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"ELVIS 68 Comeback Special" Top Cinema Music Event of 2018: The Cinema presentation of ELVIS' 'Comeback Special' 50th anniversary was sensational. The great news is that there was such a big fan turnout the 2018 cinema "Comeback Special" was the top performing Fathom music event of 2018 and the top performing music event in cinemas worldwide this year. The event was presented in nearly 700 movie theatres across the U.S. on August 16 and 20. The two-night event attracted more than 70,000 attendees domestically and is estimated to sell more than 165,000 tickets across 1,000 movie theatres internationally.
Both event dates performed in the top 10 at the box office; the first night secured the fourth highest per-screen average attendance and the second night secured the second highest per-screen average attendance.
Each screening included bonus content about the making of the special with audiences taken on a walkthrough of the NBC soundstage with insights from Binder, Priscilla Presley and others.
The short documentary was produced by Spencer Proffer, CEO of Meteor 17, a partner to Fathom and ABG on this successful project.
"Even 50 years after the original premiere of the special, audiences were eager to experience it on the big screen," said Fathom CEO Ray Nutt. "In partnership with ABG and Spencer Proffer, we were able to create a successful campaign creation of new behind-the-scenes content and a promotional screening in New York. Combined, these tactics brought in a whole new generation of Elvis fans."
"We are thrilled with the success of the 50th Anniversary Comeback Special event" said ABG's Marc Rosen, "Building on this momentum, we are working to produce more one-of-a-kind events for theaters around the world featuring a few of our other iconic brands including Marilyn Monroe and Muhammad Ali."
"What strikes me most about the success of the Elvis Comeback event is that despite the torrent of content available on television, audiences are still compelled to leave their homes to experience something unique, and communally, on the big screen," said Spencer Proffer, CEO of Meteor 17. "This special was made fifty years ago and it still holds up thanks to Steve Binder's pioneering use of handheld cameras in a concert setting and Elvis at his best - unplugged, playful, raw."
(News, Source;Broadway World/ElvisInfoNet)
Diana Goodman recalls passionate love affair: Promoting her new book, Elvis' girlfriend in 1975 Diana Goodman has been publicising her story.
Diana Goodman, the Southern belle who became Miss Georgia USA and would later appear in the popular variety show “Hee Haw,” revealed how her life forever changed in the new book “Hollywood Lights, Nashville Nights."
Before Goodman made her mark on TV she was involved in a passionate affair with Elvis Presley that ended in heartbreak.
The then-25-year-old first met Elvis shortly after she became Miss Georgia in 1975 and was visiting Memphis on a media trip for the pageant.
In the book, Goodman candidly described how she was easily captivated by the rock ’n’ roll icon. And while Presley couldn’t resist the blonde beauty from the Deep South, he had specific requirements for his special lady.
“I like long hair,” Elvis allegedly told Goodman. “I like long nails too. But you know what I don’t like? Jeans. You see, growing up, we were real poor and the only kind of clothes my mama and daddy could afford to buy me were dungarees, so blue jeans remind me of that, and I don’t like thinking about being poor, so I’d rather see you in something else when we’re together.”
Goodman insisted Presley was an unforgettable lover.
“… I’d never felt safer than right there, with Elvis holding me while I trembled like a virgin bride on her honeymoon,” she wrote. “… He kissed me like he wanted to eat me up, and made love to me like he could never get his fill.”
And while Elvis was “a creature of the night," his days away from the stage were surprisingly ordinary, involving pancakes with along with a generous serving of “The Price is Right.”
The relationship ultimately came to an end after the singer planned on sending Goodman back home temporarily while he focused on his non-stop schedule without distractions.
Still, Elvis allegedly checked in on Goodman while he was away.
But Elvis ultimately moved on to a new girlfriend, 20-year-old Ginger Alden, who later became his fiancée.
"Elvis was so larger than life, He was hard to put together. The superman and the reality of him as a human being. Although she knew he was probably killing himself with the unhealthy life he lived… there was something supernatural about him. So you certainly didn’t expect death.”
Goodman claimed there was no sense of closure.
Click here to Fox News for the full article
(News, Source;FoxNews/ElvisInfoNet)
Collingwood Elvis Festival To End?: Could the 25th year be the last for the Canadian Collingwood Elvis Festival? Will Elvis be leaving the building next year?
Collingwood’s draft parks, recreation and culture master plan, which was presented last week, is calling for the town to “reposition or retire” the Collingwood Elvis Festival.
The town has approved the festival for its 25th year, but not for the 26th.
“We asked for the mandate to get to the 25th year, because in our minds that seems like an achievement, a goal to set,” said director of parks, recreation and culture Dean Collver.
“Part of it is understanding where the Elvis Festival is in its lifespan.
Collver said the recommendation made in the plan will force council to have a discussion about the festival’s future.
The numbers for the 2018 festival haven’t been released but in 2017, the estimated attendance was about 16,760 in 2017. The economic impact to the community was about $1.5 million. The net cost was $124,000.
While its future hasn’t been decided yet, a group of Elvis fans are looking to secure its future.
Elena Chisholm has started an online petition calling on the town to continue the event past its 25th year.
“The Collingwood Elvis Festival is known worldwide. It has brought so much talented ETAs to us and many friendships have been created which we now consider them as the Elvis family.”
Linda Sutherland believes the festival should continue. “It is a lot of fun and I have met some great people and have become good friends with most of them,” she wrote.
CLICK HERE to the Petition and sign it for the Festival to continue -
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Lisa Marie's Good Day In Court: Lisa Marie finally had a good day in court when a judge ruled this week that she does not have to pay one single cent to her estranged husband, Michael Lockwood, in their acrimonious divorce.
Last week, Lockwood had argued in court that the post-nuptial agreement that the couple signed in 2007 should be torn up because he didn't read it and his attorney didn't explain it to him. Wow, he sounds like a special kind of stupid. The 2007 agreement simply stated that Lisa Marie would have no rights to Lockwood's property or spousal support and Lockwood would have no rights to Lisa Marie's property or spousal support in the event of a divorce.
L.A. Superior Court Judge Dianna Gould-Saltman ruled: "The Court finds that the post-nuptial agreement signed by the parties November 28, 2007 is valid and enforceable in whole. If Respondent Lockwood elected not to read the post-nup and accept the consequences that it would be upheld, that is also his choice."
In February, Lisa Marie was ordered to pay nearly $100,000 of Lockwood's legal fees.
Lockwood's attorney Jeff Sturman, argued that his client had received death threats when he split from Lisa Marie and that she'd turned him into a pariah in the music industry.
The biggest issue in their divorce proceedings was the validity of the post-nuptial agreement. Lisa Marie wanted the post-nup enforced. She claimed Lockwood ran up millions on her credit card. Lockwood wanted the judge to throw the post-nup out on the grounds that he didn't read it before he signed it because it "didn't interest him."
Presley's attorney Gary Fishbein told the court: "I have been doing this for 38 years and I have never heard of anyone asking a court to void an agreement on the basis of saying, 'I didn't read that agreement', following it by saying, 'I wasn't interested in it. Lockwood freely and voluntarily entered into the post-nuptial agreement. He acknowledged that he was not threatened, Miss Presley did not threaten to divorce him if he didn't sign. Mr. Lockwood said that he didn't read a single word of the post-nup because it was not interesting to him. Frankly that is mind-boggling."
In 2006, the year they got married, Lockwood made $245,000 a year as Lisa Marie's musical director. In 2007, the year they signed the post-nup, he made $150,000.
Lockwood tried to claim that Presley hid her wealth from him. However, Lisa Marie's attorney pointed out that a statement of her assets and liabilities was attached to the 2007 post-nup (the one Lockwood could not be bothered to read) and it listed her net worth at the time at $62 million.
Lockwood's attorney told the court that if he doesn't get any money from Presley he'd be living on a poverty level income and be on the hook for hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees.
Lisa Marie revealed in court documents that she is $16 million in debt, $10 million of that is back taxes that she owes. In February, she filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles against Barry Siegel, her former business manager. She is accusing him of charging her $700,000 a month while losing her $100 million trust fund.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Rex Mansfield passed away: It is with real sadness that I have heard that Elvis' army buddy Rex Mansfield passed away Sunday morning. He was 83.
Rex Mansfield was inducted into the Army on the same day as Elvis in March 1958 and went through basic training with him in Texas, traveled with him to Germany and became close friends for the next 18 months. Elisabeth Stefaniak (later Mansfield) was a young German girl in 1958 and was hired to answer Elvis' fan mail.
Elisabeth became romantically involved with Elvis but was torn between her love for Elvis and her love for Rex – and she eventually chose Rex and they married in 1960.
Both Rex and Elisabeth Mansfield were special guests at Elvis Week this year at the 'Elvis Presley Fan Club Presidents’ Event'.
While Rex seemed older he did was energetic and talked with fans as he signed copies of his book.
That was only 2 weeks ago, so his death is a real shock.
Rex was a class act, a very fine gentleman and I am thankful I had the chance to know him.
RIP Rex Mansfield - Another sad loss to the Elvis World.
Click here to EIN's exclusive interview with Rex Mansfield
(News, Source;CoryCooper/ElvisInfoNet) |
(Book Review) Elvis Black and White to Technicolor (Paul Belard and Joseph Krein): The latest release from Paul Belard (with Joseph Krein) is one of the more important Elvis books in recent years. The reason why is that addresses the controversial issue that Elvis was racist. The authors tackle the subject of Elvis' relationship with Black America head on through a balanced and impressive mix of text and image.
Belard and Krein's research has uncovered rare archival material on the issue and the book includes hundreds of comments about Elvis by Black Americans.
Read Nigel Patterson's detailed review
(Book Reviews; Source;ElvisInformationNetwork) |
Book reviews coming soon to EIN:
Elvis 1960 Seven Days in March (Paul Belard)
The Elvis Map (Official Elvis Presley Fan Club of Finland) |
We need Elvis now more than ever: In this charming article, from US Time magazine, Ace Atkins suggest that the USA needs Elvis now more than ever.
The article 'Memories From the South: In Elvis We Trust' includes...
... Growing up in Georgia and Alabama in the 1970s and ’80s, I always felt that the bad old days of Southern prejudice and ignorance had passed, that we were entering a new South built upon hard-won racial equality, charity and the sense that no one was better than anyone else. The country had a long way to go, but if the South had come so far in just a generation, then nothing could stop progress.
I’m not so sure anymore. Lately, I feel like our moral compass has been broken, spinning to intolerance, greed, hypocrisy and a meanness that’s as thick as the humidity in July.
In times of trouble, I put my faith in Elvis Presley, who represented the South’s better angels. He was a hard worker, and although he lived the high life, he never forgot that he had been born into poverty. I don’t think you’ll ever hear an interview with the man when he didn’t express gratitude and humility for all that life had given him.
And he was a self-made talent, perhaps the greatest entertainer of all time, born in a two-room shack in Tupelo, Miss., in 1935. I’ve been to that small shotgun house many times, reflecting on what it says about America. Greatness can be born anywhere.
Elvis was famous for his generosity–ultimately to a fault–giving away cars, expensive gifts and other handouts to anyone who needed a leg up.
The house still looks like a shack. But it was nicer than what many other families in Tupelo, in Mississippi and around the South had in 1935.
Politicians had a hard time demonizing the poor in the 1930s and ’40s. That doesn’t seem to be the case today. Today demagogues and charlatans court Southern crowds with messages that exalt the rich and powerful and dismiss the poor and marginalized as being somehow deserving of their fate.
I still believe in my heart that most Southerners are still more like Elvis than the President. We are most likely to pull over and help someone stranded on the roadside. Most of the people I know in my Mississippi town would give you the shirt off their backs. Most Southern preachers don’t spend Sundays in the pulpit spewing hatred and intolerance. Most people agree that racism and white supremacy are evil. |
Even preschoolers know it’s always better to tell the truth and take your lumps than lie and evade.
And yet here we are. We know right from wrong, but most of us down here voted for wrong.
As Elvis once said, “Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t goin’ away.”
Click to TIME website for the full article
(News, Source;JG/ElvisInfoNet) |
Nashville Elvis Festival - March 28-31, 2019: Elvis Week 2018 has past and so the publicity is now ramping up for future Elvis festivals.
Join fans from around the world for the 3rd Annual Nashville Elvis Festival - March 28-31, 2019. Nashville Elvis Festival is a premier Elvis event unlike any other, celebrating the music and legacy of Elvis Presley. Join us for a weekend of live music performances, celebrity appearances, an Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist competition and more! Nashville Elvis Festival is hosted by Tom Brown.
From EIN's point of view the 2019 Nashville festival looks very light on genuine Elvis acquaintances and very heavy with Elvis Impersonators.
There are two "TCB SESSIONS" special VIP Events with very limited seating at the Paragon Studios however the real TCB Band do not seem to be involved
TCB Session 1 - Brandon Bennett recreates the June 1970 recording session at RCA Studio B that has come to be known as the "Nashville Marathon.
TCB Session 2 - 2013 UETA Dean Z recreates a legendary American Sound recording session.
Each session with VIP entry costs $149!
Terry Blackwood of The Imperials does appear at the Sunday 10am "ELVIS Gospel Live" event
EIN loves this year's Festival poster!
Click HERE to the Nashville Elvis Festival website for tickets and schedule.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Australia's unique Elvis Presley memorial: It was the world's first memorial erected after Presley's death, but Elvis never visited Melbourne, or even Australia - so what is it doing here?
Wayne Hawthorne is the president of the Elvis Presley Fan Club of Victoria and every year on August 16th he gets up early and heads to the Melbourne General Cemetery to cleanse of "promotional rubbish" the memorial to the singer he commissioned 41 years ago.
"People try to make a buck out of Elvis (with impersonators) but these people have nothing to do with the club who built the monument; they're just trying to make money out of this time of year" says Hawthorne.
The Melbourne General Cemetery has been operational since 1852 and houses prestigious monuments to Malcolm Fraser, Sir Robert Menzies and Burke and Wills. For 100 years, the 36-tonne Burke and Wills monument was the most visited spot in the cemetery - until the Elvis Presley memorial was erected. It's still believed to be the only authorised Elvis Presley memorial outside of the US. But what is it doing in Melbourne?
Hawthorne, who joined the fan club in 1964 and became president in 1971, remembers receiving a phone call out of the blue from an Elvis fan, who suggested that Hawthorne's fan club commission a memorial.
"I said, 'Well excuse me, where do you think we're getting the money from?' and he said, 'That's taken care of. I will pay for it. You arrange it'." |
The donor asked to remain anonymous, and provided the funds required to commission prominent stone masons, Giannarelli & Sons. Hawthorne insists that to this day, he's the only one who knows the fan's true identity.
"He didn't want any publicity; he wanted it for Elvis, to tell you the truth, I can't tell you if he's even alive now."
The fan club secured permission from Elvis' father, Vernon, to erect the world's first monument to his son's death, unveiled by "Australia's king of rock", Johnny O'Keefe, on 26 November 1977.
It was erected before even the monument in Memphis, Hawthorne says, and Elvis fans flocked to the Melbourne cemetery.
"The Fan Club wanted a shrine where they could go regularly, play out their grief and show their respects," explains Dr Celestina Sagazio, historian for the Cemeteries Trust. "I see more people in front of Elvis's memorial than anything else ... I've seen people crying in front of it - it's certainly taken seriously."
The perfect storm of mysterious elements came together to create one of the strangest, and rarest, monuments of the world.
"At the time a lot of people didn't even believe that Elvis had died - it was a funny period," Hawthorne says. "It happened so quickly that I sort of take it for granted now. But it was incredible. This was put up basically within three months of Elvis dying. I'm grateful to the gentleman who funded it for the rest of my life."
Go here to the Guardian for the full story
(News, Source;G/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Where No One Stands Alone' BillBoard #22 Top Album: Elvis' "new" album in multiple formats has hit the charts worldwide - as it should after so much publicity!
For US fans it is great to see it enter the Billboard Top Album charts at #22.
It is also
#1 on the Billboard Christian Album Chart
#1 on the Billboard Physical Album Chart
#1 on the Billboard Vinyl Album Chart
Rather strangely it does not feature on the Top Gospel album charts.
Let's hope it can go even higher on the Billboard main chart next week.
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis items at "Legends Auction": This Saturday August 25 starting at 10am US PT, GWS Auctions is hosting a "Legends: Iconic Film & Music Memorabilia Auction" in L.A.
The event will auction off more than 150 legendary items including
Whitney Houston's wedding invitation as well as a Michael Jackson glove. However there is also plenty of ELVIS owned memorabilia up for sale.
The oddity noted so far is Elvis and Priscilla Presley's Circle G 'Mobile Home', suggesting that it is "a true piece of rock and roll history."
Circle G 'Mobile Home' - purchased in 1967 Elvis parked it on his 163-acre property known as "Circle G Ranch."
According to a GWS the home was recently restored but the design itself remains in its original condition it even comes with the original paperwork, "including a notarized bill of sale ... which was signed by Elvis himself."
You have to see inside and it is still impressive.
Even the bathtub is decked out in gold.
Would you expect anything else from the King of Rock 'n Roll? The current bid is only $11,000.
Other items include
- Elvis' 1974 Cadillac Fleetwood d'Elegance Brougham Gifted to Personal Psychic Lou Wright W/Letter of Provenance - This amazing vehicle is a 1974 Cadillac Fleetwood d'Elegance Brougham edition which was funded for purchase by Elvis Presley for his personal psychic Lou Wright. According to "Elvis-His Life from A to Z", Wright did readings for Elvis during the last three years of his life after being introduced through his close friend Charlie Hodge.
- Elvis' Stage Worn Ankh Necklace Worn in Las Vegas on August 12, 1973. The necklace was worn by Elvis when he performed a midnight show. When Elvis made his way to the front of the stage to greet his fans, he bent down to shake hands and the necklace fell to the ground and was picked up by a fan. She returned the necklace to Elvis, who then gave the necklace back to her along with a silk scarf. She had this piece engraved on the back the next day with Elvis' name, the date "8-12-73" and the hotel name in order to never forget the day.
- Elvis' Personally Owned Gideons Bible from Hillcrest Dr. This was Elvis Presley's personally owned Gideons Bible which he used in his Beverly Hills home at 1174 Hillcrest Road, in the Trousdale Estates. The bible was one of many books that belonged to Elvis and were sold at auction in September 1980, when all of the contents of the home were sold after Elvis decided to sell the home. The bible is in wonderful condition, and has underlined and bookmarked pages (marked with a dog ear).
The first page is also noted "Elvis 1977" in pencil.
Click here to GWS to check all the Elvis items up for sale
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
UPDATED - Keith Alverson 'Strictly Elvis 76-77' Interview: The deluxe hard-back book 'Strictly Elvis: 1976-1977' is the follow up by Keith Alverson and Erik Lorentzen to last year's stunning 'Strictly Elvis Vol 1: 1973-1974 - 1975'.
Keith Alverson first saw Elvis in concert in the early 70s when he secretly smuggled in his small pocket camera to sneak a few photos of Elvis and from there he went from strength to strength. One of his first Elvis' concerts where he was able to get quality photos of Elvis in concert was in Atlanta, July 1973, after which he saw Elvis over 80 times live on stage. Alverson's outstanding photos of Elvis in his "Phoenix" jumpsuits are known by every Elvis fan and it is obvious that the quality of Alverson's photos got better and better as the years went by.
In last year's EIN interview we discovered the background surrounding photographer Keith Alverson as well as how he got to become one of Elvis' most well-known concert photographers.
With Strictly Elvis Volume 2 just published EIN's Piers Beagley tracked down the man - as he packed for Memphis - to ask him more about the last two years of capturing the King in concert....
The book contains over 800 previously unseen photos of Elvis on stage.
We asked him that, as we all know of Elvis' sad decline over these two years, do fans really need to see so many images of an unhealthy Elvis?
To find out click here to Keith Alverson 'Strictly Elvis 76-77' Interview with lots of example pages... UPDATED more photos
(Interviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)
Elvis Week – The Final Day: EIN’s Mandy Squair was sad as yet another Elvis Week came to an end. Sure the fan numbers were way down on last year’s 40th anniversary but there was still a lot of fun to be had and ELVIS music to be appreciated.
The final day started with ‘Brunch with Ronnie Tutt’ and it was wonderful to see him again as I believe he had been ill earlier this year. Ronnie is well-known for being Elvis’ drummer in the 1970s, part of the TCB band. Tom Brown interviewed Ronnie and wonderful to hear his stories.
One lovely story was when Ronnie’s 5-year-old son went to one of Elvis’ concerts in the 1970s. Afterwards, Elvis asked him how he liked the concert and his father’s drumming? Son replied, “I did but you stood in front of my Daddy the whole concert and I couldn’t see him!”
The Elvis Week highlight was the final concert 'Elvis Live in Concert - with an All Star Band' at the Soundstage with Elvis
on the big video screen and the Stamps quartet on the left and Olivia Newton John’s band on the right.
Seeing ELVIS on the Big Screen was a great final night and while it was not as emotional as in the past, when it featured all of Elvis’ TCB original musicians and singers, it was still wonderful. What struck me this week is how old a lot of Elvis’ contemporaries have now become and that so many are missing because they have passed away. How fortunate we all are to have seen them all in previous Elvis Weeks!
Luckily for us for the last 2 songs Ronnie Tutt came on stage and drummed! The crowd exploded with appreciation. What a joy it was to see him back in action and his drumming on ‘An American Trilogy’ was a perfect addition and what a finale for the final night. Afterwards we all felt that Elvis had really left the building – for now.
My last day in Memphis started with my last Morning walk up the Graceland driveway to the Meditation Garden where Elvis and his family are buried.
The crowds were down this year as was expected because it was an off year, but lack of numbers was really noticeable at the Candlelight Vigil. The $28 charge again for locals put many of them off the idea. The Graceland staff I talked to said this charge was being reviewed for next year.
Thanks ELVIS for leaving all your fans with such an emotional and fantastic legacy.
Click here for more final day photos & stories
(ElvisWeek, Source;MandySquair/ElvisInfoNet) |
Cinema ''68 Comeback Special' fans Rave: Finally after 50 years Elvis fans got the chance to see the sensational 'NBC Comeback Special' in the cinema.
It was pure joy to know that Elvis fans worldwide could celebrate such an emotional ELVIS experience at the same time.
Event TV / EPE / Fathom Events must be commended for organising such a great tribute.
As Arjan Deelen noted in his review (see below)
"The 75-minute special showcases Elvis at his best. The ’68 Comeback Special has never looked nor sounded better. Clearly, a lot of effort went into the transfers, and it looks like they went back to the original masters to get the best quality. It’s clear that everybody involved really went to town to make this screening something memorable for the fans, and this is also a great showcase for Elvis’ enduring talent and charisma. Go out and see this, and bring a friend. You won’t regret it."
Australian fans were lucky enough to have the NBC TV special showing in every major town, in Sydney it was shown in over 10 cinemas.
A lot of fans have written to EIN saying how much they enjoyed the event and we agree that the experience was emotional and totally involving with fans applauding afterwards.
EIN's Jim Mcrae noted, "Fans appreciated Priscilla mentioning the recent passing of D.J. that was a really nice touch. The film was crystal clear and the sound superb - seeing it on the big screen really made it so much more enjoyable. The audience loved it and gave a very warm round applause at the end. The King rocked."
The event was best summed up by Evan Hunter . . .
"I knew that ELVIS was great, but hearing his voice on cinema speakers, I never realised just how great that man could sing. Watching Elvis on the big screen enabled me to see many things that I have missed in the numerous times that I have watched it on my own big screen TV.
Elvis was funny, entertaining, good looking and his legs were like the Pistons on a V8! I don't think that I can ever listen to the soundtrack again unless it's on a great sound system and up really loud.
Elvis '68 Comeback 50th Anniversary Special, was it good enough to get a 10/10? No... IT DESERVES AN 11/10!!!!!"
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis in UK's Big Issue: UK's 'The Big Issue' last week (the street magazine that helps people in poverty) featured a fine article on Elvis and also puts our man on its cover.
The main article is "Elvis Presley, the '68 Comeback Special and the radical rocker that never was".
The feature includes some comments from Uk's Todd Slaughter.
He notes, "I first went to the States to see Elvis in 1972 and he was fine. His health suffered drastically from 1975. We took the final trip to see Elvis in concert in Cincinnati and Indianapolis in 1977. Our group saw the last two shows Elvis performed.
In the very last CBS Special Elvis in Concert, you can see a man, only 42, who had not fared well. But when you see the film of me and Elvis he's laughing. There was not that horror presented to me at that time. During that last show in Indianapolis, he was on stage for an hour and a half, which was unusual because he usually only did 50 minutes. Elvis included his own hits, pertinent covers and classic rock 'n' roll, and there was a crescendo of gospel which was always a showstopper.
It was a special show. He sang his heart out. Having only seen Elvis on stage in Las Vegas in previous years in front of an audience of 2,000 people the atmosphere was equally electrifying in front of 15,000, and the whole audience erupted when he announced that in the audience there were 250 Brits.
The '68 Comeback Special is Elvis in the raw. Seeing it 1,000 years from now could be rather like finding the Dead Sea Scrolls - but more visual. Elvis did very little television so it really was a special Special."
For the full story please support The Big Issue - Click Here.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Lisa Marie Wins Court Case: Lisa Marie had to leave Elvis Week early to head back to court - but has at last received some good news in her divorce court case from Michael Lockwood.
According to the media court papers state that Lisa Marie won’t have to pay her estranged husband spousal support.
In the order handed down on (of all days) August 17, a judge found that a 2007 post-nuptial agreement signed by Presley and Lockwood was valid.
The agreement was arrived at the year after Presley and Lockwood married and before the couple’s twins were born. The post-nuptial agreement stated that, “in the event of a judgment of nullity, legal separation or dissolution of marriage, neither party shall be obligated to pay spousal support to the other.”
The court added that apparently Lockwood didn’t read it because it didn’t interest him but he still signed them as well as his attorney.
The decision marked a victory for Lisa Marie in the on-going and nasty divorce proceedings. In February, Presley was ordered to pay $100,000 for Lockwood’s legal fees, after she asked to pay no more than $40,000.
That amount was a compromise between what Presley and Lockwood had been seeking. According to court papers filed earlier this month, Lockwood had sought $460,000 in attorney’s fees and costs relating to their divorce proceedings.
In making her case Lisa Marie filed paperwork stating that she was more than $16 million in debt. The majority of that burden relates to tax debt, which totals just over $10 million.
However, Lockwood subsequently filed papers alleging that Presley had been “misleading and inaccurate” about her finances.
(News, Source;Various/ElvisInfoNet) |
Saturday 18 August 2018 - - - - - ELVIS WEEK - Day 10 Final Day - - - - - |
(Interview) Paul Belard talks to EIN: In an eye-opening and fascinating interview, author, researcher and professional book restorer, Paul Belard, recently spoke to EIN's Nigel Patterson about his latest two Elvis books, one of which tackles the issue of Elvis and racism head-on, and informs us that he has dozens more Elvis books on the verge of being published!!
Among other things, Paul also discusses the objective behind his books, the challenges and benefits of self-publishing, a weakness in the recent documentary Elvis Presley The Searcher, and has some strong words to say about the role of Colonel Tom Parker.
Paul Belard Interview with EIN
(Interviews, Source: EIN) |
'Where No One Stands Alone' Top Ten in the Charts: Elvis "new" album in multiple formats has hit the charts worldwide as it should after so much publicity!
It has entered the Top Ten in the UK Official Album Charts (Elvis' 53rd UK Top Ten album! and in the Netherlands it made #1 on the Vinyl Chart.
'Where No One Stands Alone'
#9 on UK Official Album Chart
#4 on UK Physical Album charts (ie CD)
#7 on UK Vinyl Album Chart
#5 on UK Album Sales Chart
In Australia it is #15 on the official Aria Album Charts
#15 on Dutch Official Album Chart
#1 on Dutch Vinyl Album Chart
In Ireland it is #27 on the Album Charts
In Germany it is #37 on the Album Charts
In Belgium it is #34 on the Album Charts |
However putting on a positive spin EPE state that "Where No One Stands Alone" is
#1 on the Billboard Christian Album Chart
#1 on the Billboard Physical Album Chart
#1 on the Billboard Vinyl Album Chart
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
Friday 17 August 2018 - - - - - ELVIS WEEK - Day 9 - - - - - |
Keith Alverson 'Strictly Elvis 76-77' Interview: The deluxe hard-back book 'Strictly Elvis: 1976-1977' is the follow up by Keith Alverson and Erik Lorentzen to last year's stunning 'Strictly Elvis Vol 1: 1973-1974 - 1975'.
Keith Alverson first saw Elvis in concert in the early 70s when he secretly smuggled in his small pocket camera to sneak a few photos of Elvis and from there he went from strength to strength. One of his first Elvis' concerts where he was able to get quality photos of Elvis in concert was in Atlanta, July 1973, after which he saw Elvis over 80 times live on stage. Alverson's outstanding photos of Elvis in his "Phoenix" jumpsuits are known by every Elvis fan and it is obvious that the quality of Alverson's photos got better and better as the years went by.
In last year's EIN interview we discovered the background surrounding photographer Keith Alverson as well as how he got to become one of Elvis' most well-known concert photographers.
With Strictly Elvis Volume 2 just published EIN's Piers Beagley tracked down the man - as he packed for Memphis - to ask him more about the last two years of capturing the King in concert....
The book contains over 800 previously unseen photos of Elvis on stage.
We asked him that, as we all know of Elvis' sad decline over these two years, do fans really need to see so many images of an unhealthy Elvis?
To find out click here to Keith Alverson 'Strictly Elvis 76-77' Interview with lots of example pages...
(Interviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)
Elvis Week 2018: After an emotional Candlelight Vigil, EIN's Mandy Squair was back to remembering the power of Elvis with a day celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the '68 Comeback Special'.
Thursday morning 16 August was 'Conversations on Elvis' with those who made Elvis’ 1968 Comeback Special happen!
First of all, it was belly dancer, Tanya Lemani from the Little Egypt segment!
As well as Elvis' 68 Special, Tanya Lemani also appeared in Star Trek, The Man From Uncle and other TV shows.
She explained how the NBC TV shoot was not done in one quick take and that they she to do it over and over again. |
Tanya Lemani also told of how the TV censorship of the time also meant they couldn't show her belly-button and the stone had a habit of a falling-out with all that shaking. (Fans can see it being glued back in in TV Special outakes!). She said working with Elvis was a lot of fun.
Then Tom Brown talked to musical director of the 68 Comeback Special Billy Goldenberg; writer Allan Blye; and producer and director, Steve Binder.
What wonderful stories they had to tell such as coping with Colonel Parker and the Memphis Mafia - whom all of them said were scary! - whilst steering Elvis away from a Christmas special which the Colonel wanted!
One of the biggest Events of the week was the '68 Special Anniversary Celebration concert' at the Soundstage.
It was done quite cleverly.
Steve Binder, Billy Goldenberg, Allan Blye and Tanya Lemani each came on stage and talked about their involvement in each segment of the special, then that segment was shown on the big screen.
Mac Davis who wrote Memories and Darlene Love of The Blossoms who weren’t with us tonight, talked on the the video screen before their segment.
Steve Binder told us the story of the end song in the Special, If I Can Dream, and then Elvis sang it on the big screen with the Tennessee Mass Choir on the stage singing with him.
It was quite stunning!
Click here to Elvis Week 2018 for more photos and stories
(ElvisWeek, Source;MandySquair/ElvisInfoNet) |
Thursday 16 August 2018 - - - - - FORTY ONE YEARS AGO TODAY - - - - - |
LONG LIVE ELVIS: In his all too short career Elvis managed to achieve more than any other entertainer, the birth of rock 'n' roll, his career renaissance after two years in the army, the family entertainment of his sixties movies, the powerful musical comeback of 1969, the on-stage live return-to-splendour of the 70s, the power of his musical creativity throughout his whole career, his unbelievable generosity and more than anything, the love he gave to his devoted fans.
On this special day let's remember how much he did for all of us in his all too short life-time.
Elvis lived to make people happy, and he himself was happiest when he brought joy to someone else. I wish there was a way all the good he has done with his gifts throughout the world could be measured.
Four decades after his death, Elvis Presley still reigns unchallenged as the King of rock 'n' roll, the greatest superstar the world has ever known.
All the tabloid reporting and ugly rumours can't change the fact that there never was anyone like him and there never will be another again.
The comfort and enjoyment his music still brings to millions every day is impossible to comprehend. His influence as a performer and as a humanitarian has touched untold millions of people. We can never compile exact statistics, but I believe Elvis Presley will forever remain one of the most inspirational and influential men the world will ever know. Elvis was the most extraordinary ordinary man. - Joe Esposito |
Lisa Marie this week revealed that she still feels a deep closeness to her father 41 years after his death.
“When recording the new duet with Elvis' voice playing in my headphones I felt really emotional. It’s never pleasant to sing and cry. You just can’t do that in a good way. I had to keep my composure, but I felt very connected to him and to the song.”
“I wouldn’t say I still talk to him … I just remember everything. I can sort of pull out of the files whatever memories I have and stuff like that. And occasionally ask for help. Which was the case with this record. I just felt like a hand come down to me, it felt like that a little bit.”
Lisa Marie still says she feels most comfortable when she’s upstairs in the living quarters of Graceland by herself.
“I recently discovered a quote by Elvis as I was leaving the new Graceland exhibit, it said something like, ‘Becoming a father is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.’ I had never seen it before. I knew there was a great love there, there was a really strong connection there since the minute I can remember. "
Elvis died of a heart attack on Aug. 16, 1977, when he was 42 years old.
Lisa Marie was just 9 years old at the time of his death |
Aretha Franklin Had Died, August 16, 2018: Aretha Franklin who was born in Memphis has coincidentally died on August 16th at home in Detroit. She was 76.
Aretha Franklin became a singing legend and in the mid-sixties was crowned the Queen of Soul, selling 75 million records and inspiring generations.
Franklin died on Thursday at 9:50am at her home in Detroit surrounded by family and loved ones.
Franklin was known for her powerful voice and for many hits, including Respect, (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman, Chain of Fools and Think.
Elvis had several of Franklin's albums in his own record collection, including 1972's 'The Gospel Soul Of Aretha Franklin'
Elvis' backing group The Sweet Inspirations sang backing vocals on many of Aretha Franklin's hits including the stunning (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman and Chain of Fools.
Franklin won 18 Grammy Awards and became the first female performer inducted in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. |
Musicians around the world have made emotional tributes to Aretha Franklin, the “queen of soul”.
Lady Gaga wrote that Franklin was an “angel of music”.
Elton John called her death “a blow for everybody who loves real music: Music from the heart, the soul and the Church. Her voice was unique, her piano playing underrated – she was one of my favourite pianists.”
Cher said Franklin’s “one of a kind voice will be with us forever”.
Paul McCartney called her “the Queen of our souls” and said “the memory of her greatness as a musician and a fine human being will live with us forever.”
Willie Nelson said "Whether it was Gospel, Blues, Jazz, R&B, Pop,or Civil Rights, Aretha Franklin was the greatest gift and the voice of a generation. She could turn any song into a hymn. She will be greatly missed here on earth, but that band in heaven just got our Angel"
RIP Aretha Franklin 25 March 1942 - 16 August 2018
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
First Review of ‘ELVIS ’68 COMEBACK SPECIAL’ Cinema Screening: EIN contributor Arjan Deelen has seen the new special 50th anniversary screening.
.. CinemaxX Denmark was kind enough to invite me to a special pre-screening of ELVIS ’68 COMEBACK SPECIAL, in preparation for the official screening tomorrow.
No matter where you live, I suggest that you make the effort to go and see it. I was impressed with what I saw.
... The screening starts with a mini-documentary featuring Priscilla and Steve Binder. They visit the studios where it all took place 50 years ago. This was filmed fairly recently, since Priscilla makes a reference to D.J. Fontana’s passing. Her role is mostly that of an interviewer, while Steve shares many interesting insights on the special. He is clearly a very perceptive guy, and it’s very interesting to listen to his observations on both Elvis and the Colonel, and his account of what took place behind the scenes. Steve found it tough to deal with Parker’s posturing, and credits Bob Finkel for ‘sacrificing himself’ by keeping the Colonel busy during the shooting of the special, so that he, Elvis and the crew could focus on the job at hand. He also credits Allan Blye and Chris Beard for going out and buying all of Elvis’ records, listening to them all, and making a list of what songs should be in the special. Steve adds that this list is pretty much what ended up being the special.
This mini-documentary is interspersed with fragments from the special.
This is followed by the main event, the actual special. Or actually, a 75-minute edit of the special. (The 2006 'Special Edition DVD edit) |
There have been a number of variations of the special over the years, and this one is new to me. One thing that surprised me is that the ‘Trouble’ / ‘Guitar Man’ opening is followed by ‘That’s All Right, Mama’ from one of the sitdown shows.
Other surprises include ‘Trying To Get To You’ and ‘When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again’ from the sitdown shows, as well as ‘Baby What You Want Me To Do’ from one of the standup shows.
Even though I have seen this special numerous times over the years, I was once again blown away by Elvis’ talent and charisma. This special showcases him at his best, and this edit works especially well. I really hope that we will get this on Blu-Ray, as per the rumor.
One minor disappointment is that the first part of ‘One Night’ is missing.
The ‘Let Yourself Go’ scene works better on the big screen than on television, and the body language between Elvis and Susan Henning leaves little to the imagination. On the other hand, the ‘It Hurts Me’ scene with the fight sequence still feels a bit hokey, and is actually reminiscent of Elvis’ poorer films.
Elvis’ voice sounds so powerful throughout the special, but never more so than on ‘If I Can Dream’. It’s a very fitting conclusion to the special.
Instead of the usual closing credits with Elvis playing ‘fake’ guitar on an instrumental ‘Let Yourself Go’, we get ‘A Little Less Conversation’ and new production credits.
I know that some of you are curious about the quality of the footage and the audio. What is important to remember is that the special was made for television 50 years ago, and not for the big screen. Since then, the footage has been stored on videotape, which obviously has some serious limitations. With all of that in mind, I was very impressed with what I saw. The ’68 Comeback Special has never looked nor sounded better. Clearly, a lot of effort went into the transfers, and it looks like they went back to the original masters to get the best quality.
Following the special, we get a 10-minute ‘Having fun with Elvis at Burbank’, which is an entertaining and well-edited compilation of outtakes & cool moments from the recording of the special. A nice surprise, and one that I for one didn’t expect.
It’s clear that everybody involved really went to town to make this screening something memorable for the fans, and this is also a great showcase for Elvis’ enduring talent and charisma.
Go out and see this, and bring a friend. You won’t regret it.
(News, Source;ArjanDeelen/ElvisInfoNet) |
Wednesday 15 August 2018 - - - ELVIS WEEK 2018 - Day 7 - - - 2nd News Update - - - |
Watch Video of the 2018 Candlelight Vigil - REPLAY: Rather disappointingly there were an extremely low number of Elvis fans at this year's annual Candlelight Vigil - the lowest in decades.
The ceremony for the 40th anniversary is organized as always by the Elvis Country Fan Club.
This year's nominated theme song was Elvis' "Thinking About You". Lisa Marie and Priscilla did not make an appearance. With the usual rule that Gates remain open until all who wish to participate in the procession have done so the gate were clear by 10.15pm whereas last year fans were filing still through until the early morning hours of August 16, the anniversary date of Elvis' passing.
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis Week 2018: Elvis Week hits the emotional time of remembrance as fans gather for the Candlelight Vigil and EIN's Mandy Squair is there. The Candlelight Vigil was tonight from 8.30 marking the 41st anniversary of Elvis’ death. The service at the Graceland gates was first and all out special candles are lit. Then everyone walked up the driveway of Graceland to the Meditation Garden where Elvis is buried. The line of candles up the driveway is very moving. The Elvis Country Fan Club this year selected "Thinking About You" as the theme. They also played the video of Lisa Marie singing her new duet with her father - the gospel song “Where no one stands alone” with all Elvis loving fans gathered together this felt very special. There were not many people this year compared to last year and everyone was through the gates by 10.15 pm.
Click here to Elvis Week 2018 for more photos and stories
(ElvisWeek, Source;MandySquair/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Conversations on Elvis Gospel' was earlier on in the day and the very special guest was Cissy Houston, mother of Whitney and member of the gospel group The Sweet Inspirations who sang with Elvis from his 1969 return-to-splendor live Las Vegas shows.
Dr. Emily "Cissy" Houston was wearing a bracelet Elvis had given her and inscribed “Squirrelly”, Elvis’ nickname for her - but she doesn’t know why he called her that!
Afterwards were Bill Baize, Ed Hill, Donnie Sumner and Larry Strickland of the Gospel group The Stamps, and Jim Murray and Terry Blackwood of the gospel group The Imperials who told us amusing and interesting stories of singing as background singers for Elvis in the 1970s.
Terry Blackwood reinforced the fact of how Elvis loved Gospel quartets and that he seemed to know every song. When doing the movie (TTWII) of course they had to fit in with Elvis' rock'n'roll set-list but backstage and in rehearsals Elvis would just love to sing Gospel. It was after the midnight show that Elvis would sometimes ask them up to his penthouse suite and they would be singing all night, staying up until the sun came up!
Go here to Elvis Week 2018 for the photos.
(Elvis Week, Source;MandySquair/ElvisInfoNet) |
Tupelo Birthplace celebrates Elvis: The Tupelo Daily Journal writes.. Those who knew Elvis Presley might still see resemblances of the Tupelo where the singer lived until the late 1940s.
Visitors still see fields of crops on the side of the road toward Elvis Presley Drive, where they can then turn in to view the same two-room shotgun house still in use 83 years ago when the singer was born.
Visitors touring Elvis' birthplace may see a side window, where Presley's twin brother, Jesse Garon, who died in childbirth, was placed after the twins were born.
"We have had international visitors come by every day this week," said Dick Guyton, executive director of the Elvis Presley Memorial Foundation.
Every year, an Elvis Appreciation event is held at Presley's birthplace ahead of his date of death, Aug. 16, to honour the King of Rock-n-roll. Last year was the 40th anniversary of Elvis' death.
Guy Harris, a childhood friend of Elvis visits the birthplace four to five times per week. Harris lives in Saltillo now.
Harris notes, "I'll come by and stay a couple of hours. Elvis was a true friend. We spent day in and day out together, we'd played up in these hills and we'd make a little wagon and ride down those hills, it was probably in the mid- '40s until they left here in 1948."
Elvis historian Roy Turner met British biographer Elaine Dundy in 1981 when she visited Tupelo to write a book about Presley and went by a public library asking for a local to help her research.
The book was 'Elvis and Gladys'.
"I got the job. She was here for five months, it took her four years to write the book, and while I continued to find and interview people, we would talk weekly," Turner said.
Dundy passed in 2001 and as executor of her will, Turner was authorized to establish the Elaine Dundy and Roy Turner Endowment for the Arts to support the arts in Tupelo. That fund reached $1,043,000 in December.
"I say this is all just a ripple effect of Elvis," Harris said.
Go here to see EIN's interview with Roy Turner about Tupelo and also Elaine Dundy.
(News, Source;DJ/ElvisInfoNet) |
Tuesday 14 August 2018 - - - ELVIS WEEK 2018 - - - Day 6 - - - |
Elvis Week 2018: Elvis Week is in full swing, morning, afternoon and night and EIN's Mandy Squair is there to party!
This morning was 'Conversations with Co-stars' in Elvis’ movies!
First was Michael Dante from Kid Galahad. Then Millie Perkins from “Wild in the Country” followed by Ginny Tiu, (photo below right) one of the little Chinese girls from Girls, Girls, Girls. Ginny was a child prodigy pianist from 3 years old.
She played Elvis tunes for us on a grand piano too. What a treat!
Then it was Darlene Love who was in 'Change of Habit' as well as one of The Blossoms in the '68 comeback Special'.
Steve Binder, the director of the 68 Special, was brought on stage as a surprise for Darlene!
Afterwards we could queue up to meet them at the end which was wonderful.
It is obvious however that crowd numbers are not what EPE were hoping for
We met up with Steve Binder of the 68 Comeback Special selling his new book in the gift shop. And also Janice Fadel, daughter of Eddie Fadel from Waco, Texas. Elvis spent time with her family when he was first drafted into the army and was at Fort Hood, Texas. Lovely people and wonderful to meet them and hear their stories. |
At 3 pm, Tom Brown and Angie Marchese took fans through the Graceland Archives for a chance to see some special Elvis memorabilia in. It is 60 years today since Elvis’ mother, Gladys, died, so this session was dedicated to her.
For the 60th anniversary of Gladys’ death, the plaque which used to be at her grave at Forest Hill Cemetery was placed at the Meditation Garden at Graceland this morning beside the Jesus statue. (see story below)
(Elvis Week, Source;MandySquair/ElvisInfoNet) |
Millie Perkins noted that she had been so famous for the award winning movie “The Diary of Anne Frank” that she initially thought that doing a "Elvis" movie would be terrible. She was surprised to find that Elvis was far more interesting a person than she presumed. She had not been an Elvis fan before so it was only years later she realised just how important and special Elvis truly was. She talked about the terrible 'I Slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell' scene in 'Wild In The Country'. "Elvis was forced to sing one of his songs. We were sitting in a truck and we were supposed to be driving home from a dance or going to a dance. One moment I looked out of the car window and thought, ‘Dear Lord, this is so embarrassing and awful' and suddenly Elvis looked at me and I knew he was thinking exactly the same thing. Elvis said, ‘This is so embarrassing, no one would ever do this in real life. Why are they making me do this?’ After that I knew he was really okay."
Click here to more Elvis Week Photos |
Elvis Week - Lowest Figures in years?: Where have all the Elvis fans gone? While there is no doubt that if you are an Elvis fan you will be having FUN at Elvis Week, a few friends of EIN have written in to comment on the extremely low numbers this year.
The Darlene Love concert last night was around 2/3 empty and at 10pm last night there was not one person at the Graceland Gates or even in sight of them.
The Elvis conventions in Memphis have also been very empty so far.
Similarly the Elvis 'Conversations with Co-stars' also had surprisingly low attendance and in fact we have seen no Elvis Week event yet "Sold Out" which is most unusual.
It is certainly not the "Largest Elvis Week Ever Expected at Graceland' as suggested in EPE's promotion.
Perhaps being the start of the week fan numbers might build up from tomorrow, however I think there is a weariness after last year's big Anniversary
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
'I'm Left, You're Right' New False Start Discovered: FTD audio engineer Kevan Budd has spotted a previously unknown SUN recording 'False-Start' for "I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone" on the acetate offered for auction this week at Graceland Auctions.
Kevan Budd contacted Graceland auction for a sample from the acetate and was surprised by discovering a never-before heard false-start for "I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone" .
The ever vigilant Kevan Budd has informed Ernst Jorgensen, although where and when this might be officially released is anyone's guess.
The SUN Acetates ended up selling for $3,625.
The pair of Sun Records acetates were recordings for Sun Records 216 and the side B songs from Sun 217.
Sun 217 is the Elvis Presley single release for "Baby Let's Play House" (matrix 143) and side B "I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone" (matrix U-142) which was Elvis' fourth single release of five with Sun Records. "I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone" was recorded in March 1955 and the single with "Baby Let's Play House" was released in April 1955.
Click here to SUN Acetate auction page.
It's great for Elvis fans to know that experts are still out there looking for unreleased material.
Kevan Budd was the key player in the restoration of Elvis' SUN sides for the revelatory 'Elvis At Sun'.
Back in 2006 EIN interviewed Kevan Budd about his work with RCA / FTD.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
''Night Life'' New Viva Las Vegas Promo Clip: There is no doubt that the new deluxe 'The Viva Las Vegas Sessions' release from FTD is one of their all-time very best releases.
Combining stylish packaging, beautiful audio re-masters and over one hour of new Elvis session material that has never been released anywhere before, it is an absolute stunner.
Viva Las Vegas was the turning point. Elvis sounds positively excited at the sessions (perhaps due to the gorgeous presence of Ann Margret). It would be Elvis' most profitable movie release, yet after this he would face the terribly dull 'Kissin' Cousins' sessions and it would be downhill from there.
EIN's friend 'ELVIS-DlNNER-SHOW' has posted the fabulous YouTube clip celebrating the delight of the new album and a previously unreleased outtake of ''Night Life''.
Click to YouTube to watch the clip - and then buy the album!
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
Watch the Candlelight Vigil Live: Tomorrow evening the world will honour the life and legacy of Elvis Presley and observe the annual Candlelight Vigil at Graceland on Wednesday, August 15.
Thousands of Elvis fans will gather around the gates of Graceland for the annual Candlelight Vigil and to celebrate the life and legacy of the King of Rock 'n' Roll.
The ceremony for the 40th anniversary is organized as always by the Elvis Country Fan Club.
You can watch the vigil live from Graceland starting at 8pm. CT USA tomorrow =1am GMT on Livestream.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Ben Thompson Wins 2018 UETA: Congratulations to 2018 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest winner Ben Thompson!
Ben Thompson, who represents the Hard Rock Cafe Contest, receives a contract to perform with EPE and a cash prize of $20,000.
Ben has been an Elvis fan since he was a child. He became an Elvis tribute artist at the age of 15 and has performed in many venues around the world.
It was Ben Thompson who starred as Elvis in the award-winning 'Bladerunner 2049' alongside Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling.
Aged 24 Ben is touring demonstrating his ability to be one of the only few ETA's that can successfully portray all eras of The Kings Career
This will be his sixth Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest, and he feels it is a great privilege to be a part of the contest.
Congratulations to second place winner Diogo Light and third place winner Cote Deonath, and top five finalists Al Joslin and Nick Perkins.
Since 2007 winners have come from Alabama, Illinois, Arkansas, Louisiana (2), Michigan, Missouri and three from the United Kingdom.
Need to know more please visit EPE website for Elvis Tribute info.
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
Gladys Presley's Headstone added to Meditation Garden: Gladys Presley's headstone was added to the Meditation Garden at Elvis Presley's Graceland, today, August 14, 2018 on the 60th anniversary of her passing.
Elvis' mother passed away on August 14, 1958, and was buried at Forest Hill Cemetery in Memphis. The cross statue with angels was placed in March 1959.
This headstone, which features the Star of David to represent Gladys' Jewish heritage, was placed at her grave in December 1964.
In October 1977 both Elvis and his mother were buried at the Meditation Garden at Graceland.
The cross and angels statue was added to the Meditation Garden.
Gladys' original headstone has been in the Graceland Archives since 1977, and was placed in the garden today. (Photo - Mandy Squair)
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
Monday 13 August 2018 - - - ELVIS WEEK 2018 - - - Day 5 - - - |
'The Steve Allen Show' EIN Spotlight: Much has been written about The Steve Allen Show appearance over the years and with each retelling of the story, much of the information required to give a fair hearing to Allen is conspicuous by its absence. Recent articles in ETMHM as well as Elvis Files magazine still repeat the usual story.
But was Steve Allen really the rock'n'roll hating villain as usually portrayed in the Elvis story?
In the past, this might have been done because some of the information was not available, but with the appearance of online newspaper and magazine archives over the last decade it is much easier to piece together the complete story rather than the fragments of it that have been passed down amongst Elvis fans over the last sixty years.
After all, alongside Parker, Allen has become the second of the pantomime villains in the Elvis story, and it is time to investigate anew in order to see what really happened, and what Allen’s real relationship with rock ‘n’ roll was.
In this fascinating new article, EIN contributor Shane Brown investigates the truth behind ELVIS on the Steve Allen show...
(Spotlight, Source;ShaneBrown/ElvisInfoNet)
Elvis Week 2018: EIN's insider Mandy Squair has her days in the Promised Land packed! At 10 this morning was the Fan Reunion with a chance to reconnect with worldwide friends from last year. Firstly, Dean Z interviewed actor Drake Milligan (photo below) who played Elvis in the 'Sun Studio' TV series!
Drake Milligan had the Elvis style perfect - he was very cool in the Tv series- and he told how he loved the way Elvis never changed, stayed a kinda' humble boy from Tupelo Mississippi and even when he became a huge star Elvis always remained that "Southern boy". When Elvis performed everyone feels that he’s singing to YOU. Elvis connects like no other performer.
Then Tom Brown talked to Norbert Putnam (photo right) , Elvis’ studio sessions bass guitarist. Although not as well-known to most Elvis fans as Jerry Scheff from the TCB Band, Putnam recorded with Elvis between 1970 and 1977 and played on 122 recordings.
Putnam explained how it was so spontaneous recording with Elvis. Elvis was so focused that once he properly started on the song he'd try and get it on the first take with the emotion and power that the vocal needed. The band just had to scramble to
follow Elvis' emotion up and down. Luckily it often took five takes to get it right which let the band perfect their playing. He noted "It was loose." It would be a lot of fun in the studio with Elvis telling us stories for hours - and all on RCA's time.
Norbert then played for us too - with Elvis singing 'Bridge Over Troubled Water' and afterwards was presented with a note which will go on Beale Street downtown.
We then lined up at the end to meet him and buy his book.
I also had a chance later to chat to him alone . He is such a nice person. |
In the evening it was the Darlene Love concert. She was a member of The Blossoms who sang with Elvis in the gospel numbers in the 68 comeback special.
We met her first, then watched her in concert. She sang gospel, Elvis as well as her own famous hits such as 'Da Doo Ron Ron'!
She said she’s 77 and what a strong powerful voice!
Being a Monday many fans missed this great chance, the audience filled around 40% of the soundstage auditorium but very enthusiastic.
The dance party at the Guesthouse Ballroom afterwards however was packed
(Elvis Week, Source;MandySquair/ElvisInfoNet)
Sunday 12 August 2018 - - - ELVIS WEEK 2018 - - - Day 4 - - - |
Elvis Week 2018: Sunday was "Open Day" at Elvis' old Circle G Ranch - which Elvis and Priscilla owned in the late 1960s and spent their honeymoon there.
EIN's Mandy Squair had a packed day in Memphis taking in not only a visit to Circle G but also visiting Memphis' Memorial Park Cemetery as well as attending the 'Elvis Presley Fan Club Presidents’ Event' with special guests Rex and Elisabeth Mansfield who were best friends during Elvis' army days.
Rex Mansfield was inducted into the Army on the same day as Elvis in March 1958 and went through basic training with him in Texas, traveled with him to Germany and became close friends for the next 18 months. Elisabeth Stefaniak (right) was a young German girl in 1958 and was hired to answer Elvis' fan mail. Elisabeth became romantically involved with Elvis but was torn between her love for Elvis and her love for Rex – and she eventually chose Rex and they married in 1960.
You can read EIN's exclusive interview with Rex and Elisabeth Mansfield here. |
Above left, Rex Mansfield and Elvis: right the 'Elvis Presley Fan Club Presidents’ Event'
Below, The Circle G cross today, Elvis at his Circle G Ranch and RIP Red West, Memorial Park Cemetery |
Elvis Week Graceland Auction Results: Once again eager fans lined up yesterday in hopes of going home with a piece of Elvis history at The Auction at Graceland. Once again the auction was held at the theater The Guest House at Graceland.
The auction featured 208 rare and unique artifacts authenticated by Graceland Authenticated and while none of the prices hit the highs of previous Elvis Week auctions - remember last year's “Blue Armadillo” jumpsuit at $250,000, or the Ram’s head necklace at $138,750 - sales were OK.
This year's auction highlights included:
- General Omar Bradley Owned 1942 Beretta Model M1934 9mm Corto Caliber Pistol Gifted to Elvis Presley on December 9, 1970, Later Gifted to Girlfriend Barbara Leigh: $51,250
- Elvis Owned Large 14kt Yellow Gold and Blue Lapis Ring with Diamonds and Garnets: $43,750
- July 8, 1955 Publishing Agreement between Elvis and Hill and Range Songs, signed by Elvis, Vernon Presley, Gladys Presley and Jean Aberbach: $37,500
- Elvis Owned Turquoise and Silver Statement Necklace Gifted to J.D. Sumner: $13,750
- RIAA Gold Record Award for Elvis Presley’s 1956 Album Elvis Presley – Awarded in 1966: $12,500
- Elvis Owned Original Oil Painting of his Plane the Lisa Marie: $11,375
- Collection of Nine News Photos of Elvis Presley at his 1956 Tupelo, Mississippi Concert: $8,750
Fans must note all of the items in the auction were from third-party collectors and none of the items came from the treasured Graceland Archives owned by Lisa Marie Presley.
Go here to EPE for a final list of sale prices
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
Rex and Elisabeth Mansfield Interview: Rex Mansfield was inducted into the Army on the same day as Elvis Presley in March 1958. He went with him through basic training with him in Texas, and travelled with Elvis to Germany & Paris and became close friends for the next 18 months. Elisabeth Stefaniak was a young German girl in 1958, and was hired to answer Presley's fan mail. Elisabeth became romantically involved with Elvis, but was torn between her love for the King, and an ordinary solider named Rex Mansfield. In 2002 they published the fascinating book "Sergeant Presley: Our Untold Story of Elvis' Missing Years". At the time EIN's Piers Beagley was lucky to share some special time with this delightful couple. To celebrate the 50th Anniversary commemorative edition of their book - see below - EIN publishes this lost interview: (Photo right: Elvis, Charlie Hodge & Rex Mansfield)
(Interviews, Source;EIN) |
Saturday 11 August 2018 - - - ELVIS WEEK 2018 - - - Day 3 - - - |
New Lisa Marie Exhibition Opening / Album Release: EIN's Mandy Squair attended yesterday's special party for the "Where No One Stands Alone" album release at Elvis Week.
Andy Childs was the MC and questioned Joel Weinshanker, Lisa Marie and Sony's John Jackson about the making of the new gospel LP.
Lisa Marie said that it came at a good time for her in her tricky present situation and she now thought there was something truly special about Gospel music as it helps give you peace peace and strength.the
Lisa Marie explained to us how on the "Where No One Stands Alone" duet that she sang with Elvis she could really relate to the words of the song, especially with all that is going on in her life at this time and she thought of her father. In the time that Elvis recorded it, (mid-1966 when his movies meant so little to him) the song would have also been relevant to his life. Singing that song with her father gave new meaning to her towards Gospel music.
The full 'Making of the new album' documentary was then shown, the very first presentation.
Lisa Marie Presley and daughter Riley were also present to cut the ribbon to open Lisa Marie’s new exhibition at Graceland.
To be honest fans were a little shocked by Lisa's appearance as she has put a little weight on and was looking a little weary. But considering what she had recently been through, everyone thought that it is understandable. Lisa Marie also questioned why fans should interested in her, rather than her Father!
The new exhibition "Growing Up Presley" includes some delightful mementos from Lisa's childhood growing up in Graceland. Her cot, baby rocking chair and that well-known green Golf-buggy are all on display as are a fine selection of her clothes plus a look at her own career and the albums she has released.
(News, Source;MS/ElvisInfoNet) - EIN thanks Mandy - with Lisa Marie photo below- for her stories & photos. |
Lisa Marie Presley New Interview:The NBC Today show featured the first TV interview with Lisa Marie in four years.
In this cool 4 minute interview NBC's Jenna Bush Hager talks with Lisa Marie about the new album, her troubled years and recovering from drug addiction as well as recording with Elvis for the new album.
It’s been 41 years since Elvis' passing but last Friday his fans are able to get their hands on a new album featuring Presley’s favorite gospel songs. The album, “Where No One Stands Alone” was co-produced by Presley’s daughter, Lisa Marie Presley.
The NBC's Today show was at Graceland to discuss her relationship with music, her fight with drug addiction and her fondest memories of her father..
CLICK HERE to YouTube to see the interview
(News, Source;NBC/ElvisInfoNet) |
Friday 10 August 2018 - - - ELVIS WEEK 2018 - - - Day 2 - - - |
'The Making of' 'Where No One Stands Alone'': With the new Elvis album's worldwide release today the "Making Of" video is a delight as it shows The Stamps and The Imperials, Darlene Love and Cissy Houston all working in Nashvillle's RCA Studio B recording new backing tracks for the new Gospel album.
Lisa Marie also adds her vocal duet and talks about the importance of Elvis' love for Gospel music.
It's a great video clip - Click here to YouTube.
'Where No One Stands Alone' celebrates the power and passion of Elvis Presley’s gospel recordings. Produced by Joel Weinshanker, Lisa Marie Presley and Andy Childs it introduces rare alternate vocals from Elvis and new backing vocals. Hundreds of hours of went into upgrading and enhancing of the original multi track vocals resulting in the richest, most vibrant Elvis vocals on these tracks that have ever been released.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
'Elvis - Where No One Stands Alone' OUT TODAY: The groundbreaking "new" Elvis Album featuring 14 Original Performances of Gospel Songs with Newly-Recorded Instrumentation and Backing Vocals featuring Legendary Presley Alumnae including Darlene Love, Cissy Houston, The Imperials and The Stamps is OUT TODAY.
Produced by Joel Weinshanker, Lisa Marie Presley and Andy Childs, "Where No One Stands Alone" introduces newly-recorded instrumentation and backing vocal contributions from music legends who'd performed on-stage and/or in-the-studio with Elvis. It also includes a reimagined duet with Elvis and his daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, on the album's title track and spiritual touchstone.
"It was a very powerful and moving experience to sing with my father," wrote Lisa Marie in her notes for the album. "The lyrics speak to me and touch my soul. I'm certain that the lyrics spoke to my father in much the same way."
Background vocalists on the album include: Darlene Love (NBC TV special); Dr. Emily "Cissy" Houston (Sweet Inspirations), Terry Blackwood, |
Armond Morales and Jim Murray (members of The Imperials) and Donnie Sumner, Bill Baize, Ed Hill and Larry Strickland (members of longtime backup group, The Stamps).
Pre-Order special- EPE / Shop Graceland will have exclusive, limited edition versions of the album on blue 12" vinyl and cassette configurations.
Fans purchasing the CD, exclusive blue vinyl, and cassette together from ShopGraceland.com will receive a limited edition lithograph signed by Lisa Marie Presley. Click here to order from ShopGraceland.
"Elvis Presley - Where No One Stands Alone" provides new musical perspectives on 14 of the singer's favorite pieces of gospel music, from the reverential to the celebratory, and includes "Crying In The Chapel," "How Great Thou Art," "You'll Never Walk Alone"), praise-filled gospel-rockers (Jerry Lieber and Mike Stoller's "Saved") and traditional hymns and spirituals ("So High," "Stand By Me," "In The Garden," "Amazing Grace" |
On Vinyl and CD - see Below for cheap Amazon Pre-Order prices and check your local record store.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
US Amazon Pre-order
>>>>>>> VINYL
<<<<<<<<< Single CD |
Elvis Week 2018 - 40,000 fans expected: Last year marked the 40th anniversary of the passing of rock 'n' roll icon Elvis Presley and accordingly, the number of visitors, media focus and overall global interest in the annual Elvis Week festivities in Memphis reached previously unseen levels.
While year 41 may not engender the same sort of coverage or frenzy, the event itself continues, like most things Elvis and Graceland, to grow and expand.
Each August, thousands of fans from all around the world descend on Memphis and the Promised Land for a week of celebrating Elvis.
Memphis Convention and Visitors Bureau said between 40,000 and 50,000 people will come to Memphis for Elvis Week this year.
But the Elvis fans aren't the only one's excited about Elvis Week. Business owners also look forward to the annual event.
"It's a great week. It's like our Christmas in August," Hal Lansky of Lansky Bros said. "We meet people from all over the country. We meet people from countries I've never even heard of, but they want to come where Elvis came. They want to walk on the streets where Elvis shopped. They want to do everything Elvis, and we're here to take care of them."
Other stores, like A. Schwab on Beale Street, are also preparing for the large crowds.
"We have more people. We make sure the store is very clean and very stocked for Elvis week, because we sell a lot and do a lot of business," Kyle Roberts said.
This year's festivities are taking place at Graceland and across the Mid-South from August 9 until August 18.
Popular events include the Birthplace of Elvis Presley tours to Tupelo, the Candlelight Vigil, and the Mississippi Delta Blues tour.
Special guests include Lisa Marie and performances by Darlene Love, Elvis Gospel backing musicians and more.
Go here to EPE Elvis Week Schedule for more info
(News, Source;USTabloids/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis Presley: The Searcher' DVD: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment have now officially announced that they will release the three-hour HBO documentary 'Elvis Presley: The Searcher' on DVD October 16.
The film collects material from the archives of Graceland to present an inside look at a rarely seen side of the King of rock ‘n’ roll, taking the audience on a comprehensive creative journey from his childhood through the final 1976 Jungle Room recording sessions.
Containing never-before-seen footage and music recordings, the film features commentary and interviews from some of the biggest names in music, including Tom Petty, Bruce Springsteen, Emmylou Harris, music producer Jon Landau and Elvis’ guitarist, Scotty Moore, among others.
Also included is the featurette “In Conversation,” a Q&A with director Thom Zimny, executive producers Priscilla Presley and Jerry Schilling, and Grammy Museum executive director Scott Goldman.
A limited collector’s edition DVD will include commemorative packaging and a 20-page digibook featuring rare photos from the Graceland archives.
EIN Notes that fans were truly hoping for extra outakes and rare footage which sadly are not mentioned...
(News, Source;Sony/ElvisInfoNet) |
Wednesday 8 August 2018 - - - 2nd News Update - - - |
'Where No One Stands Alone' Duet Preview: Released today Elvis duets with his daughter Lisa Marie on the newly revamped version of “Where No One Stands Alone” the title track from the upcoming compilation of gospel songs.
The two singers alternate and harmonize over piano and pedal-steel on the ballad, which, in its original form, appeared on Elvis Presley’s 1967 LP How Great Thou Art.
RCA/Legacy Recordings, which will release Where No One Stands Alone on Friday, paired the song with a lyric video featuring family photos and in-studio footage of Lisa Marie Presley in the vocal booth. The footage was shot in studios in Nashville, Hollywood and New York, including two sites where Elvis himself had sang.
“It was a very powerful and moving experience to sing with my father,” |
Lisa Marie Presley wrote in the CD liner notes. “The lyrics speak to me and touch my soul. I’m certain that the lyrics spoke to my father in much the same way.”
“Recording with all that history, in studios that Elvis recorded his most memorable tracks, with the singers that backed Elvis in his most powerful performances, and with the raw emotion of his daughter Lisa Marie singing ‘with’ her father in the same room her father sang in a memory that we will cherish for the rest of our lives, and beyond,” album producer Joel Weinshanker noted.
The 14-track album also features new backing vocals from many other Elvis collaborators, including Darlene Love; Dr. Cissy Houston; Terry Blackwood, Armond Morales, Jim Murray , Donnie Sumner, Bill Baize and Ed Hill.
CLICK HERE to YOUTUBE for the video
(News, Source;EPE/RS/ElvisInfoNet) |
"Elvis Relics" new Elvis collectors Site: Bud Glass (The King’s Ransom Museum) is a well-known authority on locating and authenticating rare Elvis Presley artifacts of all kinds as well as the author of the respected 'Elvis Behind The Image' book/DVD series.
In addition to personally securing the acquisition of several million dollars’ worth of rare and iconic artifacts over the years, Glass is an Elvis Presley historian, author and documentary producer; as well as a consultant to major collectors, celebrities and prestigious auction firms.
Bud Glass’ Elvis collection has featured on David Letterman’s Late Show, Entertainment Tonight, Geraldo Rivera, CNN, Univision and The History Channel to name a few, including local news broadcasts across America and throughout Europe. Select artifacts have been on loan to Graceland at their request for their Australian exhibition in 2017.
In addition to the incredible King’s Ransom Museum collaboration with partner Russ Howe, Bud Glass maintains his own private trove of Elvis memorabilia, now he’s proud to unveil Elvis Relics as a showcase offering many of these unique Elvis-owned artifacts for purchase.
A wide variety of items are available and can be viewed providing an opportunity for Elvis collectors to expand their personal collections with artifacts offered by a reputable source.
Items range from small to large, from entry-level collectibles to prized museum-quality pieces.
Prices start at just a few hundred dollars, priced so that anyone who loves Elvis might have a personal keepsake of their very own.
Click here to ELVIS RELICS website
or check out the new facebook page www.facebook.com/elvisrelics
Coming Soon to EIN: an Interview with EIN where Bud Glass explains what this is all about. Can he better the EPE Auctions?
(News, Source;BG/ ElvisInfoNet)
'The Viva Las Vegas Sessions' OUT NOW: The highly anticipated 'The Viva Las Vegas Sessions' deluxe 3xCD is OUT NOW and heading to dealers.
If you haven't already ordered it, you best do so asap, this one will sell-out.
EIN recommends both these two UK shops
Or The Elvis Shop London.
EIN notes for US fans that the Graceland shop also has this on Pre-Order - it will ship around mid-August.
US$49.98 - hopefully they will fulfil all orders. The ultimate "Viva Las Vegas" 3CD set includes more than an hour of previously unreleased material - comes in 8”x 8” Session Reel box
See below for full details
(News, Source,ElvisInfoNet)
'Hollywood Lights, Nashville Nights' Diana Goodman Book: With her long blonde hair twisted around huge rollers and wearing a blue floral peasant top, denim jeans and 3-inch heels, Diana Goodman stepped aboard Elvis Presley’s private plane ready for the journey of a lifetime. Anxiously sitting by the phone for weeks after they first met, she finally got the call she was waiting for and now “The King of Rock and Roll” was flying her out to meet him at one of his concerts.
For Miss Georgia USA 1975, getting dressed in less than two hours was a small feat, but Elvis’ call gave her only 30 minutes until the limousine arrived to whisk her off to the plane waiting on the tarmac. Arriving for the long flight feeling somewhat bedraggled and self-conscious about her six pieces of mismatched luggage, some of which was held together by duct tape, she wondered if the well-heeled limo driver and flight crew might be laughing behind her back thinking Elvis sure had lost his ability to make good choices in women.
Goodman remembers thinking at the time, “I have five hours to straighten up this mess of a girl. I buckled up for this long flight. Finally, we were airborne. I gazed across the blue sky, striped with orange and gold from the summer sun and watched as Los Angeles faded from my sight. On a beautiful, clear and sunny day, I was on my way to an adventure that would forever impact my heart and my life.”
Indeed, this former Forest Park High School homecoming queen hoping for a shot at stardom has quite a story to tell about falling in love with Elvis Presley and the high-flying times that found her in the company of some of the most famous men of the day.
Ultimately getting her big break, she would become a regular on one of the top rated TV shows at the time.
Goodman shares these stories and more in the recently released “Hollywood Lights, Nashville Nights: Two Hee Haw Honeys Dish Life, Love, Elvis, Buck and Good Times in the Kornfield.”
Co-written with another former Hee Haw Honey, Victoria Hallman the book is a fun, gossipy, dramatic, read about two young women and their experiences with fame and the famous in the 1970s and ’80s.
“Hollywood Lights, Nashville Nights” follows Goodman’s roller coaster ride of meeting, dating and going on tour with Elvis Presley. He showered her with jewelry and clothes before things ended badly with a confusing break up due to a misunderstanding. It had to do with photos taken by paparazzi of Goodman and Burt Reynolds standing together and smiling. She was an extra on Reynolds’ film “Gator” and then on “Smokey and The Bandit.” Elvis didn’t like seeing the picture of her with Burt and ended their relationship. The book tells how Goodman could not move on after Elvis. She was in love with him and had put her life on hold, hoping for a future with him. She went on dates, but compared everyone she went out with to “The King of Rock and Roll.” When she learned of his death in 1977, she was shocked and went into mourning.
By 1979 she was cast in a show called “Pageant ‘80,” a beauty pageant spoof show that had a regular run at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas.
Finally after leaving Las Vegas Goodman got in contact with Hee Haw producer Sam Louvullo. He was calling because he wanted to cast her as Trixie Dixie in the Dixie Twins sketch comedy part of the popular TV variety show. Goodman would spend the next five years being one of the infamous Hee Haw Honeys. It was there she would meet her good friend and co-author Victoria Hallman and where in the dressing room one day, she would come face to face with another Honey and former Elvis Presley girlfriend — Linda Thompson.
But that, as they say, is another story, one you’ll have to read in “Hollywood Lights, Nashville Nights.”
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
New Exhibits at Graceland: Two new exhibits will be unveiled during Elvis Week at Elvis Presley's Memphis at Graceland!
"Lisa Marie: Growing Up Presley" will open August 10 and features personal items from Lisa Marie's childhood and music career.
"Where No One Stands Alone: The Gospel Music of Elvis Presley" is an expanded exhibit inside Elvis: The Entertainer Career Museum and will focus on the king's gospel work.
The new 'Lisa Marie: Growing Up Presley' exhibit will include personal items from her childhood including her record player, roller skates and clothing, as well as items from her musical career. The exhibit explores Lisa the daughter, the mother, her charity work, her career, as well as how she continues to carry on her dad’s legacy at Graceland. As part of “Elvis: The Entertainer Career Museum” Where No One Stands Alone: The Gospel Music of Elvis Presley is an expansion which includes his three GRAMMYs, sheet music, original acetates, and much more, all related to Elvis’ love of gospel music.
Also new is the just-opened Hillbilly Rock exhibit featuring country music and early rock ‘n’ roll artifacts from The Marty Stuart Collection.
Go here to EPE Elvis Week Schedule for more info
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet)
'Orgies and Orgasms: Presley in the Press 1956'- an in-depth Spotlight: By the beginning of 1956, everything was in place for Elvis Presley to burst onto the national and international music scene. Within weeks of his signing to major label RCA he would record Heartbreak Hotel, his first single for RCA and his first to reach number 1 in the U.S. charts, and then, at the end of January 1956, he would appear on national television for the first time.
Despite all of the success that 1956 would bring Elvis, with three singles and two albums reaching the top spot in the U.S. charts, the year would also prove to be a difficult one when it came to his treatment in the national and international press.
Mainstream media published reviews such as...
"Every girl watching him sees herself as Elvis’ partner in his fantastic writhing orgy"
and "Presley is suggesting he is about to have a self-induced orgasm!"
So, let’s go back in time and examine how a single television performance in June 1956 resulted in a change of attitudes towards Elvis within the media from little more than curiosity about the new phenomenon to downright hostility and revulsion.
Go here as EIN contributor Shane Brown investigates the phenomenon of Elvis in 1956 - and what the media made of this new, and middle-America shocking, entertainer.
(Spotlight, Source;ShaneBrown/ElvisInformationNetwork) |
'ELVIS back for one night only in UK Cinemas': It was one of the greatest rock'n'roll comebacks, and also one of the biggest television events in history, watched by nearly half of America's viewing population. Now, 50 years on, Elvis Presley's famed 1968 TV "Comeback Special" is getting a big-screen reboot, showing at 250 cinemas throughout Britain next week. A new generation of fans will be able to watch the king, dressed head to toe in black leather and curling that famous upper lip, swagger his way through one of the best performances of his career. "It feels like only yesterday to me," Steve Binder, 85, the show's director, told the UK Observer.
"Elvis went out on that stage cold. He hadn't performed in eight years, and he'd had few hit records in that time. But he just went out there and did it. That was raw talent."
When Elvis was told about the TV contract, he refused to do it. "He kept saying to me, 'Television ain't my turf, Steve.'"
"So I said, 'Well, what is your turf?'. Elvis said, 'Making an album'. So I said, 'Well, you make an album and I'll put pictures to it'," Binder said.
He told Elvis not to worry about cameras or lights or hitting marks. "Just do your thing, I said."
Elvis was nervous before going on stage at NBC's California studios. But he didn't disappoint, impressing with an improvised segment that turned the appearance into a pivotal moment in rock'n'roll history.
It was filmed using handheld cameras, the first time the technology had been used outside sports, and shot in 360 degrees to capture his body language. It was the acoustic set that helped Elvis rediscover himself, Binder said: "I almost had to get a hook to pull him off the stage, he was having such a good time."
And a year later, he had his first US No 1 in seven years with Suspicious Minds.
Binder looks back now and realises it was the first real "unplugged" moment on TV.
Although the show's soundtrack album went platinum, Parker remained furious with Binder.
"I was persona non grata, the colonel wouldn't let me get within 100 yards of him", Binder said.
Binder travelled to Las Vegas to watch Elvis play live on two more occasions, once in 1969 when "he was fabulous", Binder says, and a year later when he knew "it was all over".
"The last time I saw him, he told me he was never going to sing a song he didn't believe in again, he was never going to do a movie he didn't like. I said, I hear you Elvis but I'm not sure you're strong enough to stand up to the colonel," Binder says.
"I always felt he died of boredom in Vegas rather than drugs,"
Elvis Presley's '68 Comeback Special is in UK cinemas on 16 August
Click here to ODEON UK website for tickets info and bookings
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis and Marilyn Monroe reps sue over image use: Only worth posting because the story links Elvis with Marilyn Monroe!
The blond bombshell's estate and ABG that represents The King's trademarks have filed suit against a Big Apple company, claiming they bilked them out of more than $350,000 after breaking a contract.
TapouT LLC, Monroe's estate, and Presley's ABG/ EPE claim in a newly filed Manhattan Supreme Court suit that Central Mills Inc. failed to cough up remaining funds owed after the companies parted ways in December 2017.
Both LLCs control rights to certain pending and registered trademarks for Monroe and Presley and signed an agreement with Central Mills that allotted them various percentages of royalties, provided the company met mandatory minimum sales for any wares bearing either celeb's image.
But after terminating agreements, Central Mills left the Monroe and Presley LLCs in the dust, failing to cough up a total of $353,500 in royalties and penalties.
This story was reported in the New Your Post - Central Mills Inc. declined to comment.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Mermaid recalls the day Elvis visited Weeki Wachee: There have been Elvis sightings all over the world but not quite like the one that took place in the Tampa Bay area nearly 60 years ago. That's when "The King" met The Weeki Wachee Mermaids.
It happened on July 30, 1961.
Vicki Smith remembers the day like it was yesterday. "Elvis Presley came to Weeki Wachee. He could have gone anywhere. But he came to Weeki Wachee," she said.
The event drew about 3,000 screaming fans just to get a glimpse of the man himself, Elvis Presley. But Smith wasn't there just because of Elvis. She was there to put on her swimsuit and slide into a fish tail and perform in front of him.
"He was so good looking and he was this total, ultimate Southern gentleman. He had each one of us come up and he presented to us his latest LP! He signed mine 'warmest wishes, to Vicki. Elvis Presley," she recalled.
But don't think this vibrant lady has hung up her mermaid tail. No way! She is Weeki Wachee's oldest living performer. Smith says it's something she's very proud of and she's also just as proud to share the story of that special day so many years ago. "I always tell the audience before each show that I did swim for Elvis Presley and he was so cute! But so was I in 1961!"
Elvis was in the area because he was filming the movie, "Follow That Dream" at the Old Citrus County Courthouse. It was the 33rd highest-grossing movie of 1962.
(News, Source;NewsCh8/ElvisInfoNet) |
Memphis' Elmwood Cemetery introduces 'Elvis Connections' tour: The Memphis Commercial Appeal has posted this interesting story.
..... Elvis is dead.
That’s hardly news, yet rarely is that fact expressed directly. At least not in Memphis and especially not in August, when thousands of fans from around the world meet at Graceland during Elvis Week to testify that the King is alive in their hearts and in their record collections.
But if anybody doesn't need to pussyfoot around the reality of mortality, it's the folks who run a graveyard.
To that end, the managers of historic Elmwood Cemetery this week introduced a self-guided tour titled "Elvis Connections" that showcases nine gravesites dedicated to late lamented Memphians with a personal or historical relationship with the entertainment legend, who died Aug. 16, 1977.
Of course, Elvis isn't on the tour. He's buried at his home, Graceland. Everybody knows that, right?
Wrong. "People ask us all the time if Elvis is buried here," said Elmwood Executive Director Kim Bearden, referring, presumably, to visitors who won't be at this month's candlelight vigil.
In response to such questions and to aid the more knowledgeable Elvis fans who occasionally visit, Bearden and Elmwood historian Kelly Sowell this year developed a 12-page brochure, "Elvis Connections" which went on sale Tuesday at the Elmwood office.
The booklet is a sequel, of sorts, to a similar specialty guide devoted to Civil War-connected graves.
The cost of the Elvis brochure is $15, with proceeds going to support the maintenance of Elmwood, which has been run as a nonprofit since shortly after its founding in 1852.
Still an active (so to speak) cemetery, with plots available, Elmwood is home to more than 75,000 "residents," as staffers refer to the buried and interred.
The population includes celebrity politicians, anonymous slaves, Confederate generals, brothel madams, yellow fever victims and civil rights heroes, to cite only a few categories, so it's no surprise a number of Elvis-connected individuals would lie in rest among Elmwood's 80 acres of markers, monuments, obelisks and statues.
On the east side of the cemetery is the final resting place of Memphis Horns co-founder Wayne Jackson (1941-2016), who |
played on dozens of hit records by Otis Redding, Aretha Franklin, U2 and, of course, Elvis, including "Suspicious Minds" and "In the Ghetto." The marker depicts Jackson in silhouette, blowing his signature trumpet.
To the southwest is Mary Jenkins Langston (1926-2000), who cooked for Elvis for 14 years at Graceland, providing the King with caramel pie, "very crisp" bacon and fried peanut butter-and-banana sandwiches.
And in between you'll find Grace Toof (1860-1928), the namesake of Elvis' Colonial Revival mansion, Graceland, built in 1939 on land named Graceland Farms by Grace's father, a pressman with the Memphis Daily Appeal.
"Some of the Elvis connections are close," Bearden said, "while some are more historic." For example, the tour includes the Snowden family lot because that influential Memphis clan once owned The Peabody, the grand downtown hotel where Elvis attended his 1953 senior prom.
"People who go to work at cemeteries generally don't leave them, this is the best job in the world."
Located at 824 S. Dudley St., the grounds of Elmwood are open daily from 8am to 4.30pm closed Sunday.
For info go to elmwoodcemetery.org.
(News, Source;NP/ElvisInfoNet) |
Baz Luhrmann ELVIS Movie: Elvis Presley's life and career are set to be the topic in a new movie directed by Baz Luhrmann, the celebrated director behind “Romeo + Juliet”, “Moulin Rouge” and “The Great Gatsby.”
The project was started way back in 2014 but a production start date has now been confirmed.
With Elvis' unique flamboyant style, sensual croon and iconic outfits, it’s now his turn to be the subject of a major biopic, after figures like Whitney Houston and Freddie Mercury.
Australian director Baz Luhrmann will also write the movie, taking over from previous scriptwriters Kelly Marcel (see below) and Jeremy Donner.
Although no plot details have been released, we know that the movie will be split into two parts – his early success aged 20, and his career from the age of 35.
Two actors (names not yet revealed) have been cast by Kristy Carlson to play the King in these two different eras. Production begins in March 2019.
It was back in May 2014 that EIN first reported that Baz Luhrmann was in negotiations to direct an Elvis Presley biopic at the time being written by Kelly Marcel ('Saving Mr. Banks'). Warner Bros were behind the project and had reportedly scored the rights to Elvis' extensive music catalogue. In 2014 the script was supposedly finished.
Luhrmann at the time promised an "extravagant but truthful" retelling of these years in an as-yet uncast and untitled film for Warner Bros, it WAS due out in 2016.
And in April this year Luhrmann was in the news as weighing up which of two projects (a “Chinese-y” western) or the Elvis movie to begin first.
Now it seems Luhrmann's Elvis movie is finally on.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
FREE Elvis Poster at showings of '68 Comeback in Denmark: CinemaxX in Denmark has confirmed that each person buying a ticket for the showings of the special '68 Comeback cinema event will receive a free 70x100cm poster (as shown).
The broadcast will be shown on August 16th in the three major cities: Odense, Copenhagen and Aarhus.
The latter two will be showing it again on August 19th, while Odense will show it once more on the 18th.
The presentation in all three cities is done by EIN contributor and author Arjan Deelen.
Arjan Deelen told EIN, "I'm pleased that the Danish fans are getting bang for their buck - that doesn't happen all too often."
Dates + ticket info are as follows: Click each link for tickets and information.
CinemaxX - Copenhagen
August 16th 6:30 PM
August 19th 2:00 PM
CinemaxX - Odense
August 16th 6:30 PM
August 18th 2:00 PM
CinemaxX - Aarhus
August 16th 6:30 PM
August 19th 2:00 PM
Don't miss Arjan Deelen's last two fascinating articles.
Elvis / Orchestra Copenhagen 2018 Concert Review
'ELVIS: That's The Way It Was & This Is How It Is Today'
(News, Source;AJ/ElvisInfoNet) |
Steve Binder revisits Elvis ’68 Comeback Special: Rolling Stone has a feature on director Steve Binder looking back, as the concert film makes its way into theaters for a special re-release.
The article includes... When Elvis Presley was filming the intro to his fabled “’68 Comeback Special,” the program’s director had an unusual problem. “I ended up having too many Elvises in the background,” filmmaker Steve Binder tells Rolling Stone. “I hate to fire anybody, so I decided to use them all. We were afraid the scaffold was not gonna hold the weight. We were sure we were gonna have a major lawsuit if it collapsed.”
Today, the image of the King, flanked by dozens of Elvises and wearing black clothing and a tough look on his face, has become iconic. The special, known then simply as "Elvis" relaunched his singing career and proved that, after nearly a decade of making movies, he was still one of the most thrilling performers around. Now Binder is hoping the film reaches a new audience when the special gets a theatrical release this month to mark its 50th anniversary.
Binder says that part of the reason the special was |
such a success was because he was able to put Presley at ease. Leading up to the show, the King was nervous so Binder made it so that Presley didn’t have to think about much more than performing. “My biggest contribution was saying, ‘Elvis, you just make an album and I’ll put pictures to it, and I don’t want you to be aware of where the cameras are,'” he says. “With television concerts up to that point, you put a piece of tape on the floor and told the artist to stand there, and you shot it all from the front. I was determined to make it like a real concert and three-dimensional.” He also worked with his production staff to make Elvis look larger than life, dressing him in bespoke costumes and erecting the giant E-L-V-I-S sign behind him (taking inspiration from The Judy Garland Show).
When they were rehearsing, Presley asked to move into the studio to shorten his commute. “He said, ‘Maybe if I get a dressing room big enough, I can put a bed in there,'” Binder recalls with a laugh. “That’s what we did, and that was the reason I did the acoustic improv sequence. Every day after rehearsal or taping, he would go into the dressing room, and here was this incredible performer who was totally relaxed, all mussed up, having fun and sharing stories with everybody.” He brought the idea to the Colonel who stuck his nose up at it but eventually relented, leading to a memorable summit of Presley’s friends and early collaborators, like Fontana. It was loose and fun, it showed off the King’s sense of humor and it allowed him to cut loose on “Hound Dog,” “Lawdy Miss Clawdy” and “Can’t Help Falling in Love.” “I knew it was really the heart and soul of the show,” Binder says.
Ultimately, Binder ended up with too much good material and went rogue, cutting his own 90-minute version of the special and begging NBC to expand it from an hour-long broadcast. At the time, the execs said no, but after Presley’s death, they ran the longer cut that is now the best-known version. The special would subsequently become one of the King’s defining moments.
When he thinks back on the struggles he faced to make it, Binder is especially happy about the special’s longevity. “I did it in 1968 and thought it was gonna air one time for 48 minutes and that was the end of it. So I’m thrilled it’ll come back 50 years later.”
Go HERE to Rolling Stone for the full article.
The article includes a 3 minute preview of the special feature that will accompany the Cinema screenings.
(News, Source;RS/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis Week' App: As they did last year EPE have created a special app for those attending Elvis Week and the Elvis Week 2018 app is here!
EPE promise that with the Elvis Week app, you have all of the important information at your fingertips.
You can check out a daily schedule of events and build your own personal schedule for the week.
You'll find a list of special guests, a map, a list of restaurants and shops, and an FAQ, too.
Forgot your candle for the Candlelight Vigil? No worries - there is a candle feature on the app.
The app also features Graceland's YouTube playlists, so you can scroll through hours of videos.
There is a special Elvis Week photo using the app's photo booth.
Download the Elvis Week app for free from Google Play for Android phones or Apple App Store for iPhones.
Last year's version of the app can be simply updated.
Go here to EPE website for more
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis Week 'Garden Party' at Denmark's Memphis Mansion: Some Europe based EIN readers have been asking about Henrik Knudsen's special Elvis Extravaganza for Elvis Week 2018.
Below are the details. For three days August 17-19 European Elvis fans can enjoy the delights of Elvis' friends, acquaintances and musicians without the trouble of flying to Memphis.
This will take place at the "Danish version of Graceland" the Randers Memphis Mansion.
Special guests include Linda and Sam Thompson, Dick Grob, James Burton, Glen D Hardin and The Imperials.
Memphis Mansion Garden Party Schedule:
Friday 17th August
16.00 Pre-opening event for VIP ticketsholders ONLY
19.30 The Imperials, James Burton and Maarten Jansen & Band “That’s The Way It Is Show”
Saturday 18th August
14.00 Talk show The Imperials / Dick Grob – Autograph session
15.30 ELVIS PRESLEY Auction – Campen Auktioner
16.00 Steven Ackles with Band feat. James Burton and The Imperials
21.00 The Sweet Inspirations Band with Bobo Moreno & Tony Smith
Sunday 19th August
10.00 Gospel Brunch Maarten Jansen
11.30 Talkshow The Sweet Inspirations Band – Autograph Session
13.00 Stan Urban and the HISTORY OF ROCK ‘N’ ROLL
14.00 Talkshow Sam Thompson & Louise – Autograph session
15.00 Linda Thompson BOOKSIGNING
16.30 The Imperials “There Is A Sweet Sweet Spirit Gospel Show”
19.30 Big Fat Snake with The TCB Band
21.00 Grand Finale Garden Party 2018 officially ending
Go to www.MemphisMansion.DK for more info and tickets.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
"Elvis Comeback Special" at Event Cinemas: The 68 Cinema EVENT is getting closer - and how fantastic to get a chance to see the '68 Comeback Special' on the big screen.
Fathom Events are thrilled to bring the Elvis '68 Comeback Special to the big screen in celebration of the special's 50th Anniversary for a special cinema event starting on August 16!
See the iconic television special starring singer Elvis that originally aired on December 3, 1968.
It marked Elvis Presley's return to live performance and re-launched his singing career. (CLICK HERE to see YouTube Promo)
This 50th anniversary event includes the legendary television special, plus an exclusive look at the making of the special, featuring a walkthrough of the NBC soundstage with insights from producer Steve Binder and Priscilla Presley.
EIN has been informed that the Cinema presentation will be in the original 4:3 TV ratio (with no picture cropping) and secret screenings of the 19 minute 'Making of' special have hard-core fans very impressed.
It is playing in USA / Canada / UK / Europe / Australia and elsewhere so check your guides
CLICK HERE to USA Cineplex to check if it is showing in your city and to book tickets.
Be sure to check for the event in your local US theatres as well as it supposed to be playing over 800 venues.
See story below for Danish ticket options
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
'When Zeppelin met Elvis: May 1974': The two most popular and successful live acts of the 1970s were Elvis Presley and Led Zeppelin, who played to capacity crowds night after night.
Coincidentally, both were handled by Concerts West, one of the biggest tour promoters in America.
In May 1974, the company offered complimentary tickets to Zeppelin for Elvis' gig at the LA Inglewood Forum, with the possibility of meeting him afterwards.
The group were huge Elvis admirers and three members (Plant, Page and Bonham) gladly accepted along with their infamous manager, Peter Grant.
Although not a big fan of hard rock, Elvis knew who Zeppelin were and was amused that his young step-brother, Ricky, was so excited to hear that they'd be in the audience.
The 1970s Elvis was far removed from the rock 'n' roll rebel who had first inspired them, but the group enjoyed the concert and were thrilled at the thought of finally meeting their idol.
There were no photographs taken of the meeting and no film exists of Elvis' LA gig, nor was it professionally recorded.
Many years later, Led Zeppelin front man, Robert Plant, looked back on that night with great fondness and much good humour ...
Don't miss this great article on YouTube - CLICK HERE - already with over 2.4 million views!
Posted by EIN Contributor George Smith
(News, Source;GS/ElvisInfoNet)
Miller co-authors book with Dave Hebler: PA's The Bradford Era paper published a promotional article about Dave Helber's new book. It noted...
Elvis Presley may have left the building, but to the people whose lives he touched, whether it be through his music or through his friendship, Elvis’ energy and impact is still very much alive and well.
Local writer Michael Miller has co-written “The Elvis Experience” with Dave Hebler who protected “the King of Rock and Roll” from 1972 to 1976.
The book gives readers a look through the eyes of Hebler, who goes into full detail about his time with Presley.
Miller said he and Hebler met in 2007 at a Florida Kenpo Camp.
“We hit it off and I began taking seminars under him a few times a year,” Miller said. “I ended up becoming a certified instructor under him through his Gift of Power organization. I was one of only four people to be certified under him.”
Miller added that the idea for the book came after Hebler released a DVD discussing stories about his experiences with Elvis.
One day, Elvis stopped by Ed Parker’s Kenpo studio while Hebler and others were working out. Presley joined in on the workout and Hebler, who was Parker’s top student at the time, happened to be his partner that day. The two hit it off so well that Presley asked Hebler to become one of his bodyguards.
On the day Hebler and Presley met, “We did a technique line, some sparring, and Elvis came out and joined us,” Hebler said. “I think what impressed him was my version of Five Swords (one of the system’s self-defense techniques). He really loved that technique. My version is about 13 different moves, it’s a like a mini-form.”
Hebler also reflected on Presley asking him to be a bodyguard.
Hebler said, “I was astounded, number one. Number two, I was delighted, of course. He could have had anybody in the world as his bodyguard and he chose me. That was pretty special, as far as I’m concerned.”
Once Hebler became his bodyguard in 1972, he also started teaching Presley Kenpo. Hebler taught Presley more than Parker did. Hebler was Presley’s Kenpo instructor the entire time he worked for Presley. The musician obtained a ninth-degree black belt under Parker. Although Hebler was Presley's instructor, Presley's promotions came under Parker.
In the book, Hebler takes readers on his journey of how he met Presley, how he became Presley’s bodyguard and karate instructor, what it was like during his first day on the job, and the things crazy women did during concerts.
Hebler also goes into some fun and humorous stories with Presley including stories about “the big drug bust,” “the San Diego Chicken,” “the lady ninja,” “the gaudy bauble,” “the gunslinger,” “the kid with the watches” and many more.
The book brings out the essence of Elvis the giver, Elvis the martial artist and Elvis the Christian to paint the picture of who Elvis the person truly was.
Hebler even touches on some of the tough times such as Presley’s problem with prescription drugs, how Presley fired him, and the controversial book “Elvis What Happened?” that he co-wrote with Presley’s other bodyguards, Red and Sonny West.
All in all, Hebler believes that Presley gave American Kenpo a great popularity boost.
See original article here
(News, Source;BEra/ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis News from earlier this week... |
'Saved' "new" Gospel Album taster: First sample from the "new" Gospel album, featuring the fabulous Darlene Love (NBC special) it is 'Saved'.
The album 'Elvis Presley - Where No One Stands Alone' features 14 original performances of gospel songs with newly recorded instrumentation and backing vocals, all in support of Elvis' original lead vocal recordings.
"Saved" is an energetic gospel-rock call-and-response tune with some fun rhythmic twists, sassy lyrics and Darlene Love jumping in on background vocals. And in classic Elvis fashion, the king testifies as he gives up his errant ways.
Love, who first sang with Elvis on his 1968 NBC TV special, shares, "I had the honor to perform a terrific version of Jerry Leiber and Mike Stroller's 'Saved' on the popular ABC TV show Shindig in 1965 with The Blossoms. Though we never recorded it officially it predates Elvis' version which I sang background vocals for with the group."
Elvis once said, "Since I was 2 years old, all I knew was gospel music. It became such a part of my life, it was as natural as dancing. A way to escape my problems, and my way of release." We can feel the glory!
CLICK HERE to YOUTUBE to listen.
Starting off with extremely different instrumentation it is not as bad some "remakes" with a nice bluesey ending, although "hard-core fans" will probably not be impressed.
(News, Source;Parade/ElvisInfoNet)
'Life in The Elvis World' new book by Charles Stone: Elvis Matters is reporting that Elvis Tour manager Charles Stone is working on a new book 'Life in The Elvis World'.
Back in 2009 Praytome published the glossy book 'My Years With Elvis And The Colonel' also by Charles Stone, so one wonders what new material this book can contain.
Charles Stone worked for Elvis and Tom Parker in the 1970s, and prepared the tours throughout America. He was responsible for tour production and also safety issues on the road. Stone has presumably now got EPE backing as the new book 'Life in The Elvis World' will be presented in Memphis during Elvis Week 2018.
Charles Stone is noted as being one of the few who received a TCB chain from Elvis and a membership card from Tom Parkers Snowmen club. (EIN comments - Was having membership to Parker's Snowmen Club really that good an idea! It cost nothing to join, but $10 to leave!)
(News, Source;ElvisMatters/ElvisInfoNet)
'The Viva Las Vegas Sessions' FTD US Orders: As expected with the announcement of no second printing Elvis Fan Clubs have now had more pre-orders for the forthcoming 'The Viva Las Vegas Sessions' deluxe 3xCD set than any other FTD release.
This Limited Edition should be out in early August. - If you haven't already pre-ordered it, you best do so asap
EIN recommends both these two UK shops
Or The Elvis Shop London.
EIN notes for US fans that the Graceland shop also has this on Pre-Order - it will ship around mid-August.
US$49.98 - hopefully they will fulfil all orders. The ultimate "Viva Las Vegas" 3CD set includes more than an hour of previously unreleased material - comes in 8”x 8” Session Reel box
See below for full details
(News, Source,ElvisInfoNet)
Dave Hebler Interview Update with EIN: Dave Hebler is best known to Elvis Presley fans as being part of the Memphis Mafia and Elvis’ bodyguard in the mid-seventies. As an integral part of Elvis’ personal and professional life, Hebler’s primary responsibility was the personal safety of Elvis at home as well as at recording sessions, personal appearances, concert tours and various recreations.
After our April interview with Dave Hebler he has completed his new book 'The Elvis Experience' which is now available through Amazon. (see below)
EIN's Piers Beagley wanted to find out more about the book - released just in time for Elvis Week - and giving Hebler a chance to answer a few EIN readers questions..
Go here for EIN's exclusive catch-up with Dave Hebler including some cool photos..
(Interviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork) |
Graceland Elvis Week Auction 2018: Once again EPE is giving fans a chance to own a piece of Elvis history while at the same time filling their coffers.
The August 12th Graceland-Authenticated Auction feature artifacts from Elvis history including an Elvis owned pistol and Elvis signed contract for “Love Me Tender”
All of the items in the auction will be offered from third-party collectors and none of the items will come from the treasured Graceland Archives. The mansion and all artifacts in the Graceland Archives continue to be owned by Lisa Marie Presley and are not for sale.
Auction highlights include:
Elvis Owned 1942 Beretta Model M1934 9mm Corto Caliber (Known as .380 ACP in Modern Day), Given to Him by General Omar Bradley on December 9, 1970, Later Gifted to Girlfriend Barbara Leigh. Estimate: $50-100,000.
Elvis Hillcrest Home Walnut Desk and Chair. Estimate $5-7,000.
Collection of Historic Documents from Hill and Range Including:
July 8, 1955, Publishing Agreement Between Elvis Presley and Hill and Range Songs, Inc. Signed by Elvis, Vernon Presley, Gladys Presley and Jean Aberbach*. Estimate $20-40,000.
Elvis Signed Songwriters Contract for Song “Love Me
Tender” - Also Signed by Ken Darby’s (The Song’s Writer) Wife Vera Matson and Freddy Bienstock*. Estimate $20-40,000. |
Elvis Owned Large 14kt Yellow Gold and Blue Lapis Ring (right) with Diamonds and Garnets with Photographs of Elvis Wearing on Stage and Letter of Provenance from Alan Fortas Estimate $15,000 - $20,000
Elvis Owned Mother-of-Pearl Cross Gifted to Ginger Alden, Mentioned in Her Book*. Estimate $15-25,000.
Elvis Owned and Worn Silver Concho Belt Gifted to Barbara Leigh*. Estimate $10-15,000.
Elvis Owned 14K Gold Bulova Wristwatch with “EP” Engraved on the Reverse. Estimate $8-10,000.
Elvis Owned “Nudie’s” Brown Suede Jacket with Extraordinary Beaded Fringe – Gifted to His Aunt Delta. Estimate $5-10,000.
1954 Sun Records Acetate for Elvis Presley's “Blue Moon of Kentucky” (Sun 209) Estimate $5-10,000.
Elvis Owned Television Set from Lisa Marie’s Bedroom at Graceland With Bullet Hole from When Elvis Shot It. Estimate $5-10,000.
Elvis Presley/Charlie Hodge Stage-Used Black Binder That Held Song Lyric Sheets Estimate $5-10,000.
Highlights will be displayed at Graceland July 23 to August 11th.
On-line bidding is open now
Go here to The Auction at Graceland for bidding and more info
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis Comeback Special' New Steve Binder Book: Elvis Comeback Special director and producer, Steve Binder has partnered with Spencer and Meteor 17 to publish the definitive table top book on Binder's making of the Special and all activities that led up to, were part of and happened, as a result of the landmark television event. Here is the official cover.
M17 long time art director, Hugh Syme, designed the stunning look and feel of the 192 page collector's item book which includes commentaries, interviews and never before seen memorabilia presented to Binder by both Elvis and Colonel Tom Parker.
Grammy winning book manufacturing organization, Integrated Communications are handling the printing of the book.
To further propel the book, there will be a highly visible launch at Graceland in Memphis, August 2018 during Elvis week there. Binder will conduct a town hall forum and panel, followed by similar events at The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland and The Paley Center, in both NYC and LA.
Following the book offering, on a special basis to Elvis fan clubs around the world, there will be podcasts about the Special, a one night theater event in over 800 AMC, REGAL & CINEMARK |
screens via Fathom Events in the top DMAs in America.
A spoken word version of the book via Amazon's Audible division, narrated by Binder will follow.
Spencer and Steve plan to bring the book to life in a documentary, to be directed by John Scheinfeld in 2019. It will center on the making of the Special and Binder's role as director/producer, teaming up with Elvis in a true buddy story that helped inform the course of pop music history. The doc will highlight Steve's interface on the production process with Elvis and NBC to accomplish an evergreen and lauded result.
Binder has the most unique and informed perspective on how this landmark show was made and the events which transpired during production. Elvis bravely stood up and supported Binder in order to have the Special completed and broadcast. This never before told perspective will be at the heart of our documentary.
Click here to Meteor 17 for more info. Prices seen so far are €45 or £50 from the UK Elvis fan club .
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
EIN exclusives and News from earlier in July. . . |
New "Chapel in the Woods" At Graceland: EPE have announced a brand-new Chapel in the Woods. The newly constructed chapel (see pic right) will feature a grand ceiling and windows throughout to allow the beautiful surroundings of the Graceland woods to be the back drop for couples to be married or renew their vows. Located just steps from The Guest House at Graceland, the Chapel in the Woods makes for the most iconic and memorable wedding destination.
To christen this new chapel, Graceland is hosting a day of love,(??) featuring couples whose love were inspired by Elvis, whether on a visit to Graceland or during Elvis Week. The Chapel in the Woods will be hosting one special wedding and an amazing ten vow renewals on August 13, 2018.
For the last 18 years, nestled in the woods beside Elvis Presley's Graceland, stood the original Chapel in the Woods. |
The quaint wedding venue, (below pic looking oh so cute) located on the iconic property of the King of Rock 'n' Roll, has been host to almost 2,000 weddings, dedications, and vow renewals. The all-new chapel features modern design by HBG Design (Guest House at Graceland). Maintaining the intimate feel, 75 guests can be hosted at this charming new location.
During Elvis Week 2018, fans and friends are invited to an open house at the new chapel from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm on August 16, 2018, when celebratory wedding cake will be served.
Marking the 2,000th wedding at Graceland, the first wedding in the new chapel will be between Julie and Marc, who met three years ago at Elvis Week 2015.
Ccouples who met at Graceland or Elvis Week and would like to take part in a group vow renewal on August 13, 2018 ..Click here to Graceland website for info
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis Week 2018 Special Guests: EPE is pushing the publicity for Elvis Week with less than one month to go.
This year's Special Guests include ...
August 11 - Lisa Marie Presley new Elvis gospel album "Where No One Stands Alone" special listening party.
August 11 - Ultimate ETA Contest champs Gordon Hendricks, Cody Slaughter and Bill Cherry at 'ELVIS: The Greatest Hits' ETA Show
August 12 - Rex and Elisabeth Mansfield at Elvis Presley Fan Club Presidents' Event.
August 13 - Elvis' bass player, Norbert Putnam at Elvis Fan Reunion.
August 14 - Darlene Love live in concert plus she'll be a special guest at the Conversations on Elvis: Co-Stars on August 14.
August 14 - Millie Perkins (Wild in the Country), Michael Dante (Kid Galahad), Ginny Tiu (Girls!Girls!Girls!) Conversations on Elvis: Co-Stars
August 14 - 'The Gospel Music of Elvis Presley Celebration Concert' with Bill Baize, Donnie Sumner, Larry Strickland and Ed Hill, and Elvis' Imperials, featuring Terry Blackwood, Darrell Toney and Lynn Royce Taylor. They will be joined by Jim Murray and Armond Morales and "Cissy" Houston at 'Conversations on Elvis: Gospel' August 15.
August 16 - Steve Binder, writer Allan Blye, guitarist Mike Deasy, music director Billy Goldenberg and dancer Tanya Lemani at 'Conversations on Elvis: '68 Special'
August 17 - Ann Moses "Tiger Beat Magazine"(see Ann Moses EIN interview here), TG Sheppard; Donna Rhodes Morris, Billy Blackwood (Voice), Mark Kogan (Tour promoter) 'Conversations on Elvis: Elvis Connections'.
August 18 - Ronnie Tutt at 'Elvis Week Brunch' plus 'Elvis Live in Concert - with an All Star Band' along with former members of the Stamps Quartet.
To check out the full schedule and for tickets go here to EPE website
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis Fan & Collector Show' at Elvis Week: Every year at Elvis Week there are bonus activities not arranged by EPE and some are free!
The 'Elvis Fan & Collector Show' is the longest running continuous Elvis Convention/ Festival/ Event in Memphis.
This year is the 40th continuous Elvis event during August.
There is lots of activity all over the hotel for several days and nights.
Jimmy Velvet will be there along with Ronnie McDowell.
Ace photographer Keith Alverson will be there to sign copies of both of his glorious photo books.
There is a chance to check out a vast amount of Suzanna Leigh (RIP) personal autographed items. Includes movie posters, books and autographed photos from Paradise Hawaiian Style and other film promo photos. "RIP dear friend."
See poster for details
Go here to their facebook page for more
FREE Admission to the Elvis Fan & Collector Show during Aug. 10th thru 14th.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
See 'The Comeback Special' in Memphis: While there is an opportunity to see “The '68 Comeback Special” at Elvis Week there is also an opportunity for the general public to see it at Malco cinemas.
In celebration of the 50th anniversary Malco Cinemas will show a program dedicated to one of the singer’s most iconic performances next month. The screening is part of a two-day cinema event happening nationally and internationally to celebrate Presley during the annual Elvis Week, marking his death.
Fathom Events and ABG will present “ELVIS 50th Anniversary Comeback Special” at some 500 U.S. movie theaters. The screenings will take place on Aug. 16 and Aug. 20. Theaters in Oxford and Little Rock will have screenings on both dates; the lone Memphis public presentation will take place at 7:30 p.m. August 20 at the Malco Paradiso.
As part of the “Elvis 50th Anniversary Comeback Special” event, organizers have confirmed each screening will include “an exclusive look at the making of the special, featuring a walkthrough of the NBC soundstage with insights from Binder and others influenced by Presley, his music, and this iconic event.”
In a statement, Binder added he hopes “Elvis fans and music lovers everywhere will have an opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of the King through a unique yet personal lens captured in this content.”
Click here to MALCO website to book US cinema tickets
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis '68 Comeback Special At AUSTRALIAN Cinemas: Great news as the BIG 50th Anniversary celebration of the Elvis '68 Comeback Special hits cinemas worldwide, including Australia announced this week.
Fathom Events, ABG and Event Cinemas are thrilled to bring the Elvis '68 Comeback Special to the big screen in celebration of the special's 50th Anniversary -
A special cinema event on August 17 @ 7pm |
See the iconic television special starring singer Elvis Presley, that originally aired on December 3, 1968. It marked Elvis Presley's return to live performance and re-launched his singing career.
This anniversary event includes the legendary television special, plus an exclusive look at the making of the special, featuring a walkthrough of the NBC sound-stage with insights from producer Steve Binder and Priscilla Presley.
'Strictly Elvis 1976-77' - at the Printers: The long awaited sequel to Keith Alverson's stunning 'Strictly Elvis 1973-75' "Through the lens of Keith Alverson - Volume 2" is at the printers and will be published this month in time for Elvis Week.
Erik Lorentzen notes that it will be around 450 pages.
Featuring a stunning 1,200 photos from 27 concerts including 1,000 previously unpublished images.
The quality of the photos are stunning.
You can order now and get this free poster.
Keith Alverson's STRICTLY ELVIS VOL 2 1976 - 1977
Europe and rest of the world outside USA:
Send € 125 by PayPal to: sales@elvisfiles.no
or visit: www.elvisfiles.no
For US Citizens get direct from Keith Alverson
Send $113,95 (Includes shipping)
To PayPal.Me/alverson52
EIN will be publishing a new interview with Keith Alverson about this book very soon.
(News, Source;EL/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Was Elvis Presley Racist?' Chuck D talks: Much has been made in the past about Public Enemy's Chuck D statement in their song 'Fight The Power' that Elvis was "Straight up racist". EIN has discussed this before however now filmmaker Eugene Jarecki also talks to Chuck D in his new film 'The King'.
“The King” celebrates Elvis as a symbol of the American dream but argues that America is in its late stage Elvis and his period of decline.
Jarecki believes America can save itself, but only by confronting its economic inequality and racism.
When Chuck D agreed to an interview, Jarecki said, he had assumptions about what he might say, based on his lines in “Fight the Power.” But Chuck D surprised him.
Jarecki notes, “I suppose I thought I would get a deep answer. But I could never have imagined the depth of |
Chuck D’s thinking on this matter because I had never heard anyone think so deeply on this matter.
The way he thinks about what racism in that lyric means is far from what a superficial glance at the song might lead one to believe. Chuck has developed a way of understanding his outrage, which is a continuing outrage that any of us should feel about the crimes committed against Black America, and yet at the same time there’s an incredible magnanimity he actually has for Elvis as an artist.”
Chuck D shows that you can come at The King, score a hit, and still have the generosity to separate the artist from "the racism" that boosted his career.
Go HERE to EIN's in-depth spotlight - "Elvis was NOT a Racist"
(News, Source;TheWrap/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Hail to 'The King,' an Elvis movie with a difference: The debate over the new political Elvis documentary The King continues.
The film opens this week in Memphis and the Commercial Appeal reports...
.. Described as "devastating" (Time), "wildly ambitious" (The New York Times), and "a hunka hunka burning zeitgeist" (National Public Radio), "The King" is unlike any of the dozens of Elvis Presley documentaries, dramas, spoofs and pastiches that have preceded it.
Leading moviegoers on a King's Tour of America from inside a 1963 Rolls-Royce Phantom V formerly owned by Presley, director Eugene Jarecki ( known for political documentaries) transforms the milestones of the standard rags-to-riches-to-arrhythmia Elvis biography into the tissue samples of a biopsy on a country in decline.
The film suggests that America, like Elvis, has squandered its potential and betrayed the promise of its glorious beginning. As Harlem rapper Immortal Technique tells Jarecki in the film: "If Elvis is your metaphor for America, we're about to O.D."
Jarecki's "The King" is essentially a filmed essay, with musical interludes and commentary provided by guest artists (Emmylou Harris, Chuck D), journalists (Dan Rather) and celebrities (a seemingly irrelevant but quite eloquent Mike Myers), many of whom discuss Elvis and America from the back seat of the large luxury car, purchased at auction for the production. (Entering the Rolls in Nashville, musician John Hiatt breaks into tears, struck by how "trapped" Elvis must have felt.)
Unlike the recent HBO documentary epic, "Elvis Presley: The Searcher," the film dives deep into the contentious |
issue of "cultural appropriation" and gives a platform to Elvis skeptics and true believers both. Its candor and novelty are refreshing, even if some viewers may be perplexed by a finale that breaks into a frantic rapid-fire montage of post-Elvis images — "Scarface," O.J., 9/11, Barney the dinosaur that seems intended to evoke the nervous breakdown of an electorate that would put a reality television star into the White House.
Jarecki, who is based in New York, said he and his crew shot some 2,600 hours of footage for the film, "and a huge amount of it was in Memphis."
"We took our time in Memphis, it's the epicenter of trade and music between the North and the South. So much comes home to roost in Memphis about the meaning of America."
At one point in the film, Presley biographer Peter Guralnick extravagantly yet convincingly connects Elvis, Herman Melville and the Declaration of Independence. "Elvis is a living metaphor for any picture of America you might want to draw," enthuses Guralnick, suggesting that Elvis embodies the promise of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" that is unique to what a historian in the movie calls "the American experiment."
Said Jarecki: "Elvis is a cautionary tale. If you love him, you don't want what happened to him to happen to us."
Go here for the lengthy article in the Memphis Comm Appeal
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
“Elvis: The Viva Las Vegas Sessions” New FTD Box-set: FTD is pleased to announce the release of “Elvis: The Viva Las Vegas Sessions”. Out end of July.
This is the ultimate "Viva Las Vegas" 3CD set which includes more than an hour of previously unreleased false starts, break downs, and complete takes!
All tracks have been recently remixed and mastered from the original 3-track session tapes.
The 8”x 8” slipcase replicates an original Session Reel box.
Until now it was thought only two takes of the marvelous 'I Need Somebody To Lean On' existed in the vaults but now we get the whole session up to movie outtake #19.
The 28 page booklet includes rare photographs, memorabilia, session data, Movie Trivia, Ann-Margret bio by the late Stuart Colman and Movie overview by Alan Hanson. |
The 3 CDs are housed in a CD carrier adorned by original tape box documentation.
This release is a strictly LIMITED EDITION. Due to manufacturing costs, there will be no reprint. |
1. Viva Las Vegas 2:27
2. Yellow Rose Of Texas/ The Eyes Of Texas 2:57
3. The Lady Loves Me 3:46
4. C’mon Everybody 2:21
5. Today, Tomorrow And Forever 3:28
6. The Climb (planned record version - take 3) 2:44
7. What’d I Say 3:06
8. Santa Lucia 1:15
9. If You Think I Don’t Need You 2:07
10. I Need Somebody To Lean On 3:05
11. Night Life 1:52
12. Do The Vega 2:25
13. You’re The Boss 2:49
14. Viva Las Vegas (take 1) 1:48
15. Yellow Rose Of Texas/ The Eyes Of Texas (take 7) 2:59
16. The Lady Loves Me (takes 1-2) 4:14
17. C’mon Everybody (take 3) 2:48
18. Today, Tomorrow And Forever (takes 1-3, 5 & 4) 5:46
19. What’d I Say (takes 1-2) 4:00
20. Santa Lucia (v.o. take 1) 1:23
21. If You Think I Don’t Need You (takes 1-2) 3:16
22. I Need Somebody To Lean On (takes 1-2) 3:30
23. Night Life (take 2) 2:08
24. Do The Vega (take 1) 2:48
25. You’re The Boss (takes 1-3) 3:34
26. Today, Tomorrow And Forever (2012 takes 1-2, duet) 5:45
1. Night Life (takes 1 & 3) 4:09
2. Night Life (takes 4-8) 3:11
3. C’mon Everybody (takes 1-2 & 4-5/M) 4:36
4. If You Think I Don’t Need You (takes 3-7) 5:09
5. I Need Somebody To Lean On (takes 3-5) 3:58
6. I Need Somebody To Lean On (takes 6-8) 4:42
7. Do The Vega (take 2) 2:41
8. Santa Lucia (track, takes 1-2) 1:55
9. Viva Las Vegas (take 2) 2:50
10. The Climb (takes 1-2 & 4-7) 6:43 |
11. Yellow Rose Of Texas/ The Eyes Of Texas (takes 1-4) 3:58
12. Yellow Rose Of Texas/ The Eyes Of Texas (takes 5-6 & 8-9/M) 5:33
13. The Lady Loves Me (takes 3-6) 4:51
14. You’re The Boss (takes 4-8) 4:42
15. You’re The Boss (takes 9-10) 4:32
16. Today, Tomorrow And Forever (2012 take 6, instru) 3:34
17. Santa Lucia (vocal overdub, take 2) 1:20
18. Santa Lucia (vocal overdub, take 3) 1:20
19. Today, Tomorrow And Forever (movie version, vocal overdub 2016 take 8) 2:38
20. What’d I Say (takes 3-4/M) 5:47
1. C’mon Everybody (movie version, take 7 with overdubs) 2:30
2. Today, Tomorrow And Forever (movie version, v.o. take 10, edited) 1:25
3. The Climb (movie version - take 9, edited) 1:38
4. Santa Lucia (v.o. take 6/M, movie version) 1:14
5. Appreciation (Ann-Margret, take 3 & pickup take 2) 4:37
6. My Rival (Ann-Margret) 2:11
7. Night Life (takes 9-10) 2:56
8. Night Life (take 11) 2:10
9. Night Life (takes 12-13) 2:46
10. If You Think I Don’t Need You (takes 8-10) 4:22
11. If You Think I Don’t Need You (takes 11-13/M) 4:15
12. I Need Somebody To Lean On (takes 9-15) 7:16
13. I Need Somebody To Lean On (takes 16-19) 5:12
14. Do The Vega (takes 3-7/M) 4:25
15. Viva Las Vegas (takes 3-7/M) 5:06
16. The Climb (take 8) 2:53
17. The Climb (take 9) 2:53
18. C’mon Everybody (takes 6-7/M, movie version) 2:34
19. The Lady Loves Me (takes 7-9) 6:37
20. You’re The Boss (takes 11-12) 3:23
21. You’re The Boss (takes 13, 15 & 14) 4:09
22. Santa Lucia (vocal overdub, take 5) 1:26
23. Today, Tomorrow And Forever (movie version, 2016 vocal overdub take 10/M) 2:46
'The King' and the decline of the American Dream: The LA Times recently published a lengthy article on the new Eugene Jarecki Elvis documentary 'The King' in US cinemas now.
The article included the following points....
Eugene Jarecki doesn’t do small stories his previous documentaries focussed on the "War On Drugs" and the US prison system. In his latest film, “The King,” which opened Friday in Los Angeles, the system in question is America itself. Jarecki fashions an associative, collage-like narrative about the meteoric rise and perceived decline of the American Dream – told largely via the story of Elvis Presley.
Sitting behind the wheel of Elvis' old Rolls-Royce the filmmaker zigzags the country from Tupelo, Miss., to Hollywood, picking up along the way an assortment of talking heads – |
Greil Marcus, Chuck D and Ashton Kutcher are among the eclectic crew – who opine on Presley’s iconic power, the politics of race, and the ravages of neoliberal capitalism.
In conversation, Jarecki remained enthralled by his film’s central metaphor. “Almost every movie I’ve made is passionately focused on the state of the American Dream. Who is more definitive of the American Dream than Elvis Presley?”
Though he sees the film as a “loving portrait” of the singer, Jarecki said that the trailer for “The King” has already provoked a “vitriolic and hateful and angry” response. Presley, of course, has been the subject of countless films and documentaries, most of them more traditional than Jarecki’s, including the three-hour “Elvis Presley: The Searcher".
“We delude ourselves a lot about who we are and what we’re up to. We’ve been doing outrageous things all along, alongside beautiful and majestic things, and Elvis
is all wrapped up in that – the beautiful, the ugly, the extraordinary, the pedestrian.”
But Presley isn’t the whole story. “The King” organizes itself around another bigger-than-life figure, one who lords over all the gaudy excesses of our post-democratic society. He is currently the president of the United States, and though he appears in “The King,” Jarecki would rather not refer to him by name.
Jarecki noted, "Even if Trump hadn’t won “The King” would be relevant today, because no country that is healthy could possibly have come close to ending up with this guy.”
“The King” originally premiered at the 2017 Cannes Film Festival under the title “Promised Land.” In the intervening year, the director re-cut it into “a vastly different film,” and despite the erasure of the patriotic-sounding title, he said it’s a decision born of optimism.
“I’m not in the business of doing an autopsy on the American Dream,” he said. “I’m in the business of promoting healthy democracy, if I can."
Go here to the LA Times for the full article.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
'They lost their heads! What happened to Washington’s teeth, (Elvis' wart) and other famous body parts' Book Review: Proving that EIN keeps a watch out for ELVIS in nearly every publication we start July 2018 with Susan MacDougall's review of 'They lost their heads! What happened to Washington’s teeth, Einstein’s brain, (Elvis' wart) and other famous body parts' by Carlyn Beccia.
The publicity notes that.. From the kidnapping of Einstein's brain to the horrifying end of Louis XIV's heart, the mysteries surrounding some of history's most famous body parts range from medical to macabre. Carlyn Beccia explores the misadventures of noteworthy body parts through history and springboards to exploring STEM topics such as forensics, DNA testing, brain science, organ donation, and cloning. The engaging tone, wonderfully creepy subject matter, and delightfully detailed art are sure to capture even the most reluctant readers.
So what has this to do with our Hero Elvis?
EIN book reviewer Susan MacDougall explores this weird book aimed at Children to check out whether Elvis will get a fair representation after all these years...
(Book Reviews, Source;Susan MacDougall/ElvisInformationNetwork) |
Elvis and The Memphis Horns -Graceland Blog: You know the Memphis Horns, even if you think you don't. This magical musical duo, made up of saxophonist Andrew Love and trumpeter Wayne Jackson, played on countless hit songs for decades. The pair played on soul, blues, R&B, country and rock 'n' roll hits, always adding that special Memphis sound to each and every recording.
In 1969 The Memphis Horns found themselves working with a host of stars such as Neil Diamond, Aretha Franklin, B.J. Thomas and Elvis Presley.
Their magical sound features on a wide range of classic LPs and singles from that era, including Otis Redding's Otis Blue , 'Dock OF The Bay', Eddie Floyd's 'Knock On Wood' and Dusty Springfield's 'Son Of A Preacher Man'. The Memphis Horns also played on three of Elvis' hits: "Suspicious Minds," "In the Ghetto" and "Kentucky Rain."
Go here to Graceland Blog, to learn more about these guys, who provided an incredible sound for so many legendary artists, including the King of Rock 'n' Roll.
Wayne Jackson was a good friend of EIN's so please read our exclusive Interview with Wayne Jackson below
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
The Memphis Horns' Wayne Jackson - the EIN in-depth interview; Wayne Jackson has played with all the greats from Aretha Franklin, Otis Redding, Neil Diamond to Elvis Presley. He knew Elvis from an early age, and not only played on some of Elvis' greatest songs including 'Suspicious Minds' but was also a friend & a visitor to Graceland - and he has some great insights into Music and Elvis.
Jackson's distinctive trumpet is recognizable on so many classics such as Otis Redding's 'Dock OF The Bay', Eddie Floyd's 'Knock On Wood' and Dusty Springfield's 'Son Of A Preacher Man'.
Wayne has played on over 300 Number 1 records and still is one of the nicest people you could ever meet.
(Source: EIN, October 2006)
'Elvis - Where No One Stands Alone' New Release: EIN beat Graceland to the official announcement but EPE have now posted....
.. Groundbreaking New Elvis Album features 14 Original Performances of Gospel Songs with Newly-Recorded Instrumentation and Backing Vocals featuring Legendary Presley Alumnae including Darlene Love, Cissy Houston, The Imperials and The Stamps
RCA/Legacy Recordings will release "Elvis Presley - Where No One Stands Alone," a new Elvis album celebrating the artist's everlasting love of gospel music, on Friday, August 10.
Produced by Joel Weinshanker, Lisa Marie Presley and Andy Childs, "Where No One Stands Alone" introduces newly-recorded instrumentation and backing vocal contributions from music legends who'd performed on-stage and/or in-the-studio with Elvis. It also includes a reimagined duet with Elvis and his daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, on the album's title track and spiritual touchstone.
"It was a very powerful and moving experience to sing with my father," wrote Lisa Marie in her notes for the album. "The lyrics speak to me and touch my soul. I'm certain that the lyrics spoke to my father in much the same way."
Background vocalists on the album include: Darlene Love (who first sang with Elvis on his 1968 NBC television special); Dr. Emily "Cissy" Houston (who, with The Sweet Inspirations, sang with Elvis on-stage beginning in 1969); Terry Blackwood, Armond Morales and Jim Murray (members of The Imperials, who sang on Elvis' How Great Thou Art - with the title song winning the 1967 Grammy for Best Sacred Performance); and Donnie Sumner, Bill Baize, Ed Hill and Larry Strickland (members of longtime backup group, The Stamps).
Pre-Order special- EPE / Shop Graceland will have exclusive, limited edition versions of the album on blue 12" vinyl and cassette configurations.
Fans purchasing the CD, exclusive blue vinyl, and cassette together from ShopGraceland.com will receive a limited edition lithograph signed by Lisa Marie Presley. Click here to pre-order from ShopGraceland.
"Elvis Presley - Where No One Stands Alone" provides new musical perspectives on 14 of the singer's favorite pieces of gospel music, from the reverential to the celebratory, with song selections including Presley's |
beloved enduring gospel classics (the 1965 Top 5 smash "Crying In The Chapel," "How Great Thou Art," "You'll Never Walk Alone"), praise-filled gospel-rockers (Jerry Lieber and Mike Stoller's "Saved") and traditional hymns and spirituals ("So High," "Stand By Me," "In The Garden," "Amazing Grace").
Elvis Presley once said, "Since I was two years old, all I knew was gospel music. It became such a part of my life, it was as natural as dancing. A way to escape my problems, and my way of release." It was Elvis'
explosive mix of styles--blues, bluegrass, country, swing, pop--that generated his iconic world-changing rock n' roll, but it was the hymns, spirituals and church music of his childhood, the deep-seated gospel roots that sustained Elvis and his musical vision throughout his life.
Friends and family would often recall hearing Elvis sing gospel tunes at home and to warm up before concerts. "We do two shows a night for five weeks," Presley said in an interview featured in the documentary 'Elvis On Tour' "A lotta times we'll go upstairs and sing until daylight-gospel songs. We grew up with it... It more or less puts your mind at ease. It does mine."
Lisa Marie states in the album notes, "This was his favorite genre - no question about it. He seemed to be at his most passionate, and at peace while singing gospel. He would truly come alive - whether he was singing just for himself and me at home, or on stage in front of thousands of fans."
TrackList 1. I've Got Confidence 2. Where No One Stands Alone (with Lisa Marie Presley) 3. Saved 4. Crying In The Chapel 5. So High 6. Stand By Me 7. Bosom Of Abraham 8. How Great Thou Art 9. I, John 10. You'll Never Walk Alone 11. He Touched Me 12. In The Garden 13. He Is My Everything 14. Amazing Grace
See Below for cheap Amazon Pre-Order prices.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
US Amazon Pre-order
>>>>>>> VINYL
<<<<<<<<< Single CD |
DJ Fontana Obituary and Interview: D.J. Fontana was born in Shreveport Louisiana on March 15 1931 and originally began backing Elvis Presley, Bill Black and Scotty Moore when he worked at the Louisiana Hayride as early as 1954.
By his early 20s he performed at strip joints and spent enough time around the “Hayride” that he was hired full time.
Sun Records Sam Phillips originally assembled Elvis' Blue Moon Boys without a drummer and so it wasn't until the key RCA session of January 10 1956 that DJ Fontana joined the band on studio recordings.
That session produced 'Heartbreak Hotel' and the music world would never be the same.
EIN presents a spotlight on DJ Fontana along with a new interview “I Tell You What, He Loved Gospel Music” by EIN contributor Thomas Melin.
While DJ Fontana created some of the greatest rock'n'roll drumming ever cut on wax he always stated that he liked to "keep things simple" in a way that complemented not just Elvis, but also his other band-mates.
Go here as EIN pay their respects to the charming DJ Fontana.
(Spotlight, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork) |
D.J. Fontana Has Died aged 87: EIN has terrible news as DJ Fontana, Elvis' legendary drummer, has died aged 87.
The last of the 'Blue Moon Boys' has now left to join his fellow musicians - the creators of the Rock'n'Roll big-bang.
Dominic Joseph Fontana passed away in his sleep last night.
His son David Fontana, wrote: “My dad passed away in his sleep at 9:33 tonight June 13. He was very comfortable with no pain. We ask for privacy at this time. Thank you for your love and prayers.”
Fontana, who was born in Shreveport Louisiana on March 15 1931, originally began backing Elvis Presley, Bill Black and Scotty Moore when he worked at the Louisiana Hayride as early as 1954.
Sun Records Sam Phillips originally assembled Elvis' Blue Moon Boys without a drummer and so it wasn't until the key RCA session of January 10 1956 that DJ Fontana joined the band on recordings.
That session produced 'Heartbreak Hotel' and the music world would never be the same.
Fontana's key input would be his solid beat creating the stunning impact on songs such as 'Hound Dog' and 'Jailhouse Rock'.
Elvis, Scotty Moore and DJ Fontana continued to play and record together throughout the 1960s.
Fontana played on over 400 of Elvis RCA recordings as well as appearing in several films.
Lead guitarist Scotty Moore sadly passed away back in 2016.
Original bassist Bill Black died back in 1965 and never played with Elvis' band again following the 1958 break-up.
DJ Fontana was instrumental in Elvis career revival of the 1968 'Comeback Special' although it would be the last time he performed with Elvis.
Of the NBC TV Special Fontana said, "We had a lot of fun doing it. Elvis looked great . . . he was real nervous, but once he started it was like he'd never been away."
"Elvis was just a nice guy, even though he was so young. He always treated people like he wanted to be treated. You know, we worked hard. We just tried to cut good records. But we knew that if it wasn't for Elvis, we wouldn't have done anything."
DJ Fontana R.I.P.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
D.J Fontana Interview: D.J Fontana was Elvis' drummer from 1955 to 1969. Elvis first met Fontana when he appeared at the 'Louisiana Hayride' on October 16, 1954. In fact Fontana became the first person to play drums on the 'Louisiana Hayride' doing so behind a curtain since percussion accompaniment to "real" Country Music was still frowned upon. After joining Elvis' band Fontana played drums on around fifty Elvis recording sessions between 1956 and 1968. After 1969 Fontana became a session musician in Nashville. Fontana also appeared in several Elvis movies such as Loving You and Jailhouse Rock.
Earlier this year D.J. Fontana was still on the road performing in Crowley, Louisiana where he talked about his time with The King.
And in 1998 DJ Fontana was interviewed by EIN contributor Arjan Deelen.
(Interview, Source;EIN/ArjanDeelen) |
'Elvis Presley: The Searcher' October DVD release: As we all hoped the HBO documentary 'Elvis Presley: The Searcher' will be getting a DVD release by SONY Pictures on 16th October 2018.
(How odd that it is not during Elvis Week).
The DVD is noted as being a "Collectors Edition" so hopefully it will contain lots of extras that fans have been waiting for.
"Elvis and Elvis's music pointed to black culture and said, 'This is filled with the force of life,'" noted Bruce Springsteen, "If you want to be an American, this is something you need to pay attention to."
The documentary seizes on moments, rehearsals, outtakes, when Presley's grit and fervor blasted away corniness and shtick. It shows him touching down in gospel music at his bleakest times and, near the end, strains to present him as a spiritual figure. Its finale is from that 1968 TV special: his
wrenching performance of "If I Can Dream," longing for equality and redemption during a year of social turmoil. It shows Presley's passion and control, his visceral drama, his mastery.
The price and content have not yet been confirmed.
We will post more info as soon as we have it.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
The '68 Special - the Anniversary Celebration: How lucky in life would you be to get to the recording of Elvis' 68 TV Special and also make it to the recent 40th Anniversary screening in L.A? EIN's correspondent Joan Gansky is one of those few very fortunate fans. Joan Gansky not only met Elvis multiple times - but being at the original NBC recording of the 68 Special truly changed her life! Here are her unique recollections of attending the recent 40th Anniversary celebration - as well as her thoughts on being there back in June 1968.
This EIN exclusive features comments by Steve Binder, Priscilla, Bones Howe as well as great close-up photos by Paul Gansky.
Click here for EIN's 2008 full article.
(Spotlight, Source;EIN/JoanGansky) |
'The Complete ‘50s Movie Masters And Session Recordings' In-Depth Review: This MRS 'The Complete ‘50s Movie Masters And Session Recordings' 5CD/Book combo pays tribute to Elvis Presley’s complete music recordings made for his movies during the 1950s.
The 5CDs contain the complete works of the master and session studio recordings made for each of Elvis’ movies during the 1950s, and all tracks have been remastered.
The 200-page book focuses on each of the recording sessions held for the four motion pictures made between August 1956 and March 1958.
The comprehensive text is complemented by rare and previously unseen photographs and documentation.
So what surprises will collectors discover in this new set, what is in this new collection that FTD have missed and how good will the audio sound.
Go here as EIN's Nigel Patterson & Piers Beagley provide an in-depth review of this new MRS release
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork) |
UPDATED - COME ON FTD! Let's Speed Things Up A Little!: EIN has very strongly supported the FTD label from the start even though their quality control has slipped at times.
Recently this seems to have got worse, perhaps due to the producers Ernst Jorgensen and Roger Semon's extra work with mainstream SONY releases.
The last couple of FTD live soundboards have notably run slow dragging down the pace of Elvis' performance. This has also been an issue on some previous concert releases.
On ELVIS LAS VEGAS '74' FTD the dates were wrong with the two shows reversed from what the cover indicated.
Do FTD collectors deserve better or should we be happy to have anything released with faults and all?
Go here as EIN contributor & Elvis author Shane Brown investigates.
Now updated with YOUR COMMENTS - Are you a FTD collector - we want to know YOUR THOUGHTS
(Spotlight, Source;ShaneB/ElvisInformationNetwork) |
UPDATED - Elvis Presley: The Searcher (HBO film review): EIN's Nigel Patterson takes an in-depth look at Thom Zimny's documentary film about Elvis and his music.
What Nigel finds will surprise many fans. Discover what's The Good and The Bad about this new documentary looking at Elvis' music.
Is the film a masterpiece (the definitive Elvis documentary), over-rated or somewhere in the middle?
Read Nigel's review here
(Film Review, Source: ElvisInformationNetwork) |
Don't forget that EIN's Elvis Facebook page regularly features fabulous RARE newly discovered photos of Elvis.
This week celebrates our 23,800 members! - including several of Elvis' own friends and colleagues
So Elvis fans don't miss out on these rare and exciting photographs.
Now with over thousands of great photos, News and with more added every day – including YouTube footage.
Click here to Facebook - Elvis Information Network group. |
'The EPE Catalog' Book Review: Bob Pakes' 'The EPE Catalog' presents an A-Z guide, 390 packed pages, with over 1,450 images on every weird and wonderful product that was part of the immensely successful 1956 Elvis Presley merchandise train.
The book contains an unbelievable number of photographs and documents showing how much product EPE tried to flog to the fans.
Anyone want an Elvis Presley hot-plate or some mittens!?
The book is an incredible compendium of how teenage America went crazy for Elvis Presley and the clever exploitation of their teenage cravings by one Col Parker via Hank Saperstein.
Incredibly around 80 different Elvis licensed products in all different colours and sizes were rushed out over this amazingly short period. Elvis Badges/ Buttons including everything from ‘I Like Elvis’ to ‘I Hate Elvis’ buttons, and featured over 18 pages of the book, is just one of those 80 products! It is an intense and fascinating story.
Teenagers in the 1950s were the first generation to really have any spending money and Tom Parker wanted to grab his share!
Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley checks out this fabulous book - with plenty of example pages..
(Interviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)
UPDATED - EIN review ‘Elvis: The Searcher’ Deluxe CD boxset: If your main interest in Elvis is his music then HBO’s ‘Elvis: The Searcher’ will probably become your favourite documentary ever produced about our hero.
The companion 3-CD deluxe edition box set offers an expanded 55-track overview of Elvis’ career as heard in the film including familiar hit recordings, powerful vocal performances and rare outtakes plus a bonus disc of additional recordings relevant to the film - including several early singles that inspired Elvis.
Thom Zimny said, "To live with the music of The Searcher over a period of years was more than a privilege. It changed my thinking about the emotional life of songs, both for those who make them and those who listen to them."
‘Bicycle Rider: Thoughts on The Searcher’: One of EIN’s most insightful contributors George Smith has written a stunning essay on the new HBO documentary ‘Elvis Presley: The Searcher’.
In his review ‘George Smith’ captures the essence of the narrative, Zimny’s production decisions and notes the difficulty of having to create a documentary about Elvis’ music and having to keep it under 4 hours.
His review includes,
“The genius of the documentary though, is in its decision to present Elvis Presley to all viewers in a new and unexpected fashion. For the devotees this is realised through the constant use of new film (professional and amateur) and studio outtakes: it keeps the faithful on their toes and creates the impression of seeing and hearing Elvis anew. This is why Zimny insisted on using the alternative Aloha, the handheld “Trilogy” and “Never Been to Spain”, the “Burning Love” rehearsal, the “If I Can Dream” outtake, the off-air segments from ’68, the non-masters of “Lonely Man”, “Hurt”, “Suspicious Minds”, “Loving You”.. It is a deliberate and clever approach which was much appreciated by this writer.”
Go here to “Bicycle Rider: Thoughts on The Searcher” this is essential reading.
(Spotlight; Source;GeorgeSmith/ElvisInfoNet)
April 6 - 'ELVIS PRESLEY: THE SEARCHER' OUT NOW: The soundtrack to Elvis Presley: The Searcher showcases Elvis' most enduring hits, powerful performances and rare alternate takes, from his early blues and country-influenced recordings to his final 1976 recording sessions in the Jungle Room. The soundtrack is OUT NOW as an 18-track overview on CD or 2LP & a 3CD deluxe version which adds 37 additional Elvis cuts, original score compositions by Mike McCready of Pearl Jam plus songs that inspired Elvis, from R&B and country classics to his mother Gladys Presley singing at home. |
'Elvis Presley: The Searcher' Deluxe 3CD Release:
The 3-CD deluxe edition box set offers an expanded 55-track overview of Elvis’ career as heard in the film including familiar hit recordings, powerful vocal performances |
(“That’s All Right,” “Tomorrow Is a Long Time,” “Trouble/Guitar Man”) and rare outtakes (“Suspicious Minds,” “Separate Ways”), plus a bonus disc of additional recordings relevant to the film - including singles that inspired Presley (Arthur “Big Boy” Crudup’s original version of “That’s All Right,” Odetta’s gospel version of Bob Dylan’s “Tomorrow is a Long Time”) and also features two original instrumental pieces composed for the documentary by Pearl Jam guitarist Mike McCready. - |
3CD Deluxe set priced at around $35 - see updated prices below.
Elvis Presley: The Searcher (Original Soundtrack) Deluxe includes a 40-page book of photos, liner notes by Warren Zanes, and a producer's note from film director Thom Zimny. |
Deluxe |
<< UK Orders |
Largest Elvis Week Ever Expected at Graceland, Memphis, August 9-18: Fans from around the world will gather at Graceland® in Memphis to celebrate and honor the life of Elvis Presley™ during Elvis Week™ 2018 – which will be the biggest Elvis Week in history. Unprecedented concerts, special performances and guest appearances will take place from August 9 through 18 at Graceland’s new entertainment complex, Elvis Presley’s Memphis.
Among the very special guests will be Lisa Marie Presley, who will appear on stage at the Graceland Soundstage on August 15; Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Legend and Elvis’ ’68 Comeback Special performer Darlene Love live in concert, making her first-ever Elvis Week appearance; Gospel and Soul legend and former Elvis back-up singer Dr. Emily “Cissy” Houston, also making her first Elvis Week appearance; Elvis’ acclaimed drummer from the TCB Band, Ronnie Tutt; and many more.
Highlights of the week’s events include a special tribute to the 50th Anniversary of the legendary ’68 Comeback Special, a concert and conversation honoring Elvis’ gospel recordings, a live concert performance with Elvis on the big screen, a special Lisa Marie Presley autograph opportunity and the Candlelight Vigil. Fans will enjoy stories from people who knew Elvis, bid on auction items, and celebrate with special events throughout the week.
Tickets for all Elvis Week events went on-sale this weekend. For additional ticket information, including exclusive Elvis Week packages, visit the Elvis Week ticket page.
Most events will take place at the Graceland Soundstage, a state-of-the-art production and performance space in the heart of Graceland’s new entertainment and exhibit complex, Elvis Presley’s Memphis, directly across the street from Graceland Mansion.
There is limited availability at The Guest House at Graceland resort hotel on select nights during Elvis Week.
Go HERE to EPE's Elvis Week 2018 for tickets and more info
(News, Source;BusinessWire/ElvisInfoNet)
Note that EIN suspects that the 2018 Elvis Week attendance numbers will in fact be "way down" compared to the 40th Anniversary - and with lots of European fans saving money by attending the special "Elvis Week Garden Party" in Randers, Denmark which features a stunning array of guests including, Linda and Sam Thompson, Dick Grob, James Burton, Glen D Hardin, Ronnie Tutt, Alanna Nash and The Imperials. See details below. |
Elvis Week 'Garden Party' at Denmark's Memphis Mansion: Henrik Knudsen is planning a special Elvis Extravaganza for Elvis Week 2018.
For three days August 17-19 European Elvis fans can enjoy the delights of Elvis' friends, acquaintances and musicians without the trouble of flying to Memphis.
This will take place at the "Danish version of Graceland" the Randers Memphis Mansion.
Special guests include Linda and Sam Thompson, Dick Grob, James Burton, Glen D Hardin, Ronnie Tutt, Alanna Nash and The Imperials.
Henrik Knudsen started the Official Elvis Presley Fan Club of Denmark back in 1990 and by 1993 had opened the first Elvis exhibition in Randers.
Memphis Mansion, Graceland Randers Vej,
Randers SØ,
Go to www.MemphisMansion.DK for more info and tickets.
(News, Source;TonyS/ElvisInfoNet)
'ELVIS PRESLEY: THE SEARCHER' OUT April 6: This spring, the three-hour, two-part documentary Elvis Presley: The Searcher will peel back the legend of The King of Rock and Roll to focus on Elvis' evolution as a musician and a man. The Thom Zimny directed feature uses rare footage and new interviews with those who knew Elvis best to share the stories behind the songs that made him famous.
The soundtrack to Elvis Presley: The Searcher showcases Elvis' most enduring hits, powerful performances and rare alternate takes, from his early blues and country-influenced recordings to his final 1976 recording sessions in the Jungle Room. |
The soundtrack will be available on April 6 as an 18-track overview on CD or 2LP & a 3CD deluxe version which adds 37 additional Elvis cuts, original score compositions by Mike McCready of Pearl Jam plus songs that inspired Elvis, from R&B and country classics to his mother Gladys Presley singing at home. |
'Elvis Presley: The Searcher' Deluxe 3CD Release: The new multi-part documentary Elvis Presley: The Searcher, directed by Thom Zimny and airing on HBO on April 14, pushes past the larger-than-life image of The King of Rock and Roll, portraying him instead as a man and an artist “who wanted to heal, to find that thing that was always felt to be missing, and to do it through the music.”
The 3-CD deluxe edition box set offers an expanded 55-track overview of Elvis’ career as heard in the film including familiar hit recordings (“Heartbreak Hotel,” “Are You Lonesome Tonight?”), powerful vocal performances (“That’s All Right,” “Tomorrow Is a Long Time,” “Trouble/Guitar Man”) and rare outtakes (“Suspicious Minds,” “Separate Ways”), plus a bonus disc of additional recordings relevant to the film - including singles that inspired Presley (Arthur “Big Boy” Crudup’s original version of “That’s All Right,” Odetta’s gospel version of Bob Dylan’s “Tomorrow is a Long Time”) and two original instrumental pieces composed for the documentary by Pearl Jam guitarist Mike McCready. - 3CD Deluxe set priced at $40
Elvis Presley: The Searcher (Original Soundtrack) Deluxe includes a 40-page book of photos, liner notes by Warren Zanes, and a producer's note from film director Thom Zimny. |
Disc 1: 1 Trouble / Guitar Man, 2 My Baby Left Me, 3 Baby, What You Want Me To Do, 4 Old Shep, 5 That's When Your Heartaches Begin, 6 That's All Right, 7 Blue Moon Of Kentucky, 8 Fool, Fool, Fool, 9 Tweedlee Dee, 10 Baby Let's Play House, 11 Good Rockin' Tonight, 12 Trying To Get To You, 13 Blue Moon, 14 When It Rains It Pours, 15 Blue Christmas, 16 Heartbreak Hotel, 17 Lawdy, Miss Clawdy, 18 Money Honey, 19 Hound Dog, 20 (There'll Be) Peace In The Valley (For Me), 21 Crawfish, 22 Trouble, 23 Farther Along, 24 Mona Lisa, 25 Hide Thou Me, 26 Loving You (End Title Take 16), 27 Lonely Man (Solo Version), 28 Power Of My Love
Disc 2: 1 Milky White Way, 2 A Mess Of Blues, 3 Fame And Fortune, 4 Love Me Tender / Witchcraft (Duet With Frank Sinatra), 5 Like A Baby, 6 Are You Lonesome Tonight?, 7 It's Now Or Never, 8 Wooden Heart, 9 Swing Down Sweet Chariot, 10 Reconsider Baby, 11 Bossa Nova Baby, 12 C'mon Everybody, 13 Tomorrow Is A Long Time, 14 Take My Hand, Precious Lord, 15 Run On, 16 Baby What You Want Me To Do, 17 Suspicious Minds (Take 6), 18 Baby Let's Play House (Rehearsal), 19 Words (Rehearsal), 20 That's All Right, 21 Never Been To Spain, 22 An American Trilogy, 23 You Gave Me A Mountain, 24 Burning Love (Rehearsal Version), 25 Separate Ways (Rehearsal Version), 26 Hurt (Take 5), 27 If I Can Dream
Disc 3: 1 Mike Mccready - Dissolution 2, 2 The Blackwood Brothers - Satisfied, 3 Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup - That's All Right, 4 Joe Hill Louis - She May Be Yours But She Comes To See Me So, 5 Little Junior's Blue Flames - Mystery Train, 6 Howlin' Wolf - Smokestack Lightning, 7 The Blackwood Brothers - Rock-A-My Soul, 8 The Prisonaires - Just Walkin' In The Rain, 9 Jackie Brenston And His Delta Cats - Rocket 88, 10 The Ravens - Write Me A Letter, 11 Bill Monroe - Blue Moon Of Kentucky, 12 Eddie Snow - Ain't That Right, 13 Johnnie Ray - Just Walkin' In The Rain, 14 Lloyd Price - Lawdy Miss Clawdy, 15 Gladys Presley - Home Sweet Home, 16 Odetta - Blowin' In The Wind, 17 Odetta - Tomorrow Is A Long Time, 18 The Staple Singers - The Weight, 19 The Orlons - Heartbreak Hotel, 20 Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - Wooden Heart, 21 Mike Mccready - Rebound
(News, Source;SONY/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis: The Movies' Book Review: Respected Elvis author Alan Hanson, along with Erik Lorentzen, has just published 'Elvis - The Movies', 432 pages examining all of Elvis' movies and including some sensational photos.
Elvis Presley's dream was to become a movie star, and the dream started well for him. His acting ability developed steadily throughout his first four movies. But, alas, it was the music which first gave him access to Hollywood, that proved the undoing of his acting career. The inevitable result was a long series of films with weak plots in which only the music mattered.
Author Alan Hanson chronicles Elvis' cinematic career, combined with hundreds of stunning photos from Erik Lorentzen's exclusive collection. But how could this improve on all the previous 'Elvis movie' books.
Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley checks out this new deluxe production and includes some of the book's fabulous Elvis photos
(Interviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork) |
'Elvis: Close Up' Boxset Re-Release: The excellent 4-CD set 'Elvis: Close Up' that was originally issued by BMG back in 2003, is being re-released this year as a new compact box-set.
At the time EIN described it as "With a slight emphasis towards the collector’s market, Ernst & the team have come up with a truly sensational follow up. Possibly the best ‘specialised’ box-set yet released!"
With the 4 discs all having a particular theme there isn’t a weak point on any of them. All four discs are packed full of gems demonstrating the power of Elvis’ music while at the same time including rarities that will delight collectors and give all of us plenty of new material to explore. At the time it featured 89 previously Unreleased tracks.
The four themed Discs are
1. Unreleased Stereo Masters from the '50s
2. Unreleased Movie Gems
3. The Magic Of Nashville
4. Live In Texas 1972
Coming out 6 April 2018 from Sony Music Cmg.
Price £23.99 (= US$34) with FREE Delivery in the UK
Click here to AMAZON UK to Pre-Order
Go here to read our 2003 review '25 Essential reasons to get ‘Close Up’ (with Elvis)!'
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
'ELVIS ON TOUR - 45th Anniversary Deluxe Edition' IN-Depth Review: Amiga International's long awaited LIMITED-EDITION boxset featuring 9-CD’s, all remastered, of all known recordings made for the Golden Globe Award-winning concert documentary ELVIS ON TOUR is OUT NOW. It includes the premiere of the complete rehearsal recorded in Buffalo, NY on April 5, 1972, with three previously unreleased performances.
The 13-inch boxset also includes a huge 128-page hardcover book containing detailed essays of the entire April 1972 tour with RARE AND UNPUBLISHED photographs and related memorabilia.
When considering the lack of attention paid to this concert documentary, it seems a shame that so few official releases have emerged. It is for this reason that AMIGA International presents this deluxe package to honor the excellent recordings made for the much neglected "Elvis On Tour" film. |
FTD will NOT end in 2019: A fair number of uninformed supposed Elvis "insiders" (even some Fan Club Presidents) have been publishing fictional stories that the FTD label is planning to close in 2019.
Ernst Jorgensen had strongly denied this story stating, that FTD has plans to continue for the foreseeable future.
In an interesting interview about 'The Future of FTD' - with Trevor Cajiao in the recent ETM&HM magazine - Ernst Jorgensen's main points were....
1. FTD will not be closing in 2019
2. The 'Classic Albums" series is nearly complete but there are more to come, noting 'Aloha' and 'Madison Square Garden' are still to be done.
3. Expanded "complete session tapes" releases are being considered
4. Plenty more soundboards to come
To read the complete story including answers about FTD deletions and other future ideas please read the December issue of ETM&HM.
For what's left for FTD check out our detailed listing
(News, Source;FTD/ElvisInfoNet)
UPDATED - Trying To Get To You: The Truth Behind The Elvis And Roy Orbison Show Rumours: For decades there has always been an unsubstantiated rumour that Elvis Presley appeared as a guest on Roy Orbison's TV show on the local station KOSA.
The Roy Orbison website notes that both Johnny Cash and Elvis Presley performed on Roy’s TV show in late 1955.
Respected author Colin Escott wrote in his book Good Rockin’ Tonight about a kinescope of Elvis on the Roy Orbison TV show actually existing.
Some keen Elvis fans have said that they have seen this very kinescope at Elvis Week shows back in the 80s.
But like infamous Pied Piper of Cleveland does this footage really exist and is there any real proof that Elvis did appear on the Roy Orbison TV show?
Shane Brown (author of Reconsider Baby: Elvis: A Listener's Guide) has done an immense amount of investigation and thinks he has found the answer.
Go here as EIN contributor & author Shane Brown investigates and checks the facts and the fantasy.
(Spotlight; Source;SBrown/ElvisInformationNetwork) |
'Elvis:The Last Movies' FTD in-depth Review: Charro!, The trouble with girls, Change Of Habit, finally Elvis’ last soundtrack recordings are brought together in a cohesive release that works as a companion set for the FTD 7” Classic Album series.
“The Last Movies” contains outtakes and an informative illustrated 16-page booklet with rare memorabilia and photos.
In this period Elvis' voice had matured and the sound of ‘68/’69 was a great musical turning point for Elvis with the NBC TV special and the Memphis sessions. While some of the movie compositions were not as good as he deserved, with Elvis sounding vocally great at this time what does this new Classic Soundtrack have to offer?
The one disc contains previously unreleased material, including "rough mixes" and also multiple outtakes from 'The Trouble With Girls' 'Almost' session.
EIN contributor Ian Garfield checks out this new FTD Classic soundtrack album release....
(FTD Reviews, Source;IanGarfield/ElvisInformationNetwork) |
Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware) - Exposing the Amazon Elvis Book Rip-Off?: From RCA to Sony Elvis' back catalog has long been exploited at the expense of his legacy. The same thing is now happening regarding Elvis book releases!
Through clever marketing, including the use of different (but suspicious) author names and different book titles for releases which are essentially identical; short and long book editions; and coupling the Elvis story with that of other celebrities, a glut of Elvis related book titles (with repetitive text) only available from Amazon are blatantly misleading fans.
Read EIN's findings in our "exclusive" investigative report
(Spotlight, Source:ElvisInformationNetwork) |
UPDATED - 'ELVIS: That's The Way It Was & This Is How It Is Today': Elvis is no longer with us but his spirit lives forever. Elvis fans always discover something quite magical when they get the chance to “Walk-a-mile-in-his-shoes”. Graceland, when not overrun by crowds, feels very special indeed. Standing in the quiet you can almost feel the spirit of Elvis still inhabiting his home. The feeling in Memphis’ Sun Studios can bring fans to tears.
One of the places that Elvis spent a large part of his life is the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel – now the Westgate. Elvis performed a stunning 636 concerts in the Hilton showroom and the impact of his incredible legacy can still be felt. - NOW with more great Hilton photos - plus EIN Readers Feedback.
Arjan Deelen recently returned to the classic hotel to investigate “Elvis Hotspots” and discovered that behind the showroom stage it is relatively unchanged.
(Spotlight, Source;ArjanDeelen/ElvisInfoNetwork) |
Book Review "Reconsider Baby: Elvis: A Listener's Guide": Elvis Presley made over 700 recordings during his life. This book by author Shane Brown examines all of them. Session by session, song by song, Reconsider Baby takes the reader on a journey from Elvis’s first recordings in 1953 through to his last performances in 1977.
This significantly expanded and revised edition of 2014’s Elvis Presley: A Listener’s Guide provides a commentary on Elvis’s vast and varied body of work, while also examining in detail how Elvis and his recordings and performances were discussed in newspapers, magazines, and trade publications from the 1950s through to the 1970s.
The text draws on over 500 contemporary articles and reviews, telling for the first time the story of how Elvis and his career played out in the printed media, and often forcing us to question our understanding of how Elvis’s work was received at the time of release.
Can another detailed examination into Elvis' musical legacy really be worth buying? (Hint, the answer is a big YES!)
Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley reviews the newly expanded look into Elvis' musical legacy, including some choice book extracts...
(Book Reviews, Source,ElvisInformationNetwork)
'Elvis Presley's The 50 Greatest Hits' VINYL 3-LP set: 'Elvis Presley's The 50 Greatest Hits' is the brand new 3-LP set released september 25 in Australia.
Described as "an incredible collection of Elvis' hits highlight his astonishing career.
From the poor streets of Tupelo to world domination via some of the biggest songs ever released, Elvis became the first really global star.
The 50 songs on The 50 Greatest Hits include all the classics, from his first recording at Sam Phillips' Sun Studios, "That's All Right (Mama)", through his hits including "All Shook Up", "Viva Las Vegas", "Jailhouse Rock" and "Can't Help Falling in Love", through to one of his last hits "Suspicious Minds". The album also includes songs taken from Elvis' film soundtracks including "Return to Sender", "Hard Headed Woman" and "King Creole".
Heavyweight triple LP package on 180gm audiophile vinyl, completed with a stylish black & white info sheet."
Available in Australian JBHiFi stores for only AU$80 - AUSTRALIANS click here to JBHiFi to purchase on-line
The same 'The 50 Greatest Hits' VINYL 3-LP set was released in the UK back in 2010 and is still available for £44.79 with FREE Delivery in the UK. >>>
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
More new Elvis Vinyl!
The new Elvis / RPO "Christmas" album is one of the biggest charting vinyl albums this week on pre-order. Selling in the UK with guaranteed price of £20.70 with FREE Delivery in the UK. -
Release date 6 Oct, 2017
Meanwhile 'A Boy From Tupelo: The Sun Masters' VINYL is also selling nicely in the UK at £19.99 on Amazon UK.
Who thought that vinyl would fade away!? SONY Australia will open a brand new vinyl factory next year in 2018!
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
'Roustabout' FTD Soundtrack Review: Roustabout was Elvis' 16th movie, it had been five months since Elvis’ last album session and his publishers had a chance to secure soundtrack material from a variety of composers. Eleven songs were needed and while the carnival theme stopped most of them having any inspired lyrics, at least the composers Leiber / Stoller and Otis Blackwell were included in the selection.
Reaching #1 on Billboard in early 1965, it would Elvis’ last chart topping album until "Aloha From Elvis Via Satellite" in 1973.
53 years after its original release FTD is pleased to announce the long awaited "Classic Album" version of "Roustabout". Packaged in 7" format with a full colour 16-page memorabilia booklet, it contains some previously unreleased material.
So why has it taken FTD so long to release? It was once noted that only the masters had been located in the vaults, so there was not much to include for a “Classic Album”...
Go here as EIN contributor Ian Garfield examines this new FTD soundtrack release and checks out what's new.
(FTD Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork) |
Some of the better Elvis books released for the 40th anniverary:
Mindi Miller Interview with EIN: Mindi Miller was a working actress when she met Elvis in early 1975. She was interested in karate (she performed all her own movie stunts), exploring spirituality and the Bible and so they had a lot in common.
Mindi Miller and Elvis bonded over their common interests and soon afterwards he asked her to go on tour with him in April 1975.
She stayed friends with Elvis through the years - along with members of the 'Memphis Mafia' - and attended his funeral.
EIN's Sanja Meegin recently caught up with Mindi Miller to talk about her close friendship with Elvis over the years.
In this fascinating interview she discusses. . .
- Her first night with Elvis
- How Elvis persuaded her to cancel her overseas movie & modelling plans
- Their mutual interest in Karate
- Graceland and meeting Lisa Marie
- Attending Elvis' funeral . . . and much much more...
Go here for EIN's Sanja Meegin and her intimate and detailed discussion with the delightful Mindi Miller - Now with Reader Feedback.
(Interviews, Source;SMeegin/ElvisInformationNetwork)
'Platinum: A Life In Music' Re-Release OUT NOW: Sony UK has re-released the classic 4-Cd set 'Platinum: A Life In Music'- in a small-book format twenty years after its first release in 1997.
The set chronicles the outstanding career of Elvis Presley (1954 to 1977) from a unique perspective and it includes 100 performances, 77 of which were previously unreleased in 1997. This historic overview traces his development as an artist and emphasizes how Elvis' music always returned to its unshakable core values. This 4-CD box set contains a 48-page book and consists mostly of previously unreleased alternate takes of Elvis Presley's hits.
There is no info on whether this 20th anniversary release includes audio upgrades of all the "77 were previously unreleased takes" which have since been remastered.
The publicity notes, "You probably think you've heard all there is to hear from The King, what with countless Elvis retrospectives, anthologies, and reissues flooding the market. While PLATINUM is far from the first Elvis boxset, it's unique in that it's composed largely of previously unreleased material. Four discs cover every phase of Presley's career, from young Memphis hip-shaker to the Las Vegas era, adding a fresh perspective to each period.
It's both an education and a kick to hear alternate versions of songs as ingrained in the public consciousness as 'That's All Right', and others from Elvis' legendary Sun sessions."
Only £18.53 & FREE UK Delivery on Amazon UK orders (see below)
(News, Source;Sony/Amazon/ElvisInfoNet)
Official Elvis CD Box-sets at bargain prices through Amazon UK |
'Marty Lacker: A Life Well-Lived' & Elvis at American Studio's Interview: It was with immense sadness that last month EIN had to report on the death of our great friend - and a true friend to Elvis - Marty Lacker. We will miss him dearly.
Marty is well-known as one of the key members of the Memphis Mafia and also co-Best Man at Elvis' wedding. He was known for both his honesty and being forthright with his opinions. He was the only member of the Memphis Mafia who still watched and commented on recent Elvis News. He had no issue with holding people to account (especially ones who would inflate their importance within Elvis' legacy) and would regularly ask EIN to add his comments or to correct any inaccuracy.
Elvis fans often ask about Marty Lacker's background, how he came to meet Elvis, as well as his involvement in the music industry outside of working for The King.
As a prelude to Ken Sharp's fascinating interview with Marty Lacker and a discussion about Elvis' famous American Studio' Memphis sessions, EIN presents "Marty Lacker: a life well-lived" in which Marty tells of his life in the music industry, his friendship with Elvis along with his dislike of the over-controlling Col Parker.
Go here to learn all you need to know about Marty Lacker as well as Elvis outstanding Memphis American Sound sessions in 1969.
(Spotlight; Source,KenSharp/ElvisInformationNetwork) |
Marty Lacker RIP : Sadly Marty will no longer be able to answer all your those fascinating questions, but his honesty and openess should not be forgotten.
- Chips Moman (RIP) later thoughts on Elvis
- Being a consultant on 1979 "ELVIS" movie.
- The demonstrations in Memphis this Elvis Week.
- Felton Jarvis as Elvis' Executive Album Producer.
- The Jungle Room sessions
- Elvis might have some illegitimate children
- Why did Elvis never travel to holiday in Europe,
- Is David Stanley, Holy Priest of truth, OR a liar
Go here to 'ASK MARTY' to remember the great man.
(Ask Marty, Source;ML/ElvisInfoNet)
'The World of FTD' In-Depth Review: The new deluxe book 'The World Of FTD' has been received by some lucky fans and Elvis collector Mike Lodge has provided EIN with a very detailed review - of well over 3 thousand words!
The book was authored and designed by Keith Flynn with input from a large number of other Elvis specialists including EIN's Piers Beagley, EM&HM's Trevor Cajiao, Geoffrey McDonnell, Gordon Minto and many others.
It is 1,200 pages, hardbound three book set, chronicling every release by FTD.The book also features 100s of high-quality photos from the collection Erik Lorentzen
KJ Consulting are proud to publish this Box Set which weighs 8 kilos.
Unfortunately the book has not arrived in Australia yet so I have not seen the final product!
Go here to see his very detailed review - plus more new preview pages - EIN thanks Mike Lodge for the review
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
Book Review: A Little Thing Called Life: Finally, Linda Thompson's memoir has been published.....and it has been well worth the wait! Linda's life, not only with Elvis, but with two other global icons and her own amazing career is an engrossing and revealing read.
Inside its nearly 400 pages Linda reveals her life as an individual, as a mother and as a partner. We learn of the similarities and differences between the three.
Alternating between the light, dark and shades of life in between, A Little Thing Called Life is an honest and intimate account of the incredible life of an amazing woman, from the three men who shared her life and her family to the highly successful and varied career that she continues to enjoy. (Book Review, Source: EIN)
Read Nigel Patterson's detailed review
UPDATED - 'Way Down In The Jungle Room' EIN Review: Released for August 2016 this SONY Legacy pack celebrates the 40th anniversary of Elvis’ last recording sessions which took place in Graceland’s Jungle Room.
The publicity noted the sessions “have been newly mixed by Matt Ross-Spang at Sam Phillips Recording” and “includes both outtakes and in-the-studio dialog, providing a ‘fly-on-the-wall experience’ of what the sessions were like".
Elvis' original 76/77 albums were fairly uninspired collections (bar a few fine singles) and on the original LPs it was almost impossible to glimpse any sign of creative input from Elvis through the syrupy overdubs. It wasn't until the release of FTD’s magnificent ‘The Jungle Room Sessions’ that many fans began to understand the raw emotion, close camaraderie and Elvis’ personal feelings that were revealed by these intimate Graceland sessions.
To produce that same kind of revelation for the 'General Public' would be a very tricky project but that is exactly what the new legacy team has done - and to great effect.
Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley discovers the old Elvis magic and what is special for Elvis Collectors in our in-depth review Now Updated & Expanded with Your Comments - James Burton talks about the Jungle Room sessions & more
(CD Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork) |
In Australia - buy this great release for only $23 at JBHiFi click here . delivery only $1.70!
Please Do Not be ripped off by other Australian Elvis shops. |
UPDATED - Paul Dowling EIN Interview Part Three: Paul Dowling is without doubt one of the major names in the Elvis World. He started collecting and selling Elvis vinyl over 40 years ago and has one of the world's largest Elvis Presley record collections. He started his "WorldWide Elvis" shop back in the seventies, way before the internet, where fans could get hold of rare Elvis records and memorabilia.
With such a fascination with Elvis, Dowling not only became a big name in the early years of Elvis bootlegs but later became friends with Ernst Jorgensen and helped RCA with various official releases.
In the final part of our fascinating interview Paul Dowling discusses ....
- Dodging the FBI agents that were sent after him
- Unreleased Elvis material that still hasn’t come out
- Why does Ernst Jorgensen doubt this claims
- His BMG project 'For The First Time Ever' - what happened
- The true story of obtaining the Million Dollar Quartet tape
- His thoughts on Paul Lichter, Sean Saver, Sherif Hanna, Rex Martin
- Spending time with Alan Fortas
- Jim Curtin, newly added story
'Elvis Taking Care Of Business - In A Flash FTD Book Review: Focusing on Elvis in late 1970 and early 1971, "Elvis Presley Taking Care Of Business - In A Flash" is the new FTD Book/CD combo by Flaming Star/FTD.
Produced by David English, Pål Granlund and Paul Richardson, this book presents a detailed chronicle of Elvis’ personal life and public career between the autumn of 1970 and the early weeks of 1971.
It is a hardcover, large-format book with 450 pages that offer detailed coverage of Elvis’ life and career over the important four months from October 1970 to January 1971.
The publicity promised hundreds of photographs, many of them candid and previously unpublished and new and exclusive interviews.
It also comes with a bonus CD with unreleased versions of studio-tracks plus Elvis’ concert in Portland, Oregon on Nov 11th 1970.
Can it really be as good as promised? EIN's Piers Beagley investigates and discovers plenty .. Go here to our indepth review featuring plenty of extracts and wonderful photographs.
(FTD Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork) |
'Ultimate Elvis' New Electronic Edition: Announced by Elvis sessions expert Keith Flynn for publication November 1 is the brand new concept of the 1750 page super-deluxe Elvis sessions book 'Ultimate Elvis' Electronic Edition.
This incredible three volume book will now be available as an e-book on an i-pad or android tablet.
- Created in HTML5
Fully updated e-books will open in any web browser on any operating system, so no need for separate downloads for different operating systems.
- Life-Like 'Flipping' Pages
Flip through pages as if you are reading an actual book, but also being able to zoom-in to view smaller images and captions.
- View as Double or Single pages
View as double pages on a computer or laptop etc, and single pages when viewing in portrait on an i-pad or Android tablet.
- Fully Navigational Table Of Contents
Jump back and forth to the sections of the books you want to read, instead of flipping through numerous pages to find what you want.
PRICED AT - all 3 Volumes for £60 = US$93
On sale from November 1st 2015.
Try Before You Buy -
Download free zip-file containing 27 pages from Volume 1, before you decide to buy the complete set. -
NOTE - These books are MASSIVE so you will need approximately 1GB of spare disc space for these three volumes, -
Click HERE to Keith Flynn's 'Ultimate Elvis' Electronic Edition to try.
Go HERE to EIN's independent review of 'Ultimate Elvis'
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Did Elvis Record 'Tiger Man' At Sun?: A question that has puzzled Elvis fans through the years is whether he actually recorded the song ‘Tiger Man’ during his years at SUN studios.
The basic question is why did Elvis refer to 'Tiger man' several times in concert as “The second song that I ever recorded, not too many people heard it”?
And if Elvis DID record it, then why hasn’t any reference to it at SUN or proof of its existence been found?
Elvis would first perform ‘Tiger Man’ in concert at his first 1969 Las Vegas International season and would continue playing it through the years – usually in a medley with Mystery Train - until his last performance at Saginaw on May 3 1977. He would sing it over 150 times on stage!
The thought that there might be an acetate or undiscovered tape of Elvis at SUN singing ‘Tiger Man’ is a mouth-watering concept - but is it an unlikely fantasy or strong possibility?
Go here to our detailed 'TIGER MAN' spotlight as EIN's Piers Beagley puts in the hard yards to check the facts from the fantasy .
(Spotlight; Source;ElvisInfoNetwork) |
Now available from Amazon USA:
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'The EPE Catalog' Book Review: |
EIN review ‘Elvis: The Searcher’ Deluxe CD boxset: |
‘Bicycle Rider: Thoughts on The Searcher’: |
(Book Review) Counting Down Elvis His 100 Finest Songs (Mark Duffett): |
'Elvis: Murfreesboro '74'' FTD In-Depth Review: |
Book Review: Elvis Presley Concert At Madison Square Avenue In 1977 (Walter Twin): |
'Kissin' Cousins' FTD Soundtrack Review: |
'Elvis: The Movies' Book Review: |
'Elvis: The Bicentennial Show' 1976' FTD In-Depth Review: |
ELVIS ON TOUR - 45th Anniversary Deluxe IN-DEPTH REVIEW: |
'Elvis:The Last Movies' FTD in-depth Review: |
'Elvis: Lake Tahoe '74' FTD In-Depth Review: |
'ELVIS Christmas' with the RPO' - Shane Brown Review: |
'ELVIS Christmas with the RPO' CD 'Double-Trouble' Review: |
'The Million Dollar Quartet’ Book Review: |
Book Review "Reconsider Baby: Elvis: A Listener's Guide": |
'A Boy From Tupelo' 2017 In-depth Review: |
'Strictly Elvis: 1973-74-75' Book Review: |
‘ELVIS: Studio Sessions 1956' In-Depth Review: |
'Roustabout' FTD Soundtrack Review: |
'The Seeker King' - Book Review: |
'ELVIS & The Colonel' Book Review: |
'Elvis In Atlanta' FTD In-Depth Review: |
'ELVIS: Las Vegas ‘74' FTD Review: |
Book Review - 'Elvis: One Night In Toronto'; |
(TV Review) 'Sun Records' CMT (Episode 1): |
‘ELVIS: The Complete Works 1953 – 1955’ Review: |
(Book Review) 'Being Elvis - A Lonely Life': |
'The World of FTD' In-Depth Review: |
'Elvis: Spirit Of Jackson, MS' - FTD In-depth Review: |
'A Vegas Fling With The King' CD Review: |
EIN review - 'Elvis & RPO In Concert' London: |
Jimmy Ellis In The Shadow of A King (Book Review): |
Book Review - Elvis: Truth, Myth & Beyond An Intimate Conversation with Lamar Fike: |
'The Wonder Of You' Elvis with the RPO - In-depth CD Review: |
'The Hometown Shows' FTD In-depth Review: |
'The Death and Resurrection of Elvis Presley' - Book Review: |
Book Review: A Little Thing Called Life' by Linda Thompson: |
'Way Down In The Jungle Room' EIN Review: |
(Book Review) Elvis on Television 1956-60 - new Boxcar deluxe production another winner!: |
'Ultimate Elvis' Book Review |
Latest Articles (Spotlights) |
'The Steve Allen Show' EIN Spotlight: |
Elvis Week 2018 |
'Orgies and Orgasms: Presley in the Press 1956'- an in-depth |
DJ Fontana Obituary and Interview: |
COME ON FTD! Let's Speed Things Up A Little!: |
‘Bicycle Rider: Thoughts on The Searcher’: |
Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware) - Exposing the Amazon Elvis Book Rip-Off?: |
Trying To Get To You: The Truth Behind The Elvis And Roy Orbison Show Rumours: |
'ELVIS: That's The Way It Was & This Is How It Is Today': |
'Money Honey' - EIN Spotlight: |
ELVIS WEEK 2017 - EIN exclusive report |
Exclusive EIN Report: A Night in the Presley Family Apartment: |
'Marty Lacker: A Life Well-Lived' & Elvis at American Studio's Interview |
RPO tours WITHOUT the RPO: Have EPE lost the plot completely?: |
'Secrets and Lies: Getting to the Truth about Elvis' Christmas Album': |
All Shook Up - EIN Spotlight: |
UPDATED - Elvis and the Coco Palms Resort: |
'Elvis Meets The Beatles': |
Did Elvis Record 'Tiger Man' At Sun? |
.ELVIS WEEK 2015. |
Forever Elvis - A 2015 commemorative Spotlight: |
Elvis "Non Stop Erotic Cabaret": |
Elvis London O2 Exhibition EIN Review: |
'Suppose - Did It Inspire Imagine': |
EIN Spotlight on Aloha's director Marty Pasetta |
'Elvis - The UK's 'Most Successful Chart Act': |
FTD "What now, What next, What If? PART TWO ": |
Elvis and the Coco Palms Resort: |
FTD "What now, What next, What If?": |
EIN's 'Elvis Star Track' Of The Week |
Elvis' Personal Record Collection: |
Linda and Sam Thompson in Australia: |
Happy Birthday EIN EIN turns 100 – a retrospective!: |
Elvis Week Through The Years - Sanja Meegin looks back: |
'The Wedding' Elvis & Priscilla EIN special Spotlight: |
John Lennon And Elvis: It was "Thirty Years Ago Today" |
Elvis or Michael Jackson - who is the bigger star? |
Dark Side of the Colonel |
Latest Interviews |
(Interview) Paul Belard talks to EIN: |
- Keith Alverson 'Strictly Elvis 76-77' Interview: |
Dave Hebler Interview Part Two with EIN: |
Dave Hebler Interview with EIN: |
Bob Pakes 'The EPE Catalog' Interview: |
(Interview) Mark Duffett author of the new book, Counting Down Elvis His 100 Finest Songs, talks to EIN: |
Alan Hanson 'Elvis: The Movies' Interview: |
Interview - Elvis On Tour 02 Exhibition - Angie Marchese, Graceland Director of Archives: |
Millie Kirkham - Bob Hayden Interview for EIN: |
"Reconsider Baby: Elvis: A Listener's Guide" 2017- Shane Brown Interview : |
Thom Gilbert EIN Interview: Hasselblad Master, |
Keith Alverson Interview - 'Strictly Elvis: 1973-74-75': |
Red West Interview: RIP |
Sonny West talks to EIN: |
Mindi Miller, Elvis' girlfriend, interview with EIN: |
'Elvis: One Night In Toronto': Paul Sweeney Interview: |
Joe Esposito EIN Interview: |
'The World Of FTD' by Keith Flynn Interview: |
Trevor Simpson talks about FTD Book - "Elvis: His Songs of Praise": |
(Interview) Bill "Superfoot" Wallace talks to EIN: |
Paul Dowling EIN Interview Part Three: |
Go here to EIN's exclusive interview with Wayne Jackson - RIP. |
UPDATED - Paul Dowling in-depth EIN Interview: |
Interview with Caroline Cahoon-Hauser - her encounters with a Young Elvis: |
Interview - Joseph Rene, author of Elvis, The Numbers: |
"Dr. Nick" Exclusive EIN interview: |
EIN Joyce Bova exclusive Interview: |
Jon Abbott pop culture and The Elvis Films |
Bob Hayden author of Lee Gordon Presents Elvis Presley |
(Interview) Anne E. Nixon answers your questions |
Ginger Alden Interview: |
Elaine Beckett -Easy Come Easy Go costar- Interview: |
Shirley Dieu, author of Memphis Mafia Princess, talks to EIN: |
Interview with Dick Grob, Elvis' Head Of Security: |
John Wilkinson Tribute & 1972 Interview: |
Vernon Presley Interview: |
Jerry Leiber Interview for EIN |
Elvis Paradise Hawaiian Interview - with Peter Noone |
Sam Thompson, Elvis' bodyguard, 2011 Interview |
James Burton Interview - Rick Nelson & Elvis: |
Elvis Drummer Jerome "Stump" Monroe EIN Interview: |
Donnie Sumner Remembers his friend Sherrill Nielsen: |
Lamar Fike EIN Exclusive Interview |
Ernst Jorgensen interview about 'The Complete Masters' and more: |
Red West Interview:- 2010 Elvis week special |
Linda Thompson - Interview Special: |
Alanna Nash |
Audio-Visual |
Best of Elvis on YouTube |
Graceland cam |
EPE's Multimedia Elvis Gallery |
Sirius Elvis Satellite Radio |
Elvis Radio (ETA's) |
Elvis Express Radio |
Ultimate Elvis Radio |
Elvis Only Radio |
"Images in Concert" PhotoDatabase |
Radio Interview: Vernon & Gladys Presley |
Sanja's Elvis Week 2007 Photo Gallery |
'EIN's Best of Elvis on YouTube' |
The Music of Elvis Presley - Australian Radio Show |
Reference |
All about Elvis |
All about Elvis Tribute Artists |
All about Graceland |
All about Lisa Marie Presley |
Ancestors of Elvis |
Art Archives |
Book Releases 2009 |
Contact List |
Elvis and Racism |
Elvis as Religion |
Elvis Film Guide |
Elvis Online Virtual Library |
Elvis Research Forum |
Elvis Rules on Television |
FTD Database (EPE) |
Graceland - The National Historic Landmark |
How & where do I sell my Elvis collection? |
Is Elvis the best selling artist? |
Links to Elvis' family & friends |
Links to other Elvis sites |
Marty's Musings |
Online Elvis Symposium |
Parkes Elvis Festival 2009 (Australia) |
Presley Law legal archives (Preslaw) |
Presleys In The Press |
Sale of EPE (Archives) |
6th Annual Elvis Website Survey |
Spotlight on The King |
"Wikipedia" Elvis biography |
Did You Miss? |
50,000,000 Elvis Fans Can't Be Wrong - the most 'covered' Elvis album of all-time |
Spotlight: Elvis Film Posters |
FTD Review: An American Trilogy |
Book Review: Elvis: A King in the Making |
Interview: Vic Colonna - the Dangerous World of Bootlegging Elvis |