIN Review: This 60th Anniversary 60-CD Deluxe Edition celebrates RCA Victor's signing of Elvis Presley. It features nearly all of the albums Elvis recorded and RCA released in his lifetime: studio, soundtrack, and live.
It includes a 300-page deluxe fully illustrated hard cover book with complete insightful commentary, discography and recording session data. Elvis Presley-The Album Collection represents a level of artistic achievement unparalleled to this day.
Elvis collectors have bought these Elvis albums time and time again - so can this new set really offer anything more..
Go here as Elvis author Shane Brown investigates the new deluxe box-set and and discovers the good, the bad and truly great value package ...
Now Updated- EIN Contributor David Tinson add his comments on the two classic album s NBC-TV Special and Memphis To Vegas, Vegas To Memphis
(CD Reviews; Source;ShaneBrown/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Ultimate Elvis' New Electronic Edition: Announced by Elvis sessions expert Keith Flynn for publication November 1 is the brand new concept of the 1750 page super-deluxe Elvis sessions book 'Ultimate Elvis' Electronic Edition.
This incredible three volume book will now be available as an e-book on an i-pad or android tablet.
- Created in HTML5
Fully updated e-books will open in any web browser on any operating system, so no need for separate downloads for different operating systems.
- Life-Like 'Flipping' Pages
Flip through pages as if you are reading an actual book, but also being able to zoom-in to view smaller images and captions.
- View as Double or Single pages
View as double pages on a computer or laptop etc, and single pages when viewing in portrait on an i-pad or Android tablet.
- Fully Navigational Table Of Contents
Jump back and forth to the sections of the books you want to read, instead of flipping through numerous pages to find what you want.
PRICED AT - all 3 Volumes for £60 = US$93
On sale from November 1st 2015.
Try Before You Buy -
Download free zip-file containing 27 pages from Volume 1, before you decide to buy the complete set. -
NOTE - These books are MASSIVE so you will need approximately 1GB of spare disc space for these three volumes, -
Click HERE to Keith Flynn's 'Ultimate Elvis' Electronic Edition to try.
Go HERE to EIN's independent review of 'Ultimate Elvis'
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Did Elvis Record 'Tiger Man' At Sun?: A question that has puzzled Elvis fans through the years is whether he actually recorded the song ‘Tiger Man’ during his years at SUN studios.
The basic question is why did Elvis refer to 'Tiger man' several times in concert as “The second song that I ever recorded, not too many people heard it”?
And if Elvis DID record it, then why hasn’t any reference to it at SUN or proof of its existence been found?
Elvis would first perform ‘Tiger Man’ in concert at his first 1969 Las Vegas International season and would continue playing it through the years – usually in a medley with Mystery Train - until his last performance at Saginaw on May 3 1977. He would sing it over 150 times on stage!
The thought that there might be an acetate or undiscovered tape of Elvis at SUN singing ‘Tiger Man’ is a mouth-watering concept - but is it an unlikely fantasy or strong possibility?
Go here to our detailed 'TIGER MAN' spotlight as EIN's Piers Beagley puts in the hard yards to check the facts from the fantasy .
(Spotlight; Source;ElvisInfoNetwork) |
Now available from Amazon USA:
Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
Elvis Presley, Elvis and Graceland are trademarks of Elvis Presley Enterprises.
The Elvis Information Network has been running since 1986 and is an EPE officially recognised Elvis fan club.
EIN also has a local Australian national Elvis Fan Club for paid up members featuring quarterly newsletters and an annual EIN Elvis Mega Quiz with special prizes.
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Latest Interviews |
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Joe Esposito EIN Interview: |
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(Interview) Adventurer, author and all round high achiever, Bo Keeley opens up to EIN about his amazing life and his book, Elvis' Humor Girls, Guns & Guitars: |
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Go here to EIN's exclusive interview with Wayne Jackson - RIP. |
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50,000,000 Elvis Fans Can't Be Wrong - the most 'covered' Elvis album of all-time |
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FTD Review: An American Trilogy |
Book Review: Elvis: A King in the Making |
Interview: Vic Colonna - the Dangerous World of Bootlegging Elvis |