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How Elvis Drove America's Mystery Train: For the great rock critic Greil Marcus, Elvis Presley embodied the promise of the Declaration of Independence: better than nobody, nobody better.
Greil Marcus’s Mystery Train has never gone out of print since it was first published in 1974. Plume is re-issuing it this April in a handsome paperback edition, and it’s worth revisiting—or reading for the first time if you’re new to it. Mystery Train isn’t just a seminal book of rock ‘n’ roll criticism; it’s a one of the great books of American pop culture.
In the prologue, Marcus writes, “This is a book about rock ‘n’ roll—some of it—and America. It is not a history, or a purely musical analysis, or a set of personality profiles. It is an attempt to broaden the context in which the music is heard; to deal with rock ‘n’ roll not as youth culture, or counterculture, simply as American culture.” |
Marcus writes beautifully about Harmonica Frank, Robert Johnson, the Band, Sly Stone, Randy Newman, and Elvis. This may seem like a curious mix of artists, but according to Marcus, they “share unique musical and public personalities, enough ambition to make even their failures interesting, and a lack of critical commentary extensive or committed enough to do their work justice. In their music and in their careers, they share a range and a depth that seem to crystalize naturally in visions and versions of America: its possibilities, limits, openings, traps. Their stories are hardly the whole story, but they can tell us how much the story matters.”
In the excerpt below, Marcus captures Elvis a few years before the icon’s death in 1977. Reprinted with permission from Plume and the author, dig this small taste and then do yourself a favor and dive into the book.
—Alex Belth
These days, Elvis is always singing. In his stage-show documentary, Elvis on Tour, we see him singing to himself, in limousines, backstage, running, walking, standing still, as his servant fits his cape to his shoulders, as he waits for his cue. He sings gospel music, mostly; in his private musical world, there is no distance at all from his deepest roots. Just as that personal culture of the Sun records was long ago blown up into something too big for Elvis to keep as his own, so the shared culture of country religion is now his private space within the greater America of which he has become a part.
And on stage? Well, there are those moments when Elvis Presley breaks through the public world he has made for himself, and only a fool or a liar would deny their power. Something entirely his, driven by two decades of history and myth, all live-in-person, is transformed into an energy that is ecstatic—that is, to use the word in its old sense, illuminating. The overstated grandeur is suddenly authentic, and Elvis brings a thrill different from and far beyond anything else in our culture; like an old Phil Spector record, he matches, for an instant, the bigness, the intensity, and the unpredictability of America itself.
He has gone to the greatest extremes: he has given us an America that is dead, and an unmatched version of an America that is full of life.
It might be that time when he sings “How Great Thou Art” with all the faith of a backwoods Jonathan Edwards; it might be at the very end of the night, when he closes his show with “Can’t Help Falling in Love,” and his song takes on a glow that might make you feel his capacity for affection is all but superhuman. Whatever it is, it will be music that excludes no one, and still passes on something valuable to everyone who is there. It is as if the America that Elvis throws away for most of his performance can be given life again at will.

At his best Elvis not only embodies but personalizes so much of what is good about this place: a delight in sex that is sometimes simple, sometimes complex, but always open; a love of roots and a respect for the past; a rejection of the past and a demand for novelty; the kind of racial harmony that for Elvis, a white man, means a profound affinity with the most subtle nuances of black culture combined with an equally profound understanding of his own whiteness; a burning desire to get rich, and to have fun; a natural affection for big cars, flashy clothes, for the symbols of status that give pleasure both as symbols, and on their own terms. Elvis has long since become one of those symbols himself.
Elvis has survived the contradictions of his career, perhaps because there is so much room and so much mystery in Herman Melville’s most telling comment on this country: “The Declaration of Independence makes a difference.” Elvis takes his strength from the liberating arrogance, pride, and the claim to be unique that grow out of a rich and commonplace understanding of what “democracy” and “equality” are all about: No man is better than I am. He takes his strength as well from the humility, the piety, and the open, self-effacing good humor that spring from the same source: I am better than no man. And so Elvis Presley’s career defines success in a democracy that can perhaps recognize itself best in its popular culture: no limits, success so grand and complete it is nearly impossible for him to perceive anything more worth striving for. But there is a horror to this utopia—and one might think that the great moments Elvis still finds are his refusal of all that he can have without struggling. Elvis proves then that the myth of supremacy for which his audience will settle cannot contain him; he is, these moments show, far greater than that.
So perhaps that old rhythm of the Sun records does play itself out, even now. Along with Robert Johnson, Elvis is the grandest figure in the story I have tried to tell, because he has gone to the greatest extremes: he has given us an America that is dead, and an unmatched version of an America that is full of life.
All in all, there is only one remaining moment I want to see; one epiphany that would somehow bring his story home. Elvis would take the stage, as he always has; the roar of the audience would surround him, as it always will. After a time, he would begin a song by Bob Dylan. Singing slowly, Elvis would give it everything he has. “I must have been mad,” he would cry, “I didn’t know what I had—Until I threw it all away.”
And then, with love in his heart, he would laugh. (News, Source: The Daily Beast)
EIN's 'Elvis Star Track': Today we look back at a key late sixties track that, for some reason, was thrown away on a budget compilation.
'Too Much Money Business'
Recorded on January 15, 1968 as a "warm up" to the follow-up 'Stay Away, Joe' session, 'Too Much Monkey Business' was a marvellous continuation of the new country-funk that Elvis has discovered at his earlier 'Guitar Man' session.
Elvis kicked off the session with an old Chuck Berry number. Elvis was in a sensational mood and with Jerry Reed's acoustic guitar and Bob Moore's double-bass up front 'Too Much Monkey Business' had a fabulous vibe. Initially the arrangement was cooler and lighter than the final release and also without the harmonica. Although this was nothing to do with the required 'Stay Away, Joe' soundtrack material Elvis knew this would create a better feeling than at the previous wasted session. First released by Chuck Berry in 1956 the sixth verse lyrics had been "Been to Yokohama, been fightin' in the war" but in 1968 Elvis changed this to the very topical, "Been to Vietnam".
The session tapes reveal Elvis totally involved in the music and arrangement. It is notable that in the past four years of soundtrack recordings there had been nothing as infectious, creative or enjoyable as at the start of this session. This was even more intriguing when you realise they are jamming on an old 1956 number.
Before Take 10 Elvis throws in a few lines of 'When Irish Eyes are Smiling' and makes fun of himself laughing, "Help him somebody. The boy's squirrely!" The simple rhythm session jam of Take 10 is an absolute gem
By Take 14, the master, Charlie McCoy would add extra harmonica and then Jerry Reed would overdub an extra solo guitar. One of Elvis’ most spontaneous recordings it would sadly be thrown away on the Singer 1969 'Elvis Sings Flaming Star' compilation - released October 1968 - which included some very substandard soundtrack album rejects.
Along with the later 'U.S Male' this was spontaneous great music and in January 1968 the sound of Elvis regaining control of his career.
Musically, whether he realised it or not, Elvis had reached a major turning-point and the near future held some momentous recording sessions that would forever change his musical reputation, his career path and his astounding legacy.
'Too Much Monkey Business' is an overlooked Elvis classic. |
Note - last week's STAR TRACK 'So Glad You're Mine' also now updated with YOUR comments. |
ETA, Sherman Arnold, reaches 10,000 shows!: Elvis Presley only lived to be 42, but his legacy will last forever. That's probably why Elvis tribute artist Sherman Arnold is still going strong at 75.
The southeast Michigan musician, who started doing his interpretation of the King in 1955 as a high school student, will celebrate his birthday and 60 years in the Elvis business at 8 p.m. Saturday with a sold-out performance at the Dearborn Heights Moose Lodge (complete with Elvis scarves for the ladies).
Countless Elvis impersonators exist, but there are few who've done 10,000 shows and counting, as Arnold has. Let's hear it for the Elvii (plural of Elvis?) tribute artists everywhere who carry on the tradition of providing a hunka, hunka burnin' entertainment. (Almost Elvis, Source: Julie Hinds, Detroit Free Press) |
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The Blackwood Quartet - Elvis favorite still performing in 2015: Anyone who attended The Gospel Side of Elvis might have felt like they were sitting in the original Capitol Theatre, now known as the Mae Wilson.
The Blackwood Quartet, direct from Knoxville, TN transformed the Moose Jaw Cultural Centre theatre into an era where Elvis was still King and people smoked in theatres.
However, nothing was hazy about the Quartet's performance as they delivered a powerful two-hour set leaving the audience with chills. It's no secret that gospel music was incredibly close to Elvis's heart, and perhaps it's the groups close connection with the man himself that made their show so moving.
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Lead singer of the group, Mark Blackwood, grew up in the same neighbourhood as Elvis. His father Cecil and Elvis even went to the same Sunday School and formed their first gospel quartet called "The Songellas" before Elvis went on to establish himself as the King of Rock 'n Roll. Cecil became a part of the original Blackwood Quartet which was originally called Blackwood Brothers, and the group hasn't slowed down yet.
Now over 80 years and numerous Grammys later the quartet has evolved and is compromised of family and friends of the original band members, including Mark. Saturday, it was the bands first time performing in Saskatchewan and they definitely delivered on their promise to "sing the audience happy."
"We take it very seriously. It's something we realize everyday waking up that we dedicate this life and this music to you," said Mark.
Their voices were pure as they sang versions of Elvis songs in a way many have never heard before. The Blackwood Quartet continue to tour the country, with performances in Ontario next. Otherwise, look out for the group on an upcoming Bob Dylan album where the quartet is currently in negotiations to add back up vocals on a track. (News, Source: Mickey Djuric/Times-Herald)
Not Eminem. Just Emin: Billionaire Azerbaijani pop star Emin, already big in Russia, has set his sights on Ireland.....and his musical influences were Elvis, Elvis and you guessed it.....Elvis!:
Little known but very rich singer from Aberbaijani idolised Elvis. His recent interview ahead of performing in Ireland reveals a fascinating back story. |
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How did you get involved in music? I went to college in New Jersey and started off singing at open-mic spots in bars. I was so dreadful it embarrasses me even now to think about it. Music was always a passion growing up: I used to translate Elvis Presley songs into Russian and sing them at home. Now I’ve had a few multiplatinum albums in Russia I want to have a go at Ireland, the UK and the rest of Europe.
Your father is one of the richest men in the world, and you are married to the daughter of the president of Azerbaijan. Can you be taken seriously as a musician, given your background and wealth? Of course there’s a prejudice against me out there, the fact that I’m not financially dependent on my music career. I’ve struggled with radio play, I’ve struggled to be taken seriously, but then you hear things like RTÉ radio playlisting your new single, and BBC radio making you their song of the week, and you realise that all is not lost. You can have the best recording equipment in the world, the best studio and musicians in the world, but if the songs aren’t there you’re nobody in this industry. Yes, I come with baggage, but all I ever say to people is, “Come to the show and judge for yourself.”
You work in luxury retail. It’s your full-time job. What happens if your career takes off in Europe? Do you ditch the suit and become a full-time pop star? The business thing has always been there. To make some money when I was a student in New Jersey myself and a friend set up an eBay store, selling Russian memorabilia, and that went incredibly well for us, so we were then able to open a physical shoe shop. The fashion scene has a huge interest for me. As regards the dual careers, at the moment I’m getting asked to commit three months to touring and recording, and I usually reply, “I can give you one month.” To walk away from the family business would be a betrayal of my father. There’s only me and my sister, and she has no interest in business. But we’ll see what happens; the next few months in Europe will be interesting.
You’re hardly a struggling artist No, but if people think that this is a “hobby” for someone with lots of money, then they don’t understand all the work that goes into recording, rehearsing and performing these songs. I am very serious about the music, and taking the leap into Europe is a real test for me,and a real test for my songs.
Why are your arms bigger than my legs? I’m also a boxer. You need the power in the arms and shoulders for that. I’ve never boxed professionally, but I box as much as I can. It’s the entertainment industry: you’ve got to be in shape.
You identify as a Muslim. That’s rare in the international pop world I am a proud Muslim man, but I don’t pray four times a day. I believe in one God. I grew up in Azerbaijan, which is a very liberal society. I’m proud of the fact that we were the first Muslim country to give the vote to women. Being Muslim today [means] facing a whole wall of prejudice. Real, unforgiveable wrongdoing is taking place, and the opinion in the West can be, “Well, they’re all in it together, those Muslims. Let’s hate them all.” But then I get the same thing about Russia – that it’s a cold, grey and Soviet place.
Musically, you’d be on the Michael Bublé/ Enrique Iglesias end of the spectrum. Who were your heroes growing up? My heroes were Elvis, Elvis and Elvis! One of my favourite Elvis songs is My Boy, and now that you’ve told me it was written by an Irishman [Phil Coulter] I love it even more.
Emin plays the Sugar Club, Dublin, on May 27th; emin-music.com (News, Irish Times)
Auction of Graceland Too to be repeated: Fans of the Elvis collection stashed at Holly Springs' Graceland Too will have another chance to bid on their favorite memorabilia in May following problems with an online bid accepted during the first auction. "I deal with a lot of estates, and this is not the worst thing that has ever happened," said Phillip Knecht, attorney for the Paul MacLeod estate. "Some people say it is Paul McLeod's ghost getting one last laugh, but a lot of his fans were certainly upset at the auction."
In this Dec. 9, 2009, file photo, Paul MacLeod stands before a poster of Elvis Presley in the antebellum home and a private Elvis Presley museum he calls "Graceland Too," in Holly Springs, Miss.
MacLeod, a lifetime Elvis fanatic, was found dead on the porch of his home early Thursday, July 17, 2014, two days after authorities say he shot and killed a man who forced his way into the attraction. (Photo: Rogelio V. Solis, AP) |
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The auction in January at the MacLeod home ended in less than an hour when its contents sold for $54,500 to an unidentified Georgia man in an online bid.
"He thought he was getting the house along with everything else," said Knecht. "It was not the only problem because they offered to give him the house for his bid, but he said no."
Knecht said the auction is needed to pay off $25,000 in estate debt. Bids for the May 2 auction only will be accepted in person. Most of the nearly 1,200 items will be sold individually, with the exception of a 329-vinyl LP collection, Knecht said.
"It's a great thing for his fans; I hope they all come out. There won't be any chance of one person getting in there and swooping everything out."
One person, however, did manage to leave with an icon the first time around. Holly Springs resident John Stuber secured the winning $4,000 bid for MacLeod's Cadillac with Graceland Too emblazoned on the side.
"I always wanted a pink Cadillac," Stuber told The Associated Press at the time. "I just never knew it until today."
MacLeod, who gave tours for $5 any time of the day or night, died July 17. Graceland Too is not affiliated with Graceland. It's about halfway between Graceland, Presley's last home in Memphis, Tennessee, and his birthplace in Tupelo. Because of that and the fact that it was a common destination for Ole Miss students when bars closed, there were visitors in the log book from all over the world. (News, Source: USA Today)
New "paint splash" vinyl release: Elvis Presley California Fall 1960/1961 Outtakes and Studio Rarities is a visually interesting limited edition (300 copies) 12" vinyl "paint splash" release from the EU. (News, Source: Dodax) 
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Elvis Complete 1956-1962 Albums: "Valentine Records" (H´ART) announced an 8 CD box "Elvis: Complete 1956 - 1962 Albums" with a 20 page booklet for April 2, 2015. It features the standard "Public Domain" list of songs..
CD 1: Blue Suede Shoes - I´m Counting On You - I Got A Woman - One-Sided Love Affair - Just Because - Tutti Frutti - Trying To Get To You - I´m Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry - I´ll Never Let You Go - Blue Moon - Money Honey - Rip It Up - Love Me - When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again - Long Tall Sally - First In Line - Paralyzed - So Glad You´re Mine - Old Shep - Ready Teddy - Anyplace In Paradise - How´s The World Treating You - How Do You Think I Fell
CD 2: Blue Moon Of Kentucky - Young And Beautiful - (You´re So Square) Baby I Don´t Care - Milkow Blues Boogie - Baby Let´s Play House - Good Rockin´ Tonight - Is It So Strange - We´re Gonna Move - I Want To Be Free - I Forgot To Remember To Forget - Make Me Know It - Fever - The Girl Of My Best Friend - I Will Be Home Again - Dirty, Dirty Feeling - The Thrill Of Your Love - Soldier Boy - Such A Night - It Feels So Right - The Girl Next Dort Went A´ Walking - Like A Baby - Reconsider Baby |
CD 3: King Creole - As Long As I Have You - Hard Headed Women - Trouble - Dixieland Rock - Don´t Ask Me Why - Lover Doll - Crawfish - Young Dreams - Steadfast, Loyal And True - New Orleans - Mean Woman Blues - (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear - Loving You - Got A Lot O´ Livin´ To Do - Lonesome Cowboy - Hot Dog - Party - Blueberry Hill - True Love - Don´t Leave M Now - Have I Told You Lately That I Love You? - I Need You So - Jailhouse Rock - Treat Me Nice - I Want You Be Free - Don´t Leave Me Now - Young And Beautiful - (You´re So Square) Baby, I Don´t Care - Jailhouse Rock (Movie Version) - Treat Me Nice (Movie Version) - I Want To Be Free (Movie Version) - Don´t Leave Me Now (Movie Version) - Young And Beautiful (Movie Version)
CD 4: Santa Claus Is Back In Town - White Christmas - Here Comes Santa Claus - I´ll Be Home For Christmas - Blue Christmas - Santa Bring Me My Baby Back - O Little Town Of Bethlehem - Silent Night - (There´ll Be) Peace In The Valley - I Believe - Take My Hand, Precious Lord - It Is No Secret - His Hand In Mine - I´m Gonna Walk Dem Golden Stairs - In My Father´s House - Milky White Way - Known Only To Him - I Believe In The Man In The Sky - Joshua Fit The Battle - He Knows Just What I Need - Swing Down, Sweet Chariot - Mansion Over The Hilltop - If We Never Meet Again - Working On The Building
CD 5: Tonight Is So Right For Love - What´s She Really Like - Frankfort Special - Wooden Heart - G. I. Blues - Pocketful Of Rainbows - Shoppin´ Around - Big Boots - Didja´ Ever - Blue Suede Shoes - Doin´ The Best I Can - Blue Hawaii - Almost Always True - Aloha Oe - No More - Can´t Help Falling In Love - Rock-A-Hula Baby - Moonlight Swim - KU-U-I-Po - Ito Eats - Slicin´ Sand - Hawaiian Sunset - Beach Boy Blues - Island Of Love - Hawaiian Wedding Song
CD 6: Hound Dog - Loving You - All Shook Up - Heartbreak Hotel - Jailhouse Rock - Love Me - Too Much - Don´t Be Cruel - That´s When Your Heartaches Being - (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear - Love Me Tender - Treat Me Nice - Anyway You Want Me - I Want You, I Need You, I Love You - I Need Your Love Tonight - Don´t - Wear My Ring Around Your Neck - My Wish Came True - I Got Stung - One Night - A Big Hunk O´ Love - I Beg Of You - (Now And Then There´s) A Fool Such As I - Doncha´ Think It´s Time
CD 7: There´s Always Me - Give Me The Right - It´s A Sin - Sentimental Me - Starting Today - Gently - I´m Comin´ Home - In Your Arms - Put The Blame On Me - Judy - I Want You With Me - I Slipped, I Stumbled, I Fell - That´s All Right - Lawdy, Miss Clawdy - Mystery Train - Playing For Keeps - Poor Boy - My Baby Left Me - I Was The One - Shake, Rattle And Roll - I´m Left, You´re Right, She´s Gone - You´re A Heartbreaker
CD 8: Kiss Me Quick - Just For Old Time Sake - Gonna Get Back Home Somehow - (Such An) Easy Question - Steppin´ Out Of Line - I´m Yours - Something Blue - Suspicion - I Feel Thet I´ve Known You Forever - Night Rider - Fountain Of Love - That´s Someone You Never Forget - Girls! Girls! Girls! - I Don´t Wanne Be Tied - Where Do You Come From - I don´t Want To - We´ll Be Together - A Boy Like Me, A Girl Like You - Earth Boy - Return To Sender - Because Of Love Thanks To The Rolling Sea - Song Of The Shrimp - The Walls Have Ears - We´re Comin´ In Loaded (News, Source: Elvis News/ElvisClubBerlin)
For more Elvis CD News visit EIN's comprehensive listing of 2015 releases
Whitby columnist, Andy Merey, on Elvis' shaky film career: When home video came into being, Elvis Presley movies were a dime a dozen, and then eventually tired out and worn out after repeated, nondescript releases.
In recent times they are not as easily accessible and at least one of them, Loving You (1957), reportedly has been pulled out of circulation, creating a newfound supply and demand for unique Elvis movies.
Opposite: Anne Helm, Elvis and Arthur O'Connell in the 1962 film, 'Follow that Dream'.
Whitby columnist Andy Merey describes it as a "worthwhile effort," but notes the quality of Elvis's movies was soon to decline. |
Currently, there are several home video outfits specializing in the classics. They fiercely compete with one another in the rush for first time Blu-ray acquisitions, consequently aiming for product that is more attractive to the consumer. However, even though Elvis’s theatrical movies started out fairly well during the early years in terms of quality projects, by the mid-60s they were reduced to a mediocre level, lacking in any sense of production values. Not even Blu-ray can salvage anything of merit from this cluster of Elvis’s movie catalogue.
The current release of Follow That Dream (1962) by expert Twilight Time points to good rejuvenation of packages, sans those aforementioned terrible pictures which are a challenge to just sit and watch.
With Twilight Time taking the lead, here are the best of Elvis’s pictures that deserve to be unveiled yet once more to home video, but this time in HD Blu-ray, and hopefully combined with some interesting extras and allocated with high standards all around.
Love Me Tender (1956): Elvis’s first movie just barely makes the ‘A’ list. He is understandably a little bit uneasy as Clint Reno in this Civil War yarn. The only picture in which Elvis did not receive top billing.
Loving You (1957): Lizabeth Scott, whom we lost Jan. 31 at age 92, plays a publicist geared to promote and guide Elvis towards fame and fortune. Elvis’s first color movie features a clip of his parents in the audience during a song performance.
Jailhouse Rock (1957): Cited as his best movie in some quarters, there is no denying Jailhouse Rock presents Elvis in outstanding form as a rock star. Song highlights: Jailhouse Rock, Treat Me Nice and (You’re So Square) Baby I Don’t Care.
King Creole (1958): Before Uncle Sam nabbed him, Elvis’s film roles kept getting better and better. Here he plays a nightclub singer trying hard not to fall into the trap of the criminal underworld. It is said that his acting shone especially when surrounded by top talent. In this case, director Michael Curtiz (best known for directing Casablanca – 1942) extracted fine acting skills from Elvis, who said this was his favorite of all the pictures he made. Song highlights: King Creole, Hard Headed Woman and Crawfish.
Flaming Star (1960): Now back from the army, a great outcome for Elvis under the guidance of director Don Siegel (Dirty Harry, 1970), coupled with good supporting cast members that included Barbara Eden and Steve Forrest.
Blue Hawaii (1961): As with all of Elvis’s movies, Blue Hawaii served to promote his songs. Elvis’s ever popular Can’t Help Falling In Love is featured here. Blue Hawaii was extremely successful for him but it began to show cracks of things to come in the quality control department. Still, it is pleasant enough; laid back entertainment.
Follow That Dream (1962): Another worthwhile effort from ‘The King’, about homesteaders looking to settle down in Florida. Director Gordon Douglas and several veteran supporting actors such as Arthur O’Connell and Simon Oakland significantly complemented his work. Song highlights: Follow That Dream, Angel and Sound Advice.
Kid Galahad (1962): Elvis is a boxer in this winning streak of entertaining venues. However, it also marked the end of his best years in the movies and the beginning of what some refer to as “The Lazy Years.” By the end of the decade, Elvis said goodbye to Hollywood and moved on to new recording projects and documentaries.
Andrew Merey is a Whitby resident who’s interested in music and movie history. He has contributed articles to This Week since 2003. You can reach him at amerey@rogers.com. (News, Source: pinterest.com)
EIN Comment: Andy Merey's observation on the quality of Elvis' film output in the mid 60s is valid. However, a number of Elvis' final films in the late 60s (which were very different in style and narrative to his "travelogue" films), have cinematic merit.
Coincidentally, earlier this month Al Fleming, who worked behind the scenes on Follow That Dream, released his book, Following that Dream from Elvis to Hollywood - see Amazon link below
For more on Elvis' film career visit EIN's comprehensive Celluloid Elvis section
Priscilla Presley named Horsewoman of the Year: Priscilla Presley was named 2014 Humane Horsewoman of the Year by The Humane Society of the United States at a ceremony held during the Winter Equestrian Festival at the Palm Beach International Equestrian Center in Wellington, Florida. The award recognizes Presley’s dedication to ending the cruel practice of “soring,” which involves the use of chemicals and other devices to inflict pain on the legs and hooves of Tennessee walking horses to produce a high-stepping gait for competitions.
Each year, The HSUS offers the award to an individual who demonstrates an outstanding commitment to protect America’s equines. Ending horse soring is one of the organization’s top priorities, along with other campaigns to protect equines from cruelty, neglect and slaughter. (News, Source: Elvis Matters) |
Pennsylvannia Starwatch - Orion or Elvis? Both stories work: Without a doubt, the constellation Orion the Hunter is probably the most recognized constellation in our night sky.
You may think the Big Dipper is the most recognized, but it's not officially a constellation. It's actually the bright part of the much larger constellation Ursa Major, the Big Bear. The Big Dipper outlines the rear and tail of the bear that's rising in the northeast sky during these midwinter evenings.
Orion the Hunter is without a doubt my favorite constellation, shining stately in the south-southeastern sky with its three bright stars outlining the hunter's belt.There are also many other bright stars and constellations that surround Orion, and after 8 p.m., they're all high enough above the southeastern horizon to enjoy. I like to call that part of the sky "Orion and his Gang."
In most of the western world, we use the Greek and Roman titles and mythology for the constellations, but there's nothing set in celestial stone that says you have to. I break the rules all the time.
For example, the Greek interpretation of the constellation Pegasus the Winged Horse, now flying above the western horizon, is classically seen as a horse flying upside down with puny wings. At my star parties, I show him as a horse flying right side up with huge wings. That's what he really looks like, as far as I'm concerned.
I bring this up because at my star parties, I sometimes show Orion as a hunter, the king of the constellations, but I've also shown him as Elvis Presley, the King of Rock and Roll. In the classic interpretation, Orion the Hunter is holding up a club in one hand and a lion by the scruff of his neck in the other. Orion as Elvis (preferably the older Elvis of the 1970's), is holding up a microphone in one hand and is holding off all his fans with other. You can see that, can't you? In both cases, the hunter and Elvis are sporting a bright belt with three sequins made by the three stars in a row.
Elvis is also way over-glittered with a really gaudy, bright, reddish sequin on his right shoulder, the bright star Betelgeuse, and an equally bright blue stone on the inside of his left shoe, the equally bright bluish star Rigel. Is Rigel his blue suede shoe?
In real astronomical life, Betelgeuse is known as a huge super red giant star that at times pulses out to nearly a billion miles in diameter. Our sun isn't even one million miles in girth. Betelgeuse shines at us from about 640 light years away; one light year equaling nearly six trillion miles. Rigel is nearly sixty million miles in diameter and more than 770 light years away. Rigel's claim to fame is that it cranks out about 130,000 times more light than our sun. That's quite a sequin on his blue suede shoe.
In the classic Greek interpretation, Orion the Hunter has two hunting dogs, a big one and a small one. The big dog is outlined in the constellation Canis Major to the lower left of Orion. The bright star Sirius, the bright star we can see in the night sky any time of the year, marks the nose of the hound.
Remember one of Elvis's early hits, "You Ain't Nothing But a Hound Dog"? Well, that hound dog takes the place of Canis Major as Elvis's pesky hound. In both Canis Major and Elvis's hound dog, the big pooch is standing on its hind legs with the star Sirius marking the canine's snout.
In "You Ain't Nothing But a Hound Dog," Elvis accuses that hound of never catching a rabbit and not being a friend of his. Well, guess what? That hound dog is chasing a rabbit across the sky, the faint constellation Lepus the Hare to the right of Canis (the hound) Major. As you can see in the diagram, the hound dog is stlll quite a ways from the hound's jaws, and it doesn't look like he'll catch up anytime soon.
Strap on your blue suede shoes, hopefully well-insulated, and head outside to see the King of Rock and Roll in the heavens. Don't just hang around the Heartbreak Hotel. (Mike Lynch is an amateur astronomer and author of the book, "Stars, a Month by Month Tour of the Constellations." Contact him at mikewlynch@comcast.net.) (News, Source: Republican Herald)
9th Annual Branson Elvis Festival this weekend: The 9th Annual Branson Elvis Festival will be held at Dick Clark's American Bandstand Theater this weekend, March 27th - 29th , 2015. The highlight of the festival, the Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest, will take place on Saturday, March 28th at 7 p.m. This contest is one of a select few tribute competitions sanctioned by Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. ...........(Opp: William Styles)
The winner of the Branson contest will receive a prize package and the opportunity to compete in The 2015 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest finals presented by Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. The finals will be held August 8-16 in Memphis, Tennessee during Elvis Week. |
The Branson Elvis Festival includes several exciting events:
- Elvis Meet & Greet Dinner on Friday, March 27th at 5 p.m. at Dick Clark's American Bandstand Grill. Call the box office (417-339-3003) for reservations as "family style seating" is limited.
- At 10:15 pm on March 27th and 28th, Elvis Contestant Karaoke will take place at Club 57. Tickets for both nights will be available at Legends box office beginning March 1st, and are $5 plus tax. Limited space available!
- The Elvis Vendor Village will take place in Dick Clark's American Bandstand Theater lobby from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. on Saturday, March 28th. Vendors from across the country will be selling unique Elvis merchandise.
- We're excited to announce a new event this year. On Saturday March 28th, the Junior and Senior Youth Division Elvis Contests for kids (ages 5-18) will take place at 10:00 AM on the Legends in Concert stage. A $25 entry fee and registration is required. Call 417-339-3003 x 3015 to request more information on this event, or email tbailey@legendsinconcert.com.
- Tickets for the 7:00 pm Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest on March 28th are $30.55 plus tax/svc fee for regular seating and $35.55 plus tax/svc fee for preferred and VIP balcony seating. Special pricing for children and locals is available. Tickets may be purchased by calling the Legends in Concert box office at 417-339-3003. Guests can enjoy dinner and cocktail service provided by Dick Clark's American Bandstand Grill in the VIP overlook while enjoying the show.
- Join us Sunday, March 29th for Branson Gospel Sunday at the Hamner Variety Theater at 10 a.m. Enjoy some of Elvis' favorite gospel numbers. Free to the public.
For festival information and updates, visit www.bransonelvisfestival.com.
Coroner rules on death of British Elvis fan in hit and run incident in Memphis: An Elvis fan from Pembrokeshire died after being hit by a car in Memphis, Tennessee, a Milford Haven inquest has heard.
Andrea Ahmed, 54, was on her way to catch a bus in the early hours when she was struck by the car. The driver did not stop after the incident on 17 May, 2014 and Ms Ahmed died two days later in hospital.
Coroner Mark Layton recorded an open conclusion due to a lack of information about Ms Ahmed's death. The coroner for Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire said: "There is simply insufficient information available to me to fully consider the circumstances of her death.
"Whilst it is clear that contact with the vehicle was responsible for her injuries, the precise circumstances are unknown." (News, Source: BBC News) |
.......Coming Soon to EIN.......
We recently received a "Preview Copy" of Elvis author/researcher, Peter Robert Hayden's new book:
Lee Gordon Presents Elvis Presley.....
In what is the first volume of a trilogy, Bob Hayden provides a detailed examination of the Elvis shows promoter Lee Gordon staged throughout 1957......Elvis' historic performances in Canada and his US tours.
Volume 1 is full of wonderful archival material, fan recollections, reviews and rare photos which bring Elvis' live performances and the behind-the-scenes politics vividly to life. EIN will publish its full review shortly.
Email the author for purchasing details
(EIN apologises for the low grade scan but our scanner decided to malfunction) |
Thursday 26 March 2015 - - - 2nd News Update - - - |
'Rock Around The Bloch' FTD Book Out Now: Fifty four years ago yesterday, Elvis Presley helped raised money and directed much-needed attention to the stalled efforts to build the USS Arizona Memorial. The FTD Book/CD combo celebration of this fabulous show 'Rock Around The Bloch' by David English and Pal Granlund which features first-hand accounts from people who were there, newspaper articles from the time, numerous photographs and much more - is Out Now.
On March 25, 1961, the 26-year-old Presley took the stage to an arena packed with 4,000 frenzied, screaming fans who paid anywhere from $3 to $100 a ticket.
Presley performed 15 songs that night, including "Heartbreak Hotel," "All Shook Up," "I Got A Woman," "I Need Your Love Tonight," "Don’t Be Cruel," "Are You Lonesome Tonight," and "Swing Down Sweet Chariot." He ended the show with a rousing performance of "Hound Dog, which included a slide across the stage on his knees.
The concert raised about $54,000, and public and private donations poured in following the show, which received heavy publicity across the country.
The USS Arizona Memorial was dedicated the following year on Memorial Day – May 30, 1962. The gleaming, white, open-air structure straddles the Arizona’s sunken hull, where 1,177 lives were lost. In all, some 2,400 sailors, Marines and soldiers were killed in the attack on Dec. 7, 1941.
Go to the 'Rock Around The Bloch' facebook page for more pics and info
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
The Elvis Files Vol. 7 1974 - 77: The seventh and final volume of the Elvis Files story chronicles Elvis' years on tour through the USA, the final Las Vegas and Lake Tahoe seasons through to Elvis' last powerful New Year's Eve concert and finally to the last sad few months of 1977.
Features all ELVIS EVENTS in this Time Frame 1974-1977...
- Every Working Moment...
- The Last Seventies Tours
- The Las Vegas and Lake Tahoe Seasons
- Plenty of CANDID Moments
- The Last Recording Sessions
- Plus plenty of previously Unpublished Photos.
The Cover is not finalised.
The book is planned for AUGUST 2015 publication.
(News, Source ;ElvisInfoNet) |
When Elvis Got Drafted, So Did His Hair: Fifty-seven years ago, March 24 1958, is a memorable day in Elvis history as it was this day that he had to report to be inducted into the Army. His legions of fans weren't exactly taken by surprise. It had been early 1957 when TIME reported that he was likely to go.
... Driving up to a Memphis induction center in his li'l ol' unpretentious cream-colored Cadillac, Dreamboat Groaner Elvis Presley, a hulking 21, went bravely inside, peeled off his inconspicuous scarlet and black jacket and other trappings, permitted medicos to examine him. The doctors' verdict: a fine broth of a lad, pelvis and all, eligible for drafting-probably to serve in some special services division, tote some such gone weapon as a guitar. Before rolling off in his Caddie, Elvis allowed that the intelligence test he had taken was a breeze. Groaned the bobby-soxers' golden calf: "Di'nt seem hard a't'all. Ah'm sure Ah passed!" (He did.)
But the big question wasn't whether he would pass the test. The big question was what the Army would do about his hair.
About a month after Presley was declared draft-eligible, lawmakers like New Jersey Senator Clifford Case were investigating, on their constituents' behalves, whether the singer could get an exemption to buzz-cut regulations that would allow him to keep his sideburns and pompadour. Though the Army did not make an official statement on the matter, officials did declare that he would not receive any special treatment.
The singer was originally ordered to report for a draft-board physical on Jan. 20, 1958, but he ended up getting a "hardship deferment" in order to finish making a movie. (The hardship was the studio's, which had already invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in the picture, |
not his own.) He finally reported to the Army in March - but, by then, the hair question had already been at least partially resolved.
As TIME reported late that February, he "jumped the clippers by getting a 'normal' haircut that shortened his sideburns a good inch, left him still looking much too dreamy for the Army."
And that was that. When Sergeant Presley's two years of service ended, he announced that, though he would return to rock 'n' roll, his sideburns were gone for good.
His next film would be the family-friendly G.I.Blues and its massive success meant that nothing would be the same again. The Rebel Rocker was truly gone.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Man shares story of friendship with Elvis: Johnny Lang, a metro Detroiter, went from a fan to a friend of "The King". He not only spent ten days with Elvis on the boat travelling to his army service in Germany but also met Priscilla on the dance floor.
Elvis also gave him an expensive Alpha watch which he still owns.
Johnny Lang now 79 is still as enthusiastic as ever about his friend Elvis.
Go here for the three minute new video from WDIV Detroit.
(News, Source;WDIV/ElvisInfoNet)
New "Wrecking Crew" Documentary: The LA based super-session-group "The Wrecking Crew" were the musical muscle behind the stars — the session musicians who made the pop icons of the '60s and early '70s sound great — but who were unknown to the general public. Now a long-awaited documentary takes an intimate look at their story.
They worked with Elvis on later LA sessions such as the 'Live A Little, Love A Little' and 'Charro!' as well as the "NBC TV Special" although members such as super drummer Hal Blaine and guitarist Tommy Tedesco would work with Elvis on sessions throughout the sixties.
The Wrecking Crew was a group of 15 to 35 session musicians backing the largest musical stars of the 1960s to early '70s, often coming up with the hooks and riffs that made a song a hit. |
So dubbed, because the older session players feared these young upstarts would "wreck" the music business, they played across musical genres and acts including Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra, The Monkees, The Byrds, The Beach Boys, The Mamas & the Papas, Simon & Garfunkel and were famous for Phil Spector's "Wall of Sound". During that time, the Wrecking Crew played on six consecutive Grammy Award Record of the Year recordings. In those days, session players were not credited on albums, so they were known only to the industry.
A new documentary, The Wrecking Crew released this month glimpses the talents and creative process of these musicians, and takes audience on an insider’s journey through the early days of rock and roll. The film features interviews with such Crew members as drummer Hal Blaine, bassist Carol Kaye, saxophonist Plas Johnson, and pianist Don Randi, as well as celebrities like Cher, Herb Alpert, Nancy Sinatra, Brian Wilson, and Glen Campbell, a Crew member before he became a star. Produced and directed by Denny Tedesco, a veteran TV producer and son of the legendary late Wrecking Crew guitarist Tommy Tedesco, it is as much of a son’s tribute to his father as it is a remembrance of a musical phenomenon likely never to be repeated.
"In those days, in the early '60s, you only had one track. These guys were a necessity for the business. Nowadays, you could spend all day long doing that solo, because you could do it at home, it’s not costing them anything."
Tommy Tedesco's son began this project 20 years ago as a way to honor and remember his father after he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. "The only reason this film is here is because of the people who love this music and these musicians," says Tedesco. "They saw the film and donated. That was the hardest thing, explaining to film distribution companies, 'You don’t see this film with audiences.'"
Go HERE to the Wrecking Crew movie website for more info
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Latest Billboard Album Charts: The feeling of love continues with 'Heart And Soul' being the only Elvis album in the Billboard charts for w/e 28th March, 2015.
'Heart And Soul' drops from 16 to 17 on the Billboard Country Catalog Album Chart for w/e 28th March, 2015.
Elvis has no other entries on the Billboard Charts.
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNet) |
Songwriter Don Robertson Dead at 92: Composer Don Robertson died last week March 16, aged 92 - Elvis recorded 14 of his songs. Robertson was a Grammy nominated writer and a member of the Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame, pianist, singer and former recording artist for Capitol Records, RCA Victor and Monument Records.
Robertson had a world-wide million selling record on Capitol Records in 1956 with 'The Happy Whistler' and was a profilic composer. There are over 700 different renditions of his songs to date. Including 'I Really Don't Want To Know' by both Elvis and Eddy Arnold.
Don is credited with originating the piano style known the "Slip-Note" style made popular by Floyd Cramer. He also recorded as a singer and pianist for RCA Victor and Capitol Records as well as being a background keyboard player on recordings with Elvis Presley, Nat King Cole, Duane Eddy, Al Martino and many others.
Other compositions of his recorded by Elvis were, 'There's Always Me', 'Anything That's Part Of You', 'I Met Her Today', 'I'm Counting on You', 'No More, and 'Love Me Tonight'. |
Back in 1997 Don Robertston talked to Gordon Minto about working with Elvis…
"Elvis was highly professional and really remarkable from one stand point, and that was his patience and generosity with the other people in the studio. I don't know how he was on other sessions, but on this one he would consistently put in excellent performances and they frequently would have to stop because someone had made a mistake in the booth, or a musician or back-up singer goofed, or whatever. And in good spirits he would say, "Let's do another one". Then he'd do another great vocal. We'd do take after take, sometimes five or six of them, and they were almost all good on his part. And yet he didn't blow up at anybody. I was amazed. This was before over-dubbing was in fashion, it was all done live. Elvis was great to work with.
In the studio Elvis was definitely in charge. But he would listen to other people. In fact I remember after we got through rehearsing 'They Remind Me Too Much Of You' - he said to me, "Don, have you got any suggestions?" I actually did but I felt that they had already gone so far with it. But Elvis was open to whatever suggestions I had. What more could a writer ask for?" -- RIP - Don Robertson 1922 - 2015
In 1972, he was inducted into the Nashville Songwriter's Hall of Fame.
Back in 2003 EIN reviewed his CD "Songs for Elvis."
(News, Source;GMinto/ElvisInfoNet) |
Monday 23 March 2015 - - - 2nd News Update - - - |
EIN's 'Elvis Star Track': Today we look back at the fifties and feature a track that, for some reason, was left off Elvis' first album.
'So Glad You're Mine'
Recorded at the RCA session arranged for his first LP, Elvis was enthused about recording another Arthur Crudup composition. That morning he had already polished off 'Blue Suede Shoes' before recording Crudup's 'My Baby Left Me'. The afternoon started with the Steve Sholes supplied 'One Sided Love Affair' but this was Elvis' selection and more of his scene.
Elvis recorded 'So Glad You're Mine' on January 30, 1956 but the original was from a decade earlier, a slow Delta Blues recorded by Arthur Crudup for RCA Victor in 1946.
Elvis felt an affinity with Crudup's blues as not only were they both from Mississippi but Elvis' first success was his re-working of Crudup's 'That's All Right'. The lyrics were deliciously playful, "My baby's long and tall, shaped like a cannonball. Say every time she loves me, Lordy you can hear me squall.." Fans all knew why Elvis was "squalling" and she was going "Ooo-wee" and it was exactly what Middle-America so disliked about this new rebellious pop star!
The original was a slow blues but Elvis ramped up the tempo and on this last number of the afternoon Elvis' vocal was totally assured and he managed to add some playful sexuality into his voice.
In case fans had missed what the song was about in the first verse, Elvis soon clarified...,
"My baby knows just how, to treat me right. Gives me plenty loving, morning, noon, and night."
'So Glad You're Mine' would have fitted perfectly on Elvis' first album, especially when compared to his earlier 1954 discarded Sun tracks, however RCA's Steve Sholes was planning ahead and kept this gem locked away for future release. It would appear on Elvis' second album ELVIS in October 1956.
'So Glad You're Mine' would also be the first track on the second EP. The cover photos would be from Elvis' New York photo session with David Hecht in February 1956. However in concert late 1956 Elvis looked far more alive! As shown here at his Tupelo September 1956 homecoming!
'So Glad You're Mine' is an overlooked Elvis classic.
Note - Our last STAR TRACK 'City By Night' also now updated with YOUR comments. |
ASK Marty: Today Marty Lacker answers your questions about....
- What about Nancy Sinatra's recent comment "Elvis was just an OK singer"
- Did Elvis know about Sam Cooke's murder
- Do you personally believe the Colonel was ever dishonest in his dealings with Elvis
- When would Elvis quitting Col Parker been best for Elvis and his career
- Was Elvis into Motown at all i.e.Supremes, Four Tops, etc
- Why did Elvis record crap songs like 'Three (****ing) Corn Patches
- Was Elvis upset by the Buddy Holly plane crash
- Was Elvis always played the overdubbed versions to OK before release
Two New Exhibits Open at Graceland: Two new exhibits, featuring over 125 rare artifacts, are now open at Elvis Presley's Graceland in Memphis. The exhibits, curated by the Graceland Archives team, celebrate Elvis' status as a music pioneer and icon who revolutionized rock 'n' roll music.
The two new exhibits at Graceland are:
- "I Shot Elvis" - From the earliest days of Elvis' career, professional photographers and fans captured him in photographs. These iconic images and artifacts give us a personal look at both the man and the icon, and a unique insight into the cultural impact he had, and continues to have, on the world. From a snapshot of a young Elvis just breaking through as a performer, to exhilarating photos of him live on stage, to more intimate moments with family and friends, these powerful images tell the story of Elvis Presley's life and legacy as only great photographs can. In addition to celebrating the photographers and fans who were behind the camera, the exhibit features artifacts seen in the iconic photographs. The exhibit also features a chance for fans to take a selfie with Elvis. |
- "Elvis: That's The Way It Is" at 45 - This groundbreaking feature documentary depicts Elvis as a master showman, following him as he prepares for his big opening night performance in Las Vegas. The film covers Elvis' Summer Festival in Las Vegas during August 1970. This was his first documentary film since the beginning of his career in 1956. The exhibit features numerous artifacts seen in the film, and from that period of Elvis' career, including stage costumes, guitars, jumpsuits, contracts, memorabilia and more.
The "Elvis: That's The Way It Is" at 45 exhibit, which is a part of the VIP tour experience, will be in place until February 2016, and the "I Shot Elvis" exhibit will be in place until February 2017.
Go HERE to EPE for more info
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
"Elvis: Summer of '56" Deluxe Collection: A new 2015 deluxe update of June Juanico's DVD with extra photos and memorabilia.
"Years before he meets Priscilla, 21-year-old Elvis Presley is in love with a small-town girl, June Juanico, from Biloxi, Mississippi. Elvis had picked June out of the crowd at one of his concerts. After a chance meeting a year later, they started dating in May 1956. ""Heartbreak Hotel,"" Elvis' first national #1 hit is peaking at the top of the charts. He is yet to film his first Hollywood movie, and the legendary appearances on The Ed Sullivan Show are still months away. Most people, in fact, outside of a growing number of American teenagers, do not know the name Elvis Presley. The truly special summer of 1956 produced Elvis' first great romance, but also the end of his personal freedom. It's the summer that witnessed his astonishing rise to fame...and also the abrupt end of a simple existence
to which he could never return. "Elvis - Summer of '56" contains the earliest home movie footage of Elvis, and captures a rare day-in-the-life" glimpse of the 21-year-old future King.
This deluxe collector's set includes the personal memorabilia of June Juanico -- featuring photos, magazine clippings and other items saved during the summer of '56. Also included is a booklet providing the prologue, and epilogue to the featured documentary, complete with plenty of stunning photos of The King."
From the Madacy (Music Distributor) label - Out June 2015
For pre-sale on AMAZON go here>> Elvis: Summer of '56 Deluxe Memorabilia Collection only $40 - (Please don't be ripped off by other sites charging extra)
(News, Source;Amazon/ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis On The UK Charts: For reasons that have yet to be explained an EU Public Domain 3cd boxset from 2013 has suddenly appeared in the UK album charts. Another missed chance by official label SONY.
'Return To Sender' (Music Digital label) is a new entry on the UK Top 100 Album Chart at 70 for w/e 21st to 28th March, 2015. It also rises from 100 to 40 on the Physical Album Chart. It features 75 "Classic Tracks"!
'The Elvis Collection' rises from 41 to 39 on the Top 50 Official Music Video Chart.
'Love Songs' rises from 61 to 58 on the Official Scottish Album Chart Top 100.
'Return To Sender' is a new entry at 89 on the Official Scottish Album Chart.
(News, Source;Brian Quinn/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis Spring ’77 – The Soundboard Recordings Vol. 2'; The Elvis Concert Fan label presents “Elvis Spring ’77 – The Soundboard Recordings Vol.2”. On this brand new cd release you’ll find the soundboard recordings from Toledo, OH. April 23, 1977 – Ann Arbor, MI. April 24, 1977 – Kalamazoo, MI. April 26, 1977 and Alexandria, LA. March 30, 1977. Also including 2 bonus tracks!
The Toledo, OH. April 23, 1977 recording was first released on the cd “Goodbye Memphis” from the Fort Baxter label (1997). Now released for the second time in a remastered sound.
The Kalamazoo, MI. April 26, 1977 show was first released on the cd “Memories From Kalamazoo” by the Vavoom label. Later is was re-released on the cd “Shakin’ Up The Great Lakes” from the Fort Baxter label. On both cds this show was edited. On this cd you’ll find for the first time ever the most complete version from soundboard!
Also the other 2 soundboard recordings were released before but now you have all these together in 1 package, in the most complete form and newly remastered! |
Friday 20 March 2015 - Happy 100th Birthday Sister Rosetta Tharpe! |
FTD "What now, What next, What If? PART TWO ": The FTD label has been doing an excellent job at looking at the recording anthology of Elvis Presley and releasing every significant LP or recording session on a 1CD or 2CD ‘Classic Album’ version.
However, as noted with the recent "ELVIS" second LP release and the Christmas album, there are less and less outtakes and studio sessions left in the vaults.
With our new article “What now, What next, What If?” EIN contributor Ian Garfield examines exactly how FTD might present their future 'Classic Album' releases.
This second article covers the possible releases Speedway; Live a Little, Love a Little; Charro, The Trouble with Girls and Change of Habit.
Go here as EIN also wants YOUR input and ideas - and we will send the final suggestions to Roger and Ernst at FTD.
(Spotlight, Source;IanGarfield/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Sister Rosetta Tharpe' 100th Birthday: Sister Rosetta Tharpe is sometimes referred to as "The godmother of rock’n’roll" and was one of the seminal black influences on the young Elvis Presley. Her 100th Birthday (if she was still around) would be today March 20, 2015. Back in Tupelo each day Elvis would rush home from school to listen to her and other singers on WELO’s daily half hour of black gospel. According to his school friend, Billy Welch, Elvis would never miss a show. The influence was undoubtedly fueled by Elvis’s parents with their strong religious beliefs. By the time he was 9 years old, Elvis, Gladys and Vernon were a popular singing trio, appearing at local churches and revivals. Their delivery of what was known as country gospel had to have been of seminal importance to the young Elvis in fashioning his own unique musical style.
As a clue to the musical personality that was Rosetta Tharpe, Ken Romanowski described her as "Flamboyant, histrionic, magnetic and precocious...".
Rosetta Tharpe and Elvis shared a lot in common. Both were musical |
innovators who combined diverse musical genres to form a hybrid sound. In the case of Sister Tharpe she blended ballsy, black spirituals with white big band jazz. In Elvis’ case, he blended white country and gospel with black rhythm and blues.
The daughter of Arkansas cotton-pickers, Tharpe was raised by her mother, a travelling evangelist with the Church of God in Christ. She was six years old, and already playing the guitar and performing in church, when they moved to Chicago, where she soon absorbed the sounds of blues and jazz, and went on to attract a following. In 1938, after a short-lived first marriage, she moved to New York, where the great talent scout John Hammond included her – alongside Big Joe Turner, Big Bill Broonzy, Count Basie and others – in his celebrated From Spirituals to Swing concert at Carnegie Hall.
But she also shocked her original fans by appearing at the Cotton Club and singing secular material – some of it, such as I Want a Tall Skinny |
Papa, decidedly risqué. Nevertheless, a song called 'Strange Things Happening Every Day' became the first gospel record to reach the R&B top 10 in 1945.
Elvis would record several songs sung by Tharpe. The most notable of these were Up Above My Head, Just A Closer Walk With Thee, (This Train) = 'My Babe' and Down By The Riverside.
For today’s listeners, just as remarkable as her guitar-playing is the great artistry of her singing: the strength of her tone and her command of expressive variation, the flexibility of her phrasing, the mastery of vibrato. The headstone erected on her grave decades after her death bears these words: “She would sing until you cried, and then she would sing until you danced for joy. She kept the church alive and the saints rejoicing.” And she helped shape the sound of rock’n’roll.
Go HERE to EIN's look at How Sister Rosetta Tharpe Influenced Elvis'
BBC 4 is to show a documentary about 'Sister Rosetta Tharpe' go here for more info
(News, Source;NP/ElvisInfoNet) |
Loanne Miller Parker talks Col Parker and Elvis: This week Col Parker's last wife Loanne Miller was in Las Vegas to help promote the new Elvis attraction. (right with Sam Thompson)
Loanne Miller was married to Parker from 1990 until his death in 1997 although was met him back in 1969 when she worked as a secretary of the Vegas International Hotel.
Loanne Parker told reporters, "If Elvis was seeing all of this, I think he would be astounded. He wouldn't believe it. At heart, he was a very sincere, down to Earth person. Until the day Col. Tom died, he was still Elvis' biggest fan.
"In his heart, he never stopped working for Elvis. He would be so happy with what's continuing now at the Westgate. He probably would be out in the casino stringing banners.
"They had a remarkable relationship - not father and son because Elvis had his father, Vernon, and they were very close. The Colonel was there so that Elvis could do his creative part, and Colonel took care of the business. Elvis didn't care for the business part, not at all.
"Elvis was creative and didn't want to be bothered with the |
business things. However, he approved everything that they contracted for - or nixed it. Elvis had the last word. It was not the Colonel who told Elvis what to do. Elvis made the decisions, and after he made the decisions, Colonel followed through and set the contracts and got the deal.
"They were both intelligent men, and it worked. Elvis knew that Colonel was totally devoted to him, and he was. I don't think he thought much of anything else for 24 hours a day. Even I was second.
"Business came first, and that's alright; that's the way it should have been. It worked for both of us. He took care of business for Elvis so that Elvis could do what he wanted to and what he enjoyed doing and what he did best."
"I worked in the office here for Alex Shoofey, the president for two to three years after the hotel opened. I was then hired by RCA Record Tours and was on all the Elvis tours, and when the engagements were here, I was here in Colonel's office. Colonel and I shared more than 25 years together, and those were wonderful years." Loanne was at Tom's bedside when he died from a stroke at age 87 on Jan. 21, 1997, in Las Vegas
EIN notes - It is unsurprising that Loanne Miller Parker ignored the fact that in 1979 EPE and Lisa Marie's representatives filed allegations in court against The Colonel. The charges against Colonel Parker were that he enriched himself by mismanaging Presley's career and cutting the singer out of millions of dollars by negotiating unfavourable agreements as well as taking advantage of Elvis when he was in poor health.
Attorney Blanchard Tual finally concluded that "Both Colonel Parker (and RCA) acted in collusion against Presley's best interests. Colonel Parker was guilty of self-dealing and overreaching and had violated his duty to both Elvis and to the estate. "These actions against the most popular American folk hero of this century are outrageous and call out for a full accounting from those responsible." Go HERE to EIN's spotlight on the 'Dark Side Of Colonel Parker'
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis owned CB microphone to be sold to fund care for autistic son: A BOURNEMOUTH Elvis fan is preparing to part with a unique piece of Presley memorabilia that he has cherished for 20 years.
Back in 1995, Maurice Barnett and his son Danjo bought a CB microphone that used to belong to the King of Rock and Roll.
Danjo, who lives in supported accommodation in Manchester, is on the autistic spectrum and any money raised from the sale will be put aside to pay for his long-term care needs.
Opposite: Maurice Barnett and his son Danjo |
.jpg) |
He used to be a big Elvis fan, which was the main reason why Maurice decided to bid for the radio and other items when they were lots in a Las Vegas auction in 1995. Maurice said: “We bid for four or five items and we were absolutely thrilled to bits to get it. It’s been in our lounge with an airtight glass top, we’ve moved it from house to house and we’ve always pointed it out to visitors.”
“It’s a shame in a way to sell it but we are conscious of the fact there probably won’t be a better opportunity,” he said. “We won’t end up making a lot of money out of it but we’re hoping to raise a bit of money for our son. I think it’s time for someone else to enjoy it now.”
(News, Source: Melanie Vass, bournemouthecho.co.uk) |
Swingin’ Parrot presents documentary, concert, “All About Elvis”: Rex Fowler of renowned folk- rock duo Aztec Two-Step will present a special Documentary film and concert event, “All About Elvis” at the The Swingin Parrott Pub in Winsted, Connecticut on Saturday, March 21, at 8 p.m.
The first portion of the evening will be a screening of “200 Cadillacs,” the 60-minute documentary film conceived and co-produced by Rex, showcasing the often forgotten generosity of Elvis Presley. Admission is $12 per person.
A Q&A session will follow the film, after which Rex & The Rockabilly Kings will take the stage to perform a concert of The King’s early Sun and RCA Records classics. The Rockabilly Kings features The Roues Brothers – Billy on electric guitar and Muddy on slap back bass – and Joe Geary of The Whyos.
The Swingin' Parrott Pub will offer special “Eat Like Elvis” selections on the evening’s menu. The Swingin Parrott Pub is at 200 New Hartford Rd Ledgebrook Plaza, Winsted. To reserve, call 860-379-5534. (News, Source: registercitizen.com) |
EPE Planes & Development April Deadline Looms: The city of Memphis and Elvis Presley Enterprises plan to seek approval of a Graceland Tourism Development Zone in April before the Tennessee Building Commission, according to an attorney for Graceland.
The building commission is scheduled to meet April 9 in Nashville in what will be a busy few months for Graceland’s expansion and redevelopment plans in Whitehaven. April 7 is the date EPE are requesting OKC remove the two jets once owned by Elvis Presley. Now OKC has proposed the planes be moved south one block.
Attorney James McLaren said EPE should close by early May on its financing of the $90 million, 450-room resort hotel it’s building south of the mansion. It expects to sign construction contracts soon.
The council also will be asked to approve an ordinance creating the 5 percent tourism surcharge on all items |
sold on the 120-acre Graceland property. That revenue would assist in financing the overall Graceland redevelopment plan. The first of three readings is expected to appear on the April 7 council agenda.
Council members also discussed briefly a zoning request coming to the council April 7 seeking to move the two jets once owned by Elvis Presley a block south on Elvis Presley Boulevard. The request will come from OKC Partnership, the company that owns the jets, and a new partner.
OKC Partnership has had an agreement with Elvis Presley Enterprises to offer tours of the jets on Graceland property. But the two parties couldn’t agree on a contract extension, and EPE gave OKC notice to remove the jets from Graceland’s grounds.
The new site would be off Graceland’s property, but near its southern border. EPE has indicated it will oppose the zoning request when it reaches the council next month in what council member Harold Collins, whose district includes Graceland, described as a “copyright” issue.
(News, Source;NP/ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis Tour Bus, Stutz and more for Auction: Julien's Auctions, has announced "Property From The Life and Career of Elvis Presley" as part of their highly anticipated Music Icons Auction event to be held at the Hard Rock Cafe Times Square, New York May 15th & 16th, 2015. The collection represents a vast array of personal and professional items detailing the King's life and career. Presley, who would have been 80 years old this year, remains the most |
iconic performer of the century with fans from around the world devoted to his memory and legacy.
Collectors and fans will have the opportunity to own a piece of the music icon's celebrated life, both personal and professional. Amongst the extraordinary is the Elvis Presley TCB Tour Bus. The 1976 MCI Crusader Bus was originally purchased with funds provided by Elvis Presley for his supporting singers and dear friend J.D. Sumner. The bus was custom designed and adorned inside and out with the TCB ("Taking Care of Business") lightning bolt logo which was Elvis' personal motto. It has nine sleeping berths, seats twelve and the distinction of being driven by Elvis himself. Accompanying the bus are copies of the original $25,000 check provided by Elvis to cover the down payment on the bus.
The “TCB” tour bus is only one of the truly iconic pieces of Elvis memorabilia being offered. Elvis’ second Stutz Blackhawk |
production model vehicle which he purchased on September 8, 1971 is also on offer. The 1971 model is a two-seater with a small jump seat. The car was delivered to Elvis on September 9, 1971 at his Monavale Street home in Beverly Hills. At the time, the Stutz Blackhawk featured the best audio system money could buy. And Elvis’ black and white Penguin suit worn in Las Vegas in which he was photographed (Estimate: $60,000-$80,000), Elvis’ first live performance worn stage shirt from 1954 (Estimate: $25,000-$35,000) and the 1967 Elvis and Priscilla Presley Marriage Certificate (Estimate: $25,000-$35,000) add to the excitement of this unprecedented tribute to the King himself.
Join Julien's for the live auction at The Hard Rock Café in Times Square NYC or participate online at julienslive.com on May 15th & 16th, 2015, and take away your piece of music history!
Go HERE to Juliens for more info
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis Sings' Special New Vinyl Release: Especially released for this year's Record Store Day the cool looking double transparent red vinyl 'Elvis Sings'.
On "Elvis Sings", the King sings songs by a variety of artists like Bob Dylan, The Beatles, Ray Charles, Bee Gees, Simon & Garfunkel, Chuck Berry, Muddy Waters, Creedence Clearwater Revival and many more. Go here to MusicOnVinyl for tracklist
- 180 gram audiophile vinyl
- Gatefold sleeve + insert
- Limited Record Store Day edition
- 1500 numbered copies on transparent red vinyl
Release date: 2015-04-18
If in the EU, check out this great record shop 'DOCK's LP & CDs' in Munich, Germany.
(News, Source;Docks/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis Presley – Hawaiian Beach Boy' New CD Release: The sixteenth release from the popular (Public Domain) The BOOTLEG SERIES is 'Elvis Presley – Hawaiian Beach Boy' – The Expanded Blue Hawaii Album 2 “Monophonic Sound Edition” (1-CD Bootleg Series Volume 16).
32 tracks, including masters and outtakes from the movie Blue Hawaii in mono, including the original mono album masters.
Also including is a 12 pages booklet.
EIN notes the tracklisting is basically identical (albeit in mono) to the popular MRS "Blue Hawaii - The Expanded Alternate Album" . I guess as Public Domain releases there is very little to work with. If you want to hear the mono versions track this new one down.
Includes 11 tracks featuring outtakes and false starts.
See EIN's 'All The CD News 2015' for full details and tracklists
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
'Love Me Tender' New UK Elvis Musical: A new musical featuring the music of Elvis Presley is heading out on tour, opening at Manchester's Opera House on 5 June 2015. Written by Memphis the Musical writer Joe DiPietro, the show is "inspired" by the King of Rock 'n' Roll, and includes more than 25 of his songs. Retitled for its UK premiere, Love Me Tender premiered on Broadway under the title All Shook Up.
Love Me Tender is directed by Karen Bruce (Dance 'Til Dawn, Saturday Night Fever), with set design by Morgan Large, lighting design by James Whiteside, costume design by Vicky Gill and casting by James Orange.
Casting for the tour, which is produced by Adam Spiegel, Robert G. Bartner and the Ambassador Theatre Group, is to be announced.
The show is described as ‘a hilarious feel-good musical’ |
featuring Elvis Presley’s greatest hits. In a small town in 1950s America, a guitar-playing, hip-swivelling stranger rides his motorbike into town.
Producer Adam Spiegel said: “I’m delighted to be working with such a talented, award winning, creative team to bring the UK this fantastic feel-good musical featuring some of the best music ever written – the greatest hits of the King of rock ‘n’ roll, Elvis Presley.”
Love Me Tender runs at Manchester Opera House (5-13 June 2015), Bristol Hippodrome (15-20 June) before moving to London at New Wimbledon Theatre (22-27 June) and then travels around the country. .
(News, Source;SM/ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis and the Coco Palms Resort: Elvis spent quite some time on the Hawaiian island of Kauai vacationing, and filming Blue Hawaii - in fact the last 20 minutes of the movie was shot on and near the grounds of the Coco Palms resort. Kauai has always been EIN's Sanja Meegin's favourite of the Hawaiian Islands, primarily because of its unspoiled majestic natural beauty, but also because of its Elvis ties.
The recent news that Hawaii's Coco Palms Resort will be completely renovated made her extremely eager to see this paradise where Elvis sang The Hawaiian Wedding song whilst floating up the lagoon on a floral canoe with co-star Joan Blackman.
Click here as Sanja brings us her fabulous 2015 report on one of Elvis' most famous Hawaiian destinations with some fabulous before and after shots.
- Aloha From Hawaii!
(Spotlight, Source;SM/ElvisInfoNet) |
The Inside Story of How Vegas Changed Elvis Presley: Drugs, Debauchery & Superstitions: The first time Elvis Presley played Las Vegas, the critics hated him. Appearing in the Venus Room at the New Frontier Hotel in the spring of 1956, the 21-year-old hillbilly crooner with the dreamy eyes and well-lubricated hips was billed as "America's only atomic-powered singer."
Two years earlier, he had been driving a truck in Memphis for $45 a week. Now he had a contract with RCA Victor Recordings and a movie deal with Paramount Studios.
The audiences packing the venues, however, were somewhat old by today's standards, mostly in their 50s and 60s. After World War II, veterans had gotten a late start on life. The youth culture pioneered by their children, the baby boomers, was still in its embryonic stage. And still misunderstood.
"As he stands up there clutching his guitar, he shakes and shivers like he is suffering from itchy underwear and hot shoes," wrote Ralph Pearl in the Las Vegas Sun.
"For the average Vegas spender or showgoer, [Elvis is] a bore," wrote another of the Sun's critics, Bill Willard.
At the time, Vegas was known for its mobbed-up glamour -- bent-nose guys in fedoras, ladies in white gloves. It was the era of The Rat Pack. The furniture was mid-century modern, the patrons were well-dressed, the food and drink were expensive, and the nightclubs were ruled by hepcats like Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. |
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"Elvis signaled an important change in Las Vegas," says Oscar Goodman. During his 12-year administration, the city became known for its risque slogan: "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas." "Elvis bridged the gap between the Frank Sinatra/Rat Pack years and what you see today -- big names, big shows, big packed houses. More than any other performer, Elvis set the tone."
Inspired in part by Elvis' quickie marriage to Ann-Margret in the 1964 schmaltz classic Viva Las Vegas, there are at least a half dozen chapels offering Elvis weddings. (The title song from the movie is the city's unofficial theme.) At Planet Hollywood, an Elvis will officiate and sing up to three songs. (The property that Planet Hollywood occupies today was once the Aladdin Hotel, where Presley, then 32, married the 21-year-old Priscilla Ann Beaulieu, in 1967, the first marriage for both.)
On July 31, 1969 -- a year after his big comeback special on TV re-energized his career -- Elvis performed his first sold-out show at the International. This time the reviews were breathless:
"Elvis got a constant, roaring approval from his fans who all but threw themselves into the aisles and out of the balcony as the Pelvis sang his many rock'n'roll hits while fiercely, almost savagely turning himself outside in," wrote Pearl at the Sun.
"His aura was incredible. It made you kind of goose-pimply," says Carolyn Goodman, who attended his shows and met The King several times. (Article, Source: Mike Sager, billboard.com) Read full article here
Elvis Matters Peter Verbruggen Dead at 48: It is with great sorrow and loss that the Elvis Matters fan club announced the passing away of their fanclub president Peter Verbruggen, who passed away this morning after a short illness of 2 days.
Peter was only 48, his wife Sonja was at his side in the hospital of Leuven, Belgium.
Peter was also the founder of ElvisMatters in 2003. Under Peter's enthusiastic direction, there were a lot of great highlights with ElvisMatters: first concerts with John Wilkinson, the european tour with the original cast of Elvis Presley, and many other great events and concerts.
Peter leaves a great emptiness behind, and the family needs the necessary time to process this loss.
Go here to his memorial page - 1966-2015
(News, Source;ElvisMatters/EIN) |
"Elvis, frankly, was just an OK singer": Nancy Sinatra has caused controversy with the following (alleged) remarks comparing Elvis as a musician to her late father:
Elvis was the King, but he was no Chairman of the Board. “You’re talking about the difference between stardom and talent,” says Sinatra’s daughter Nancy, who worked with Presley in the 1968 film “Speedway.” “Elvis had talent and was a big star, but no one touches Frank and no one will in terms of musicianship and elegance and charitable work,” Ol’ Blue Eyes’ daughter continued. “There’s just nobody.”
Nancy was in town for the New York Public Library exhibition honoring her father, which opens Wednesday.” (News, Source: nydailynews.com) |
John Prine......the man whose song captivated Elvis Presley: John Prine, a revered singer-songwriter who can count Bob Dylan as one of his biggest fans, is the subject of an excellent new biography by Eddie Huffman.
The book, John Prine In Spite of Himself, tracks the career of the Grammy-winning musician who wrote Angel from Montgomery, Sam Stone, Hello in There and That's The Way That the World Goes Round. Here are things we learn about Prine from the biography:
After Dustin Hoffman had a hit with Marathon Man, a film producer thought Prine would be right to act alongside him. Prine was expecting a down-to-earth person when he met Hoffman but instead recalled:
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"He was totally movie star. He had a big pair of sunglasses and a white poodle in his lap that he was petting to death." There was a long silence after Prine told Hoffman he had no acting experience. "We were out on the balcony and he had me facing the sun. Finally, he said: 'Well, how did you get here? And I said, 'I don't know. Maybe somebody boinked your secretary'. I never heard from him again."
For years, Prine's concert rider included the requirement fior a case of Orange Crush and a bottle of Stoli vodka, as well as a packet of cigarettes and two separate dinners of steak and potatoes. Prine said he never ate vegetables and used to track meat loaf specials around Nashville, moving from diner to diner.
He married his high school sweetheart Ann Carole on Boxing Day. He used to have an artificial Christmas tree that he kept up year-round. "I thought the lights and decorations were so nice, I just decided to let it stay up," he recalled.
Elvis Presley loved Prine's witty song about death, Please Don't Bury Me. Presley's bass player Duke Bardwell recalled: "I sang it on stage during an Elvis concert in 1974. Afterwards, Elvis called me up to his hotel room and said 'Bring your guitar'. I don't know how many times he told me to sing that song. Had to be 20. I lost count." (News, Source: Martin Chilton, telegraph.co.uk)
EIN's Rare Elvis Facebook page with close to 15,000 members! - including several of Elvis' own friends and colleagues
So Elvis fans don't miss out on these rare and exciting photographs - from EIN's V-P Sanja Meegin.
Now with over thousands of great photos, News and with more added every day – including YouTube footage.
Click here to access our Facebook - Elvis Information Network group.
You need to be a Facebook Member. |
Gary Pepper heirs lose claim to $250,000 collection: Towards the end of his life superfan Gary Pepper gave most of his Elvis collection - understandably - to his carer Nancy Pease Whitehead. Under the "What-Were-They-Thinking-Of" banner she then gave it to her sister who then flogged it all, personal Elvis items and all!
Gary Pepper's heirs received their latest legal defeat Monday in their effort to win back proceeds from the 2009 auction of his collection, which included a a hunk, a hunk of Presley's hair worth $15,000.
The ruling from a three-judge panel of the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals upholds a jury's June 2013 verdict over the ownership of Elvis memorabilia amassed by Gary Pepper.
Items including a set of Presley's concert-used handkerchiefs, an original 1954 record of "That's All Right" and photo negatives from Elvis and Priscilla Presley's wedding sold for a total of $250,465. Pepper's relatives filed a lawsuit in the Southern District of Iowa that year, claiming that Pepper did not intend to give Whitehead the collection and that she stole the items.
Jurors sided with Whitehead, finding that Pepper indeed meant the collection to be a gift to his fellow Presley fan. Pepper's heirs appealed the verdict, but the appeals court judges agreed with jurors. Pepper never told his relatives about the |
valuable collection and they weren't fans of the King of Rock and Roll, the court noted in the Monday ruling.
"Given this evidence, a reasonable jury could find that Gary wanted the collection to be owned and maintained by a friend who shared his love of Elvis, who had taken care of him and his mother for years, who recognized the significance of the collection and who would keep (it) unless and until he asked her to return it,"
Born in 1931, Pepper grew up in Memphis and served as president of an Elvis fan club. Pepper, who had cerebral palsy, built a personal friendship with Presley. The rock star paid Pepper a salary for his fan club work, and Pepper sat at the head table at Elvis and Priscilla's 1967 wedding.
Whitehead became a caretaker for Pepper and his mother after she moved in 1974 from Cedar Rapids to Memphis to be closer to Graceland, Presley's famous 13-acre estate. Together, Whitehead and Pepper moved into a house near Graceland and made daily "pilgrimages" to the mansion's gates. Both attended Presley's 1977 funeral, and the star's father gave them each a white rose from his casket.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Georgia Elvis Festival This weekend: The seaside community of Brunswick, Georgia is an ideal location to start the Elvis festival season. Stroll through the beautiful downtown and see all the storefront windows decorated with Elvis memorabilia. With outdoor events waterside in Mary Ross Park and Tribute Artists performing outside in Brunswick’s signature squares throughout the weekend, the Georgia Elvis Festival is packed with entertainment. There are a number of great restaurants downtown, all within walking distance to the theater, and with low hotel room rates, it’s one of the least expensive Elvis events to attend.
And once again we are proud to present the very best Elvis Tribute Artists in the world! This year’s festival will star Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artists Shawn Klush and Cody Slaughter, plus last year’s Georgia Elvis Festival Champion David Lee and award winning Elvis Tribute Artists Travis Powell and Brycen Katolinsky.
"So don’t miss a great Elvis weekend with your friends and family."
Runs March 12 - March 15
Go here to their Festival website for more info
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis' Christmas Album' FTD Review: There is no doubt that the FTD office has a white-board that lists all the remaining Elvis releases for future ‘Classic Albums’ and as we sadly approach the end of the CD, and FTD, era the few remaining “lesser” ones are finally getting released.
Two of these would be 'Elvis' Christmas Album’ – already released in the multiple variations and with no session outtakes - and ‘Flaming Star’ with only four tracks, two of which were deemed too corny for release at the time.
On September 5, 1957 Elvis arrived at Radio Recorders and all that was needed
was eight new Christmas songs and the ‘Peace In The Valley’
numbers would make up the rest. The first Christmas song they tried out
was ‘Blue Christmas’ and the rest is history...
For the umpteenth release FTD really needed to produce the ultimate package for collectors but this time unfortunately this Classic Album falls a little short of expectations..
Here EIN's Piers Beagley checks out this recent FTD....
(FTD Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)
'Elvis '70: Hot To Trot!' New Import CD: Out soon is the 4th volume of Straight Arrow's "From The Rick Rennie master tapes“ Vol. 4“ series - a double-digipak CD release, called 'Elvis '70: Hot To Trot!', featuring the August 20th, 1970 Las Vegas dinner and midnight shows. These recordings, last released in January 2004 by Memory records, have not been reissued since then. To achieve the best possible results, Straight Arrow worked from a direct digital transfer of the original 120 minute cassette.
Roughly a week after MGM had left town, Elvis Presley had finally settled on a format for his show that he felt comfortable with and that resonated with his Vegas audiences. He had tried out many different songs during the first two weeks of his engagement: some worked, others didn't. The shows that are included here capture a confident Elvis who at this stage clearly loved performing in Las Vegas. Elvis is clearly in his element, singing a well-balanced set that features both the cream of his recent recordings as well as solid versions of his classics. He even jams with the band on brief versions of 'Memphis |
Tennessee' and 'More'. As with every Straight Arrow’s upgrade, this beautifully designed double-digipack edition is limited to 500 copies. Newly remastered from the best possible source, these recordings are a real delight for the true Elvis aficionado!
See EIN's 'All The CD News 2015' for full details and tracklists
(News, Source;SA/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Almost Done, Folks!' New Import CD: Following the remarkable success of our earlier August/September 1973 Las Vegas season releases, Straight Arrow is pleased to announce this new 2CD set, featuring two previously unreleased shows September 1, 1973 D/S and M/S in topnotch audience recorded quality.
It was the final weekend of Elvis' 1973 Summer Festival, which meant that there was an extra buzz of excitement in and around the Las Vegas Hilton on Saturday 1st September. Elvis pleased his audience with strong renditions of 'Steamroller Blues', 'You Gave Me A Mountain' and 'Trouble'. 'Bridge Over Troubled Water' was given the respect it deserved - especially during the Midnight show, when Elvis wasn't satisfied with his rendition and repeated most of the song. He said that when he did something, he liked to get the sound right. Elvis treated fans to his emotive new song, 'My Boy' - a song which was not recorded in studio until December '73. Since Presley Senior was in the audience, Elvis sang one of his father's favourite songs, "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face“. The grand finale of both concerts was powerhouse 'How Great Thou Art' - with reprised
ending. The September 1, 1973 D/S and M/S are previously unreleased. Both shows are taken from 1st generation copies of original audience recorded cassettes, made back in the 70s by English super-fan and collector Rex Martin. Double digipak is filled with (some previously unpublished!) August 1973 photographs and an eye-witness text written by an English fan, who was there!
See EIN's 'All The CD News 2015' for full details and tracklists
(News, Source;SA/ElvisInfoNet) |
EIN's 'Elvis Star Track': All too many Elvis soundtrack compilations feature the regular collections of hits and miss out on the hidden gems. Today we feature a track that never even made the sixty-two track 'Essential Sixties (movie) Masters".
'City By Night'
'City By Night' was recorded for 'Double Trouble' Elvis' 24th film. It
was composed by Bill Giant, Bernie Baum and Florence Kaye who were
responsible for some of Elvis' very worst movie songs. On Double Trouble
however this was an exception. Perhaps influenced by some of the more
popular relaxed "cool / lounge" music that was topping the pop charts at the time 'City By Night' had a genuine laid-back jazz feel.
'City By Night' was recorded on June 29 1966, and features some cool piano licks from Floyd Cramer as well as some neat trombone from Richard Noel with Elvis providing a smooth laid back vocal that seems to touch on the sleazy side of the City By Night. It even has a touch of James Bond theme tune about it.
The biggest chart hit of 1966 had been Frank Sinatra's 'Strangers in the Night'. Other big hits of the year were 'Sunny' by Bobby Hebb, 'Alfie' by Dionne Warwick (Cilla Black in the UK) and the song 'Big Spender' from the musical Sweet Charity, so in that way 'City By Night' was contemporary.
Unfortunately the song would be hidden away on an album that contained the woeful 'Old MacDonald' and 'I Love Only One Girl'!
Unsurprisingly Elvis was disappointed with the selected Double Trouble material and deliberately turned up late to the first day of the recording session. This meant that 'City By Night' was laid down as a backing track and Elvis would do his vocal overdub the following day. Even then it would stand above anything else on the album.
Some fans have suggested that Elvis could have recorded an album of more laid-back cool-jazz themed music. Songs such as 'Relax', 'Do Not Disturb', 'Fever',
'I Need Somebody To Lean On', 'Beginners Luck', 'Love Letters', 'You Don't Know Me' etc.
In early 1966 the psychedelic 'Summer of Love' was yet to happen and The Beatles most recent album was the stripped back 'Rubber Soul' so there was a potential for Elvis to have some charts hits (with 'Love Letters') and an album that would have stood head and shoulders over his recent dreadful soundtrack albums.
'City By Night' is a hidden Elvis classic. |
Note - Last week's STAR TRACK 'Pieces Of My Life' also now updated with YOUR comments. Some fans thought it just "plain misery" - while for others it was an "All Time Favorite" !!! |
Elvis Files Magazine #11: Erik Lorentzen has posted an update regarding the new magazine. "We have decide to delay the Philadelphia 1957 article until next time. This because some other very interesting articles have come up.
- Was Colonel Parker nothing but a murderer? Read the fascinating story, and judge yourself.
- George Klein and a special evening with Elvis at the end of 1956.
- Co-stars Barbara Eden and Celeste Yamel tell their stories with Elvis.
- And a lot more and of course some very rare photos.
To be printed and mailed next week.
Go HERE for subscription info and a look at the magazines
(News, Source;EL/ElvisInfoNet) |
Latest Billboard Album Charts: The feeling of love continues with 'Heart And Soul' being the only Elvis album in the Billboard charts for w/e 14th March, 2015.
'Heart And Soul' rises from 18 to 16 on the Billboard Country Catalog Album Chart.
'He Touched Me' - The Gospel Music Of Elvis Presley (Vols.1 and 2) re-enters the Music Video Sales Chart at 16.
Elvis has no other entries on the Billboard Charts.
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNet) |
Graceland In The Snow: Memphis experienced a rare snowstorm 2 nights ago that allowed EPE to film some amazing drone footage of Elvis Presley's Graceland decorated in the beautiful snowfall. Elvis would have been stunned by the new technology - he would have loved flying his own drones - and would have loved to see his house as a Winter Wonderland.
Click HERE to this amazing EPE video on YouTube.
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet)
'816' New Elvis documentary: On August 16th, 1977 the king of rock n roll, Elvis Presley, was found unconscious in his Memphis home; at 3:30pm he was pronounced dead leaving a legion of fans behind to mourn their fallen hero.
Outlaw Film Productions have been working on the new film '816' and their documentary team took their cameras to Memphis and over the course of 7 years they interviewed 100s of fans, performers, and friends of Elvis and asked them that all important question: "Where were you and what were you doing when you heard Elvis had died?"
Hundreds of fans, performers and friends of Elvis were interviewed over the past 10 years and they shared their memories of where they were and what they were doing when they heard the King of Rock-N-Roll had died. Elvis step brother Billy Stanley offers insight into life at Graceland during the last days of Elvis life. |
The new documentary, “816” has now been released and the deluxe edition with lots of extra features will make its debut showing at 7:30 p.m. April 10 at the Augusta Historic Theatre, 523 State.
Go here to see their facebook page and clips
(News, Source;816/ElvisInfoNet) |
'This Is Elvis' FTD Out Now: This Is Elvis the FTD 'Classic album' of the Andrew Solt/Malcolm Leo original soundtrack for Warner Bros. release is at your Elvis dealers today!
DISC 1 features the 'ORIGINAL ALBUM' including CD officially unreleased edits of 'Merry Christmas Baby' (shortened version), 'Too Much Monkey Business' (shortened version), 'I’ve Got A Thing About You Baby' (shortened version), 'Suspicious Minds' (August 12, 1970 midnight show shortened version), 'Memories' (shortened version)
DISC 2 features "EXPANDED HOME VIDEO" tracks as the VHS release ran another 30 minutes and featured more songs.
Go HERE to 'SONY FTD News 2015' for full tracklisting
EIN recommends Elvis The Man & His Music shop - go here
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Jack White Buys 'My Happiness': We all wondered who outbid the lackluster EPE for the sale of the HISTORIC Elvis first acetate recording of 'My Happiness' and the answer is Jack White (formerly of The White Stripes). Jack White paid $300,000 for Elvis' first recording and is doing a special reissue on USA Record Store Day. The record in question featured covers of "My Happiness" and "That's When Your Heartaches Begin" that were recorded in 1953. White revealed that he was the bidder that was previously listed as anonymous, and he said that he plans to reissue the single (via Third Man Records) on Record Store Day.
While is is truly pathetic that EPE could not purchase this Iconic item (they only make $55 million per year from you Elvis fans!) Jack White IS a serious music aficionado and would be the right character to treat Elvis' seminal recording with the respect it deserves.
Jack White will go through painstaking details in order to recreate |
the original 1953 10-inch 78rpm disc, "from reproducing the typewritten labels (printed on the reverse of extra Prisonaires labels that happened to be laying around Sun Records in July 1953) to being packaged in a plain, nondescript, of-the-era sleeve, the utmost attention to detail has been paid in order to create an object so close to the historic original as to almost be indistinguishable from one other."
Later in the year, Third Man will release a widely available version of Presley's single with newly restored sound. "Working from a transfer done by industry expert Alan Stoker at the Country Music Hall of Fame, the audio will be as clean as modern technology can make it without losing the feeling and soul that makes these two songs both haunting and breath-taking,"
Here on YouTube you can hear a teaser for the release.
The general public may not be aware that the the record has previously been released by RCA and is widely available!
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis' Planes Could Take Flight in New Museum: The two jets that once belonged to Elvis which have been displayed at Graceland for years could be destined for a museum, if the group that owns the planes has its way. OKC Partnership, which owns two once belonging to Elvis Presley, wants to build a museum near Graceland for the planes.
OKC Partnership, which owns the Lisa Marie and Hound Dog II jets, has applied to the Office of Planning and Development for a planned development to allow a museum featuring Elvis Presley’s airplanes at 3850 Elvis Presley Blvd. The museum would be located on a vacant lot that was formerly home to Covenant Presbyterian Church.
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Last year, EPE asked OKC Partnership to remove the jets from Graceland by this spring.
The partnership and EPE entered into an agreement years ago that gave OKC a share of ticket sales in return for keeping the planes there. But EPE CEO Jack Soden sent a letter to the partnership last year saying EPE was exercising its option to end the agreement and asking the planes’ owner "to make arrangements for the removal of the airplanes and the restoration of the site on or shortly after April 26, 2015."
EPE obviously want to play "hard-ball" by cutting out the middle man and getting the profits solely for EPE. They would imagine that no one would bid any high price for the planes and they would then buy them from OKC for a cheap price. Despite the failure of selling the planes on EBay and by auction OKC still have more ides in mind.
EPE registers an income of $55 millions per year from Elvis fans, is it any surprise that OKC might want a good price for Elvis' loved planes?
The planes have been popular with tourists, who can board each one and get a sense of how the king of rock ‘n’ roll traveled. The Lisa Marie, the larger of the two planes, includes a bed, stereo system, conference room and gold-plated bathroom fixtures.
The planes are on the move as EPE and New York-based Authentic Brands Group plan a major renovation and expansion of the Graceland campus.
(News, Source,ElvisInfoNet) |
'Flaming Star' FTD Review: There is no doubt that the FTD office has a white-board that lists all the remaining Elvis releases for future ‘Classic Albums’ and as we sadly approach the end of the CD, and FTD, era the few remaining “lesser” ones are finally getting released.
Two of these would be 'Elvis' Christmas Album’ – already released in the multiple variations and with no session outtakes - and ‘Flaming Star’ with only four tracks, two of which were deemed too corny for release at the time.
It was on August 1st 1960 that Elvis returned to Hollywood for pre-production on his sixth film, Flaming Star. As G.I. Blues would not be released until the end of the year Elvis must have hoped that the fluffy singing-travelogues were behind him and now, at last, he had a Western that would test his acting skills and give him another real chance to prove himself.
FTD once again prove that all is not lost as they find some very enjoyable previously unreleased 1960 session tapes and more...
Here EIN's Piers Beagley checks out this recent FTD in detail....
(FTD Reviews, Source;ElvisInformationNetwork)
March 5th 1955, did Elvis really appear on TV?: Rumours have always abounded that Elvis MIGHT have appeared on US TV for the first time on March 5th 1955, sixty years ago today. But has this ever been proven or is this just wishful thinking?
Hayride's Frank Page would surely have mentioned any Elvis' Hayride show had it been televised.
Unfortunately the KSLA website suggests that "On March 5, 1955, Elvis Presley made his television debut on KSLA on the local music program Louisiana Hayride, which was produced from the Municipal Auditorium" while the Louisiana Hayride website suggests "Elvis Presley performed on the radio version of the program in 1954 and made his first television appearance on the television version of Louisiana Hayride on March 3, 1955." - Yet they are wrong as Elvis did NOT perform on March 3rd that year.
Serious Elvis biographies do not mention the fact of this "historical" TV broadcast and super-fan Joyce Railsback's diary about the Hayride concert from the very day does NOT mention TV cameras being there at all.
Finally Louisiana Hayride archivist Joey Kent - who would
benefit a great deal from saying the shows were possibly televised - has always stated the following...
"At one time in mid-55, KWKH attempted a televised Hayride show on local CBS affiliate KSLA-TV 12. The show never made it past the pilot stage." Perhaps March 5th 1955 was the date, perhaps not.
Sadly EIN believes this story is just another Elvis dream. (If you know otherwise of course please contact us)
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis Presley, Rock Around The Bloch!' The audio! A new FTD book 'Elvis Presley, Rock Around The Bloch!' by David English and Pal Granlund published by FTD books, RCA, Flaming Star will be released later this month.
A hardback book containing 288 pages which tells the story of the USS Arizona benefit at the Bloch Arena, Honolulu, Hawaii on March 25, 1961. It includes first-hand accounts from people who were there, newspaper articles from the time and numerous photographs (over 130 of which have never been published before).
Previously released with a very fine audio upgrade by the MRS label, FTD's audio engineer Jean-Marc Juilland has posted an explanation about the new audio remastering work he has done on the Hawaii '61 show that accompanies ROCK AROUND THE BLOCH! In his detailed post he talks about noise reduction and the idea that "it is better to release something that preserves the music in the most natural way given the current state of technology" and his "approach has been completely different than that of the MRS label".
Go HERE to FTD News and read all his fine audio detailing.
(News, Source;ETM&HM/ElvisInfoNet)
'An Evening with Elvis’ Friends and Original Musicians': It is exactly 45 years ago this week that drummer Bob Lanning performed his last show with Elvis Presley at the Houston Astrodome
(March 1, 1970). Remembering the Astrodome concerts today, Lanning says: "I remember flying to Houston from Las Vegas. Elvis was singing and we were partying. We had such a great time. Those shows were a lot of fun. Elvis knew that these were the people that grew up with him and felt close to him. He gave six knock out shows. Especially that final night was a real killer!". Bob Lanning will be appearing on the 'An Evening with Elvis' Friends and Original Musicians' tour in May.
Another SEVEN concerts have now been added to the original line-up, see the full list below.
April 30 & May 1 - Hotell Klockargården, Tällberg, Sweden
May 2 - Vara Konserthus, Sweden
May 3 - Royal, Eskilstuna, Sweden
Wednesday, May 6, 2015 100 Club, Oxford Street, London, U.K. - Get Tickets HERE
Thursday, May 7, 2015 The Sage Gateshead, Newcastle, U.K. - Get Tickets HERE
May 8 - Akropolis, Prague, Czech Republic
May 9 - Independance Club, Madrid, Spain
May 10 - Bikini Club, Barcelona, Spain
May 12 - Malmitalo, Helsinki, Finland
May 13 - Sellosali, Espoo, Finland
May 14 - Chapito, Casino Mondorf, Luxembourg
May 15 - Metropool, Hengelo, Holland
May 16 - Melkweg, Amsterdam, Holland
May 17 - Effenaar, Eindhoven, Holland
This remarkable tour will mark the first time in those 45 years that Bob Lanning participates in an Elvis event, and thus the first time in all those years that he will be playing Elvis' music again. Bob says that he is particularly looking forward to rockin' out on 'Polk Salad Annie' again!
More details: www.elvisnews.dk
(News, Source;FECC/ElvisInfoNet) |
EIN's 'Elvis Star Track': Sony Legacy have recently announced that Elvis' "Today" album would be released this year as an expanded 40th Anniversary edition. With that in mind this week's Elvis Star Track is the emotional 'Pieces OF My Life'.
'Pieces Of My Life' 'Pieces Of My Life’ was composed by country artist Troy Seals (who also
wrote Elvis' 'There's A Honky Tonk Angel') and somewhat fittingly it
would be the last song Elvis ever recorded in a studio.
Elvis manages to infuse the song with a wonderfully emotional autobiographical sentiment (similarly to 'My Way'). When Elvis sings, "A water-glass full of whiskey" the feeling is so honest, yet we know Elvis didn't drink alcohol! Having recently turned 40 and with some acknowledged health problems Elvis loads the lyrics with an incredible emotion. "Now I'm holding on to nothing, trying to forget the rest" Elvis sings...
As Gordon Minto notes in Ultimate Elvis, "This song exudes drama - note, not melodrama - and was, without question, one of his finest ballads ever, in a similar league to the likes of `Long Black Limousine', 'Without Love', and `Just Pretend'. The half-spoken part, delivered as the song starts to fade out, is simply wonderful. There's no artifice here - just a genuine expression of feeling." |
While the overdubbed guitars of the Master do add a nice pleading feel, the overdubbed strings were way off the mark. The pure undubbed studio versions have a fabulous emptiness that fits so well on, "Lord, I threw the best part away."
In Elvis' later concerts it was rare for him to avidly promote his new RCA releases yet he obviously had an attraction to the "Elvis Today" material. )
It was at Asheville's July 24, 1975 closing performance that Elvis introduced his father Vernon to the rapturous crowd explaining that he had been sick and saying that he was going to sing Vernon’s favourite song from his last LP. The song was ‘Pieces Of My Life’.
It was Elvis’ only live performance and it was surprising that he remembered the lyrics so well having recorded it four months previously. Having presented it as his Father’s favourite it’s a nice touch that to the line ‘Women that I never knew too well’, Elvis jokingly added the comment "I wonder why this is your favourite song, Daddy!"
It’s a touching version and of course feels even more important being the last song that Elvis would record in a professional studio. For such an unknown song the audience is amazingly quiet as they absorb the song’s sentiment and the sincere ending..... If only they knew the future. |
Note - Last week's STAR TRACK 'I Need You So' also now updated with YOUR comments. |
Elvis New Coca-Cola Campaign: Coca-Cola is lining up a flurry of content to celebrate the centenary of its iconic bottle that will see it call on pop culture icons, movie stars and music to conjure up nostalgic memories among fans.
The year-long push launches started this month with an exhibit charting the history of the famous bottle beginning in 1915. Early designs and prototypes of the bottle will feature alongside the more than 100 original pieces of art including two original paintings of the bottle from Andy Warhol.
The brand has also tapped iconic celebrities for a global outdoor, digital and retail campaign. The first wave of activity will iconic stars such as Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe and Ray Charles who have been ‘kissed by’ the Coca-Cola bottle. Later in the year, modern-day celebrities and music artists will be used for localised activity.
Born on Nov, 16 1915, the Coca-Cola bottle was the creation of the Root Glass Company in Terre Haute, Ind. With its
unmistakable curves and a distinctive contour, the bottle has become a global icon, inspiring a century’s worth of signature moments in film, social history, design and the fine arts.
EIN notes, this is an interesting campaign since it is well known that Elvis preferred Pepsi! Perhaps Pepsi will start it's own rival campaign. (bottom left, Elvis drinks Pepsi). Elvis is in good company with Marilyn.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Dave Grohl notes 'Elvis Is King': Dave Grohl, singer-songwriter and producer now leads his band Foo Fighters but was originally famous for being the drummer for Nirvana. He is one of the most famous drummers in pop music.
In the past he was quoted noting "F*** Elvis and Keith Richards. Motorhead's Lemmy is the king of rock'n'roll" but has now changed his mind.
This week in Sydney he has obviously realised the truth as he was now wearing a new T-shirt proclaiming "F*** Dave Grohl, Elvis is king"!
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
"Authentic" Elvis Presley Back In Vegas!: EPE and Westgate Resort & Casino announce today that they will bring the authentic Elvis Presley back to Las Vegas for the first time in 40 years. Graceland presents "ELVIS: The Exhibition - The Show - The Experience" will include an expansive, new permanent exhibition featuring hundreds of artifacts never before displayed outside of Graceland, and live entertainment shows that celebrate the life and legacy of Elvis Presley. It's all happening at the Westgate, previously known as the International Hotel, where Elvis performed over 600 record-breaking, sold-out shows.
The first-ever permanent EPE exhibition outside of Memphis will encompass over 28,000 square feet and include hundreds of artifacts from the Presley family’s treasured |
Graceland Archives, showcasing the man, the performer and the music that revolutionized popular culture around the world. Visitors will experience an unprecedented journey through Elvis’ life and career, beginning with his early days in Tupelo, concluding with a 26-minute retrospective film featuring Elvis’ greatest performances. Opens April 23, 2015.
Some of the rare artifacts include Elvis’ high school yearbooks, his first Gold Album, his 1957 Harley Davidson motorcycle, a 1962 Lincoln Continental, 1971 Stutz Blackhawk, jewelry and iconic stage wear from Elvis’ live performances, including the first outfit worn on stage for his first concert at the International Hotel in 1969. Select artifacts will be rotated regularly with artifacts in the Graceland Archives, to keep the exhibit constantly evolving and fresh. Tickets are $22 and available for purchase now.
The newly renamed and renovated Elvis Presley International Showroom will also present Elvis-themed live shows for limited
engagement runs (see below).
Another exciting feature will be the new Elvis Presley’s Graceland Wedding Chapel, which will be the first-ever wedding chapel in Las Vegas to be operated by EPE. The chapel is scheduled to open on April 23.
The grand opening of the exhibition, live show and wedding chapel will be marked with a star-studded celebration, with Priscilla Presley joining the roster of VIPs and celebrities.
"After a 40 year absence, it’s time for the authentic Elvis Presley to return to Las Vegas," stated Joel Weinshanker, Managing Partner of Graceland Holdings LLC. "The extensive exhibition, live shows and wedding chapel will together create an unprecedented Elvis experience for visitors."
Go HERE to EPE to book tickets and more details
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
The Vegas "Elvis Experience": Part of the new ELVIS show in Vegas will be a return to the famous "Hilton" showroom. The newly renamed and renovated Elvis Presley International Showroom will present Elvis-themed live shows for limited engagement runs on the very stage where Elvis performed for millions of guests during his record-breaking, seven-year stint from 1969 through 1976.
The debut show will be "Elvis Experience." After this limited engagement, the property will feature other limited-run, Graceland-produced live shows in the Elvis Presley International Showroom for guests to enjoy. |
Nightly Tuesday > Saturday from April 23 to May 30
"Elvis Experience" is a large-scale production replicating one of Elvis’ legendary Las Vegas shows, starring actor Martin Fontaine and featuring 24 musicians and eight choir members portraying the original musicians and artists on stage with Elvis. This critically-acclaimed production will take guests back to the early 1970s to fully experience one of the king’s sold out Las Vegas concerts.
Elvis Experience will open with the exhibition on April 23 and will appear in the showroom for a limited five-week run, ending on May 30.
Tickets for Elvis Experience range from $93.95 to $59.85
EIN notes that we thought EPE would not be using "Elvis Imitators" in this new Vegas show but perhaps being "actor" Martin Fontaine makes it somehow different.
Go HERE to book and for more info.
(News, Source;EPE/ElvisInfoNet) |
FTD "What now, What next, What If?": The FTD label has been doing an excellent job at looking at the recording anthology of Elvis Presley and releasing every significant LP or recording session on a 1CD or 2CD ‘Classic Album’ version.
However, as noted with the recent "ELVIS" second LP release, there are less and less outtakes and studio sessions left in the vaults.
Following our previous article “What now, what next, where to – what’s left” where EIN contributor Ian Garfield reviewed what has already been released by FTD, he now looks at how FTD might present their future 'Classic Album' releases.
Over the next couple of weeks, EIN will cover the remaining movie soundtracks and the possible inclusions that could produce a suitable release for the avid collector for these recordings.
This first article covers the possible releases of Kissin’ Cousins and Roustabout.
Go here as EIN also wants YOUR input and ideas - and we will send the final suggestions to Roger and Ernst at FTD.
(Spotlight, Source;IanGarfield/ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis Today' Legacy $0th Anniversary Release: News that SONY Legacy are releasing a 40th anniversary version of "Elvis Today" this year.
It will feature the original 1975 album, plus undubbed session mixes of its ten tracks. It will be paired with the 'composite' concert pieced together from recordings made on tour in May and June 1975 and first issued as part of the 1980 'Elvis Aron Presley' Silver box-set. The new concert release will be remastered for 2015.
Similar in concept to the earlier FTD 'Classic Album' TODAY release, hopefully the session audio will be remastered by Vic Anesini as the previous FTD audio mastering was not their best.
(see FTD 'Elvis Today' review here)
(News, Source;ETM&HM/ElvisInfoNet)
59 years ago, Elvis' First Number 1!: It is fifty-nine years ago (Feb 25, 1956) this week that Elvis scored his first national No. 1 hit with 'I Forgot to Remember to Forget'. This is always a surprise to fans who think that 'Heartbreak Hotel' was his first US national smash.
The song, his final single released on the SUN label, stayed at the top of the US Billboard "Country" chart for two weeks. Written by Charlie Feathers and Stan Kesler, the single was one of only 10 tracks released by Sun Records before his RCA take-over, but the single's big success was due to the RCA reissue in December 1955.
Stan Kesler was a regular studio player and had already supplied 'I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone' for Elvis' forth single when he had the idea for 'I Forgot to Remember to Forget'. Kesler recalled, "At that time, I was on the kick of catchy titles, when I began to think about that phrase, it just expanded into 'I forgot to remember to forget her.' From there, I started working on it, and it all fell together."
Released, together with the sensational 'Mystery Train', this song would become Elvis' first number one hit on any national chart.
'I Forgot to Remember to Forget' was recorded the same night as 'Mystery Train' but was bolstered by adding Johnny Bernero on drums.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Memphis Boys' Bobby Emmons Dies: Bobby Emmons, a Nashville songwriter who also played an integral role in the Memphis studio scene for decades, passed away Monday, February 23rd, in a Nashville hospital following an undisclosed illness. He was 72.
Born in Corinth, Mississippi, Emmons began his career as a member of the famed Bill Black Combo and played keyboards in the original house band at Hi Records studios, before joining the American Studios crew formed by producer "Chips" Moman. That celebrated group also featured guitarist Reggie Young, drummer Gene Chrisman, pianist Bobby Wood, and bassists Mike Leech and Tommy Cogbill. The group backed Elvis on his life-changing '69 Memphis Sessions as well as Dusty Springfield's 'Son of a Preacher Man' and Neil Diamond's 'Sweet Caroline'. Between 1962 and 1972, they played on more than 100 chart hits.
Emmons' piano and organ playing also featured on recordings by Wilson Pickett, Garth Brooks, Townes Van Zandt and Roy Orbison. As a songwriter, he had cuts by the likes of George Strait ("So Much Like My Dad"), Waylon Jennings ("Women Do Know How to Carry On") and Tanya Tucker ("Love Me Like You Used To"). |
In December of last year, Emmons was part of legendary Memphis singer-songwriter Dan Penn's band when he appeared on The Late Show with David Letterman for a performance of 'The Dark End of the Street' which was written by Penn with Chips Moman.
Go HERE for more on 'Bobby Wood and The Memphis Boys'
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
EMM 107 - March 2015 issue Out Now: EIN's favourite music magazine Elvis The Man and His Music #107, March 2015 issue is out now.
Includes the first in-depth interview with Shecky Greene, the comedian on the same bill as Elvis in Vegas in '56.
- A frank, honest review of 'Ultimate Elvis: The Recording Sessions';
- 'Elvis At Paramount', behind the scenes of 'G.I. Blues'
- plus CD and book reviews, 'Elvis In Person',
- Heaps of your letters and loads of other good stuff.
Go here to ETM&HM to subscribe.
(News, Source;ETM&HM/ElvisInfoNet)
Deluxe Releases from Gravel Road OUT NOW: Despite promises that the two new deluxe releases from Gravel Road Music would be out "in time for Christmas"- after multiple delays they are finally released and at your local dealer now!
The publicity states
- 'Elvis, Love American Style' (Directly from SOUNDBOARD recordings Series no.1)
Brand new Deluxe 100+ pages book with Soundboard CD "'Elvis, Love American Style' featuring the 28th June, 1974 concert Milwaukee at the Milwaukee Arena.
The ultimate re-release of this special concert!
The 'Elvis, Love American Style' deluxe hardcover book with 100+ pages and many (80+) amazing beautiful page size photos of the show with the light blue "Phoenix" pattern jumpsuit, essential liner notes, background information and news reviews AND the concert is fully re-mastered audio. In crisp dynamic sound! -
Limited to 550 copies worldwide. |
- 'Elvis, Vegas Rhythm" Revisited' (Directly from SOUNDBOARD recordings Series no.2 )
A Brand New Deluxe 110+ pages book with Soundboard CD 'Elvis, Vegas Rhythm" Revisited' featuring the February 3rd, 1973 Dinner show.
Plus on Multi Media DVD in full format 2 extra shows February 2nd, Midnight Show and February 3rd, 1973 Midnight Show and 45 Minutes 8 mm footage of the January/ February Vegas Season.
A Deluxe Full Colour Hardcover Book with 45+ minutes 8 mm Footage of January/ February 1973 and 3 SOUNDBOARDS fully re-mastered in amazing sound! And over 85+ amazing and rare photos many page size.
Limited to 550 copies worldwide, in the best possible artwork & audio!
See EIN's 'All The CD News 2015' for full details and tracklists
(News, Source;GRM/ElvisInfoNet) |
Bruce Jenner - the Elvis Connections: Bruce Jenner can't escape the media spotlight and it has been revealed that the woman who was recently killed in his horror car crash appeared as a dancer in the Elvis movie 'Double Trouble'.
Kim Howe, 69, died after her car was hit head-on by a Hummer earlier this month, with investigators looking into whether Jenner rear-ended her vehicle, causing it to cross into the oncoming lane.
Now it has been revealed that widow Howe made a short appearance in 1967 movie Double Trouble, starring Elvis Presley, when she danced with The King himself.
In her early 20s, Howe featured on screen a few moments into the song 'I Love Only One Girl', as Elvis walked down the steps of a bandstand and into a dancing crowd before walking up to her.
Bruce Jenner was previously married to Elvis' ex Linda Thompson (right, in happier times). They married in Hawaii on January 5, 1981 but separated five years later.
Ten years later Bruce Jenner would marry Kris Kardashian, matriarch of the famous media family.
(News, Source;NP/ElvisInfoNet)
EIN's 'Elvis Star Track': Our popular new weekly spotlight 'Elvis Star Track' continues where every week we choose a particular song that we think is worth looking at and commenting on.
This week, an overlooked fifties R&B gem...
'I Need You So' 'I Need You So' was recorded by Elvis on 23 February 1957 - at his 'Loving You' soundtrack follow-up session.
On the same night Elvis recorded the number one smash 'One Night' as well as 'I Beg Of You', 'Don't Leave Me Now' and Cole Porter's 'True Love'.
The author was Ivory Joe Hunter, a talented pianist and composer who was also popular as a touring artist, especially after his 'I Almost Lost My Mind' topped the R&B charts in 1950.
Elvis obviously enthused over Ivory Joe Hunter's material since he also recorded his compositions 'My Wish Came True', 'Ain't That Loving You Baby', 'I Will Be True', 'I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen' and 'It's Still Here'.
Elvis had also attempted 'I Need You So' at his earlier "second album" recording session in September 1956 but soon gave up as he couldn't get the sound he wanted. |
Although Ivory Joe Hunter is often thought of as an R&B artist / composer his compositions and recordings were musically far broader.
In fact his original version of 'I Need You So' (a #2 Hit on the R&B charts in 1950) was far less "rhythm and blues" and far more a gentle ballad.
It was Elvis who, once again, re-imagined the song as a far more emotional, pleading song of missed love.
A true gem of Elvis' fifties blues recordings, the song was hidden away as the final track of Elvis' June 1957 album 'Loving You' on the "non-soundtrack" side 2.
Ivory Joe Hunter would visit Elvis in Graceland on June 30th in the summer of 1957.
According to Peter Guralnick's 'Last Train To Memphis' ....
"Elvis was thrilled, and they were all sitting on the white couch in the living room swapping stories when Elvis said, 'Ivory Joe, I sure do like your songs. You ain't got any more of them for me, do you?' Now Ivory Joe was a real friendly guy, and he said, 'Well, I just have - I got one just for you'.
So we went in the piano room,and he sang "My Wish Came True" and Elvis said,'Shit, I'm cutting that at my next session!' Which he did even though it didn't come out for a couple of years. They sat there for hours, mostly singing Ivory Joe's songs, & a few of Elvis'. |
Note - Last week's STAR TRACK 'ANYONE' also now updated with YOUR comments. |
ELVIS still Officially Number One in the UK!: EIN contributor Brian Quinn informs us that ELVIS is still the UK's "Most Successful Chart Act" in 2015, over 37 years after his sad demise.
Official Charts Company (UK) has published its "Most Successful UK Chart Acts" as of 19th February, 2015
The result is calculated by the amount of weeks on the chart for both Singles and Albums combined.
One point is gained for each week an album/or single appears in the Top 75:
1. Elvis – 2636 weeks (1302 weeks for singles) (1334 weeks for albums)
2. Cliff Richard – 2033 weeks (1177 weeks singles) (856 weeks for albums)
3. Michael Jackson–1906 weeks (686 weeks singles) (1220 weeks albums)
4. The Beatles – 1832 (461 weeks for singles) (1371 weeks for albums)
5. Queen – 1823 weeks (439 weeks singles) (1384 weeks for albums)
6. Madonna – 1822 (736 weeks for singles) (1086 weeks for albums)
7. Elton John – 1670 weeks (649 weeks singles) (1021 weeks albums)
8. Rod Stewart – 1590 weeks (476 weeks singles) (1114 weeks albums)
9. U2 – 1445 weeks (363 weeks for singles) (1082 weeks for albums)
10. David Bowie – 1419 weeks (459 weeks singles) (960 weeks albums) |
21 No.1’s
76 Top 10’s
140 Top 40’s
165 Top 75’s
80 weeks at No.1
386 weeks in Top 10
1062 weeks in Top 40
1302 weeks in Top 75 |
11 No.1’s
49 Top 10’s
92 Top 40’s
118 Top 75’s
63 weeks at No.1
523 weeks in Top 10
1004 weeks in Top 40
1334 weeks in Top 75 |
The numbers are quite staggering knowing that Elvis has not recorded any new studio material since 1976!
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNet) |
Toni Basil Talks "Viva Las Vegas"!: Toni Basil, now unbelievably 71 years old, is still most famous for her chart-topping 'Mickey' anthem from 1982.
She is also known for her work as a choreographer, dancer and actress.
But who knew that Toni Basil really was "That Girl with the Red Dress On" who could "do-the-dog all night long" in Elvis' film 'Viva Las Vegas'?
Here Toni Basil talks about working with Elvis and more...
"I remember the feeling when I first walked onto set and met Elvis. In fact I was the assistant choreographer on Viva with David Winters - and I got to work with Elvis prudently developing the dances that he did.
Over the months of rehearsing with Ann-Margret and Elvis, David Winters and I became close friends with them. David and I worked on most of the musical numbers for the film.
For 'What'd I Say?' I even got to be the "girl with the red dress on"! --- (See 'What'd I Say' clip HERE on YouTube)
The great George Sydney directed this film. Lance Le Gault was playing guitar in Elvis' movie band but he worked more as a right hand man in the film and was always Elvis' "stand-in". David, Lance and I put together the choreography and then taught it to Elvis and Ann-Margret separately before we brought them together.
Looking back at the film I can also recognise plenty of other dancers I know including, Teri Garr, Pete Menefee, Sharon Garret Brooks, and Lorene Yarnell.
So it was almost twenty years later that I got the massive success of 'Mickey'. But afterwards I then went back to choreographing for stars like David Bowie, Tina Turner, Bette Midler.
You know, it's quite rewarding being behind-the-scenes and you don't have to get into make-up and the right shoes and be the star.
People do not really realise how difficult it is to be a celebrity performer, like Elvis, Tina Turner, Bette Midler or David Bowie.
It's a lot of hard work."
EIN NOTE - Toni Basil also worked with The Talking Heads and on big films including, 'American Graffiti', 'The Rose', 'Peggy Sue Got Married', 'My Best Friend's Wedding', 'Legally Blonde' and 'Charlie Wilson's War'.
(News, Source;C Bamford/ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis London Exhibition Smash Success: Strictly Elvis UK / The Elvis Travel Service report that the O2 exhibition is a great success with over 57,000 tickets sold so far.
"Elvis and Egypt are both linked by a number of different things. Memphis, Elvis beloved city where he lived, was named after the city of the same name in Egypt. Both places are served by huge rivers - the Nile in Egypt, the mighty Mississippi in Memphis. And both even feature Pyramids as part of their impressive skylines.
And of course they have both home of kings - The King of Rock and Roll in the case of Memphis and in Egypt the Pharaohs who ruled over the country in ancient times. Of all the Pharaohs the most famous is arguably Tutankhamun; 'The Boy King'. And there's a link between him and Elvis too. In 2007 the O2 Arena in London played host to a record-breaking exhibit of Tutankhamun's treasures......well record breaking up until now!
We've learned the fantastic news that to date, with over 57,000 tickets sold, the Elvis at the O2 exhibit has already smashed ticket sales - and it's not even finishing until August!!
It just proves that it doesn't matter who you are, even a King who ruled over a whole civilisation - you'll never be bigger than the true King; Elvis Presley!
If you haven't been as yet then don't miss out on this awesome exhibit (it's like a little slice of Graceland in the UK)" Click HERE for more info to order tickets, reviews & photos
(News, Source;BrianQuinn/StrictlyElvisUK/TheElvisTravelService) |
'The Sun Singles Collection' on Vinyl: The Not Now Music label is issuing a 180g vinyl version called 'The Sun Singles Collection'.
They note that, Elvis was the first and greatest star of the rock'n'roll era - and while his output over the years was variable, his energetic, genre-blurring early recordings have retained their appeal for fully half a century. The five singles Elvis Presley recorded for Sun will go down in history.
The album actually features fourteen tracks.
1. That's All Right, 2. Good Rockin' Tonight, 3. Milkcow Blues Boogie, 4. I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone, 5. Mystery Train, 6. I Love You Because,
7. Just Because, 8. Blue Moon Of Kentucky, 9. I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine, 10. You're A Heartbreaker, 11. Baby, Let's Play House, 12. I Forgot To Remember To Forget, 13. That's When Your Heartaches Begin, 14. The Truth About Me (Teen Parade Interview)
It is of course a Public Domain release and it is also a shame that the cover photo is from the RCA era! (very slack!)
Better that you chase down the official Kevan Budd mastered 'Elvis At Sun' on vinyl.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
Official Elvis Presley Fan Club GB magazine: The February / March 2015 issue of the 'Official Elvis Presley Fan Club of Great Britain' magazine is now out.
It features articles on Elvis' 80th birthday celebrations as well as an RIP to Joe Guercio and local event news.
Elvis 'On Stage' drummer Bob Lanning is also interviewed due to his up-coming May 6th concert in London with 'An Evening with Elvis’ Friends and Original Musicians' which the OEPFC is promoting. Their last magazine also featured an interview with Marlyn Mason who is also appearing at the same show.
Go HERE for more info or to subscribe to OEPFC of Great Britain
See Below to know more about the 'An Evening with Elvis’ Friends and Original Musicians' shows throughout Europe in May 2015
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
More News and EIN exclusives from earlier in February.... |
Rare Elvis Interview - March 29, 1957: Don't miss this relatively unknown 1957 Elvis interview at Kiel Auditorium, St Louis with St. Louis WIBV radio's "Uncle Buck" (aka Ron Lipe).
Elvis talks about how he is coping with his new fame "It doesn't seem like it is really happening" and self deprecatingly notes about the suggestion of his paving the way for others "I wouldn't say that, it's just that people have really been wonderful to me and all that".
Go HERE to listen to the 3 minute interview on YouTube
(News, Source;TheDoc-FECC/ElvisInfoNet)
Gordon Lightfoot Talks Elvis and more: Gordon Lightfoot’s catalogue includes ‘If You Could Read My Mind’, ‘Early Morning Rain,’ ‘Rainy Day People’ and many more, but perhaps most impressive is the list of artist who've recorded covers of his songs: Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Barbara Streisand, Eric Clapton, Johnny Cash and Elvis Presley to name a few.
He recently talked to Alabama.com about Elvis and other greats..
Q. What got you interested in music in the first place?
Gordon Lightfoot: I really got interested when I got into high school, about grade nine. The first thing that I loved was Louis Armstrong quickly followed by Elvis Presley. laughing.. I heard "Heartbreak Hotel" by Elvis Presley and I went and bought a guitar and so did a friend of mine. We both bought guitars and we practiced Elvis impersonations, way back when we were 15-years-old. And that was how I learned how to play the guitar by listening to "Heartbreak Hotel" by Elvis Presley. Elvis Presley has a great recording of my song "Early Morning Rain" as well.
Q. That had to have been awesome and surreal. To have a person who'd made you want to start playing music eventually record a song you wrote.
It was very awesome. Very, very much so. Elvis did such a good job on it too. It was a really good recording. He sung it on his first television show he did when he came back from the Army. (EIN notes this is not true!)
Q. Did you see Elvis perform his version of "Early Morning Rain" on TV when it originally aired?
Uh huh. Well, it was a ballad. One of the few ballads he did and the rest was rock 'n' roll but he needed a couple of ballads and that was one of the ones he chose. I almost got to meet him one time and I just missed him at a concert in Buffalo because I had to get out of there and didn't get back in time. I had a chance to meet him one time in Los Angeles at an office meeting with the people who were promoting his concerts at that time. He was coming in and they wanted to know if I wanted to meet him and I said, "Oh, I don't know I think I'm going out of town to |
Nudie's to buy some clothes. Tell Elvis I said hello." I was sailing pretty good too at the time myself.
But I was really impressed with the recording. It was probably the most important recording that I have by another artist. Elvis did another one too, a rockabilly version of "For Lovin' Me.”
Q. Gordon, so what's it like to have artists that are super-revered for their own songwriting, like Bob Dylan, record versions of your songs?
You know I was really surprised when that began to happen. I started getting cover recordings back when I was with United Artists Records, for whom I made five albums in the late-60s. And a lot of those songs got covered. I was really surprised because I wasn't sure those songs had what it takes to climb up the charts you know. And yet some of them did. I had a couple that went right up to number one for other artists. I was sort of glad because by this point I was raising a young family and trying to start a career in music and of course it helped me a great deal to have these cover recordings by some of these people.
Q. Do you have a cover of one your songs you're most fond of?
Yeah, I love Peter, Paul & Mary doing "Early Morning Rain." (EIN notes - WHAT!, not Elvis!?!)
Go HERE to AL.com for the full Interview
(News, Source;AL/ElvisInfoNet) |
Go HERE to EIN's spotlight 'Trains, Jet Planes and Morning Rain' - where Paul Simpson investigates Elvis’s cover of Gordon Lightfoot’s most famous song – strangely underrated except by Lightfoot himself. |
ASK Marty Is Back!: Today Marty Lacker answers your questions about....
- What was the job of being "the foreman"?
- The greatest thing you ever did for Elvis and the greatest thing you feel Elvis did for you?
- What was Elvis' relationship with Oral Roberts and other "dubious hucksters"
- Who took the famous "Memphis Mafia" photo.
- How often did Elvis behave as police "Officer Elvis"
- How did Elvis record his vocal at American Studios, did he stand in the open next to the band!
- The tricky issue of Elvis' lack of showering
- Marty, Do you ever get tired of people asking you about Elvis?
Collingwood Elvis Festival Loss & The Cost of Priscilla: The financial numbers are in for last year's Collingwood Elvis Festival and the results aren’t good.. The town council took a $74,000 loss on the event, which cost more than $600,000 partly due to the cost of more than $50,000 bringing Priscilla Presley to Collingwood for the event.
According to numbers provided by the municipality, Priscilla received about $36,000 in fees and the town also paid her an additional $5,000 to appear on ET Canada and part of Priscilla's contract was 24-hour security, which came at a cost of $8,000.
One of the reasons Presley came to the festival was to promote a book she co-authored with photographer Christopher Ameruoso, 'Shades of Elvis'. Ameruoso was also paid $5,500 and the town paid $5,100 for flights plus Priscilla and Ameruoso (photo right) also received per
diems of $1,000 and $500 respectively. About $5,500 was spent on additional marketing and advertising, "All of these things added up to make quite an expensive venture,” said former festival general manager Rosemarie O’Brien, “We did determine it was the 20th anniversary and we wanted something spectacular for the folks that came here and certainly bringing Priscilla did that. I think for the experience for the fans and the people that came it was worth it and we got exposure nationally, that we would have never gotten had Priscilla not been here.”
The town also spent $34,000 for 500 copies of Presley’s book Shades of Elvis but sold about $25,000 worth for a net cost of about $9,000. Staff expect those costs to be recovered in 2015.
The event will apparently no longer be operated by the Collingwood Elvis Festival Municipal Services Board but will be under the direction of the parks, recreation and culture department.
The report says staff will be looking at maintain the quality of the headliners and plans to focus on “quality versus quantity.”
(News, Source;Collingwood/ElvisInfoNet) |
Rose Marie McCoy, Songwriter Dead at 92: Coinciding with our EIN spotlight on Elvis' version of 'Trying To Get To You' we missed out on noting that one of R&B musics most inspirational composers died in January of this year.
- For a woman who composed or collaborated on some 850 songs over seven decades, Rose Marie McCoy, who died on Jan 20, 2015 at 92, was largely unheralded, recognized only belatedly in a nationwide radio documentary.
But her songs, spanning rhythm and blues, rock 'n' roll, jazz and gospel, were widely heard, recorded by scores of singers including Big Maybelle, James Brown, Ruth Brown, Nat King Cole, Aretha Franklin, Johnny Mathis, Bette Midler, Elvis Presley, and Ike and Tina Turner.
"When the rock 'n' roll come in, if you say you wrote rock 'n' roll, but we thought it was the blues" Ms. McCoy recalled.
It was in the early 1950s she was signed to Wheeler Records and was a co-writer of "Gabbin' Blues," which reached No. 3 on the Billboard R&B chart. She began collaborating with Charlie Singleton, meeting daily at 6 a.m. in a booth at Beefsteak Charlie's, near the Brill Building. They wrote the 1954 ballad "Tryin' to Get to You" for the Eagles, soon picked up by Elvis.
By 1961, when Ms. McCoy collaborated on Ike and Tina Turner's "I Think It's Gonna Work Out Fine," which earned them a Grammy nomination, she had her own office in the Brill Building.
In the 1970s, several songs she helped write were included on Sarah Vaughan's album "Send In the Clowns," and she composed jingles, including one sung by Aretha Franklin and Ray Charles for Coca-Cola.
Go here for more info "Lady Writes The Blues: The Life Of Rose McCoy"
EIN send thanks to Jakob Skjernaa Hansen for the info
Go HERE to our Elvis STAR TRACK spotlight on "Tryin' to Get to You"
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
'Loose As A Goose' OUT NOW New Import: Out NOW is the new Straight Arrow's double-digipak CD release, called 'Loose As A Goose', featuring the August 19th, 1970 Las Vegas dinner and midnight shows. These recordings were first released in 1998 ('Double Dynamite' set) and were never re-released - until now.
17 years have passed, and it is the right time for the ultimate release of these special recordings.
To call this new Straight Arrow release "a nice upgrade“ would be like calling the Mona Lisa an "okay“ painting! The label was able to retrieve the first generation Rick Rennie cassettes from the August 19, 1970 dinner & midnight shows (the originals are lost) and then carefully enhanced every second on the tapes. As it turns out, that earlier release of these two show was edited, so this new SA release presents Rick's 1st generations tapes in their complete form for the very first time. Even though Elvis’ performance on this night was quite strong overall, you can hear in parts that Rick’s story rings true. Elvis’ off-color jokes receive only polite applause, if even that, and
during ‘Polk Salad Annie’, he accidentally falls flat on his face!
But make no mistake about it, even these moments cannot distract from the pure dynamite of Elvis’ vocals & showmanship at the time. Especially on the newer stuff he sings at full throttle. The midnight show is even better: it’s 70 action-packed minutes of Presley at his mightiest, rockinest, lovinest… It’s „Elvis 1970“, and that really says it all for the true fan & connoisseur. Go Here to EIN's 'All the CD News 2015' for full tracklistings
These shows never sounded better! Elvis never sounded better!
(News, Source;SA/ElvisInfoNet) |
Is 'From Elvis In Memphis' the only Elvis album you need to own?: July 1969….. man walked on the moon and Elvis Presley's new album 'From Elvis In Memphis' hit the US charts. Both events would prove to be monumental, albeit in different ways.
"At the very end of the sixties Elvis recorded the one Elvis Presley album everyone should own if they’re only going to own one" .. ... writes on-line A.V Club's Kenneth Partridge.
Released in June 1969, six months after NBC aired what’s become known as the ’68 Comeback Special, From Elvis In Memphis was Presley’s real return to form. It contains everything that was ever great about the King Of Rock ’N’ Roll.
So, is 'From Elvis In Memphis' the only Elvis Presley album you need to own?
Go here where EIN adds their own thoughts and revisits this incredible album.
(Spotlight; Source;A.V Club/ElvisInfoNet) |
Saturday 14 February 2015 - - - Happy Valentine's Day - - - |
Make Your Valentine's Day, "ELVIS Day"! If you are someone who feels a tightness in your chest and teardrops swell in your eyes when you listen to a sublime Elvis song, then perhaps no one but Elvis can make your Valentine's Day! You are almost certainly a baby boomer and you owe this to Elvis before you go - it is time to rename Valentine's Day as "Elvis Day".
Valentine's Day is the ultimate celebration of love, the most precious of human feelings, personified by Elvis as no one else has. This is borne out by the titles he chose for his songs and their lyrics, with almost all of his best songs featuring love and heartache.
What makes Elvis uniquely deserving is the emotionall avalanche of each of his songs, delivered with powerful voice, intonation, timbre and mountains of emotion to someone in front of him, making you feel that someone was no one but you. Arguably even Luciano Pavarotti's superb delivery of the original "O Sole Mio" has never achieved the emotional turmoil of "It's Now or Never" by Elvis in listener's minds.
In today's competitive world of modern electronic media and entertainment, with different values dominated by the likes of Katy Perry and One Direction, the softer qualities of love, |
romance and angst of separation and loss, which endeared Elvis and his music to a generation, do not find much of chance to survive.
In the broken down social fabric of today, you can even find friends you can bang with just by a click, there is less and less people to listen to and experience the inexplicable emotional trips to fantasy worlds of joy and sorrow only Elvis songs can take you.
It is sad that whole new generations are really missing out on something which generations of parents and grand parents were granted to experience but have no real means of passing on, like lessons in text books or in curriculum.
Numbers like "Can't Help Falling in Love", "Always on My Mind", "Love Me Tender", " I Just Can't Help Believin", "I will hold you in my heart" or "The Thrill Of Your Love" or "Let It Be Me" which are indeed immortal might possibly be missed by the younger generations.
This year's Valentine's Day was hi-jacked in the world media by the release and progaganda for the movie version of "Fifty Shades Of Grey". So maybe this year fans should "Reconsider Baby" a little LUST for Elvis as well as LOVE! |
Let us show our love of Elvis, for a start, let us call this Valentine's Day in 2015, "ELVIS Day"!
(News, Source;SreedharPillai/ElvisInfoNet) |
Music of Mississippi at the Grammy Museum: EIN contributors Joan and Paul Gansky report back from the recent ‘Celebration Of Music from Mississippi’ at the Grammy Museum last week..
There was a real thrill in seeing the names of James Burton, Gene Chrisman, Norbert Putnam and Bobby Wood as featured guests of the ‘Celebration Of Music from Mississippi’ at the Grammy Museum.
The morning session was informative and fun. Mentors from the Grammy Museum all gave recognition to Mississippian Elvis Presley, detailing Elvis' family's struggles.
Norbert Putnam answered questions and the children learned how Elvis' style impacted other entertainers and musicians 60 years ago and continues to do so today!
At the evening's special entertainment program we were thrilled to have Linda Thompson and her friends seated next to |
us. Firstly we were enthralled watching the short (10 minutes) movie "The Gift". The heartfelt portrayal of 11-year old Elvis going to Tupelo Hardware with his mother, really wanting a rifle for his birthday gift, which his Mother vehemently opposed.
This special Celebration of Music from Mississippi Grammy event was also to honor Elvis.
In the evening James Burton, Gene, Bobby and Norbert were on stage. They had a great time recalling humorous stories of their times with Elvis. One by one they came up with mostly funny stories - but the main focus always came back to Elvis' incredible voice, his professionalism to always give the best he was capable of, and his deep consideration of everyone he ever met. These awesome musicians then produced magical music on stage! "In The Ghetto", "Always on My Mind" and "Suspicious Minds" were stand-outs.
Go HERE for the full Spotlight review and exclusive photos
(Spotlight, Source;Gansky/ElvisInfoNet) |
New visitors to EIN need to check out Joan Gansky's "Elvis; Concert Review 1969": When Elvis returned to Live concert performances in 1969, all the media were there but so were the true fans. EIN contributor Joan Gansky was one of the lucky ones and wrote a delightful, personal review. |
(Interview) Anne E. Nixon answers your questions: Last month we asked for your questions to form an interview with noted Elvis author, Anne E. Nixon.
Anne has now responded to the many questions EIN received and in a wide ranging interview she discusses:
- her feelings on not meeting Elvis
- did Elvis have an aura when performing?
- Elvis' interaction with his audience
- was Elvis live on stage better in 1972 or 1976?
- her favorite songs that Elvis sung live
- the "Desert Storm" show
and a lot more! - Go HERE to our Anne E. Nixon interview
ALSO - read EIN's review of King of the Hilton |
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Elvis leading-lady Lizabeth Scott dead at 92: Lizabeth Scott, Elvis' leading lady in the film Loving You as well as hollywood film-noir star, had died aged 92.
In the mid-1940s, Paramount described their latest star signing Lizabeth Scott as “beautiful, blonde, aloof and alluring”. Scott was strong and sultry, her heavy dark eyebrows contrasting with her blonde hair. Like Lauren Bacall, she had a low and husky voice, but she was far harder; in fact, she was able to suggest hidden depths of depravity – the ideal femme fatale of the 1940s. As Burt Lancaster says to her in I Walk Alone (1948), “What a fall guy I am – thinking just because you’re good to look at, you’d be good all the way through!”
She was born Emma Matzo and first started as a fashion model with Harper’s Bazaar which got her noticed by Hal Wallis who gave her a long term contract.
She made her name with Humphrey Bogart in 1947's Dead Reckoning as a gangster’s wife which lead to various film-noir lead roles such as in 'Too Late for Tears' and 'Dark City'.
It was in 1957 that she stared with Elvis in his second film 'Loving You'.
Somewhat surprisingly this would be her last film role apart from a quirky appearance as an nymphomaniac princess in Mike Hodges’s 1972 film 'Pulp'.
Her career was derailed in late 1954 when a front-page story in hollywood Confidential magazine claimed that Scott was a lesbian and said that on a trip to Paris she had taken up with Frede, that city’s most notorious lesbian entertainer. Scott's lawyer instituted a $2.5M suit against Confidential, accusing the magazine of “holding the plaintiff up to contempt and ridicule."
Lizabeth Scott was one of the best parts of 'Loving You' with her character Glenda at the end of the film noting, “You cannot blame the behavior of young people or old people on music.”
RIP Lizabeth Scott (Emma Matzo), 29 September 1922 - 31 January 2015
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
Graceland prepares for Major Expansion: After two decades of assembling adjacent properties and making plans EPE is beginning to transform with the planned 450-room, resort-like hotel called the Guest House at Graceland.
"It’s an idea that’s been in the works for years," said Jack Soden, chief executive of EPE, "It is really coming together over the last year."
On both sides of Elvis Presley Boulevard surrounding Graceland, the company has taken a long view on assembling the ground for expansion as the plans indicated.
The 25-acre site for the new $90 to $95 million hotel includes nearly 11 acres where the Meadow Oaks Apartments were built in 1974 and demolished in 2011.
EPE had gained control of the complex years in 1994, with a $5 million purchase. Now vacant land, with mature trees overlooking remnants of lawns and streets surrounded by a wrought iron fence, the county’s assessor values the property at $526,600.
Next door, the abandoned car lot originally sprang up in 1973, records show. EPE bought it in 2006 for $2.1 million. The county now places its value at about $800,000.
Across Elvis Presley Boulevard from the Graceland mansion, and behind an aging museum featuring Elvis’ automobiles, another former site of an apartment complex — Craft Manor — lies vacant and fenced.
Built in 1961 and under the wrecking ball by late 2008, a $6.5 million purchase in 2007 brought them into the Elvis Presley Enterprises fold. The county sets $788,000 as the 2014 value for the 16-acre site
Similar land purchases as late as 2010 have stitched together the final pieces of about 120 acres making up a Graceland campus which, if approved at the state level as it has been by City Council and County Commission, would be its own "tourism development zone."
Phase 1 of the Graceland plans, a $1 million archives studio and 200-seat theater, is up and running.
Phase 2 is the three-star hotel, designed to
handle conferences with 16,000-square-feet of meeting or ballroom space, as well as a 500-seat theater, swimming pool and two restaurants.
That development would transform the former Meadow Oaks, the empty car lot and other properties that EPE owns north of Graceland.
The third and final phase of the new Graceland plan would be the $30 million to $35 million development of new attractions, retail, food and beverage outlets on the same side of Elvis Presley Boulevard as the Heartbreak Hotel.
The former Craft Manor apartments site provides room for that expansion, as does removing the current strip of buildings that serve 600,000 visitors a year.
(News, Source;ComAppeal/ElvisInfoNet) |
Two New FTDs: Two new FTDs have been announced for release in March - as well as the 'Rock Around The Bloch' deluxe book. One a "Classic Album" version of 'This Is Elvis', the second an 'Elvis Now' expanded vinyl release. The info we have is..
1 - 'This Is Elvis' - What accounted for his undeniable mystique? The answer is contained in a remarkable biography, written on film instead of the printed page –– This Is Elvis –– a David L. Wolper Production of an Andrew Solt/Malcolm Leo Film for Warner Bros. release. Written, directed and produced by Solt and Leo (best known for their television special Heroes OF Rock and Roll). The film follows innovations first introduced by producer Wolper, whose 650 films include the Emmy-winning Roots and the Oscar winning The Hellstrom Chronicle. With the unprecedented cooperation of those who best new Presley, the film combines rare, never-before-seen footage, privately owned kinescopes from TV’s early years, remarkable outtakes from Presley’s movies and accurate recreations of pivotal moments in his life. (Taken from the original publicity brochure).
DISC 1 features the 'ORIGINAL ALBUM' including CD officially unreleased edits of 'Merry Christmas Baby' (shortened version), 'Too |
Much Monkey Business' (shortened version), 'I’ve Got A Thing About You Baby' (shortened version), 'Suspicious Minds' (August 12, 1970 midnight show shortened version), 'Memories' (shortened version)
DISC 2 features "EXPANDED HOME VIDEO" tracks as the VHS release ran another 30 minutes and featured more songs.
Go HERE to 'SONY FTD News 2015' for full tracklisting
2 - 'Elvis Now & Again' - expanded FTD double-LP
Featuring Masters and Outtakes from Elvis' 'Elvis Now' compilation.
Includes 'Lady Madonna' officially on vinyl for the first time as well as multiple outtakes of 'Fools Rush In' and 'Sylvia'.
Go HERE to 'SONY / FTD News 2015' for full tracklistin
(News, Source;ElvisLondonShop/ElvisInfoNet) |
The Elvis Files Magazine Issue 11 - March 2015: With an absolute stunner of a front cover (see below), Erik Lorentzen notes, Working on the next magazine and can promise you all, the greatest article - with the awesome photos (some never seen before) you ever have seen - from Elvis' four shows in Philadelphia, April 1957. Here's a poster with some of the pages from the Philadelphia story.
Go HERE to subscribe to this excellent magazine.
Go HERE as EIN checks out their sensational issue #9
(News, Source;EFiles/ElvisInfoNet) |
Elvis Planes Still Not Sold: As we all know the OKC Partnership, which owns the Elvis planes Lisa Marie and Hound Dog 11, has been trying to sell them since last year. OKC previously tried to sell the planes through an aviation website and Ebay but without success. Now Julien’s Auctions confirms that the "silent bidding auction" that ended on to conclude on Feb. 2 produced no new buyer. Julien’s Auctions confirm that now “the planes are priced to sell.”
Julien Auctions note, “Whoever buys these planes is buying an instant museum or attraction. People will travel all over the world to see them wherever they are located.” Sadly EIN disagrees and believe Graceland is the only proper home for them (except perhaps the new Las Vegas exhibition - see above!)
It seems that EPE is still waiting for a cheap deal. |
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Weinshanker said only half of Graceland guests visited the planes and as the only items Graceland does not own, improving the exhibit was difficult. Mr. Weinshanker said that the space would be part of a new exhibit area “that is completely indoors and climate controlled so when it’s 20 degrees or 90 degrees out you can have a comfortable experience.” Depending on the outcome of the auction, Mr. Weinshanker said, he is willing to negotiate new terms to keep the planes. “We are open to everything. If there is an opportunity to keep them then we would.”
EIN notes that EPE earns $55 Million per year, there is surely enough to purchase the planes.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis, Rock Around The Bloch!' More Info: A new FTD book 'Elvis Presley, Rock Around The Bloch!' by David English and Pal Granlund published by FTD books, RCA, Flaming Star will be coming out in MARCH.
A hardback book containing 288 pages which tells the story of the USS Arizona benefit concert that Elvis performed at the Bloch Arena, Honolulu, Hawaii on March 25, 1961. It includes first-hand accounts from people who were there, newspaper articles from the time and numerous photographs (over 130 of which have never been published before). The CD also features previously unreleased audio
from the press conference.
FTD were working on a Bloch Arena release as far back as 2007 so it is great to see the concert finally being released officially with a full-size book.
Some more sneak-peak preview pages below!
(News, Source;DE/ElvisInfoNet) |
The Circle G Foundation - No More!: Sadly The Circle G Foundation, the organisation that was trying to save Elvis’ Circle G ranch for the fans has decided to close the gates as the new owners of the property are “Not Elvis fans”.
Circle G note, “We asked for no reward other than to see the ranch brought back to life and the ‘Elvis elements’ preserved and his legacy celebrated there. We have continued valiantly for several months in the hope that the situation would improve. Unfortunately this has not happened and our position has become untenable. We feel used and abused; and so we have taken the difficult decision to dissolve The Circle G Foundation.”
In their Closing Statement they note,
The Circle G Foundation is very proud that we’ve achieved what we set out to do when we began our campaign in 2010.
· We have raised awareness of how important it is to secure the future of the Circle G Ranch.
· We have energized Elvis fans around the world and thousands of fans have united behind our cause.
· We have continued Elvis’ charitable and humanitarian legacy by donating to charity and raising awareness of good causes around the world.
We are justifiably proud of what we’ve achieved – and we thank you for your fantastic support over the last four and a half years”
We wish Real Estate International Inc do not lose sight of the importance of the involvement of Elvis’ wonderful fans in all this - and that the fans are embraced, valued and respected.
Every one of us here at The Circle G Foundation is deeply indebted to all our supporters. Without YOU we could not have achieved what we have .
And we’re sure if Elvis is looking down he’ll be very proud of all of you – Elvis’ fans really are the greatest.
In closing we’d like to quote Elvis – it seems fitting.
“May God Bless you – Adios”. The Circle G Foundation.
Go HERE to Circle G for all the info and the full story
(News, Source;CG;ElvisInfoNet) |
'Elvis Files Magazine ISSUE 9' Mini-Review: Overlooked due to the 'Ultimate Elvis' release, the final Elvis Files Magazine of 2014, Issue 9, really delivered the goods.
The magazine included articles on...
- 1957 “What Elvis thinks of his fans”
- Judy Spreckels and Elvis
- Rolling Stone interview with Chet Atkins..
- Interview with songwriter Paul Evans
- Super-fan Elaine Christan continues her exclusive look at various meetings with Elvis, this time September and late 1970.
But the most interesting article "I've Never Been Strung Out In My Life" is a fascinating article about Elvis' “Desert Storm” closing show in September 1974 and how it reveals a completely different show from what we know..
The comments include "Elvis' lively happy mood was completely contagious. Everyone caught up in his high happy spirit began to clap time and laugh and beat time and just have one wonderful good time, because Elvis was having the best time of all time." - It is a amazing alternate viewpoint
Plus plenty more Rare Candids not featured in previous Elvis Files books.
Go HERE as EIN checks out this sensational issue
(Book Reviews, Source;ElvisInfoNetwork) |
Ginger Alden Interview: Ginger Alden spent the last nine months of Elvis' life by his side before his untimely passing on August 16, 1977 at the age of 42.
Her recent book, 'Elvis & Ginger' is not a sleazy tell-all but rather offers a clear-eyed chronicle of their courtship, she was 22 years his junior, revealing previously unknown details about the final year of “The King’s’’ life while setting the record straight about their relationship.
EIN contributor Ken Sharp recently interviewed Ginger Alden to publicise her recent book, as featured in the Sydney Telegraph.
As with all her interviews there were restrictions on what questions could be asked.
Go HERE for edited highlights from the interview..
(Interviews, Source;SydTele/ElvisInfoNet) |
UPDATED Reviews - 'Ultimate Elvis' Book Review: 'Ultimate Elvis – The Complete And Definitive Recording Sessions' is a this three-volume, deluxe set that not only comprises all the session information available to date, based on Keith Flynn's incomparable website and includes comprehensive notes on each session, discographies, letters, original sheet music covers plus huge index all included in its 1,800 pages.
The book includes around 3,000 stunning high-quality photographs many of them previously unseen, relating to the time period in question.
The promotional publicity for this three-volume set was very impressive with the original publishing date of August 2014 missed as more photographs were discovered and the content expanded. Finally published in December 2014, Elvis enthusiast Brian Quinn checks out this astounding deluxe package to discover if it is as good as promised.
Go HERE - Now updated with a new 2,000 word in-depth new review from super-fan Neil Colombari- -
(Book Reviews, Source;BrianQuinn/ElvisInfoNet) |
(Book Review) 'King of the Hilton - Memories of Elvis Presley's Las Vegas Years' (by Anne E. Nixon with Richard Harvey): Anne E. Nixon will be a familiar name to many long time fans. In her latest book, King of the Hilton, Anne makes us part of the audience as she relives the excitement and thrill of being in the main showroom at the Las Vegas Hilton as Elvis performs to one sold out audience after another.
Anne saw Elvis in Vegas 40 times! and in a captivating account based on her notes and transcripts from each show she brings them all to life plus details many of her side adventures along the way. Rich in detail and fascinating minutiae King of the Hilton is one of those rare releases.....a book written by a fan for the fans.
Read Nigel Patterson's detailed review |
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(Book Review): Elvis Presley: A Southern Life (Joel Williamson): By the deliberate construct and emotionally powerful force of its narrative, Joel Williamson's latest book, Elvis Presley: A Southern Life, is one determined to stimulate analytical thought by serious students of the Elvis story and ignite ire among those readers expecting a straightforward and non-controversial (read: rose colored glasses) biography.
Williamson compellingly intertwines the agents of change in the 1950s: rising affluence, upward mobility, sexual awakening and a singer whose voice and hips spoke to millions of young girls blossoming into womanhood and determined to break free from the shackles of the conservative society of their parents.
But at the same there are elements in the presentation of his argument that are concerning.
Read Nigel Patterson's controversial 3,000 word review |
Priscilla's strongly-worded Response to the Auction of Elvis' Planes: EIN realises that EPE no doubt want to own the planes so as to "cut-out the middle man" and increase their base profits. We guess that EPE thought they would be the only definite buyers and would offer less than seller K.G. Coker wanted. So it makes business sense for him to put them up for sale (two months ago) or now to auction, if only to scare EPE to a higher price.
After both the August Graceland auction and the high prices being demanded by EPE for the new Hotel, EIN can see K.G. Coker's logic in pushing for a better price.
After all, if new EPE owners ABG want the big spenders as part of their Elvis "clients", then EPE/ABG suppliers will be thinking they should spend big in return!
Priscilla posted a strongly-worded response at the weekend,
.." It's very disheartening and unsettling that you point your fingers at my daughter, Jack Soden, EPE as a whole, our partners and myself as the blame for the sale of the planes. Do you honestly think we want them sold? Have you never thought that the owners are the culprits? That perhaps THEY are greedy, unwilling to be fair, or are being TOTALLY unreasonable? Shame on you for using threats of not going to Graceland or that we're going to lose loyal fans. Or asking what's next? Putting your two cents on an issue you know nothing of the DETAILS is quite disturbing. This is a business matter that needs good common sense and good business sense that anyone in our position needs to apply.
A quote Elvis stated many times:
"Don't criticize what you don't understand, son... you never walked in that man’s shoes."
I state my case." - Priscilla Presley
(News, Source;PP/ElvisInfoNet) |
Elaine Beckett -Easy Come Easy Go costar- Interview: Elaine Beckett was born in England, qualified with an Arts Degree and yet was somehow destined to be a co-star in Elvis’ 1966 movie ‘Easy Come, Easy Go’.
The film was Hal Wallis' last movie with Elvis and the circumstances - including forcing Elvis to wear a scuba suit and with only a low-budget - were not ideal.
Elaine Beckett still lives in LA and it was through a connection with her fine work for ‘The Humane Society Of the US’ that EIN managed to track her down for an interview about her amazing career and her time with Elvis.
Elaine Beckett not only worked with Elvis but met a multitude of fascinating people through her life in Arts and the movies..
Go here as EIN's Piers Beagley talks with Elaine Beckett about her amazing life...
(Interview, Source;ElvisInfoNet) |
'An Evening with Elvis’ Friends and Original Musicians' UK Tickets ON Sale: Back in August Arjan Deelen was proud to announce that he had tracked down Elvis' 1970 drummer Bob Lanning. He was able make a deal with him for an exclusive tour in May 2015. This will mark the first time since 1970 that Bob will be playing Elvis’ music. For the first time, you will be able to hear songs like ‘Polk Salad Annie’, ‘The Wonder Of You’, ‘Walk A Mile In My Shoes’ and many others as played by the drummer that you can hear on the original Elvis versions.
Enthusiasm is already running high among Elvis fans for the 2015 “An Evening with Elvis’ Friends and Original Musicians” shows (featuring a.o. Duke Bardwell, Bob Lanning and Marlyn Mason). Below you can see a list of the shows booked at present. We are excited about every show obviously, but we are particularly thrilled about coming to the U.K. for the first time. We will be performing at the prestigious “100 Club” on Oxford Street in London, and also at the impressive “Sage Gateshead” in Newcastle, one of the leading U.K. concert venues. The London gig is in collaboration with Todd Slaughter and the Official Elvis Presley Fanclub of Great Britain, while Trevor Cajiao at “Elvis – The Man And His Music” has been instrumental in getting us the Newcastle show. There’s talk now about doing a special interview session with the musicians at The Sage. |
Dates booked so far...
Saturday, May 2, 2015 Vara Konserthus, Vara, Sweden
Wednesday, May 6, 2015 100 Club, Oxford Street, London, U.K. - Get Tickets HERE
Thursday, May 7, 2015 The Sage Gateshead, Newcastle, U.K. - Get Tickets HERE
Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Sellosali, Espoo, Finland
Thursday, May 14, 2015 Chapito @ Casino 2000 Mondorf, Luxembourg
Friday, May 15, 2015 Metropool, Hengelo, Holland
Saturday, May 16, 2015 Melkweg, Amsterdam, Holland
Sunday May 17, 2015 Effenaar, Eindhoven, Holland
More info soon.
(News, Source;ArjanDeelen/ElvisInfoNet) |
EIN Elvis New Book Selection & Best Of 2014 |
'Elvis in Hawaii' books released in Kindle format:
The two books by noted author/researcher, Jerry Hopkins, examining Elvis' love affair with the island state of Hawaii are now available in Kindle format. Both books are full of interesting information, arcvhival material, color photos and are priced under US6.00!
The Two Best Books in 2014 that add Appreciably to our Knowledge & Understanding of Elvis: |
The Two Best Elvis Related Memoirs of 2014: |
The Four Best Elvis Photo-Journal Book Releases of 2014: |
Indepth Review soon |
Indepth Review soon |
Note: Not all these releases are not available from online or regular bookstores (to obtain enquire with your regular Elvis supplier) |
More great Elvis deals on Amazon
'Young Man With The Big Beat' Cheap Box set: Re-released for 2014 in a Limited Edition cheap slim-line box-set is Elvis' 'Young Man With The Big Beat'.
A great opportunity for those that missed it in
Go HERE for EIN's detailed YMWTBB review
UK price - only £19.99 = Euro25 = US$33 with FREE Delivery in the UK.
Click to Order now special deal >> . . Young Man With The Big Beat
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)
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Book Review: Elvis: A King in the Making |
Interview: Vic Colonna - the Dangerous World of Bootlegging Elvis |